The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1950, Image 1

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H.fl. B
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f A
Vol. 51 No. 65
Tuesday, December 19, 1950
NU Officials Explain;
Budget to Governor!
Gustavson, Bormani GivjF-1
Reason for Frdpbsed Hike I
Governor Val Peterson heird explanation from Uni- .
versity officials yesterday of ti e request for an expanded ?!
University budget for the 195153 bienniiun. t
Chancellor Gustavson ah J Deaf of Faculties Carl
Borgmann gave their reaso for thf Increased budet. ;
, Iater in th4 aftprnofL Pet 07,
S4oId the gAhering of 'Vftivstty
Dears and Board of Regents
reasons why he believed the 5
asked "could not be absorbed by , ;
Annv Plan
existing tax measures.'
"MmMiWIII!tJWl 'II 1 . - . ,. j
1 - - i
TUj i.u i . . 1 hnrcrtav iuw vi ar x a m and
1 . Ui,u "IC rouPi mus-nu iauu ulak questions brought the heads of r r r j 2 V o 7 o - T ' 1 ff f
mai me university Duaget tor tne Randolph Training, Analysis and Development section into the , , TiT' IIirill " I V.Jl
jcomir.g biennium was far out of field for a first hand study when it was learned todav that thev Because...of Jhe hlTldfys be i1' 'H i-t,U
, une with other state government '
Three SvtideEws
n n
Participants in Thursday
Morning Beating Expelled
Wednesday Last
j950 School Day
The Tlnivprsitw will rlns hin
Wednesday. . Three men have been suspended indefinitely from the
And The Daily Nebraskan University as a result of their attack upon another stu
staff ended their work Monday dent early last Thursday morning. All three were students
night when Tuesday's "Rag"
i went to the presses.
Today's Christmas edition of
The Daily Nebraskan will be the
' linal paper before vacation. The
staff will not publish a paper
Christmas vacation will start
Ten Students
Xm.JJl J KsA i expenditures.
I I. I BothG uslai son and JBorgmann
A plan to organize a Western i andbvenKHised charts and
European army of 55 to 60 di-djf r5f rDCxpn tMt pointe.,
- , l Bofcrd of Regente member J. L.
visions under the command of sh. though not speaking t or 1
Gn. Dwight D. Eisenhower was Regents as a whole, agreed
formally approved by the 12lith the Governor that all pro-
Atlantic treatv nations vester-E visions in the proposed budget
day. I -Aould be "la line with the war
Tk .;4.- y.f K. 1 "t rrt " l . . '.-a j:
12 cations agreed to defend the LxisUlive Actk-a".
would probably be charged with determining the value of the de
vice for Air t orce general adaptation. Standing is Capt. W. R.
Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. and reopen
Msinur mgr-k 5nH ,.irrin.itw w."i- i.-.i-. 'Wednesday. Jani3, at 8 ajns
A. Vestal- instn-fann rf traininr mB,nrt-,.r.nt .f t j i:w i The Bbrary wQl be open Dec.
training equipment; Major R- G- Thomp-on, seclI(H head; and
Capt. Harold . teer, measurements. L
west against a possible conuau
cist invasion with an interna
tional army.
will have The ueiCTUt UjetSIwnorf vMya&atoaot Teacher-W!16 "iPJ'wnts.- However
major tasks when he returns to
keep communists out of Western
1. He must convince Western
Europeans it is a matter of Ufe
and death that they become com
rades with their historical enemy,
2. He mutt convince the Ger
mans to agree to limit rearma
rneot to make a western defense
line on the EJbe river.
The Kremljn sent a message
to ISi'itain and France which as
serted that tearmirig the Ger
mans wouH violate the Potsdam'
pact of 1-45 and West Germany's
part m the Atlantic pact would
invalidate Russia's alliance trea
ties m-Jth Britain and France.
