The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1950, Image 1

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Vol. 51 No. 56
Attlee Foresees
UN Withdrawal
Prime Minister Clement Attlee
sent word to his cabinet Tues
day that allied forces may be
compelled to make a mass evac
uation of Korea, an authoritative
source in London said. Accord
ing to this source Attlee was
"shocked" at the appraisal of the
Korean situation given by Gen.
Omar Bradley, chairman of the
joint chiefs of staff.
The American troops trapped
in northeast Korea have arrived
at points from which evacuation
can be made if necessary, Gen.
Bradley told senators in Wash
ington Tuesday.
Senators first relaying Brad
ley's report spoke in terms
which give the impression that
he had been referring to all al
lied forces.
The general was referring only
to the forces trapped in north
east Korea, the Pentagon said.
Members at the senate foreign
relations committee meeting said
that Bradley held out the possi
bility that the pressure of the
Chinese communist forces may
become so heavy that with
drawal of United Nations forces
may be necessary eventually.
Wave of Chinese
Troops Arrives
Thousands of Chinese commu
nist reinforcements ooured into
northeast Korea Tuesday to
within 17 miles of Hamhung, a
port on the escape route for
15,000 to 20,000 U.S. forces
trapped near the Chosin reser
voir. Desperate fighting marines are
trying to keep a tiny airstrip
at Hagaru, one mile south of the
reservoir, until evacuation of
their wounded before making
their own attempt at escape.
Other waves of Chinese oc
cupied burning Pyongyang to the
west and started hacking at the
escape route of the Eighth armv
between Pyongyang and Seoul.
Americans to the south of the
Ch&sin reservoir were hit by six
Chinese divisions for the sixth
straight day.
Artillery fire was audible from
the heavy attack opened by other
red forces at dusk Tuesday
against the VJS. Third division,
17 miles 'west of Hamborrg.
South Koreans
Ask for Guns
"One million youths are ready
for immediate participation in
combat. We are all rushing
toward the anti-communist war.
Complete armament is most ur
gently needed," said one resolu
tion as thousands of Koreans
gathered in the stadium at Seoul
Tuesday asking lor guns to fight
the Chinese reds.
Raymond Bailey
Engincr Alum
To Address
Convo Today
Raymond E. Bailey, a graduate
of the University Engineering
college, will address the third an
nual all engineers convocation
Wednesday, at 11 a.m. in the
Stuart theater.
Bailey will give a review of
ways in which he has been able
to use his college training and
ctiscruss some of the present day
Industry nroblem.
"Bahejr is typical of many me- i
CFVawcaJ ertjjjneeTi" iuuni.
Boy E. Green, Dean of the .Engi
reerirvjr and Architecture college,
said, by "going into a highfy
technicrl field and applying its
knowledge to the management
sod comroercial field."
While at the University Bailey
was president of Sigma Tau,
honorary engineering fraternity,
and was awarded the O. J. Fee
award lor being the outstanding
student of the year. He also ws
s student member of Sigma Xi,
honorary scientific fraternity, and
American Society of Mechanical
live engineering students set
up the annual engineers convoca
tion in the fall three years ago,
because of the interest and in
spiration students obtained from
the Engineer's Week speaker.
The Weather
Not so cold Wednesday. trnn
northerly winds; high, 5 to 19
f I
-iW-'"'- fit
Spring Offices . . .
Filings Open for YWCA
Cabinet Posts; End Dec. 15
Filings for YWCA cabinet posi
tions are now open to upperclass
Any active Y member who
meets the requirements may ap
ply for a position by filling out
an application blank and putting
it in a box in the court at Ellen
Smith hall. Deadline is Friday,
Dec. 15.
The procedure of allowing each
YW member to file for an office
is a change from past years. Pre
viously cabinet positions were
filled from recommendations of
retiring cabinet members and
chosen by the officers. This is the
first year YW members have
been able to apply themselves.
Interviews Later
All applicants will be inter
viewed by senior cabinet mem
bers after Christmas vacation.
From their recommendations the
new girls will be chosen by sec
ond semester YW officers, who
will take office in January.
Students applying for the posi
tions are required to provide the
following information on the
application blanks:
Past YW activities, including
commission groups, committees,
conferences attended and other
rjDebaters Win
Five Rounds,
Rate Excellent
University debaters returned
home last weekend from two
tournaments alter winning five
debates and getting some high
Representing the souad at
Wayne State Teachers college f
conference were Bob Shively
and Jim Wamsley and Marion
Uhe and Betty Lester. Both
teams won four out of ix
Wamsley and Shively were
rated excellent as a team and as
individual speakers. Miss Uhe
and Miss Lester also received
a rating of excellent as a team.
