) A Vs Vtt UiAJU LTltlJ Vol. 51 No. 70 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Friday, January 12, 1951 Enlistment Debate Arise 111 V X. Ill i .Draft -1 1,1 i s issvorti. uf For BMebrosknB Avsri :;if:i'V5 W-fK V v r""lfA REYNOLDS Another award was added to the sensational sophomore grid player's al ready long list of citations. Bobby is one of the Daily Ne braskan's two selections for the "Outstanding Nebraskan" . title. Chinese Reds Near Pusan Beachhead Leading elements of a com munist column were repotted by the U. S. Eightht army to be seen ten miles south of Chechon and moving in a southerly di rection in central Seoul. Meanwhile Red troops drove through the center of the penin sula in South Korea halfway to the old Pusan beachhead while other forces began swarming south again on the western high way below Seoul. Spearheads of another 25 communist divisions reached two miles south of Osan, 25 miles south of Seoul, while the high ,!ys behind them were clogged "h war traffic, ssia Transports 'Iroops to Siberia In Siberia Russia has moved 300,000 seasoned troops into the eastern section and may be plannig an attack on Alaska, the ministryq of defense of the Chi li e s e nationalist government warned Thursday. The ministry said the troops were moved into the area either to join the Korean war against United Nations troops or to strike across the Bering strait into the Aleution islands of Alaska. Barnds, Cargo Head City YM Election Slate Bill Barnds and Dave Cargo head the city YMCA election slate as candidates for president during the 1951-52 school year. Voting by YM members will take place Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the YM office in the Temple building. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be come president of YM, while the other will be vice-president. Other candidates and offices to be filled include: Second vice president R o b e r t Crownover and Gary Wirsig; Secretary Treasurer Ned Conger and Mel vin Quick. Ralph Hanneman, former City YM president, is candidate for district represen tative. Votes for the officers will be counted at the annual YM elec tion night supper, to be held at 6 p.m. Jan. 17. The cost supper will take the place of the reg ular Wednesday night meeting, and will be brief because of final exam week, . according to YM officers. Reservations for the dinner must be made by Monday evening, Jan. 15. Both candidates for president are sophomores, and both at tended the recent National Stu dent Assembly held at Oxford, Ohio. Brands is in the College of Arts and Sciences, and was form erly district representative. Car go is an engineering student and was secretary of the organization during the past year. The candidates for second vice president are both engineering sophomores. Crownover is former sports cnairman of YM, while Wirsig has served as publicity chairman. Secretary-Treasure Secretary-treasurer candidate Congen is a Teachers college junior, and a transfer student from Wesleyan university. Quick is an Ag College freshman. Hanneman is retiring City YM president, and is a junior in the School of Journalism. He at tended both the York and Mid land District YM-YW confer ences last year. He is a member of Beta Sigma Psi fraternity. The 'Weather Cloudy and mild Friday with occasional rain, becoming colder and with rain changing- to snow west and north portion Friday nitht. High Friday in the forties. Grid Coach, Pupil Score New Victory The Cornhusker football coach and his sensational sophomore protege collected another victory today. All American Bobby Reynolds and his coach, Bill Giassford, have been selected the "Out standing Nebraskans" of the se mester. For Glassford's efforts coach ing a great Cornhusker football team and for "Ramblin' Ro bert's" efforts as an individual player and a team member, The Daily Nebraskan has awarded them the citation for "meritor ious service in promoting the welfare of the University." Giassford designed and fash ioned the 1950 squad into an outfit that ranked second in the Big Seven. The nation's No. 1 team, the Sooners, were first. Against Oklahoma Glassford's Huskers rolled up more points than any team since 1944. Rank 17th At the close of the grid sea son, the AP sports writers ranked the Huskers 17th in the nation. Giassford himself received sev eral votes for the title outstand ing coach of the year. Presently Giassford has been making an extensive tour of Ne braska high schools and speak ing at dinners about the Uni versity athletic program. Glassford's star pupil, Reyn olds, has been flying from east coast to west coast to receive various honors. In Philadelphia, he was presented the Pop Warn er Football foundation award as "Football Player of the Year," and on the west coast he received the Los Angeles Times "Athlete of the Year" citation. He appear ed on television in New York City on "We the People" and was named "Mr. Touchdown" for being the highest scoring player in the nation. In doing this he broke existing records for national collegiate scoring. Makes New Record Establishing a new Big Seven record for rushing and scoring, "The Rambler" is "Player of the Year" and "Sophomore of the Year" in the Big Seven con ference. Placed on the All American offensive team by the All-Players, the Associated Press, Grant land Rice, Look magazine, the Football Writers' association, Helms Athletic foundation, Foot ball News, and Parleys' he was also placed on the defensive team by the International News service, Sporting News and the United Press. Although Reynolds, who has been given various nicknames by sportscasters, fans and sports writers, has won nation-wide fame and honors