V. X. Trept Ketreat
I'lwlcr Prt-tive Fire
United Nations rear guard
pulled back again uncier a pro
tective blanket at blasting Axaeri
can planes and the runs of the
battleship MitKvwii. They were
protecting tiie escape docks ot
iiungn&za harbor.
la Weitern Korea the
eorniriaiid used a powerful new
upersonic American f i g fa ler
plane, the F- Sabre jet, against
the Chinese air force flying Rm-ciatg-made
The jet is the fastest figljter
plaoe in the world, toaveling at
the speed of C70-raile-axi-bour.
The leaders of Seoul's rine
wards, tm the other side of Ko-!
rea, advised the capital's L,2&IL-!
0W civilians to evacuate as soon
as possible.
Geweral Motors
Bait Sale T Cars
General Motors lialted the sa'Je
f 5W1 model PociHacs, Cadil
lacs and CheTOlets. The mcwe
will ftop sales of abwtft rie-ttjrd
of the autos made in the United
Telegrams fra G.M. were
eut to dealeis ordemig
the halt fa sales "penAimg exam
taati&a of the dLBaiminatory or of tfie ecncnic rtahlization
.gency effwurig tne pne of cai
aad wages.. i
Angiy at being the amber!
one target fa the government I
strive agairjart tmOation, G.M. rep
reBtastatives will mart fa Wash--togtoa
tomorrow to tight it oat. ,1
Ftoek Market Itiees
PriotHs rose higher 5a Che ttock
market with trading around the
tavJest level jn m-tr 11 years.
Around 44)03.009 ha.r of
ricck changed hands, the s1ot.s
f corporations Cwored fa the
raition's emergeric-y mohilixatiwn
f-ograns added ffrona tl to 3 a
The JCew Yor exchange has
fiot erxweded this faigh maik
ftiice the oufbreak of World 1
wax JX
M!udget isie to uo
iork..r :ww r.r.ijon ui January.
Air rorccxlraming rost
Dan A. VestiL a fonMr.c-j fclleda;TES'f'6re rami
!20.?ir22 from, 8 ajn. to 5 tun.
and Dec. 23 from 8 am. to Boon.
iThe building will be closed Dee.
25 and 26. and will be open from
i'3 a.m. to S PrCi., Dee. 27, 23 and '
29 and frosn 8 am to, noon.
Dec. 30.
ester ends Friday
. Idavs before Imals begin Wednes-
school and the University, is one
of four men who have been
chosen to head a new Air Force
i training methods improvement
t Randolph field.
were called in an effort to re
vise the budget, if necessary, in
an adjustmenf to President Tru
man's recent national emergency
order and Governor, Peterson's
orevious call fnr slat randTuf.
iir.n -.,nii,,- . program
The present meetings are ex- 1 Texas.
i peeled to continue for several The program, called the Train-
d-sys. i ing. Analysis, ana ueveiopment
Two things especially discussed section, consists of a staff oi
at the hearings were the proposed i specialists who seek out all ideas
University expansion program 3 suspected merit, evaluate
and the question of salary raises i !h"n- develop tfceir possibilities.
for University personnel.
On the first point the Chancel
lor agreed that "some things must
be stopped." but said, "I wonder
it such buildings as the insectory
are not musts."
On the second point. Dean
Borgmann broke down figures
compiled from salaries given to
personnel at other Eig Seven
""When we pay a professor of
economics $5200 m-ben other
schools, for example, -pay corres
ponding salaries of $6225 and
$6230, mre are running into nro-
blenis of compelition," Borgmann
Cannot Keep
Miny times we cannot keep
men and other times we cannot
get the men we want, be said.
Deans Harold Leuth and Hen-
zlik of the College of Medicine
See Bdr tjTage 2
and pass them to administra
tive authorities.
As head of the "training
ods and lastructor Tniintin
Branch. Mr.VeslaJ brings to th?
Air Force fine Jatest in educa
tional me'wfcods now, in tie in
civilian iaiivcrsjtiesJi, Besides
applying oaethods of Wslasaflwvm
instruction to flight training, he
is supervising the cadet-training
program and carrying on an ex
haustive study of the teacher
pupil relationship.