Shively was awarded superior
in one round of discussion and kins; current affairs, Ruth Soren
excellent in the second. I sen; skeptics corner, Audrey
Four debaters represented the food; conference co-op, Nancy
University at the University of McNally; and personal values in
Iowa's Intercollegiate Confer- ' campus life, Sharon Fntzler.
ence on World Affairs Friday The two representative to the
and Saturday ' Religion Welfare council are also
Tie for Third r cabinet members. This semesters
The team composed of Joan representatives are Louise Asmus
Krueger and Doris Carlson lost j and Hester Morrison.
all four rounds of debate but t
tied for third high rating MP-rnil7ttloM Pint
tive team. Both received excel- CWITian VJLIID
lent ratings as individuals, lheir
team also was rated excellent.
Dale Johnson and Wayne
Johnson, upholding the affirma
tive side of the question, won
one of their four rounds, defeat
ing Michigan State. They lost to
the University of Oklahoma,
University of Kansas and Kan -
sas State.
Miss Krueger received an ex-
cellent rating in discussion.
In addition to the competitive
events, the delegates met for two
parliamentary sessions to draw
up a resolution on the responsi
bility of the federal government
toward the welfare of the people
in the United States.
Resolutions Passed
The representative adopted
two resolutions which will be
mailed to all congressmen of the i
states represented at the confer- j
Schools present were: Notre
Dame, U. S. Military Academy,
University of Nebraska, Boston
university, University of Wis
consin, University of Minnesota,
University of lava, University
of Kansas, Kansas State, Uni
versity of South Dakota, Michi
gan State, Northwestern, Denver
university, Marquette university.
University of Missouri, Wichita
university and University of Il
linois. Accftmpanymg the sjuad to
Iowa City were Donald Olson
I snd Bruce Kendall. Clarence
Flirk took the debaters
! Wayne.
to ;
tl B
With State's 7 mi
iV4ttM Mr: TV t IIW nrH f s
(' ' 4 rpnAttnm IN
thnv mt HcM nrHthhtttlrnt Mnte. Iff mm
Uylxl, rwmsxloit hi trr, i,. Mlll,
JJJ ; T Cmm
For the first time in history,
Nebrslca legislators in 1951 will
have ?t their fingertips a one
package study of Nebraska's
I ability to pay taxes as compared
wiw eignv ncignoorifig states.
The study, published by The
Council of State Governments.
Chicago, is also being made avail
able to other states for use in con
sidering problems of rising costs
of state government.
Factual rather than argument
ative, the study makes no evalua
tion of Nberaska's present fiscal
policies but dots corithifle.
1, Person for person. Nebras
karis now pay less state taxes
than any of their neighbors,
Smaller Share
2, Person for person, Nebras
kans pay fmaller share of their
income for state taxes than do
ory of their neighbors.
3. Though Nebraska's state tax f
on property has increased sharply
since the war, it has not increased I
special activities connected with
the organization.
Group List Posted
Specific commission groups or
committees in which the appli
cant is interested. A complete
list of groups is posted on the
bulletin board in the YW office
in Ellen Smith hall.
Other campus activities and
convenient time for an interview.
All applicants must have a
weighted 5.5 average to be
Each applicant must specify if
she has three hours a week to
spend on YW work
Duties of the cabinet members
include the planning of a pro
gram which fulfills the purpose
of the YW on the University
campus; development of a demo
cratic organization in which con
cerns of each member are con
sidered; cooperation with related
organizations on campus and in
the community; and leading a
particular committee or commis
sion. Cabinet Duties
Cabinet members also attempt
to explore campus needs in an
attempt to see how YW can op
erate the most effectively.
Present officers of the organ
ization who will retire at the end
of this semester are:
Sue Allen, president; Kathy
Schreiber, vice president; Alice
Jo Smith, secretary; Jan Zlomke,
treasurer; Mary Hubka, district
representative, and Miriam Wil-
ley, btudent council represent-
! Cabinet positions and present
members are:
Publicity, Shirley Schonberg;
knitting and discussion, Chloe
Calder; social, Barbara Hersh
berger; leadership training, Mary
Hubka; social service tours, Liz
Moodie; community service, Beth
Wilkins; knitting and discussion,
Shirley Coy; office staff, Joyce
Fumscote; comparative religion,
Lois Frederick; intercultural
Kathie Dill; family relations,
Ruth Troutman; worship work
shop, Mary Sidner; alumne and
faculty, Doris Carlson.
