3fi frijn ony Series... s Sex Aspects DOCTOR PALMER A m Y 1 ! D. Tf lSPlISSPS 1 .JlWll TT ' 1 l ! rroDiem Dr. K, Hixsm explained the destructive paths of the problem txsntpaatSaxg Ag students asnd pre watted several plans of mIbSm t a Jonnt meetanf of Ag exec board members and leptnesant hoTrartes and social ffroups las Delegates atterofliiug believe Ag stoaAmits an MusaWle off sfoverm- img themselves and do root roeedl s-rfluv ffacaajtv Mressnwre to cwuse a movement, ewa iff that :j troffverwent is toward bmealcaiag a The stnadesitts, they said, vtcA Utee faculty r Ag exec broawi imwsst taifee ctaon to elimawate the de- tttrertwe Hawaii eMtttag. Jetnrv JoihTOsrav Ag exc toaaird Ipreswfemt, gating to the their i irafiividiMaa cirgairiBraaTOcros. Only by grwup actkm, he saifl, at9 wMIle te issue its stall hffl. cam ttftue habrtt off Conner cutibiwg fee shopped. lr.. Hixsoau ssM Ag pcffleg3 eToesm bf&roe to wyoie bat tttoe sHw&enH. Alftar sffl, he saidl, "w rim ms deftooy the lawins ami (Biiliimire of (wur parent-1 Ihwsaiwes.11 IU'":r.;:z: 5dh"5s snwrofflrtedl by psMts'tow sffint Iwis swtaw tfhnZUn ttaxir''-" i ana Jtarae, US52, or t the erod t Cwe toomd ber ta-janMr duNd. 15X is steg toe KW'otsc.!KetJheIlWinpirc)i;jIkiast ne tthamd off toer Ham am Ag, but to sjase tBsey cm-j (17JC I ;i to'bon.. . Some sftiademts to amgiosfl fhatt w-alldtag aoross lawais as igood for tihem, tok, a Croiwsrsitty tearta eBataiinit said -waHcing across e same area day iafttar day rn-aM to time cause fflbe :etbss to and Ibecome iShnaittea. KsimSHiiaHy iff at (OHEitiiMies, tube grass wiffl 'die. ScIioIorsJiips I1 OF Um Vi "WBBBffl ltd. Mrs, Mtateer tw. wtf- AToic AmUahle Tmtr sdholairsihiips P TproKiinHniely S35B adh wall be made .awailaible to Amemcitm -hdA CsnaiStittfa Stiadenls by be 3or Tweeiaa coJnmitee ef ttbe suimtdot sdhodl tlor American Studtemts at The .awards itnows as ttlhe iRaOpt I T5 CrthiiilB.riihrns will IOC 4CJUliIC i.-.'- . jgieia tto sttiaaeiits ion ttbe basis m anorit toy ttbe assooiattiam xf elec ltof)Hdhmiciil ieto-m0tal-Uurgical onfluStrieE d' Ncn-way im Ihotior (df Br. BumOhe ho was weoeufly wwapfled tthe iNdbea JYoae. SdhdiarShip camcliiaaes .tihotfld mmtoe ;app'b'catk)n wish earn 35or TOam Nwdstoiaaatl, Oiiio &wnmw stihodl (for Auierican Stoflertts, St. da (CoHege, NorfihtfitM, Miam. May Kara Onefllt. Studertts icun earn six semes-: tter oiredtits Sor tthe six wetik: course. Tbe onaiin ffimphasis a ttbe; (CunrioUkmi ils on SJorwegian ul fljure OeogrHphy,, toiirtary,, Han-; lEEiuge, UitOTuitune, onutiic tm& iGflurses .-also itflePBd on the social, economic :anfl peilitical Ktt,uatinn iin tthe Scandinaitan lHisi"rs!Advancd ROTC Aspirants' admitted tto tthe summer seBBion Twtbirih tqpens June 28 and tfiloBes Aug 4, !lB5i. TTiuftion Sor tthe ix! ivroofcs .course iis Ba, tthe udertt; tfee lintHuding ftieailth nnuuranoe iisl $40 und tthe isourBian See iis $2D.: The tfaotfltty undludee Miflwiinfl. TLunge, Haorwegian Minirter arf; Fareien ASfairK; Station liie, ee- metara' tthe Worwegiim ttribor, lpHi:; IDr. KjmA wang, urpeon! ajeneraa tf piib'lic toeaffith:; Onustiaaaj S. CXftediM, (Bi31tor-n-tMeif nf tthe; "'Stiwanger