The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Draft Jitters . . .
. With all the talk about a state of emergency declara
tion the draft call jitters among the student male popula
tion have increased considerably, a normal reaction to an
abnormal situation. Several college papers over the nation
have expressed concern about this condition which has in
fluenced more than one college student to give up his edu
cation rather than be drafted. Some comments that are
typical of the college editorial feeling on American
campuses was expressed by The Daily Tar Heel of North
Carolina university. It is reprinted below.
The words of soothing advice on the draft problem
that students have been getting recently from the admin
istration and from Selective Service heads should be a
signal for quite a few college boys to relax.
Both the administration and the draft bigwig have
offered words of great encouragement to those college
students who figured that they might as well join up before
the decision was taken out of their hands. Admittedly,
the uncertain course of future events may temper the
effect of their words, but we think that students should
carefully evaluate the present draft situation before mak
ing any rash moves. There is at present a law on the
books that prevents college students "in good standing"
from being called into the service. That law makes it
possibly for students to rest easy in their collegiate status
if they can keep up their grades. And the announcement
that the Selective Service will call more men for pre-induc-tion
examinations in order to make up a deficit caused
by the large number of college student deferments should
be taken as gospel for those who have been getting the
draft call jitters.
Administration officials have admitted that they fear
a mass exodus of students into the armed services over the
Christinas holidays. Such a migration would seriously
imperil the University, and is completely unnecessary in
the light of the information and statements that have
been made during the last few days. Students should be
. encouraged by the words and seek to continue their col
legiate education. The truth of the matter is, college stu
dents have been the "golden-haired" boys of the selective
service system, and, right now and for sometime, in the
future, they are going to continue to be. For college stu
dents not to take advantage of their position would be
foolish. An educated populace is going to be at a distinct
advantage in a world conflict, and draft officials and the
government have realized this by making the provisions
for collegians.
We fervently hope that students will be stilled in their
worries by the statements that have been made recently
and carefully evaluate their situation before making rash
moves that will be determined to themselves, their Uni
versity, and, more important, to their nation.
PRAISE HIM Psalm 150 will be danced by members of Orchesis,
University modern dance society, at their Christmas concert Wed
nesday evening. On the left representing "Praise Him with the
psaltery and harp" are (back row 1. to r.) Shirley Mahr, Sally
Pinney, Janet Kokjer, (front row) Wanda Bott, Dee Irwin, Diane
Downing. To the right, Marilyn Cropper (left) and Marie Man
gold, are interpreting "Praise Him up the loud cymbols."
"BOY, THEY sure send that ball back down th' court in a hurry,
Buttered Bread
There are a few students at this University who evi
dently are not aware of the buttered side of their proverb
' ial bread. This became known when an inventory was
taken of the Union Book Nook last week.
The results were staggering! No less than 97 books
worth more than $260 have been lost, "borrowed" or stolen
during the course of the semester. Union authorities do
not believe the books have been deliberately stolen but
rather just taken by students who intended to return them
and for some reason haven't done so.
It is disheartening to think that students would take
advantage of the free services of their Union to the extent
of walking off with the books for their personal library
but it seems to be more than coincidence to have 97 books
borrowed and none returned.
The Book Nook is not a lending library. It is another
service of the Union aimed to provide pleasure and re
laxation for the student. As the situation of "borrowed
books" has arised before, the Union activities committee
specified that the room was not to be used for study and
books were not to be checked out. If this "borrowing"
continues, a logical solution might be to require students
to check their coats and books before entering the Nook
and to place a guard at the door to see that no books are
taken from the room.
It seems to us that this plan would be undesirable
to both student and Union worker. It would place the
Nook under a militant guard, distracting the relaxing at
mosphere of the room, and at the same time cause addi
tional trouble for the Union staff to enforce police action.
There is absolutely no need for a student to walk off
with a book that is placed in the reading room for his
pleasure as well as the enjoyment of the other 8,000
students. All these students are paying for these books
and will pay for duplicates if others are taken. The money
used to replace the missing books could well be used for
other worth-while purposes.
