The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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At Work In Morrill Hall . . .
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ASSEMBLING STEGGIE Preparator Henry Beid er of the University museum works with an assis
tant at preparing the Steposaurus skeleton for ex hibition. The dinosauer has been moved to the
museum's Founders Room and is in the final stapes of completion. SteRRie is thought to be
roughly 150 million years old. He is the first dino saur the museum has possessed, and will probably
be a major center of interest for visitors.
'Steggie' Stegosaurus Latest
Addition to Displays in Museum
By Jerry Bailey
"Behold the mighty disnosaur,
Famous in prehistoric lore. , .! !
In the western hall on the
main floor of the University
Museum in the spece known as
the Founders' room, two tall por
traits of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Morrill gaze out across a bone
lined room. These esteemed pa
trons of paleontology stare from
their frames at a brash newcomer
' who hulks in the middle of the
This newcomer is "Steggie"
Stegosaurus, who measures 19
feet from his tiny nose to his
monstrous tail and stands nine
feet talL Steggie is mounted
firmly on all four feet, with his
head hanging almost to the floor.
Lambert Lauds
Traditional Ag
Yide Program
"Very nice!" With these words.
Dean W. V. Lambert expressed
the reaction which was common
to all who witnessed the Christ
mas program Tuesday evening at
the Ag college Activities building.
Sponsored by the Ag Exec
Board and the Ag college chorus,
the program began with an organ
prelude of familiar carols by
Marcella Shacht.
Thirty-three candles, each
signifying one year in the life of
Christ, lined the front of the
stage while two Christmas trees
cast their shadows against a
dimly lighted background of blue
and white streamers.
Rev. John Clyde delivered a
Christmas message centered
about the true meaning of
With the direction of Mrs.
Altinas Tullis, the Ag College
chorus furnished music befitting
to the season including excerpts
from Handel's "Messiah." Soloists
were Ina Yount, soprano: Julia
McDonald, alto; Gilbert Karges,
tenor; Edward Pullen, bass; and
Jeanne Uhrig, soprano.
Mrs. Tullis said: "The soloists
should all be commended for
their parts In the program. They
did a fine job even though they
were hampered by colds."
The audience was drawn to its
feet by the inspiring "Hallelujah"
chorus which concluded another
segment of Ag college's oldest
tradition the annual Christmas
Spartans Plan
New Merit System
The merit and limitation sys
tem for Michigan State college
women reappeared this year mi
nus the limitation, according to
their counselor for women. Un
der the new arrangement, points
8re still assigned for each extra
curricular activity a coed carries.
However, the coed will be ex
pected to limit herself in such a
way that neither her scholastic
record nor her extra-curricular
activities will monopolize her
time. "At the end of the school
year, the merit system will be
evaluated," Mrs. Gonon, coun
selor for women, said. "AWS has
inaugurated the program so that
the degree of participation can
be estimated.
"Under the old system there
was a hesitancy on the part of
the women to record all the stu
dent activities in which they
were engaged. There may have
been injustices. We don't want
to encourage women to be join
ers just to get the points," she
added, "and that is why we have
made it experimental for the
year. .
Buffalo U Cuts.
To 'War Burger
Omigosh! Look out! One of the
most sacred parts of the ham
burger is being separated from
that staple of the college student.
While most schools are trying
to fight off a boost in the price of
coffee, students who eat in the
college cafeteria at the Univer
sity of Buffalo have a unique
worry. '
The ustomary pickle, enhanc
ing the hamburger, is now con-1
sidcred a separte item a pennv
He seems to be glowering back
at Mr. and Mrs. Morrill.
At Last A Dinosaur
"For years visitors have been
coming here and asking to see
dinosaurs. Now . . ."' says mu
seum director C. B. Shultz, "Now
we have one!"