AiteriMlafl" nfl ICte.i IPnanciB BuH, iprtxf.BHinir 'frf Sena-; (tlinawdan Uttertfliure t tthe TCM-j ApjSiictttion tblaiiks tmay toe tib-: ftuiiied Srom tthe Otilo Summer ScihoeQ AdmiKBiniM OfifioE, St. Oil Cfillege, IBlaitthfitaa,, Minn. j Officers Elected By Pre4rt3ie$h Miobey mdliee ana uaui'BBia Bdll were ilectted as ipi-eHidorit and ttneHBurex, mespBOTiwejy., tn ipi'o-. (OrriheSiB, anodenn idunoe roup. Ting IUBy., fformer :BeorttHry was ire-elBttted tto tthttt aiooWiion. , BDleHtionB were mtua ai w usinie IbecKUBe tfcvuo atf tthe Snrmer tfitierB, Slurley o&im ana j6tu;gia SHillBc, OTcerifty Ihecnme tmnnibers -ugjenmUt mitb tthe wweraoneilt; (I (Drdliefiiii, advanced rninflmm U)n,piste tthe inraurHe; tto idewate idimne sgwiup. ;irt tteutit ffiwe theiurB per week to, Mrs. Hjoib Weaver ub 5DUBy;!aniBtary adienne, and tto attend' pponBHr (rti tthe .nrgtmiztniiBn. Tlie Veather! TOnndu v JPiirtly (illouflB -ikie a.'ie (Wjiiinfl and a Sew woitttamt lho erfi a te S'-weaatitefi- iin tthe .cull e.Ht wuition. It ik c:ieinfl tt lie iune'tii(t (uildr ttiidhy. of Marriage Sexual adjustrnenl in marriage will be the topic of this after noon's Marriage Relations discus sion sponsored by the Union, YM, and YW. At 5 p.m. Dr. Janet Palmer will lead the discussion in the Union faeulty lounge. Dr. Palmer is the University lecturer in medical irsformatiori for social work and acting direc tor of the division of mental health at the state department of health. She maintains a private psychology and child guidance practice in Lincoln. Speaker Last Summer Receiving her master's degree in psychology at Oberlin univer sity and her doctor of medicine at Western Reserve university in Cleveland, Dr. Palmer attended the international congress on mental health in London. Dr. Palmer contributed to last suits mer's series. This is the third lecture in the Marriage Relations series. The final Becfaaire in roe smes win e ,Mth Cannon, assistant prosessor "of family relations at Ag as speaker. Cannon teaches family classes. He wBl lead panel of six stadeals. OMtosinr A Mate Dr. William HaU, professor of edwcational psychology at the University discussed choosing a mate at the first lecture. The sec ond meeting in the series bad Rev. C Via White as speaker n religion in roanraage. The lecture series is uiader the direction of the Union convoca taoims committee headed! by Jack Gtreer and Jo LaShelHe. Bob Raan is sttodent chairman of the third lecture. Coffee will be served alter the disCTSsstan. VfJFCS v.all.111 jrWt 'I V A711f1 2 ill RJ irm.llCl.AmA tvr - - . VfIr liliif) A $50 sdholarshap will be awamded at Honors Convocaticaii, April 24, to tunc borne eoattooanics major wo baas shown EneritiO) raoius effitort in skhmI life ss well as sdhoDastac atttaimmantt The aw-ari will be gJwsni by tbe Ceres citato off the OoCtaBe of Agricul- 'tare. Any gM registiered ra ithe du- mr AEroraalttiare. who will criB itjcnars ran kw '"TzLiW (OCUKPSe Uult iUUC "Wkiiuiwcw 2. She ocHBStt ticw a scholastic awrape ff rocdt Itess tflnioa X. She vim&t toe whoCly r; partaaHy sdtf-supprartiiing. Cainfliaates may seonre ajFla meSam. tetoks at flibe offioe off Dr Dwrtta SchlHraaoiff wd msnA urnaS TaMBit te'SftrsrCi. 