Vol. M No. 72 LINCOLN 8. NEBRASKA Wednesday, January 31, 1951 ALEE Chairmen ... roil Oil 8 Emily Kimbrough, author of the best-seller, "The Innocents from Indiana" and many others Red j Attempt To Delay Vote Fails U.N. Committee Talks Continue A Soviet bloc attempt at the United Nations Tuesday to delay for 24 hours a vote on the United States demand that communist China be indicted as an aggres sor in Korea failed. Three nations appealed for ad journment of the U. N. political committee on the ground they had received no instructions on amendments to the U. S. pro posal and to an Arab-Asian res olution calling lor a seven-power conference on far eastern prob lems. The nations were Russia, . Poland and Czechoslovakia- By a vote of 32 against, 10 in favor and 12 abstentions, the committee turned down the ad journment proposal. The com mittee then continued the debate. At least two-thirds of the 60 nations were expected to vote for the U. S. proposal. 30 Tear Draft Age Rejected Proposals to draft men up to the age of 30 were rejected Tuesday by the defense depart ment However a warning was issued by the department that sometime it may be necessary to "take men of all ages." " Assistant Defense Secretary Anna M. Rosenberg told the house armed services committee which is considering a proposed draft of 18-year-olds that it would rot be "profitable or eco nomical" to train men older than the present 19-through-25 draft age group. Battleship Missouri Leads Assault The famous battleship Mis souri and several rocket ships Jed a crushing bombardment of the Korean east coast town of Kansong Tuesday. The U. S. Eighth army's ad ; vance toward Seoul on the west ern front slowed down to a walk. Naval headquarters in Tokyo announced the furious attack on Kansong, a tiny coastal city 30 mile north of the 38th parallel without explanation. Carrier based planes joined in the day long assault Accompanying the offshore bombardment was a new U. N. attack on the east coast town of Kangnung, 47 miles south of Kan song. Hare Stabilizing Board Disagrees No agreement on how to go about thawing the nation wide wage freeze could be found Tuesday by the wage stabiliza tion board. The board met in almost con tinuous session. Committee Leaves To Inspect A-Bomb Members of the joint congres sional atomic energy committee were told to leave for Nevada Tuesday to inspect "new and im proved" atomic weapons being tested there. The trip has been planned for several weeks and Tuesday's date was set because "meteorological conditions' are right The legislators will witness an "experiment" which has not been outlined in advance. Naval Students Name Officers Of Battalion New student officers of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps battalion at the University were announced Thursday by Capt. Thomas A. Donovan, pro fessor of Naval Science. Max A. James is battalion ! commander with the student s rank of captain. Other battalion I officers and their student j ranks are: Executive officer, Cdr. Harry U. Carpenter; opera tions officer, Lt. Jimmie G. Pe terson; communications officer, Lt. j.g.) Robert Zwart; supply officer, Ens. Edward C. Lebeau; and chief petty officer, CPO NieJ Vincent CampbeJL Company officers are: Company "A": Commanding officer, Lt Richard F. Rock well; executive officer, Lt. (j.g.) Robert R. Farnham; chief petty officer, CPO Samuel J. Harbo; first platoon leader, Lt j.g.) John W. Gergel; second platoon leader Ens. Richard T. Bick. Company "B": Commanding officer, Lt. Carter Iddings; ex ecutive officer, Lt. f j.g.) Robert P. Rogers; chief petty officer, CPO Leonard Carstensen: first platoon leader, Lt. (j.g.) Burton E. Hollhus; and second platoon tLeader, Ens. Edward G. Joselyn. Company "C: Commanding officer, Lt Harold R. Scbrieber; executive oficer, Lt. (j.g.) Paul L,. Siegmund; chief petty officer, CPO Donald E. Maunder; first platoon leader, Lt j.g.) Rich ard T. Thomas; second platoon leader, Ens. Harvey L. Smith. The Weather Partly cloudy Wednesday nd Thursday, except occasional light cow extreme southeast portion. will speak at an all-University convocation Febr. 7 at 10 a. m. in the Union ballroom. Miss Kimbrough, who is known in private life as Mrs. Wrench, maintains that the chances of success in any work are in direct ratio to the fun there is in it. Having been a successful auth or, editor, lecturer and screen writer, she sould know some thing about what it takes. She is probably best known for her work with Cornelia Otis Skinner, her lifelong friend, to produce the book, "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay." First