The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1951, Image 1

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    "u Ule,iJDmjLill)LI UtnJ U L
Vol.' 51 No. 77
Wednesday, February 7, 1951
Constitution Makers . . .
Railroad Men
Back at Jobs
In Centers
Railroad switchmen returned
to their jobs in many import
ant centers yesterday but there
was no general back to work
Movement, Senator Humphrey
(d., Minn.) said he had good rea
sons "to be optimistic, a settle
ment of the rail strike may be
imminent." I
Switchmen went back to their
jobs in large numbers at Phila
delphia, Boston, Washington,
Baltimore, Chattanooga, Buffalo
and other large cities.
Although rail freight was be
ginning to move in some locali
ties, the logjam continued else
where. Many other cities also
noted no back-to-work trend de
spite defense Mobilizer Charles
E. Wilson's plea to the workers.
Even if the strike should end
this week, it will take days for
industry to regain full produc
tion and some ot tne output iosi
during the strike will never be
UN Forces Drive
Nearer S8th Parallel.
U. N. forces blasted the com
munist with staggering new
blows all along the flaming 80
mile Korean front In central
Korea two strong Tenth corps
task forces reached eight miles
north of Hoengsong, within 28
miles of the 38th parallel, in the
second day of a two-day offense
i which has gained eight miles.
An Eighth army spokesman
4 said the raids below Seoul have
accounted for 16,643 reds in the
,past two -days. A total of 42,367
nave oeen nmeu ji uuuuy
since the drive started 13 days
Vifth Atomic Burst
et Off in Nevada.
', The fifth and possibly, the lar
gest atomic test explosion set off
Lt Frenchman Flft proving
rounds in Nevaa. The atomic
pnergy commission ssid, "We are
ompietelv satisfied with the
the tests worked out."
i The commission said the fifth
(vioct Tiwrfav . completed the
, "'current series" of . atomic tests,
legislature Passes
Civil Defense Bill.
, defense bill was enacted by the
( legislature when LB. 36, provid
1 ins for establishment of a state
'guard, passed by a vote ot 41 to
i 0.
The L.B. 36 will become law
as soon as Peterson signs -it,
which will probably be today. It
allows the calling of a state
guard while the national guard
is still in the state. The law pre
viously provided that a state
guard could be formed after the
federalization of the national
The governor is not yet pre
pared to discuss plans for the or
ganization of the guard but he
does plan a force of about 1,250
Book New AIEE Head
Lo Bock was elected presi
dent of AIEE, the American In
stitute of Electrical Engineers, at
meeting recently.
Other officers include: Pat
O'Dea, vice-president; Shirley
Jones, secretary and Ross Rash,
AIEE secretary-treasurer.
The Weather
Wednesday fair and cold. High
near 10 in the northeast to 20
25, southwest. Strong northerly
winds diminishing.
nnihOT r.nei Follies rehearsal.
other members of the Tri Celt cast watch in the background. Delta
Delta Delta will present -'The Devils -and the Dames- "before judges
4 io'fuLf Tiiuxsdaj Wis" ...
hZ - t ....
STUDENT COUNCIL IN SESSION . Members of the Interim Stu
dent Conucil will meet today to
proposed constitution. When the constitution nas oeen completely
written, it will go before the student body for approval. Shown
are council members (left to right) George Wilcox, Rob Raun,
Mary Hubka, Bob Rogers, Barbara Kratz, Bob Parker, Bill Nich
elson, Rex Messersmith, Peg Mulvaney, Betty Green, Shirley Bor
chering, Eldean Breeze and Mary Mielenz, faculty adviser.
Council Will
On March 1
TTniversitv Student council will
i hold session this afternoon on the
first five articles of the proposed
'constitution and will hear a re
i port by Miriam Willey on dis
placed persons on the campus,
j The Council members will be
nskpri to sneak to their resDec-
tive organizations regarding the
DP program at the University.
Whether or not to continue Ne
braska's DP program will be the
question taken back to the Coun
cil organizations.
"New assurances" will be re
quested from the various groups
and must be m eiiect oy Marcn 1.
