The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Friday, January 12, 1951
In Retrospect .
- ?
The first semester Daily Nebraskan ends its pub
lication with this issue.
We are signing the traditional "30" of the journalism
profession to the Rag's service to the students and their
University during this first half of the 1950-51 school year.
It has not been an altogether pleasant task to report
the events and happenings of this semester.
It was not pleasant to summarize the uncertainties
of the world and our life in the immediate future. The
effects of the Selective Service on the students and the
University was extremely disheartening to report and
predict. No matter what was said or set forth or surmised,
there was always present the uneasy feeling of being help
less in a situation which so definitely affects our genera
tion. That the situation was beyond control of those most
involved was bitter medicine to swallow. Yet the problem
demanded attention and we attempted to meet the demand.
It was not pleasant to report that a group of stu
dents were involved on campus in a brawl, a fight or what
ever it may be called. The recording of the episode in the
files of The Daily Nebraskan was an unwelcome duty
a duty that we hope will not have to be repeated in tuture
There was no pleasure in criticizing the Student Coun
cil for supplying a crutch to the ISA or in scoffing at the
Miden college plan for ridding American campuses of Com
munists. Nor did we relish the suggestions for improving
the Student Directory or demanding a halt to the ex
cessive stealing from the Union book nook. It is unfortunate
that some of these situations had to exist, but it was our
duty to bring these occurrences to the attention of the
Yet despite this unpleasant news, the past semester
lias been a bright one. It was gratifying to follow the 1950
Cornhusker football team to their most successful season
since Rose Bowl days. AU-American Bobby Reynolds is
still continuing to burn up the pages of not only the Rag
but other state papers as well.
ta tnvr tuvto other bricrht liehts in the last eighteen
weeks which overshadowed the unpleasant news stories. ;QeQn ThomDSOn AnSWCrS
The successful Crusade for Freedom in which the sign-i ipwii "
atures of 4 students totaled almost halt as many as uie fuaCnt COUnCIl S LCtTCr
entire state, the contributions oi Kengion-m-Liiie wees io
the students, College Day's plans, the numerous queens
and the solitary Ugliest Man on Campus all added their
luster to the semester.
It is possible that to some students the semester has
not teen too cheerful. The fluctuations of draft problems
created waves of certainties and uncertainties towards fu
ture education. These may have cast shadows on an other
wise bright period. Yet we cannot help but feel that the
pleasant happenings of the semester have outshone the
unpleasant ones.
We tervenuy nope mat tne columns ucai wurcovw
CONGRATULATIONS Capt. Thomas A. Donovan USN, professor of
Naval science at the University, is shown commending two of the
new student officers of the Naval Reserve Officers Training corps
battalion at the University Max A. James, battalion commander,
and Harry U. Carpenter, battalion executive officer.
at .
Daily Nebraskan will report news of a brighter and more
certain future, both for the University and for the world.
Pianist, Vocal
Soloists Plan
Recital Sunday
A faculty Tecital will be pre
sented Sunday, Jan. 14, at 4
p. m. in the Union ballroom.
John D. Blyth and Sari F. Jen
lrins, University instructors in
the School of Music, will present
the recital in connection with a
faculty series sponsored by the
School of Fine Arts and the Un
ion music committee.
Mrs. Mary Green, who will
accompany Jenkins, is a part
time instructor in voice at the
University and lives in Chicago.
Blyth and Mrs. Green will use
the nine-foot Steinway piano,
which was purchased by the
Union last summer.
Degrees Held
Blyth, pianist, is "an assistant
professor of "piano and music
theory at the University. He re
ceived his bachelor of music and
master of music degrees from
Illinois "Wesleyan university and
made several solo performances
in Chicago and Milwaukee prior
to joining the University staff.
Jenkins, voice instructor at the
University, received his training
and his bachelor degree from
the University. He has done
some solo work previously and
is the assistant choral director
He is now working on his mast
er's degree in music.
Recital Chairmen
BobLashelle and Marcia Pratt
re chairman and sponsor, re
spectively, of the Union music
committee. Members are Gene
Sibson, Beverly Mann, Barbara
Eeinecks, Ginny Cooper, Mae
Scherff and Aaron Schmidt.
Immediately following the re
cital a coffee hour will be held
for all students, faculty and
guests from 5 to 6 p. m. Joan
Lashelle is in charge of this
tiW m trp your wpnrti, trm papen,
timwi, tc. Experienced, t-tiifii.
