The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1951, Image 1

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Vol. 51 No. 75 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Monday, February 1951
Y W Rendezvous . . .
, '
THREE RING CIRCUS Ellen Smith hall was turned into an in
door three ring circus Friday. It was the setting for the YW
rendezvous. The "Circus" was held for the purpose of acquaint
ing Y members with the various commission groups and com
mittees they may work in second semester. The groups are
scheduled to meet once a week throughout the semester.
' Sixteen Groups to Present
Penny Carnival Booths
Penny Carnival booth partici- rection of Bicky Lou Nedrow.
pants were announced today by. Alpha Chi Omega will play a
co-chairmen of the show Peggy; "Pin Ball Machine" with Beverlv
Mulvaney and Donna Grueber.
Sixteen booths will fill the
Union ballroom Saturday, Feb.
10, for the
selor show.
Kunc in charge.
enny carnival will remain
open from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Satur-
annual Coed Coun-jday. Tickets may be purchased
llrom representatives of organiza
Orsanizations entering hooths.! tions entered in the Carnival, in
persons in charge and theme ofithe booth in the Union or at the
entries are as follows:
Adelphi with Charlotte Mason
in charge will enter a "Dime a
Dance Halt" theme.
Towne club will enter "A
CI nutauqua" under the direction fore 3.
117 1 T-i 1 11 in
vumens nesioence nan win
sp. nsor "Throw a
Coed Counselor board members
Must Punch Tickets
spectators will cast votes to
choose the winning booth. A cud
will be presented to the winning
group. Ballots must be cast be-
45 p.m.
order to
vote, a spectator
WU must liatHi Viic? fiilrt vi .n V. .A K.
Dart with : ;,; ;; ":: 't ".u c" UJ
ajk. i.uc viii laicuatrij 111 Liiiiiuc.
Mary Hubka and Janet Carr,
AW. 4 V ,V
Sima Kappa with Flora Ann
Buotel as chairman, enters "Lot- j
tjT lilt tr- ' tu xt r. 'ticket distribution; Jean Loudon
. a-nhl W'th No"uT?eTrland Jan Abhuhl, food; Wonda
Pn mi"ThiPOnSr 3 WheCl f Bott and Do Christiansen,
t JrJ n a- 'clean-up; Ree Mangold, judging
ft, v pal?aT1Wllrd!fland Wee; Lib Gass and Tish
play "The Thmg" with Ann Gnf- gwanson, publicity; and Nanci
us in charge. jDeBord and Mattie Man, abl-
Kappa Delta will sponsor whatnots
i is yet a mystery theme. Jo Rich- j ' '
art1 will direct the show. j
Kappa Alpha Theta has a
"Good Luck wheel" manned by
Anne Teigler. j
Shoeing Gallery 1
Gamma Phi Beta with Pat Pat
terson in chr.rge will run a
'Shooting Gallery." 1
Helta Gamma with chief Phyl
li: Mnyer will open a barbershop.
Delta Delia Delta will present
"Ye Olde Doughnutt Shoppe" un
der the direction of Pat Clapp
Chi Omega has a "Tunnel of I
Love" with Marjorie Moran in '
charge. I
Alpha Xi Delta will sponsor 1
"Harvey" under the direction of
Shirley Stehlik. -
Alpha Phi will give "Some
where Over the Rainbow" direct
ed by Norma Lothrop
Alpha Omicron Pi will presen
e "Television Set ' under the di
To Meet
Builders soon will put into ef
fect a new plan for attracting
students to the University.
The plan will involve the for
mation of 20 districts within the
state, each headed by a district
Under the district chairmen
will be several leaders and
workers in the larger towns and
cities of each district. Alumni
and students on vacation will be
asked to call on outstanding high
school students to try to interest
them in coming to the Univer
sity. ... Suggested by "Potsy'
The new method of contacting
students was suggested by Ath
letic Director George "Potsy"
Clark, who found "that the plan
worked very well in contacting
The new plan will implement
several other Builders activities
which aim to attract students to
the University campus.