for his ac complishments, he has remained modest. He repeatedly says that it was the work of his back field mates in their ball handling and faking that cleared the path for him. Receives Nicknames The ghost of Grand Island, another title tagged on him, has won the approval of Univer sity students in off gridiron events. He was elected Prince Kosmet at the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue and was elected by cam pus coeds as one of the Eligible Bachelors who were revealed at the Mortar Board ball. Giassford and Reynolds were chosen from seven candidates nominated by students or fac ulty members. Home The executive posts of three coed organizations were filled yesterday in elections on both Ag and city campuses. Joan Raun, Home Ec club; Dee Lovegrove, city YW; and Alice Anderson, Ag YW; will head their respective organiza tions. The new officers were selected during voting at Ellen Smith hall on city campus and at the Ag Union. Home Ec members named Joanne Engelkemeier as the new vice president. She was the sec ond high candidate in votes cast for the office of president. Jeanne Vierk will assume the duties of treasurer and Janet Ross will take over the iob of secretary. A tie materialized in the race for historian. Barbara Spilker and Mary Jean Niehaus will work together in this ca pacity. Home Ec Council In addition to the executive positions, coeds selected the Home Ec council, consisting of eight members. However, tabula tions were not finished as this paper went to press. Results will be published at a later date. Twenty-two coeds were vieing for the eight positions on the council. Eleanor Erickson will take over i eorii 3 Hi A pi GLASSFORD The Cornhusk er coach, who molded the 1950 football squad into a nationally ranking team. Heimiiiger Advises Men Not to Enlist In the opinion of Brig. Gen Guy N. Henninger, Nebraska director for Selective Service, many stu dents are enlisting with the armed forces "months before they will be needed." General Henninger said he is urging students now in school to stay in school until called by the Brig. Gen. Guy N. Hen ninger, state director for Se lective Service, will give his views on student enlistments on the Nebraska Network broadcast, "Your University Speaks," at 12:30 p.m. Sunday. The show is carried by KFAB, XFOR, WOW, and sev eral other stations at 12:30 and may be heard at 10:15 p.m. Sunday on KOLN. Also on the broadcast will be Lee W. Chatfieid, assistant to the Dean of Student Af fairs, who will explain the en larged deferment . program operating tn the army and Air R.O.T.C basic courses; and Prof. J. P. Colbert, Di rector of Veterans at the Uni versity, who will discuss G.I. training deadline dates. draft. He said he is well aware of the fact that many students are enlisting to avoid service with the infantry. "I've pointed out to some of them," he said, "that it would not be exactly pleasant to be shot out of a plane four miles high into temperatures at 20 degrees below zero. And I can also see where duty on a destroyer in the arctic in midwinter would be a little monotonous, to say the least." General Henninger said he feels in some instances recruiting service representatives have "per formed a dis-service to young men" by urging them to enlist now when such enlistment means dropping out of school. "My advice to students," he said, "is to stay in school, learn all you can, and let Selective Service take its normal course of events that way students will be ready to serve when they are needed." Turning to a review of draft operations, General Henninger said: 1. Selective Service is operat ing the same now as it has been since last July. There have been no major changes. 2. Only men between the ages of 19 and under 26 are being drafted. 3. The draft is not inducting veterans and cannot induct them under the present law. Ec Clu duties as vice president of the Ag YW. Artie Westcott will be installed as the new treasurer, while Mar ilyn Cook steps into the secre tary slot. Donna Dee Tinkham is the new district representative. DEE LOVEGROVE Heading city campus YWCA activities for the next year will be Doe Lovegrove. ecruiters Jam Student Chances or Advanced ROTC Deferment Navy, AF Giving Men 'Bum Steer?' Nobody wants to be quoted on it,, but a behind-the-scenes argu ment is warming up between Navy and Air Force recruiters on one hand and the draft on the other. At the bottom of the debate is the opinion of draft officials that over-zealous recruiters are giv ing hundreds of young men es pecially college students a bum steer. The draft officials have been saying that recruiters are using the "scare" technique to convince students they should drop out of school and jump into the service right now. Infantry Line A favorite line of recruiters, they say, is, "You don't want to be stuck in a 'marching army,' do you? That's where you'll go if you wait for the draft. Why not get in now and choose the branch of service you want?" This argument contains some sense because at the present time the draft is not delivering men to the Navy, the Air Force, or the Marines. Drafted men go to the Army now, but after all, the 1 Army does have many Draraura of service m addition to the in fantry. The draft people have been saying the recruiters have been getting men into the Air Force and Navy faster than they can be handled and that this is a waste of manpower. Evidence that there may be something to the draft-side argu ment came Thursday when both the Navy and the Air Force an nounced they are going to slow down enlistments. The reason given was that training centers are jammed. O. K. T Enlist But . . . Draft authorities say they have