The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, February 21, 195!
Nebraska Ball Champs
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TROUBADOURS Bob Van Voohis, John Thor
in, Robert McFheraon and Norman Rasmussen
will be featured in the University brass choir
Colonel Workman Explains
Advanced ROTC Training
Many fields are open to appli
cants for the next advanced
Army ROTC course in Septem
ber, 1951, Col. James H. Work
man has announced. Veterans
may apply.
Student veterans with a year
or more of honorable service in
the armed forces of the United
States, who will be under 27
years old at the beginning of the
fall term are eligible to apply.
Those who have had over six
months but less than one year of
service must take one year of
basic military science to establish
eligibility. The special one year
course for veterans will not be
repeated in the Army ROTC next
Applications will be accepted
between March 1 and April 1.
Artillerymen receive broad in
struction in gunnery, survey,
communication, materiel and ar
tillery tactics. They are trained to
maneuver powerful artillery
weapons to destroy enemy resis
tance and materiel, enabling the
infantry to advance. The skill
and equipment of artillerymen
were important factors in win
ning World War II.
The engineers are active in
war and peace. In order to secure
admission to this course a stu
dent must be enrolled in tne
proper academic field. They are
in charge of building and main
taining all airfield and military
bases and their utilities.
Camouflage is an activity of
the engineers as is the making
of maps and surveys. They make
extensive use of explosives and
demolitions, in laying mine fields
and destroying strategic enemy
roads and bridges.
Peacetime activities of the
army engineers include flood
Navy Teacher
Accepted Now
Applications are now being ac
cepted by the Navy from quali
fied personnel who wish to serve
as instructors in the 1951 NROC
The Naval Reserve Officers
Candidate schools will begin June
25 and continue for eight weeks.
Inquiries should be addressed
to Commander R. P. Nicholson,
associate professor of Naval Sci
ence, Military Science, 103.
Formal applications are due at
the Bureau of Naval Personnel
prior to March 15.
Applications are desired from
officers of either the organized
or volunteer reserve, grades Lieu
tenant through Commander, who
are qualified to teach navigation,
naval orientation, naval weapons,
leadership, seamanship, commu
nications, personnel administra
tion and general administration.
A limited number of assign
ments are also available for doc
tors, dentists, chaplains, supply
officers, public relations officers,
directors of athletics and for re
serve enlisted personnel in a va
riety of ratings.
Bulletin Board
Kosmet Klub meeting, tonight,
9 p.m., Union.
AUF sorority solicitors in room
109, Union, 5 p.m.
Society of American Military
Engineers meeting scheduled for
Monday has been changed to to
day, 7:30. Program: movie, "At
tackThe Battle for New Brit
ain." Usual business meeting.
" ' 'Thursday
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow
eM meeting, 7:30 p.nL, room 315,
Block and Bridle will not meet
fanifiht; Junior Ak-Sar-bea com
St! tc will meet at 5 p.m., room
03, Animal Husbandry hall.
Mom Ee club council to meet
4 S p. m., In home ec parlors.
Vti-K wIl hold a special meet
fsg at 8 p.m. in the crops lab
ti voi on new members.
, O . v . 4 :?
iit " i. A--'.'V.W,j. 1 v WaMMOl - -x " v tmssmtm-mMKXxamii
control and harbor maintenance
throughout the United States and
its possessions.
The "Queen of Battle," the In
fantry, trains officers in the
knowledge of the employment of
men, materials and machine of
warfare. The advanced course in
cludes the study of weapons, tac
tics, tanks, motors and radio and
telephone communications. Com
bat intelligence and the move
ment and supply of troops in the
fields are part of the training.
The military police officer
keeps order and protects soldiers
in garrison or front line. Active
in military government, crim
inal investigation and civil ac
tion legal cases, he acts as
liaison with law-enforcement
Union Survey
Students9 Favorite Magazines
A magazine poll is being taken
by Union committee workers to
determine what magazines should
be purchased for use in the
Union Book Nook.
Since Monday students have
been asked to fill out question
naires about their favorite pub
lications. Questionnaires
The questionnaires contain the
names of 79 magazines, which
are divided into 16 classifications.
Students are asked to check one
magazine which they would pre
fer from each group.
Marilyn Moomey, chairman of
the Union house and office com
mittee and in charge of Book
Nook activities, asks the coop
eration of every student in fill
ing out the questionnaires.