Just how Morrill hall happens
to have a dinosaur after all these
years is a story which goes back
about 50 years. A field expedi
tion was digging about in the
Vernal, Utah, area in what is now
Dinosaur National Park. They
came up with Steggie, or what
was left of him; after a little nap
of a 150 million years.
Steggie had settled down for
the nap in a time now known as
the Jurassic age. The term Juras
sic, of course, means a lot to geol
ogists and kindred men but means
nothing at all to the average citi
, Exhumed
At any rate, Steggie was ex
humed. His individual bones were
packed under separate cover and
he was shipped back east. He be
came the property of the Car
negie Museum of Pittsburgh. That
establishment shipped him back
west to Nebraska, which swapped
a giant camel and a small 3-toed
horse for him.
For the past two or more years
Steggie has been stored in the
museum basement while chief
preparator Henry Reider and
Carleton Faculty
Votes Exemption
The faculty members of Carle
ton College at Northfield, Minn.,
voted recently to accept a high
score in the college entrance ex
aminations in one physical or
biological science as evidence
that the student has satisfied the
college requirement in that area.
It was decided at the faculty
meeting that a minimum accept
able score will be set each year
by the chairman of the depart
with Dean Frank R. Kille.
The ruling is in keeping with
Carleton's policy to accept evi
dence of proficiency, based on
the college board examinations
required for entrance, to exempt
qualified students from certain
ennrp rpmnrpmpnts and frpe their
time for special interest and
broader study.
As a result of the ruling, three
KtiirtpntK nrp HPtnnt frnm thp
distribution requirement in
biological sciences, and seven
teen from the requirement in
physical sciences.
Texans to Tutor
'Down' Students
The Daily Texan has come
up with the idea that student
honorary sholastic groups
should do more than just deco
rate their member's watch
chains. Suggestions have been
made that these groups set up a
student tutorial service.
Their idea is this. Members
of the honoraries could offer
student-to-student help to those
on scholastic probation. The
paper advocates setting several
library nooks or Union cubby
holes aside for tutoring purposes,
and having each member of an
honorary keep one hour a week
to tutor students who need help.
Continued from Page 1
The "slow-down" policy used
in referring to the status of mili
tary reservists was ordered by
Secretary of Defense Marshall
last Oct. 23, at a time when the
military situation in Korea
favored the United Nations.
It provided that "insofar as
military conditions permit" a
reservist must be allowed at least
30 days between the time he is
called and the dale he reports
for active djty.
The Oct. 23 policy contained
loopholes in the 30-day and four
month requirements. With the
adverse turn of battle in Korea,
these loopholes have been used
more than had been previously
Consequently, military reserv
ists, those in position for draft
calls, and the National Guardists,
now have some concept of their
position in regard to the pro-
several students put him back
together again. The stalwart as
sistants in the operation were
Leonard Short, Kenneth Harding,
Jerry Folsom, Ed Sabotka,
Nicholas Silken and Al Hoick.
Bones Tapped
Once Steggie was assembled in
the basement, each one of his
many bones were tagged. Then
the preparator and his staff took
him apart again, carted him up
stairs, and reassembled him in
the Founders' Room. They plan to
build a rail about him. to prevent
eager-beaver visitors from fondl
ing this child of the Jurassic.
Steggie. when located in his
proper segment of space and time,
was quite a fellow. He weighed
around eight or nine tons. He
waddled this mass about on four
stubby legs. He devoted his time
to gobbling enough green and
leafy vegetation to keep tremend
ous "body and hypothetical soul
Adventure and excitement in
Steggie's days were provided by
the meat-eating boys with
mouthfuls. of well-developed
teeth, who charged about biting
hunks off of their vegetarian
Defensive Armament
Steggie sported a defensive
armament consisting of a tough
hide and a double row of bony
projecting plates along his spine.
To complete the tale, his tail was
equipped with four spikes, each
two or more feet long. If Steg
gie ever wagged his tail, he was
not doing it to be friendly.
