The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1951, Image 1

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Vol 51 Mo. 76
Tuesday, February 6, 1951
Tax Boost
For Autos
' Requested
Tninian. Snyder
Outline Program
Administration officials today
sakea tnr several new lax levy
A proposal came front Secre
tary off Treasury John W. Snyder
for 20 per cent tax on new au
twraobllss and a 25 per cent levy
.cure radios,, television sets and
ctier electrtcal appliances. The
Jerks asked would be to help
congress was aswein cy one
Jfronan aidministtratiion to add
iwr psrccntagse points to federal
income tax rates, double the tax
sks gasoline and boost levies on j
cigaretts. aMonooMlles, appliances
a& other item.
The proposals would dotal! ,
Tuajie increases in both Jtee 11iies- j!
Piemen' tax on atitoraotoallei is ? !
per emtaasa on radio sets, etc., J
CawnoejQtlMDfi OH! tle PineSdleMtt"s :
$W mUma tax program, bmyder i.
rcTasim- (Use mocrease bearable
by the present eamonny-
Drift Vrz4
Of Eafflr4 Strikers
CflTBtempt prweedlkiigs
to a v e
fce3i filleni by Federal autooirBtaes ! me $tary lhiiySii It wfflS be fEnisibed
agaiimstt ttlse railroad jteiker. Thisrim bajfff colisieiii fcarkk with limae-
legI rarwcea; as a slow one.
To rearoedy tMs st(uatEn.'
Cteirman Graham A. Bauntos of:
tSte towuis labor comranilttee urged : ntemt, said the Meat lAifowattory
a aft off tft railroad unwirkersliwiiM ptowSe ttitae Utsiversity wish.
Ttoe cirippKiag wildcat strise wnMhet Bis Severn uswemty to" Fasiuilty jiiMges and AWS board
(MiiAwd by BaurdeM as a cause Scarry nut a program off research f mraeatubers will tatervcew thejean
fiow pJSRSuMle nUfsrw-wp w sftwrtatgerim the pmwcieasimig and utaizatiOT !! didatles for Typ5l jetoraska
f xaammMm in Krorwa. !if meat and Kneatt pisrflMct.',' He!: Coed at ffltse first try-ortt
ARer a etJewroce wittSa Ptess-" addad t2sat ffihe Isbscatory is Bt;;att 7:15 p. m. to Parlors xyr of ine
dtearot Tinuiiisa-siiik. deataocrattiic com-;: a peeking: plant, smd will root en-iVtmm.
gMiMi!iaH Beatdev SssaieJ a strowg !: gae in large-Masdle priMltoiL !! The giirls will wear
ewrMKsifflBitiflim of ttlbe stbrike. S Ttee fiajraRt UBff wiM provide dresses. At this time 20 of use
"CfewpWe deMta' is tttae me-iifinaKnE fw MHimg and tooMing ij caosdidat will be n"
tct f tSi KatMnmal rndtatsoiiii
aiiFer ssepanrame mmeTuras uuui mure-
amwp. ta' ow rwuar rauuj
WJoJle ffowaffi ariliaBa to Ooe
if" sitriPlar ii fitirttowseaiiag. aswd
ims to PirieHidtaatM Fsew SRwre
tary MspU Stonart.
A Mariwiis iW-iimuifte towwutt
mi Mima oamiK mewws, smn-ji
Sox AMjifl ttack ewtamuis ex-
luWad. , Ss2u m& (Atatmattiioai
" aiioiaisc ass W-Jsaiile lirwast. Aft
gmaiaiitt ttHwe wtoaBBiw jflsmtk wiftoSe
4" srciifesF off SwwJL
wun ttoir tttoe mSs affleT rsfirang
1fflmr.'?3b 21. wwile r owiffln ff Se
cxui11.. ibartoKllfflissf ttoe Swittftanetf rihty
off fttyawsift.
,ffleir ewrllsr sgaUian i' Jiwwr noiille,
vto iMtlhwr cntamos tsres tiilll
lAsiuic ifikkfiir watr ttarMrfib f
Mm. IS mniiifif aM
Am ret(etfl iiBiiMftviB wa l :
flour $w Ibwautt to'Jte to ttlbe HesSw-ii
I"iy iwonntatsw wff ffiiifttosiiD hm- k
ekr"lTl mWiUw ipsr yeaar weir eomlU i;
anunSjtoj; ttftw BWUiry ot' s4cte t
ttumifty gmGll sRtwt ttjntamMnar
xM iartotteriirfteiatt f ipwfeilac to-
Tit toil ww ttto tfirtf wwwau1
laws to tttawe rtrtHBiios to M yaaf.!!
