The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Thursday, February 8, 1951
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"eW ought to learn and have a
facility In some language other
than our own."
So said Emily Kimbrough,
noted author and humorist, at a
press conference following her
talk here Wednesday morning,
She expressed a strong feeling
that something should be done
about the young people In colleges
today who, are deficient in lan
.guage. She said a surprising
number of students who travel
abroad could not say "bread and
oucter" in a language which they
hud studied. Miss Kimbrough
charged this to' the reading
knowledge the students gained as
opposed to the language phonetics.
'Language Important'
"I feel that it is vitally impor
tant for each student to have a
comprehensive knowledge of at
least one language," the authoress
said. She encourages the form
ing of ..language clubs.
Citing an example where for-j
cten language was useful, Miss
Kimbrough pointed to Mrs. Elea
nor Roosevelt, whom she accom
panied on a tour recently.
Mrs. Roosevelt told the au
thoress that because French was
as easy for her as English, she
immediately established a "mu
tual familiarity" with the French
in the U.N.
Americans Should Learn
"We evince provincialism and
arrogance," Miss Kimbrough said.
She believes that American peo
ple have too much tendency to sit
back and let other countries
learn their language. She says it
should be quite the contrary.
Miss Kimbrough believes
knowledge of language to be an
other step, toward understanding
among peoples of the world.
She spoke of the time that she
took her two daughters on a tour
of Europe. While she was there,
she asked several people about
their impressions of American
"Their impressions were all
based on what they had seen in
i f - )
4 1
LUNCHEON MEETING Pictured above is Emily Kimbrough,
(first row, center), author and humorist, who spoke to University
students at a convocation Tuesday morning. Also in the picture
are: back row, (1. to r.) Marilyn Campfield and Sally Holmes;
and front row, a friend of Miss Kimbrough's and Mary Mielenz.
The five are attending a luncheon held after Miss Kimbrough's
the American movies," says Miss no matter what it is, has been
Kimbrough. "The picture ' they made to appeal to a wide au
had of our life was very erro- dience. In producing it, experts
Motion Pictures Valuable
She continues, "There is no am
bassador in the world today like
the motion picture."
She went on to say, however,
that the movies are, in the opin
ion of many, of poor caliber be
cause the public does not use dis
crimination in choosing the
movies they see.
"It the people were more selec
tive, and made a point of see
ing only those they think are
good, they would get more of that
type," says- Miss Kimbrough.
"Mov'es change in so far as pub
lic tastes demand it."
She grants too, that a picture,
By Art Epstien.
Its new!
Its different!
Its wonderful!
The university's radio station,
KNU. Almost everything is
changed. New programs will have
a larger scope
Junior Division Lab
Aids Poor Readers
If it takes you three or four
hours to get through an average
reading assignment, don't put all
the blame on the professor.
It may be that you are a slow
reader one of those indivi
duals who moves ahead at about
150 words a minute instead of the
250 or 300 that you should be
covering in that time.
Slow readers have an obvious
handicap it takes them longer
than it should to prepare their
lessons. "In addition, reading
slowly does not necessarily bring
better understanding. As a mat
ter of fact, poor comprehension
often accompanies slow reading
This is the claim of the Jun
ior Division, which calls reading
difficulties the basis of most
study problems and sets out to
do something about the situation.
Each semester it sponsors a re
medial reading lab and any stu
dent, whether freshman or grad
uate, may enroll.
Reading Accelerator
Last fall the lab used for the
first time a new machine called
a reading accelerator. When you
are using the accelerator you
can't gb back to a line you have
already read because a metal
sheet is slowly sliding down the
page of your book; you must
keep going even though it is
more rapidly than you are ac
customed to reading.
It's one of the best ways yet
known for improving reading
speed. The lab now has two such
machines and students who en
roll in the lab for the second se
mester can use the accelerator
as much as three half-hour per
iods a week.
The lab has another machine
with a formidable name achis
toscope. It flashes numbers,
words and phrases on a screen
and is used to train the eye to
form images more quickly. Ac
cording to Woodrow Reed, guid
ance consultant, who directs the
lab, you can, with practice, read
phrases visible for 1 100th of a
Remedial Course
This semester's remedial read
ing course has been intensified
and will cover a shorter time
span than it formerly did. One
section will meet from 11 to 12
a.m., Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, and another on Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday from
4 to 5 p.m., both for six weeks.
