The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Monday, February 5, 1S51
o o CCoow Yur P
Raise School
fey June ltnrtnH
A mam with a Irrijeaidly smile.
oo& sense of buxnoxr; who seems
to hswe plenty of ttmoe for every
body. That a Frank E. Henz
lik, Daam cd the College off Edu
cation. Tim, with the slogan, Any
one mlhoi to wt cam have
m Baelkwa good time in this nr-
fanHratirm DeiLQ Henzlik busies
himself with the ssaany projects
be has created in the promotion
of touetter education throughout
toe state- Among those pro
grams be has in the offing are
cines in (citizenship, feeshmam
crientatian, and research bsex-
"We. in this (College, says
Henzlik. ""are trrinE to prepare
teachers in elementary and ihijfh fflnuak . The (fleam ff the College ff Ednsratiom jafcacie USUI
school educBlion for every oaten-1 sits ail his (desk strpervising the many akctrffities thai go em within
I ' ft-
I v , - S 1
I ; 1
' " ... j
j (lm
o o o Author
To Speak
At Convo
Campus Monsier . .
tj in this state.""
The dean alsss belies thai
every teacher should go thmugh
a program cf selective
tration, This way, the student"
potential qualities tain be discov
ered and in turn (developed into
jopd teaching Qualities.
Many Interest
1b order to Ibe a goad educa
tional leaden," Henzlik asserts,
'.one aBUKt have an interest in
children, he wraacious. and have
a Strang belief in teaching.'' j
T.s lurfher his cuOTUctiaa, fllbej
leaa has worked .out a isie-l
point program for all theme en
tering Teachers College. First erf ;
all. he beUeves that it is most
jrAPortant lor aoa ondrvidual to
recognize the iroportanne S
teaching amd learning. Subject:
matter training and praieeEionaa
practice in the best teai
methods tallow.
"5T Heel ux job after prep-;
aration,,, lie eonttnue, "is to see
taht our trainees get (oriented
and ont fhair joSa.-" With a ol-low-up
program for H their,
jgraduates, Teachers (C(S)lllle.ige
anafces intermittent check-tups
and advisory jreport to Ihelp
them an turttier adjustment and
imprawemenl in teaching meth
ods. Along with this, comes
their itD-servioe program tor the
Ibetterment id the student'' wn
"H 3$ (our oal to (dewelop pat
teins I Bjena-vior in teachers so
that they in turn earn .suide the
children toward toeaoming bet
ter citizens in their eommunitj,"'
said the dean. !
VCiuzuui's COucatutB
Tt 3s more important to edo-j
cate wometi tEhan tmen,-" Ihe eon
tinued, "from the standpoint
that it as the -woman who is the
ibasie unit cf the tamny.-"
Henzlik alae stected that a?
women bad a part in the pres
ent world situation, there
would be a imucto greater mhanoe
tor peace than there is at pres
ent. The Teachers College (dean
also 'keeps a icaneftfl aiecord of
all bis .graduates, xaaking a
study every five years iof their,
progress and improvement. From
this survey be bas also eerme to
the (Conclusion that 28-28 per-
bis mealna al the Omiroersiry. H is a aaaenibier 1 IS.SLA, the Asso-
ciBtian of College and TUnawersily pmoHefisors. the Mtararika Edia-meraeiSkc fflaei "We Foltowedl
The (tio-autttar J' "Oiiar Hsaurlts
Were Yoanne ankd Gay wbII ad
sftres ana affl-UawersaSy ciumioca
ttiomi Wedroesday, FHa. 7 at 1
at- mo. inn the Vlmxm lnHi'mmi..
Enailly Kiwrntoiwiiijim, wbtt is
pmbito!)y test toaowan four ber
ws'iecife' "j2h CDmeMa OJj Skiraraer.
is also miQitted as ediboir. llectumr
asad screen wnifler. She is s&m
aaalbor toff Ibe teest-selter. The
ln!iiaOT!nit.s tbrexma ltoaiia'w amd
muamy aithcsrs.