These builders projects include
their work at the annual Nebras
ka High School Press associa
tion, band day and pep conven
In addition, Builders publishes
each summer a special edition of
The Daily Nebraskan. Issues of
the paper are sent to each pros
pective student.
First Glance, another Builders
publication, is sent directly to
Nebraska high schools to help
acquaint students at these schools
with the University campus and
its activities.
Pre-College Orientation.
Builders workers will contact
outstanding students from Ne
braska high schools. Through
these contacts, the organization
hopes to orient prospective stu
dents and answer questions
which they may have on any
phase of University life.
Civic organizations will be
contacted. Groups such as Cham
ber of Commerce, Rotary clubs,
Lions club, and Masonic lodges
will aid Builders in their work
by supplying them with names of
outstanding high school students
in their respective communities.
It Happened at NU
One hears often of the absent
minded professor, but seldom of
the absent-minded student.
Recently, a student walked into
an overcrowded classroom, sat
down and began to real his rela
tive physics industriously while
the instructor was going through
the preclass formalities.
The class began. The instruc
tor had given the next meeting's
assignment and was well into his
lecture. Suddenly the physics
enthusiast jumped up and started
for the door, muttering something
about getting into the wrong
The professor, unruffled by the
incident flippantly remarked,
"I've heard of absent-minded
professors, but never an absent
minded student. Maybe that fel
low is preparing to be one of
those intellectual people."
Ag Y's Reveal
New Members
On Cabinets
New cabinet members of the
YWCA and YMCA at the Uni
versity College of Agriculture
and the offices they will hold for
the 1951 school year are as fol
YWCA program, Betty Hath
away and Barbara Crowe; menv
bership, Joyce Schroeder; pub
licity, Joann Knotts; Religious
Welfare council, Mary Richards
and Mary Niehaus; service, Ro
mona Young.
Know Your Community, Ann
Lambert; freshman commissions,
Beverly Carlson; Bible study,
Carolyn Ross; world problems,
Clarice Fiala; Thursday morning
worship, Geneva Burns, music,
Virginia Barnes.
Ag YMCA Bible study, Phil
lip Hain; comparative religions,
Paul Fenske; Know Your Com
munity, Frank Sibert;. social
problems in agriculture, Wayne
White; foreign films, 'James
Weber; Magnet editor, Charles
Stuber; membership. Owen Raw
lings; music, Phillip Hain; N
Book, Clayton Yeuter.
Publicity, Art Becker; sports,
Gordon Quick; Tuesday evening
worship, Don Reeves; Thursday
evening worship, Roland Ander
son; world service, Harold Teg-
el er
Planus AmoMoicced
loliii: 111 Foil
Fir slum 1
A joint committee of faculty and students Friday re
ported progress on planning aimed at revamping and
strengthening the University's fall opening program.
The general planning, under the direction of the
Junior Division's board of counselors, is being geared to:
1. Provide a clear-cut, expanded and official Fresh
man orientation week.
X', I
AWS to Name TNC Finalists
Feb. 6, Coed Acts Feb. 7, 8
I ft fe!
A 111 1TI Ml flitinOl' WILLIAM HALL An associ
niUlllill L1U11U 1 ale professor of education
psychology will address the
marriage relations course to
night in the faculty lounge of
the Union from 3 to 5 p. m.
His subject will be "Choosing
A Mate." The YMCA, YWCA
and the' Union are sponsoring
this series of talks for all students.
Tiekets on Sale
University alumni who plan to
fittend the Lincoln Alumni Club's
Chapter Day dinner Thuraday
evening, Feb. 8, should make
reservations by Tuesday, accord
ing to C. W. D. Kinsey, presi
dent of the Lincoln club.
Reservations may be made by
calling the University of Ne
braska Alumni Office, Kinsey
da id.