'C. Mlritwor, 11126 Wotiai SMi Ktawfl; by Maiich IX Betfore aasakiimg aipptkamcni,! emfdtii&aties re irane5aed Urn wej i(erenoe ttettiers ttfiHimg idf toar uneem iiimuS (dhainacfter.. sanal inatierviews toy 1he (wmmrft tee iin tfbe Borne Economics pfur lors toetweaa 2 and 5 P111 TJnuarsflay, March 2R. Red Cross Unit V if tlOSPltal w '?rK.c,fli1' unrib. n,S, six Ctoh'Br- aity giufe went to Vfts Hospitol to iplay icanfls wittb ffibe patieoaits. Tie jgMs were: Efly KstSeck, ILois Jeam CXlson., lik Ottstm, Bonny Sdbmiiit, Maaftene Medbe, sunfl Kiuunmy,, lbriage and (caaaafitaj: mere played tEnoim V to ;30 pan. The igim alBo ibetpesi icne pwwera pust Ttig-Ew puzzaes together and ! visited wiSh ttliem. They were Itafcen- mut tto tcne IhospM to tfihe IRed (Dnoss itftatfciam wagon tdawen toy an IDuribar.. This a weekly prpjedt upcaa soired toy tthe Ked Cmihs CoiJlege (unit. BoBatfl anenibers to (dharee ff tbie proBratn are dadys Mtn'B ttony Marlene Medke and Jo Berry. Applications Due In llarcli Cdl. .Barnes M. Wnitkman, ffirn-j iJeHsor ted! nnfliitmy sdisnce and ttae-j ttins, Ifaae announoed tfihett appli- icartion ffar tthe- mextt adwanced: Aamtty (cnurae, beginning iin! September,, HB11 wia toe aocejtted; IbBtv.teen Martin 11 ;and Apiifl. H, 1B51. j Aipplicaitiion Sorms woH toe wbu1-; iMe Mandh 11 iin IRoom lift, Uttawaa: Scieune IbuUamg. .To toe (fiMgible iior enrollment: iin tthe advanced courBe, icanifti-j idalteK: j 1. Murit toe Onitefl Stifte' (Ditii-' .ZOIlK. iMtiftt mtit llifcve ineadhed tthe age Ml 2!7 years alt tthe dame (off iinMBtt mmillmavl to ttbe ad- wanoed oiaurse. 3J . Must toe hyflicaBy oint3iad undor sitandaKds tpreflnnihad toy tthe1 4. affluk toe aaonptofl toy tShe unawerfiity s a meRiflary asnFtituefl stiidetrt. MiUitt nias udh sur andjirecewe tfihis rajjuoimoe an adiuiuiciB jeBneril!1 aureBnjng tteBte m iKiay to tthe touneffiite mEtwefl toy tthe (QI ,hBSMe lbean egjjrja. Bill tf Kigtits, pntwaded ttbe aiei- i (fi udnut !be "Bejloctted toy tllhe teg preBoiiibfifl toy llw un tttttiil iin- ,fJPCe(iBar sffiliitary Science and j;n;BtttioK. ' MuiJt eecitte a vwuitten srotc unimer .camp Sor a ipe-i iiriiod its arx wetike att tthe ttinie ape-. 1 .ciJied, lUBUiilly jJiine ti to Jldfly :8B.i !B. MuBt lhwe (nommeted tthe 'baic mnurBe iif ttlie KtQnC nr rre-i atoKviefl (rawfllt (tin tfhe IbnaiE Dtt- piiior ,-KBjwice iin ttiic armed SoEces .or i.thor nriuttury tti-uining. J it. Must toe iirolld iin as p- Vol 51 No. 85 " V, " , I . ! - , U ' I f M . --..- , iiMinirm"M't al"'i,lllli'ti'i,rTr,ti',,7rriiiiiiniinirmmwiMiwriiiiw MIMIC "RAG STAIT Hear no evil speak no evil is the motto of the Corn Shucks staff. The editor and managing editors were pressed for 'somethteg to do" and consented to have their Corn Shucks Unveils Literary 'Masterpiece By VTally KeeA. Shutdtcsl Iffs ccaniing out today. The valiant litffle crew Oat toils so diligently to tbe dungeon cotnaar of ttbe sjace aXktted pub Uitations, axmooioced that Corn Stoiadfcs maagroatie wiM allow its "ffourtfih great, Maasterpiece-" to to-j vinJe tCbe icainpus Statday. Urn flibe past it bas been ttbe pol icy of Ttoe Daily