The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 08, 1951, Image 1

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    jj. !.mi t" sir " " i i' t' "T I ' ""1" ilT"' - Win feii Hi i m ji -iwV T i
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COLrjLAJ)Ll Urn.
Vol. 51 No. 66
Policy Hit
By Taft
Assails Sending
Troops Abroad
The United States has no
business "butting in" in Europe,
Senator Robert A. Taft told the
members of the Senate last week.
Taft doubted the constitution
ality of sending troops to Europe
without first obtaining the con
sent of Congress. He issued a
ten-thousand word speech bit
terly attacking President Tru
man's foreign policy.
Taft said that he doubted that
Russia plans a military conquest
of the world. He said he saw
; no conclusive evidence that the
' , Soviet Union contemplates war
with the United States.
The chairman of the Senate
Republican policy committee said
he would favor sending a limited
number of American troops in
H ,x support of the North Atlantic
pact, if European nations took the
lead in establishing such a force.
, Truman had announced that
'. he would send an unspecified
. number of troops to Europe as
soon as possible. He said he did
; ' not need the consent of Congress.
Calling the United Nations
V "ineffective," Taft said he did not
; think that the rest of the world
could be abandoned to rely solely
upon the defenses of the North
and South American continents.
' His speech came a day after
- Senator Wherry had announced
' a "Taft for President" drive in
Austin Ures World
To Rally Against Reds
Warren R. Austin- American
delegate ot the United Nations,
called on the free nations of the
world to rally against the Chinese
aggression in Korea.
There were, however, indica
tions that British commonwealth
and other nations of the world
would not consider an American
proposal to condemn the Chinese
communists as aggressors.
Austin said that the time for a
successful cease-fire proposal was
past. The Chinese communists
intend to drive U. N. forces into
tthe sea, he said.
Reports indicate that the U.S.
is attempting to show some of
ft 19 the smaller nations that their
I time is coming, if the Chinese are
v successful in Korea. American
3 delegates were reported to be
discussing the matter with some
of the smaller countries.
Planting; Restrictions
On Corn- Wheat Lifted
Planting restrictions on 1951
corn and wheat crops were lifted
Friday by Secretary of Agricul
ture Charles Brannan. He said
that the United States needs a
maximum of these grains in view
of the current national situation.
The government had previ
ously announced a system of al
lotments for planting of corn and
wheat in 1951. Restrictions had
been lifted on cotton production,
but controls remained on pea
nuts, rice and some kinds of
Wheat will continue to be sup
ported at 90 percent of parity,
Brannan said. The supports of
corn were not announced.
Nebraska's Sen. Kenneth
Wherry commented that the pro
posal has so many "ramifica
tions that it cannot be immedi
ately taken or rejected."
' ft Trainmen Reject
Waife Ajreement
A three-year pact concerning
, wages and hours was rejected
by railroad firemen and train
men. A plan announced on Dec.
21, by Presidential assistant John
R. Steelman, involved 300,000
railroad workers.
The country's major railroads
have been under government
control since Aug. 26, when they
were seized because of a threat
ened general strike of conductors
and trainmen.
At the same time, railroad traf
fic officials said that they would
request freight rate increases of
six per cent from the interstate
commerce commission.
Will Name
Staff Members
Cornhusker Countryman staff
members for next semester will
be selected Tuesday, Jan. 9 from
3-5 p.m. it was announced Satur
day by Eleanor Erickson, present
Editorial staff positions to be
filled are: editor, managing edi
tor, home ec editor, photography
editor and editorial assistants.
Business staff openings arc
business manager, circulation
manager and assistants.
interested, tncKson
aid, should turn in applications
u- of T Moll Kfnro TllPQ-
W 111. air w. v .wu
i Hay.
',' V Each applicant will have a ten
rminute personal interview with
'the Ag Publications board. In
terviews will be in R. J. Graham's
office, Ag Hall.
Publications board members
are: Margaret Cannell, C. C.
.Minteer, R. J. Graham and
, George Round.
The Weather
' Weather Fir and warmer, j torical events and romantic ad
, Temperature In the high 30s. I ventures.
