The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1950, Image 1

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    TT) rfTl
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7 IS 11 SI i tvutuc mvo
Vol. 51, No. 57
Thursday, December, 7, 1950
i 1 I
Representatives of the Inde
pendent Students association and
the Barb Activities Board for
Women attended the Student
Council meeting yesterday to dis
cuss the problem of the ISA on
the University campus.
Jim Tomasek, ISA president,
Carl Fahrenbach, Helen Vitek
and Bristol Turner, ISA repre
sentatives, and Phyliss Heatora
and Ardath Wilcox, BABW rep
resentatives, were present at the
" Bob Raun, Council president,
emphasized that the Council was
not trying to set up anything
for the independent students'"
He added (that the members were
only attempting to make sugges
tions to the independents on fain
pus in relation to the ISA prob
lem. Evaluation Asked
"This is a general discussion ol
the whole problem to evaluate
ISA," Raun commented.
Tomasek led off the discussion
lay saying, "The existing ISA has
Rejects UN
Peace Appeal
Andrei Vishinsky, Russia" -delegate
to the United nations, re
jected an appeal from 18 na
tions who had requested that
Chinese forces stop at the 38th
He said that peace could ome
rorily .-after U.N. forces were with
drtiwn from Korea. He pro
ci! aimed the peaceful intentions of
the Chinese government.
Vishinsky -said that the same
"Countries which are mow pro
posing that the Chinese halt at
the :BBth parallel were the same
-countries who had voted for
United Nations (crossing of the
Soon .afterward, the ILN. As
sembly passed a resolution which
is designed to 'halt Chinese com
munist intervention by a wte -of
51 to 5. The five 'Opposing wotes
were -cast by the Iron Curtain
Vishinsky .called Gen. Douglas
MacArthur "the evil genius .of
iour days." He repeated liis de
nial that the Chinese were re
isponsiBfc 5or aggression Sor the
Korean aggression. He repeated
the Chinese "demands as "the ba
sis for a peaceful settlement in
American delegate Warren
Austin said that the whole fu
ture of the United Nations and
the peace of the world may he
tied up in the Korean situation.
In Washington, President Tru
man and Prime Minister Attlee
'concurred in the statement that
increased production and more
effective tise .of raw materials
must 'be accomplished by the
United States and Great Britain.
Observers said that the two
leaders agreed that Europe was
ftill the most dangerous spot, as
far as communism is .concerned.
Truman and Attlee were reported
to he discussing the possible
.consequences of defeat in the
Korean .campaign.
In North Korea, encricled U.S.
troops were reported to be fight
ing for freedom with two .com
munist divisions blocking their
route to junction with other
TU.N. troops.
The .communist offensive in
Korea appeared to 'have flowed
temporarily. As the .eighth army
'Was regrouped to fight the .com
munists, patrols said that they
.could find 'no troops following
them .closely.
Stephen Early, press secretary
to the late President Roosevelt,
had taken .over, at least tempor
arily the duties of that .office
following the death .of -Charles
Boss had served as -secretary
ito President Truman for more
'than five yeurs. He died sud
denly Tuesday.
Kansans Deplore
Atom Bomb Use
At the University .of Kansas a
petition was .circulated and
signed by M instructors in the
English (department and Jl in
structors in other -departments
TRquesting 'thut President Harry
"S. Truman use something .other
than the A-bomb to settle the
iworl9 uisis.
Three 'reasons were .cited for
mot using the A-bomb:
1. The A-bomb its designed to
'be used on heavily .concentrated
industrial areas and would there
lore .automatically destroy thou
sands .of innocent men, women,
and children.
2. 'Dropping the A-bontb on
Asian targets, will .only 'blacken
"the reputation of the "United
'States in Asia.
.3. The United :States, through
its use ol the A-bomb muy alien
ate its friends and allies? in
'Europe by '.bringing 'On 'reprisal
A-toombing .of -chief European
.cities. 1
i !te Weather
Tartly -cloudy with .oociwionul
lirlit nnw went portion. tOther
wise fair. "Not -no .mild ThurfUluv.
llijih 10-15 .east; I riilay, .partly
clmitiy and warmer.
by Council
1 a wry small chance of succeeding
on campus." He repeated his three
l reasons for the present condition
j of ISA: Hack of interest, an unfav
orable financial position and
quality leadership.