Labs will meet for the first time
the week of Feb. 19. Some time
before that day Reed would like
to talk over individual problems
with prospective class members.
His office is in Temporary build
ing A.
Bettering reading skills is one
thing and improving study habits
is another. The Junior Division
also sponsors a study habits lab
which is run parallel to the re
medial reading lab. Its sections
will meet from 9 to 10 a.m. Mon
day and Wednesday or 4 to 5 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday.
A considerable amount of time
is devoted to improving students'
habits in three fields: (1) alloca
tion of time and planning of a
work schedule; (2) efficiency in
preparing for and taking exam
inations; (3) taking notes. There
is nothing particularly tricky
about good study habits as the
lab teaches them.
The main difficulty, Reed has
found, is that few students really
organize their work properly, de
spite the fact that most of them
know the basic requirements of
good planning.
have to delve into the economic
strata as well as combat the
geographic problem, she stated.
Comments on Public '
Miss Kimbrough blames the
distortion that Europeans have of
our life onto the American: 'de
sire for escape in the movies She
believes that is Americans patron
ize only good pictures, those fere
the ones Europeans will receive.
If the star in the picture has Eu
ropean appeal, that film will be
sent over, regardless of its rating
in the United States, she said.
Miss Kimbrough recommends
"The Best Years of Our Lives" as
one of the best movies for Holly
wood to send abroad. Her conclu
sion is based on its star appeal,
comedy element, dramatic nature,
and its "true picture of Amer
ican life."
She also suggested "All About
Eve," "Letter to Three Wives,"
"Home of the Brave," and "Gen
tleman's Agreement." In the light
of European taste, she described
"Yankee from Olympus" as "ex
cellent," and "All the Kings Men"
as "wonderful." .... '
Television Implications
When asked about television
and its effect on the motion pic
ture industry, she commented,
"the immediate effect of televi
sion was to send Hollywood into a
great panic'
Miss Kimbrough believes, how
ever, that the innovation will lead
to betterment rather than ruina
According to Miss Kimbrough,
the movie types that rate as sure
sellers are the musical comedy
and the western.
On her tour, Miss Kimbrough
will make stops at Laramie, Wyo.,
Spokane, Wash., and Rockefeller
of entertain
ment for the
radio listener
"Music From
Ever vwhere"
and "Tops in
Pops," are two
new disc shows
that will han
dle the latest
release in
t u p u i ar re- f s ,. :
corded music. Lh1
The "Sports"
Show" will feature material gath
ered from several ..wire services.
"Your Student Union" brings the
listener Interesting facts about the
Union. A completely new wom
en's show will be aired"'t'or. the,
second semester.
Of course, some' of the stand
by shows that went over, so well
last semester will again be on
the KNU program schedule.
Under the classification of hold
over shows are "Shake Hands
With The World," which fea
tures a weekly interview with a
foreign student; and "Blues and
Boogie" which has been moved
to the select spot of the last fif
teen minutes of broadcasting.
Other shows that are returning
to KNU for a second semester
are, "Authors of the Ages" and
"Sweet and Lowdown."
Also different for the first
nine weeks of the second semes
ter is the organizational staff of
Nebraska U's radio station.
Heading the list of the staff is
Bob Askey. Bob will assume the
responsibilities of Program Di
rector. It will be his duty to see
that all programs and shows are
broadcast with professional pre
cision. It would be difficult to
say that the remainder of the
staff heads are more important
than another, for the station
could not operate smoothly
without each star member doing
his job in strict programming
procedure. Heading the an
nouncers will be Arvin Chris
tenson. In charge of the con
tinuity staff will be Jo Ann
Mellen. Music is under the, su
pervision of Janis Crilly. Sports
and news will be handled by
Jim Riordan and John Woodin
respectfully. Given the task of
promoting the station will be
Lois Nelson and Clarence Wurd
inger. Under able supervision of
the staff heads, KNU will func
tion In a smooth orthodox man
ner. Programming will start Mon
day, February 12. With the new
shows, new talent, and new de
partment heads, KNU is set to
bring you student radio at its
best. So gather around the radio,
at the Union lounge next Monday
at 3:00, and plan to listen to two
hours jam-packed with solid entertainment.
That's all. Paul.