Steggie and his fellow dino
saurs are sometimes said to pos
sess two brains; the tiny one in
his head and the bigger one in his
pelvic region. Actually, the so
called rear brain was just an
oversized nerve center which
handled the massive rear quar
ters. Any readers desiring further
information on the private life of
Mr. Stegasaurus are urged to in
quire at the Museum. Better yet,
they should enroll in a vertebrate
paleontology course.
"Oh gaze upon this model beast.
Defunct ten million years at
TotS lO ReCeiVC
. If fl.JJ
i'llUI'iU-Ml II fl
The annua Methodist Student
house Christmas party will be
held Saturday, Dec. 16.
The group will leave the house
at 7 p.m. to take gifts to the chil
dren of the Cedars home. Each
student is asked to bring a gift
worth 25 to 50 cents, wrapped
in white, for a boy or girl whose
age ranges from eight to 17
years. If time does not permit
the purchasing of a gift, stu
dents are asked to leave their
contributions at the student
house by Saturday morning so
that additional gifts may be pur-
Following the distribution of
gifts at the Cedars home, the
group will return to the student
house for a program of games,
tree trimming and fellowship.
The committee in charge con
sists of chairman Carol Babcock,
Jim Rodgers, Molly Brittenham,
Joan Brenneman, Carolee Ramey
and Marian Urbacb,
NU Prof Attends
Education Meet
W. H. Morton, principal of
Teachers College high school and
professor of secondary education
at the University, participated in
the 21st annual conference on
higher education at the Univer-
sity of Minnesota.
The one-day conference took
place Friday.
Delegates from more than 30
midwestern colleges and state
and city school systems met to
talk over significant new de
velopments in teacher education.
The group discussed such top
ics as selection of teachers, cur
rent criticisms of modern educa
tion and the supply and demand
of teachers.
"Recent Progress and Next
Steps" were outlined by Dean
Wesley E. Peik, head of the Uni
versity of Minnesota's College of
Wcs1ey Group
I Will Sponsor
i Candle Service
Christmas Candlelighting serv
ice of the Wesley foundation will
be held Sunday, Dec. 17, at 6:30
p.m., at St. Paul Methodist church
Marjorie Thomas and Mary
Wright will be the student leaders
and Paul Rundle will narrate the
color slide story "The Other Wise
Man" by Henry Van Dyke.
Eleanor Flanflgii- will play the
offertory musical selection and
Alice Meyers will be the organist.
Ushers will be Eldon Park and
Bob Hohnstcin.
All students may attend.
The order of service is as fol
lows: The Prelude
The Call to Worship
The Invocation
A Carol, "O Come All Ye Faithful
A Reading from the Scriptures
Isaiah 9:2-7
A Carol, "Joy to the World'"
A Reading from the Scriptures
Luke 1:26-33
A Carol, "It Came Upon The
Midnight Clear"
A Reading from the Scriptures
Luke 2:1-17
The Christmas Prayer
A Carol "Hark The Herald Angels
The Christmas Offering ,
Musical Meditation.
Boys' Toicii
Choir to Sing
Here Sunday
Father Flanagan's Boys Town
choir, which is making its fourth
annual concert tour, will appear
Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Union
In the past years, the choir
has gained fame and or their
first national concert tour in
1946, they performed at C'irnegie
There are 100 boys in the choir,
but only 55 of the finest voices
have been selected for thP tour.
The director is Father Trancis
In selecting the repertoire for
the 1950 tour. Father Schmitt has
indicated that emphasis ha, been
placed on entertainment. The
program will feature a nedley
of Viennese numbers whicl were
obtained by Father Flfnagan
prior to his death in Berlin two
years ago. Other selections in
clude favorites by J o h a n n
Strauss, George Gershwin, Jerome
Kern and many other composers.
Assisting Father Schmitt with
the concert choir aie Norbert
Letter, assistant cboirmaste-, and
Bernard Pawloski, accompanist.
