THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Monday, January 8, 1951 Dancin ' for Kelaxin S .s- trgs, , '-.5 f h j I rev - 1 v t i.iV V wJ Posf-Wr 5f tidem? ifoht ics involved! Focfionf "Ools I Kd. Not: ThW K continuation f MiniMii iMillilcirJ hfotttrv uiMarthpl fntm f Ihr fllt f itae Dally Nebraskan. Thr arttHt Intend no dlresHH'l against either (im4k or Indt-ixrmlrnt. but only strives to ri" 'h1 PIHIriil hlKh lixhtit f p ran. It Is thr BfftMd of Ihnf Installment, i SNO-BALL OX AG Stxsdents are dancing to the music of Bobby Mills, whose orchestra can be seen in the background, at the Ag Union's Sno-ball which was Friday night in the College Activities building. Student hobies were displayed throughout the dance by the Ag Union hobbies and games committee. And Next r' 7f If By Jerry Bailey Politics took a holiday during . World war II. As the men crowded back to campus in 1946, faction members started the wnispers going, "If your sorority doesn"t vote the faction's way, your house won't get any queens elected . . ." Mortar Boards and sorority pres idents came out fighting, de nouncing block voting right and left. For a while it even looked as if there was a fight on be tween a Greek women's faction and a Greek men's faction. GI veterans returned to the campus threatening fire and slaughter to factions and politi cians, but they failed to show at the polls. Temporary Withdrawal Audible sniping indicated to observers that all was not well " between Greeks. Finally Beta Theta Pi withdrew from the faction, calling for a political union between all barbs and Greeks of good will. (The with drawal from the faction was only temporary). Beta Theta Pi ran a candidate tor junior class president in op position to a faction candidate. Rebel Greeks, enthusiastic barbs and surly vets joined to defeat the faction. The faction retal iated by contesting the election through the Student Council. The Faculty Senate finally ruied that the election was valid. The next act came in Novem ber of 1946. when Panhellenis started swinging wildly in the direction of the faction and an nounced that no candidates from sororities would be available for the Kossnet Klub's Nebraska Sweetheart. Panhell indicated that it was doing this to fight "influence" and "block voting." The Klub loudly protested that it was neutral and above poli tics. Secret Interviews Kosroet Klub workers secret sy interviewed sorority girls as to whether they were wiUirtg to be candidates anyhow. Girls replied "Yes. if . . ."" If the Klub could promise to protect them from the wrath and vengeance of Panhell. The Kosmet Klub could not make any such guarantees, so the deal was off. A member of the Un affiliated Students' association was named Nebraska Sweetheart. Early in 1947 a couple of splin " tens known as the Union Inde j pendent party and the Student ; party appeared biicflv on the i scene, and then folded up again, j ; Several barbs briefly revived the Cornhusker party, a newcomer I which found itself neck-deep in ! red tape. It ended up with the ; i only slate of candidates on the ' I '47 election ticket. An all-time j 1 high in student voting put some 1 independents in office. 'Playing Politics As the year 1947 grew older, t j the news was more and more l concerned with the Student i : Council, 'Rag' Receives New Office For Tutting Paper to Bed, Dailv Nebraskan night news night headquarters in the rick- o. j . t,vni-. ho. I editors have a new home. ety, age-old Journal building. Student Affairs who spoke be- headquarters for "Rag" j The new building, which will fore the recently-formed Inde- wew ni.mqu u -ntiiaiiv ho mnlotrt to Siail mfiuueia vwiw ......... -t- ; - w . h- the newspaper the night before j place the old Journal structure an issue comes out is in the re- still partly in use, has been un centlv -completed portion of the der construction since the early Journal building at 9th and P i part of last year. usintt intimidation as a weapon, streets. . p """j In" the fall elections of '48 the 1 The new Journal night desk is The old desk in the old bui)d. faction officially entered no can- : in a flourescent-lighted "v?mp , in v as "P tNV0 flights of stairs, riidates- then went to the polls I ing room on the second tiooi oi , to the