Dwight Gri.iwold, newly-elected
member of the University's
Board of Regents, three times
governor of Nebraska and former
director of the U. S. Aid Mistdon
to Greece, will talk on world af
fairs. Chancellor R. G. Guntavson
will report on the University and
Head Football Coach Bill Glass
ford will speak briefly.
.Coed. Follies skits and curtain
act tryouts will be held Feb. 7
and 8 at each competing house.
The annual Coed Follies show
is an all girl production sponsored
by the AWS board. The produc
tion includes skits and curtain
acts by the various organized
houses, a style show given by the
final candidates in the Typical
Nebraska Coed contest and is cli
maxed by the presentation of the
Typical Nebraska Coed.
Candidates for TNC will wear
date dresses at the first tryout,
Feb. 6, and will be interviewed
by the AWS board and faculty
judges. From these candidates,
20 girls will be chosen for final
ists. The finalists will wear school
clothes and will be individually
judged by AWS board members
and faculty judges at the final
tryout, Feb. 13.
Chairmen for the skit and cur
tain acts of the competing houses
for Coed Follies are: !
Skits Chairmen
' Alpha Chi Omega, Barbara;
Weishel and Shirley Schiedt; Al
pha Omicron Pi, Nancy DeBord;
Alpha Phi, Dorothy Elliot; Alpha
Xi Delta, Alice Frampton; Chi
Omega, Joan Hoyt; Delta Delta
Delta, Beth Randel and Betty
Stratton; Gamma Phi Beta, Bar
bara Young; Delta Gamma,
Norma Jean Myers, Sara DeVoe
and Midge Van Pelt; Kappa Al
pha Theta, Joan Alexander and
Jean Kain; Kappa Delta, Jan
Zlomke; Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Bailey; Sigma Delta Tau, Sylvia
Bailey; Sigma Delta Tau, Syria
Krazne and Sigma Kappa, Paul
ine Harmon.
The AWS Board will visit each
competing house for skit and cur
tain tryouts. The tryout s.edule
will be as follows:
Wednesday, Feb. 7
Alpha Chi Omega
Sigma Kappa
Residence hall
Chi Omega
filKma Helta Tau
Alpha Phi
Alpha Omicron PI
Kappa Alpha Theta
Thursday, Feb. 8
Oamma Phi Beta
PI Beta Phi
Delta Delta Delta
Alpha XI Delta
Delta Gumma
Terrace hull
Kappa Delta
Towne Cluh In
Room 3IA at the Union
College Days Plans Continue
As Various Groups Organize
With College Days three
months hence, board members
arc getting set to prime commit
tee chairman, workers and col
leges for their share in the three
day panorama.
The first college to set up con
crete organization to plan its
i program is leaeners couege
-t Kj , which has announced names of
(JWSar, (AOOpalra committee members who will
WIJI IV win; ni; Menu o nuviiriM j
committee. Other colleges, re
lr.nrt Siman Reed, chairman of
Additional tryouts for George, 0 cn hf,U)(C), have plans well un-i
Tryouts Tonight
Kerna-d bhaw s caesar ana cieo- dcr way for tne(r part in the
paira win lane piace ionium n program
7 p.m. in Room 201 of the v mil.
p.m. in Koom zui or me rviiWM that waited until the
Temple. opening of second semester to
"There arc still open sevcra lform orjfanjzation for College
good p ior rxnn men ni D 8rc prCparjng their
women," declared Dallax Wil--l ' now. she aid.
Jiams, assistant proressor or , r,,1Wt. rv-iv board members
met Friday afternoon to discuss
special events ana tnc scnenuie
.of the three days. Names of
pecch and dramatic art. He em
phasized that any University I
student may try out ;or the
NU Irof to Sprak
At Commencement!
Two University professors will
be the guent speakers at the
Scottsbluff high school and jun
ior college commencements, Supt.
Charles H. Dav announced that
the services would be held on
May 24.
committee chairmen and their
workers will be announced later.
Meanwhile the foundation of the
three day program is being laid
by board members, representa
tives from Sngineer's Week and
Farmer's Fair.