Attended University
Mr) Vestal, who is originally
from Fairbury, attended two (
years of Fairteury Junior college !
before erjtering the Una versa ty.
He taught several methods'
courses here as a part time in-;
structor in secondary education
and was a science supervisor in
Teachers training high school. :
K He was a candiMSate far a doc-,
Slur's degree irifwSwaoer-iiKjt was
he expects to complete his re-
quiremeTt? in absentia.
He ai--rO held the Herbert
Brownell scholarship in science
education and was quali: ed for
the job because of his experi
ence in teaching science.
Eeserre Officer
Mr. Vestal was a reserve of
ficer with a formidable record as
Plan Emblem
of "long standing" in the University.
This decision was announced late Monday afternoon
by Dean T. J. Thompson, acting
as suspension officer. Adminis
tration officials began their in
vestigation immediately following;
the announcement of the "am
bush." The incident took place at ap
proximately 1:30 a.m. last Thurs
day morning after the student
h-adxe turned home from a late
Siuden rehouse party.
Tr Involved Directly
A group of six to eight men
were standing on the porch of
t!istudent's residence. Three of
This week's announcement of
University student suspensions is
the second aucb notice during
1950. f,y
This makes a total of ten for
the year. V ;.. J,?,,
The last University, suspensions
emestey examination period.
I At ftigi time, seven men stu
4ents rere convictet :o Caal
eamftation cheating aitdt conse
-qeny suspended. -Involved-
were three seniors, two juniors
and two sophomores.
The incidents leading up to the
administration's drastic action
were part of a wave of cheating
and attempted cheating which
s became unusually prevalent.
; The cases reported ran the
gamut from a childish effort of
writing crib notes on soda crack'
animation period.
When a student is suspended.
"Plairsc frr a v-n?P-vf In D Rela il a- m.. i
a mold-engine pilot during .the T 'o? deigning a 7 the eicammat.on-to
WaTv 1 VS 3 5onif'entlous new emblem 7or Engineers Week Zim frett bzk
and hard worker and we have not have.been announced by 21? dwiithe pre-ex!
btfuibl" la TAaee him as vet." ' r ,,L ana enienng a u ring me pre-ex-
corirT.led-Ite2?vHerzl3k. In ye psi this plaque has
Miir pre gram fVined impetus t,, awani V the department
wh a onJereii4 was calJed icn wA, the Engineer's Week
jast year at Scott FB, 111, for eompetiJi&i The emblem is to be
, study,. cf futuN operations. ) cast ou'Af Jrvde, thus necesyi
SinoS' tai ther Jhas been a J tating jdat it ' be comparitively
cBfrerjeef fcujr.asic training gtmo design, -yet elaborate
stli5i.s atHandjh for the study enoui to convey, he full sig
of prftbielftTpeculiair to the basic niJicafice behind Er.meers week,
training of pilots. j A can r,rize of $15 will be
Now. 17 other training com- j cjjered for the best emblem.
occurred alter - last Vear's first -ULe rwto were dlrectlv involved
in tna,ault upon the student.
As a rejruSt of the "roughing up"
he sufi d the loss of a tooth
w "f :jf' lacerations.
WAecbrding to Dean Thompson,
the tno was suspended 00 tho
grounds that they committed a
deliberate hoodlum act for no
obvious reason. Said Dr. Thomp
son, "We just can't tolerate any
such behavior on the University
of Nebraska campus."
Dr. Thompson pointed out that
the suspension will remain in
definitely on the University's
record of the three students.
Added Dr. Thompson, "We
know that the other members of
the group are University ctu.
maud bases are operating similar
organizations. Ideas and findings
of all are reviewed at higher
which will be selected on the
basis of the following rules:
1. All regularly enrolled un-
operational levels in tee com
levels and disseminated at the j dergraduale students of the Uni
versity are eligible to participate.