According to Tomasek, the sug
gested plan of a group for men
similar to the BABW would fail
for the same reasons that ISA
has failed.
Barb Co-optr tion
Carl Fahrenbach stated that fa
order for ISA to work it must
"have the cooperation of all the
Independent students, including
the men's co-op houses.'"
I do not think ISA could suc
ceed if given half a chance," said
Bristol Turner. It may take a
completely new organization. . .
with a new constitution and even
a new name," he added. Turner
felt that there is a definite need
for ISA and that enough inde
pendent students on campus
wanted it.
The BABW Seeling the ISA basi
not fulfilled its purpose was'
voiced toy Ardath Wilcox. Miss
Wilcox felt that a 'group such as
the suggested BABM could pro
vide many advantages for inde
pent students.
Foil Sugrested
Phyliss Beaton said that ISA
"should he an organization to
which each independent group on
.campus had a representative."
She suggested that an extensive
poll he taken .of the reactions of
all independents towards the ISA.
Betty Green, Council member
suggested that ISA become more
of a sendee -organization rather
than a social group. Gene Berg,
also one of the lawmakers
brought out that the ISA problem
"is one -of general campus indif
ference.'" The possibilities of taking .a
-cross-section poll of the opinions
of the independents was -discussed
by the group. Conducting the
poll in cooperation with the
faculty -during -classes or -during
registration was also -considered.
Further consideration will he
given the problem by both the
independent representatives and
the Council members.
600 Singers
To Perform
In 'Messiali
The University School of Pine
Arts will give its annual presen
tation of the -"Messiah.;" Handel's
great -oratorio, 'Sunday, Dec. IB,
at Z p.m. in the Coliseum.
David Poltz will -direct the
production .of the world-famous
oratorio. A chorus of 600 xvoices,
65-piece University orchestra and
four soloists accompanied by.
piano and .organ will participate.
Soprano solo -selections will 'be
sung hy Mrs. Anna Hayden Wil
liams, who has presented recitals
throughout the .country. In 1847
and 194B she won second place in
the "Voices of Tomorrow" .con
test -of the Midwest summer
music festival sponsored 'by the
World Herald.
Alto oluist
A University senior, Bonita
Blanchard, will sing the alto
solos. She is .a member of Uni
versity Singers and has sung the
contralto solos -of the "Messiah"
in 194B at Huron college where
she was a student.
Tenor soloist for the "Messiah"
will be Robert Martell. Martell
is a graduate student in the Uni
versity majoring in music. He is
a member of University and
Madrigal singers.
Lloyd Iotspeich, a senior in the
University majoring in music,
will sing the -baritone for the
oratorio. He sang the baritone
solos in "Elijah" at the St. Paul
Methodist - church, last spring. He
is a member -of University Sing
ers. Carillon Chimes
As the Kalph Mueller carillon
chimes rang Tuesday night at
1 p.m. so did the 'voices for -the
first mass rehersul. Another mass
rehearsal will be held Saturday
ut 1 p.m. in the Coliseum.
During the rehearsal Tuesday
David Foltz .commented to the
-choir, "You are cto be an angelic
chorus, 'not -down balow with -the
rest -of us;"
The .churus will present such
well known selections .as, "And
The -Glory -of The Lord." ,
The -oratorio will include such
selections as, "And the -Glory -of
the Lord," '0 Thou that Tellest
Good Tidings to Zion," '(Glory to
God" and conclude 'with the
immurtul, "Hallelujah;"
Traditional carol will be heard
from the Kalph Mueller -carillon
preceding and following the
Messiah -concert.
The .concert will be 'free .of
W Voiinir Rules
Revealed Today
W'CA members Who plan to
vote in the -election 3an. "11, must
complute woting qualifications be
fore .Christmas.
Officers of the .organization
huve stressed that any "W 'mem
ber 'wanting :to participate in vthe
mid torm election tmust 'have at
tcndBtl at least four W meet
ingii before -Clir iatmns in the - nom
niiasion .or . committee for whisih
She ifi signed. Othur W 'mem
bers will not -be -eligible to wote.
