The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1950, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, December 19, 1950
Cornhuskers Return Home,
1 QS0DS7 HG0B9Im
eet Iowa State Teachers
Nebraska's Cornhusker basket
ballers return to their home court
Tuesday night in their last game
before the Big Seven Tournament
In Kansas City during the holi
days. Furnishing the opposition
lor Harry Good's boys in their
econd home appearance of the
year will be Iowa State Teach
ers. The Huskers will be seeking
their third win of the season
against the teachers. The Scar
let currently is sporting a .333
mark with two victories and four
Victims of the Cornhusker out
fit in this young season are the
Missouri State Teachers and
Santa Clara. The Huskers
dropped Santa Clara on their
western road trip while routing
the Missourians here in their
Initial home contest.
Husker Conquerors
Holding victories over Nebras
ka are Minnesota at Minneapolis
in the season's opener and Cali
fornia university on the western
road trip. The University of
Washington slapped the Huskers
twice on this same tour.
A shuffled lineup may face the
Iowa Teachers for Nebraska
Tuesday night, coach Good indi
cated. He is trying to overcome
the NU lack of height and re
bounding strength. Bob Pierce
the Husker center, has done most
of the rebounding and the NU
opposition has been able to slack
off on guarding the forwards.
Coach Good may send Jim
1950 Big Seven Pre
Wlltw (
S 'rl.
latar ( -
. t Sat. 2:00 p.m.
No Ut. 4:00 p.m.
4 M
Wlnnw 4
Conference Tourney Opens
Dec. 27; NU Faces Tigers
The Big Seven Conference,
after playing havoc with top
ranking teams throughout the
country until last week's rather
disastrous weekend, continues Its
outside engagements this week
with an eye toward the ap
proaching Big Seven Tournament
In Kansas City, Dec. 27-30.
The University of Minnesota
will be the guest school to com
plete the eight-club bracket.
On the basis of early per
formances, it looks like the tour
ney finals will pit Kansas of the
upper bracket against either Mis
souri or the winner of the Oklahoma-Kansas
State clash in the
lower bracket.
The Huskers, Cyclones, and
Buffaloes will probably be fight
ing it out for consolation honors
agsinst the loser of the Sooner
Wildcat battle.
Before the season started it
would have been easy to pick
the tournament finalists. That
would, of course, be Coach Phog
Allen's Kansas Jayhawks against
the Wildcats of Coach Jack
Cleveland, Los
Pro Finals With
Bears Fall
C'tarterback Bob Waterfield,
playing perhaps the greatest
game of his life Sunday, tossed
three touchdown passes to End
Tom Fears and kicked a tre
mendous 43-yard field goal to
lead his Los Angeles Rams to a
24-14 triumph over the Chicago
Bears in their National Football
league divisional playoff.
The victory gave the Rams
their second National conference
title in a row and avenged a pair
of defeats pinned on them by the
Bears earlier in the season.
A near free-for-all battle be
tween both teams halted the
game in the closing seconds. It
was several minutes before play
was resumed and the field
cleared. It took awhile for the
officials to make the squads step
back to their respective side
lines. 83,501 Watch
'A crowd of 83,501 watched the
thriller in 92 degree heat. The
victory lifted the Rams into the
playoff for the league champion
ship with the Cleveland Browns
next Sunday.
Waterfield, the old master who
led the Rams to their only world
title five years ago when 'the
club was in Cleveland, put his
team ahead in the closing min
utes of the opening quarter with
his sensational 43 yard field goal.
Chicago, which put up a game
fight all the way, went ahead in
the second quarter on Al Carppa
na's 22 yard touchdown gallop.
Waterfield, who kicked all his
team's extra points, then hit
Fears with a pay-off pitch that
consumed 68 yards. Before the
half ended the combination
clicked again for a 27 yard scor
ing play and the Rams- were
never headed after that.
Snyder and Joe Good to the for
wards. Snyder is the second
tallest man on the squad at 6-4
and will be able to help Pierce.
Good is currently the third
scorer for the Huskers with 32
Jim Buchanan, a veteran and
dependable floor leader for the
Scarlet, will team with maybe
Bob Merrier at the guard slots.
Mercier is speedy and a good
long-shot artist that will come in
handy at a guard position.
Not Discouraged
Coach Good was not discour
aged by the showing the Huskers
have made thus far. He said
that he figured things would be
much worse this year.
About the western tour he said,
"We displayed our lack of ex
perience. We could have won the
first game with Washington and
also the game with California,
but we gave the ball away too
"We did, however, do better
than I expected."