2. The finished ensbJem will be
3 to 4 inches in width, height,
and diameter. The design sub
mitted must be twice this size.
3. The name, "College of Engl-
Ag 'Sno-ball'
First Student
a notation stating such is placed dents and recent graduates, but
on tne student s permanent uni- tney were not directly involved
versity record kept with the dean ! in the attack."
of student affairs. "Very Juvenile"
A suspended student may never The dean interpreted the acre-enter
the University as long j tion as "very juvenile."
as the suspension notation is on j When asked whether there was
bis record. definitely any tie-up between
When a suspended student at- the assaulters and the sub-rosa
tempts to transfer to another J group-Theta Nu Epsilon. Dr.
school, the notation accompanies Thompson said, "We have no
the record sent to the admissions J conclusive evidence that TNE
department of the institution. j was back ot this."
The record including the nota- j Added Thompson, "There is
tion may also be checked by a no reason why the victim should
prospective employer who desires have been a target of these stu
dents. He is one of the finest
to see the University records be
fore hiring an applicant.
it at
mtotESWaltenl. ot the
-Versity YM f -mbefS .who
I attend the Y:i.YWiafj,o)al
& ktMj at Kfs-Tti ysrtrrersity
mJt made todays byto-harlej;
Kemp. YM sponsor. The boy
are Bill Barnes. Dave Car..
Ralph Hanneman, Ptiil Haina,
Vii-gil Cartel, Don Ree'es and
Pa ul Feni&e.
Foreign students will be guests
of the eonJ'ec. Juereen
Hwhit, Hans-Djeler BemMM,
ill leprsent 'jA
WW Electing
'Appj'xi3iriale3y ,1309 '"to 2.0CMJ
de'Je4)li?!ajr eirpected from the
SK5 YVgwuup; tiroughout the
United bwAes. f -
TtAs atrfrtly-J the quadan
nual business meeting of the
YM-YW.Wtaat Doe God Re
quire of UsT is the theme of the
cooveotioji. The delegates waJl
plan the program for the next
tour years. Four areas are in-
included under their theme.
What does God require of us as
fiance oKiyivV
wtrrV; VAi. tv.AJW Eng
I f"" ,v' v- -r S "'Try $. Each
mm of 1HI -are tu of.a Ar-.n
i. 1 re name, -t-ouege 01 iuw jrv
neering and Architecture. Uni- 3(IU(irC UdllCerS
'ersity of Nebraska," must ap- J , ,
10 Meet Jan, o
pear on the emhlem.
oejgn on me emoiem
symboiic of the ColSege
ineering and Architecture.
entry mute sketched
n'lh iitdninvnff an
ltfwL Ticket sites foJtihlK 'fesf by 1 1-inch paper.
baJf began ir,eirday. - TTjc dimg;m sufomsKed will
1 1 ' iL ir.rt i be judged on lix basis of general
CWn.4Jn rfige l the i amritna., arrangement of de-fcrKU-to-rejer,
said thrj.t;j tan Is and suilability.
kzi stmidlemts have knowd about 3 "7. All entries must be mailed
feel coming winter evInO for c- v- Cunningham, Engineer's
eek conU-st chairman, 2325 R
St., Lincoln, belore Jan. 13,
both from Germany; Anlonine 9 person, is the first. The other
Sainten from Panama: and
Mkhael Chang from China, are
a lew of st;udDts gcang.
iw EefireseaUmes
' uwrznwe. r. rarer riDora-ti
A4 . v- Snath, Jiuta Scia-i
-prison. Dvfhy CterteO,
vrowe. li.Tam
tine AI-'-J Attdsi-iom.
wee ate: as a member tn a
church, as a member of a unii-vers-ity,
and as a participant fa a
world struggle.
jrw-SP sisls aSJ a wt&'3 are
cTjmtrftd 09 je diptntiMi- pro-,'
sKLitram. Ve4 'SficheJv .Dftn, di-
jtsSte some tune.