Job Unusual. Miss Kimbrough got her first job with Marshall Field in the advertising department. She ad mits that she had no right to get it since she broke all the rules and applied for the job dressed for a party and carrying her dog. Despite her unusual beginning she was advanced to fashion ed itor of Field's "Fashions of the Hour." When Miss Kimbrough accept ed the position of fashion editor of The Ladies Home Journal and later became managing edi tor, she resolved to conduct her self in a manner becoming her position. She had a habit of in specting fashion sketches on the floor, flat on her stomach. Kimbrough Personality. "Emily is a living magnet for high adventure and mad disaster alike, and from all her experi- j ences she emerges triumphant and more entertaining than ever. There are plenty of people who are amusing some of the time and who are so professionalized about it that they become anything else but The person, however, who is spontaneously and effortlessly amusing all the time is a "rara avis" of which I know only one Emily Kimbrough." When Hollywood snapped up Cornelia and Emily's hilarious book for the screen, the two friends headed for Hollywood and even wrote another book on their experiences there "We fol lowed Our Hearts to Hollywood." For the past few years Miss Kimbrough has pursued a suc cessful career as a motion picture writer, and she loves Hollywood. "In Hollywood," she says, "there is an awareness that everyone around you is working. You catch fire from each other's work and there is always an impetus to produce." NU to Serve As Test Center The University has again been designated as a testing center for law school admission tests. Dean Edmund O. Belsheim of the Col lege of Law announced. The tests to be given at the University are part of a nation wide program to be given this year, Feb. 24, April 28 and Aug. 11. Seniors, juniors and in some instances sophomores in Nebras ka colleges and universities in terested in attending a law school are eligible to take the tests. The tests provide partial evidence for admission of applicants. The test is prepared and ad ministered by the Educational Testing service of Princeton. N.'J. - Application blanks and in formation about the tests may be obtained by writing Dean Belsheim, or to: Law School Ad mission Test, Educational Testing Service, P. O., Box 592, Prince ton, it. j. Applications for the February test must be received by the Princeton office not later than Feb. 4. Union Continues Picture Lending Another popular service of the Union will continue this semes ter beginning today. Students who wish to brighten up their rooms with reproduc tions of famous works or just "pretty pictures" may borrow them from the picture lending library in the Union Activities office between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Some of the 33 prints available are: "Stone City" by Grant Wood; "'Bridge at Aries" by Grant Wood; "The Toronado" by Homer; "Summer" by Bruege; and "Vase of Flowers" by Redon. There are reprints of Marin, Matinse, Picasso, Marin and Van der Nuyden. The pictures may be checked out for one semester and there is no charge for this service. The Activities office plans to en large upon the lending library and purchase more pictures this year. VA Warns Against IDegal Side Payments The Veterans administration J has warned veterani", builders, and lenders against the conse quences of making or accepting soalled "side payments in the sale of home properties to vet erans with the aid of GI loan. Ashley Westmoreland, Lincoln regional office manager, said such ide payments, usually made for the purpose of evading the prohibition against cales to veterans In excess of the ap praised "reasonable value," are a direct violation of the law, and subject offender to possible federal prosecution. In spite of previous warnings, Westmoreland stated that a tew cases continue to come to light wherein veterans have been la- n'W::-:-yy-yy- W mmmimmnmnn mmmmmmmmnM ihiiiiihiii . ifSS tr fs- pi iti'Vlift t ft s Ml.. . Vf - .'