5ererl rooms will be reliable lor the
econd lemeiter In Dormitory "A" of
-the Residence Hll lor men. Interested
tudente should the Dormitory
offiee or call 2-T651.
Walt Cole to Head t
Varsity Dairy Club
New officers for the second
semester were selected last night
at the regular meeting of the
Varsity Dairy club.
Named to head the group was
Walt Cole succeeding Bon
Broughton. Assisting Cole will be"
the new vice president Charles
Jim Bartosh will serve as the
new secretary treasurer.
Publicity director is John An
derson. The next regular meeting will
be held the third Thirsday of
JACK WEr.LB COMBO now available for
parties. Call 6-4650.
GIRLS Revamp your old formals. Make
them like new. 3-1393.
Efficiency apartment. Private bath and
Jirlvate ntrnnce. For 2 or 2 boys. 124
to, th. 2-8M.
Council to Poll
All Students
At Fee Paying
Two questionnaires will be
passed out to students paying
their registration fees at Grant
Memorial, Jan. 22 and 23, under
the auspices of the Student
One of the questionnaires will
be handed out to independent
students. It deals with the pres
ent Indpendent organization on
Independent students will be
asked to answer the following
If you will support an inde
pendent organization would you
be in favor of:
1. An organization of "both
men and women to provide
services, athletics, social func
tions and act as a guide for In
dependent action on -campus is
sues. 2. An organization on the same
order which would include only
men and would work in cooper
ation with the Barb Activities
Board for Women.
3. Would not support either
The second questionnaire which
all students, both men and
women, will be asked to fill out
Students will be asked:
Are you in favor of universal
military training?
If so, fdr how long? 3 months,
6 months, 12 months, or 21
From what age group should
men be taken? At completion
of high school, or upon reaching
38; or any time between ages
of 17-20.
Robert Raun, President
Student Council
Dear Bob:
Thank you very much for your letter of Jan. 10 pledging the
support of the Student Council and the student body in any move
necessary to set at naught the subversive activities of any indi
vidual or any group. This office has ever been vigilant in its ef
forts to protect the good name of the student body and of the
University. There have been times a plenty when we have felt we
stood alone in dealing with disciplinary problems, but in these
instances, we have always been prompted by the belief that at
tending the University was a high privilege and not necessarily a
matter of equity or legal Tight.
I promise you that this office will not deal tenderly with any
persons or group engaged in the perpetuation of any subversive
organization or any subversive actions that may Teflect upon the
good name of the University or of its student body. Neither shall
we deal tenderly with persons who commit physical violence
against others, indulge in cheating, drunkenness, or the destruction
bf property.
' : I have always maintained that the integrity and morality of any
oftmmunity is determined by the forthrightness and courage of the
individuals who compose it. The student body of the University of
Nebraska,' insofar as the immediate environment is concerned
can pretty much Cetermine what the intellectual and moral tone of
the institution is to be. a
'May I congratulate the student Council on its courageous stand
as exemplified in your letter and pledge it my support
Yours sincerely,
T. J. Thompson, Dean
To tve Editor:
The University of Nebraska Builders appreciate the edi
torial in the Wednesday Daily Nebraskan, relating to the Stu
dent Directory.
We Tealize that the late issuing of the Directory this year
lessened its value a great deal. Although circumstances were of
such a nature than an earlier publication was impossible, plans
are now underway to insure fast delivery next year. Both the
Builders and the Student Council are cooperating in this investi
gation; and the administration assures us that we will have their
complete cooperation.
The omission of some students from the 1950-51 Directory was
an unfortunate and unintentional mistake. Because the source of
our information was distributed to the various campus religious
groups, we had to go back to those groups in order to compile the
Directory. In this process, one religious-group was misplaced. We
are genuinely sorry that this oversight occurred.
Every effort is now being made to see that the next Student
Directory will be an early and complete one'
University Of Nebraska Builders
Intercollegiate Press
Turn tmny natiraakan j robHstM Oy -tin etndeata m ttu university oi te
Mc zpraMn of students' news and opinions only. According to Aittcta 11
mt thm Br Ijwi ffovamiac student publications and admlnhitsrM By the Board
t fuMtcatfona, 'It Is the declared policy of the Board cat putrtloatlona, under
Ha turtsdiattao MU frse (ram auditorial censorship on the part of tin Hoard,
ar on lit part of any tnemher oi the facility of the l)nrerslry tmt nesitMrs of
CM staff of The Daily Nebraskan airs personally rasponslMa for -srhaU thay say
or do ar earn to fc Printed.