College Days planners, how
ever, believe that with the added
programs from different colleges
and departments of the Unlver-
Dr. William Hall, psychology " i" "" "M"e
instructor, will speak at the high dive.s.fied activities an ever,
school ceremony and Dr. Walter fnter attendance than in past
Beegs of the administration mil J""' trf,n be expected.
psychology deportments will', V 1, ? , , I .
speak at the Junior college com
The Wefl
Cnntiniitd eoH
now (lurries.
the new re'ehration. Lincoln
organizations will be notified of
events occtirlng during College
Days that would be of special
int::t'cs! to them. High school to high school students and oth
with students will be urged to attend 'ers attending, a pl'-ture of other
so they may have a clearer view .activities occurfnjg on campus.
of the field in the University
about which they are interested.
College to Aid.
Most colleges and depart
ments have notified College
Days planners of their intention
to conduct special events or pro
grams during the celebration.
Several periods will be set aside
during the three days to hold
only open houses of all depart
ments and college. Students,
faculty and other visitors will
have opportunity to visit events
of their choice.
The project, originally re
viewed this year by Builders,
under supervision of Gene Berg,
present chairman of College
Days, is aimed also at providing
an opportunity to students of
becoming acquaiunted with more
than just one or two phases of
University life.
The majority of campus activi
ties have informed the College
Days board they will participate
In any possible phase of the pro
gram. Red Cross will set up an
information booth and First aid
station. The Union plans a se
ries of programs and special
events continually during the
three days. Plans of other groups
will tbe given later.
Pamplet Planned.
A special pamphlet, showing
different pictures of College
Days and campus scenes, will be
distributed during the celebra
tion. Layouts for this are be
ing made now.
A tentative schedule of events
has been drawn up by the board
and will be releaed next week.
In addition to the educational
aspects of College Days, an at
tempt has been made to bring
TC Students
To Hear Talk
Dr. Frank E. Sorenson will
speak to the prospective teachers
at a meeting Feb. 6 at 4 p.m. in
Morrill hall auditorium.
This meeting is a follow-up of
the meeting held in December
and should be attended by all
who plan to teach during the
1951 -'52 school year.
Dr. Sorenson will explain three
factors at the teachers' meeting.
These include the need of trained
and qualified teachers, improve
ment ol salary and rendering of
service to the community and na
tion. He will stress the import
ance of filing credentials while
still known at the University. The
procedure of completing registra
tion in the teacher placement di
vision will be more fully clari
fied at this time, too.
The elementary and secondary
schools are in demand of teach
ers. This factor insures the pros
union woup
To Try New
Point System
A new scale lor the evalua
tion of committee members and
chairmen was put into effect by
the Budget, Evaluation and Ori
entation committee on Union ac
tivities at a meeting Thursday
Under the new plan all mem
bers and chairmen of commit
tees will be evaluated each
month when they change com
mittees. These ratings which will
be determined on a four-point
basis, will be used to pick chair
men and leaders for commit
tees. The old three-point scale of
evaluation had no average rat
ing. Hence the new method, us
ing two for average and four and
zero as high and low.
Committee members will be
evaluated by chairmen and
sponsors on their ability, leader
ship, originality and interest.
Sponsors will rate chairmen on
the basis of a form questionnaire
filled out by committee members.
The Budget, Evaluation and
Orientation committee will sup
ervise these reports and prepare
an overall rating of the activities
The Evaluation committee
plans to devise a system for rat
ing programs at its next meet
FEPC Names
Ruth Sorenson
To Committee
Ruth Sorenson, a University
junior, has recently been ap
pointed a member of the public
relations committee by the ex
ecutive committee of the Fair
Employment practice.
This was announced by Dr.
Leroy T. Laase president of the
organization. The FEPC is a
state-wide organization with the
purpose of securing the introduc
tion of a legislative bill which
will guarantee equal working op
portunities that will not discrim
inate between race, color, re
ligion, national origin or an
cestry. A bill such as FEPC is already
a law in 10 states and is being
considered in 14 others.