Union Workers
Meeting Called
... itwKesiiiiK naff txmms. evessixm,
kmh) wswltews
1. AIEiC Aiffl HAwKse wtow u -
1Iyies?iil a iSHir to to
ttowo DiiffwtAwr uawe Tufflse
wiillll MKtf)il ffiBaaokttog aca ttlfc'
5rtUiTjii )ff t tteia
itotkw, w jwwsiii4teMt ff ttlbe
tawr'A, fttSlll aofcttnutt ttlbe Uwii.
ana wff laowisMl
inn rtbt to'wwtl. 1
(tKMairoij!Bte ffiwiatj.u; mxb iw-
awwi''tlJ)ae ismkII rwwiWwr swit.u'..
auNntwr fwwwwtiiw Mtiwi!Ct
im &w Ufa uttJe tf tfikie
uw KMWftiitilA.
Hrellf ffiil rSlinoaV
IRSewnaw fu weeaitow' ama
Ithsjir ffiiWa wuJil antteswH mm & totearanw toy ttftie aw- n- wwiW toneft ffivs sstsu- f day wilgjiC
ttwsi lfcW(Wilt!U4 a ttftie Gww ,11 ftiwwwntor: avMlifi!ed to rfiwtt fi wwniwafiSK awd it' miai-:, 'liea'Sfts; fs$tmt the diustiu- j1
Saw$5ker toiwleii, SftMiviUy, Teib.. tJ, ant jji Stow,toiv S'itas4iwe itivfjmisfl eemn' iwwwwii.. WwgiW '. sjini way$ to iiiwijiwove tltor r
1) aijwp.. AVNsi'ikfie.. a-Ha" frem ellilniif iflue wmwetl--!; gm&zSitm to lit'te,stoiip.. edtw-!'
Tii$xxr JSwtott lUww S.Jl.v fl tvmt to Cttewe wwwjriliikswwr. tttovtt Itu d-' tiww awd ftiw.wmwi'tty jser-feie, Ted ;
Oeftiltiitowi iMf.ii')tty,. 1w to ttiwe .fflmii wii'iii txjttimm to to" m fmhnm. a juswujIH f ! Idamtiw., Omw, pfwsSidei't If ttte
wwtJali swirv.. nuw vauK w
ants anwiwatll fwwi'ttikwsi m
w awe mvwf un swfl tt ttfee 55iW'
ww fiftub) f3i. A ayDti!ianiwt
jrwwu &w eem jiwwwsi ft1 tt.'.
T tif f
f 1 f I"! irf t p' f -
Building Blueprint .
. 8
......... ' -. - ... -. - . St- . . ;:v-
, "
Construction of
To Begin Early
o SIT fc.
Comlriirtw(ni of the Vmverstymstostim rooia, and offaces. The
Meat Laboratory will start early
s in vr
s University busiiness man-
The Lrrdhiaped hwmimg, wa
esjuupped The mann sec- devwg. meat crarms. bwi&r . m sjww xhe only dis
titsn is 112 feet long, 32 feet wide, .': making and meat canning; qualification i; t: 1 after a per
ajad two storto toigm. Tne wjng,,ffri1gerated store rooms, and . chamroionsliiiij
a 8 feet tog, 3 feet wide and
stawe trim.
PreL WaHisunm J.
Ivoefi Jei bead
wadlry depart-
of te aMmai hoisbandtry depart-
iltTaMaat, experajjiiesiitlal ff r e e z i tn g '
qjtiMptiiaamt, a rmeali oBruaunig weara-
- -
YM fo Show
German Film
At Library
.hi s- j(.i.o, 'im :
Taws lawman nangMaape sm i
. r.-n
veto, amiiffl urn, am
ff the eteBwcjill GrwSt satiime toy
Atogstoii, a Gmsek eoinat
dtaiiiaailMC TMs raui was pro
itfiuwned rio tfbe tmiotbu cesintory
EC, aaskdl lass saasue teem pw-j
(tftuwwfi to ewswy tiwumttey off ttSae'
twrtsrlldl to !uri)oiwe statfe vejrs&csiQS..
TJaif if WasvexS to be ttoe SEarat
ctr98 ttawttfflias9t off 'LyitRtiratla.."