DtftHMCrtpttfla rates are per semester, 9X.M pt semester matted, ar t.M for
a ! rear, t.0 mailed, stinsje espy Ke. Pnbllshed dally dnrlnc the school
Mr axsent ttatnrdays and ftnadays, vacations and axamlnatlna ewrt4s and one
imrnm statins: the month of Anrnst by the ( nlverult; af Nebraska anaer the avper
VI con of the CJammlvtee an (Undent PoMlearlmn. Entered as sjecond Class Matter at
ftst Past Offtea m Mnenla, Klehrmrtts, ander Act af (Jsnrress, March 9, I It 7a, nd
M m-tal rote af posters prortited for tn aaettoa 110. 4rt of (sag less af Otstober
a. Mil, sMSBortatd Septsmkar Is, 12.
&4ew sWrtora ...'
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trm fasr . ...
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HtuV M'tt4MT .00. ........... .... ..........
r sTraslsar ................. ,t
Srnes rTmrwdy
norma Ttntnm, Jerry Warms
Jaaa Kroerrr, Kent tiMl, Hetty les fvi-aver,
Clean Basenanist. Tom tilsehe
. BUI Mundell
,......... .Sim Kostsl
Vrr Mailer
..... Res Messersmltli
Van Vatkrnhar
Bod Rises
Tea Kanffsspti
Jack Off hen, Ctraek BarmelstCT, ?ob KHrhenoaeu
No Ceremony
Scheduled for
January Grads j
No special ceremonies will !
honor students who plan to grad- '.
uate this semester. !
Nevertheless, all persons re- j
ceiving degrees at the end of
this semester may participate in j
the exercises in June. !
This information was released j
by Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, Uni- !
versity registrar. '
Diplomas and certificates will J
be issued from Dr. Rosenlof's
office, Room B9, Administration j
hall, Saturday, Jan. 27, between i
the hours of 6 8. m. and 12
noon. j
Alternate Hours.
Those seniors unable to call
during these hours may secure I
their diploma during the regular j
office hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. j
beginning Monday, Jan. 29. j
"nininmnc'will be mailed UDon I
request on payment of the 50
cent mailing fee. A charge will
be made against the individual in
the case of -veterans.
t l : Jl ... artraac -ti ri t 1
no, be required to pay a diploma
fee as this has been included in
the blanket fee.
All candidates for teachers
certificates should file the health
blank money order for $2 in the
registrar's office by Wednesday,
Jan. 17. The money order should
be made payable to State Supt
Freeman Decker.
All students who are contem
plating any change in plans to
complete requirements for grad
uation this semester should re
port to Dr. Rosenlof s office im
mediately. As regards the June com
mencement, all January gradu
ates who plan participation then
should notify the Registrar's of
fice by May 15, in order to re
ceive the letter of instructions
Caps and gowns are required.
Newman Club
! To Elect Officers
i University Newman club will
j hold election of officers Sunday,
Jan. 14 at 4 p.m. in Knights of
Columbus hall, 433 M street,
j Catholic students attending
! the election and business meeting
i will hear Jack Jacobs explain the
i possibility of beginning con-
struction on the proposed Catho
! lie student center in the ensuing
j spring months.
i A 50fial" hour will follow the
j business meeting and election of
t officers.
! Retiring officers are:
! President. Neil Campbell; viee
i president, Gerard Pritchard; re
i cording secretary. Eileen Dereig;
corresponding secretary, Jane
McCormick; treasurer. Joe Wie
land: and social chairman. Dick
j Walsh.
I A slate will be proposed by
the reiinriR officers and nomi
nations will be accepted from the
! floor. All Newman clubbers are
I requested to attend.
7!2" JV'J
Christian Student fellowship,
Cotner house, 1237 R street,
Overton Turner, Jr., pastor. Sun
day First Christian church, 5 p.
m., recreation; 6 p. m., supper,
speaker Dr. Frank Soren
son, summer session director.