More 'than '10U 'membership
cards of girls Who have paid dues
still 'have not been picked tup.
Students may-claim-curds by pre
senting receipts which were given
them when they paid the dues
Membership -cards must ;be
presented at the polls in .order to
Convo Speaker
SPEAKS TO ENGEVEERS Raymond E. Bailey (center) an honor
graduate of the University, talks with Deam Roy M Green of the
College of Engineering and Architecture, and ilames Stoddard,
president of Sigma Tau, before the convocation, tie addressed the
annual Engineer's convocation Wednesday morning in She Stuart
man wiin
An honor graduate of the Uni
versity told engineering students
Wednesday rooming that 10
years in the industrial field have
convinced him that doing small
jobs well brings more individual
progress than attempts to "toas
ter mind" a big deal.
The speaker was Raymond E.
Kfntmf ,nf Tiptrra'L who .ad dressed
the annual College of Engineer-
iing and Architecture student con-
vacation at the Stuart theater..
The event is sponsored each year
by Sigma Tau, honorary student
engineering society,.
'Start At Bottom
TSailey, president of a tools
sales company, .advised -students:
""You should plan to start at the
bottom when you finish -college
and it will be well to remember
that it wont be the big things
youl -do that will make your
way, but the little things well
While ;a college -education .does
not -guarantee anything to a stu--dent,
at -does pro-vide three im
portant -assets, Bailey said. First,
it -gives lexperieDoe as well ;as
academic training; second, it
provides n background of tech
nical knowledge, .and, third, it
builds self-c(ifiderKie necessary
for success.
Private industry, Bailey
warned, experts proof of per
formance .and therefore .each stu
dent -entering the field must 'ex
pect to prove himself ach tep
-of -the way. 'Sticcesaftfl eompie
tion -of -one job, he said, is not
a ticket for a free ride -on the
next -one.
Patience Jeoessary
Patience, be said, is -one -of the
most valuable possessions -of the
young engineer. The .engineer
who .expects to progress meeds
three -elements to go with pa
tience: -character., common -sense,
and ja determination to work
Bailey graduated from the Col-
Mr. Touchdown'
To Appear on T7
! 'Bobby Heynolds, Cornhusker
grid tar and irecentiy -selected
as an Ail-American halfback, will
leave today by plane for New
York City..
While in INIew York, Heynolds
will appear Thursday, Dec. TT, at
B:30 p.m. (-CST) on "We the
People," and Tridav, Dec. :B, at
7:31) p.m. ,( CST) -on "We the Peo
ple TV Show."
Both broadcasts will be .over
Reynolds also will receive a
TV set from TtCA Victor for
being "Mr. Touchdown, USA;"
He receives this for being the
nation's top -scorer during the
2950 football season.
Beynolds will return to Xiin
ooln by air Dec. .H.
A"W$ Board SeWis
Npmt .J unior Meuiler
Mary .Jane Barnell has been
selected -by the present AWS
board as a junior AWS board
Miss BarneirF activities in
clude YWCA, Home Ec Club,
and Omicron Wu, national home
economics honorury.
The -originators ,of the annual
Sadie Hawkins affair wia iLineoln
way will 'be the .only females on
carnpus going tto the Mortar
Hoard Ball T'riday night that will
not be paying 'the -bill for the -evening's
The wearers of .the -choir robe
and the male-- who Ihave -consented
to ibe ,eseorted to 'the turn
about .affair by the ''University's
activity ladies will be 'the
guests -of ihe Cornhusker liotel
the night -ol the bull.
The tthirteen men, and 'they're
not to be considered uixlucky, 'wlU
be wearing identiciil (CorsageB ihe
evening -ol 'Dec. :B. The gents 'be
ing .escorted by rthe MBs 'will 'be
'lite nip like Christmas trees' in a
literal sense of the word, that is.
Of .course the lads 'will be
"liibled for the 'evening by wear
ing their di'te's -nowls. Thuir 'eor
suRes -will be made -of -evergreen,
the scratchy .kind; and decorated
with sretl JInias tree -ornaments
bearing :his MB tinte'B name.
Thrne tPa!kttB08
Three amall puokunef? will
dandle down to the mule's 'knees
from the thirteen similar -corsuges
MB 's Dates
. .
omau joos.