Last spring when the students voted an increase in
fees for Union improvement, many students voiced their
desire to have a bowling alley in the Union. This comment
by a Union official should clarify the situation: "One of
the reasons we don't have a bowling alley is that books
cost so much." Not only new books are high priced, but
also duplicates of those that have been "misplaced."
Ponder it well. If you don't want to find your favorite
novel under lock and key, available to you only upon
presentation of ID card, draft 'card or driver's license,
repel that urge to borrow the book to read over night. j.w.
Intercollegiate Press
n Daily Nabraaa M publUhx by Uit itudcou of th Univritj of N
raaka M axpraaalon of atuctnU' owi and opinion only. According to Artlcl II
a th Br Lawe torarnini ttudmt publication! and admlnlaurcd by th Board
f Publication, "It la Uia dclard policy of Mi Board that publication, under
Ha turUdtctkn ah all b fraa from editorial cnortilp on th part of th Board,
a a tna part of any oimnbcr of th faculty of th University but m.-nbra af
tfc atatf of To Daily Ntbraakaa an pronally ruponilbl for what thy aay
ar o or aua to aw printed.
etwertpttoa ratal ar fZ.Oo par amwator, 11.60 pn mmmtar mailed, or IS.OO for
tha OMiam year, $4.M mailed. Hlntl enpy to. Pnbllihed daily dnrln the school
vaat asMoa Natarday and Sunday, vacation and examination period and one
Mo fwrtnc th month of Amuit by the tlnlvemlty of Nebraaka under th nprr
vMoa at the Committee on Student Publication. Entered a Hecnnd Cila Matter at
It'. rout Of riot ta Uneftlln, Nebraaka, under Art of Oonareu, March 3, 1871). and
a n4al rata af Boater provided for In flection 1103, Act af Concre of October
. Ull, authorized September 10. 182?.
lln Editors ,,. ,
iw Editora .... .Joaa
pert Editor .,
A. Swtrte Editor
rerma Editor
Ae Editor
aVMdM Editor
aetaosa Manatvr ... Ted Randolph
Aoa't Buatnen Mafn Jack Cuban, Chuck Burmelater, Bob Relrhenbaeb
a treniaftion nnnsfri .........
fctaht w Editor
Brue Kennedy
Norma Chubbnck, Jerry Warren
Kruecer, Rent Artcll, Betty Dee Weaver,
Olena Boienqulat, Tom Rieohe
Bill Mtindell
Jim Koatal
rry Bailey
Re Mememmlth
JoM Vaa Valkenburf
Rod Rita
,........ nl
Joan Kroettr
Coeds to Represent NU
At National 6Y' Conference
"What Does God Require of
Us?"- is the theme of the YM
YW National Assembly to be
held -Dec. 27 through Jan. 2 at
Miami university in Oxford, O.
Appro imately 1,500 to 2,000
delegates are expected from the
906 YM and YW groups through
out the United States. Twelve
YW delegates from the Univer
sity are going.
They are: Audrey Flood, Alice
Jo Smith, Ruth Sorensen, Doris
Carlson, Dorothy Gartrell, Bar
bara Crowe, Miriam Willey,
Caroline Ross, Alice Anderson,
Elaine Kagawa and Sue Allen.
Ruth Shinn, staff -member, and
Diettelinde von Kuennsberg, ad
viser board member, are going
with the delegates.
Chairman and co-chairman of
the Nebraska delegation are
Alice Jo Smith and Doris Carl
son. Four Areas
The assembly is a legislative
conference. The delegates will
pian the program emphasis for
the next four years. Four areas
are included with the theme
"What Does God Require of Us."
They are as persons, as mem
bers of a university, as mem
bers in the church and as par
ticipants in a world struggle.