Topic: "Our Hope in the United
University Episcopal chapel,
13th and R streets, Rev. Jack
Sweigart, pastor. Friday 6:45
a. m. morning prayer; 7 a. m. holy
communion; 5:30 p. m. evening
prayer. Saturday 6:45 a. m.
morning prayer; 7 a. m. holy
communion; 5:30 p. m. evening
prayer. Sunday 9 a. m. holy
communion, breakfast following;
10:30 a. m. morning prayer; 11
a. m. choral eucharist and ser
mon; 5:30 p. m. evening prayer;
6 p. m. chapel dinner, cost is 60
cents; 7 p. m. evening program
with Dr. Charles Patterson as
guest speaker. Monday 6:45 a.
m. rooming prayer; 7 a. m. holy
communion; 5:80 p. m. evening
prayer; 7:45 p. m. informal dis
cussion group. Tuesday 6:45 a.
m. morning prayer; 7 a, m. holy
communion; 5:30 p. m. evening
prayer. Weanesday 7 a. m.
morning prayer, breakfast fol
lowing; 5:30 p. m. evening pray
er; 7:30 p. m. choir rehearsal.
Thursday 6:45 a. m. morning
prayer; 7 a. m. holy communion;
5:30 p. m. evening prayer.
First Evanrelical Covenant
church, 20th and G streets, J.
Alfred Johnson, pastor. Sunday
9:45 student Bfc'e class; 11 a.
m. sermon, "Stewards of Souls";
5 p. m., supper and student fel
lowship; 7 p. m. evangel, sermon,
"Father, Forgive Them."
Congreratton Tifereth Israel,
18th and L. streets, Joshua
Stampfe, rabbi. Friday regular
Friday evening service, 8 p. m.
Saturday services at S a. m.
Evening service, 4:S0 p. m.
Inter-Varsity Christian fellow
ship. Union. Monday 5 p. m.,
Bible study in Room 22 A Tem
ple, Tuesday 4 p. m. Bible
study. Room 22A Temple. Wed
nesday 7 p. m. Bible study,
Room 224 Burnett, Thursday
meeting, 7:30 p. m, subject, "Our
Interest in Foreign Missions,"
Warren Berrgren leading.
lTntversity Lutheran chapel, H.
Erck, pastor. The first Sunday
after Epiphany. 70:45 a, m,
rooming worship in Room S15,
Union, topic, "The Courtship of
Isaac and Rebekah," chapel choir
will sing. 5:30 p. m. Gamma
Delta will meet for cost supper
in YMCA room. Temple building.
Dean R. W. Griesse of Concordia
Teachers college at Seward will
lead the discussion. "
Methodist Student tamse, ill 7
R street, Richard W. Nuft, pa&or.
Friday 8 p. m., square dance in
YMCA Green room. Stmdfey
5:30 p. m., membership meeting.
Tuesday 7 v . m, fellowship
group; 7 p.mi, Sigma Theta Ep-
i silon neeting.- v - f
Prcsby fcowe, S33 North 14th
street, Rev. EeX Xnewles, pastor.
Sunday Presby: 5;30 p. m, food;
6:30 forum, Rev. Rex Kncwles,
speaker. Topic, 4 "Is There a
God Obstacles to Belief." ; Fol
lowing forum is an ice skating
party. First Plymouth Congre
gational: J:30 p. m, forum, Mr.
W. Swanson, former student
president of Pilgrim Fellowship,
guest speaker. First Presbyterian
church: 9:30 a. m. Sunday
School for university students in
Fellowship hall. . Oliver Karra
ker, leader. 5 p. m. university
fellowship group. Westminster
Presbyterian church: 6:30 p. m.
university fellowship at Manse,
2400 lAke.
Emmanuel Campus chapel,
1 5th and U street, C. M. George,
graduate student and pastor.
Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday school;
11 a. m. worship service, special
message, "Knowing the Time,"
on an important and timely topic.
Baptist Student house. 315
North 15th street, C. B. Howells,
pastor. Sunday 9:45 a. m. Sun
day school; 11 a. m. morning
services in all Baptist churches;
5:30 p. m., fellowship supper at
student house, 6:30 worship serv
ice led by Howard Sorenson,
speaker, Rev. Carroll Lemon.
Took, "The Cleveland Confer
ence of the National Council of
S Churches."
Guest Editor
Have you seen Dick Regrler
lately? The boy with one deep
purple and and one baby blue!
As he pointed to his roommate,
his sad story sounded like this:
"He hit me!" Seems that Bob
Reynolds was wrestling with
Dick in the privacy of their room
in the Phi Psi house and he gave
him the 1' elbow. One beef steak
coming up!
The Sigma Nu '"Pigge Dinner"
will be held in the Cornhusker
ballroom Saturday evening. This
is a tradition with the fraternity
where they have a pig roasted
and brought in for the stabbing
ceremony and great feasting.