Tells Convo
lege f Engineering and Archi
tecture in 1.939. He was a sales
engineer for Eastman Kodak and
then became sssstant manager
of a Detroit tool manufacturing
company. Since W48 he has
headed his own sales distribu
tion company. '
MJ Students
Cl- "RltrwIckC
Scholar Posts
Nebraska candidates for the
Rhodes scholarships were inter
viewed Wednesday. The two se
lected will represent Nebraska in
district competition with candi
dates from five ether states..
Nebraska" Rhodes scholarship
-committee, headed by University
Dean .of Faculties Carl Borg
mann, met W-ednesday to inter
view the nine nominees. The
two selected will go fb Des
Moines Saturday to face final
Those interxiewed included:
Harold M. Ncniand, Doane col
lege; Leland C. E.ouse .and Travis
Stevens, Wayne Slate Teachers
college; Wesley X Puerst, Mid
land college; Jdhn E. Merriam,
! Leland Stanford iuni'ersity.; Wil
liam E. Whaley, Creighton imj-vej-sity;
.and Uniwersity students,
Peter M. Peterson, Eugene C.
liuschei and Dewey Canzel.
'With Deem Borgmann are four
formttr Rhodes Scholars on the
.committer: Paul Good, Omaha;
Henry A. Cunderson, Fremont;
Nathan Blumberg. University
journalism professor; and E. 0.
Belsheim. -dean -of the Univer
sity'. .College 'Of Law.
Beauty Queen
Now Available
Applications for Cornhusker
beauty iCjueen from iunaffiliated
girls 'not living in Terrace 'hull,
Wilson, Love Memorial or ILoomis
halls, or a member of Towne -club
will now be accepted 'by the
Cornhusker .office.
These must be turned into the
IComhuKker'. office before 5 p.m.,
Friday, Dec. ;B. The applications
should include name, phone num
ber and address of .each girl.
Hegarding the affiliated women,
their applications lor the beauty
queen -candidates must be turned
in today. For ach 2b Cornhusk
ers sold, .each affiliated bouse
received .one queen .candidate.
It wan -suggested tthat affiliated
girls get together with their
brother fraternities to .choose
their -candidates.
Preliminary judging will be
held 'Wednesday, Dec. 13, at
I p.m., in the faculty 'lounge. This
judging procedure will select 12
of the -candidates lor final judg
ing. Six -of the -candidates will be
chosen in the final judging dor
Cornhusker beauty queens. After
the preliminary judging the ap
plicants' 'will be mutified .of
further plans.
The girls will be judged .on the
basis .of live .different .qualities.
to Wear Cowls,
to irepresent rthe three -surprises I
to ;he revealed at the dance
Th .couples dining together at
the vCornhusker will be JSTorma
Chubbuck and Kent Axtell, :Susie
Reed and Tritz Simpson. Tish
Bwanson and ,3erry iDriiline,
Ginny vGuhin and .Jack Cady,
Jean T'enster and Jim Ulanken
ship, Joel Bailey and iPhil Grimm.
SaDy Holmes and .Jack Camp
bell, Nancy Porter and tGene
Berg, Hetty .Green and Bruce
Kennedy, Marilyn Campf ield -and
Don Williams, Janet Carr and
Willis Krowger. iDorothy Bowman
and Stan lLambert, Annette
Btoppkotte and Art "OEIill.
The -dance In the Coliseum us
to start at ,D p.m. and end at
.midnight. By the end iof ithe eve
ning the identity of rthe band,
eight Eligible Bachelors and
-UMOC -will be let uttt -of ithe toree
surprise ipuiikuges.
student &ttonutt
Mortar Board, Shirley Allen,
reports thut many students "huve
been .culling her in an attempt to
discover 'the 'band that 'the MBs
luivp 'booked. Thus far -sixteen
students iiuve nailed icluinring
o Change in Draft Policy
It Happened at N U. .
His head droops low, a frown
covers his face all is dark and
gloomy. The reason? The poor
lad is about to enter his 1 o'clock
En glish class.
But, a streak of light illumi
nates a notice on the blackboard.
All at once, the student acquires
a smile which expresses great
joy and deep thankfulness.