Other Cabinet Members
Community service, Beth Wil-
Plans Annual
Yuletide Party
Catholic students will hold
their annual Christmas party
(Sunday at the Knights of Co-
lumbus HalL 1431 M street,
j Pat Nolan, editor of the New-
man Notes, said the festivities
will begin at 6 p. m. All Catholic
students and their friends are
By custom, students attending j
bring a 50 cent gift whicn win
be exchanged and opened later
in the evening. Most gifts prob
ably will end up at St. Thomas
orphanage, Miss Nolan said,
The 50 cent gifts in the past
ranged from dolls to rosaries,
awrding to Father Schuster,
chaplain. This year they will be
win JJibinas viaj. :
Lunch wilt be served from e i
to 7 p. m. followed by a home
talent floor snow, ine scneriuie
is rounded out with carol singing
and dancing.
Students requiring transport;!-
tion from campus to the hall
may meet in the Union lobby,
Cars will leave at 6 p. m. and
again at 6:15 p. m.
Committee chairmen are: Ei-
leen Derteg, refreshments; Jane
McCormick, sifts; Conrad Prit-
chard, dance: and Doris Dalam, j
entertainment. j
as much as the income of Ncbras
kans. 4. Nebraska has been able to
set its economy record mainly by
spending less than its neighbors
in state funds for (a) education,
(b) old age assistance, and (c)
several state activities including
public health and welfare, aid to
local government, and general
government costs,
Neiehborln State
The study considers as Nebras
ka's neighbors the states Of Kan
sas, Colorado, Wyoming, South
Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Mis
souri and Oklahoma.
During the period. 1943 through
1943, the study shows, Nebraska
spent an average of $40.73 per
person per year for state govern
ment while the average per capita
cost of the eight neighboring
SUlies Was idd.OA.
where was the difference? The
oraasxa spent its money and how
the other states spent theirs gives
you the answer. Surprisingly, Ne
btaska spent more on highways
than the average spent by its
. . . j
Aver itht ('
Mitrtttwm . , f 2'y
." nr-t 'Ov!sr, Kr i 7 71
I ft 12 1
hii iMimiMi ta
3 I
2 m
Licenses Void
In Nebraska
Student Drivers
Among Violators
University students are ap
pearing frequently in the Lin
coln municipal police court . . .
to answer for traffic violations.
One of the most common of
fenses is driving without a Ne
braska license.
If the students are native Ne
braskans, they : have probably
neglected to get or renew one.
But the out-of-state students,
feeling secure with home state
licenses in their pockets, are
paying $4.60 apiece to find that
they must have a Nebraska li
cense. The law states that any li
cense holder from another state,
who resides in Nebraska for
over 30 days, must secure a li
cense here.
These can be secured at the
County Courthouse on Tuesdays
and Fridays. The courthouse is
located between J and K streets
on 10th street.
Applicants are given tests for
physical fitness to drive, knowl
edge of state and city traffic
rules, and performance at the
wheel. Each applicant must pro
vide his owrt car, to be used in
hp driving test before licenses
j are granted.
j xhese facts are apparently not
known to manv students, for. ac-
cording to poijce officials, the
court finds tnat one or more
University students appear in
court eich day for violating traf
fic or license rules.
"Whether you've been here
before or not," warns Munic
ipal Judge Edward C. Fisher,
"you are held to the observance
of Nebraska laws and city or
dinances." 'Big Sisters'
Plan Annual
Holiday Tea
The annual Coed Counselor
Christmas tea will be held
Thursday, Dec. 14 at 3:30 p. m.
in Ellen Smith hall.
Given by the University's "Big
Sister" organization for all new
students, freshmen, and friends,
the tea climaxes Coed Counselor
activities for the first semester.
During the tea, Marilyn
Preusse and Janice Fullerton will
play the piano. Entertainment
will be provided by Nancy But
ton, who will sing two Christmas
Serving at the tea table will
(be Mrs. R. G. Gustavson, Miss
! Marjorie Johnston, Miss Mary
Mielenz and Mrs. Elvcra Chris
' tiansen.
Presentation of awards to the
outstanding counselors of the
year will hiehlight the tea. To vices to the groups purchasing Sfiiflpnt T)nft
be eligible for these awards, them. This year's candidate for j 1 -'lt-members
must obtain points for Eligible Bachelor will be auc- T Cnm
helping with registration, the tioned off in two groups of 15 lIHcll US oUIIIt
yearly freshman party, friend- j each. I According to sources in the
ship dinner, charm school and Any fraternity may "buy any state Selective service no change
oook review jiwii.wicu uy uik i
times a "Big Sister" contacts her
"Little Sister" during the year
also helps determine a Coed
Counselor's eligibility for an j
award. j
President Manlyn Campfield t
will present the awards at 4:00 1
p. m. Apnroximately 18 out of
150 members are expected to be
jr ritsvt VI v-(vu kjuiiik; ni J. Aire
girls who will receive awards
were selected by the presiden
vice-president and board mem-
bers of coed counselors. 1
t j
j Union to Feature j
L, . t i '
pympnony words
f This month's Album Hour will
j be held Thursday, Dec. 7, at 4:30 j
p.m. in the Union music room. !