left and dpwn and around tne uitramooern mh uuh. , aDOut two blocks." The new desk The "Kag' previously nau pendent Students Association, denouncing the Student Council and Daily Nebraskan for being "Faction controlled." The Dean later charged the faction with to win the election with a write in slate, Come to Nebraska; Be a Campus Queenl By Ruth Raymond Come to Nebraska and be a queen! Th-;o spvm words should The faction had the ; Hofiniteiv ho inoiuHoH in all ad- council neatly wrapped and tied, j vertising' material put out by the Faculty members cleared their j ,-,.,?.. J,"! ' Think of the high school gals fraternity formal throats ' politics vvho wouW prefer coming to col- ; After the April. 1948 elections. , le?f al Nebraska rather than ' the Dailv Nebraskan pointed out Boulde,- or state Junior colleges i that the faction-supported slate if they knew that they could be of candidates was elected 100 'a oueon. per cent. Agonized yelps from a It's practically a guarantee that good many directions followed every girl on the Nebraska cam this disclosure. This flood of pro- I pus can b? a oueen of one tvoc test helped to push a non-fac- f or another at least one durin; tion man to the presidency of her four years pt the Universi'v. i the Student Council. To top it all, the gals can be Thompson Enters Fight sn official queen, not hist an t n , . , . unofficial campus oueen. All sorts of titles, honors, and roy alty courtesies are handed out during te year. After the first month of school, the rush is on. Candidates, nom inees, favored selections and top Boards and Panhell again went on record for violently opposing block-voting and the faction. In February the Nebraskan carried a headline proclaiming that. tivities at ISA Meeting." This I arc madIv Put "p for every was in reference to the Dean J camP"s CfUOen election. -. . . . . - Best Advertising Queens seem to be the best ad vertisement for all organizations. So the already lengthy list of campus rulers grows longer with each new publicity campaign. There are manv grounds on This year's calendar sales, which these ladies are selected, sponsored by the Builders, will Votes on tickets, which usually come to a close this week. Almost add to the bank balance of an all of the 200 available calendars j organization, personal judging. Calendar Sales End This Week XTSTC FOR MOCORIES Memories I this semester's parties and formals will be revived wfcesra snider: Is dance to the music of Pres tcw Ldv st the Iniarfraiesmity Ball. Friday. J&m. 12. This vcill be the ""last ch&see" or studects to enjoy themselves before final week. Greeks to Hear Saxophonists 'Commercial Style9 at Ball Fraternity Drops Race Restrictions One ol the national white fra ternities. Phi Eps.iJom Pi. recently ; opened its membership to Negro . students. A resoliition has been passei 1 bv the national convention which : prevents barring nraewbers be cause off "his race, his color r hi religious be2:eJs j The action cleared the way for ',i the admittance of the first Xecro i to the fraternaty at Upsilonrj clhapi ter at the University c! Con ii ueetjeut. !j Upsilon. one cf 3S chapters. .; had originally teen sais-penoed in February hea it pledged the Xecro stuwiient. have been sold since the sales be gan about two weeks before Cltristmas vacation. The books, which contain scenes from 53 American univer sities including Nebraska, sell for one ctollar per copy. This is the third year that the Builders or ganization has sold the calendars. Members of the Builders cal endar committee scH the calen dars to students, faculty mem bers, administrators and other Lincoln citizens for use as memo pads or date boolks as well as cal endars. Some of the workers even sold the books in their home towns during Chnstnrs&s vacation. Ann Jane Hail. Builders board member and supervisor of the calendar sales, reports that the number of activities, beauty, per- each annual ; dance. The independent students have an Independent Student associa tion sweetheart and a "Hello Girl." The I ntei fraternity council chooses, from the sororities, an Interfraternity Sweetheart to reign at their annual Ball. Ag Coeds Reign At Ag college, three fortunate young ladies may reign during the yesir. The Goddess of Agri