I These "assurances" include prom
ises of campus organizations to
provide housing, food, money
and provisions for the displaced
i persons.
j The decision as to whether or
; not Nebraska will be host to DPs
! next year will depend on the will
I ingness of campus groups to back
!the program.
Assurances Due, March 1
The deadline for "assurances"
has been necessitated by the In
ternational Relief Organization
going out of effect Sept. 1 of this
This Relief organization has
been set up under the United
Nations. It was set up to func
tion for a specified time. It goes
out of effect on Sept. 1.
This is the last opportunity for
the University to obtain the dis
placed persons.
The DP nroeram was begun by
Rosevell Howard, who was presi
Acnt of last vear's Student coun
cil. After carrying the program
for one semester the Council
AWS to Judge
Initial Follies
Try outs Today
Five skits and four curtain
acts will be selected for the all
girl presentation of Coed Follies
by the AWS board when try
outs are completed Thursday,
Feb. 8.
Skits will be judged on orig
inality, cleverness, audience ap
peal, appropriateness and length.
A time limit of eight minutes
has been placed on all skits and
curtain acts. The AWS board
will travel to each competing
house to judge tryouts.
Also being selected by the
AWS board are candidates for
the Typical Nebraska Coed.
Twenty candidates will be chos
en Tuesday night. From these
finalists one girl will be named
TNC at a second tryout, Tues
day, Feb. 13.
The schedule for skit and cur
tain act tryouts is as follows:
Wednesday, Feb. 7
7:16 Aloha Chi Omen
V 30 Slttma Kaupa
7 :45 Kenklnriue Imll
it 00 Chi Om
6 16 61k ma Delta Tau
6:80 Alpha Phi
g 45 Aluhm Omlcron PI
:00 Kappa Alpha Then
Thursday, Feb. S
7:16 Oamitii Phi Bel
7:30 PI Beta Phi
7:46 Delta Delta Delta
B00 Alpha XI Delia
6 00
Delta Gumma
Terrauc hall
Kappa Delta
Towne iilub
run through a dancing cene in
As one coed struts across stage,
dags, Oaie Qiiris All Go Oof Coed PoISies Skits
. I iii1iTt .1 I A I ! aw- , 1a. V ..iV ' TV ' - 1 JSbZ. . L J?- I
consider the first five articles of the
Take Action
DP Deadline
delegated it to the Religious Wel
fare Council.
j Nine DPs Aided First Year
i 1949-1950 was the program's
J debut year on the University
' campus. Nine displaced persons
jwere aided in the first year. Ten
DPs have been helped during the
first semester of the 1950-51 year,
j Of this year's DPs, four will
enter the armed services, four
; will graduate and two might pos
sibly remain at the University
!for next year.
During the program's first
year, $10,000 was given to aid
the DPs. Of this amount, the
University offered scholarships
and the remainder was used for
rooms, board, clothing, laundry,
haircuts and books for the dis
Dlaeed nersons.
Purpose of the program has
been to help the displaced per
sons to be on their own. Their
allowances have been decreased
according to their ability to earn.
The DPs have been urged to
become independent as soon as
possible. One of the persons aided
by this program has dropped off
of the DP scholarship list by ob
taining a Regent's scholarship to
continue his University studies.
All from Europe
All of the University's DPs
have come from Europe. Some of
them were originally fTom coun
tries behind the Iron Curtain,
such as Latvia and Yugoslavia.
Nebraska has held a unique
position among the nation's uni
iversities because of this program.
Very few colleges laite pari in
such a program.
The University was one of the
first schools to start the DP plan.
Nebraska has been highly com
mended for its work along this
The University has been in
strumental in encouraging simi
lar action by members of the
Big-Seven Student Council con
ference. Romaine Rasmussen is chair
man of the displaced persons
committee within the Religious
Welfare council; Dr. Fuhr is fac
ulty adviser for the committee.
Keith Stevenson is the Reli
trions Welfare council representa
tive on the Student council.
