PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 1, 1951 i i i Pi - 4 i i H i. v EDITORIAL COMMENT Final Handshake . . . Letters from two irate students appeared in the Let terip column of yesterday's Daily Nebraskan protesting posting the final semester grades. He complained of the faculty action (or inaction) in two different instances. One reader would have the faculty members make haste in waiting with "baited breath" for the announcement of grades. The second letter, written by the president of the senior class, was not as long or spiced with the bitterness of the other but we believe the complaint is in good faith and deserves further mention. The senior prexy was dis appointed with the manner in which mid-year graduates received their diplomas. He asserted that "after four years they walked into the Administration building, gave their name, were Handed a diploma, and walked out It wasnt the type of ceremony that leaves a lasting impres sion of school loyalty with the new alumni. Administration officials had earlier declared that a complete commencement exercise was impossible for the January graduates because of existing conditions. This fact was accepted by all and the situation understood. But it seems logical to assume that for the third largest mid year graduating class m the history of the University, some sort of ceremony recognizing their efforts could have been provided. The University has too few traditions to which grad ates may cling. It may safely be said that the one mem ory which stays with them the longest is that of the final commencement exercise. Even a period of four long years, filled with memories of classes, parties, Ivy Day, etc., may soon be forgotten if that period is brought to an abrupt ending with nothing more than signing your name and receiving a diploma. The University has trained these people in their special fields and should be partly respon sible for their futures. Whatever is achieved by them later will reflect on the University. Just a hand shake by the head of the department or an instructor would show the graduate that the Univer sity approaches his efforts. Potpourri By Marrlou Luther "I've just been to a movie. And whoever said movies are re laxing ought to see his psycho analyst. Stimulating, maybe, if you've spent the day in bed and want to fill two and a half to three hours waiting in lines, try ing 10 ge a seat oeiow the nun oaicony, ana straining to ner the dialogue of the plot above the roar of popcorn eaters but never relaxing. If it takes patience and stam ina to survive the ordeal of get ting situated in the theater, it takes even greater courage to re main there. After' you've sat through a newsreel, a comedy, previews of i-ominr attractions for the next six months, a travelogue, some local advertising, a stimulating appeal lor some current drive, a Pete Smith speciality, Candid Microphone, and a sports feature you think the management has lowered your resistance enough to risk presenting the feature at traction, But what an optimist you are! A sign is flashed on the screen saying that there will be a 10 minute intermission for those who wish to buy candy, cigarettes, popcorn, coca-cola, or a tire for their new helicpoter. As you enter the lobby you are set upon by ushers trying to sell you gift tickets for your mother-in-law's Easter present. By this time you've spent the initial 65 cents for the price of the ticket, 20 cents for hot buttered pop corn (only the proletariate eat just plain popcorn), 20 cents fcr a package of cigarettes (you'll need these if you re to sit througn the remainder of the movie), and $5 for the gift tickets (that cute little usher was irresistible.) Brave Cupid Continues To Score Despite Weather Dick Blunk, was the first of three boys from the Acacia house to be married during the last month. He was married in the Westminister Presbyterian church Dec. 22 to Ruth Stevenson who is teaching in one of the Lincoln schools. Marjorie Roberts who is also teaching in Lincoln, married Bob Kelly in her home town in Tex as Dec. 24. Arlene Laurie and Gene Fishback pledged the wed ding vows Jan. 21. Scene of the wedding was the Westminister Presbyterian church. Alice Bosewell was married to! Is God Welcome On Our Campus? To the editor: My concern for people and particularly my concern for students gives me the sense of urgency -which is needed in order to write this article. Now at a time when students are' lining up to give service to their country, certainly things must be said. What this article 3s about is, of course as the title -Thy Word ii