I 1 1 1 Lizzu
Judge of Beauty . . .
? .
IVx.inwl -'Aitt-r nwn-im'-roriir- 4
JIMMY DORSE Y J udge of the 1951 Cornhusker Beauty Queens.
The selections were made Sunday in Omaha, but will not be re
vealed until later. Six coeds will be chosen to have their pictures
appear in the 1951 Cornhusker.
Six 1951 Beauty Queens
Judged by Jimmy Dorsey
Jimmy Dorsey has selected
the six finalists in the 1951
Cornhusker Beauty Queen con
test. The 12 finalists journeyed to
Omaha Sunday to meet Dorsey.
Each had a personal interview.
The judging took place at 4 p.m.
at the Omaha Athletic club.
Dorsey appeared at Peony park
on Jan. 6 and 7. The selection
committee decided that this year,
a personal interview would of
fer a better basis for selection
than merely judging only by the
pictures as has been done in the
Ends Today
Says Hoover
Dr. Floyd Hoover, assistant
registrar and director of admis
sions, announced that today
would be the last day of second
semester registration.
Students holding assignment
numbers 3200 and higher can
register today in the Military
and Naval building from 8 to
11:30 a.m. and 12:45 to 4:30 p.m.
Registration, which started
Thursday, Jan. 4, has been mov
ing much faster than planned
and the process will be completed
two days early than expected.
The main bulk registering to
day will be those students in
junior division.
Six thousand pencils have been
given by the courtesy of the Na
tional Bank of Commerce to the
University for students register
ing. Free refills can also be ob
tained at the bank.
Registration fees will be paid
alphabetically in two days, Jan.
22, A to L and Jan. 23, M to Z,
instead of the three days pre
viously planned.
Payment of tuition fees will
be in Grant Memorial.
The new NU ruling which re
stricts a student adding or drop
ping a course after 12 noon Feb.
17 is in effect because of the new
veterans administration law.
The government will not pay
a veteran's subsituant fee or tui
tion after the third week of
school, therefore according to Dr.
Hoover, "What ever applies to
the veteran, must also apply to
the non-vets in school."
Previous to the new rule, a stu
dent was permitted to add or
drop a class at anytime.
French Movie
A French movie entitled "Far
rebique" is the next attraction in
the YMCA's series of foreign
It will be shown Jan. 12 and 13
at Love Library auditorium.
Produced by George Rouqurer,
the movie won two prizes in Eu
rope in 1949, the Grand Trix Du
cinema and the Grand Crixdela
Critique international.
The movie is the story of an
actual French family and their
life during the course of a year.
There are no professional actors
in the story
The picture ha been pro
claimed "as real as the land. . . a
story that must be seen and felt
and lived."
TTninn t Virtw
Historical Film
A feature length film entitled
"The Dybbuk" will be shown
Monday at 3 p.m., in the Union,
Room 313.
The movie is sponsored by the
Hillel foundation. There will be
no admission.
' The film is based on a story by
Sigmund Ansky. It is a story of
mystic experiences in medieval
Europe which combines both his-
Ffie Ulegl
past. Last year's judge was Henry
Announcement Later
The selections will be an
nounced at a later date. The can
didates are: Julie Johnson. Sue
Ann Brownlee, Dorris Newman,
Jackie Sorensen, Mary McKie,
Jan Carter, Jane Carpenter,
Janet Glock, Nancy Dixon, Pam
Kinnie, Ramona Van Wyngarden
and Beth Alden.
The 12 finalists were chosen by
a committee consisting of Dick
Kuska, Cornhusker editor; Jack
Barnhart, Cornhusker business
manager, and representatives
from a local hairdressers, wo
men's apparel store and a danc
ing studio.
Dorsey played at the Military
Ball in 1948 and at the Mortar
Board Ball in 1949. A member of
the "Big Five," among popular
bands in the country.
Judging Basis
Dorsey will be asked to judge
on the same basvs wre used
by the five local judges: groom
ing, clothes and colors, carriage
and poise; hair complexion and
make-up; general appearance and
proportions; and eyes and ex
pression. The twelve finalists were
chosen from a field of 47 candi
dates. Six coeds will be chosen
for the final Beauty Queen titles.