Magazines now available in the
Book Nook, which is located in
the room directly north of the
Crib, are the following:
Life, Time, Saturday Evening
Post, New Yorker, Reader's Di
gest, Ladies' Home Journal, Bet
ter Homes and Gardens, Holiday,
Fortune, American, Ebony and
If the results of the poll indi
State Chicken
Situation Better
In spite of the complaints
often heard from college students
who are planning to go back to
the farm about the local "chick"
situation, back on the farm Ne
braskans are getting better
Poultry specialists at the Uni
versity give the credit to re
search and the National Poultry
Improvement Plan. Sixty-nine
Nebraska hatcheries took part
in the plan during the past year.
The hatcheries have a capacity
of more than six and a half mil
lion eggs.
Through the cooperation of
state and federal agencies, the
poultry industry and farmers,
the poultrymen say, farmers now
can buy healthier chicks which
develop into better laying hens.
Main emphasfs of the plan is the
production of chicks free of the
poultry plague pullorum dis
ease. And figures show there
has been considerable progress.
In 1945, more than 4 per cent of
the 104,000 Nebraska birds tested
showed signs of pullorum dis
ease. Last year out of a half million
birds tested 1.17 per cent re
acted to the pullorum test.
During the past 14 years the
average rate of lay of Nebraska
hens has increased 40 eggs a
year. Specialists give credit to
breeding and the application of
scientific developments in nutri
tion and management.
Applications for Tri-K
Membership Still Available
Application blanks for mem
bership in Tri-K must be re
turned by Thursday, Feb. 22 to
Mrs. Tobiska in Room 110 of the
Plan Industry building on Ag
Persons who have not picked
up their applications may get
blanks in the same office.
Candidates should have a gen
eral interest in agronomy and
completed 6 hours of agronomic
concert playing a trombone quartet number,
"Trombone Troubadours." The concert is sched
uled for Sunday, Feb. 25 at 4 p. m. in the
Union ballroom.
The ordinance student Is
trained in the design, procure
ment, supply and maintenance of
all Army vehicles, arms and fire
control instruments. Additional
training is given in doctrines of
logistical support of combat
troops in the field as they are
developed and proved in Korea.
Advanced ROTC
Students who successfully com
plete the requirements of the ad
vanced course ROTC are recom
mended for commission as second
lieutenants in the Officers' Re
serve Corps, in their respective
branches. Distinguished gradu
ates may qualify for regular
Army commissions.
Further niformation may be
obtained in Room 110, military
and naval science building.
to Determine
cate greater popularity of other
magazines, the more popular ones
will be ordered for next year.
Workers conducting the poll
include the following:
Nell Lewis, chairman, Dorothy
Armstrong, Janet Bailey, Verlita
Brown, Sue Brownlee, Twyla
Carlson, Pat Clapp, Nora Devore,
Donna Folmer, Madelon Fruh
ling, Norman Gauger, Arlene
Gray, Jennie Hohnbaum, Mary
Hancock, Hal Hasselbach, Dar
rell Hunt, Earlene Luff, Patricia
McHenry, Charles Meehan, Mary
Ann Pasek, Elsie Platner, Kathy
Radaker, Susie Reinhart, Tom
Stoup, Clark Weiland and Jan
Coed Scholars
Eligible for
$100 Aivard
The American Association cf
University Women's annual $100
scholarship again is available to
undergraduate women.
Any girl with a high scholastic
average graduating in June or
August of 1952-53 or 54, is eli
gible for the scholarship. Also the
girl must show that she is in
need of financial aid before she
is eligible to apply.
Application blanks may be se
cured at the Dean of Women's
office in Ellen Smith hall or m
the home ec office at Ag college.
Two letters of recommend
ations, one to be from a faculty
member, must be submitted by
the applicant. These letters may
be sent directly to the committee
by the writers or enclosed with
the application blank.
The application blanks must be
sent on or before March 9 to Miss
Mary Guthrie, 1350 Idylwild
More information concerning
this scholarship will be posted on
University bulletin boards.
Friday afternoon, March 16,
the committee will meet the ap
plicants for personal interviews
in Ellen Smith hall between 2
to 5 p.m. Definite appointments
must be made through the Dean
of Women's office.
The winner will be announced
at the honors convocation April
Dance committee meeting, 5
p.m., room 110.
General entertainment commit
tee meeting, 5 p.m., music room.
Ag Exec board, 7 p.m., room 3.
