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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, December 14, 1950 5 V , . J ; T V I s I 1 J V - Ji? V"--. IT 1 2 - . 1 EDITORIAL A Different View . . . A student has written a letter to The Daily Nebraskan advancing a program which is designed "to answer the of ten repeated question of 'What can I do about the world situation?'" Unfortunately, the letter could not be pub lished because the student failed to sign his name and thus was denied the privilege of publication by the Rag Letterip policy. But the content of the letter was interesting, just a little puzzling and definitely a different view of the world situation. The writer presented three points: 1. "The proper representatives of the students request the Red Cross Bloodmobile to come to our campus. 2. "Each student and faculty member seriously con sider making a donation if he agrees with the program. 3. "Request that half of the blood be used for our own troops, half to be sent to our brother human beings in North Korea, the soldiers who are dying there, just like our own men, and who could be saved if they had blood." The letter went on to say that this program would prove to ourselves and to the citizens of the communist world that we believe in the principles of fellowship to all men. There are two possibilties of the beliefs of this writer. One is that he or she is communistic and is using The Daily Nebraskan as a means to exploit those views. Yet, because we cannot conceive a person with communist tendencies on the campus, we prefer to believe the writer is assuming a humanitarian view, a concept of the situation that is ex tremely rare among present thinking circles. But we cannot go along with the program in either case. Reasons against the first posibility are obvious. As to the second, it is hard for us to observe the present conflicts from the other person's point of view. Even though it is a humanitarian feeling, and expressions of such beliefs might mean eventual peace to the world, we cannot bring ourselves to split our efforts between two parties, one our friends and the other our enemies. The writer may be ahead of the present world several years in bringing a so lution to peace. But we cannot see what the plan will ac complish when countless other expressions of humani tarism during the past years have filed to stop the spread of Russian conquest. There will have to be some other plan presented which will answer the question, "What can I do about the world situation." . Of Mechanisms ... News item A mechanical heart is ready for trial on human beings. It's true. Dr. Charles B. Bailey, heart surgeon at Hahnemann hospital in Philadelphia, has already used the mechanical heart sucessfully on lower order animals. This is good news. The new contraption should save lives. But why should the life-saving qualities of the me chanical heart be restricted to medical use ? Our scientists have already developed giant electronic brains capable of solving complex mathematical problems. In addition, they have devised mechanical robots with near human skills. At present, military conscription is forcing its way into the lives of millions of American youths. It 'seems the world is either in or about to sink into World War III. Now this is a costly business especially in lives. Com bat soldiers have a limited life expectancy and the war damage to minds and bodies is sometimes worse than death. To prevent this human cost, why not arrange matters so that machines could take the rap ? Why not put the new brains, hearts, and robots into combat soldier form? By uniting mechanical minds, hearts, and bodies, regimenting them, training them, we could send our machines off to war and let them kill and be killed, maim and be maimed. On the other hand, the suggestion might not be feas ible. Perhaps our machines would think the idea somewhat ludicrous. Perhaps they would turn on us. After all, even machines have a proverb 'To err is human." Reprinted from Colorado Silver and Gold. 6 International Holiday9 Theme Of Union Christmas Party The Union's annual open house will be held Saturday, Dec. 16 Jrom 8 p.m. until midnight to celebrate the yuletide season. The theme for this year's Christmas party is "International Christmas" and the entire Union will be decorated in accordance with the theme. From 900 to 1,000 people are expected to attend this Union ponsored function. There will be some sort of entertainment furnished in al most every room in the Union. Aaron Schmidt's combo will furnish the music for dancing in the ballroom from 9 p.m. un til midnight. During the inter mission, Alpha Epsilon Rho, na tional radio honorary will give ft skit Cosmpolitan club will be re iponsible for a style show; the members will wear their native costumes. Cech and Adducl Senry Cech and Nick Adduci be masters of ceremony. In Parlors ABC punch and a Juke box will be the main fea