The winners will have their pic
tutres printed in the 1951 Corn
husker. Editors' Notes
Satirize News
Although editors work hard
most of the time, they occasion
ally have to slip in their com
ment on happenings on campus.
A few of the better comments
have been recorded from other
From the Cavalier Daily: "The
Coke machine in the gym was
broken into for the second time
last night. . . . Twelve cokes and
$4 comprised the loot. . . . Uni
versity police are going to use a
finger print kit . in an effort to
discover the culprit."
Ed. Note: Shades of Dick
From the Panhandle Collegian:
"It is said that Alvin has pre
sented Carolyn Rogers with a
beautiful piece of ice for her left
hand. This one really caught us
by surprise."
Ed. Note: No fear, Carolyn,
it'll melt."
'Rag' Accepting Nominations
For 'Outstanding Cornhuskers'
Nominations for the outstand-
!" "JM a"lJaLul!!!!eI
WIIU U1U Hie lllKJOl 111 JJI UUlULlilg i
the welfare and spirit of the Uni-
versity," are still open.
The award, presented by the
Daily Nebraskan each semester,
was given to Sue Allen, president
of the national YWCA, and Dr.
Carl Borgmann, dean of facul
ties, last semester.' The winners
will receive certificates of recog
nition from The Daily Nebraskan.
Any member of the faculty or Z"""JA .
student body may make nomi- CuuL aWlt unts anLhl?
nations for the award. The nomi- WrS"f 8 out student
nations should be accompanied , S'- Allen was recog
v, o , arM,o nized for her work in connection
why the nomination was made.
Nominations may be sent through
the campus mail or brought to
the Rag office by 5 p.m. on Wed
nesday, Jan. 5.
Staff Selections
The winners will be selected
by the Daily Nebraskan staff.
Their names will appear in the
Jan. 12 issue of the paper.
The only restriction placed on
nominations is that no member
of The . Daily Nebraskan staff ;
may be nominated.
The first awards were present
ed to Chancellor R. G. Gustavson
and Tom Novak the fall semes
ter of 1949-50. Gustavson re
ceived the award for his willing-
ness to cooperate with students. I
'si 'rap's
Shucks Staff
Filings Opeii
Applications Due
On January 16
Filings for paid staff positions
on the business or editorial staffs
of The Daily Nebraskan and
Corn Shucks Will open today,
Jan, 8.
Any student wishing to apply
for a position on either of the
two University publications may
pick up an application blank at
the Public Relations office in the
Administration annex, 1125 R
Filings will remain open until
Tuesday, Jan. 16. After the ap
plications are filled in, they
should be taken to the Adminis
tration office to have the scholar
ship blank completed. When the
applications are finished they
should be returned to the Public
Relations office.
Interviews of applicants will be
held Thursday, Jan. 18, from
3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Committee
on Student Publications will then
adjourn to the Union for evening
interviews. Afternoon inter"iews
will be held in the Administra
tion building. Exact place will be
announced later.
Application Forms
Positions are available on both
publications and forms may be
picked up any time between
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Jan. 8 to 16.
The Committee on Student
Publications, which will inter
view the applicants is composed
of three student representatives
and five faculty members.
These are: Dr. Roger V. Shu
mate, political science professor,
chairman; W. C. Harper, director
of student activities; Mary Guth
rie, professor of home economics;
William J. Arnold, psychology
professor, and Bruce Nicoll, as
sistant director -'of Public Rela
tions, who acts in an advisory
capacity on the committee.
Student members are: Leon
Pfieffer, senior representative;
Jerry Matzke, junior representa
tive, and Norman Rasmussen,
sophomore representative.
Interview Order
The interviews will be held in
the following order: Daily Ne
braskan editorial staff, business
staff, Corn Shucks editorial staff,
business staff.
Preceding the interviews, edi
tors and business managers of
The D'airy"NebHskan and Corn
Shucks will give a summary of
the semester's work on their re
spective publications.