Six Buildings a tNU in 1890;
Frat-Barb Feuds Started
By Jane Randall
(Thli la th teeond part of ifrln
I Britain on the hltlory f the I'nl
veretty ttmpui, Till article complMn
the aerie. )
By 1890, the University had
six buildings to ease the load
imposed on "Old U Hall" for 15
years. These were, in name,
Pharmacy, Nebraska hall, Grant
Memorial, Architecture hall, and
the School of Music,
From then on, buildings
cropped up like mushrooms. The
mechanical engineering labora
tory was another one of the old
timers. Brace, Administration,
Geography, Temple, and Law
College followed in rapid suc
cession. Incidentally, the geog
raphy building housed the first
Birth of Fraternities
While the school was going
through a period of growing
pains, the birth of fraternities
and sororities on the campus
added zest to undergraduate
politics in the form of "frat
barb" feuds. Sigma Chi was the
first Greek organization to make
its appearance at the University.
That was in January of 1883.
Phi Delta Theta followed close
behind, orienting itself in De
cember of the same year. Kap
pa Kappa Gamma entered into
the University's woman's social
life in 1884. Delta Gamma fol
lowed in a close second, three
years later in 7887.
Shortly before the advent of
World War I, the University
experienced another period of
expansion. Bessey hall and
Avery lab were the first over
flows from the iriginal four
block limit. Construction of
Social Sciences and Teachers
college came in the following
War Hits Campus
When the war hit the campus,
the new "sosh" building was
converted , (into t barracks for
troops. ' '' i" : ; ; "
After things settled down fol
lowing the war and the prosper
ity wave was hitting the nation,
Morrill hall, and Andrews were
initiated to the realm of archi
tecture on the University cam
pus. When everything flopped and
the depression wave engulfed
the nation, building plans were
filed away. In 1932, however,
the architects started in anew,
coming forth with the Memorial
stadium. Five years later saw
the erection of the Student Ac
tivities building, known to many
today as the Union.
Building Before W.W. II
Shortly before the second
World War broke, the Univer
sity managed to squeeze in the
Memorial coliseum, the Military
and Naval Science building and
Don L. Love Memorial library.
Again, the campus had the
army on its hands. This time it
ha dmore to offer however.
The Social Sciences building was
reconverted and the new library
assisted it in providing dormi-
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NEWEST ADDITION The greenhouse, just south of Bessey hall,
has been designed to raise plants that will enable better lab dem
onstrations. Within this glass structure, an example of every plant
family in the botanical kingdom can be found.
tory space for transient coldiers.
Burnett hall was the first con
struction project to be under
taken following the war. With
the medcentury mark reached,
Ferguson hall, the newest of
them all, went up.
New Greenhouse
Too, the botany department
has added a new feature to the
campus during the past year in
the form of a greenhouse.
Indeed, the purpose of the
founders has leen realized. oT
be sure, the University has and
is providing "a liberal and cul
tural education for the youth of
the state, in order to make of
them more rounded and valu
able citizens."
Pep Talk
'.lTir.1 ' r.'i'inirili'TsitiJiiiiiiJHHll'Hiiilf'irr'ill-'h'::
Warm-up for the coming intra
mural event! That's the mott-j
for duckpin club this next week.
Besides the usual amount of
fun and wholesome exercise,
WAA'ers entering the duck pin
competition can gain practice as
a team on the tournament alleys.
Games start at 7:15 p.m., and last
until 8:15. No fees are charged.
The first official match of the
approaching tournament will be
scheduled for Feb. 12.
While sport-minded coeds are
already practicing for this next
athletic event, they are also now
participating enthusiastically in
the present one, the basketball
The dormitory downed the
Alphi Phil's team I, while the
Phi second team won over Wes
ley. The other game recently
played was between Pi Phi and
Kappa Alpha Theta. The Pi Phi's
were the victors.
Tonight the APOI's will play
Kappa Gamma's third team. Next
weeks schedule will be posted
on the Grant Memorial bulletin
board as soon as they are deter
mined. Badminton club will meet
Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. This time is
a change over the usual Wednes
day night meeting. Duckpins club
meets on Wednesday, Tennis on
Thursday at 7:30 p.m., swimming
on Thursday at 7:15 p.m., and
Rifle on Friday between 4 and 6
AWS house representatives
meeting, 5 p.m., Ellen Smith hall.
Handicraft class, Room 110,
Union, 7 p.m.
Pi Lambda Theta meeting,
7:30 p.m., Room 15, Teachers
AUF division heads for unor
ganized houses meeting, 7 'p.m.,
Room 309, Union.