Nebrasicam to give tae stsBiSeEits a sboit ecis de&tsed idea of wbat tbey mmagM possibly expectt tesinii tbe teEcawsri Forty-oiib Schools Entered InAnguaSpeedi Cknfab More ttiiEEH 41 eoH$et aiwfl aami-u vetrsitoes reptnesaDtfixts about SOB sSDadentts bav megistaed so far for ttbe samoal IDjMVBrsity TJeba'Se and KsoBSStkoa ecinfenHee to be beld Ftoday and Satwday, F&k.' 2S amd 2 EBtries xx SSI aiinivtog, Bern-; aid C&sam, ddbato directtior me- parts. SeceraU imar schools ame! esqpedted to enter. Vectes TMday The iBnrnaal speedh manSapenoe1 including debate, dtscusRkanE.' aaraSary, eaCtemperjQafious sjpeaik- tog and radio mewscasting. (open Fjuday imani zrates fen sdhocxte all .cnw (Doumfiry amniwe. ILast year SB.jl" i-, 17Jrfk.T cbools partacapa'ted to tthe ttww 'liLSlS llClV day session. Eirfhty-fiix (debate fteams baw irejiibiiHned so tfar $en& 300 baa -signed WP Sar pjctirajjatiam m cUBciusBiom mounds. Oratory en- (tries mmnber 27, extenap, SS andjitf tthe aamnaiffl.ee an (OCOTpaltiona radio roewBcBfcting, 2B Olacm plans to enter ;a'bout 3D tDrtnersity students to iclmaiafisioia and .about 3.0 (debate ttieaxnfi, in .addition to 31XI todiiv-aduall tentts.1 Names xf pantiaipantts; wyuH be mamed Eater.. Thjiee rounde enf idlBcusRkcm wl toe toeld tm ttbe topic: What should toe tthe status e4: yDtrth iin tthe deSenBe program atf ttbe ffisiaiMre? etoatHrs wiJa rogue ithe ytear-1; ttopic: BeBsJJwed: That tthe roon- iprapriiste academic Hitild, ffl ad imiBBian to tthe advanced .coctrBe to tthe Engineer .conps iie (desined. 3-D. Must toaw alt Qeaet ttwt academic wears meinuiritng ;at tthir ibaBtiitiitian priiar to igradua.tiom, orj iil jgraduale 'etudeiite, raiuet me-i .oubie a like infiriod to itHDinplete .H woj-tk Sor an adwanoed (degree.! (Dipon aoofpttanne ;and enreffl- unentt to tthe a&rcmoed .courfie, tthe .as the meniatne iin jgood rtauding. iftjjpiicaricE jjot miie awnunuen .course wnuRt ign a litatenuiutt tthattj tfihty jwe willing to accept a me- n'e (nomtniRBkin, iiff ttendened,, ati tthe oromp'krtaon tiff tthe cwurae, and iil .calied, xwill ere temm years ae ttiwe .duty with tthe army.. Cadets xmmJlled to tthe advanced (ceiurfle are jptsid a nnnKtthHy !Biib-i Biwt.anne aHowanae at tthe .aurrent ratte ff !B .ueEftB per flay. Vseterans (eiu'oltfed iin tthe aavunoed xwurflel '.canie ii mm Ktteeed. 1 HbKhjjmj V)smnhBie. 1 Aa auaef!B uiBiifaiirin ae ttur-: aiiBhed toy tthe igwvBmmetft, and iis! tnrtauned toy atudeuts wao auooeBB tEiilly (ooniplete tthe owiurBe. WMle urttending ttbe aummer. camp, imeniburE outf tthe advanced (courBB are ffutid at tthe nate rf ipar imnota, and are ffiurauHhefl sub- :iirtenne, Ihoufling, nmiSonniR, and: iimedicall attendimoe at Owwenn- iment csKjpartwe. Tsanflpurtutitm to; and CErnni anjp iis tliuiiMirihed mr; meiniburfled n& tfihe rate (df S eirts. jiar anile. 1 ' L- Liza n,,, U LJ L. Three Stooges inafaziine. This is i owra smaH;ibas been so suiaat leads me to way off doajsig tfee wbole uimiversity ? 