Positions on the Corn Shucks
wnicn are open lor filing are:
Editor, $50 per month; two man
aging editors, $20 per month;
business manager, $50; and two
assistant business managers, $20.
Shucks positions which are ap
pointed by the editor and busi
ness manager are: Photography
editor, art editor, exchange edi
tor, circulation manager, business
and editorial staffs.
Positions open on The Daily
Nebraskan are: Editor, $50 per
month; two managing editors,
$40; five news editors, $30; fea
ture editor, $30; Ag editor, $30;
sports editor, $30; assistant sports
editor, $15; and society editor, $10
per month.
Business Jobs
Business positions on The Daily
Nebraskan are: Business man
ager, $50 per month; three assist
ant business m'anagers, $35 per
The application blanks require
specific information regarding
experience, averages, and facts
concerning applicants' including
name, address, college, major and
position applied for. Previous ex
perience on University publica
tions must be included. Other
qualifying experience is also de
sirable. Hours being carrierd, hours
earned, weighted average and
hours with grades under four
See Publication, Page 2
He once said: "There is always
a Pla my appointment book
for a student who wishes to dis
cuss his problems and those of
the University."
Novak Honored
Novak was honored because of
his outstanding sports record as
well as his support of the Uni
versity. Borgmann and Miss Allen re
ceived the awards last semester.
held last spring
Nu Meds to Hear
Lincoln Clinician
Dr. E. B. Reed of the Lincoln
clinic will be the guest speaker
at the final Nu Med meeting of
the semester. His subject will be
The meeting will be held in
Parlor Z of the Union, Wednes
day, Jan. 10, at 7:15 p.m.
Election of the next semester's
officers will be held. Nomina
tions were made last week.
Art Larsen is the retiring pres-
Monday, January 8, 1951
&u . ";:v::-
edited the Student Directory
which goes on sale today. A
University Builders project, the
complete list of all University
students sells for 50 cents.
Out Today
At last, after almost a semes
ter of work by the Builders, the
1950-51 Student-Faculty direc
tories are complete and now for
For fifty cents this student
fac u 1 1 y information handbook
can be purchased at the booth in
the Union and also at Regent's,
Nebraska and Peden's Book store
as of today.
Those who have already sub
scribed for the UN directories
can recoive them in the Union
booth starting Tuesday, Jan. 9.
One must present, his receipt be
fore obtaining the book.
This year's directory is eight
by five inches, twice as large
as the 1949-50 issue.
A complete compiling of all
the enrolled students are listed,
plus their year in college, col
lege, home town, Lincoln ad
dress and phone number.
All the faculty and adminis
trative personel are listed, in
cluding their office number and
location, Lincoln address, Uni
versity and home phone number.
The addresses and telephone
number of all organized houses
and their members make up the
latter pages of the directory.
The denomination, address and
telephone numbers of the Uni
versity pastors and religious
workers is given in the directory.
Sponsored by the Nebraska
Builders, workers and staff
members have been working on
the directory since early this
Directory staff is: Helen Vitek
and Bob Mosher. editors; Jayne
Wade, Nancy Benjamin, Louis
Million and Betty Stratton, as
sistant editors; Jan Lindquist,
business manager; Dick Ford,
sales; and Doree Canaday, advertising.
Regents Accept Conditional
Bids on Building Projects
The University Board of Re
gents accepted Saturday subject
to approval by the state legisla
ture low bids on two proposed
building projects considered vital
to food production in case of war.
The projects are the Meat
laboratory to be built at an esti
mated cost of $284,310; and the
Dairy Production laboratory, to
be rennovated and an addition
built at a cost of $207,127.
A legislative bill, introduced
Thursday, would freeze all new
construction by state institutions
receiving funds from the special
state mill levy.
The bill was introduced at the
request of Gov. Val Peterson,
who, early in December, asked
state institutions to voluntarily
suspend public building until the
legislature could act. The freeze
request was made, the Governor
said, to release materials needed
for the national defense effort.