Truth." Now Just what do most people think about when they hear of this phrase, or come across it in their reading? The Thy 'would suggest God, Does anyone really down deep totally disbelieve that God exists? I really doubt it When we ' on this globe get ready to leave, we 'begin to wonder about what we 'Will find in the next And when people are asked if they be lieve in God, very few win say that they do not believe. Do many students flunk somewhat along the following lines? Just what is the purpose of life on earth if not to get ahead, to drink and fight and dance and work and play and sleep and to drive a fast car? Do many of us try to live such a fast life or such a full life occupied with suchsuperficialities that we do not see that te live only with these in mind is to commit suicide? 4 "While we are in a university we like to think that we are oroadminded and tolerant and that our education pretty well pre pares us for this business of living. 1 cannot agree at all with this conception. The university by its lack or mention of Teligion is denying God's existence. Mr. AVerage Professor by ignoring and denying his own faith has done a. good job of thoroughly confusing Mr. Average Student. After four years of indoctrination into the philosophy that a stu dent's education consists of separate channels of studies, the col leges cava done a much better job of turning out schizophrenics than of turning out well-integrated persons. The tiniversity claims that it tries to educate the student so that be will learn bow to get along with his fellowmen. This is impossible to do when the faculty and administration leaves out the prune motivating force which deals with man's relation to man. Or does the university thing that it can take the place of God in the student's life? 'By denying that there is a God, the university is not fulfilling its supposed objective which is to graduate persons who know how to get along with their fellow men, Tb Test f the title has to do with a subject that men have thought about for many thousands of years. The philosophers will tell you that facts are truth. What are facts but things that hap pen in peoples lives? Can we leave out the book that tells about many lacts that happened to many people a few hundred years ago? The Bible Is about a certain person who was to save the world, as promised by God. Can any of us think of a time when the world needed saving more than now? The world means nothing without people. People mean nothing in themselves without a Person to Telate themselves to, who gets them away from their own petty loused up' tt-iairs. My Jeeling is that in our zeal to carry out religious freedom on our campuses we nave done a good job of making them religious vacuums so that when God is mentioned in a classroom the pro fessors and students are actually shocked. The time las come when we must stand up and say what we -KaTiev and to live our lives the way that we talk. If this article is too religious to be published in a student newspaper then I think that ibis newspaper is ignoring the most -vital area of the Student's hunger and sed for security. Sincerely, Phil Hain Reinforcements in hind you return to your seat only to find it occupied, so you check your binoculars at the fourth balconv and trade them for some colored glasses to lessen the glow of your front-row seat, Your morale rises as some deafening bugle notes inform you that you are about to see the main feature. But again disillusionment con fronts you as the technical staff of the picture is listed from the director to the errand boy in charge of delivering food to the special effects man. And to add to your chagrin the lists of charac ters are made unreadable by gro tesque pictures superimposed on the screen. By the time the actual plot gets under way, you are so tired of sitting that you can't enjoy the picture. I'll take a nice quiet dance marathon any day to the chal lenge of a "relaxing" evening at the movies. Joan Sharp Wins Kappa Phi Award Joan Laverne Sharp, Univer sity student, has been awarded the Bette Fleming scholarship as the outstanding Kappa Phi for 1951, The scholarship was estab lished by Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Fleming of Beaver City in honor of their daughter, whose death occured while she was a student and vice president of Zeta chap ter of Kappa Phi. Shirley Sidles Florida Bound Shirlev Sidles. University jun ior will leave Feb. 7 for Florida i State college in TaJahassee. She will be enrolled for the second semester and will assist in colonizing a Delta Gamma chapter at the school