KuMrasTm flip. jari'alUe Me as Mm
Wieokdh. Miss Kisatibmiug3ii is mow
engaged mt jsnsmm ipirtaame wral-
to Koffiywrnni aSteir the umMWies 1 4
(decided to vtse thear Ibowk tornf
the siareem. FisJItowiiing Itihedr ar-1!
iwal m fioiJIlywiad. the two'l
wrote auawfiber bsaok hsms their ex-
tian associatian. FM Etelta Kappa. Fba Dte3ta FShi Mascxas aaad is a
tnatrnn tor Eastern Star.. Be bas written many paampWets tor the
Unapersity eactension iiriisian and arlicles tor aber jomoilessiHnall edia-,
cation magazines.
eent oi ail elementary schawl
teacbern, 40-42 percentt f sw
(Dndary school teadhers. and SS
4J0 pereent of al superintend
ents and principals in this state
(Cialiooa of CoBe&e and Uimirarer
sjjy Pnofefisoi, the JSebrasika
State Edittcatianal ABsoscaaitiom.
Om- Hearts to BoiEfa-wnarod.''
MiRS Kimiibnonagl) bits served as
the tafbiraia edatoj- rcf L.diies
Heane JiMunaall axiod later tostaainse
amanagiiing editor.
jfc . J.. Ml iMu..vVSvMtog.Ay..
II !, ..ict, jJiiiimn IIMIIMIMIMIIIIIIHL ... yiMillllWill y - ' 1 y
! . I I - - rU:; :
!'' - ft, i
I '$ k-., 1 , ft
r 1 P i i-iy n .
fx y, (j v-j I. I .) -,x Mi.; 1
l ; v I tfk I
t J
i.;.-" ";x.
hasM meueisved mart er all of their j Eastern Star.
training" tram the UnwBisily. Be has also ptihlished a wam
hmvar Enrbllneut i bar iof pamphlets fm ttbe Ctaa-
This oBege also boasts f I 'ersfty Eactensioin Mrtsian. the
baring the largest enrollment 1 1 Bulletin of the AssuciatiOT) ff
.any college at the imrnersxry.
EaTibier. Mjss KSaaalbawiuib te ii XKE mTBBtGT" Km. this raw-tamed creatinine 5s una the subject ff ttbe rwcenit sramse bit tat ttbe cemlteT
her feast olbw5ib MarslhalD FiieliS i tentesn&ftt ff.or these ttw emtterpirijaims moiutReaiiinm esrperlK. Dwim Fefturmsary, HJnuwsmsatry stotfientts wffllll have
ran juena .app r ica irrat, ; (department. She later becamae 1 1 fcaa mmsiiuwiiiinii amdatorituiimL at 3 sumS 4 ta eacto SuraBtay affltiprjasMsiinL The fflmowies aire free,
Masons, and its a patron I the jjftiiHo editor of Fields, Fato- :-
ion at the B.OMr.'"
Fowid I HiffllBywwjioxd E3'e. Miss
Kimbrwwg)h says ef hta' bwnwe,,
"Tin Slollywiciad, thane is am
awamemess that eweryifflae amumaid
Eicht! so, lor. according to
Henzlik, ""Oitr whole culture (de
pends (On the education we pro
wide tor (Bur children, tor in
them is the hope f the Suture."'
,cnm geaching ibusineas tor a long
time. He was a teacher in Mis
souri public schools tor throe
years. Superintendent of Con
solidated Schools art FancetL
Mo, Superintendent f Public
Schools art meKalb, Ms, and an
instructor at summer sessions of
Nebraska State Teachers
leges. He eame to the (Dnisex
sity in 1824 as (department chair
man in school administration. In
1BB1, be became earn af the
College I Education.
Other Acitivitie
Nebraska School Boards, School lyoio is making. Tnu cateto iliiine
FwnrnTHv amfl a bsst f arti- I tmma eatih alba" w.cwik and there
ides Sor the 3Jtorasfc Ediuca-is always am impetus to pmo-'j
tianal Journal, American School jdaiite.'" i
Journal, ISIorth Central
Dinosaur Education Program
To Include Film, Specimen
""HiuaaJing Animals f the Pasf" (diuw sized diaaosauur ftouniftd toy tube; its teinaain wiaidh wacs the size ffff
wiill be shtwm im MiOinnill Hal , Cainnegje MiuseuraB f N,r Ysark a watamiitt aiad a dlmtstter f roans
aucituriam aft 3 and 4 pam. eadh Oitty in the "tab dmwmtMas. .tiMnds nan its pelvic legatnni wbkb
Sunday (dmnning the isnoiiDfflh J'i MiusBuaan prepsuratoir Hemryjiwas W ttuainies tours"' ttoaim tbe
Febmuary.. The immroe is tree- ffiider tEttitaSJly emmmplletted ttbe dimo-1 toraiiia. This setTOBind nbraiim'"
Afifiocia-UDtn (Q.uarter-ly. Kations . VX)XUlX'rV 1aXlCerS
Schools, School ExecBtfcrwes Mag- i
azine. and Ediacatioinal Method. "ElC'Cl Ijieil IaUIl
Too. be is the axtthor f the j
jfiies f Public School Boards.'" ' mained Glean Baran as piiesidemt f j ffiUffW AowTiins bsw iauntt aaainaals ; a&mm bd : taol amxfl rrear tates.