After the concert a Fireside
coffee hour will be held in the
Union lounge. Cocoa and cin
namon crisps will be served.
Those serving are Mary Ann
Pasek, Mary Ann Lebsack, and
Elsie Platner. The group will
sing Christmas carols accom
panied by the organ.
Free tickets for the concert
may be obtained in the Union
activity office. The number of
tickets is limited.
Bob LaShelle is chairman of
the Union music committee, and
Marcia Pratt, sponsor. Committee
members are Beverly Mann,
Aaron Schmidt. Virginia Cooper,
Barbara Reinecke and Mae
Singers Records
Offered by AER
As a special Christmas service,
Alhpa Epsilon Rho, radio hono
rary, has put on sale recordings
of the University "Messiah" pre
sentation. Records of the Univer
sity Singers Christmas Carol
concert will also be sold.
These records are made to
special order and are available 1
on either 10 or 12 inch discs.
They will include any of the por
tions of either of the two recitals
which the purchaser desires.
Soralee Sokolof, president of
the radio honorary stressed that
"These records are not onl won
derful souveniers but enjoyable
Christmas gifts as well!"
Students and faculty members
interested in purchasing their
favorite selections from the "Mes
siah" or the Singers Christmas
Carol concert may list those se
lections and obtain prices from
the radio section on Thursday,
Friday, or Monday afternoons,
Dec. 14, 16, and 18. Call Univer
sity 2-7631 or University Exten
sion 3265 for information.
lllOlllC VjC CI III)
To Hold Ag Tea
The Home Ec club will be
holding their Christmas tea this
afternoon at 4 p. m. in the home
Ec parlors on Ag campus.
The Christmas theme will be
carried out in the refreshments
and decorations. Carols will pro
vide a musical background.
All students and faculty mem
bers of the home ec department
are cordially invited to attend the
Students may dress informally
for the affair.
Crt Lpi;n(.
.OllU - OdH UlCeilll?
Planned Tonight
A meeting will be held tonight
for all those interested in enter
ing displays at the Ag Sno-Ball
dance on Jan. 5.
The meeting will be In the Ag
Union. A variety of hobbies and
collections will be displayed at
the Sno-Ball.
For further Information, stu
dents should inquire at the Ag
Union office.
iiaifdiinigs Sear Names
Chancellors, Teachers
By Shirley Stehlik
"What's in a name?
Many prominent personalities
are reflected in the names of
University buildings.
The University library was
named after Don L. Love, a
prominent businessman and at
torney who also served as mayor
of Lincoln for two terms. Mr.
Love's will provided that after
his death the University should
receive the residue of his estate.
In 1940 $850,000 was , drawn
from the estate to construct the
Don L. Love library. He also
made other bequests for con
structing the new cooperative
residence hall for women at Ag
Ellen Smith Hall
The brick mansion on 14th and
R streets, built by Frank L.
Sheldon, was purchased by the
University for a women's build
ing. The Lincoln branch of ie
Association of Collegiate Alum
nae suggested it be named Ellen
Smith hall in honor of Miss
Smith who served as an in
structor, principal, registrar,
custodian of the library, and ex
officio advisor of dean of men
and women students. Miss Smith
gave 24 years of service to the
University. She was the first
woman to hold an administrative
position here.
Andrew hall was named for J
E. Benjamin Andrews who was
University Chancellor in 1900.
During the eight years of his
administration the University
marked a period of growth. New
buildings were added; a school
of medicine, a teachers' college,
and law department were estab
lished; the agricultural depart
ment was notably expanded, and
the state farm re-created.
Ferpuson Hall
Forguson hall is named after
Dean Olin Jerome Ferguson,
former engineer. This was the
first building on the campus to
be named after a living man.
The Board of Regents had a law
which prohibited naming a build
ing after any man unless he was
Because of the sponteaneous
agreement of Sigma Tau, honor-
YW Names
Deadline Date
December 15
Filing deadline for YWCA
cabinet positions is Friday,
Dec. 15.