Ag builders, public relations, 7
p.m., room 2.
Ping Pong tournament in Rec
room at 12:15.
Public relations committee
meeting, 5 p.m., music room.
Craft class from 7 to 9 p.m.,
room 110.
Movie: "The Ghost and Mrs.
Muir," in lounge, 4 p.m., free.
The best in brass literature
will be presented by the Univer
sity Brass choir in a public con
cert at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 25
in the Union ballroom.
The University Brass choir is
the only musical organization of
its kind in the midwest; .there
are only three others in the
United States. The choir is un
usual because it is composed of
only brass instruments.
Brass choirs are not new in
novations in the musical world.
Brass instrumental music was
very popular during the 16th
and 17th centuries. It was not
until the rise of the violin as an
artistic instrument that the brass
instruments ceased to be used
as an independent group.
The concert will show how
much brass instrumental music
has progressed since the days
when silver cornet bands played
almost exclusively marches with
perhaps a 'waltz or an operatic
The University Brass choir
was first organized as a unit of
the University's ROTC symphonic
band. Now, this 37-piece ensem
ble has earned for itself a special
place in the University's musical
One of the numbers which the
ensemble will play is a symphony
composed especially for brass
choir by Victor Ewald, and the
three-movement "Suite in A
Major" by McClay.
John Blyth, assistant professor
in piano at the University, will
be soloist with the ensemble in
two numbers: "Dreams of
Olwen" by Williams, and "Prayer
and Dream Pantomine," by
Trombone Quartet
Also featured will be a trom
bone quartet playing "Trombone
Troubadours" by Bennett. Mem
bers of this quartet are: Robert
Van Voorhis, John Thorin, Rob
ert McPherson and Norman
Dean Killion, music depart
ment staff member, is conductor
of the Brass choir. He will be
assisted by Robert Stepp, in
structor in brass instruments at
the University and former Brass
choir conductor. The concert
will be free of charge.
It will be sponsored by Union
convocations and hospitality
committee, chairman is Hugh
L-o-chairmen of the coffee
hour are Jo LaShelle and Jack
Greer. Harriet Cook, Jo Owen,
Alice Stehly, Don Wormky, and
Janet Nuss will serve.
Service Group
Will Attend
Annual Confab
Eleven members of the Uni
versity chapter of Alpha Phi
Omega, national service fratern
ity, will attend the annual state
convention of their organization
Saturday evening at the Univer
sity of Omaha.
Several state chapters will be
represented at the convention
which is being held to discuss
projects and activities that were
carried on during the past year
and to plan the group's schedule
ior this year.
Those attending from the Uni
versity chapter will be: Wiley
Vogt, president; Jim Chapman,
vice president; Jerry Stone, re
cording secretary; Duane Miller,
corresponding secretary; Bob
Mills, treasurer; Don DeVries,
historian; Rex Helleberg, alum
secretary; Lee Adams, publicity
chairman; Gordon Kruse, pro
gram chairman; Lloyd LeZotte,
projects chairman and Jim Boyd,
membership chairman.
The convention meeting will
begin at 7:30 p.m. at Omaha uni
versity. Another Alpha Phi Omega
chapter will be installed at
Creighton university Sunday. At
this time the groups charter will
be presented.
No. of One Two Throe
Words Dmr!
Four Fire
Dmyi Daji
1-10 I .40
11-JS I .507
JM5 t .85 11.00 $1.20
TO TT.05 1.25 1 1.45
81-25 '
.00 .5
1.25 1.50
1.45 1.75
26-80 .m 1.25 1.65 2.00
Include addresses when firur
ing cost.
Bring ads to Daily Nebraskan
business office, Student Union,
or mail with correct amount
and insertions desired.
For sale: 21
pocket watch.
Jewel railroad
Phono 4-3357.
Ask for
Voice teacher otfern singing or apeuklng
Instruction In exchange tot an after
noon or evening of secretariU work
once weekly. 2-5931. 6:15-7:00.
Rooms tor boys. Across the street south
University llhaary. Inquire
1237 R street. 2-2309.
L.?Tr"frker 81 Pn between Andrews tc
law k. uaa 2-1174. A. Reymond.
LOST Two house trophies. Finder please
return to 464 No. 16, or phone 2-3530.
FOUND Two houM trophies. Positive
Identification will be needed from owner.
Writ "Rag" olllce, Box 1.