j Records of the 1950 Unfversitv t
! Symphony Orchestra concert will
be featured. Coffee will be '
Prttmf. WMI-if Mrtll 2 1 Jt.M
Aid let Lnr-al Crtnrinmtnt Hi I 7ft
Untrfi O'.femr-iCTf. , , ft! 4 41
fM Srviff (Inl .1 14 2 22
l"r,mnmytMnt Cnmpnt-
nxtinri it V i T
Otrxrr J.,' 2.M
Tfif fif , ttn.13 $r,3.wi
Source of Money
Where did the money come
from? Nebraska got its state reve
nue and still doer from these
main sources: Property taxes,
motor fuel and vehicle taxes,
taxes on alcoholic beverages, cig
arets, and a miscellany of assess
ments including a poll tax.
The following lists shows
where Nebraska got its state
revenue dollar and where the
other states, on the average, got
theirs during the 1943-1948 per
iod: Nlrk' Nl-hlff'
Mnr P(il Uwmm I'M
I'leiT" " wV
ntirtir Tuxrm ....... .)
. !2i
Sf ..,,,,,.. .trfl
Otlwrf Source All
Hrvtrnm Dollar SI. CO
These figures, however do not
answer the question of "How does
"eoriiMKH uo H wiinoui a sa ICS
or lftp income tax?" That ques- I
tion win oe considered in the sec- j
ond article of this series.
Christmas Mail
Rush Begins
Better hurry and get your
Christmas packages off! Accord
ing to the Lincoln post office,
the Christmas rush has already
begun, and they soon expect to
be swamped with packages go
ing to all parts of the country.
In mailing, it is requested that
your packages be well packed
and securely wrapped, with the
address plainly written on the
outside. Plain brown wrapping
paper is the best wrapping to
use, although any kind will be
The rates this year are similar
to last year's, depending largely
on the size and weight of the
package to be mailed.
The post office has several
branch offices throughout Lin
coln, including one at the Ne
braska Book Store, for your con
venience. If you want your pack
ages to arrive safely and in one
piece, better mail them now be
fore the rush gets into full swing.
AUF to Sell
Gals, Gadgets
At Auction
Tonight those attending the
AUF auction will be able to pur
chase from the auction block
goods ranging from Cornhusker
grid stars to last year's Beauty
The auction will take place at
the Union ballroom from 7:30 to
10:30 p.m.
Last year, $150 was bid for
j The Daily Nebraskan. The serv
I ices of TNE also were purchased.
! One publicity seeking student
purchased for himself a page
spread in Corn Shucks magazine
and sorority pledges were sold
j to fraternities and vice versa,
t Even professors, eligible dates
1 and baby sitters were sold to the
I highest bidders as well as pounds
! of flesh and pints of blood from
the Innocents.
Elliott Auctioneer
Finally the auction auctioneers,
Professors Arndt and Elliott,
were asked to sell their own ser
vices as diaper washer, car
washer and Santa Claus. Elliott
will again serve as auctioneer
and will vie with a local pro
fessional auctioneer.
The AUF auction last year
brought a total of $430.
Monday night AUF workers
went to the various houses on the
campus to advertise the auction
and announce the items to be
The items this year include a
page of The Daily Nebraska and
Corn Shucks, the Phi Gam's Kos
met Klub skit, and PBK's.
Beauty for Sale
Jan Champine, Ann Stevenson,
Pokey Bergh, Jo Jeffers, Bev
Deal, Joan Peden, Virginia Tay
lor and Nancy Dixon, 1950 Corn
husker beauty queens, wil be
auctioned in one group to the
highest bidder.
Innocents and Mortar Boards
i h-Ave ronsentf-l to eive their ser-
sororuy pieage Class or vice
versa, racuuy memoers win oe
sold in two groups of five each
and the seven finalists for UMOC
will be on the block.
Queens In General
"Queens in general" will be
auctioned off. Such personali-
ties are Dorothy Elliott, Nebras
See AUF, Pace 4
tSix Future Lawyers Win
Cases in Moot
Six more future lawyers joined
the winning ranks Monday and
Tuesday after presenting their
cases in annual Moot court com
petition. The new winnem and their op
ponents; Donald H. McArthur
and William E. Morrow who de
feated John Calbin and Claes G,
Uggla; Edward F. Carter and
John Gradwohl who won over
Robert B. Borin and Leo L.
Chandler; