The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 30, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, Tanuary 30, 195 1
Driver's Seat . . .
The position of a beginning college editor in these days
of world crisis sharply parallels that of a youngster, just
16 years of age, who has received his driver's license. Both
have gone through periods of instruction and preparatory
study and now are in the driver's seat, ready to assume full
command of their respective vehicles. Both have passed the
preliminary tests with little or no trouble but what now
confronts them is a true test that of driving on an ice
coated road.
The new editor, like the novice auto manipulator, must
realize his task and set about to achieve it in the best pos
sible way. He must look neither to the left nor to the right
or cause his forward progress to be diversified. A sharp
turn could easily force the vehicle into a spin on such a
treacherous path and result in chaos. The driver must not
let his attention be attracted by an outside force that would
cause him to lose control just as the editor must not lose
control of the vehicle that assures the protection of the
rc3dG!r's interests
At the bottom of page two in this paper, the masthead
begins with this declaration of faith: "The Daily Nebras
kan is published by the students of the University of Ne
braska as expression of students' news and opinions only."
The staff of The Daily Nebraskan makes this pledge
to said students and will do its utmost to fulfill it. We
pledge to travel a straight course in carrying out our pro
gram and not to be deverted by forces which act against
the interests of our readers. If at some time we skid and
falter from our chosen path and in so doing fail to satisfy
our readers, we ask their cooperation and also their help in
correcting our mistakes.
As is stated in our masthead, the "students news and
opinions" are the backbone of this newspaper. It is our re
sponsibility to furnish the students with news. It is the
students' responsibility to furnish The Daily Nebraskan
with opinions.
Debate Subsides . . .
The "Great Debate" of colleges and universities over
the country has subsided in the past week, or two and the
situation of draft-age students cleared somewhat. The de
bate mentioned does not concern our nation's foreign pol
icy but rather the question; "Should a student of draft age
enlist and choose his branch of service or should be con
tinue school and risk being drafted into the infantry, hop
ing to use his education to further chances for officers
school?" For some months recruiting officers and univer
sity officials have been waging a battle and the 1A has
been right in the middle of the fray.
Last week the administration provided for these frus
trated students. Upon recommendation of a group of U.S.
senators, including Nebraska's Wherry, the Department of
Defense declared that students who are drafted during the
college term and receive postponements until the end of the
year may choose the branch of service in which they wish
to serve. This move was made official after many college
and university presidents appealed to their congressmen,
protesting the "slaughter" of 1A students. The slaughter
should be over now. The recruiters have lost their mam
point that of the enlistee's choice.
The University has been taking further steps to aid the
probable draftee and reservist. More than 150 students
affected by the activation of the Lincoln Air National
Guard group have been promised partial and in some cases
full credit if they continue their studies this semester.
Chancellor Gustavson has cautioned male students to stay
in school and use their education to best advantage if they
&ZC c silled -Defense
department officials also state that ROTC and
NROTC programs will be expanded and their quotas raised.
This will provide for many freshmen and sophomores. Jun
iors in good standing stand a fair chance of graduating
and seniors are assured of graduation, except in some cases
of reserve activation. In addition to these many provi
sions, Earl J. McGrath, U.S. Commissioner of Education
has requested that most students be exempt from the draft.
The student is finally receiving just consideration in
this troubled question and it is now up to him to continue
his education nd utilize it to the greatest advantage when
the time comes. These developments should also discredit
the confused "What do I care, I'll be drafted anyway" atti
tude If students will realize the importance of their edu
cation they will abandon this attitude and its byproducts;
wholesale skipping of classes, lackadaisical preparation of
daUy work, procrastination, etc. The future may not look
bright to -the male student but his chances of graduating
are mounting day by day.
Want Poise, Bulging Bicepts?
Join Male Dancing oroup
. i i . . i 1- rnrrnritrti t i fin
tv, Women'g-Physlcal Edu
cation department wants men.
Under present conditions, who
doesn't? But the FE department
hat t more novel reason for
wanting them.
A modern dance club for, all
male is being started and a few
dozen members are needed.