The agenda will feature four
speakers and panels. Vera Mi
cheles Dean, director of the For
eign Policy association, will ad-
Cattle Breeders
Meet Thursday
The annual meeting of the
Nebraska Guernsey Cattle
Breeders association will be held
in Lincoln on Thursday of this
Otto Liebers, Lincoln, presi
dent of the state organization
said today the session will be
held at the Union building on
the city campus of the Univer
sity. All Guernsey breeders in
Nebraska have been invited to
Two headline speakers are
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson and
Gavan McKerrow of Kewakee,
Wis. The latter is a nationally
known livestockman and is man
ager of the Milwaukee Coop
erative. His is a Guernsey cattle
breeder as well as a breeder of
imported sheep. McKerrow is a
director of the National Guern
sey Cattle club.
The Thursday meeting opens
at 10 a.m., and concludes at 3
p.m. Lunch will be served at
the Union. Dr. Edward Leigh, of
Hardy, is vice-president of the
state organization and Joe Mul
ler, of Omaha, is secretary
treasurer. ASME to Hold
Election Tonight
Pete Keene, Bill Eagan. Verl
Glee, and John Olson will vie for
the post of chairman of the Amer
ican Society of Mechanical En
gineers at a meeting tonight in
Room 206, Richards lab at 7:15.
Other candidates for second se
mester officers are:
Vice chairman: Bill Drayer,
Dick Taylor, Jim Nelson, and Jim
Secretary: Leonard Stein, Ber
wyn Caswell ( and Bob Holtz.
Treasurer: Larry Larsen and
John Kewchel.
Ed Bartunek is the retiring
chairman of the group.
Cosmo Club
Party Tonight
The Cosmopolitan Club will
hold a Christmas party instead
of their regular meeting tonight.
The party will take place in
Room 315 of the Union at 7:30
There will be an exchange of
gifts and maybe "Father Christ
mas" will come around.
Jerjen Herbst will give a talk
of international Christmases. A
caroling program is also planned.
They will sing carols from dif
ferent nations.
Musicians to Hold
Yule Song Party
School of Music students will
sing carols and hear special
music at their annual Christmas
party Wednesday in the music
The Christmas tiee and the
building have been decorated for
the festive occasion.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur West
brook will provide refreshments.
Pharmacy Group
To Meet Tonight
A program consisting of Christ
mas carol singing and card games
will be presented to members of
the American Pharmaceutical
association, student Pharmacy
college group, when they meet
The event will take place at
the Union, Room 315, at 7:30 p.m.
Bulletin Board
Candidate Officers association
will meet in uniform .at west
stadium to have their pictures
Red Guidon meeting at Ag col
lege, 7:30 p.m.
AUF solicitations board meet
ing, 5 p.m., Room 309 in Union.
Beauty Queen candidates are
to meet promptly in the Union
Card room at 7:15 p.m.
Scarlet and Cream meeting at
12:30 p.m. in Union, Room 308.
Iota Sigma Pi dinner meeting
at 5:30 p.m. Memers and pledges
should attend.
Cosmopolitan Club meeting in
Union, Room 315 at 7:30 p.m.
There will be a Christmas pro
gram, songs, music and refresh
ments. Everyone is invited.
Alpha Kappa Pal meeting at 7
p.m. in the Union.
The badminton and duck pin
clubs will not meet Wednesday
because of the Orchesis Christ
mas program scheduled in Grant
dress the conference on "The
World Struggle." She has trav
eled through Europe and has also
written numerous booklets from
her travels.
Alexander Miller from New
Zealand will speak on a topic
concerning the Christian atti
tude toward vocation. He is
working toward his PhD degree
in the Union Theological semi
nary in New York.
Conference Leader.
Leila Anderson is the execu
tive of the National Student
YWCA. She represented Amer
ican students in various confer
ences in Switzerland and France
last summer.
Joseph F. King will lead the
morning worship. King is a min
ister and lecturer in Oberlin, O.
R. H. Edwin Espy is known
as one of the ablest and most
widely trusted leaders of Chris
tian youth in universities, schools
and seminaries. He has worked
in the World Council of Churches
The panel will include Rev.