Miss Sidles will resume her studies here next falL Fraternities Elect Officers For Semester New officers of campus fra ternities are: Alpha Tau Omega: president, Don Berquist; vice president, dick Hick; treasurer, Bill Olson; secretary, Bob LaShelle; Chap lain, Dean Buckingham. Beta Sigma Psl: president, Harvey Smith; vice president, Dick Buls; treasurer, Delmar Toebbin; secretary, Harlan Brockemeier. Delta Chi: president. Rusty Parmentar; vice president. Chuck Hammond; treasurer, Vern McKinzie; secretary, Bill Betz. Delta Tau Delta: Dick Lander, president; Don Crook, vice presi dent; Bob Ficke, recording sec retary; Bill Adams, correspond ing secretary; Howie Pearson, treasurer; Jack Warren, assistant treasurer; Don Woods, sergeat-at-arms. Delta Upsilon: president, Dick Asmussen; vice president, ChucK Burmeister; treasurer, Dick Skog; secretary, Roger Ritter; corresponding secretary, Dick Satterfield; pledge trainer, George Sutton. Kappa Sigma Kappa Sigma: president, Winn Wyman; vice president. Herb Nordin; treasurer, Al Curtiss; sec retary, Jack Davis; house man ager. Jack Barnhart. Phi Delta Theta: president, Don Etmund; vice president, Dick Meissner; treasurer, Dave Graeff; secretary, Walt Weaver. Pi Kappa Phi: president, Don ley Klein; treasurer, Curtis Ve nell; secretary, Morton Novak; pledge trainer, Lee Nelson. Phi Kappa Psi: president, John Olsen; xnce president, James Ste venson; treasurer, Dick Dillig; secretary, Jim Blankenship. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: presi dent, Bill Dugan; vice president, Joe Gifford; treasurer, Cy John son: secretary, Jim Norden; pledge trainer, Dick Kinsey. Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Alpha Mu: president, Len Bush; treasurer, Ira Epstein; secretary, Sid Rubin; pledge trainers, Art Epstein and Paul Gaiter. Sigma Chi: president. Bill Mor row; vice president, John Poulon; treasurer, Eldon Schaffer; secre tary, Jerry Colling; pledge train er, Bob Hoi den. Sigma Nu: president, Byron Hooper; vice president, Tom Pod haisky; treasurer, Lyle Altman; secretary. Dale Gaeth; pledge trainer, Dick Dunnuck. Theta Xi: president, Art Kickey; vice president, Ken Johnson; treasurer, Milt Clark; secretary, Bob Sherman; house manager, Don Fomash; pledge trainer, Bob Parker. Dais Flowerday a graduate from Ag college last week. They were married in Benkelman. The couple were pinned last spring. Other marriages are: Barbara Cypreasen and John Haslem, who were married in Omaha Jan. 27, andJane Sun and Mike Wu. stu dents from China. Engagements Third-finger-left-hand affairs this week are: Delta Crendemuehl from Chester and Kenny Schmidt; Virginia Hill and Ed ward LaMay who will graduate in June from Union college, Sche nectady. N. Y.; Joanne Albin and Loren Gerglns who is in the navy: Alice Horton and Bill Pickering; Donna Seiver and Roger Jorgen sen; John Arnold and Janet Van Skike from Kearney State Terch ers college; Bob Bivrker, ZBT, prexy and Sony Pradell who is in school et Northwestern. Al Fox and Doris Bann from Iowa U.; Lenny Walpa and Le nore Baird; Rodger Davidson and Bobbie Shields from Beatrice; Joe Pollack and Lanore Hershorn; Warren Sheffield and I'at Nelson; , Warren Anderson and Norma j Rennau; Fat McGowin and Bar- ! bars DeBoar from Seton Hill col- ! 1 lece r.rppnhiiro Pnn:vlvsnia- Don Wiggans and Barbara Tar rant; May Van Horn end Glen Curtis who recently left for the army; Marti Boyer and Don Armstrong; Patti Postma and Bob Magers: Pat Kelly and Mel Hall from St Joe; Elaine Salisburg and James Kemmingnga from El wood. Pinnings Campus pinnings were numer ous Monday night: Robin Rauch and Don Rauch; Doris Hansen and George Leeg; Martha DeLong and Fred Cady; Ann Shraeder from Omaha and Bill Wlngender; Bert Wartchow and Shirley Hall- back from Iowa State: Barbara Anderson and Steve McKinrie; Fran Wallace and Chuck Mul- vany from Denver; Jane Randell and Herb Saxton; Jane Jordan and Dick Axtell: Mary Sidner and Kenny Waiman; Marilyn Jo Martin and Frank Major; Cleo Robak and Mary Lou Stransky; Margery Bratt and Jack Eddy who is in the naval academy at Annapolis, Md.:Ralph Cady and Jody Grogan; Tilly Shorney and By Raynuk stationed in Okla homa; Joe Kochelek and Carolyn Klauck from Omaha; Dot Ely and John Sherwood from Red Cloud. New steady couples are: Jo Berry and Jim ScMeiger, Bar bara Runickie and Tom Recht Fred Freeman and June Lud wickson and Sharon Neff and Howie Pearson. Spring Styles Appear Despite Cold Weather By JEAN FENSTER Sub-7ero weather turns cam pus fashion minds a little to the practical side these days with wool knee socks, and wool