Ttoe ffiitai ws diiffWEfterfl by AB
Ihrwdl Slwptffl wiiMta manaiiiE toy Atoas
JiiUeilkftkiitt'. 15 wa prodadl to ttlbe
Ajsnwateam ZW& wJ' Ajiiirija wiiitltii
ttft ajpfwiwall off ttoe UaaiiaM
sijrsasim off tHo CuBjiteii
gjaflfis Amwy,
Ateiietuuffii I&6 eww& surmS
Uirttot aKW toe )wmNl at aSat
TMCA odSiwae w t ttft
University Grad
Buy N etc pa per
! TRotoint A KmAstM, ffwusKW j
ixm-mtr wMtefoer. was ffsxrosd,:
to toto (awWifinefflMt wmm. m
(6 Www w iir JUL.
lne Grads
Delayed for 30 Days
rfHiHvi. ii sktaic ailtoMMi4t aiiW
"rtwilil Awflirtia M) aur cmMAuf
' jtikaiiiW!it tteroiiiwuiiietll ttw ttf.vtt
" Tte iwlfy jiwstiiii'wwiiiwtiit it to
ftWAtve wdu grimwtmt to ttiwii
wipllwii'iiaiitliit to eawenii4I Siwtfiw-
try VpsM ff waa w-
iivli!i,iV'iJtt iWsil tortnrvJj sSfevAuHiJl toe
imaeS to rft9ffw nf
.lirfS.sAribUMl.i: 4ivffl ffiWKJllffliMr 1Ll4l5-
iii)tttiBr. .
u,4lilll tor iiD.rK'towniiifivwy )WiiyMi
tj fc wi
11vfjtl JA- (wati&wd to tw'
A r vW&!twivf yw,
TMrty KiUy thrttw flbe w4 ff
IM4V rtV'. T. r--r ' '
. ....Mil ii 1 .111 1
l to ffww tie t'S!iii)-
HtiuiM iW ftu4MMit nMHHt to-
itwwl tftie aw to emm m
awy fcw:lht tl ttilne awwxtl to
Wiiitiaill (tor fto tftie r
jKriftfy tor JiiiK5iWViiit to KSivr
New Meat Lab
This Spring
second floor includes a large re-E
1Kniraiinr "laKinrmjinnw and
a meat cooking laboratory. The
;. basement unciajioes space ror a oy-
prodpclis laboratory for lard ren-
, tammoasA. storage space. , .
Faculty AWS
J '
TNC Candidates Tonight
namu. wtmm ume
srihri wiim be chosen TJtC at the
seexmd toy-omit on Tmesday, Feb.
IX Tne candidates wear scJuool
cBotnes for this toy-orat- The TKC
wiiffl be presented at tne ammusal
Coed Foiliines sSbow on Feb. Ti at
ttlbe MeVaska Theater and i
be spwnisoired by AWs. Last
year's coed was Janet Canr.
Tihvp eKMAafoes for TNC an
ttttDiiflr respestive faswsse are: Manr-
SlNnm ftoAwa. Milrilfflm WIW, Ail-
7,i imm SMh
l!gte, Barfearai BredtBiiur, Sama
i:K.atmiraa jaume ebiul. jluiu.
irr" i -pihiii- Bettr
Takes Honors
was the toflrromai sjam'jrawtt
sgsnsw at ttoe wssne clllles?e first
ajaasHUial towflatliiofflial ftweiMac tottior
Etwmiiemitt laflt weekend-
Laas, w is ffisfajmai&. re
cesiwiJ jsupesriiiw rattoigs to every
even toe enuttererfl 8to, daoii
swmb and 8bs exteropiwaffa!i
Biob SJtaiiwty was ttto ottlroer
UiBiwesnBiiity spato" to retttswe
swjseriior to sewseitm,
S&etwiwtojE iwsseiuleaitt rattos
wesrw Biwb Hasetoro.'., to Sftto,
autdl BwJe JiOtosewa. Jtos Wajsrasfey
autvdl Wayroe JtoBBB to dissa1-
Tea Uiwiiwwmity team pxrtM-
niled to 2 rmsmOs ff Sftwtt 4
itjtwe roatt, tw'tocsuiso JU tfibe 20,
La.e aiEtfl H.inetortifi4 affid
m aaa JfSt om, .