Dr. Spieler lo Speak
At Nu-Med Meeting
Nu-Med society will hold it
initial meeting of the second
semester Wednesday, Feb. 7 at
7:15 p.m. in Room 316 of the
Guest speaker will be Dr. For
rest D. Spieler whose topic will
be "General Practice." He is a
graduate of the University and
a past member of Nu-Meds
All pre-med students and
technicians are urged to attend.
Methodist Girls
To Hold Coke Hour
Kappa Phi, organization lor
Methodist girls, invites all girls
affiliated with the Methodist
church to a ooke hour Wednes
day, Feb. 7 at 7 p. m. Arlene
Park, president of Kappa Phi will
be at the Methodist student
house to welcome all students in
ing are members of ,.the Alpha Chi Omega Coed Follies ridt cast. Alpha Chis practiced all last week
on this same couch, perfecting this "what are they doing" scene, the climax to the Alpha Chi pro
riiufliaa, "Coed FaU The kit will be ivea &t tiyouts tonight
Group Will Hear
Report Thursday
rnnfprpnpe will hp HiNriiKpH nnH
voted upon at a mass meeting of
tne organization inursaay.
MpKvQolra TTnivrsitv PrnmMl
for World Affairs " members will
meet in Parlor Z, jUnion, at 7:30
p.m. i
Spring conference chairman
Doris Carlson will lead presen
tation and discussion on the pro
posed conference to be held in
April. ;
According to Miss Carlson, the
steering committee has drawn up
plans for three projects, one of
which will be chosen by vote of
NUCWA members at the mass
meeting. j
Three Projects
The three projects will carry
out either a mock Security Coun
cil, the general assembly political
committee or a college legisla
tive conference.
In 1950's conference, the or
ganization staged a mock United
Nations general assembly. All
United Nation member nations
were represented by houses and
organizations on campus.
The 1951 spring conference
would follow the same line with
either organizations or interested
groups providing the presenta
tion. Prior to discussing the three
alternatives, Jerry Matzke, vice
president of NUCWA, will pre
sent the argument for the Se
curity Council to the group. Miss
Carlson will explain the plans for
the general assembly political
committee and Sue Allen will
present plans for the college con
ference. Peterson to Preside
Presiding at the meeting will
be President Harold Peterson. Pe
terson hopes the meeting will
serve as a kick-off to second se
mester activity and will orient
NUCWA members as to their du
ties for the spring conference.
Peterson points out that voting
on the three projects will be final.
NUCWA's steering committee
under the direction of Miss Carl
son has met each week since No
vember preparing plans for the
Joan Jones is vice-chairman of
the committee. Sue Allen, last
year's spring conference chair
man, will serve as adviser.
Union Workers
To Meet Today
Union pool workers will meet
in Parlors ABC today at 7 p.m.
Duane E. Lake, director, will
explain financing and purpose ef
the Union. Vice president Bob
Mosher will tell about the Union
and possibilities of advancement
on the Union board.
Explaining the committee func
tions will be Herb Reese, presi
dent of the activities, committee.
He will introduce Marilyn Moo
mey, who will explain the pool
worker setup.
Duties of the activities com
mittee will be given by Bob Rus
sell, board member and sponsor
of the recreation committee.
Band Honorary
Holds Initiation
Ten members of the University
ROTC Symphonic band have
been initiated into Gamma Lamb
da, honorary band fraternity.
They are:
Robert Chab. Denny Schneider,
Melvin McKenney, Don Noble,
Earl Mitchell, Leo Schmidt, Wal
ter Cole, Robert Church, Henry
Deines and Kent AxtelL
Positions are available on
the editorial staff of Corn
Shucks. Art student inter
ested in m-ritinr for the tnara
cine has an opnortnnHy of ap
plying for thene positions.
Anyone interested may report
to Room 20 in the tiasirnt
the Union between t and 4
p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of this week.
distorting their f
.and going
L q I
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
6YV Continue
Ticket Sales
For Banquet
Tickets for the annual YM-YW
banquet may be obtained from
any YM or YW cabinet member
on either the city or Ag campus.
They may also be purchased in
the YW or YM offices on city
campus in Ellen Smith hall or
the Temple building, respectively.