- pABimm mill ii if ' ' W- "- 1 mi E-WEEK CHAIRMEN New A1EE chairmen for Engineer's week; left, Donald Nelson; right, Gene Kirsch. Kirsch, who plans a re search career and Nelson, who plans to go into radio and TV, have been elected American Institute of Electrical Engineers depart ize the Electrical Engineers' displays and programs for Engineers' mental chairmen for Engineers' week. Kirsch and Nelson will or ganize the Electrical Engineers' displays and programs for Engi neers' week. Final approval of displays and programs will be made by the departmental chairmen. ' Bill to Split Hospital Cost Meets Strong A bill which would charge counties with half the cost of the care of patients at the Universi ty's hospital in Omaha has met with strong opposition in the leg islature. It is now being held by the revenue committee for fur ther consideration. At the present time the Uni versity bears the entire cost for the care of needy patients who are treated at the University hos pital, and the cost amounts to ap proximately 5600.000 a year. Un der the proposed measure, the counties would pay half the cost. The strongest opposition to the bill came from the Douglas coun ty board and several county wel fare 'directors. Roman Hruska, chairman of of the Douglas county board, said the bill would cost his county between $85,000 and $100,000 a year. He added that Douglas county "already is doing more than its share," and is now tak ing care of mental and other pa tients who are state wards be cause there is not room in state institutions. Douglas county welfare direc tor Phillip Vogt also expressed opposition to the proposal, say ing that the bill will "compli cate" procedure, both on the hos pital and county level, and create a tendency to "spend more money." He also stated that the University has not collected enough money from patients who are not actually dependent upon public welfare. Ten Counties Opposed Ardith Hall, Cass county wel fare director, announced that ten counties in eastern Nebraska are opposed to the measure. Among those who spoke in fa vor of the proposal were Sena tor Ed Hoyt of McCook and Sena tor W. J. Williams of Ravenna, co-sponsors of the bill. Univer sity officials and a Buffalo coun ty board member. Senator Hoyt said the measure wa6 designed to help alleviate the necessity of having part of the hospital vacant part of the time. He also expressed the hope that the bill would help cut down the cost to counties by hav ing the hospital open more of the time. R. W. Devoe. member of the Board of Regents, who said that the measure was Introduced at the request of the regents, also read a letter from Chancellor R. G. Gustvason. The letter stated that the University's budget re quest would be reduced corre spondingly to the amount brought in by the bilL Gustavson also re ferred to similar systems which are working satisfactorily in neighboring states. The cost per patient at the hos pital, as stated by Dean Harold University Alums Killed in Crash Two former University stu dents were killed recently when their light plane crashed near a wolf hunt roundup about 20 mile south of Fairbury. Walton Anderson, 32. owner and pilot of the plane, and Rob ert Fletcher, 24, were found dead Sunday afternoon when members of the hunt reached the scene a half mile away. The cause of the crash has not been determined. With GI Loans dueed to pay the builder or seller an amount over and above the sales price shown in the loan re port upon which the government loan guarantee is based. Westmoreland also stated that veterans who knowingly con spire to evade the law by making side payments risk loss of all their veteran's rights. He reminded veterans that the provision of the GI Bill stipulat ing that the selling price may not exceed the appraised reasonable value, was placed in the law for their own protection again?-! over-priced properties. A vet eran who seeks to circumvent this provision by making an illegal side payment, he added. is oniy woiKine against rus own i best Interests. j Opposition C. Leuth of the College of Me- dicine, is $11 a day. This is con- siderably below the cost at uni- versity hospitals in neighboring statp JTirt 6 ii .a,;r, : v.u .u. proposal was A. B. Holmburg, chairman of the Buffalo county board. He expressed the belief that patients are "the direct ob ligation of the county and it is only fair and just that county pay part of the cost " Merit Exam Applications Due Febr. 10 The first 1951 merit system clerical examinations will be given Febr. 24 to all those who make application before Febr. 10. Anyone in Nebraska who quali fies for the merit system by pass ing the open-competitive exams is eligible Jor a -state merit sys tem job. Of the 1.504 employees now under the merit system, approxi mately a thousand are employed in clerical positions. While "the largest group of them are work ing in the state capitol, they are also employed in county welfare offices, district offices of the em ployment security division, local health departments, department of agriculture, department of