All upperclass YM members
are eligible for these positions.
Application for offices must be
made by filling out a blank and
putting it in a box in the court
at Ellen Smith hall.
To be eligible each applicant
must have a weighted 5.5 aver
age, and be able to spend three
hours a week on Y"WCA work.
Second semester YMCA offi
cers, who will take office in Jan
uary, will select the cabinet
members from the applications.
Each applicant will be inter
viewed by senior cabinet mem
bers after Christmas vacation.
When filling out application
blanks, each applicant is re
quired to provide the following
information: commission groups,
committees, conferences attended
and other special commission
groups or committees in which
the applicant is interested.
The positions open are pub
licity, social, knitting and discus
sion, community service, service
tours, office staff, comparative
religion, family relations, wor
ship workshop, alumni and fac
ulty, current affairs, conference
co-op, skeptics corner and per
sonal values in campus life.
s, rr i
tra(t leaClierS
To Hold Party
The Teachers College Graduate
club will hold a Christmas party
Friday, Dec. 15, in Room 315,
The party, which is scheduled
to begin at 7:30 p. m., will be
open to all graduate education
students and their wives or hus
bands. Those planning to attend the
party should sign up in Room 322
in the Union by Thursday. Each
guest will be asked to bring a
25-cent gift plus 25 cents for re-
J17.SO Majentlc Table Radios $15.75.
STUDENT SUPPLY 2-3142 1118 Q.
$95 10 Remlnpton Personal Typewriters
$R5 STUDENT SUPPLY 2-1142 Trade
In Allowance!,
EVANS Cigarette LlKht.e. l(l5f. student
discount at STUDENT SUPPLY 2-1142
KKMAKII Win the everlasting thanks
nf thiMe to whom yon ctve v pipe for
Christmas. t'u ran choose from one
of the most eomplete selections In the
midwest at HchwartMnan'a, 1343 "O"
VIST us at our new location.
CLOTHING. 13 80. ISth.
LEAVING for the east Dec. 20. Rettirn
Inc Jan. 2. Want 3 riders. 3-8668.
Reference requested.
LOST Gold ring with ruby and diamond
setting in Coliseum. Call 3-4137. Re
ward. WANTED Riders to Aurora. Illinois or
vicinity. Christmas. Otto UhrlR. 6-2405.
WANTED A ride to Cleveland. Dec. 20
or 21. Call Jim Jenrey, 6-368. 2-6848
KOR SA LE Four (4) door Ford sedan.
'47 motor, body In good condition. Cell
Monte, 2-3BH.
WANTKDRIde to Rawlins, or Cheyenne,
or vicinity. Share expenses. Phone
2-4630. Henry Larson.
RECORD Plaver wanted. Three speeds
preferred. Cull before 10 a.m. 2-46S2,
Room 5
WANTED Riders to Southern Californiii
Saturday, December ltt. References re
quested. Call Duljy Nehraskan altar
ntr,)r. WANTED Strides to Clilcano Christmas
Students. Call 2-64W.
WANTED Elders to" " Fort Campbell,
Kentucky or points an route including
St. Louts. LeavlnR Den. 14. Rel'erenceB
requested. Call Daily Nehraskan Office,
afternoons. Share expenser.
- . . . : ' .;
ii i - 1 1 i v . . jt
FERGUSON HALL Namesake of Dean Olin J. Ferguson. This is
the only building on campus named after a living man. Because of
requests from student engineering societies, the Board of Regents
suspended their ruling and allowed the name. The electrical engi
neering building was completed recently, and EE classes are in the
process of moving in. The building also houses astronomy classes.
ary engineering fraternity, the
student chapter of American In
stitution of Electrical Engineer
ing, the state section of Ameri
can Institution of Electrical En
gineering, and the faculty of the
college, the Board of Regents
ruled that the new engineering
building could be named Fergu
son hall.