Beth Wilkins is in charge of
the city YW ticket sales. Charles
McLean and Steve Eberhart, both
Ag YM members, are handling
the YM sales. Mary Francis
Johnson is in charge of the Ag
YW ticket sales.
Chancellor Carl Bracy of Wes
leyan university will be guest
speaker at the annual banquet.
The affair will be held Tuesday,
Feb. 13, at 6 p.m. in the Green
room of the city YM. Chancellor
Bracy's address will concern "For
Whom the Bell Tolls."
Tickets are $1 a plate for the
turkey dinner that will be served.
The banquet is open to everyone
that is interested.
Co-chairman of the banquet
are Warren Munsen and Mary
Francis Johnson. Munsen is also
toastmaster. Barbara Hershber
ger is decorations chairman.
In addition to the Chancellor's
address the program will include
songs by the Farmhouse quartet.
Lee Messersmith, Wayne White,
Tom Lambert and Sonny Karges
are the quartet members. Im
personations will be given by
Ruth Jackman.
New YM and YW officers on
both Ag and city campuses will
be introduced at the banquet
Progress reports will be given by
all Y officials.
Student to Give
Piano Program
Edward Andersen, student
pianist, will present a recital
Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 4 p.m. in
the Social Science auditorium.
Anderson will be presented in
the recital by the University
school of fine arts.
His program will consist of:
"Fantasia I," Mozart; "La Puerta
Del Vino," Debussy; "Bruyeres,"
Debussy, and Scherzo Humoris
tique, Copland.
Other events on the schedule
of the University fine arts school
Feb. 8: Delta Omicron scholar
ship concert, Love library,
S:15 p.m. .
Pea. 31 : Faculty recital, Uion,
4 7.m,
li. 15: Fine Aitu dinner, Union,
e.'M p.xn
I'eb. Zb: Braaa Choir tioncert, Union,
4 P m
Marcn 11: Orchestra concert. Union,
4 v m.
Plans and programs for these
future events will be given later.
It Happened at The Rag
An old and established custom
in tne offices of the University
, scandal sheet is the practice of
sending a staff member upstairs
to the Crib for those mid-afternoon
snacks and beverages. One
staffer paused before leaving the
office to holler, "Anyone want
anvthing from upstairs?"
"Yes," called back one chubby
linle female. "Just bring me one
of the waiters."
through their act of hand-gestur
K b
Tdllx Scliduld
For 11 O'Clock
Emily Kimbrough, author of the best-seller, "The In
nocents From Indiana" and "Now Dear to My Heart" is a
public speaker who follows her own maxims. Miss Kim
brough, who will appear this morning at 11 a.m, in th
Union ballroom, firmly maintains that the chances of suc
cess m any work are in direct
Meat Lab
To Improve
Ag Facilities
The proposed Meat laboratory
which will be constructed in the
spring will provide the Univer
sity with more adequate facili
ties in the research and teaching
program of meat and meat prod
ucts, said Prof. William J. Loef
fel, head of the animal husbandry
Ag students will learn the
various ways meat is utilized for
use such as slaughtering, curing,
freezing, wrapping and prepara
tion of meat for use.
There will be some Home Ec
courses stressing meat cuts and
the different methods of prepar
ing meat.
Research will be on a greater
scale with breeding projects in
which hogs, sheep and cattle must
be killed in order to evaluate ex
periments in nutrition and breed
To Train Men
Professor Loeffel said the de
partment may cooperate with the
quartermatser corps in training
men lor meat cutting and prep
aration in the armed services.
Some short courses will be of
fered for freezer locker operators,
notei men and restaurant owners,
The new building will cost
$336,765 equipped, John K. Sel
leek, University business man
ager said. The main section will
be 112 feet long, 32 feet wide
and two stories high. It wiU be
finished in buff colored brick
with limestone trim.
Floor Facilities
The killing and holding rooms,
experimental freezing equipment,
a meat cutting demonstration
room and offices will be on the
first floor: The second floor will
provide room for a large re
search laboratory, a meat cook
ing laboratory and classrooms.