veterans' affairs, roads and irri gation, and the 15 institutions un der the board of control. In order to keep these jobs filled, it is necessary to have a reserve list of qualified em ployees ready to step in when a vacancy occurs. Clerical exams, which are con ducted in convenient centerK throughout the state, will also be ing the year. Exams to qualify students for typist clerk 1 or stenographer clerk 1 will be given in approximately 85 high schools throughout the state on March 31. Clerical examinations for all needed positions in the state will also be given on June 16, Sept. 29 and Dec. 8. Professional examinations, which qualify employees for work in the departments of as sistance and child welfare, health and employment security, will be given on May 5 and Nov. 3. Application forms and job de scriptions may be obtained from any county assistance office or Nebraska state employment of fice. Ganz, Eberly To Give Recital Doris Ruth Ganz, lyric soprano, and Wilgus Eberly, pianist, will give the annual scholarship re cital m Feb. U in Love Memo rial library auditorium. The recital is sponsored by the Zeta Mu Alpha chapter of Delta Omicron, national music sorority. Both Mrs. Ganz and Eberly are patrons of the sorority. Mrs. Ganz was the soprano so loist in a University presentation of "The Messiah." She spent a summer with the Dallas opera company and has been an ora torio soloist at Columbus, Hast ings, Nebraska and Wesleyan. She graduated from Hastings college, took a master's degree at Columbia, studied in New Yor k with Harriet Barrows and i coached with Coenarad Bos. Eberly has studied with Edwin Huges in New York and has had additional work with Mau rice Dumesnil and Egon Patri. He has made numerous appear ances in the southeast and the midwest, Eberly, a graduate of the University, is completing his work' for a doctor's degree at Columbia. 'Cniinft-vmnn' FAUt foil The new staff of Cornhtosker Countryman will meet Wednes day at 7:30 p.m. at their Ag Un ion office. . Editor Rex Messersmith said new policies and the procedure to be followed throughout th second emfKter will b Bounced at this meeting. n- Us Ag Plans Livestock Contest Schedule Show For March 17 Junior Ak-Sar-Ben, the Uni versity show sponsored by Block and Bridle club and fashioned after the annual Omaha show by the same name, is currently in the planning stage and prom ises several new and improved variations. This year's livestock showman and fitting contest which features special horse acts wil be held at the fairground coliseum on March 17. The arena has a bleacher capacity of 3,000 persons. Bob Radin and Rob Raun, ring co-chairmen, announced yester day the show will cut down the time for showmanship classes al lowing extended time for horse j SST """" """" j . j Abandon Dance Plans j fl" was runner announced that ! the traditional dance has been ! discontinued. Officials said that many students have favored a barbecue in its place. Student participants in the show must sign for animals with in the next few days. Those wishing to show dairy heifers are directed to the Dafry office, sec ond floor of the Dairy Industry building. They must sign for the animals by Saturday, Feb. 3. Those students desiring to show in the swine, beef, or sheep con tests can do so at Charlie Adam's office. Animal Husbandry hall. Deadline for these divisions is Saturday, Feb. 10. Division superintendents are: Swine, Gayle Hattan; beef, Dick Gowen; sheep, Jerome Warner; and dairy, Jim Haggert. To Award Plaques Winners of each division will be awarded a plaque with name engraved which is his permanent possession. Donors of the plaques are swine, Nebraska Farmer; beef, Gooch Mill; sheep, Agricul ture division of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce; dairy. Skyline Farms. The awarding of the perma nent possession trophies is new this year an dreplaces the tradi tional ribbons. Block and Bridle officials stated there shall be no show manship contest in horses. This contest was eliminated to cut down on the time of the show. Last year the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben ran well over the three hour mark and the audience became restless. Master of Ceremonies Clayton Yeutter, said the special events of the show will be annnounced later this week. ;UMT Results Out Soon; P1 Taken By Council During the second semester registration the student council took a poll regarding Universal Military Training. Robert Raun has announced that results of this poll will be out soon after Feb. 15. The ballots gathered in the poll have been