Aside tram all bis aunoro-
phshments, Henlzlik still finds
time to teach a ciourse in the
He meceiwed Ms B.S. tronn
Central Missoura State Teachers
College at m.arrensbur, bis
12LJB. from the Daawersity ff
Missouri, atnd bis Mastef's and
their (danoe ignaajs fc- this semes- ,0- lot-aaed, ex- abwiut 14tt0W)J!H5) yesur aou He ; Rasw, wintb thus guaml adtattMWi
ter- .(tsre-ated and prepared tor display tsimt mniaae ffeett tualffl amd 2i:,to tihe awitoc-ttassm at Momiffl Halt
Eoy StoMer was maanadl vine . jcmjsaHnan.. ' fleet loaaat. The nreatiaire wei$hed ; tha sprmnf. s mmJlhuts: f scbwol
tnresidenl. Btona Bee TimMaawi, ll ' . : betweem six aind sewem touas. ij arfisiiilltflineaa wiilll natt be (rJiisappoiimtled
;be n the manmd i each scJhooll - r,.- ww Cra
S enan Ss ..'d the MwM - -
will bold
(meeting foam
The mew
Feb.. S..
He belongs to the ISational octor's (degrees tram Colitmbia TDnasersJly sqjiare (dame Satur
Education Association, the Asso-! University. '!'day, Feb. 17.
their aaext Sr,j WenUy embarrassed T OTVt f 1 f-. FtirTlfflfW Crirlc
Shom bv Recent Job Offers
The'elub will sp an aBj " JI
Five Foreign
Colleges Offer
Summer &ursc
YW C A Commission Groups
Carry Out varied Froiects
TSTCA eommissian groups that ,
ba-e been tanned tor the second j
semester are set am tunder Saur
new headings. These are: higher j
education, nation and world,!
personal growth and Christian
Aside from these eammiasianj
group headings, several eammiri-1
tees function in YW to carry (on ;
the warious woi io!f the (Organ
izatiam. Cfnder bighei- leducation, a
new-'ly-iormed group is the tu-;.
.derrt-iaculty eummtsskon. Ttus ;
group will imeet twiue a anuntb ;
and will entail an informal aneet- ;
ing (Of faculty anembers and tu-1
.fleirts to discuss pertinent prob- j
The fxike .aJts group will seek ;
! to explore tneligion ttirough (dra-
Students who wish to study I ma. music and art. lit will be
abitoad during the summer will
have less (difficulty in .as a
result iof the efforts .of the In
stitute 0f tDni.versity Studies
The institute, -which headquar
ters in Washington, has .an
nounced that arrangemettts have
(concerned with the walue to me
ligiun (Of the (creative arts.
(Qritios C4unnu8iun.
The (Campus (critics eommiaaion
wiU work (On an evaluation (of
.canipus activities and the entire
tUni'Veratty purpose tf higher education.
Slation and the woj'ld will et-
bring their waa luncb r cook ; the wer-aXl YW budget and
their lEoeaJkE iiaa the kutdhen at El
len Smith haHL
The senior eommissiaB group
is eoncemed with problems f
adjustment to lite after grasluat
ing from the TDiniiRersity and als
takes tup such problems as imaa'-
aiage melation.
tteranioBs where ananey is to be
spent. The assistant treasurer
bandleE all tReoeiptt
phant ball and ther prebastork"
Br. C B. Sdhtta teuseuanu (da- my f vmM s& . H sand tes bai a
jeitor. (decided to warned the ancbitterts tw re;uw.d tteear ile-, irwady eteii'll business ad
sitttatiom. A few years ago. Dr. ! "es fimw ttbe UinoVersily weme 1 (dresses ffffiir frw-aiiralls ff the roew
Schuto did wa "bwrse trad-; at wuwfc in mew .jVotos Ttoursday, " gna-diuufles aaad that mmamy fl the
Bag."" Be Jteied to exchange the j Dean Roy M. Gaean t the Vm- ;j aheas baw .ims.