B6taB wat ff ftoe wemty
t tucwhw wotb: nimraow
K,ravaii swrofpjr (dwwjo".
vmim mm (twilted toy Seteitiw:i
ifcw. iwriii One iRM4leiAik- ye-:')t toner. W iwutill!y
.iffl W !WW to caiDM to amy : . a e Dr.. T, R. ood
liwiwsto ff fit- awd awvfc toy"1" w1-
iflu- too Klh pt'iVaS ftjjwiiin .
mv y time flwAiaMiii
ff ttftie sfjtaswll yeaw awv eifivto. W
rfiay. toetore ttftie ftwwiwiLaffliwiiis wte
Tiif stftwtVwtt WAWiyi rM toe
to (ifaOv mwrtiill tffusy DiianH fiinied
ItSneSr vtew.
?ewieiwTi MasiAilli1 aiSd "Thiaitt l.
swIWeiwitiii: wi!Siiiv- i5tof iDlir re -
5s?5 fwiI wtd twHef-e,, twe V'satsm'tiiiwiv eiwiiiditikttos a se -
sKes? ewroiffed to ttftie ArwJl m wiMlAfiity, George
wy w ASr riswwe Itesswe T';TSwiwd, Votwtn&ty SSmnvr ff
' t r.. r... u. ... .
... .H....
w:: for tRfyjIC fts" fmtftommt -
fcaill to f.w ffVtW'tft.'Wiieffirlt !' Tie
pmsm twe Miw-tttwe serw Aetiito waw gmm w wwm
rtiew ftww iwvJliiwiliwM wwer r.-rnmi'niikt frmi 1w'
wS sif-n rweiwwB to rw'i'
smmfe&t)m m to jsemr twa-
ByBlock, Bridle Club m.u kAAa
Women students possessing a
knack for riding; in the "tradi
tional" western style are invited
by the Block and Bridle club to
enter their co-ed riding contest.
It is the women's feattwe at the
Junior Ak-Sar-Ben showman
and fitting contest.
The University livestock show
i scheduled for Friday, Feb. 17,
and will be held at the Fair
Grounds Coliseums.
Contestants may use their own
horses or may ride University
horses. Bob Rami and Bob
Radin, co-ring chairmen, said
that a limited nurmtoer of ani
mals are available and may be
arranged "or at Room 205, Ani
mal Husbandry- KaH.
Deadline Feb. 19
Th deadline ' is two weeks
contest are urged to pick the
individual horses: they choose
ride at an early date.
A trophy J given to ther
winner has been donated by the
ati(m3ii . Bank- off Commerce. ji
Ijhi Trir-. nmnnber csne nraw rirl
rider was Jeanne Beckler. I
Any student .enrolled in the!!
UniversitT is qualified to take!
i in any one division of livestock
to Interview
Stratton. Janice Fulertiiom. Delta
DelU Delta; Betty Dee Weaver,
Delores Lovegrove, Alpha Xi Del
ta; Artie Westcott, Jo Ann
Knotos. Loomis ball; Lmelia Coo
ney Jean Holmes. Love Memorial
toaffl; Joan Knoeger. Barbara
Young, Gamma Pbi Beta; Phyllis
M, Heecbt, Dorotty GissBer, Wil
son tel.
Ewttoamn Irvine, Sylvia Krasne,
Sigma Delta Tam; Jaone Jadcson,
Jeanne Vieric, Alpha CM Omoga;
Bartnaira Boland, Doris Kendiie,
Towne club; Jo Efehards, Amy
Palmer, Kappa Delta; Maanfllyn
McDonald, Mama DtBri, Alpha
Oimarrm Pi; Hester Morrison, Ce
celia PSnkertora, Chi Omega; Bar
bara Anderson, Mary Jean N eely.
Kappa Alpha Tti1ia; GeWrude
Carey, Hattse Mann, Keskiience
bams; Julia Johrjscffii, Adelle Cor
yell, Kappa Kappa Gamma; and
Nancy KJesra, Betls Manrgarett WiDl
Ictos, Delta Gamma..