The sign: NO CLASS.
Still, there is more to this
tale. The lad read further. "The
sad ending NO CLASS ... for
2 o'clock section.
Affairs Clubs
To Organize
Representatives of 33 Nebraska
colleges and universities will
meet on the University campus
Saturday to form a state organ
ization for college world affairs
Students and faculty members
! frcw the schools will spend the
I day planning a constitution for
the organization and discussing
projects, finances .-and programs.
All delegates will be .guests at
a moon Luncheon, mhere they will
bear .a talk by Chancellor R G.
Participating schools besides
the University include: Fairbury
junior college, Hastings college,
Y.crk college, Nebraska Central
college, Wayne State college.
Midland college, Concordia col
lege, Norfolk junior college, Ne
braska W-esJeyan niriiversity. Uni
versity of Omaha, Doane college
.and Duchesne.
M4 ai ruion
Official mame .of the oonfer
enoe is Nebraska Collegiate
World Affairs institute. The
meetings will be held at the
Approximately 15 University
students have been selected to
.attend the conference, represent
ing NUCWA. They include board
members, committee chairmen
and secretaries of the .organiza
tion. Jerry Matzke, vice president of
Nebraska University Council for
World Affairs and regional -director
of the Collegiate Council
for the United Nations is head
ing a planning committee of sis:.
Working with Matzke's commit
tee are world affairs leaders
from -several -of the visiting .dele
gations. The sessions will begin at :3D
ajn. and last until S p.m. Regis
tration und a general session will
toe held during the morning and
committee meetings, another gen
eral session, a .coffee 'hour and a
world :affairs faculty ;adviser"s
-conference will be held .during
the afternoon.
Matzke .announced Wednesday
the secretaries and .chairman for
the meet. They are: Con Wool
wine, in .charge .of .arrangements;
Jackie Sorenson, correspondence;
and Joan Jones, Marilyn Coupe
:and Miriam 'SViHey, secretaries
and registration chairmen.
The meeting for faculty ad
visers iis being organized by S. J.
House and Dean Frank E. Sor
enson, NUCWA .advisers; . and
vOrville H. Zable, professor .of
history at Midland .college.
Future Teachers
Meet Thursday
New .candidates for teaching
positions for the school year
1H51-1B52 -or for the second sem
ester this year are .urged to imeet
with staff members in -charge .of
teacher placement on Thursday,
Dec. 17 in Love (Library auditori
ium at 4 jjbi
Students who ihave .classes at
ihis period are asked to .arrange,
if at all possible, with instruc
tors to -permit attendance. This
meeting is wary important tto all
who are interested in teaching;
next year. PleaHe -come prepared
to take ;notes.
they '.were Journal -or Star ve
porters and would like to know
the name .of the band lor future
iDurtng the Mortar Board meet
ing last week a bidden mike was
found in president Nancy porter's
T4o member -of the Black
Masque will 'go .out lunaccompan
ied at night for fear -of being
forced to ireveal the band. The
MBe Ihnve proved :that women
can keep a secret!
Not only is Friday night a turn
about affair., Friday .and Satur
day will be a tturn-about week
,end. AWE is burning around tthe
deadline hours if or Friday rand
Saturday, U a,m. rand 12:30 a.m.
Here's hoping1 ;all rthe .coeds
have taken lull advuntuge .of
this wine weraa dunce. ILeup year
-only ((tomer, -onoe every lour yeurs
but the MB Ball allows this rmule
hunting -open seuson .onne a year,
o here's hoping it will rptty ioff.
Dont forgot, .ohiy ttwo more
male shopping -days 'bni'ore rthe
Mortnr Board Ball, .don't get
caught 'in the irimh. Hope 2'ou thd
y om shojiping .early.
Situation Causes
Students May Request
Induction Postponement
Despite the critical Korean situation, the operation of
the draft as it affects students remains uncharged.
A spokesman for Nebraska's state headquarters for
selective service said theer has been no change in the law
which allows students to request and get a postponement
of induction until June.
There has been some talk
among congressamal members
that at will be necessary to
amend the selective service acts
but such action is root expected
until after the mew congress
meets in January.