tures. The cartoons, "The Night Before Christmas," "Snow Time," and "Christmas Trees" will be ihowa in Room '313. The cafeteria will feature JIvl (batty TkbhcuJwu v Member Intercollegiate Press FORTY-EIGHTH FEAB The Dally Nebraska la publisher: by ths studsnta of tbs University of Ne Bruks, a expression of students' news and opinions only. According to Artlcls 11 of the By Law governing atudant publications and administered by ths Board f Publication. "It la ths declarsd policy of ths Board that publications, under Its Jurisdiction (ball ba free from editor',! censorship on the part of tbs Board . es e tiks part of a.ny member ot ths tea atM el Ths Daily Nebraskan are ee to or eauua to to prtntsd. HmrlpHoa rata are f2.00 prt srnntr, (2.80 pt sntnester tnallrd, or $8.01) for ffco auiinas yr, (4.00 mailed. aWlnals copy fie. Published dally during the school yat VMwpt Hatordaya and Sundays, vacations and examination periods and one darlnc tha BMintll of Anrnst by the University of Nebraska nnder the snner-f-Kim of ttm Commltto on Student Publication. Entered as Scrim d Clans Matter at Pass Of flea ta Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Conrress, March 3. 1879, and H swelal n of postsura provided for hi Section 1108, Act of Congress of October . 1WJ. aouwrlwd Boptombar 10, 192S. EDITORIAL "Mn ......t. ..... Bruce Kennedy wSit Editor! Norma Chnblmrk, e.rry Warren Ktwi Editors - Joan Kruegar, Kent Atell, Betty Ilea Weaver, Glenn Bosenqulst. Tom Klsche PtMfta Bdlts ...... Bill Miindoll Am. Snorts Editor............... Jim Knstal !' Editor rry Bailey Af RcSltsw Bel Menserstnlth sy Editor ..........,...., , Joan Van Valkenburg t Mwcratpirar ... Bod Kiggs BUSIXKRS Ifmltmrn Manager Ted Bandolph A" Kininens Managers ......... jack Cohen, Chock Burmelster, Bob Relrhenbach Cifntatfon Mitnawer Al BlPininK bight Mewi itiiHir Tom Rlsehe COMMENT bingo from 8 to 11 p.m., and prizes will be given to the win ners. KariDa Aloha Mu. honorary photography fraternity, will be f responsible for an photograph exhibit in the Game room. Delta Phi Delta, art honorary, will be selling Christmas cards at a booth in the lobby. Samples are now on display in the Union office. Punch and Brownies In the lounge, punch and brownies will be served all eve ning. Ralph Hanneman will be playing Christmas carols on the organ all evening. The Union choir, composed of Union employees, will sing throughout the evening. At 11 p.m. a mass carol singing will take place in the lobby. Throughout the evening, Santa will tour the halls of the Union distributing candy to all. Everyone is invited to attend the annual Union Christmas party. The committee for this spec ial event is composed of: Chuck Widmaier, sponsor; Thorn Sny der, chairman; and Mary Pitter man, Betty Stratton, Helen Vitek, Ralph Hanneman, Joan Osten berg, Lorraine Westfall and Nancy Dixon. faculty of the University but members 0 , personally responsible (or what they say Novelties Rate High As Christmas Gifts By Bev Haffan "I just don't know what to get him," or "women are so hard to buy for;" These exclamations can be heard in every house on campus this time of year. Actually Christmas gifts aren't hard to find. You can forget yourself and buy gifts that most people would never buy for themselves, or be the practical type and give something useful. High Frequency By Art Epstlen The most unique show that has ever been aired over your Uni versity's radio station, KNU, can be heard every Thursday at 4:08 p. m. The most novel item of this show is its length sev en minutes. However, you mustn't be de ceived by the fact that the program is so short in life. "Sports folio" is an action packed, dy namic show starring two capable sports announcers, Jim Epstein Riordan and Wayne Handshy. This newscast has the latest re leases from AP wires, so that the listeners can be kept tbreast on all the latest information on the sports of the nation. It is the idea of the authors of "Sport folio" not only to keep the listen er in touch with the happenings in the world of sports on the Ne braska campus, but also the sports events of the other col leges of the land. Jim and Wayne also interview, during their atomic filled seven minutes of broadcasting, famous men in the campus sports. To day's guest athlete will be "Mr. Touchdown" himself, Bobby Rey nolds. The men will discuss Bobby's recent trip to New York, and his forthcoming trip to the Rose Bowl game. So if you want to hear the seven best minutes in radio, listen to "Sportsfolio" every Thursday afternoon at 4:08 over the Uni versity radio station, KNU. "Meridian 7-1212," by Irving Reis, is this week's "Author's Of The Ages" presentation. The star of the drama is Twila Walker. The story evolves around the idea that two magazine writ ers strike upon for a novel twist for an article. Meridian 7-1212 is the number that the people of New York City call to obtain the correct time of day. The story has several sub plots. The