'KSf failimre us cwur fate. What Givesi. ttbe last weak, we bave bad one off crar better ageants mm excraloyBeQt of tbe rSbaadks-1 staff ad be has brougbt some mews wbidh bas ail of us pnaScniBnily baffleiL Evesyosae ((ttins mcludes ttbe edll.csr, wbo is iBSBaHy ffnQ$e fffcaent with wwrds refuses to talk abcrat it. Ttoe mswe ffacl ttJaat cvesryoiQe caTxiimwmritft mataans siiciulfl ffwrn a aaew totesmatoomall tticrsaiiiltioaiLi! iwaal Sesrim Besides ttbe mecnalar mmaaads eff dificession., a special piutiaamem- ttazy sfsaaom will be etrndancted at wbiidh tttoae snaperiaar disraissers will draw nop a mesoW&ona for the enttcne caamffisnence aborntt ttbe tSis-' cwsiaon topic Copies probably will be sent to ddksgatiesf iccan gpessineD, to pnevscms yax. IDanald Oison ami Bmux Kien dall, debase looacbes, wt an cbarge. sySffaSOr Thoinpsoii Is all wer tfihe 1 I. Job Openings IDr.. T. JT. Thompson, idhaikman placHanentt, bas aMMatmaed a mew Hist ff ftmstnene emoemtB wtoene Ccnnjikfte lialcnmatttian sm ;aaay toe .cibtauaaed on IDr.. Th.pBcaa- xBBoe. TJae ajoitcns ane wjith:: Cork jwimiBui'iiuf; ujiujiumr-. LancaBter Pa.;; Saegler Emianea 'utt ffihe jpreuiaeds wacfld toe wen efty iiimsitrittcStoBS wiiHl toe pennaatt-K-ange (company., Centtralia, IC111.;; saBle .ergamazataexn off .tlhainittyjftefl tt'0 tteacih toamdacapjael liaaooam V.eterans AdnniniBtraniian, Waeb- iutt mo .one fcnew wihatt mgan-1 irinnTl(a,TiRm .nmiiitees and jnairaaBO- itogtan. 22. Peantl Maaibor Kawall Sloiipyar4, Saa IFwnciBca, CaiLif;; KiinaheiHy - Oairtk (croipeiraitiun, Weeonah,, Wifi; Ccups (Of EngineerR, Id. S. Aawjy, (Oumalha;; Carps (f ffikigineerE., V.. S. Jtasny, IPifikB towsn, S. E. 1. du iBcuut (die Klemours and Co Wdaimingtan,, IDtfl. IE. S. Cmil Ssoviioe iocm aniBBicm, St. IRbuT,, Mjaan; EaRteain CoqreraitweK, I an c, KsItiRades WiA, W. Jt." 'The Chd (Cags ThecjUogicaa senminary Cha- icago 1EI1.-; Stwens ExpeiniinfflnttBn i 'Towiing Tattik, Bcibtan, IN. JT. atnd Ceorge WiMaBaB Ccffilege, GUicttgo., ffiE. I CffAa fir Irt Iollfi: -1 vJ"C wr ij a fjllCe lOF UleCllOIl Coeds m-ilil igo to MUien Smixb IhaSH Mandh J50 to lecrt,, at .tune tttmie, tfihe )dSUiers ind tociuad atnena toers .oif AWS and Coed CounBeO (trrfi. .Duanuor and aenuor women wuffil flettt ffiraim tthe toallett .titate, tfihe HflBa-ffiS May ay (Queen Sor Ifcry BUS'.. TMb its tthe aecond tbiine tttus , coed e'lncttinn :syBteni Ihae toean j iwBed. IFtaecviiouiily matto jrgoiz- ation toad ttheir epiB;aite (tflactian.11! The May (ftuam wiffll toe aV f 1L dL. ...... MiL. . :? (rilaotion. Aten, ttxwo ffiretifamuain, itwso flpiiMjmwTies, Swtir .iiiumors aaid two IpMB-t wuSll alBo toe to. tthe ly qy (Duurtt. 'Tlie inwurt. wiilll toe aitilectod toy tfihe Moittar BowrdB tanin tthe ar ilous tcundddateB monunatted toy tthe tdrgiaiiand !tanpus toatmeB. Junior aiflfiroiitar ajirls wnjCM tBSBL mm. ipispers liibting ttheir acithvsittiies flur- 'innr ttku tiiuHt ttliitee w.ars .-lift tfihe iliiwwBitty o as to aid tfihe Mor-1! ttwr IDoartts iin ttkuiir .utiletttion ffor ! meiat steuf weTers .tiff tfihe EOatik1) MuBQue. II LINCOLN 8. NEBRASKA pictures taken since the latest issue o! humor is to be distributed today. Shown are (L to r.) Pat CBrien, Frank Jacobs and Cathlem Cox. Latest Today i jjmafee tjhese prediktaicaas let mrae iwrniwl you tt3tot in ttbe past I s . toav been 9S per cent me way r .1. -.-jn;--,.. 1L TlM! cover girl wiffl bave iso CTver. 2. Ttoere wiffll be 23 pages fll There wiffll be 23 pages ff blank papar to it. CiraretSle Serriee. a. The ctgaireftite ad will be spoasBtsnefl by Kaifilj ttbe cigarette tbat eats a. botle to yonar t&eih to tosasine proper vemttiiLattiiiQfisL 4L That tbane is an artacle en teitlaS "Ck'HffiiioMaiisiia amd tbe 'Sia.g.1" SJacwild amy rae off t&ese pmdicttaraias be wrong I wSH par scsBSiHy set utewn asad mead, rsnery .airtMile to Cora SbiBcto as a pens istomosEtt. w, w.bj.s Ijbefioine w close ttDaiis snaaW ccMec- 1 taomi of ff&ctts ttbat Com SbuKte bas beoenme an cxiiittsttaBadtog ttradittacim om ffiMs (caanpuis aaad tbradittanini its sHHse33aiimg wtecb BnnutSt be camtrod cm, so as ttbe roextt fliittacaa is its sroad tto ttbe camapas we ane atdktog yoma to all camttribaaitie geaoenoxBisly,. This last para graph was a aflwertiseiHSBntt. Ag Auction Nets $20 For Charily "The Ag Uimaom Vatentttoe party was a biig ssiaooess,- so said Jfeaaa jVieiik, dhairiiiiaim mS ttlhe damce iwamimiitttae. I The V,4faituine paafly was M"iT!T6 ur Ium""-' laaacttion nc?paed witch daaacamg aind games. :! Coeds tomcutgM idsoiarated des-ii ;iseatt bonces to tthe party anad iheiptr7rsi:m Smvm Sacoa Ee- The mlmMux. Onima ff SwtSh Aifo-ica. ww- OT tc,' 11 jadtoa EaiHamd' too. L , n -m a Htr- :lmim Aiikm tfiie camranijffliee am .onairBe, nian nariewwusjw smito iizuttiian mitmld toe dlecfted. Sandwidhes, aipplen, aiaaaes and (OoOlcies wene erwed ;att tthe iparty by ttihe Ag Onion Who sponBored tfihe ipairty.. 4Unders!andiiis Necessary UNESCO Delegate Tells Student Group (f tttie ffiiiatt ftolta ttihe woiM j ujuiiertta'kie, iff w ame to Hi - l una jpeaoe, iis to mmtetftamd. each ctflher,,- IDr.. Kiward KaaaBonv. Kamfltna, dhaiiwDBan If ttlhe pansl ... . Tf-- - :od' $ms aarttt ett (DSjIESLU),, ttoad unerrtbar (tiff ttihe MDCWA alt a ioff 'llae lhaur IPduiftay to ttlhe Facuitty 1 - .mnmwmn " i i i r f 'is:.:. -.-";';.:;.::"' : v :-&tti&&: iC1W3t HAST ; The CtoMeraitty .mpihoity r- .(ihewtta iis uieciatwinig prntoleHtacuuil .itaBtfliion itandBr Vkte diafiatoile bands .rt- OatiBn. flat Symphony URoi. U iis toeing mtihsarBed Uv tfihe .tuiOhetifija's annual .typaunji munueitt. it Happened at nu A freshman coed received a doien roses from Tom, ene of her many suitors. After the roses were delivered she received a call. Roshmg to the phone, she immediately said. "Oh. Tom thank yea so much for the flowers.' Ht caller hang up it wasn't Tern. NUCWA LaysModel U.N. Plans .. Letters explaining in detail fee NUCWA spring project have been sent to organizations and organized bouses. Tbe letters contain information about tbe model meeting of tbe political committee of tbe United Nations general assembly wbicb is tto be held at tbe University tbis spring . University stiodentts, represent ing the coaBtaies of tbe United Nations, will discuss and debate world political issues and carry out committee business. Organ ized bouses, reS.agious bouses, in depesndent organizations amd in dividuals or groups of individ uals may apply for repnesemta ttaon. Applications sbould include tbe first, second and tbird ebmee of a counttry ad interest and cgual i&catats wby tbe pmip cbooses to represamt sucb a country. Tbey sbould be submitted to Doris CarteiKtt, cfoainnEtan f ttbe stteer- iitog committttee, JfUCWA box. m weamesoiay, g ea. FfeparatMa Pmeparataom maeetttogs for tbe s&elesatbes will be bdld for sev esral weeks practr to tbe actDual sessioEias. Deltegates wiffl be pre sented wiab meoessary badbgroaaad mattrd,5il auod inlicHmai&oin abcrat ttbe issaaes to be disnucssed. To assist delegates to learning about tbe counttiry tbey inepresenatt, coimttacts wlltb tomeagm stawSentts waM be arranged. A amass raeettog' of KUCWA will be be3d Feb. 22, wtoam tbe eirgaiSHEatioiai off ttbe project will be explaiinied ami tollwmataon miill be giivieaa abmiitt ttbe poUiitaciil ooronHattitttee. OtaBBMes CoiamttriKes available for repre semittattikian aane ttbe f cfflarasiiiiig: AEgbaaaasttaaa, ArgHiatttoa, Auas ttralliia,, .BeHgiaaiin, Eoffivia, JBtrazaB, Eajannma, Bpelisruassaffla Soviett So ciabstt Eepiablie, Osmada, CbaDe, Cbiaua, Ccjhorabiia. Casta ffikca, Caaba. CaecihcisiliO) lalij, lDanaaaarik. Pin; Ee piabHikc, Eraoadmr, Egypt El Salva Aar. ESbacjpia, Fraaaoe, Ctoeece, GuiiitifiHiala.. Baita, Kcmdaaras. Indlamd, India, 3tna, Ira ILeb aattcm, ILiJbaria, HjEnBenDboKiirg, Mex ttom, JaetbteriLainds, BJew Zeataid, ffaragaaay, Baroa, PbilEpjujae Be- paMic, BoOaaxd, Saaadi Arabia,, i CWtod States., vwuiwy, venee- tdmuited Kiingdcjns.. 1 eKI For ILtZuIkppeJ OtilJWtl nnnmam mniiiinatoHr .oil wa(MS' fCr inegTalaar .cme Ihwiar peracifis !a -wteefc. ) The .tiafises wdl be toesld to -he, ; TWCA pm& !tarlttog tthe aay! 'jaaut ff Mardh. lounge. Dr.. kaiuiPCJB ,-aipipciuaatod toy ffibe State iaepamtamenit as a .tiieiie- iEBJt(e to tfihe Uaaiited iKjcSiams Editi - Ucatlaemall Sciieffitii&c OwIWiiitnall Or- ,,. TOIB ftminM; iffstnitesirtiieim Sour teww ttaranaE. On Me wwtk .on ttlhe mauijic ptsndj'wiwik, nnuttaU some pmftait stm'iss Br.. IRIainBOB lhd!ip.ed to uBtojie tfihe- tfihe Afflhans cntdbeshna Bwteg -w w I " 1 ,w . Monday, February 19, 1951 Senator Cites uenciencies Of NU Setup Conditions at the University College f Medicine are "crowded and decidedly not of the best," Sen. Arthur Cannody, chairman of the legislative budget commit tee, said after touring the school in Omaha. In phrasing the sentiment of the other committee members Carmody said. They need more room and some new equipment. It doesnt appear that the college of medicine is quite in keeping with the standards set in other branches of the university. The budget of the University College of Medicine and Univer sity hospital need to be increased by more than $$M,000 to bring itself up to a par with the na tional average, according to Dr. Harold Leutb, dean of the college. Leuth told the legislature's conMnittee that the school has asked a $2,6&3,313 budget for the next two-year period. Tbe budg et for 195-51 was SSS1.54&. The class sizes sbottld be raised to ICO and hospital capacity in creased to 300 beds, Leuth said. The average cost per day per patient is $12.64, $1 or S2 below tbe average for any univeffsitty hospital in this region. However, be pointed out, stuidents