The Big Seven conference
began this week's activities with
only one undefeated team in its
ranks Oklahoma. The other
previously all-victorious quintet,
the Kansas Jayhawks, was rudely
shoven into the depths last Sat
urday by Kentucky, 68-39.
Kansas State had its four
game winning streak snapped by
Indiana, 58-52. The Aggies will
- Season Basketball Tournament Bracket
Li 1
Wlrniat I
I Wad. 6:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
7 Fri. 1:00
2 Wad. 4:10 p.m.
um a
Wlmwr 2
II Sat. 1:00 p.m.
lane 1
Wlnnw J
1 Than. 1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
t Fri. f:10
4 Tfcan. t:10 p.m.
Um 4
Wiimer 4
However, happenings over the
past weekend, coupled with sur
prisingly - strong showings by
Missouri and Oklahoma, have
completely confused the experts.
Kansas's Jayhawkers headed
by Cloyde Lovellette will, nev
ertheless, have to be given the
favorites role because the pair
ings give them comparatively
weaker competition the first two
rounds. Minnesota should get by
Colorado alright, but will have
a tough time stopping the tall
The battle between undefeated
Oklahoma and twice-beaten
Kansas State will be the feature
attraction of the first round of
play down Kansas City way. Al
though a Wildcat victory would
be no surprise, the odds favor
the Sooners who have faced
some potent clubs in its all-victorious
swing throughout the
The Missouri-Nebraska contest
could also be close if Husker
Coach Harry Good can upset the
ball-control game of Coach
Sparky Stallcup'g Tigers.
Angeles Gain
Playoff Wins
Giants Topple
The Cleveland Browns, aided
by Lou (Golden Toe) Groza,
Sunday won the American Divi
sion title of the National Football
League with an 8-3 play-off vic
tory over the New York Giants
in freezing temperatures at
The Brown-Giants struggle,
played in 17-degree temperature
over frozen turf, was won by
Groza's hot toe.
He kicked two field goals, one
for 11 yards in the first period
and the last a 28-yard 3 pointer
with but 58 seconds to go in the
game that broke a 3-3 tie and
averted a sudden death period. .
Groza was aided by another
Brown stalwart, peerless Otto
Graham. It was Graham's pass
ing that set up the field goals.
Safety for Browns
With eight seconds to go, Jim
Martin caught Giant Quarter
back Chuck Conerly in the end
zone for a safety, but the issue
had already been settled.
The Browns defensive team
gained much of the credit for the
conquest thru a great goal line
stand midway in the final period.
The slippery going and an in
termittent snow coupled with
cold hands hampered the passing
attack of both teams, Graham
completing three of nine attempts
for 53 yards and the Giants con
necting on three of 15 by Conerly
and Travis Tidwell for a total of
48 yards.
The battl in Cleveland's
Municipal Stadium next Sunday
for the league title promises to
be a wide-open affair, with the
outcome probably hinging on how
well the Browns can stop the
great offense of the Rams. Los
Angeles, on the other hand, must
overcome the weather to be the
Husker Scori
fP f ft pf tp
6 SJ 26 11 90
36 17 ft 8B
a a to li 82
6 IX 4 It 18
I T 10 1 24
e s io ia t
4 4 11 12
3 1 3 7
X S 7
3 1118
110 12
1 0 2 0 2
3 0 14 1
10 10 1
2 0 0 4 0
10 0X0
10 0 10
10 0 10
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
Bob Pierce ,
Jim Buchanan
Joe flood , .,
Bernle Akromls
rani Kipper
Subhy Rum ........
Norm Wllnei
Jim Snyder ........
Al BlMnlnr
Jim Walsh
Ouk Lebaoek
Jim Herendeen , , . . .
Cecil Volls
Bud Ward
Bob Howey .
JeaM Sell
Ron Roeder
Al Benjamin
Bob Worth
Bob Mercier
Darren Brandenburg.
Dean Biittenham. . . .
meet another Big Ten outfit, Wis
consin, this week.
Busy Buffaloes
Colorado will be the busiest
team this week. The Buffs, try
ing to improve a 1-5 record, the
worst in the conference, will
meet Stanford, Santa Clara and
San Jose State away from home.
Kansas will try to resume their
winning ways this week against
Springfield, Mass. College at
Lawrence. The unbeaten Soon
ers will head east for games
with powerhouses, Holy Cross
and CCNY. On the way home,
they will have a return engage
ment with Minnesota.