The public relations committee,
which is one of the working com
mittees set up by the executive
committee, is to send material
throughout the state to gain sup
port of the FEPC bill. As a
member of the public relations
committee, Miss Sorenson's re
sponsibility is, "Promoting sup
port for fair employment prac
tice legislation among student
and faculty members on all col
lege campuses throughout the
Doctor Laase stated that Miss
Sorenson is well qualified for
her appointment as she is
strongly interested in civil rights
and fair employment, Is acquaint
ed with the leaders on all Ne
braska college campuses and has
the potential qualities to success
fully carry out her specific
Rural Youth
Hear Speech
Br ISC Prof
Nebraska's rural youth mem
bers were advised last week to
face squarely a "desperate world
situation" and prepare for ad
justments. This was the message deliv
ered to 100 Nebraska Rural
Youth organization officers at
tending their annual Mid-Winter
institute at the University's
college of agriculture. It was
given by Wallace Ogg, associate
professor of economics and so
ciology at Iowa State college.
He said young men going into
the armed services should look
upon their service as an oppor
tunity. "Military service," he as
serted, "can make you a stronger
person or it can make you rot
morally it depends upon your
attitude. If that is the situation
facing you, you might as well
make the best of it."
For the young women, who
had planned to marry before the
world situation interfered, Ogg
had this message:
"This delay can bring oppor
tunities for you. You might look
upon it as two or three addi
tional years to become a better
homemaker. You might look upon
it as an opportunity to think more
objectively about the man you
have chosen as your future husband."
Young people, Ogg said, need
to develop a deep, personal,
Christian faith in order to coin
bat the forces of moral disin
tegration brought about by the
emergency. He advised them to
ponder the basis ideas of democ
racy in order to oe convinced
what we are fighting for.
Russell Merrigan, treasurer of
the organization, spoke on "Serv
icing Your Community." Rev.
Howard Christensen of Danne
brog was moderator for the dis
cussion that followed Merrigan's
Story Contest
Mademoiselle magazine is an
nouncing their college fiction
contest which offers $1000 in
Those eligible for the contest
are women undergraduate stu
dents. Stories which have ap
peared in undergraduate college
publications are acceptable but
only if they have not been pub
lished elsewhere.
In the past fourteen different
colleges have produced an equal
number of contest winners, rang
ing from freshmen to seniors.
The short stories are to be
from 3000 to 5000 words. They
should be typewritten, double
spaced, one side of the paper
only, accompanied by contestant's
clearly marked name, home ad
dress, college address and college
Entries must be postmarked
by midnight April 15, 1951. Sub
mit the entries to College Fiction
Contest, Mademoiselle, 122 East
4.3 Street, New York 17, New
2. Probably provide an official
Cornhusker handbook designed
to inform students of University
traditions, organizations, activi
ties and customs.
According to Dr. A. A. Hitch
cock, director of the junior di
vision, and Rob Raun, president
of the Student Council, one of
the principal points of discussion
is the proposed establishment o
an official freshman convocation
which would signal the state of
such opening events as testing,
advising, and registration.
Help Frosh Adjust
Back of the whole plan, Dr.
Hitchcock explained, is the de
sire to help new students ad
just quickly to University life
and provide more time for
faculty-student advisory ses
sions. "There is a sort of Cornhusker
family spirit already present on
our campuses," Dr. Hitchcock
said. "We hope to develop it in
to a real force for the benefit of
both faculty and students."
Present thinking is that the
official freshman convocation, at
which attendance of new stud
ents would be required, would
be followed in quick succession
1. A Cornhusker Night, where
new students would be given a
chance to learn University songs,
yells, meet student leaders, and
would be told something of
Cornhusker tradition.
Church Open House
2. A church open house, con
ducted on a denominational
3. An activities night, where
new students would be told
about, and given an opportunity
to 'make contact with rstuderrt
organizations and activities in
which they are interested.