Morrill hall was named in
honor of C. H. Morrill. It was
through his gifts that the Uni
versity was abJe to have an or
ganized education museum. The
elephant exhibit was started
through the help of his dona
tions. Grant Memorial Hall
Grant Memorial was dedicated
to commemorate the valor and
patriotism of our University sol
diers who gave their lives for
their country in the Spanish
American war.
Burnett hall was named for
Edgar Albert Burnett who spent
most of his life as an agricultural
leader in Nebraska. He directed
the development of the curri
culum for agricultural education
in our slate. As dean he envis
ioned an Ag college where stu
dents might gain practical edu
cation and did a good deal of
research to. solve agricultural
problems. He became chancellor
in 1928 and resigned in 1938.
Bessey Hall
Bessey hall was named In
honor of a famous botanistJProf.
C. E. Bessey. He organized the
Tennessee U. Defies Courts
By Refusing Negro Students
The University of Tennessee
defied the U. S. Supreme Court
and the state attorney general by
turning away five Negro ap
plicants for advanced study.
The 18 trustees of Knoxville
institution held themselves bound
by the Tennessee constituional
provisions "That there shall be
segregation in the education of
the races in schools and colleges
of this state.
Counsel for four Negroes in
dicated they would sue for ad
missions backed by U. S. Sup
reme Court rulings opening
white classed to Negroes where
equal separate facilities are not
'Not Leear
Roy Beeler, attorney general
of Tennessee, had advised the
university that it could not legally
bar the Negroes. He said that the
14th federal amendment, guaran
teeing equal protection and equal
rights of the races, superseded
the old Tennessee segregation
"I merely rendered an opinion
on what the law is, and am en
tirely in sympathy with segrega
tion for this part of the South,"
Beeler added.
"It appears from the faces of
it that we have no other recourse
: VJ
; "Mi' T v i it V y
V " i
mm' ' u W )
tv ; it 'T
Thursday, December 14, 1950
botany department at the Uni
versity and was an inspiration
for many people who graduated
in the college of forestry. Many
students took botany because
they found Bessey's nature and
personality so interesting.
Avery lab was named after an
ex-chancellor, Dr. Samuel Avery.
He was chairman of the depart
ment of chemistry, and because
of the high respect people held
for his character and the work he
did for the University, Avery
lab bears his name.
'Follies' Script
Deadline Friday
Deadline for Coed Follies scripts
is Friday, Dec. 15. Scripts for
skits or curtain acts by organized
women's houses must be sent to
Marilyn Moomey at 426 No. 16th
street before that date.
If two groups enter the same
idea, the first script submitted
will be used. The other group
will be given a chance to rewrite
its script.
Representatives of the AWS
board will judge the scripts ac
cording to originality, cleverness,
audience appeal, apprpriateness
and length.
Skits are limited to eight min
utes and curtain acts to five.
but to pursue, in due time, our
remedy in te courts," said Carl
Cowns. a :orney representing all
of the Negroes except one.
Trustees Informed
Cowan said he sent the trustees
a statement of the applicant's
position. A rejection, he informed
the board, would constitue
"denial of equal protec. n of the
law guaranteed by the 14th
amendment to the U. S. constitu
tion." Cowan pointed out that no
course sought by the applicants
was provided at the State Agri
cultural and Industrial college
for Negroes at Nashville.
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection" diaper service.
1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 34853
4 8 V. , K
-Tripple Threri-
3-wcry jackets
Here's the one jacket he can
wear 3 ways. The com
plete jacket for blustery
days . . . the lining a
luxurious eollarless jacket
. . . the shell alone
makes a perfect outdoor
jacket for milder days!
fioi lr
It reef Finer
KASU . . . Is it a new organ
ization, or what?
a pickle.
1 posed-national emergency.
1 Education.
Dec. 21 or 22.
lo Scottshluff.
2-31. ta.