Exceptions Considered
In his inaugural address, Goy
ernor Peterson said he would ask
the legislature to decide if an ex
ception to the freeze order should
be made in the case of the Meat
laboratory, Dairy Production
laboratory and insectary. Bids
will be taken by the University
in about 60 days on the insectary
if funds are provided by the
All three buildings will be on
Ag campus. Dean W. V. Lambert
said all three projects would con
tribute to the "critical problems
of food production" if war should
"It is the duty of the Univer
sity and the state to get facilities
such as these in shape to lend the
greatest possible assistance to our
nation," Dean Lambert said.
Dean Lambert said the new
dairy building would provide fa
cilities for developing inbred
families of Holstein cattle, for
better dairy farm management
methods, for studying methods of
handling semen and increasing
the Conception rate of dairy cows,
and for developing new methods
of handling dairy pastures and
hay crops.
Provide Facilities
The Meat laboratory, he said,
would provide facilities to curry
on slaughter and assay work in
connection with nutrition studies,
to develop new methods of meat
TcaCie Fisisls
Roscnlof Clarifies Policy;
No Excuse From Exams
Many of the students who have received their draft
notices or enlisted in the armed forces prior to examina
tion week have been misinformed in regard to their final
G. W. Rosenlof, registrar and director of admissions,
announced, "There
is no auto
matic excuse from examinations
authorized by any agency of the
It is not definite that if they
were required to leave before
exams they would receive an au
tomatic excuse their full Uni
versity credit for their courses.
Exams StiU Required
"All students now registered
in the University," said Rosen
lof, "are expected to complete all
requirements for the current
semester, including taking the
final examinations. No provisions
have been made for the auto
matic excuse of any student from
taking final exams on account of
the war emergency."
Because of the present war
situation, a special committee has
authorized the issuance of a
blank to be used by students
who are called into the military
service prior to finals. The blanks
are now in the hands of each of
the deans of the several colleges.
To aid those leaving for the
services, all instructors have the
privilege to excercise their own
prerogative with respect to any
requirements that must be made
by a student withdrawing from
the University at this time.
Permission Of Profs
When the draftee or volunteer
has received permission from his
individual instructors to be ex
cused from final examinations,
the blank is to be filed with the
Dean of Student Affairs, T. J.
Nine years ago at almost ex
actly the same time on the cam
pus, a similar situation existed.
Provisions were hastily being
made for those leaving for the
forces before examinations.
A special meeting was called
by the Board of Regents to dis
cuss the examination period. Un
der the system approved by the
Regents, draftees or volunteers
could receive credit without an
examination in his courses, pro
vided he was in good standing
and had a grade of 70 per cent or
better in those courses.
Former NU Policy
One-half semester credits were
granted after eight weeks of
study; full credit .after. 12 weeks.
Any student entering the
armed forces could request, with
the approval of the department
and the dean of the college con
cerned, examinations for partial
or full credit of any of the
courses he was carrying.
Students who had entered em
ployment in defense were given
similar privileges. In the case of
students who had already drop
ped out prior to the Regents'
plan, the students could apply to
the dean of their former college
for benefit of the policy.
curing, and packaging for use in
the armed forces, preservation, to
perfect use of antioxidants to
prevent rancidity in fatty foods
and to attack problems of the
frozen food industry.
"The Meat laboratory and the
Dairy Research laboratory have
great immediate and long-term
value to the livestock and dairy
industries of Nebraska," Dean
Lambert said. "In addition,
agencies of the armed forces will
probably use our facilities to ca
pacity." Dean Lambert said the insec
tary would be valuable not only
to solve the farm insect pest
problem, but also would provide
Nebraska a center from which to
combat a possible use of insects
during the war.
Low Bidders
The low bidders on the Meat
laboratory were: general con
struction Westcott and Bower,
Lincoln, $184,821; electrical work
George Knapp company, Lin
coln, $14,900, and mechanical
work Natkin and company,
Omaha, $84,290;
Dairy Research laboratory:
general construction, $149,576
Olson Construction company,
Lincoln; electrical work $13,351,
commonwealth Electric, Lincoln;
and plumbing and Seating, $44,
200, Natkin and company, Omaha.
The Regents accepted a report
from the University's Building
committee that two major build
ing projects scheduled for 1951
have been indefinitely postponed.