pay a higher tuition ttban in most near by medical schobls. Chancellor R. G. Gustavsna, who accompanied tbe committee, said that tbe work done at tbe school under Dean Lenath. ""has been a perfectly reanarkabl thing. Tbe medical school is mucb better now than we bave ever bad." The budget committee bas mot yet visited tbe Iincoto campuses but are expected anytime in the near foitare. Tuesday Deadline For AWS Filings Filings for AWS execratti- board for feesbmaen, sropboinnMsre, and jmnior wonsesn emid Tasesday, Feb. 38 Sally Btetaes, presadenit ran be made at El- Ben SamiJtb balL The opeiaiiinigs are fior next sesasesters wask and ame for wcBSBea inimDEsresu'oai una to order to be eJigsble for a board pasattaoBB. a gM mwstt be a aaaesnbar off good standing f tJse class sbe psKsposes to represomt. Sbe nniist bave a wesigbSed aver age ff 5-i anii bave roo dorana slaps, iiiH3CCJEp!ietes r fafflmires at ttbe ttaiime f bsr taltog- Eacb can didate raiHSSlt maeet the Uimiverssitiy elijgibaSiitty ineipiire!EnB!i!ts for jaar tadpffltbksm to exfea-caariTOisIlaar ac ttavittaes. Tbe awamiiiiaattikag aBffinaifflliae wnJ isattervaew eadh gikS wbo The fftoal derttsiwa will be tosetl (Dim tbe teadkersbto malitlies aaad ttbe tanowtoflge f AWS ttbat ttbe gSrts sbfflw. Riding Entries Deadline Kear ToiMmnB' as tbe daafiHime Sec noiunan sibafleintts mTtsbtog to enlcr tbe Eaoik aaad Bridle citato wd rifltofi (OiittiteEll.. B The MtatteEt iis ttbe f eataame evaut ffor woianiem at ttihe Janaiar AJt-Sar-Item OTCTsnaim amd ff3ittttog cooittefft. w.nBirwmn miatftiiiiii;ff to lifle IDmn- Tarsily IhoirBes jftuwali bave ffactod ! ttheir nnoaaiaits toy tbis ttaasne as uwwmwa mimammu 1 raait6imiiBB)ii imar (wuii amay be mma-fie at Mmmi 2BS, Amiu- nuDEaU Baiibainiflry baJL A ttaopby wa toe iwem to tfflne wiiEraner ff ISae iradtog eKbasnttaoiR. The pitoew Sanstod toy ttbe Kla ttaoxnaa Baaalk ff GraHraKsnce. wst& to Jfflassne BesMar last yaar- for Peace' ijAUbms FMOIhaimMSBaic aitlhe(r toy snpflsflysag -maSm firangn, to" a jgrawii fwaaaB, 'l "1m wwwteiKg ttor CJKESOO Min-e eaome tfinweteatedl Iflasd Jtt .isieeins aaiaefls to cinnttsnoiiae ttlhe BeaiK6 MBiefiS to ctenusnoiiae tuf.m inauan gsueanHone tw raae Baeofwe wr. (tatm jWTi!Dra BnaasMog ttp a anuaiin tpmoBtJttae off IKSHESOO tfihatt fteadte tto itnaaoriasitt janoneBfi,-" Due poamittieS rolt TJtaoiitgb CXE300 mnaaay awttiiKts and StaitaEtt Joawe toeem fiiiiltji,t.ai tttooinghojiit ttbe wro4d r- Hmmiw 1 - u n ,M Mad. 'xhiiE as tne way tt.s wv- itxwsx me of zxur ictaltiioirs Saaomffi) (tajafi, jpocjr BaEtpratge ommffitiiiaca- wtmcj toe oMtMHuesL taBiinaMm iUtnguiige KraKccEac;i.-iiam "Itew.Js: .flewaa barriers ami sreito sjtnap sthy amomf attBliacjac.1" ftw saad. Itoe VtmnmsiHtsr ssranjtesisar meuihws gwtt ccne cagaertt feaSyus tian TJtaaradsy n tfihe amrsms mwA f tfihe JBowaiii KamBon Eyao SA.j.QBy Ks. 11 fonscsa IDr. Sjbsibot IkawHfall. TJue imjiftttniy, ita!ttt9er Ifibe M TOOtacm f Staanimdl WismEW us toeing Biuiepasnad iEcr tthe romjg OCVSMttVl. BSe. KaistBorax, a wagoner aesii io5adut(tar J teertittKttiicmhB fame, was to Liinmaii to w&ir tfihe swu mwt& IMkomtigtaBery letftusr swrie ll ij II