nothing against young men who enlist in fact, they smile upon them because in making up aran quotas, Washington manpower officials take enlistments into account. This means that the big ger the enlistment total, the smaller will be the draft quota. I What the draft people dont ' like is the thought that while the law under which they operate has special provision to keep col lege students in school, the re cruiters can make that provision meaningless by inducing students to enlist. Ag Union Readies Exam Program Ag Uunion offers students a full round of relavation for the exam period. , Movies, Hour dances, and ping pong tournaments fill the slate. Hollis Eggars, Ag Union ac tivities director, urged that Ag students utilize the opportunities for enjoyment offered. "Because after all," she said, "students can't study the whole two weeks." The hours for relaxing are scheduled at convenient times and at breaks between exams. Movies are scheduled for 12 a. m. Monday, Tuesday, and Fri day of the first week; movies at the same time Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of the following week of exams. Hour dances will be both weekat 4 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The ping pong tournaments are to be held at 4 p. m. on Wednes day of each week. F's 9 Name Miss Erickson received the second high number of votes for president. Therefore, she auto matically received the position of vice president. Vice-President Miriam Willey is the new vice president of the City YW. Doris Ws, JOAN RAUN Miss Raun will wield the gavel at Home Ec club meetings during the 1951 52 school year. The Best Deal. This question may be tardy, but What did you get for Christmas? We can answer, we think, for about 1,500 students who, sooner or later, are expecting Greetings from Uncle Sam. They all came back from Christmas vacation with almost identical cases of Korean jitters. Here is the prime symptom: Worry and Fear which prompt a young man to whisper to himself, "I'd better en list now or the draft will put me in the infantry in Korea next week." Within the past two weeks, 64 students have suc cumbed to this type of Korean jitters. Back of the enlistment wave is undoubtedly this feel ing, "I want to get the best deal for myself in the armed forces that I can get." We have no quarrel with anybody who is out to get the best deal for himself that he can get. That's an old Amer ican custom. What we do take issue with is the conclusion that enlistment at this time produces the best deal. As we see it, those who enlist at this time are basing their decision on two point?: First, that the best deal amounts to nothing more than staying out of the infantry in Korea or anywhere else. Second, that the draft pressure will end when the Ko rean crisis is relieved. Let's take a look at point one. Anybody who thinks enlistment now is a guarantee of anything, is kidding him self. In wartime there are no sure things. Ask some of the Flying Cadets who finished World war II with an M-l. The best deal in our book is more than an expediency, good for a few short weeks. No, we're talking about more than merely staying out of the infantry. As for point two nobody, surely, believes that the Korean crisis is the root of the defense preparations now under way in the United States. Our economy, our man power, our resources all are being geared for a long range, big Conflict between our brand of democracy and communism; namely, Russia, In other words, the "normal life" of our generation may be a life of unsettlement, of conflict, and perhaps, of war. Certainly we are not contemplating spending the rest of our lives settling a crisis in Korea! Here's the point we make. Education, good in peace time, is even better in wartime. The veterans of World war II will tell you what it meant ,to have a good educa tional background on your record. It was the educated boys who got the best deals in World war II and it will be the educated boys who get the best deals during the dura tion of the present conflict. As we said, in times 'of war emergency there is no guarantee of a sure thing. The guys who are trying now to beat the draft and outsmart Congress are taking a chance a big chance. We know the draft law is up for recon sideration. We know some changes may be made. But we cannot believe that American leadership will make the fatal error of junking its universities and colleges when it needs them most. We simply do not believe that college defer ments will go out the window. Americans have demonstrated their faith in education, and American educational institutions will be operating next year. Somebody will be in them, but it won't be the boys with the Korean jitters. j Semester's Last 4Rag' Issue Today Today's issue of The Daily Ne braskan will be the last issue to appear this semester. No paper is put out during final exams or during the period between se mesters. 