sent to the Chair man of the Big 7 Association of Student Government for tabula tion. Results of Final, 'Unspeakable,' By JERRY BAILEY "Pardon me, sir .... " Young J. rognewton Blather skite, waiting for the light to change before crossing 14th street, raised his head and re garded the girl before him. She shuddered at the gja.nce of his bleary eyes. Yet, she brave ly went on speaking to him. "I'm a reporter for The Daily Nebraskan, and we're askin', I mean we are making a poll Not Again' "Ye gods!" groaned J. Frog newton. "Not agaml" Gasping at his profanity, the young journalist nodded, "What's the fabricated ques tion this time?" "Have you got your final grades yet?" the girl asked. J. Frognewton ground his teeth. Tiring of that, he knashed them for a while. "1 perceive that you have," quoth the Rag reporter. "Tell them?" She eagerly clutched a pencil and pad, poised to begin work. Loses Girl "To start with, I had scarcely recovered from the shock of final exams. Last weekend I went home for a rest And my old steary had gal herself engaged to some grocery clerk ..." "D;dn t she offer an explana- tion Blatherskite snorted. 'She just said, 'I thought the draft got you months ago'l" "But about the final grades "I forgot to send my professors any hyphenated, marrlnated, triple-distilled postcards!" The little Rag reporter reeled with shock. Relentlessly, 3. Frog newtoo talked on. Arena SftagSung Curse You, Jack Dalton' Is 'Masquers, Union Exhibition ' Curse You, Jack Dalton," an old time melodrama, will be presented Wednesday through Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom. The production is free. With the new arena type stag ing, each performance will seat approximately 150 people. The arena is a circular stage with the audience seated around the playing area. Overhead lighting will be used. The show will run about an hour and 15 minutes includ ing the entre acts and the play. Peanuts, popcorn and candy will be sold to help create atmo sphere. "Curse You, Jack Dalton!" is a true melodrama. The author, Wilbur Braun, has taken the best situations from the old melo dramatic plays and incorporated them into a one-act play aimed at recapturing the spirit of the naughty nineties and the mid century. The play is written to help audiences enjoy the tastes of previous years. Love, Adventure, Evil The deep-dyed villain, Egbert, is vainly trying to win Bertha, the maid. Bertha is in love with Jack, the son of her social mind ed employer, Mrs. Dalton. A Spanish adventuress, Anna Al varado, pursues Jack, the only man she ever loved. Egbert threatens to send Bertha to an asylum if she refuses him. He puts potion in a glass of water to confuse her and lure her from the mansion to an asylum. Egbert insults Bertha in Jack's presence to make him dislike her. Jack retaliates by throwing the glass of water in Egbert's face. Mrs. Dalton is horrified when she discovers her son is in love with the maid. Bertha gets angry and tells Mrs. Dalton off. Things look bad for the twitter pated couple, but Fate steps in and solves their predicament Melodrama Characters The characters are: Jack Dal ton played by Tom Stimpfig; Mrs. Dalton, Marty Miller; Eloise (Jack's sister), Janet Jensen; Bertha Blair, Christine Phillips; Anna Alvarado, Lois Nelson; j Richard (Bertha's brother) Dave Sisler: and Egbert Van Horn. , Dlck Garretson. Mary Sigler is production man ager and Wes Jensby is impres sario. The play is directed by Dean Graunke. The entre acts include: Lois Nelson, who will sing; Jack Moore, who will give a soft shoe dance; Sharon Fritz ler, presenting a ballad; and Jim Tomasek, singing Mammy songs. The Sloppy Seven will provide the music. The stage crew is headed by Ruth Richmond. Jensby is her assistant Jim Tomasek is stage crew head. Crew members are Lucy Lawrence, Charles Peterson and Norma Erickson. Miss Lawrence is chief of the light crew. Peterson and Toma sek are her assistants. The painting and design crew ' is headed by Peterson. His co workers are Tomasek and Miss Lawrence. Micky Bleicher heads the cos tume crew. Co-Sponsors This production is co-sponsored by the Union committee and Masquers. Masquers are the honorary dramatics fraternity on campus. Both men and women interested in dramatics are mem bers. The Masquers aim to en rich the University theater and to promote theater activities. They help with the production and direction of the children's plays of the Junior League. Grade Poll Mutter Students I went around and asked. In basketweaving I the prof, gave me two and told me he expected me to make it