After the dining the Sigma Nu's
and their dates will dance to
the music of Eddie Haddad.
The SDTs are having their
pledge party Saturday. Dates
for the occasion are: Lois Gere
lick and Panl Gaiter, Mary Lou
Ripps and Aaron Schmidt, Char
lotte Cramer and Mayer Mosko
wiU. A custom in the sorority
houses .when seniors graduate is
to have the seniors who have
not passed candy eat lemons or
onions. Jan Lindquist, Alpha
Chi, seemed to be on this list
of unpinned girls. She was wry
embarrassed Wednesday evening,
when an onion was served to her.
Unable to look at it, she finally
admitted that she wouldn't grad
uate until spring. Thought you
would get out of it, didnt you,
An original candy passing was
witnessed at the Alpha Xi Delta
house when Dorothy Williams
passed rose buds and cards with
a dot on it This announced
her engagement to Bnd Morris
Bud and Dot
Other pinnings on the campus
are: Fran Najrle and Ginny
Koch; Bobbie Bardic and Bob
Barckns; Kenny Lox and Rose
Marie Mettlinr; Mike Swanda
and Donna Johnson from Central
City; Don Richards and Loo Ann
Wa'tkins; and rhoebe Dempster
and Don Barrton.
Newly engaged couples are.
Rosanna Locke and Fhil Persky,
a graduate student at Stanford;
Bobbie Holmes and Panl Ke
stteky from Winner, South Da
kota; and Jo Pyle and Glenn Pe
terson from Gothenburg.
Friday night is the Interfra
ternity Ball where the Interfra
ternity sweetheart of 1951 will
be announced. Dates to the dance
are: Don Larson and May
Scherff- Pat Polnickr and Dick
Rice; Dee Riddel and Don Brad
ley; Ann Gilligan and Jim i
Walsh; Bunny Spradley and Jerry
EwIiir; Amy Palmer and Jerry
Copland; and Pris Jones and Jack
The army, navy and air corps
seem to be creating a serious
havoc on the campus. But Dick
Dunnuck just missed his calling
and will be back next semester.
Seems he had been planning to
sign up with the Naval Reserve
unit at the air base Thursday.
Wednesday the group was called
into active duty. Sorry girls, he's
Gass New President
Of Pre Mel Group
Walter Gass was named to '
head Nu Meds in an election held,
Wednesday evening.
Others elected were James
Wamsley, vice president; Don
Kuxhausen, secretary; David
Peatrowsky, treasurer; and Bruce
Hendrickson, publicity chairman.
11 8:25 11
iv Aoninox to or
"Walk Softly Stronger"
' 1
MAT. 50c
Eve- 74
MAT. ... 35c
EYE. ....50c!
feuttre at
i n t.n !4
nationally fleersditod '
An Outstanding College in
Splendid Profession
' Entrance rsauiramsnt thirty
hours al Liberal ftrts credits.
AdTcmmd standing crantsd tor
additional L. A. credits.
TNTtt i'.lum Start February 12
xcallent clinical tacllltiss. Re
creational and athletic activ
ities. Dormitories on campus.
Approved tor 'Veterans. Si.
Chicago 14, HI.
VARSITY: WTalk Softly
Stranger," 1:41, 3:41, 5:41, 7:41,
9:43. Sneak 8:30.
STATE: "Rigoletto," 1:18, 3:21,
5:24, 7:27, S:30.
HUSKER: "Missourians,"' 1:27,
4:19, 7:12, 10:05. -"Shed No
Tears," 2:48, 5:41, 8:34.
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If you are not, we invite you to try
the latest innovation in bookstore
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Vbite button.
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roll to the -collar.
Popular a a bulidiiT
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the gala.
F i n e h i t e 1 J
liroaili'lotli. extreme 1 ' , " ' ' ' t
v iilfircnJ collar. "' '-''
Sharpen! nliim on 1 M ' ""''''r''t
"the ciuadratigle I ''' "4 A ' 1
this year. , 'v V-,1
Y. n'l'n :
7VTVIanbattan Shirt Company, makrrt of Manhattan hiru, nr&
umir, tmdrrumir, pujatmn, tporthim. hmrlmvar and handkerchief:
itastww Maaagvr ,
Ana's hfshsess Managers
:'rnilat-nn nsr , . . .
Kit-lit hews fcoltor
al KleHKtnx
Beat As tell