4. The Chancellor's Reception
where new students would have
an oportunity to meet the Chan
cellor and other faculty mem
bers. Under consideration is a
Freshman Hop to follow the re
ception. Impetus for the planning came
from the Junior Division which,
under the University's adminis
trative system, has the respon
sibility for programing the
orientation of new students.
Since much of the orientation
planning involves items in which
various students group and up
perclassmen have expressed an
interest, it was decided to per
fect the proposed revamping of
the freshman orientation with
the help of Raun and other stud
ent representatives.
General Committee
Members of the general com
mittee which met late Thursday
afternoon at the Union include:
Student Council, Raun, Miriam
Willey, and Ginny Guhin; Mor
tar Board, Nancy Porter; Build
ers, Anne Barger and Gene
Berg; senior class, Bob Parker;
Inter-Fraternity council, Bill
Michelson; Panhellenic, Shirley
Coy; Coed Couselors, Marilyn
Campfield and Mary Hubka;
AWS, Marilyn Moomey; Ag. Ex
ecutive board, Jerry J. Johnson;
Union, Charles Widmaier.
Administration and faculty re
presentatives: Dr. Hitchcock, Dr.
George W. Rosenlof, Dean Mar
jorie Johnston, Dean Roy M.
Green, Dr. Doretta Schlophoff,
Prof. J. P. Colbert, Dr. Ephriam
Hixson, Frank M. Hallgren, Dr.
Bernard Fuhr, and Mrs. Genene
Interviewing Hopefuls.. . .
pectlve teacher of a position ana ri -r .
a better salary. According to Dr. IJlOOSlIlI' JVIaU
c-. ... ..:,... 1 .,4,. "
oui eii.tun, KiiiiiMCT mc iihjji ITin, mritm TWT rn
too. Teaching, in the presently iM-YW 1 OD1C
world situation, he said, Is a pa-. J
triotic service which shouldn't
be rt'vr ooked.
These factors, filing and regis
tration procedure, are the main
purpose of Sorenson's discussion.
He is the chairman of the depart
ment of educational services.
Cropmen Discuss
Alfalfa Standards
The Nebraska Crop Improve
ment association, board of direc
tors held an all day meeting
Tuesday at the University Ag
college following their annual
Cr6p Improvement Day Mon- GeoiopiHtH Elect
On the agenda was the dis- Officers for Term
cussioon of alfalfa certification
standards and approved seed
Two members of the board of
directors were re-elected for an
other term at a meeting of the
organization Monday. They are
D. R. Lubberts, of Waterloo, and
Hubert Dyke, of Parks.
The YM, YW and Union-
sponsored marriage relations sc
ries will be held on Febr, 5, 12,
19 and 26.
On Febr. 2. Dr. William Hall
will discuss "Choosing a Mate"
from 3 to 5 p. m. in the Faculty
"Religion in Courtship and
Marriage" will be discussed by
Rev. C. Vin White on Febr. 12.
Dr. Janet Palmer, on Febr. 19,
will speak on "Sexual Adjust
ment in Marriage."
The series will end Febr, 28
with "Marriage in Wartime" by
Dr, Kenneth Cannon.
Sigma Gamma Epfcilon, geology
fraternity, has announced the
results of their recent electlon
The officers are: President,
Jerry Mendenhall; vice-president,
Bill Burkmn; Ray Maroin,
secretary; Ray Douglass, treas
urer and Howard Lennis, corre
sponding sefretary.
A .Ji
mm J. .MMkoiuw
BUILDER INTERVIEWS The Builder board spent Saturday
Interviewing all students wishing to obtain a position in this
active campus organization. Freshman Phylliss Loudon is one
of the forty students to put in her application. Board mem
bers questioning her are (1. to r.) Jan Llndquist, Helen Vitek,
Leon Pfeiffer, Marilyn Coupe, Gene Berg and Nancy Porter.
Those applying for positions will be selected by the inter
est and work thoy have done in Builders and by their plana
for thi organization' improvement.