operator, Miss Walker, who answers the phone has a brother who is to be executed at the stroke of midnight for a crime that he did not commit. Every time that she gives the time she realizes that her brother is going closer to death. Another plot in the script, to bring in a bit of humor, is the part of the two Englishmen in a London pub. The gentlemen in question have an argument as to the cor rect time in New York. A call is put through to Meridian 7-1212, but not until the two players do a convincing job of putting across the idea that they are both drunk. Getting back to the drama side of the play, a man uses the phone service to prove that he has committed suicide before the clock chimes midnight. Hear "Meridian 7-1212" tonight over KFOR at 9:05. However if you do not have the good fortune to hear "Authors" on Thursday night, you can hear it next Mon day over KNU. That's all, Paul. Grading System Under Discussion "What is the most effective grading system for college level?" This question was re cently asked 42 members of a freshman English class at the Wisconsin State Teachers college in Milwaukee. An honors, pass, and fail sys tem, known as the HPF system, was selected as best by the stu dents. Several felt that the sys tem allowed the student to do his best work without worrying about' a grade. Tiey said that as a result stu dents would try to get more than though the system avoids close discrimination, h is ciose enuuKn to give the student an idea of his standing. The letter system is now in use at the college. It was given the second position by students who stated that it is the most easily understood system, since it puts all students in one of five classifications. Eastem College A 7 Tk f. I TtM A IflS iMVntttttl iTlCIl Hofstra college in Hempstead, N. Y., has a plan which gives college men incentive to use to good purpose time that might be lost while waiting for a draft call. After five weeks' attendance in regular courses which nor mally run 15 weeks, the student who is drafted into the army will receive one-third the credit which he would normally earn with satisfactory marks. A proportionate amount of tui tion would be refunded. Two thirds of the course's maximum credit will be given at the end of 10 weeks' attendance. On J SOCIETY The stores are stocked to ca pacity ,and browsing around will give you a wealth of ideas. For example, on Miller's first floor you're sure to find some thing for your steady or your roommate. There are gay colored scarfs that any gal would welcome. If you want something extra nice for your girl there are beautiful bronze, gold or silver accessorides that might make her plant a big kiss on your cheek. Hov's have the kind of cash mere sweaters that make any girl Cigraret Lighters If your fella never can find his matches a cigaret lighter is the answer to his and your questions. Have your names engraved on it and every time he lights a cigaret he'll think of you. Before you start knitting like mad during these next few days remember that argyles never seem to get finished on time. Why not take advantage of Magee's argyles? They won't have as many mistakes in them either. So you can't make up your mind whether to give your fella a lighter or a useful pencil. Strike the happy medium and give him both! Yes, a Ronson penciliter. With chromium-plated tips they come in ebony, burgundy and blue. Remember girls, fellas alio like cashmere sweaters. Magee's have a nice selection and wi.l give you all the help you need to select the right size and shade. Parents Gifts For parents it's nice to buy a combined gift. A gift for the home would be appropriate. If you want something separate, how about a new pipe' for dad and a nice piece of jewelry for mother? Now for your roommate. Be sure to get something that you would like too. Make it your style of tie or the kind of purss you've wantted for a long time and maybe you can borrow it. Christmas gifts don't have to be expensive. Give them some consideration and be sure to catch all the hints that are i dropped this time of year. Bu( always remember that the gift doesn't count as much as the person who gives it and that's you! Dr. Dobby , Will Discuss Asia Friday Dr. E. H. G. Dobby, - noted British geographer, will speak at a convocation in LovejLibrary auditorium, 10 a.m. Friday. Dr. Dobby has been visiting professor at Yale university dur ing the fall semester. He Is a pro fessor of geography at Raffles college, Singapore. Discussion topic at thf' convo cation will be the current eco nomic and political situation in southeast Asia. Dr. Dobby did much os his early research work in the Li berian peninsula and became as sociated with Raffles college in the late 1930's. During the war he did monitoring service for the British Ministry of Information, doing work for the British Foreign office towards . the end of the war. ' Helps in Development In 1946 he returned to Raffles college and became