The present pna2i&aitioris for
TTTC li&eliuide sctDOfbrsnlp, person
ality, appearance, and Merest m
seJikwaJ awtcvities. T&e TSC final
ists will partidipaito in the style
sBsow Bander niarrator Janke Crfl
ley. Ski's and curtain acts for
Coed FoUiies will fcsave tryouts on
Fetor. 1 and Fetor. SL AWS board
willl journey to ewefa of ttoe wm
petiirag toosiisss for ttee teyoratts. Ttoe
sdhkfe is as follows:
7:11. AiWta Ctai Omwi
jfcilisttrtj mutfwo1 Wi
7 His 'Smamuti K S&ww
3H' Ttnrtu( Sutilli
Council Plans
A (r R vs i Ir f1
XJl IVl tlS t
Pre-Eaisaiirt tonsafclEart. an am-
iauJ Ag Gltej?ft' ailfffauir. i sctesli-
wsk toeffiswe Eawiwr, TSasee at
iij a.m.
Kiiowv wuesI wi
(fiwuftisiill jwwfiwlleinil. saM to! ltoisfMi'
ttlhia tttoe ffoflltowiwjg smiiwiiiittoe :
tHaauiirmwwii Km- fjaraed::
Wywe WKoiHK. fek Sfem-
tof'Stv IDtomiirua Twulkihtiunm aau.
M iu,Mt)Lfikv:
Ttoe ssrUrw wiiiM be ntmnme4
- llirll 1 Olltlt tl eel
Tf;f Ir SikTiei II.
a Miw-Wihf.i!iMf tlmtstitttjrtUe at the fJiwii-!:
w-y a imillieaw riVswed Jvaitiur-
1: &tle tottto(a, eoCTiitd '
AJike TrtlHkir, tseeremy fori
i . .-. . r- " i-
11..-. d.. Jt.. a. j..i..a 'A.u.u J...11..
iA teCTtof fSne f)wibSie tj Stora!
! YflnWJhi aiii'i:tiiss.. A wvwmifY
fawKW YW!w Esr5.?e deta'
to wimp tosw www,ir, told
he is ineligible to show that
same kind of stock again.
Swine. Beef, Sheep Contest
Students desiring to show in
the swine, b. or sheep contests
can do so by notifying Charlie
Adam's office. Animal Husban
dry hall. Deadline for these di
visions is Saturday, Feb. 10.
The dairy division of the
showmanship contest closed Sat
urday, Feb. There will be no
horse showmanship contest this
year. This contest was elimi
nated to u- down on the time
of the show and to allow time
for more -rial features.
AUF Seeks
Revision of
An executive hoard composed
prestaent. Two Vice presj
e"5. a secretary and a treasurer
subject of a proposed AUF
constitutional amendment.
Under the new constitution,
there' would be a vice president
in charge of solicitations with
nine assistants and another in
charge of publicity with seven
The new executive board
would replace the present advis
ory council which is composed of
the heads off the nine major di
visions and a director. It would
be repaired that the president of
ALF be a senior.
Ttoe vice president in charge
off soliCTtatJoinis and bis nine as
sistants wonuld replace the intri
cate m'hinery now required for
the coOartion of funds. Under the
present system, all requests for
soliaation wcjld go to the di
rector and advisory council Un
oer the new proposal, duties
would be more integrated.
Solicitations wflU still be divid
es! into fraternity, sorority, de
nominational, bonorary, faculty,
activities organized houses, and
independent divisions.
Punlicitty wflU also be given
amerodmentL Instead off the diivi- I Xew merobers off P!m Beta
sion toeandiiimg given this group to 1 Kappa will be awarded keys at
the present constitution, it wHS : a dinner meeting at 6 pjn. Times
be headed by a vfce president i: hsm".
with sevro assistants. Though ttei: Larae LmcatAr' Vfc1
vice presitot and bis assistants rVemm at the Lnxver-
kwiufle the some drties w speak era, "Abraad m
Htm m-wmmm ,i,JKrr itNMcuoR.
dtoties will be mori clearly de-
Dinner Will
Honor Eleven
Eleven seraors off the Sdlsool
OH' Fame Art off the University
wiill be BMroored at ttoe third
il amnual Fine Arts horjors banqiset,
; Feb. 15.
I An afcss by Dr. Howard
i; HasMom, director ff the Eastman
SetMwS off Minsk- to Kiwifiiester,
ijff. Y., will toigtoligSi tth pro
I sfjrams. Ttoe Unuiiveirsity Madral
Stagier oiusktSer the djrwttMm of
David FoBsz w31 provide the enj
teirtaitomeHit for tth ffltasSotii.
Fr seroors ffrosn toe, depart-
ment of musnic; How froras tine :
departoraeiBt- ff spieedhi, aimd three j
from the depfflrtsmiesiit ff art are !
m the Mmm ifet. Ttoe
off stanjJes'its to receive ttoe sward
lh ben liassiited to ellevem to arfid !
ngswft&msx to mine awards. Ttoe'
name: off ttftie etvm sFSmdenits are
to retmiaiimi steeTet minttiil the eve-j:
mitog off It?-; pmsentMkm,
aM-wety w
tt)t'1 wiw. CamSiidaiteiF are
irwrCWW ,-'"UOTm m naai J
. ' Tf ' , ,
Ajt .Vheflnle
""V: "T 7.
(i s wftn'I to limewlto
;i K- C Fwt, ftTttiwiDSDAWi
twtomOtmm. M tht ton.
(WWiliW!lUliS Hffll
slhieairtog wiilU b
". wmsstiTifitxi,
:; - - -
ar0 I If 1 llCHU AHnOimCCS
O ? 7
fnltinf Ifif Vn .
- IWllHIIW A ni A vdl
. ...
i p::-?-:-":. t.Tv-?)
m0'':iT ' ''-:X
! UftCi ......I'
t 4 . 1
i V '
J D.'e Crjf,
eiieffed '
SU Wednesday
Emily Kimbrough Writes
Movies Scripts in Hollywood
"In Hollywood, there is an
awareness that everyone around
you is working. You catch fire
from other's work and there is
always an impetus to produce."
This is the opinion of Emily
Kimbrough, prominent author,
lecturer, humorist and fashion
editor who will address an all
University convocation Wednes
day, Feb. 7 at 1 a.m. in the
Union ballroom.
She is a co-author with Cor
nells Otis Skinner of "Our Hearts
Were Young and Gay and
"How- Dear to My Heart. She
was also in collaboration for the
outstanding publication of "In
nocents from Indiana."
Miss Kimbrough is known in
private life as Mrs. Wrench, is
now engaged in motion picture
writing. She and Miss Skinner
went to Hollywood when the
movies decided to use their
books for the screen. "We Fol
lowed Our Hearts to Hollywood,
another book on their expe
riences, was written after their
arrival in Hollywood.
After serving as fashion editor
off Ladies Home Journal, Miss
Kimbrougb became managing
edfitor ff the magazine. Earlier
she worked in the advertising
department of Marshall Field of
Chicago. She became fashion
editor of Fields," "Fashion of
the Hours."
Miss Kimbrough will be pre
sented by the University Con
vocation committee and the
PBK to Award
Keys Tonight
MUM.- icmdd
ttoejj.wveraty ttas year after
lAurtag these years be served at
Yale university and the Univer
sity of California at Berkeley.
Boyd Carter, vice president of
the (chapter will preside at the
meeting and present the keys. Car
ter has been in charge ff the af
fairs off the chapter since presi
dent Harold Manter received a
FuEbTight scholarship and sailed
for New Zealand to ttm4mX re-
These members, who were Jeanne nerk; historians Bar
named in November, will bej,1 Spfflcer and Mary Jean
given their keys; , Niiehaus.
WilSism EdmorodsofiL Aasdreyli "
Flood, Albert Herman, Dorothy
Kowrtits, Maryk. Liurther, Kidhard
McDonald, John Mills, Charles
H. Newel, Jr John CfSes Peter
Ps(rtjr SlimJS Re4 affltJ
' J
ColorftaOftn Held
T?sy Lilft TTif
11 LIlKll
A Colorado imtversSty stodent
5s to the ensstody of the la-yr
ffoTlowtog Ms emiiesemm of steal-
tot total of 45I-from
The stiudent told tJse police
rfbat roe hid a money sak coW'
H sariud thaif
'ft! spftvat ioW f the jswsey.
i estErwaiited at tWO.
j. At IfcwcfctogJiiawi park, p
:Lft' eanrtyon, he famved the
ieheKk au.e sowi tlfar isstpers.
Offifflsri TKported that maay off
' 0se stivwk- were wwty partly
3 biuirmed wtoi foiawl
- TV ffliude took the strew
rwjmi wtaUe Ifc meirober were
e diwrncr. He left by the
' fare espe.. He forwwwly was a
KrwiibPr f &e trxterrMy.
'! mentis to flihe new biifiei for
Trie aiuwyiintnieihit are a. fol-
1 tow.:: ffweiarji Mm eh&trmim, WOT p M Story" started Monday n
' W a v e; .inMincsfitiiWi,. Lewttard r Nebraska citoe and at tht
1 Kiutsn aund En.gee Wohteer; piub- j Urm'ersity Scftwol of Joeraalism.
jlimSy, Daw SwiHteer; KefJcMwmsj Wednesday mamia i 8 and
iWeMaire miumieiiL Pete; ift s..m., this 2-Witeikte color
: fetk-fwimrai -port,. Darrein Ct-i iivje will be ahown to the Ufsl
, tiiini3hfin.; tmwM jFtwdent cftair- f versi:ty JoumaliSOT cUsse.
1; Km ptmztmA thea towwa- WwM KfaM fe
rfe, Jiiirv pw; prtr, tfftnbtrted. It
, pirj".rriw, KiwEy lel.o(s; IJjstort'
X.Lfjili f"!Jf,fti' llAW AvfUii.
The mewly eleeted ofJieerf are:
,' first ve pT'esTdent, WflLiam
;BfTOs; seem! ne presidetst and
i'wxsiia'1 rbai)rwjaif, 14' C?wwover;
'sswetory-tfeaissiim; Ned (Zatsxer,
:iifetrwt represefttatiive, Balpb
j: WawmemaiiK.
i: Tbee wnew ettmpme the emu
pDefle YVJCA fabtoet.
Tt.e ti'm reifiw biwfiies' weet
k,e f fltii ttouij will" be held
, Wdiiy evewii'iiK, Feb, , at
- U. JL S3 O
t x-- V
; ..-
i r. m ,1. ;, in, in, ,.ii
Home Ec Club
Elects Councl
Of 20 Coeds
The Home Economics club at
their last meeting named 20
members to the Home Ec coun
cil. Candidates filed, and went
elected by an all club member
vote. Club members who wer
candidates for offices were auto
matically appointed to the
The new council members;
Betty Kelso, Jean Holmes, Jo
Meyer, TSomona Laun, Beverly
Kunic. Barbara Eaun. Marilyn
Barnesberger, Beverly Carlson,
Carolyn Gierhan, Clara Greger-son-
Doris Kendle, Lois Kieck
hafer and JoAnrte Knotts.
Elizabeth Cass, Joyce Kuehl,
Lois Larson, Shirley Miles, Aha
Mae Reinke, Ardyth Smith,
Phyllis Zeilinger, and Beverly
The council is making plans
for an annual style stow to be
Feb. 21 at the city campos Union,
' The group also lays the founda
tion of ttoe home economics stat
convention to be held this year
in March,
The Home Ec club also will
work m co-operation with the
home ec department in opening
the doors to Ag campus in tr.
form of a hospitality week for
the high schools of the state.
Home Ec club officers are:
President, Joan Raain; vice-
presider.t Joanne Engetkemeier;
secretary Janet Ross; .treasurer
Dr. Sorenson
To Address
TC Students
Student teachers wl hear Dr.
Frank E Sorenson at a meeting
today at 4 p. m. in Morrill hail
- This rneeting flioold'be attend
ed by all iStrderrS who e-xpect to
teach durtag 3ie 1951-52 school
In his address Dr. Sore&son
Willi explain three faictors in the
teaching career. They are; the
need for trained and orjalified
teacbers, improvernent of salary
and retirferiing of servke to tfc
cftOTwranity and the luti'on.
He win stress the im-portam
off filing credentials while ,!
knwwn at the UnrverKfy and mil
clarify the procedare & register
'mz to teacber pTacefnerst dtv-
Acwdtog to " Dr. Sorereson
there fs a need for e!emer.try
ajnd jseconifery scJsool teaefcert
and therefore, teacher in this
field will be assmrred of a porrfion
and a fetter salary.
Dr. Sorencwn is fr. chaL-ma-n
f ia (department off edcatfoial
Journalism Film
To Show at NU
Showtojsrs of Th World Ker-
educational and cbwrch
Herald is fa
cfuarge of bookings.
PcmiUMiw are available
t?e erfitorial Uf( for Crm
mt. Any tdetrt teiemt-t-4
in wriltttt inr the wmgx
xlftw ha aa p9wrtMKr ff
a4yrc fr tfeee ptmtitum.
AAyMe fJ8terre4 twy repwrt
to row J ia the bmt
tA the X'ttUt betweeM 1 tl 4
, . WediteiMlar, Tlrtfr4ay
f4 Fri4jy thin we.
W ' iiCV lrifK S C 4YMCA, tea aWW t-tl T,w Je.