According to Helen Martin,
dance director, bashfulncss and
alleged lack of talent make no
difference. There Is a simple
olutkm to both of these prob
lems. If you're afraid your
friends will see you, bring them
along ana grow kii"
gether. Interest and hard work ;
will take the place of talent un
til the fundamentals have been (
mastered. 4 .
rrrvia tm nn ArAte fir a course.
One does not learn to play dead
like a tree stump or fly like a
fairy. It's a good chance to de
velop poise and your sense of
equilibrium. It will take hard
Jim 0ailty, TbhhaAkath
N Intercollegiate Press
rOKTt-ldUHTH gt.AU
tttt Ostly NsbrasknB M published RT tha stndsots of ihs Unlvsrsltx of Ns
.rfaaka xpTOMrton of tndtmW now ana opinion only. Acrnrrilng to artlcla II
of tha Bf Laws governing student publications ana ailmlnistsreil Dy ths Board
ft PnnHaatlona, "It to MM osclarsd policy of lUs Board that publications, undri
Ha Jurt4lttaa ball b frsa from odltorlai censorship on ths part of tbs Board
v en tno part of any niamhor of th faculty of th University hut msmhsr. I
tba staff of Tbs Daily Nshrasaaa art personally rsaPonslbis fot ohat trwy sa
aauas to a Prints a.
SwasartpMea rata aro i.M par mwrtr, tt.Mjm utwnln matim. or SK.00 fot
91m mill ywr, 4.00 mailed. Hlniil sopy An. riilillhl dnlly during, tha school
Tinas' ott HtnrOT and Hnndays, siwatlnns and anamination periods and nr
haws dnrlns month ml atiat by tha I'nlvsrslty of Nebraska unflrr tha snnrr
tum of Vhm fSammlttea on Stnrtwit Pobllfatliwis. KntarM a Hrrond rims Matter at
4n Fast Oftftaa hs IJnroln, Nebraska, under Art of Oanirress. Mareh 9. Irl7ft, and
M pastal r-jiic of pta provided tor In Sarttoa 11011. ant of Congress of Opto her
a, tMll, anUiurSMSl step tombs 10, int.
rlta T Warren
ManasIn: F.dltor. ....... Joan Xmeirr, Tom Risehr
Kows Editor. Kent Astrll, Glenn Mrt-nitilit, Ruth Raymond,
.frnnnp. I Jtmar. Hw tlortm
Jporta Editor HI" Mundell
aporta Kdllor. "m Koala"
! Kdllor -la"- llanrlii I
AW rttm. , Walsh
fv.eVrty JCdltor. lonna Preseolt
smlfMHM Msmnmh
Amm't Business Managers iU
Mrenlatlim IManncrr
Miff hi Mews lAdilor
wnrk nnd concentration, but the
results will be well worth the
still muscles and push-ups that
will be a part of the class.
There will be an opportunity
to appear In the Spring Concert
with the beautiful girls of Orch
eHtra; but that is optional.
Sound like a good idea? If so,
get started now. Meetings will be
held in the dance studio of
Grant Memorial every Monday
at 5 p. m. Wear some old levis
and come prepared to move
around a lot.
Any student photographers
interested In taking pictures
for the Cornhusker yearbook
please report to the Corn
husker office between Z and 5
p. m. any afternoon. Fifty
cents will be paid for any pic
ture appearing in the book
and all supplies will be furn
ished. nnrrwooo
, . '.. T'i
oh-ii. flnirli f ir.iv..T, B'Hi Helrlienharh
',' '''""l ".,
'Nebraskan9 Appeals
For Student Opinion
To the Student Body:
At one time or another, every student at the Univer
sity probably has made some comment about The Daily Ne
braskan whether complimentary or critical. Comments
about editorial policy, the editorial of the day, some of the
stories, or the paper in general are heard on campus each
time the "Rag" is published. But despite numerous com
ments, very few letters to the editor ever reach the "Rag"
University students and faculty members are perfectly
justified every time they present an idea about the paper,
because the "Rag" is the student newspaper of the Uni
versity. Because of this .status, The Daily Nebraskan wel
comes letters to the editor from both students and faculty.
It is for this purpose that the "Rag" allows space for the
Letterip column, and every time a letter to the editor is re
ceived, it is printed.