Selective service authorities
say it mill require a change in
the Jaw to take an'ay the pres
ent right that students toaTe to
ask for postponement cf induc
tion. The change cannot be made
by administrative order.
Postponement Keqoest
One f the chief points of con
fusion among many students
seems to center on whether the
draftee meeds to make a request
for pastponement cf induction if
he wants it He cloes. Students
found cualified for military ser
vice will be called for induction
in order unless tbey request
postpemement of mductiora in
writing from their local Siaft
Upon receipt f a notice to re
port for physical, the student
must appear at the time and
place designated. Excuses from
classes will be gka students
who must report far physicals.
They are, however, expected to
return to classes as &aan the
exam as orer.
After the exam as completed,
the idraft board will send the
examinee ,a notice, telling Mm
whether or mot he its iqualified
ica- induction. Then, the student,
if be wishes, may apply for post
ponement of induction rantil sifter
the end of the schodl year an
June, UStSl-
In .order to pet a postponement
-of oduction, the student should:
L Secure a statement from the
registrar's office showing that he
is a regularly enrolled student
-doing satisfactory school work.
See Draft page i.
Moot Court
Judges Hear
Moot Court judges beard 12
sophomore law students rargue
their .cases Tuesday .and Wednes
day .and awarded two -decisions
to the appelees and .one to the
Students presenting icaseE were:
Donald W. Pederson and Gerald
Robertson, appelants, Who .de
feated George (Ostermill and
Bernard L. Packetrt, appelees;
J. E. Babcock rand Harold Pritch
ard, appelees, who won .over John
S. Miles and James Pollock, ap
pelants, .and Kichard Myers and
James N. Norton, appelees, Who
defeated E. P. Burnett rand Ward
E. Zimmerman, appelants.
Dick Howell, Doug Peters and
Bill Norton, senior law students,
judged Pederson rand Robertson
and Gstermiller and Packet;,
Tuesday afternoon.
Case Described
The -caRe (concerned a contract
made between the appelee and
appelant who lived -in a Pigleaf
Park -residential -district. The
-contract stipulated that .owners
were -not to sell property to peo
ple .of a .colored race. The ap-
pellant, represented by Pederson
and Robertson, sold bis land to
Barter, a Negro. The appelee,
nesct .door neighbor, was 'greatly
incensed and brought suit for
breach -of .contract.
The lower -court rupheld the
contract valid and the appelant
could mot sell the land. The .deci
sion was (reversed, however,
Miles and Pollock and Babcock
and Pritehard were fudged by
K. H. Bailey, D. N. Bykii'k and
J. Harding, lancoln attorneys,
Tuesday afternoon.
Threatened Murfler
Their .case involved -one Bva
sheski who started a fight with
Richard Dunkin, the .appelant, in
a bar. Bvasheski threatened to
kill Dunkin. The next morning
Dunkin was sitting in bis car
with the anotor running in
preparation lor a bunting trip
When Evashesk .came toward him
.carrying a hammer. Dunkin shot
and killed 'him. and claimed self
defense an oourt.
The .court icon-victed Dunkin .of
manslaughter and it was (con
firmed by the state.
.Judged by William Werike,
Lew Pierce and John Wilson,
senior law -students, Burnett and
Zimmerman lost to Myers and
Norton Wednesday afternoon.
In the (Case, James Mitchell,
the .appelee, a jeweler, arrived in
appelant, for one might. While be
was -out; 'maid found a brooch
luiuuuiu auu (.Kyen hi a noxei, ine
'lying wery aiear Mittihell's tdnor,
and iknowing that be -was
jeweler., placed the pieae in bis
room. The itnunager was ito-.,
When Mitchell left, "be agreed
to leave the -jewelry rut the Ihmel.
The true -owner was ;not found
and Mitchell .claimed the brooch i
although the hotel would not turn ;
it -over to ihim.
Mitchell brought the .case to
court to secure possession and
the -court rafiu-med the appelee
Bidding At
AUF Auction
Brings $700
With hilarious aixlioneeriiifc
bidding and a reoonl crowd of
SOS in attendance, the third an
nual AUF Aoction gained ever
$700 for charity.