skeleton ff a tthree-lted house 1 versify's College ff Engiiiiaeerang ; "The stiUidssDl aire fiOiiimg to
and a giant eaaaaefl for ne ime-!aind Ar.tM!ttJtuare reported. rirtk eaBliier tUhvaum itltaey (did
: -;' t yeairs ago when eBraploj'aiokec.t
1 wans St ut pt;a!t Deans Cream
added. Be explauined that the die
mnairjid fen- emgareriiag gjaditattes
teas increasfed trewfflnvdcwitslty source
1 lat year amid that wmaffly ff the
, reoriUKsts he ba recei,ed tbr
I, tnaamied persowctiiel caaaaaott be
The Umtited State taw a erii-
California Coed Violates
Traffic Rules; Lands in Jail
and ine trepiiesentatiw is present
Summer ettunseling iis (discussed 'j at the Student Cundl lmeetings.
in the eamp eaunseling group. 1
The idisaussiQns range i noun t Lrf f Hhm
Most IDtniraeraity stundcuats oe to r&olaile paaikiiiftg miuiles atnd ree-
A membership ommittee auso pjatoj jj im$ Beaula- Ij ness antfl gaiiaed jumttlto pubhoity..
tunctions an true .campus laion. Venr tew eases actuaHflr II Dale Bocwm. J!K year Id tone- l .sniic sbowiiiJip sA esiiiiaaiter iki ttbe
Tw YW flepreserjltatiwes am l nm Km i4hniw fcnilUin t3hvw ; mMidra11 -Ktuidanit. tefiuaed to adl- ; fuMtmrn wr1liie.iiiaai1hr ami mhe
am the Beligiaus Welfare eaunci Waited inajlcm reauaatiums and i! Bemelw imOhte fi&ters who 11
hws ben fined w sentanted. i went to bei- apastmeaat to sense ;j atiooa,, ttbe Deaau sa-wH.
Hrvever, Uut f grjpuig is saM scumnwns tor tw turafffic tviwia- m hjteve$ that laat yew's re
(uutw anoutt the pauikutg uattauo jtiuns. m M 1lemMFMr Hws ff
swimming meguiiement to plan- A UWL .emr im$ m- esaist, baMaaafi Jaul Mias Birtwwm ;iuaiie& 'toesAarmom 4artee
mmg ff eatnpetuprams. . essptuai;y 4T..uaen.-, to kx to time ac H5' tteifgraphi- s,w. e. .imiica. T.l.e
Cummvny erute. Aft t walWTl V''1 - ta!ltttKy te M ; anuidter ff bigb stbool graduate
The .commuudy service .group Ji- JtXHtI 0ja Umver-say ff CaMurma ; ft would be ; ZnWuoz ta2w&nM
wjuH study and ueam une r.umu- 1 rwr,,, A.mnira-u. eampus, (Une saaacKsut (aetuaesi ajw 409- her mase
tions ff the various institaUons j " - " - - - ' Z i rrrt-. i sh" and be flnwmfled be- ZJTZZ, ZZr
Yc77ja SfVIIT 11 lwe "B I ri0imec f a year ago, wtoto ia
f ILiincoln. The tmembere of this
group eonxrautne no tcne wkimw a speuiaa cuua aa wur iwxuwki- s ut.B v i rf- ik, -1 . .: ' -
PSlSSKTar Viaus iJl he tedmioue, n use ; A are aaational aaU B'laE .STm''9 Etea-
groups. 'pttters todsy.. Unduded are ;show tfhe PeurJama Academ?- ws is Aw tUkwt esen
Discussiotvs ff -religiou and Ms ; soiled, thrown, .cast and hevra !ejf Fine Ait eiitiib.Ltion being; , '- hfu ns - flo3ile'eiii( ff sttettii-e
place to the world, predesuna- pveuts; anfl gLaa whidD are rep- 4 tlut; tMt!M. euunection S? ST iL aaumter ff engineer,
toon, anew fcutings, mehgion and , LrrtW r iboth traditional ; J t.tL ..T .J."'' JW wwfld to
science and evolution are held to !n WJumeUd pmoowne. " ",VlS- as Hmred to ap-
TVkAAn .wnmnrtlcviAW vtirff Irt r tic u
anous European lutiiversities to a group titled mufiA .organ.
auco .oiimmiM .crn rri 1 vtirriCTrimm
Sor American students.