The basement will be utilized for
a by-products laboratory for lard
rendering, meai curing, sausage
making and meat canning, refrig
eraetd store rooms and storage
space for equipment.
Loeffel said that the new Meat
laboratory will provide the Uni
versity with facilities "on a par
with any other Big Seven uni
versity to carry out a program
of research."
RCA Researcher
Speaks to AIEE
Cyril N. Hoyler, one of the top
scientists ki the country and a
member, of the RCA research
staff, was the guest speaker at a
meeting of AIEE last night at
Ferguson hall.
Hoyler, a former professor, is
now a special assistant to the vice
president in charge of research
at the RCA labs in Princeton,
New Jersey. He is a senior mem
ber of IRE, Sigma Xi, honorary
technical fraternity and is in
"Who's Who in Engineering."
The scientist spoke on the
equation solver which solves
simultaneous equations and can
compute to one-ten thousandth
of a second and will count to in
finity. He also gave some in
formation on phosphorous and its
relation to colored television.
Hoyler showed colored slides of
the RCA labs in Princeton and t
movie in collaboration with his
Following the talk refresh
ments were served. !
COUKT SCENE Gamma Phi's practice every day for Trials and
Tribulations of Three Traveling" Troubadours," their Coed Follies
skit. In this scene the sobbing princess falls t the feet of her par
ents, the king and queen as the poor dejected cavalier entreats for
the hand oi the princess.
ratio to the fun there is in it.
success because she has been,
with equal distinction, an editor,
author, screen writer and lec
turer. That she speaks with au
thority on fun is vouched for by
Cornelia Otis Skinner, her life
long friend, who says of her:
"A Living Magnet"
"Emily is a living magnet
alike for high adventure and
mad disaster, and from all her
experiences she emerges trium
phant and more entertaining than
ever. There are plenty of peo
ple who are amusing some of tht
time and who are so profes
sionalized about it that they be-
Due to rail strike, Miss Emily
Kimbroufh will speak at 11
a,m. in the Union ballroom In
stead of 10 a.m. Wednesday,
Feb. 7.
come anything else but." The
person, however, who is spon
taneously and effortlessly amus
ing all the time are a rare avis,
St which I know only one Em
y Kimbrough."
Miss Kimbrough got her first
job in the advertising department
of Marshall Field and became ed
itor of Field's "Fashions of the
Hired By Magazine.
One day when she came back
from lunch, she found the editor
of the Ladie's Home Journal
waiting for her. Sure that she
knew what he mission was,, she
told him politely but firmly that
"Fashions of the Hour" would
now use his magazine patterns.
The editor listened mutely to
this, and then told Miss Kim
borough he hadn't come about
patterns; he merely wanted to
offer her the fashion editor post
at Ladies Home Journal. Within
a short time she became man
aging editor of the magazine.
Miss Kimbrough, or Mrs.
Wrench as she is known in pri
vate life, resigned her magazino
post to have twin daughters
which she named with character
istic good humor, A and B. They
have other names but as Miss
Skinner, who is B's godmother,
complains, "Not even I know
Stayed With Hollywood
When she and Miss Skinner
turned out their hilarious work,
"Our Hearts Were Young and
Gay," it was almost a foregone
conclusion that Hollywood would
snap it up. What the authors
didn't anticipate was that Holly
wood would snap them up, too,
as technical advisers in the film
ing of the book.
For the past several years Miss
Kimbrough has pursued a suc
cessful career as motion picture
writer in Hollywood. Unliko
many authors, who became im
patient with moviedom's capital,
she loves Hollywood.
"In Hollywood," she says,
"there is an awareness that ev
eryone around you is working.
You catch fire from each other's
work and there is always the
impetus to produce."
Miss Kimbrough is being pre
sented by the University convo
cations committee and the Union.
COA Will Elect
Officers Tonight
A meeting of the Candidate
Officers association will be held
Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Love Memorial library audi
torium. Dr. James Reinhardt, profes
sor of sociology, will be featured
speaker at the meeting. He will
discuss the question of "Amer
ica's Stake in Europe and Asia.
Election of officers is also on tht
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