caps and scarfs. The bright reds, blues and greens make a pretty contrast to the sparkling snow, too. If you haven't experienced the comfort and warmth of knee socks as yet. you're missing the most practical "high style" of the season. Out of season? Maybe. But with cotton prices soaring to un believable" peaks, it might be wise for the college coed to do a little pre-season buying for her spring and summer wardrobe. If you've watched the advertise ments for spring cotton dresses or if you have noticed the sale tags on cottons lately, you prob ably realize what's happening to th'e price of cotton yard goods and cotton ready-mades. Downtown stores already have domedi v (Errors Home Ec Club To Install Officers Installation of second semes ter Home Ec club officers will be held at 5 p.m Thursday in the home ec parlor. Following installation there will be a joint meeting of all new and old council members. Regular Home Ec club meet ings will be held at 5 p.m. this semester instead of 4 ip.m. NU Bulletin Board are Builders Plan New Service The University Builders planning for convention service, This is to be offered through the mass meetings, parties and con vention committee. Th? services offered would deal with registration.. Builders work ers would assist at registration tables when conventions are held on the University campus. Clerical work asks for workers to type, file and do other work for which the organization migh't be qualified. In the field of decoration, services are needed to help with banquets, dances and meetings. This would include table decorations, favors and signs of all kinds. Help would be needed in the publications of bulletins, mimeo graph work and layout. The cost of such work would be occurred by the organization being aided. ( I Does anyone know why Dick Christoph travels to Chicago ev ery week-end? Rumor has it that he is robbing the cradle back there. Bud Sheburg finally talked his pin-mate into the merits of NU. Mary Lou Carnaby has transferred here and is living at the Theta house. Another student who trans ferred here to be with his pin- mate is Dave Menard from I Westminster who is pinned to Pat Gilbeth. Have you ever been asked to journey to Emerald for grape pop? This is the true story of Barb Willey and Mary Pitter man. During final week John Sinclair and Don Larson called Jhem and honored them with the trip. Saturday night the Phi Psi's will go to the Arur Manor to entertain their dates. Dick Re gier and Marlee Mooberry, Gene Gilmore and Shirley Evans, Ronny Karnett and Pat Savage, Buster Lehman and Frankie Nagle, and Jun Blankenship and Jan Hufford will be seen around the tables. Does Marilyn Coupe have Bob Gangle's pin? The Betas seem to think so, for Gangle Was thrown into the showers Mon day after pleading the old alibi that "He forgot to wear his pin!" This coming week-end the Phi Dell's will journey to South Dakota where they will com pete with the chapter there in the yearly basketball game. Later on. the Soulh Dakota chapter will come to Nebraska and compete with Neb. Phi Delt's in a softball game. It must be love! Three times a week Walt Spellman drives to Crete to see Jinx Burr is. Parties for this week-end are: Friday Farm House Pirate Party Alpha Phi dinner dance' at the Cornhusker Palladian informal partv at the Temple Saturday Sigma Phi Epsilon house party. received their first shipments and are featuring them this month. What will you want in a cotton this year? Checks and plaids are going to be smaller none of the large prints. Luxury cottons have gold, silver, or copper threads woven into them. There are new patterns, new finishes, new colors. Lilac from pink to purple and golden burnt sugar colors will be important in cot ton and other fabrics. There are new fibres we'll be hearing about this spring. They've been in the experimental stage a long time, and some of them still are. gBut we ll see their tags in stores and magazines and to get the best fibre for our money we should understand their benefits. Here are some you'll see: DYNEL: A fibre made out of air and brine and gas. It is wrinkle-proof, mothproof, mildew-proof, fire-resistant, crease resistant, easy to wash, fast to dry. It can be woven into satin-. flannel-, or jersey-like fabrics. ORLON: It's like nylon, only more so. It washes easily, won't shrink, needs almost no pressing, is not cold to the touch. It can be woven into 100 per cent Orion fabrics taffeta, flannel, jersey. FIBRE-V: A synthetic fibre soon to be blended with other materials. It springs back, is stretch-resistant, wrinkle-resistant, lends these