culture. Farmers' Formal queen and the Rodeo queen are the titles handed out at Ag college. AUF came up with a new one this year when they announced the Activities Queen title. Those attending the AUF auction voted on their tickets. Tassels select the finalists for Fep queen who reigns dunng the Homecoming festivities. An en tire school election decides who may ba honored with this title. Builders put on a Calendar Girl election. Two faculty mem bers and one student select twelve lucky campus ladies to represent each month of the year. A pop.l;jr vote then determines the Calendar Girl of the year. Six Beauty Qneens And now the beauty queens! Twelve finalists are selected on the basis oi ber.utv. The six girls is on second floor, up either one flight of steps or one short ride via automatic elevator. Lighting for the old desk, where miles of "Rag" copy has been proofread during past years, a I consistea oi one main ugnung f fixture about 20 feet from the ' ! , , , - li i: i oesK, ana h sihhm leaning lamp of "20 watt lighting capacity." Lighting in the new building is soft, subdued and non-glaring. Fixtures aie of the modern flourescent type. Walking distance is also cut down in the new building. The paper is made up no farther thrn five steps from the "Rag" desk. Linotype machines and the m;;;n composing desk are also easily accessible to niiht news editors. Journal Offices, The new building has" the edi torial offices and mechanical de partment on second floor and businesses offices on first floor. Journal staffs moved to the new building Christ. nas day. Journal editorial staff members are enjoying the benefits of a complicated telephone and in tercommunications system, up holstered dosK chairs and less crowded conditions Offices in the new building have mocrn paneling and streamlined walls. Even the "morgue" or filing room is new with cabinets well arranged. As one "Rag" staff member put it, "the old morgue was literally i morgue." sonality and many others are wh are chosen, by personal ap- the basis on which queen poten tially is judged. Fraternities, sororities, inde pendent associations and activi ties on both Ag and city campus groups are leading the race in number of queens for this and queens for that. Xo Alternative Queens, queens, queens! That word becomes a bit monotonous pearance this year, have the honor of being photographed for the Cornhusker. A reigning personality is. defi nitely needed for the Miliiary Ball and so an Honorary Com mandant steps forward to take the honors. And. of course, the University couldn't exist without their own personal sweetheart. Another and slightly overused. But there popular vote picks out the gal wno is presented at the Kosmet Kluo show as the year's Nebraska Sweetheart. And for the girl who is ugly, ignorant and bow-legged, the University graciously supplies a title. So that everyone rain ho is no alternative. The Nebraska campus is loaded with raving beauties-. And each girl can rule. So. as the word has become pr ticiilarly representative of the University, it must be used. To begin the long list, there .1 Wt( in flow, t-sgr isjtrs iwc re4gireirai very veiu arc .weniy-six organizes! irater- a queen, there is the possibility and that everyone connected with nsties cm the campus which indi- : of the grand and glorious" honor the s&Jes has been very coopers- vidua!!? select a queen for the '"Muss official R-Kvch lave year. This is usually done at tainer."" GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 NORTH 14TH STREET Prestos Lcve, whose ban.3 will pity for the annual toer-irater-Euty Ball, features muse cf his commercial style1' strracigenaeLis and perlorraaiKes. A firm believer ia this style of dazyre nnasic Love plans his ransical library aocorditigly- Fea tures cf n evening's perform sukce cf tis band in-dude the Vp tues of the tut piarade. novelty rjuinbers and featured artistSu These Groups Recognize Themselves FeUcw'stoips am d siixolhr flaps for errtetantinjg sernit aire fnit EnmerioiK aind very muvh in "liif memt mw, but SjU'ays a Jew are leSt tfL Lately, few of tiese fceve taken icaarters irto their (pica fcands nd have been sup plying tbeir rwn awards. At Bofrtra college in York TOiaTl society called the Oold Key fiecidefl to copy li idea ef their Studeut Council an9 voted to buy tbempelve The Hofstrs daily ptpr ob jected editorially lo the yrvposil and put this in their papier. "TriiE organizcitioii Gold Kej') utatefl thiit tin"t they reprewxt the rtuder.t body . . - tney too .ctefiesn jackets. W.orkiiig surjoei iCbis fxrxDcnpie. can eertaiily isiclude the tchoo" puper itiJl . . . 