1 The fir st edition of the second semester will be out on Tuesday, Jan. 30. The second semester Daily Ne braskan will be edited by a new staff. This staff will be selected by the Committee on Student Publications at interviews held held Tuesday, Jan. 16. Second semester classes will begin January, Jan. 29. The fol lowing day will be the date for the first Daily Nebraskan of the new semester. Carlson will take notes as the new secretary while the money records will be handled by Shir ley Ransdell. Reth Wilkens will serve as the "Y's" new district representative, i Activities of the new coed i presidents: ALICE ANDERSON Suceed ing Dorothy Bowman as YW president on Ag campus will be Alice Anderson f a,.:... ... v ' "- i J3 v, :. ',i,,..:.S::i?;;i:i'.;.iL ' 7 j Union Schedules 'Finals' Dance The first Union dance of 1951 will be held aSturday, aJn. 20, from 9 to 12 p. m. The "Final Fling" will be a record dance in the Union ballroom. The dance is under the direc tion of Margaret McCoy, chair man of the Union dance com mittee. The committee promises a wealth of entertainment, but will not reveal just what the en ertainment, but will not reveal just what the entertainment will be. Genene Grimm, Union activ ities director, announced that tables will be set up in the ball room, as they were for the Cal endar Girl dance, and refresh ments will be served. cers Miss Raun is secretary of Ag Exec board and notification chairman of Tassels. She is on the Ag Builders board, a mem ber of Phi Upsilon Omicron and Chi Omega sorority, Miss Anderson, past secretary of the Ag YW. has also served as past commission chairman, delegate to National YWCA as sembly, president of Ag Country Dancers, treasurer of the Ag Exec board and a member of Phi Epsilon Omicron. Loveprove Activities Miss Lovegrove, a junior In fine arts and Teachers college, has served as chairman of the personnel committee of the YW, and is past assistant treasurer, chairman of the Hanging of the Greens, and past chairman of the Activities mart. She has attended both the Midland and York dis trict conferences of YWCA. Other campus activities are Panhellenic council, of which she is presi dent, and Coed Counselors. Voting in elections on both campuses was fairly light. Only 97 voted in the Home Ec elec tion and 50 cast votes in the Ag YW. On the City campus, about 240 voters appeared at the polls, which were supervised by mem bers of Mortar Board. jst ik em m m Reservist Program Accelerated Men students nrolled fa the University ,now taking basic Army or Air Rorce ROTC train ing may, in most cases, be defer red by the Selective Service. Lee Chatfield, assistant to th dean of student affairs, an nounced Thursday that an en larged program of Army and Air Force ROTC training on the campus has made deferment of most basic students, and all ad vanced students possible. Under the new program, enter ing freshmen are screened to meet the mental and physical re quirements previously required only of students applying for ad vanced corps training in the vari ous branches of the Army and Air Force ROTC. Advance Trailing Based on current quotas, the Army and Air Force ROTC ex pects to accept for advance train ing better than two out of every three eligible students who apply. Most of the those rejected will be students unable to meet the academic or military require ments of the ROTC program. "What the expanded Army and Air Force ROTC training programs mean to male students in the University is that every eligible freshman and sophomore student who wants to stay in the University now will be able to do so. It means that every such stu dent will be able to complete at least two years of University work. It also means that all ex cept a relatively small number of ROTC students will be deferred from draft long enough to per mit them to obtain the four-year bachelor degree and a commis sion in the armed farces," Chat field said. Accept TSlnmfsskw ? " He pointed out that students accepted for the Army and Air Force ROTC training programs must agree to finish the course and upon accepting a commission agree to serve two years in the armed forces if called. Branches of the Army in which students may enroll in the Uni versity ROTC include: infantry, ordnance, field artillery, military police and engineers. Branches of the Air Force in which students may enroll for training at th University are: communications, See Draft, Fagre 4 Deadline Near For Veterans Using GI Bill World War II veterans who have GI educational training time to their credits must be regularly enrolled in school be fore July 25 if they expect to use their entitlement. This word came Friday from Prof. J. P. Colbert, University director of veterans affairs. Es tablishment of the deadline date, he explained, means that the GI educational program is drawing to a close for most veterans. . To use remaining educational entitlement, veterans must be regularly enrolled either during the second semester of the cur rent school year, or enrolled in the summer session prior to July 25. No Re-enrollment Heretofore, GI students have been permitted to enroll, drop out of school, and then re-enroll. From now on, however, GIs will be expected to be in school con tinuously, normal vacation pe riods excepted, if they intend to use their entitlements. Professor Colbert explained there are a few exceptions to the deadline date. One of these concerns teachers who are working toward grad uate degrees. They will be per mitted to complete their train ing at summer sessions rather than during the regular school term provided they are teaching during the regular term. Anotner exception applies tj veterans who have returned to duty with the armed forces or who return in the future. They will be granted a reasonable length of time to take advantage of their educational rights fol lowing their release from serv ice. . Medical Students Not all medical students come within the terms of the deadline. Some of these have been ac cepted for medical school but because of the medical schools are crowded and unable to ac cept them at this time, such stu dents will be allowed to pursue their medical training after the deadline. Professor Colbert said too that the Veterans administration will grant extensions on entry time to GIs who are unable to comply with the deadline because of ill ness, provided the student files a doctor's statement with the V.A-, attesting to the illness. i I J k. 4 I