THE WINNERS! The Residence Halls for
Women came through with the winning team
in the girls intramural Nebraska Ball competi
tion. They defeated the Methodist Wesley girls.
Pictured (1. to r.) are, Top row: Devonna
Alarm Clock Ring Familiar to All;
Various Types Awaken Students
"For heaven's sake, turn that
darn thing off!"
This cry has a familiar ring
so does that alarm clock! It shat
ters the silence of many a room
on campus when "Old Sol" begins
to peek from his
homp on thp
eastern horizon.
The amazing feature about the
"thing" is that it can withstand
almost any type of beating that
the torture book describes.
Whether they are frozen in cakes
of ice or thrown against stone
Walls, their watchword is still
Although these "dingers" are
dependable, their sure-fire effect
is sometimes doubtful. During I
the past half century, however,)
amateur, inventors have contrived I
a number of ingenious devices to
combat the aggressive attacks
uie lraie sieeper.
Early Technique
One of the earliest schools of
thought was to wake up the per-
son no matter what the cost. The
rubber hammer technique arose
from this idea.
As time went on, evolution
came in the form of a clock
equipped with a rubber hose de
signed to fit around the sleeper's
neck. When the alarm went off,
the victim found himself drenched
in a deluge from the tubelike
Going in for the robot idea, an-
They re l'eu and Different!
They're Really Wonderful!
They're Bobbie Brook's
her -
For a wonderful buy . . . select a Bobbie Brooks'
"Weather-Match" suit in a, rayon fabric that if
ideal for four-season wear. Beautifully
tailored for perfect fit, the style
pictured comes in green, navy, rose or shrimp
.... sizes 9 to 15. This is just one
of a half-dozen smart styles.
Select yours soon I
-t :V r si v .. tm
1 il i- ''J-;:i r"mt:::..i , '. ,
1 , S I)
H1 m.
other deep thinker decided that
the most effective way of starting
the morning off right was to yank
the covers off the subject. This
resulted in an alarm clock with a
j built-in bar attachment. It, in
turn, was secured to the bed
clothes. Need we say more?
ine oar iaea cropped again,
only to have threads attached to
the free end. Tickling the face
has sometimes been known to
bring results.
Hinged Bed
yfriflBBIilli A ,l;
Then for a jolt, there's the from the bed? Putting them un
hinged bed contraption. It con-1 der the waste basket sometimes
siderately lets the sleeper know
that wakening time has arrived
by dumping him on the floor.
Appeal to the appetite has
nroved tn bp more suhtip. how-
j ever. Odor machines, featuring
ofevery smell in the book from
ham and eggs to toast and coffee
have been synchronized with
the clock's calculation of the get-
ting-up hour.
When all's said and done,
though, the sound sleeper here at
the University has to come to the I
realization that these mechanisms
are expensive to install and im
practical when living conditions
are taken into consideration. Alas,
Joe and Jane College have had
to draw upon their own imagina
tions for other means of waking
Some have tried synchronizing
h SuftsV'--'!(
I -V t ) X
IT 4w' J I ; "! J . ,
Ebemeier,, Donna Lee Heier, Madelon Fruhling,
Marie Mangold, Jenette Mundhenke. Bottom
row: Georgia Hulac, Marlene Meyers, Carol
French, and Helen Oakes.
two tickers so as to produce a
double volume of dissonance.
Othsts wake up to the tune of
the "Star Spangled Banner" or a
i singing commercial thanks to the
: musical alarm clock!
It's A Lovely Day" appeals to
a great many students especially
n it is sung by the call boy or a
'favorite aunt.
Inanimate Objects
Going back to inanimate ob
jects, ever tried setting one of the
little monsters a little farther
I furthers the cause too.
: Whether its the odor of ham
I an(j eggs ne scent 0f yesterday's
gardenias, or 'the sensation of a
rnlH shnwpr hnth that ctimulatps
, the early riser, the watchword is
still. "Got
to make that eight
I o'clock!"
q uih all tVie gi faupctpH rip..
vi-ps f.,P wnkino th work-wnrn
'student, good luck. May the
'eight o'clock scholar graduate
with honors!
'Ghost' to Materialize
In Union Film Sunday
"The Ghost and Mrs. Muir'
starring Gene Tierney and Rex
Harrison will be shown Sunday,
Feb. 25, in the Union ballroom
at 7:30 p.m.
.r-si ;.;, v