5n SiiB clothiTig fund Sot to be .outdone, lioulsians Stil t:ah'erBjty',t Student Co'jn cal iiuve Jurt voted ItiemaeJves treys, t cost til aipier. In an sarcuirfcic eflJtorial the Daily Se ville pointed cut that ffj tola purtihaBe flvjotild coet "a trif moer 1170 The Bevi'He suggectied "S-itt "ftje SenrK, too, Should hsv-e "key: "Zt H seeral Sirrjep mw hj meroais than ttie Countil, but the local, aroouut needed to fai.t;rj both governing bodies; fihotidEt be anuch more sthan $500." A troup f 'fia'lE from another chool b-ie formed tfie Siliw Star cr- iean piiite c'hjb. To tb a ftax, Shese girlr murt bold their plates otar iheir Jneads after anting. If nothing .e!root upon the bead, J5i fltx'eie.d sil ver star 4s theirs. CLASSIFIED IUOPT (LRfliw Siuuv wTlm wutitli w Cullmunt, Xet. . Flmir puHBt fjull Jlttwl Woofiward tit It-Zxb hi -ttw ijOW . Hmna flu Jui jiin. iiewurtt. Culi (J'l K.WJEi:i i)wrtninl ukut uiiiiua If mim 1w M'trt r'Mim X 'if 'J imym. Tlt -wct nti.K . i'-;,KKiv iPT tnt ftvr your wiMirt, jiujMtin Sharing the spotlight with this saxophone artist nill be Harry Lem-is, Eiily CargiHe and ""George-toTs-E" Kolmes. Prior t. forming his in cjr chestrs, Lcve m-as a Sealuiecl art ist mit.h the btinds of Count Eiasje, Fits Wilier. Lucky MiHinder an4 J ohtu.y Otis, Preston Love was a former Golden Glcves m'etereight box ing champion and has retairjed his interest in sports as a parti cipant and spect&tor. Baseball is his favorite sper- i later sport and be is a Bot.cin Eed Sox fan. Among the bands cf today. Love lists as his favor- ites: Count Base. Woody Her- Taan, Ekuie EH;ng1.un and Le? ErtnsTL Prestena Love and his band played for Slbe Mojiar Bard Ball this year. The InterfratejTiJty BaJ3 mill be held am the Lincoln ! Hotel ballroom, Jsel 12, from $ to ".2 p. rr... Tickets ff.or tfj Ball w-J be j . sold through the social chajjroen ; .J the University fraternities. I Price cf the tickets is $2.50- Presentation cf the lnterfra- ! ternity S-eetheart will highlight the evening. She mill be ebotwn : from five finalists who eompose the reigning ladies" ccrart.. Official Speaks AIoui State's Inseet Outlook The gra;hypper and corn Jxrer outkv.k for "juit ; ivat good" Dj. Ephriara Hi son. i cbxecior of jeioerjt int.truclon land er'tomologJKt at tfje Uniwj : sity. told Theme attending the I '.weed icicjaalenence Wednesday I morning. 'j The irjtir.e iU'ea of If. Fan ihaiioie us uir of srassbopper ;g- Tljey have alno from 5J.joux county 'into Aith.ur county. ; This was oet.ermir.e.d by urys .vf jJie fduJt lam fall and ece oounts to the 'prouod this wxrjier ; At ff"r tl wm bor-er Dr. Hjx fu.m aid the irate oi nurnwa at 'hifib xis ieJ1 a the prwptwts for a beiwy inettaton is the nprjng. Wj-kcthw or mot the in festation 'be high ,cK-pendf on "'drouth'" and ""wetness.' 3f ot's 'dry abey canlt eroej-j;e and if if is"w ihe 'i'l idro"n and I the 'inJeiaalioo witl be L-ght, j However of m-eather as Ja" I .oj'abie ie escpect a ""had jat xiiMion.'' The boner jsury iruide in !! lal) who-v.ed the greatetl jmietasrUoB -ia the 3ioJtbeaiSrxi taction oi tl-ie irLate. 7'hey art i.tiowmg as far weirt as Grand : Isiand. Dr. HteBoa. 'Concluded that the ' flcpartmenl .of entomology will .tiontinue making t;pot checks m the various courjties for both crasiihioppert and corn borers. However, the incHvitftrel ffarmers trait chfvk their -own farm and i xiet' the anf.esta'Uou. v iam nun ,t 4mm M Ro) rfff Sffi I milium nut n curis - -v 'i j r -nBrrj'- W 3- '' fl J" I 1 1 ' I II A i 8"l r z ? r? I , -it l i l -j- - f UAOINO SIUU s U I - 'I Make the tobacco growers niLDIIESS TEST YOURSELF... .... I . - . ..... - seen smoKing . . . upen a pack .. .enjoy that milder - nesierneia aroma. And tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder. So smoke Chesterfields prove they do smoke milder, and they leave SO USPLEASAST AFTER -TASTE. uaoihc siufse N, Iff AMERICA'S COltlGfS