In the past, Americans inter
stcd in eombining summer
ttraval and .study abroad had
either to write to the tuniversi
ties tor information or apply tor
admission ma arrival an Eavope.
fence tmost of the aimv.ecaities
limited ietiroHnietrt (during the
summer students Sj-om the Unit-;
d States were .often irelused ad
onioaion because (Quotas had been
The iuatrtute, by snaking pos-'
ii)U advanced -registration.,
guarantees that .much past ,con
lusion vt-an aiow be avoided.
The live amiveraities where
summer school v.iU be arranged
are toe iuUowing:
The Sioibontie, Paris, F.ranue.;
jVLadrid tunwerahy, paiu; tDni
versity ,cff srxibourg, fcwitzeilaud;
Oxford tuuiveraity, Esigland, and
the tKniveratty .college, D.ub.Un.
The iinatrtute us ttnuking an (ef
fort ttt see that Amer.iuats will
bave proper transportatiou tu
the (Bourses. It bas .approached
the transatlantic (Carriers aaking
them ttc muike spaces available
Sor students who have registered
with the institute.
The institute, in (ooniuncfion
with travel agency., bas also
prepared a senes ctf tours uti
icannection w.irth tthe summer
H'ihwtils an Europe.
Aij'ne interested in tregMei
fltig tor .Study auruad mury write
ttie Institute f tUaniversiily
attudies Abroad in Washington 1
22. C
nationaJ (Orgatiizatiarts strAvitg
for world lunderstanding. The
group will also (Contact to'eign
students and attempt to increase
its Iknuwledge international
The eurnetrt affair group will
strisve to "keep up with the
limes:" TetrutUve ti-ips .are Ibe
ing planned to Siehxaiika legis
lature sessions.
The ihumaD tfigirts eoxmreussion
will work in iconnectiun w.rtb the
.current .affairs group. Tliey wiU
study the eunietrt mationuJ trend
towards .curbing racial, .academic
freedoms. Scheduled work In
cludes ome action ion the Mc
(.Carran ,at.
The social service tours group
will w.iart and discuss such mtsti
tirtiotis .as the imetrtal hospital,
hoys mttfur-matory and the (Ortho
pedic hospital.
f erauiiail Ciruwth
tCnder the ttieadkug .of ipersunal
.growth, a jaon(UsiQusiuun gwup
wiU Ibe btild. This group is luauai
3y (composed iof ILincdiu gir'ls but
is mot re$5tricted solely to ttkee
girls. JBook treviews, informtd
inieetuigs, and (outside speakers
rfiwnstitute tthe program tor each
Thursday imrain. The giills inay
ic.ttf:ir w.rrvBr nauti. i .. tTA..;.i iDiicmand J.uoiiee. nuts auepKM :
Comparator religior Ibears mx& Thttmae sheffMC 'tr aho'Mg aot w,riks by 1 LZZ '
KS Toap graup Z J?ajlf Kw teirt3a MtiJtee n .student mOmX H. E.
ducats TSS ftoS ;rwhi 7 h ff students,, sid. j
and plans worship programs. itrL,' . T7 777" i
CJUimai ,.. u; .... xfifiks:" and Seller submitted a .1 Ue AWKMIW
Otto Kattler;, ILut, Angtiles, Cab- ! east sstorne scuhtone titled, Guam f 'f Mfsl MfZilM
Sotiur; KKvlur Schmeckengost,, j'"Mairy.. p,i-u irim;kwMiitw tiiHMt'
CleMelaud, Oiuo. Maoduoed j TMste .dited MJ&m .J, ff. S'S fEATCEES START
- - itt.i i. w...a, wsimh WRi'sny aau ioenrawuB. bw bib . . . "ry '"y
tees eomes the eotaerenoe eoops - -r- .7 'in,4uted ,m a atittvil euMUwa. . :t. FattltaW Wffli
The group Which explores
(Common beliefs fur a wwrUd
.L' attempts to see tiff a -woM
(Church as possible.