active in its development as a university. Dr. Dobby has published a number or articles oi Malaya. His book, "Southeast Asia," now is being published by the Uni versity of London press. An informal tea wip be held for Dr. Dobby, Friday-at 4 p.m., in the Geography building. At this time he will show slides of his work and speak on geo graphical .research in southeast Asia. 1 At 9 a.m., Friday, a press con ference will be held ' for Dr. Dobby in the faculty lounge of the Union. Dobby's Plans The plans for Dr. Dobby in clude lectures for student groups, clubs and other groups on the general situation in southeast Asia; discussing before seminars , or meetings of professional geo graphers some of the problems and accomplishments of geo graphic research in southeast Asia and discussing with profes sional persons the general field of southeast Asia studies. These plans pertain to, Dr. Dobby's over-all tour, not just to his appearance on the Uni versity campus. CardilKll Pl(lllS Election System The Cardinal, newspaper at the University of Louisville, has made a move intended to keep campus elections from being nothing but popularity contests. Each of the eleven candidates who turned in their petitions for election to the arts and sciences student council before the Car dinal deadline were asked ques- r,ofom!n n tKoin miolifi. tl0r?S Pe"alnlng ,t0 e,r QUaim- cations and their ideas on the council and elections on campus. In an editorial which ran the same day questionnaire results were published, the editor said: "In the last few years, we have seen a council elected by foolish antics, large campaign funds and organizations whose members vote for their candidate whether or not he is best qualified. We are hoping that the stu dents who have not .decided where to place their vote will consider carefully the qualifica tions of each candidate and se lect a council that is strong, con scientious and aware of campus problems and situations." By Joan VanValkenbertr Cheese, not chocolates, was passed to the Alpha Chi's Mon day night. The tangy treat announced the pinning of Jean Steven and Sid McVicker. McVicker, president of Phi Delta Theta, and brothers came over after dinner. Bunny Bradley's sisters in Alpha Xi showered her Monday evening the wet kind, that is. Jerry Ewing honored Bunny by giving her his most tieasured possession, his Boy Scout pin. Ewing is a TKE. Jan ZIomke received a ring from Vera McKinsey after chap ter meeting Monday night. Their pinning was announced a few weeks ago at the Kappa Delta house. The couple plan a June wedding. A pledge passed candv at tho Chi Omega house to the surarise of the active chapter. Becky rugioi announced her n nninc tn Ron Roeder. Roeder is a sophomore member of Delta Tau Delta. Miss Fuglei is a freshman. Both are from Omaha and have gone together for several years. Wrapped up like a Christmas present, chocolates were brought out at the Delta Gamma house along with a Christmas card. The holiday package an nounced the pinning of another pair of high school sweethearts, Dee Riddell and Don Bradley. Both are sophomores. Bradley is a member of SAE. Both are from Scottsbluff. A real party weekend is ahead for the campus. The Phi Kappa Psi's are holding their annual Candlelight dinner dance at the Lincoln hotel ballroom Friday. The formal is an open party and begins at 9 p.m. Music is by jtiuuj naaaaa, At Cotner Terrace the Phi Delt annual Christmas formal will be held. -Johnny Cox will play for the closed fraternity dance. Another formal party Friday night is the Delta Gamma dance. It will be held in the Cornhusker ballroom from 9 to 12 p.m. A gay and different event on the social calendar Friday night is the Kappa Sig ice skating par ty. After skating at Sawyer Snell Park the couples will have hot chocolate and cookies at the fraternity house. In place of an hour dance this year the Chi Omega's and Kappa Sigma's are having a social cof fee hour from 4 to 6 p. m. Fri day. A skit and other entertain ment will be furnished by the Chi O's. The Kappa Sig's are bringing their special fraternity combo. Their annual Rose ball will be given Saturday by the Pi Kappa Phi's. It will be in the Terrace room of the Lincoln hotel. Dress is formal. A closed Christmas party will be held at the D-U house Sat urday night. The pledges are giving it for the actives and their dates. There will be a grab bag of Christmas gifts. Chi Omega also is having their Christmas dance Saturday night. The formal is a closed party held at the sorority house. Two annual sweetheart din ners will be given Sunday eve ning. The Kappa Sig's will be at 5 p.m. and the DU's will begin at 6 p. m. The DU dinner is given for the actives by the alums. A red wax Santa boot was sent to all houses as an invitation to the Delta Chi Christmas capers. The informal Saturday eve ning dance will begin at 8:30 p. m. Nancy Weir revealed her two week old pinning to Jack War ren, Delta Tau Delta, Monday