The standings:
W I. Pts Opp
Oklahoma 3 0 163 119
Kansas 4 1 27 233
Missouri 3 1 201 178
Iowa State S 1 238 209
Kansas Stat 4 2 878 311
Nebraska 2 4 316 S19
Coloraod 1 5 298 326
Wlnnw 7
ItMT 7
I Uttr
12 Sat. :JO p.m.
Delta Pi's, Nil's,
Phi Gams Gain
Bowling Finals
Delta Sigma Pi, Sigma Nu, and
Phi Gamma Delta moved into
the intramural bowling finals last
week with close wins over their
chief contenders in their respec
tive leagues.
The Delta Pi's turned back
Theta Chi, Sigma Nu dropped
Phi Delta Theta and the Fijis
throttled Delta Tau Delta.
To gain the finals, the two top
teams of each of the three
leagues had to play each other,
the winner gaining the finals.
The finals will be a round-robin
affair with all of the teams play
ing each other.
The Delta Pi's rolled to the
highest score in their victory
over Theta Chi. The final tally
read 2244 to 2212. The Theta
Chi's won the first line 746 to
704, but the Delta Pi's came roar
ing back.
Delts Topple
The Fijis toppled the Delts by
a score of 2156 to 2140. The Phi
Gama won the first two lines
and lost the third. Slg Nu won
2131 to 2085 over the Phi Delts.
Theta Chi came through with
the second highest team score
during the day, but their oppo
nent turned out to have the high
est score. Although the Chi's
topped both Sig Nu's and the
Fijis' score, they did not make
the finals.
The Delta Pi's came through
with the highest score in one
line, a 799. Holmquist of Phi
Gamma Delta had the highest
three-line score, a 526.
K. Moorehead of Phi Delta
Theta topped the keglers with
the top single line score. He post
ed a 208 in the third line.
K.U. Beginning
Victory Streak
Home-board winning skeins
aren't anything new for the Jay
hawks. Allen's clubs of the past
have unreeled no less than six
others of from 12 to 26 in a row.
However, this is the first time
since 1947, when Missouri nicked
them, 39-34, in the conference
opener, that the Mt. Orcadans
have put together a victory
string of any length. The Bengal
defeat stopped them at 17.
By whipping Springfield, this
Kansas could lift itself to ninth
among all-time Jayhawk con
secutive homo game winners.
Early successes in league play
would vault them considerably
Under Allen KU has fashioned
two streaks of 26 in a row.
from 1921-'25 and from 1939-'41.'
Oklahoma snapped both, winning
40-28 on the first occasion, and
45-37, on the second. The lat
ter was one of the more dra
matic clashes between the wto
ftves, Sooner Center Hugh Ford,
the ld goal tender, making a
surprise appearance after being
reported as out of action with a
evere , charley-horse.
Ill i !! ! aiiiil a i
Rag Dopesters
Pick Winners
For Last Fling
The Daily Nebraskan prognos
ticated are taking one last swing
at the 1950 football picture. The
predictors, who are all sporting
good averages for their 'pickings
of the ten toughest games of the
week, will attempt to name the
winners of the various bowl
Bob Banks, former assistant
sports editor of The Daily Ne
braskan, is leading the way cur
rently with an average of .733.
Bill Mundell, current sports edi
tor of the paper, is second with
a- .722 average. Jack Cohen, as
sistant business manager, is third
withr an average of .706 to round
out 'the three that are above
Fourth place, going into the fi
nal predictions, is Rod Riggs,
photographer of the paper. He
sports an average of .694. Bob
Reichenbach, assistant business
manager, is fifth with .683.
Jerry Warren, managing edi
tor and former sports editor is
sixth with a .672 average. Chuck
Burmeister, assistant business
manager and Dick Ford, sports
editor of the Cornhusker, are tied
for seventh with .661. Frank Ja
cobs, editor of Cornshucks, has
The predictions for the post
season games are:
Rose Bowl
California Cohen, Riggs, Ford,
Burmeister, Jacobs.
Michigan Banks, Mundell,
Reichenbach, Warren.
Sugar Bowl
Oklahoma All.
Kentucky None.
Cotton Bowl
Texas Banks, Cohen, Riggs,
Reichenbach, Warren, Burmeis
ter, Ford, Mundell.
Tennessee No one.
Tie Jacobs.
Orange Bowl
Miami Banks, Riggs, Reich
enbach. Clemson M u n d e 1 1, Cohen,
Warren, Burmeister, Ford.
Tie Jacobs.
Gator Bowl
Wvomine Banks. Cohen.
Riggs, Warren, Ford, Burmeister.
Washineton & Lee Reichen
bach, Mundell, Jacobs.
East Banks, Jacobs, Burmeis
West Mundell. Cohen, Riggs,
Reichenbach, Warren, Ford.
North W a r r e n, Burmeister,
South Cohen, Banks, Ford,
Jacobs, Reichenbach, Riggs.