In all, 24 separate "ooEaraodj
ties'" went on the auction bkcSc
manned by Prof. Curtis M. El
liott who viod with a downtown
The climax of the evening
came during the presentation cf
the ArtiTities Queen, who is the
first to reign as such on the
campus. In a spriai ceremony.
Jfube Johnson, representing the
Cornhusker yearbook was re
TCaled as the wimaing coed. She
was selected from a field of six
finalists by persons in atfcend
arAoe at tthe Auctiam.
Bigfcrst Bi4
The highest bid of the erening
went for the members of the
Cornhusker grid stjuad. After
numerous offers, the footballers
were finally sold to wssnority
members of Sigma Belta Tau and
Sigma Kappa itor Itihe sam of $52.
Initial bidding was leoeiTed era
She Ifi members f Mortar Board
society. After -vigorous effers. the
Elarik Masques sold for $22.50. to
the Beta Sigma Psd ffraternity.
Six Ugliest Men caa Campus
Bnaliste brought $13 for the ACT
cause. AH displayed their least
attraclrwe facial expressions.
Their buyers were the Delta
The snext-to-highest bid -was
made for The Eaily fetorastajn.
IPurahas-ers were the Sammies,
who paid $4-6 far the privilege of
publishing a page of lb "Rag."
Coyalty- Popular
Hcn-alty seemed to be the idssw
ing card for many cf the auc
tion's bidders. Over $B0 'was
spent for a -ariety of campus
queens. The Phi Gams intereKt in
the Honorary Commandant, Ne
braska Sweetheart, JPep Queen.
Irrterfrateinity Ball Sweetheart
-drew one sort iof intereFt
amounting to $32.
Later, the Cornhusker Beauty
Queens were purcihased by the
Beta's .and Sigma Chi'e for $25.
Not satisfied, the Kappa Sigs
"walked ioff with Jane Wade af
ter payment of f IS.
AOPJ'6 preferred Innocents as
illustrated by their bid nf $17.
The Kappa Delts wanted some
more of the winning Kosmet
Klub skit, so the?' bought the Phi
Gam actorE lor $12.50.
Corn Shinik Yiipr
A page spread in the Corn
Shucks magazine brought $20.
And the AWS board found n
-owner in Kosmet Klub which
paid $6.
Ira Epstein, bowever seemed
to be worth anore to the Sigma
Alpha Mu pledge -class which won
i jor $7.5(1
Delta Gaammas offered their
services as Skit-givers to their
buyer Don Korinek. They brought
1 $c"
A6 the evening's already-long'
list .of auctionables became
longer, so did the amounts be--come
larger and the '"items" more
A sum of $21 was traded for
the possession .of the Kappa Delta
pledge (class by Delta Sigma Phi
fraternity. Following this the
Delta Gamma's took the Delta Tau
Delta pledge -class wjrtb a bigh bid
of $17.50.
fledpes FiM?cha
The Beta Sigs bought the Chi
Gmega pledges and for $1B the
Alpha Phi'B purchased the ATO
neophytes, paying $20. Delta
Gamma pledges went to ATO
bidders for $15. ILatec, "the Happa
pledges went to the Sig Bps iar
Steve Carveth and ""NeedleE
Neeley brought $5.
, A meed for imore pep was lore
seen by Corn Cob bidders who
paid $30 for the services off their
.coed .counterparts, the Tassels.
Patsy Dutton, one -of the (enter
tainers (d u t a b g intenaismoa
brought $10 from Pretiby bouse
and Julie Johnson, the same
amount from Rocfcie Yapp. Other
entertainment was furnished iby
skit-'players from Coed Coun
selors. 'XjOUHt-CtOTS I i&Tl
ITrrti'tm fflt
The annual Coed Cotmselor
(Christmas tea wiQ she beld
Thursday, Dec. U4 t ."81) pan. Id
Ellen Smith btdi.
Hiflhlighting the gxmpram win
be the presentation v .vwarck to
the (outstanding .cour.BJilore
Preaidetrt Kf ai'jilyB Campfield
Awarfl whmeTf; .chosen by
the counsiirg board on tthe buKm
of points arned iby belping w.tb
regint.ration, yearly irestmwn
i 'party. lnentlHhip -dmnnr, (t'havm
-school, and book -review rspon
1 surett by ihe argauizutum.