Even to ptaswSiWiae,, ttbe estrawaie
jtjws. undiustoy alone meed 211
(UUB to SiWiS) gradiita!tes eattlg
.The present etnergejaty swully
sbtjws to intrease tttie shwtage
and tSt (danger ff Hailing to aneet
iist . Dean Cream said.
w. W. ;wr X3V ZZ :t tUams at borne When
.group wiuen warn wneuww " The Cher uswi was the ac- : A lb
fUM-tlln .t.i.irtMHt 1Wfiki niMiw'v S-AS.
possible to supenvise ff.unCU.-ais- ;tuiitua, are also n dta.. . UB. ky wte'i '"VeadeJta. J,
wigSortlieTW.. feuppiemeuUne tiie rtubsuu i1' MtKig tw k ! began trtes winta.;, uo tows fta. H. rL 5u
The (Wfifioe staff ,uommtttee iwill be .daUy cwraonstraUms m iMetouipoilJitaiu Mttseww Shw to esUteng flrwrai .sttideiH. .vHuppsug 5MIffill tM, 2X1,
takes ane ff extra Mttwe wur'k. tlie putters wheel and a special! i, . .j. ,Mel Mie toee ffepwrted. 7r4tL
The pej'soimeJ eumroittee es-
tabhsiikes ;all personrutl policies,
regulate problems aud b ie
scrtptions (tiff the TW staff and
series off gallery talk.
First, of tlies' (lemonti"taun
lertures was guio y.etsei;da.y lb,v
Thomas filwff leltl, iUMtr.Utur m
(ceramics; at ttilie tUitaKMer'aity., E.
The May anur.ning breaklaat, ' Mutt Uteris, (cui'titw tvS atrthwpuU
ftittld the (day after Jy day., iis a ,uj anusemtt. (fe u
(Ereahmun pw.iect. flit ii a social j .ued ttbe pari eerianucs play
event bald ttur imotliais and ttUeir .. liiU .jtr.ctkeulwgiciil trteseamuh.
IDxiivvemrty (daujltrters.
The .aiuro-tacutty inews-ilattar
eommittee Ikeaps An (OUtrUitst with
faculty imanibars, wiio nay be
bonrry W anenJbers,, par'.etrts
(f W imantbers and tttuiweasuty
TW alums tfron) the ttime iof tttkeir
graduation tor three years.
The represerttatwe diauuuJl has
been turmed tor the purpoae tf
publicizing .all TW actKvities.
Tike finatkue (smmnuttee 4unUes
ft .w
AtumUun HuilnMi, ttwu uiini itinw jUvhII
ui- t 2iuii, i.r HHu.itu uutti.
4nw DHMttiui. iliwl -wii.iio in- i(h?(Uiv
MIIIMO Sor .urtnt' wtt WIK '"Wties 'tn
ntfc -S vvunni. litt Hi -h) -fcytn-rtm
wl ittuw utm Um-iUi tl'hik
.wuRctiiHiii!. n .o(i(w iinrtfi(i Unit nwi
jqtumt.A(nkv miplynwml nt'iae fish ctluor.
r.Hi:i-iw. ' mm 'Ml'. ' .ii-ttift mtlinr
t9.ii" Miiwr - jwj at. tm
fur Cclieje i&rtturtet trifi IxJKXtwt AttMmis
Znnmz Quits Yes A
Cheo Hot I FnriE
iKtweittirig, itiesiponuible ipuattiuns to lniuniHtwndiiiing. ad
.!v!tisitE, fasiUion, imauaeumaitt,, parauuntU, ir tleailhiug
awau imi and woman graduates (Ml the turemwl AiiikioUl
f ihwtuUiiig. A utwnvr graduate prograni Heading to
IVlusU-.i'ls .ttf.iiHt .cumbtties practical lUKtbrnctiuu, anurfcat
(inmiacts, and suptuwiaetf wur'k eptuminue mv&b pay
in 'leutliMg We.w Twi'k Stones. tipeuluU hmwms Itwr
ibuolrtUui" .degrme eundidates and lor aitd&"e students.
I si.w fiflDESjSHB I
k mmmzDmmi rcoDucnon
at'po'?uus psios!
- IFOR M(3KtQW "1CN! rCTiir
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SUIT MutiniliM ,.kr.v " MlC
liiuiteil ,les L,.aary
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