virtues to what ever it is mixed with. VICARA: It's close to a fine, soft wool. Made from corn pro tein, it lends suppleness to rayon, absorptiveness to nylon, resilien cy to cotton, downiness to wool, durability to all of them.. These are names that sound like extracts from a textile dic tionary. But rayon and nylon sounded that way too when we first heard of them as "miracle fabrics. These names represent new developments in textiles and new wearing possibilities for old fabrics. Look for them when you do your spring shopping they'll mean better life and looks to a fabric. r ravel and study ABROAD this summer Full-credit . . . all-expense . . . univcrsUy-spcnsored . . . study tours via TWA Plan now for this perfect summer1 spend half your time sightseeing it Europe, the other half in residenc study. Tours planned for this suns mej1 ,( to 9 weeks) in : Switzerland France, England, Ireland, Spain llajy, India and General European (no residence ). All air travel by lux urious TWA Constellations. For information on tours, mentior countries that interest yon mosi when writing to: John H. Furbay Ph. D., Director, TWA Air Work Education Service, SO E. 42nd St. New York 17, N. Y. AT miLLER'S Kfc-B'1 Thursday Inter-Varsity Christian Fel lowship meeting, Room 315, 7:30 p.m.. Union. Student Directory mass meet ing all salesmen and workers to turn in money and books, Room 313, Union, 7.30 p.m. Meeting for all persons who have completed a teacher train ing course, Morrill hall audito rium, 4 p.m. AWS bouse representatives meeting, 5 p.m. Inter Varsity Christian Fellow shipRoom 315, Thursday 7:30. FLYING CLUB meeting at 7:15 p. m. in Union music room. Mmnbw IsSsrcoHegio! Press motan -jocum kham Ttm TmV? Wirtnnutna wblMlne ftj txm tndanta of tl Univjmjltjr of Ma rank -DntMuin of niutimta' new and opinion only. Aseordtag to Article 11 at tiw Bf hs.vm gtmirnni tudnt puhltentton nd edmtmtarfl by the Board of utiHwtloiM, "It ki tno dcmm) policy of th Board trial publication, under Ita I'jjrwiiotmn nall ba trm from aOJtorial sanaonnip on tha part -of the Board, or am tit part of any mambar td tna faculty of tha University Put membere of tha etagf ef Th Catty NebraaaBa j paraonaliy fwponatble lor arbat they any aaos aa M rninud. nr4Ttn am Vt.ffO .awr aaroaataa. Ct.M am aauaaaliii aaM a tB.nn 'for ) tUrm 7T, 4OU mailed, ttinaie aopy e. FuDllfltiiia daily during the aehool yeajt mi4 N.i amd, vacation and axnmlnatiun period and one tew fw ttm wwib ml Anrwrt by ne ( nlvanmy of KebrasHa nnder the aoper. Mixa i i -v -Kanraiititea an etndent Poblieatiom. Entered ae tieeond Ohm Matter at ttM hfnn V-v"i m Linenln, iebmaka, ander Aet of Con treat, Mareta 8, 187N, and at afrwl at immoww pmi4d 4nr a Section 110! Aat of (joaeraae of Ontober . tiu., aMunanaad ant) Umber IS. Ittza. SDITOKIaX H Sany "Warren (MMBnr M!to... .....m. Joan iKrneirer, Tom Mlrhf timn l,iliora M . . .Kant Am!, Oleim Hmienqutat, Hum Knymond. leaniw Lamar, tiur. (nrtnn JPdrti KflHor . Bill MmnMI Wl B!rt Editor. ., Jim Knetul I'MiriiM- jMlttur. .. .. .. .. ....... Jam- -Randall r Editor Hick VValah "'' irtltor. .. .... . Donna Preaentt r M..intir . .. . ... ..... Botf MHerwood mmUmm Waaacar Tad Randolph ftfl itiii- Manager. . . .. .Jack ,ln, .Chunk Burmeinter, Rob Reichenlmeh -CtrmiiHtiiHi MttiiHR-er Al iiiMwtiiK Mtgnt aw .i!lr. .... .................... JJIek Walab AT YOUR FINGERTIPS With The The trovel-kit that fjivei you superlative convenience. 1t opens wide stoys open for easy use and doses nug end flat to oc cupy little space in your trovel-bag. iarge capacity, easily "holds -oil necessary toilet articles and accessories. Smart style end fine leathers. A favorite yith men women i . . T0-Priced from $650 (plu tu) D0PP I jy.'-ja- Eai Tia ' 1124-26 O St. Uneoln, Xebr. 2-GB38 SPECIAL PURCHASE . . First Quality sweet-smoking briars PIPE SALE genuine imported briar pi pet anc MACDOUGAL 1 lr a -nnny law who plena- lier laddie villi m pr-r-rand ajrift pipe n Si. Valentine Day I This remarkable assort ment includes almost every stem type . . . ALL (AJARAVTEED FIRST QUALITY! They're the hriar pipe smoker's dream, at a price almost too food to he true . hurry in; Pipes al u Scotsman's pr-r-rieej Discontinued styles by famous pipe makers ... style including curved stems, straight stems and sterling silver inlaid stems $2 assortment) hich pipe collectors -will know at a glance are etra special! Idjustomatie stems ($1 assortment) refuse to le twisted off! -A' I :. -hAir .. a., . mJ ... First Floor wmmmmt wmmwm The College Men's Shop of! afflBiiiiiiiiM i II lllll"1 i in i'i ill Hi mi ihiiiiiiiii ' hi