MacCracken, pastor of Riverside
church in New York: Edwin Au
brey, staff member of the Union
Theological seminary; Henry
Pitt van Duzen, president of
Union Theological seminary: and
Kneinnold Nieburh.
The Nebraska delegates will
travel in a chartered bus leav
ing Dec. 26 and returning Jan.
3. Students from Midland.
Doane, York, Wayne, Kearney
ana cnaaron colleges are in
cluded in the Nebraska group.
Several foreign students from the
University will attend as guests
of the assembly.
Sue Allen served as co-chairman
in planning the conference
with the chairman of the national
YM, Bill Banaka, from Harvard.
They will serve as chairmen of
all sessions of the national con
ference. KD Pledges
To Entertain
Delta Sigs
As a result of the AUF auction,
Delta Sigma Phi and the Kappa
Delta pledges are planning on a
big day Saturday. The KD's were
purchased for $21 for "any use
the purchaser sees fit to use them
The Delta Sigs have planned
a busy day for thtir recently
purchased pledge class. To make
the job harder, there will be the
remains of a Friday night Christ
mas party, as well as the accumu
lation of several weeks dust.
When the house is bright and
sparkling, the KD's will go into
the kitchen and prepare lunch.
serve it and then dare anyone
to eat it.
After the dishes have been
washed (or disposed of in some
way) there will be a short tea
smoker while everyone gets bet
ter acquainted.
Works Reward
That evening with a day's hard
work behind them the girls will
be escorted to East Hills for an
evening of dancing.
The Delta Sigs have been
planning on this event for quite
some time, but as yet, the matter
of dates is not settled. The argu
ments have been reduced to mere
drawing of straws now.
Although the girls are all plan
ning on a good time, there are
many others dissatisfied with the
whole plan. Within 24 hours after
the plans had been announced,
three indignant boy friends had
called to complain. Several of
the girls had to break dates.
A check on the Delta Sig bul
letin board where the list of
pledges is posted shows that the
actives are much quicker than
their freshmen in taking advan
tage of the opportunity.
Several of the Kappa Delta
actives have expressed regret
that they can't accompany their
pledges. "It sounds like fun; after
all, who's planning on working?"
said one of the girls who is stay
ing at home.
You're Always Right
In an Arrow White!
Oxford '3.95
You'll always be dressed right in an Arrow
white shirt . . . first choice with college men
everywhere! Regular, button-down, and wide
spread collars. Sanforized-labeled, of couise.
Come in for yours today.
By Rex Messersmith
Christmas time is here for
sure! The annual Ag College
Christmas party, which was held
last night in the Activities build
ing added its bit to the general
atmosphere prevailing on Ag
(and everywhere).
Sponsored by the Ag Exec
board the event featured a
speaker, choral numbers by the
Ag College chorus and Christmas
caroling for all.
In the minds of most 4-Hers,
the recent club congress, held in
Washington, D. C, is the topic of
thought. The
group that at
tended is espe
cially enthusi
astic about it,
and the long
train ride out
there was
eased quite a
bit by much
singing and
C o ngratula-
tions are due
James Pollard for earning the po
sition ui mira nign m me nation
on the list of Achievements
Award winners. Of course, the
two top winners receive the ac
companying awards, but being
third in the nation should re
ceive considerable credit also.
After all this is about the highest
award that any 4-H club member
can obtain.
Speaking of 4-H work Dick
and Cal Kuska traveled to Chi
cago the day before Thanksgiv
ing to put up the big exhibit dis
played in the corridor of the
amphitheater. The life-sized calf
which they constructed was so
real that one man from Kearney
wanted to know who to see to
purchase that "good-looking
calf in the Nebraska 4-H ex
hibit." Miss Joan Skucius will be
back on campus next semester
after returning from her stay in
Europe as an exchange student.
She will be available to organiza
tions and meetings to give talks
on the highlights of her trip.