up by better work in basket weaving II next sem ester" "When I asked them in the history department how I did in my ancient dhagistan course they just laughed. The professor of my integrated equations course just said, 'Blatherskite, when are you transferring to bizad'?" "How about your other courses?" "1 don't dare think. I'm just going to wait till they are mailed in March to find out" The traffic light turned green. With a dirty note pad clenched in a trembling hand, the little reporter watched the student stumble off. J. Frognewton Blatherskite, head low and lower lip trembling, trudged for 14th and P. Gustavson Tells Need of Churches "The church should intensify its work in order to combat spir itual and moral disintegration of people." So Chancellor R. G. Gustav son told the Nebraska Town and County Church conference at Ag College Wednesday. He also said that democracy should em phasize what we are for rather than what we are against "Spiritual and moral disinte gration of people is inevitable in time of war," he declared, "and we must make every effort to combat it" Rev. Claude 2. Snyder, who also addressed this conference, said that rural churches should consolidates. AUF Begins Collection Of Pledges A windup drive will open to day to collect student donation! pledged during last year to AH University Fund by AUF work ers. The collections campaign will continue until Feb. 25. Jo Lisher, director of AUF, stated today that students who signed pledges either late last spring or last fall would be able to make their donations to AUF workers who will cover the campus. House Collections House representatives will col lect contributions from their re spective houses. Unorganized stu dent solicitation will follow soon. Miss Lisher emphasized the im portance of every pledge being met ine pledge system will en able us to make collections which otherwise couldn't be made due to inconveniencing the students. With the longer drive this year, AUF workers are permitted to top last year's receipts. This year's goal is $5000. So far, somewhat more than $3,500 has been received through direct, donations by individual students and groups. Can Exceed Goal "The probability," said Miss Lisher, "of exceeding our goal this year is quite possible. How ever, we must receive more than 80 per cent of the pledged dona tions. Miss Lisher urged that the pledges be met as soon as pos sible. AUF beneficiaries include the Community Chest World Stu dent Service fund, YWCA. YMCA, CARE and the Crusade for Freedom. A mass meeting will be held Wednesday for all unorganized student solicitation, at the Union, Room 315, at 7 p.m. T Cabinets Installed at Ag Installation of the Ag YW and YM cabinets was held last night at 8 p.m. in the Warren Meth odist church. Reverend L. E. Mattingly from Wesleyan was the guest speaker. Ag YW cabinet members and their commission groups are as follows: Betty Hathaway and Barbara Crowe, program; Joyce Schroeder, membership; Joann Knotts, publicity; Mary Richards and Mary Niehaus, Religious Welfare council; Ramona Young, service; Ann Lambert, Know Your Community; Mary Jean Peterson, Thursday worship; and Beverly Carlson, freshman com missions. Bible study, Delores Ester- brook and Carolyn Ross; world problems, Clarice Fiala; Thurs day morning worship, Geneva Berns and Joan Kuciuf; music. Virginia Barnes. The Ag YM installations are: Bible study, Phil Hain; compara tive religions, Paul Fenski; Know Your Community, Frank Sibert; Social Problems in Agriculture, Wayne White; foreign films, Jim Weber; freshman chairman, Don Anderson. Historian, Dick Young; Mag net Editor, Charles S tuber; mem bership, Owen Rawlings; music, Phil Hain; N book, Clayton Yeut ter; publicity. Art Becker; sports, Gordon Quick; Tuesday evening worship, Don Reeves; Thursday morning worship, Roland Ander son; and world service, Harold Tegeler. U.N. Orchestra Visits Seward The 65-piece University or chestra, conducted by Emanuel Wishnow, made its first outstate appearance in two years Sunday night The organization presented a concert at 8 p.m. in the Seward high school auditorium under th sponsorship of the Nebraska Bach society. Jeanette DolezaL 1950 grad uate of the University, was th featured soloist She played the tint movement of Grieg's Con certo for Piano and Grcbestra, Opus 16. The orchestra opened the pro gram with iohann Strauos's overture to his light opera, "The Gypsy Baron." Other selections besides the piano concerto, in cluded "The Faithful Shepherd." Handel-Beecham; "Fetes," Claud Debusty; and "L'ApprenU Sor cicr," Paul VukxL