Blue No one.
Gray AH.
Pro Championship
Los Angeles Rams Banks, Co
hen, Warren Burmeister, Jacobs.
Cleveland Browns Mundell,
Reichenbach, Ford, Riggs.
' Senior Bowl
North Reichenbach, Warren,
Burmeister, Jacobs.'
South Banks, Mundell, Ford,
Riggs, Cohen.
Delta Tau Delta
Increases I-M
Wrestling Lead
By John Sinclair
vinai tflhulAtion of 'Friday
evening's semi-final wrestling
scores,' shows Delta Tau Delta
still out in front and pulling
away, as the Intramural Mat
swings into the finals. The Delts
showing considerable depth and
strength, have increased their
point advantage to almost cinch
first place honors. Their closet
competetors, Phi Gamma Delta
are behind them by four points
and third place is shared now by
Sigma Nu and the "Muscle Men"
team with five points apiece.
In the 138 lb. class, Glen Nel
son of Delta Tau Delta, got the
nod over Phi Gam Bill Kerrer
as he pinned him in 1:06 of the
second period.
Also fighting at the same
weight, Heddon of the Men's
Dorm applied the "crusher" to
Hillman of the "Musclemen" with
a quick fall early in the first
period in the time of 1:06.
In the 147 pound encounter
between "M uiclemen" Phil
Sprague and Sig Ep Gene Hed
don, Sprague displayed amazing
speed and deceptive power in de
featini? a canable foe. The time
of the match, 1:36 of the first
Fait Wins
Also In the 147 pound division,
Bill Fait of Delta Tau Delta
came from behind to pin Fiji
Bob Duls in a very heated con
test. Time 5:40.
In the 157 pounders It was
"Musclemcn" Dietrich squeezing
by a tough customer by the name
of Ed Gross, as he edged the
Fiji by a score of 8-6, in a match
that went the full six minutes.
On th arHnrfnt mat "Ae Men"
Rich Fiala overcame Bernio Wall-
man with a fast fall early in the
second period. Time 2:43.
Bernle Leonard, Slg Chi, and
n.ta I.arrv Carnev. 167 lb. izran-
plers, fouht to a stand still
throughout the entire matcn. ine
nod finally going to Leonard by
a referee's decision, after a, long
heated debate.
Yeaper Tops Podhalsky
While they were arguing the
Leonard-Carney riciftirm, Delt
Jerry Ycager was busy knocking
mm tt. i
" -I
.w y. - "
i J
' 4 i Ki
: V
VARSITY AND FROSH GYMNASTIC TEAMS . . . hold still long enough to have their pictur
taken. They are left to right: Back row Jake Geier (coach), Phil Sprague (Assistant coach),
Ed Craren, Bob Yarwood, Al Dunavan, Dick Grosshons, Milo Brabee (Frosh Mgr.) Middle row
Don Yoder (varsity mgr.), Dwayne Behrens, Bob Norton, Art Hillman, Jerry Tubbs, Ron Karnett,
Bill Eledge. Front row Tom Kidd, Paul Hughes, Bruce Riley, Ira Epstein, Eldon Parks, Don
Coll ins.
Sports Briefs
Slamming' Sam Snead, the
Virginia hillbilly with the
sweetest swing in golf, won a
total of $35,758.83 in 1950 prize
money, which is pretty fair
wages for anyone . . .
Nebraska Wesleyan will be
host to the Four State Basket
ball Tournament at Nebraska's
Coliseum in Lincoln Wednesday
and Thursday. Teams entered
are Southwest Missouri State
College, Bethany College, East
Texas State and Nebraska Wes
leyan. Games will start at 7 and
9 p.m. . . .
All-America back Vic Jano
wicz of Ohio State Saturday was
announced the winner of the
Chicago Tribune award to the
football player selected most
valuable to his team in the West
ern Conference.
Placekicker Lee Venzke puts
on a show for Colorado team
mates during breather sessions
at practice. The sophomore toed
47 consecutive true balls from
various angles. On the forty
eighth, he failed, prompting
Guard Bryce Zarit to comment:
"He buckles under pressure."
Despite statements to the con
trary, Gopher followers think
Paul Bryant will leave Kentucky
after the Sugar Bowl game with
Oklahoma and head toward Min
neapolis to take over Bernie
Bierman's post as Minnesota U.
mentor . . .
Michigan's freak victory over
Ohio State, 9-3, at Columbus,
Ohio, the frigid afternoon of No
vember 25 has been voted the
No. 1 grid oddity of the 1950
gridiron season by an Associated
Press poll of the nation's sports
writers and radio casters . . .