"Sfjis Meyer said that
paign to interest city campus
stu-dlents in tlj dance lias been
On Detiemlxi'r 1 1 a group of Ag j
Union committee memhets visited
at least 10 organized houMss on j
campus and here is tlje poem
they rented:
, of jokes, out of material and out
TX w torn . ttvkJjr S ,
-m j 1 v t ' - 1.111
rwr s iw wim M in Ta 1 &HrimA: lhi.h. . is :'- is-
j boys in this school. No one had
a grudge against him.
j "He comes from a very fina
j family. I am well acquainted
with his foJks."
Dr. Thompson warned that
Ag country dancers, square 9 boud such unwarranted action
dance club, has announced Sat- 1 Jr again, the offenders
urday, Jan. . as the date for ! 'J1 Uce the same drastic pen-
dance on Ag campus.
Boy Stabler, chairman
charge, said the dance would be
in the Ag college Activities yt n
building and begin at 8:30 p.m. 3 1 fpliofo I I
Ag Country Dancers meets :i-'lJtM- JkJ
weekly tm Ag campus and spon- '
tors an All UniverM
dance each month of
fijTVo Scholars
Corn Shucks Presents Latest
In Jokes, Pictures, Stories
By Wally Seed
Com Shucks is out-and when
:we say out we do mean out, out
Ka n- auk 1 Sue iAten,
col'Jeges ' wi'Jl a'Jl be rep?erjtil
Arnold Sorietf
To Meti Tonigtit
IDtHipite evejal false rumors to
the contrary Sii AmcAA fint-iMtv
will ixvii a meeting tanig'ht alilYW iiemherfhip Card
V-M p.nx tn the Military and V,l...l r. r V..-
lnj.UticOT of ne-w members wil
be field, AH members must be
rector of tne I'oreaga &Mcr as
sociation, wjU pek to the coft
rention on Tre Woild Strusrle.".
i Shimv tff " imbef. akU-Jtkander Milier of Ktw Zj-sJ
j board nm will s:-ns-"'il ' SIj Chrislia aftlle to'-d
f ttie group :v I ! vocation. Leula A.' 5 : jon, eij
i!ka deleg:.'-K! ferlvei i tiiwe of the r," -sal V-ieot
tarlere4 fenas, "ter wfWjij E. M. s-r.afi i.ted
"hd return ir.g J'iii. J. j,gy..l.JlJt Wcwldy Coun.y of
Kebradsans will be going on the ' Churches, complete the roatrum.
tout, too. Midland, Doane, York, ! Joseph F. King will lead the
Wayne, Kearney and Chadroo J moiTung worship.
The Weather
bw Klder. Kir 1 IW
w flurries er the state, a
YW membej's wha hare not
pk-tedl up their memibershto
aw'ds are u;ked to get ttiem to
diiy. Ruin fitunn, YW 4Jf member-,
reminds Hut ghlt ttxal a 14
ienl tii 'isarK tee will be charged
.J1er -w:tion. AM curds should
he picked up belwe Jhe YW ek-tion.
Ttje panel Includes Eev.
Cradken, pastor of Riverside
church an JSew York, Edwin
Aubrey, mjf member of IIac
Union Theological semirjary;
Mwjrr Pitt van Duzen, preeiilent
of Unioa Theological seminallv,;
arid EheiTdo3.d Kiebujh.
Sue Alien and Ball Banaka of
Harvard wiU serve as chairmen
of all sessions during the na
tional eanferenwe. Hisf Alien
served as co-chaiiman in plan
ning the oonierent m-jih Eanaka.
S(i.U n iu kuit -4 If f-'
4 ttv
3,imr'S kw lmintc Ut muax urn im
tiu diuw)ftji (tf AwBn jt.w ru4 a,
1 imaic Ac Ok kTMWltJl
Aerrdiaa Music
Intormiission entortainment, ac
cording to Rollie Bernolds, mas
ter of ceremonjes, will eonsMt of
an accordian number by Fran
McAid'Je. a short skit by Alpha
Gamma Rho, and a few rnwsKl
number by Farajltauwe sua;1et.