Many students, although wanting to comment about
the paper, hesitate to have .their names printed. To
oblige these students, The Daily Nebraskan will refrain
from printing any person's name sending a Letterip upon
request by that person. However, letters to the editor must
be accompanied by the student or faculty member's name
regardless of whether it is to be printed. The Letterip col
umn is open at all times to letters about any phase of cam
pus or off -campus life.
Organizations, reflecting the combined opinion of a
group, as well as students are invited and urged to send
letters to the editor. As a student or faculty member you
are entitled to your opinion of tiie student newspaper. It is
your privilege to send comments.
The Daily Nebraskan Staff
If the songs that are being
published this month are any
indication of what is in the off
ing for the rest of the year, then
this war-minded campus can find
some relaxing
minutes by lis
tening to the
new y e a r's
soothing rec
ords, Popular
ballads are
heading the
list of the
various types
of records.
Bop is almost
dead, except
fnf Iho f PW
fanatics who Epstien
cling to the hope that the real
bop and be-bop will once again
come alive.
The Dixieland jagg that filled
the nation last year is slowly
going out of existence. How
ever, with such music combina
tions as the Firehouse Five Plus
Two, and Bob Crosby and the
Bobcats cutting wax, Dixie will
never leave us again. The Waltz
kick that the nation went on
for the few remaining months of
1950 is about gone. Jazz will
still linger with us always, espe
cially with the revival of some
of the old records that made so
many of today's artists the
greats that they are.
Tops among today's ballads is
"My Heart Cries for You." Best
of the latest releases of this
saucer is Dinah Shores. With
the orchestra and chorus un
der the direction of Henri Rene
the combined effect allows for
sweet listening.
Another hit ballad has come
from the pen of Irving Berlin.
"You're Just In Love" (often
called "I Wonder Why?") is a
tune that can be classified as
dream;' and sentimental. The
song is the type that you would
enjoying dancing to while with
your best girl. Perry Como, with
the aid of the Fontaine Sisters
and Mitchel Ayre's and his or
chestra, has grooved a certain
hit of this song from "Call Me
One December afternoon in
1937, the idea of Benny Good
man and his band playing a
concert in the famed Carnegie
Hall was hot . The night of
Jan. 16, 1038, will go down in
musical history as a night that
will live forever as the night
when great musicians as Benny
Goodman, Harry James, Count
Basic, Teddy Wilson. One
TVof exact
'' '
Criminals do it, children can't
tell it, students want more of it,
businesses are run by it, and next
to the weather it is undoubtedly
the most discussed subject in the
It is the name of a magazine,
an essential ingredient in music,
a question asked daily by mil
lions and something on the hands
of the sick.
People die because they've
spent a lot of it, athletes try to
beat it, Rudy Vallee likes to
share it with others and even the
Russians are governed by it.
It's a four letter word. Spell
it backwards and you get emit.
And if you haven't guessed it by
now, you've been wasting it.
And speaking of wasting things
(no, you won't get the answer
to this riddle from me) it be
comes evident to the reader of
this column (yes, I have literate
friends) that the "Rag" staff is
either desperate for material or
has space that it can afford to
waste. Since I prefer to think of
myself a"a space-filler, any sug
gestions from "my readers" that
would take me out of the desper
ate category would be greatly
And since The Daily Nebraskan
offers no money-back guarantee
to readers, the only consolation
I can offer is that you won't have
to read this column next year.
(Editor's note She graduates
in June).
Krupa, Lionel Hampton, Cootie
Williams, Bobby Hackett, and
many other jazz greats assembled
together to perform a jazz con
cert that will be hard to equal.
Now from an L. P. Album of
two records, titled "The famous
1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Con
cert," all the actual music, even
the wild applause of the audi
ence, can be heard by anyone
who enjoys truly tremendous
jazz as it was known in the days
of yesterday. Such hits as "I
Got Rhythm," "Blue Room,"
"Shine," "Body and Soul," and
a real jam session, can be heard
as done by Benny Goodman and
the boys.