Omaha's Knight are currently
leading the United States Hockey
League with a record of 16 wins,
6 losses, and 2 ties, good lor a
total of 34 points. This is eight
better than second-place Tulsa's
Rumors have it that Stan
Musia, the St. Louis Cardinal's
1950 National League Batting
Champion, is currently asking
for 100 thousand dollars for next
year's season.
heads with Sigma Nu Tom Pod
haisky. Yeager finally worked
into position and rode Podhaisky
out the rest of the match, to win
The light heavy weight divi
sion, had the crowd roaring as
Delta Sig Don Becker and Fiji
Don Field locked horns in one
of the best matches of the even
ing. The boys gave everything
they had for over five minutes
of the full six, then with but
seconds remaining Becker came
up with a reversal and a quick
"Gradge hold" to end the tussle.
Time 5:35.
Also in the 177 lb. division,
Ind. Darwin Dahl won by de
fault from Phi Delt Bob Mc
Bride. In. the unlimited class, Beta
Slg Dick Goeglein took Delt El
don Park into camp and trounced
him by a score of 6-1. The match
went the distance, but Dick was
just couldn't put together the
right series of holds to pin the
elusive Park.
Dinklage Triumph
In the final of the evening,
Sigma Nu, Herman Dinklage
outpointed Paul Girmm, to take
a decisive 6-1 win. Grimm, who
was ahead on points early in the
match seemed to fade badly and
lines of exhaustion 'were etched
on his face in the waning min
utes of the struggle.
UNCOLN: "the Next Voice
You Heard," J:07, 2:53, 4:58, 7:06,
9:51. Sneak Preview 8:30.
with Rertsl&r Feature
"The Net Voice
You Hear"
tie TU A I Of'KN 12 '44 1
i x
I I k. A TO I MP
' .lll,. ....(,., """
Reynolds 2nd
In Yardage
Nebraska's Bobby Reynolds
finished in the number two spot
nationally in yards gained rush
ing. Bobby, with 1,342 in nine
games, finished second to Wil
ford "Whizzer" White of Arizona
State at Tempe. White gained
1,502 yards in ten games.
The National Collegeit Athle
tic bureau, which keegs track of
such things, announced that
White thus became the second
player in the history of the
sport to lug the ball more than
1,500 yards in a single season.
The record is held by Fred
Wendt of Texas Mines, who reg
istered 1,570 yards in 1948.
Reynolds carried the ball for
1,342 yards to place third on the
all-time list. His achievement
was remarkable because it was
made against major opposition
whereas Arizont State played
largely a minor schedule.
Wade Stinson of Kansas finish
ed the year in the number five
position with 1,129 yards gained
in ten games.
Here are college football's top
ten rushers for 1950:
1. Whl(i, AHrnna State 10 199 1,502
2. Reynold, Nebraska 1H:I 1,324
3. Smith, Tfxan A&M 10 lfW 1,803
4. BrlKht. Prnke 18S 1,132
5. Htlnnon, KanittH 111 1J7 1.12K
6. McKlhrny, Wush. 10 m 1,101
7. firandrlliu. Mlrh. State 1H3 1,023
ft. Dot'li-v. Mlsalfixlppl 10 191 1,017
. Warilnk, K, Carolina, 10 102 IWB
10. Robert, Tnla II 13fl H!i4
Game Rusbea Ida
Don Faurot of Missouri is the
inventor of the split-T forma
tion. The deadline for Intramural
Hockey entries is noon, Wed
nesday, Dec. 20 and should
be turned in at the Sports
desk of the Daily Nebraskan
office in the basement of the
1c. 1 ;t Tit '
11 X h v ;
Z - A ? foil ,c Hv
UVv Li pi WbI - - ' &
eason s
, $ f u 1
Entries Due
For Hockey
All organizations wishing to
enter teams in in tramural hockey
are asked to submit their entries
no later than noon Wednesday.
The hockey board Is asking that
all entries be in by that date so
they can draw up the schedules
during the Christmas vacation.
The entries are to be sub
mitted at the sports desk in The
Daily Nebraskan office in the
Union basement. There will be a
box available to drop the entries
Play will start immediately
after school resumes in January
with all play probably on Tues
days and Thursdays. The city of
Lincoln has announced that all
city ice would be available for
play at an-"- lime.
Although no organization en
tries have been submitted, the
following groups have shown in
terest by attending the meetings:
Delta Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Pioneer House, Men's
Dorm, Phi Gamma Delta, TKeta
Xi, Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
From the Worchester Polytech
News comes this bit of logic:
"Oh, what are the forces that
bring little horses, if all the big
horses say neigh?"
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection" diaper service,
1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-8853