Block and Bridle meeting, 7:15
p.m., Room 208, Animal Hus
bandry hall.
Ping-pong tournament, 12:15
p.m., Ag Union rec room.
Ag Ec club meeting: Duane
Nelson will speak, 7:30 p.m., Ag
Alpha Phi Omega meeting,
7:30 p.m.. Room 316, Union.
Sigma Tau meeting, 7 p.m.,
Room 206, Richards lab.
Religious Welfare Council
meeting, 6:15 p.m., Cornhusker
Room, YM.
Skating party, 8:30 p.m., Ag
tractor testing pond. Free food.
All students invited.
Naval ROTC
Calls Teachers
The University Naval ROTC
put out a call. Thursday for re
serve officers and enlisted person
nel interested in applying for
temporary duty as instructors in
naval reserve officer candidate
schools which the navy will con
duct for about eight weeks this
summer, beginning June 25.
Cmdr. R. P. Nicholson said ap
plications are desired from offi
cers in either the organized or
volunteer reserve, grades lieuten
ant (j.g.) through commander
who are qualifiel to teach naviga
tion, naval orientation, naval
weapons, leadership, seamanship,
communications or administra
ttcfttA. & limited number of assign
ments are open for doctors, dent
ists, chaplains, supply and public
relations officers and athletic di
rectors, and for reserve enlisted
Eastern School !
Plans New Union
The University of Connecticut
is building a temporary Student J
Union which will cost each stu- ;j
dent two dollars. jj
The building, which has been j
nicknamed TUB (Temporary j.
Union Building) by the Connecti- j
cut students, will be a larger jj
building and will contain room h
for a piano, a pool table, card jj
tables, a juke box, an informa- 5
tion desk, a commuters lounge j
and an area for dancing. A
snack bar, which will help de- i
fray the expenses of operating u
the Union, will also be placed j
in the building.
A member of the Student Sen- j
ate of Connecticut stated that the :
project is actually "a pioneering
for the new Student Union 2
building ... to test and experi- i
ment "
KORET ogCalifahniaA Happy-go-Lively Spring Separates
LSU Negro Quits
Due to 'Situation9
The Negro school teacher wtv
was recently admitted to Louisi
ana State University Law school
by court order has quit school
"in view of certain situations."
Roy S. Wilson. 30, the first
Negro student in LSU history,
left the campus because of "cer
tain situations which exist." Wil
son felt that "this is the only
proper manner to reconcile these
situations." His lawyer, however,
claimed that Wilson withdrew
because of "financial reasons."
The University said that in$re
viewing Wilson's qualifications it
had descovered that he had a po
lice record, a "blue" Army dis
charge, had been a psychiatric
patient and once was, expelled
from a Negro college for attack
ing a fellow student with a soft
ball bat.
"As a result of thi3 investi
gation, it became clear that Wil
son's record was not such as to
justify his admission to the law
school," said the LSU board of
We have position that would be Ideally , -
aulted for a student ! wife who wishes to u
work 2-J years. Must be able to type 55-66 S
wpm. and take short 100-120 wpm. This! '
position for receptionist Is In our personnel ?f
department. Some college preferred but not is
required. Apply employment office 7th floor T
personnel in a variety of grades, room" for rent ihi q st." one tio ' ;
Inquiries should De aaaressea irom campus .
WANTED: Communist literature or In- ;
formation leading to literature or per-1 :
sons interested In communism. Write . i
Box 1, Daily Nebraskan, Rm. 30 Stu
to Commander Nicholson and ap
plications are due at the Bureau
of Naval Personnel before March
15. 1
I iillil
Sit '
Imaginative, sun-drenched colon:
Desert Sun
Pacific Navy
Perfect-fitting sixes 10 to 18
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Inspired Stephanie Koret molds lush,
brrc?ze-weight Tublin butcher-linen into
handsome "Pair Off. Each atyle ia
neat, uncluttered, with a casual air , , .
sporting over-sized pleat-pocket . . , and
all guaranteed washable! Important self-
fahrie button, snap-in shoulder puds, and
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Bra (not shown), 2.95
Full-Length Duster, 17.95
Sundress with Bolero, 17.95
Chukker Cap, 2.95
Another Smart Buy From
SPORTSWEAR . . . Second Floor
dent Union.
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t '.r:l..'l"V-.vsrTt'.t r;- 1 . .'.-..;"n:v :