They are the $:!50,000 high .vhool
and gymnasium for the Teachers
college and a $200,000 remodeling
project of the Temple theater
J. Leroy Welch, Omaha, was
elected president of the Board of
Regents, succeeding Robert W.
Devoe, Lincoln. George W. Lig
gett, Utica, was elected vice
president, while John K. Selleck,
Lincoln, was re-elected secre
tary. Two new regents were present
at the first meeting of the year.
They are Dr. Eatle Johnson,
Grand Island, and Dwight P.
Griswold, Scottsbluff. They suc
ceed Frank M. Johnson, Lexing
ton, and Stanley D. Long, Grand
is icjm,
Film to Give
1950 Grid
Funds to Start
Hulton Award
Cornhusker football fans win
have the opportunity to see th
Husker gridders at their best
next Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 7:30
p.m. in the coliseum when the
N club will present "Cornhusker
Football Highlights of 1950." The
50 minute sound movie shows top
action thrills of the 1950 season.
Tickets are on sale at the Union
or may be purchased from any
"N" man or at the gate. Ticket
price is 50 cents.
Hutton Scholarship
The proceeds from the showing
of this film are to be used to help
Mrs. Hutton defray the expenses
incurred during the illness of her
late husband. It is hoped that it
will be possible to establish a
track scholarship to commem
orate the former athlete of the
The memory of Dick Hutton
will long remain in the minds of
Cornhusker sports followers
throughout the state. He obtained
eight letters while at the Univer
sity, lettering all four years in
track and football.
Outstanding Sprinter
In track, he was one of the
outstanding sprinters of the mid
west, and in football, was an All
Big Seven halfback selection. Be
sides achievements on the ath
letic field, he was an honor stu
dent, finishing high in his gradu
ating class.
The movie, presented in his be
half, has been compiled and
edited by the University athletic
department. It features the out
standing offensive and defensive
plays of the Cornhuskers during
the past season. The sensational
running of Bobby Reynolds cou
pled with the accurate passing of
Fran Nagle combine to give 50
minutes of football thrills.
Plays by other Husker backs
will be shown along with some
shots of the top defensive action
of the season.
N Club Sponsors
The N club has been working
hard to make this event a great
success, according to Bob Phelps,
N club member, both as an aid
and a tribute to a former N man
who so completely exemplified
the ideals of the wearers of the
Iron N.
Gov. Peterson
Will Address
Governor Val Peterson will
speak at an Ag college convoca
tion Tuesday noon.
The general topic of world and
foreign affairs will be aired.
Starting time for the convoca
tion is set for 11:15 a.m. in the
College Activities building.
All 11:20 a.m. classes on Ag
campus will be dismissed. This
will facilitate attendence by Ag
campus students and staff mem
bers. Notice was received from Ag
college Dean W. V. Lambert that
all students and faculty mem
bers are especially urged to at
tend. Peterson spent 24 months in
the China-Burma theatre dur
ing the last war as Lieutenant
Colonel in the Air Force.
He was chief of plans and op
erations division of the North
ern Air Service command. A
such, he was in charge of de
ploying troops and supplies to ,
support the 10th Air Force in
The present governor of Ne
braska also supervised the mov
ing of troops over the hump and
into China.
This will be the first oil Ag
campus convocation this year
and the first, also, to be spon
sored by Alpha Zeta, Ag hon
orary for men.
Alhpa Zeta annually sponsors
one or two such convocations in
conjunction with the office of
Dean Lambert.
War Jitters Hurl
Oklahoma Grades
"It took me 22 years to grow
this b'ood, I don't want to low
it in one hour in Korea." ThUi
was the statement of a graduat
ing senior at the University of
Withdrawals to join the armed
forces have numbered 86 from
the beginning of the Fall quarter
to Dec. 1 at the Sooner school.
In an attempt to stem the tide,
the Dean of Admissions argued
that the Army wants college
trained men.
Uncertain conditions In the
world have resulted in poor
morale and low grades on that
campus. Forty-six percent of the
studt-iits came through with
grades of "D" or "F" for the
mid-semester. Even the girls are
jittery, declared the university's
Counselor of Women.