Students claiming interesting
!t Mr. & an cf je to miss the
myJ':ts, ttif cture of Nancy
vrtsrytey, tr.t true to lue ar-
.(... m intUT,8.r nms. jancy
ri."jhrey, Ihfe Ls6Anti
1c ad. orithr. of
-t. iifttle-Bait iS.-,f Iii (ancy
If - l arey.) f
I f..: je of my
cf -js if f
tin time oJ
class to riad the article, "The
Simcoln Winter of Professor
Adamant" This is a satire in
Jes than 3,fi9 words, of a typi
cal profefiB-or who lias a "barf
bucket," a mistress, and a good
fairy. We recommend toss to all
and spon- ry 1 c
SeSspchool hystem
"How good are our schools
Is the tonfc discussea fcv Menrv
Steele Commager. Columbia uni
versity, and Eemard Iddings
Bell. Episcoal scholar and edu
cator in the January Reader's Di
gest, Steele stated, "Xo other people
ever demanded so much of edu-
of the students 'underground
railway.' (This is the organiza
tion which helps college stu
dents who are underage get from Wion as have the Americans, and
AAhls article r"
with if A answer to iiha ,2jel "iis and educators."
tion thafi everyone Jfsi asking j IJell, dwsenting said, "Amerl
"rh Vy barf?i In Corn c- education which has turned
ShufA are te truej real life L. A vrai,iatef, ,h .vn k.
ar,r-rs VvA will tl.V every " raduate ho expect the
ar. y i j ! -rap success or reward wntnout
4 Vilo4' jf i tor, nas aeniea our society tn
vf.iw ytiis---.taining of leadership, and has
lii.iiL.V t7f,j m-,A -w'n i treated religion as a 'disnensabta
'jfliMu' torW-of this iM that iversim.
risest reawmmen' -pver-exposedA full pagef 1 Commager contends, further.
S tftf iMCtures deaL-.witJi the Mil-
ortKfjKMjrf t-'itty and the iJ-oHar feard ball.
J'iy :,. ami ruinous division, to
m !.. h this heterogeneous society
n-iight have been easy prey, were
routed in the schoolrooms of
America, where the nation's chil
dren have lived and learned
"the forces of riotous piivi-
a full page dedicated to us draft
dodgers, telling us how to do our
part in the 'Selective Service
Act' twice as soon as we would
The true to life sketches by equality.
Severson. as well as the other Bell charges that in education's
1,. ...!..::..- a ... t 1 . ... - 7. -.?-
.:- readers wits gj imaginations, choice bits of humor, should keep eiiort to be democratic it has
v.Sh things as BimpU Keaders you in a state of laughter far herded an increasing number ll
tamps, wlj. m)el air- r&r r.5tT -,ih a more into the yuletide season. unfit persrns into collegeT it lib-
piarjes, handtU becls an- j itejp jd. there is a pictorial We would Use to take a short eral arts, the business of whMi ia
twjues and foreign made deow-Urtion on npo Ifl to 11. la (unmnli fmrnnlfment KM ). 1.1. .t riZT.f"!!
atives objects fun already Iwn faM tf M 4,, toe fVfy i, too
promised. j jt wmeroa a poor barten-
Bobby Mills and Ms OJc.ftra j der, who is making millions help
will prwide the muk. The ad-ling those who have millions for
mistioa price will be & cents. !gst it. Secretly be has a section
DeBord on ber "Advice to Coeds"
it's . . and for the final bit
of humor which tops the maga
zine off to a toe its the revala-
tioa of The Thing."
intelligence to understand humaa
an airs.
We continue to offer to the
many what is useful only to the
few, le believes.
1 n - 1. ' - -- - ... .
It. ' ... 1
- " . ...... .... - - - - , , ... ......