If you arc the type that Is
not afraid of ns-king your record
dealer for a few party records
then you can, without fear, ask
him for the record, "John and
Marsha." This record is the
accepted version of "Silent
George." With an organ back
ground Stan Krcberg says noth
ing but the two words John and
Marsha. However, the many
ways that hp says it is what
mukes the wax click. Who-ha.
i13 S0EilISB
EwCl IZZ.LZ - , -,,-,.,,.
By Donna Prescott
During the past two weeks
tests were given and taken by
most people eh!, Jim Godfrey?
Some people had such good
grades the whole semester they
got out of taking the final. Ex
ample: Bill Maxe.
Study breaks were taken by
the NU students in neighboring
communities such as Denton,
Fremont, Omaha, Roca and their
home towns.
When exams were over, many
of the students had taken off for
home and shor, vacations. Bill
Weber and Ted James left for
Denyer U. What drew them out
west when they live in Illinois?
Never underestimate the nowers
of a woman.
This little eem of nonspnsp was
overheard by two boys who
were having an argument: "Why
don't you do down and meet a
train HEAD-ON!"
New girls on the campus are
Raty Coad from Kansas and
Margy Zellers from Atlantic, la.
Several alums werp visitinu -tho
Delta Upsilon house this week
I end. Chuck Hemmingsen who is
j stationed in Fort Riley, Bob
! "Berries" Wait, who is stationed
in San Francisco. These boys got
in on the stag parties given for
Don Bryant who is about to be
married and Jerry Swanson who
took the step at the altar Sat
urday evening.
Gene Bruening:, Sigma Chi
prexy, has taken up refereeing
basketball games. After his epi
sode in Ashland he's not too sure
about the avocation. Seems there
was a squabble during the game
over the calling of a technical
foul. The crowd got out of con
trol and Gene and his friend left
via the back door.
Friday evening there were
only six girls left in the Alpha
Xi houpe. They became very do
mestic and dismissed the cook.
Thusly they prepared their own
dinner. The menu was T-bone
steaks and French fries.
Most of the Beta's took off for
Omaha after finals. They were
seen partying at the Road House
and the Phi Rho house party.
Several attended the hockey
Other people seen at the Phi
Rho house party were Anne Jane
Hall and Charlie Toogood, Ann
Stevenson and Frank Leary, Joan
Alexander and Jim Blankenship
and Pete Peters and Jan Huf
ford. Something new in the line of
Lincoln house parties was Ed
Acherman's barn dance. Sigma
Nu's and their dates dressed in
jeans and flashy shirts enjoyed
this unusual party.
Has anyone seen a pooka on
the campus with white ears
named Harvey?
Composers' Work
Presented at NU
Eleven Nebraska composers
had a chance to hear their music
played Friday afternoon by top
student musicians from the Uni
versity. None of the music had been
performed previously. The pre
sentation, an annual event, Was
sponsored by the University's
School of Fine Arts. Arthur
Murphy of the music depart
ment faculty was in churge.
Solos and small ensemble num
bers by the following composers
were heard: Mrs. Margaret Mc
Burncy; Mrs. Alice C. Skelton;
Mrs. Dorothy E. Johnson; N. S.
Pettinger; Mrs. Lena Pratt Jones;
Stephen F. Park; and Miss Flora
Wnrk for chorus: Alfred
Walcsbcy, Mrs. Skelton nnd Miss
Works for band: Louis Po
korny, Ltimlr C. Havlicek,
George Bryant and Mrs. Jones,
1 ' i mill I pfa fM
Broken hlzen of ma
hogany colored boot.
KmhoNMcd upper wlfh
buckle inNtep Mlrap.
Leather noIcn and
heels. While ihey lat,
at this valueful price!
0 '
Sig Alphs, Y-Teens
Formal Held
The Siema Aloha Epsilon fra
ternity had their annual formal
Saturday in the Cornhusker ho
tel. Favors for the occasion were
Moscow Mule mugs with the
SAE letters on them.
Sig Alphs and their dates
danced to the music of Aaron
Schmidt and his orchestra. The
brothers formed a line before the
intermission and a grand march
was held. Married, engaged, and
pinned Sig Alph's marched down
the aisle to the strains of "Vio
lets." Dates to the dance included
Bill Dugan and Nancy Widener,
Bruce Parrine and Jan Clayton
from Kansas City and John Mills
and Caroline Rogers.