Joan is now lecturing in various
parts of the state and will be
here in Lincoln today sometime.
Jan. o, 15)51, seems a long way
off, but really it isn't. Why men
tion this date? It is when the
annual Ag Union Sno-Ball
dance is scheduled with Bobby
Mills and his orchestra provid
ing the music. So, fellows, get
your dates now, because that is
not very long after we come back
from vacation.
The rodeo association under
the presidency of Rex Coffman
is now sponsoring some rodeo
pictures during Thursday noons
to take the place of the football
pictures originally shown at that
time. Frank Stewart has already
shown one set and there are
more for future use when the
time comes.
When one walks into the Ag
Union now, the signs "Don't be a
Littcrbug" stares one in the face.
I wish people would heed these
little reminders by throwing this
"Rag" either into the waste
basket or back in the box where
you found it. This is just one
way in which you can keep our
Union a little cleaner than it has
been in the past.
Another ping-pong "Champ for
a Week" was named Monday at
the Ag Union, Christian Yamate
won the crown from a field of
eight contestants during the
noon hour. Games in this con
test are 15 points each. Con
testants for next week's 'meet'
may sign up anytime now in the
Ag Union.
Contrary to opinion over that
way I refuse to comment on
Love Memorial hall's unique
Christmas decorations other than
that I think it really adds to the
Ag Christmas spirit.
Broadcloth 3.65
LmwJl ..JtessM!
NiviRiirr iYiii-,lW!, '
Little Man On Campus
Lincoln Journal
Assistant Dean,
Two persons connected with
the University have received
recognition from The Lincoln
Journal's weekly recognition gal
lery. Each Tuesday The Journal
honors three Nebraskans for con
tributions to their communities
or to society in general.
Mary Augustine, assistant dean
of women, and Jo Ann Lisher,
All-University Fund president,
were chosen for recognition,
Tuesday, Dec. 12.
Chicago Graduates
Miss Augustine, a graduate of
the University of Chicago, came
to the University three years ago
as assistant dean of women. Her
work deals with social events,
registration of all such occasions,
arranging for chaperons and at
tending most of the all-University
She also arranges employment
for women students, checks on
jobs both on and off the campus
Eastern School
Debates Course
The hotly-debated question of
whether "homemaking" courses
should be taken in college re
ceived a split decision recently at
New Jersey College for Women
at New Brunswick, N. J. The
question, "Do you feel you
should have taken courses in
homemaking while you were in
college?" was put to 230 gradu
ates from the classes of 1925 and
Although more than half of
the '25ers answered the ques
tion in the affirmative, 53 per
cent of the replies from the 1945
class were negative. This would
seem to indicate that the more
recent graduates have not yet
lelt the need or else have dis
covered other means of satisfy
ing it.
"DOUBLt mmwN"
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection" diaper service,
1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-8853
A Study In Arrow Shirt-o-logy
ZZf V aw-- -
A Campus-favorite collar styles . . . made as
only Arrow can make 'em.
B Every shirt Sanforized-Labeled . . . less
than 1 shrinkage! Long wearing fabrics.
C Mitoga tailored ... cut with easy tapering
from shoulder to waist ... no waistline
D Extra durable buttons firmly anchored on.
Wednesday, December 13,
lv Hihlei
AUF Director
and helps coeds to work out satis
factory schedules.
Jo Lisher, senior in Arts and
Sciences from Rawlings, Wyo., is
the director of AUF, through
which all contributions to charity
by University students are en
larged and to-ordinated.
This year money is being raised
through a pledge system in which
more than 200 workers plan to
contact every University student
for a donation.
Miss Lisher worked on pub
licity for the Ugly Man contest,
new activity this year and on the
faculty-student auction, two
campaigns conducted for raising
money for the fund.
" Plus
In A
Ixinely Place"
"Football Headliners
of 1950"
1 HnHHaWorOTinanji!i.iii ' " '-vr-sam