at the Gamma Phi Beta candlelight Christmas dinner. Besides the Delt aggregation, Dean Marjorie Johnston, Mary Augustine, Helen Snyder and Madeline Girard were present for the pinning ceremony. They had been guests of the Gamma Phi's at the dinner. a The Theta Xi pledges are sponsoring their annual party Saturday night. Pledges will plan and make all decorations for the party, the theme of which will be "New Year's." Those in attendance will wel come in the new year at 11 p. m., complete with noise makers. Candy and cigars were passed at the Pi Phi and Beta houses Monday night by Loraine and Ray Louck and Priscilla Jones and Jack Greer. SPECIAL OFFER For Students and Faculty Trampled Terraces TIm jKipulsr new book by Ray mond A. MrConnell, Jr., which sells for S2.7S. PLUS A one year subscription, ordinarily $2.1X1. to the fascinating literary quarterly. Prairie Schooner You ret BOTH of these for the reduced price of: $3.75 Ton will find many boars of varied reading enjoyment. Send In your money today or call In nerson. University of Nebraska Press 1125 R St. Adm. Annex Little Man On Campus "I was chosen to play Santa for our sorority an' I'm just waiting 'till they all get to bed. Who are you going to play Santa for?" Rhodes Winner Compares Day's Wait to 'Loopo' Ride 'The actual process of waiting all day was more like spending eight hours in a loopo plane," commented Eugene Lushei when he was asked about the day of interviewing for the Rhodes scholarship at Des Moines last week. Lushei, a graduate student of philosophy at the University, was one of the four students selected from the mid-western region to receive a grant of two years study at Oxford university in England. Every year 32 students representing eight regions in the United States are given these scholarships. The steps which Luschei and all candidates have to go through before the final test were des cribed by the Nebraska recipient. There were three competitions in which he had to participate: the University, the state and the mid west district. Two candidates were chosen to represent each state in the final meet. They included Kan sas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and South Dakota. In each of the competitions the candidates had oral interviews with special committees who had in mind their specials interests, activities, recommendations and transcript. The questions Luschei was asked were not academic but rather ones designed to gain their ideas on certain subjects. Question Asked The graduate student was asked: What do you intend to do in the future?; and what do you think of the Korean war? He also was quized on his political view points, but his opinions and predjudices were not taken into consideration. This line of questioning was aimed at revealing whether he . NU Bulletin Board Thursday Y.M.C.A. All who paid mem bership fees but haven't picked up their blue membership cards should do so immediately. Cards will be needed in January elections. Theta Siema Phi meets Friday aot 5 p.m. in Ellen Smith hall. Co-ed Follies scripts due. MAIN FEATURES START VARSITY: "Edge of Doom," 1:00, 3:12, 5:24, 7:36, 9:48. STATE: "Jungle Stampede," 2:59, 5:58, 8:57. "So Young, So Bad," 1:00, 3:59, 6:58, 9:57. HUSKER: "The Petty Girl," 2:58, 6:23, 9:48. "In a Lonely Place," 1:20, 4:45, 8:10. N0N-SECTERIAN COURSES IN RELIGION Elective Cre-dit for University Students, Day and Evening classes. Second semester sched ules ready. COTNER COLLEGE. 6-2684. 1237 R 3513 Holdrege You will see. Can't go wftli n bv Bibler w-fc.Jjaiyasjn ..i.iiiuii..i!w"" m miimimimj thought and had ideas about world happenings. Luschei, a native of Lincoln, was graduated from Northeast high school and graduated from the University in the summer of 1949. In his under-graduate days he majored in math and physics. He is now studying philosophy. At Oxford he hopes to take more physics and some phychology. The other finalists in this re gion are: George Mohr, Luther college, Decorah, la.,; Robert Shepard, University of Iowa; and Robert Shay, St. Louis, a Yale university graduate. The 32 Rhodes scholars will sail for England in a group some time in September, 1951. Actual classes at Oxford will begin Oct. 12. Luschei said he does not know whether he can go since he be lieves he will be in the army by this summer. If this happens, he believes his scholarship can be postponed. The committee representing the University were: Howell Good, Omaha: Henry Gunderson Fre mont; Nathan Blumberg, Univer sity assistant professor of Jour nalism; and Edmund O. Belsheim, dean of the University Law col lege. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION "Football Headline.? of 1950" meirroiNG nations top teams NEBRASKfl-OKLflHOMA TEX. S.M.U. fiRMY-NflVY aa tiiKDszoffYi CO-FEATFRE "BEAUTY ON PARADE" aHssjLi3 Robert Cummin? Joan C'aulfleld "TKE PETTY GIRL" Pins 1 Humphrey Borart In "In A lonely Place wrong f It 1 M'1 ni 1 J I - " J a ' a ft