The Teachers college Y-Teens
went to the Y-Teen formal Sat
urday evening. It was held in the
YWCA ballroom. The princess
from TCHS was Doris Barney.
The ballroom was decorated in
blue and silver to carry out the
theme of the "Sno-Ball."
local Disc Shoiv
Named by Coed
Shirley Murphy, freshman on
this campus, has just named the
Duth Meyers disc jockey show.
The name she gave the show is
"Saturday Night Sandman."
Her winning card read like
Dear Mr. Meyers: I have been
listening to your program the
past two weeks and enjoyed
your soft soothing relaxing mu
sic. It is so relaxing that I fall
asleep towards the end of the
program. Because of this a
proper title for your disc jockey
show would be "Saturday Night
Sandman." Please don't think
that I am bored with your show
but it's just that the music puts
me to sleep."
For sending in the winning
title, Shirley received an inter
view on the show. Tentative
plans are for her to appear on
the program this Saturday, Feb.
3, between 11 and 12 p.m.
University Alum Gels
Top Post in New York
Dr. Louise Kuhl, a native of
Beatrice and a graduate of the
University, will be acting dean
of Geneseo State Teachers col
lege, Geneseo, N. Y., beginning
Feb. 1. Having received her B.S.
degree from the University, Dr.
Kuhl obtained her M.A. and
Ph.D. degrees from the Univer
sity of Iowa.
f-0 ': .4
I 4 '.V,. II
mm, co-hit cj B
11 U II Basic ABC pj "SUDAN" ,.;;:;':,' j
: ,- ' 1
' -V-.Buntly
fVxr f(Jf ... Suits
Look! Ilcfore you pack or put on your Nan
Hun I Icy Suit . . . take a peck Umule at the works!
See the carefully hound flat neamn, the nhaped
elf-eovered ahoulder pad, the hound armhole
... all hidden hut important details that are proof
that these cViiHii-reniMuiil Brooktone rayon mils
are tops!
M Oceanian Brown
Dark Green
V''" m5J$ s Uni-ulii's Hits
w Dritarlnifnl Sinn-
Cupid Busy
During Recent
Exam Period
Mickey McKie, Alpha Chi
pledge from Red Oak, Iowa, re
ceived a diamond before the
exam period from her pin-mate
Val Hammond.
Before Don Cuppens left for
the navy Monday, he slipped an
engagement ring on the third-finijer-left-hant!
of Phil Wheeler.
Mary Sue Holland, Delta
Gamma alum, received a ring
from Don Bloom, one of the
Husker gridders.
Other campus engagements
during the final exam weeks
were: Don Richerdson and Lou
Ann Watkins, Glen Curtis and
May Van Horn, Wayne Eisenhart
and Barbara Yeager.
Monday evening the Kappa
Sigs serenaded the Kappa house
to honor Nancy Pumphrey who
possed candy to announce her
pinning to Don Winklcman.
Nancy Dixon announced her
pinning to Dai Myers, Sig En
alum from Weeping Water, to
the Alpha Chi house.
Other pinnings were Jim Win
ters and "Bunny" Lezar and Bill
Karrer to Beverly Bush from
Saturday at 8 p.m. Jean Lead
ley walked up the aisle in the
Westminster church to be mar
ried to Jerry Swanson. Her
bridesmaids were Barb Wiley,
Jean Smith, Shirley Hamilton, y
Pat Baldwin and Mary Ann
Helen Berry was married in
the St. Mary's cathedral Jan.
23 to Robert Dalton. Bridesmaids
were Norma Jean Schick, Car
lyle Rogers and 'Madelyn
Workers are wanted on the
business staff of Corn Shucks
magazine. AH persons inter
ested must call at the Corn
Shucks office 4 p. m. Wednes
day. Old workers also are re
quested to report at that time.
i if if 1 ZTM U
ass soby (racu . kmc kx wrrti
w"Ia M 1
1 iff .
Milium unit
Junior Si ten!
War Paint Red!
Vary Hlue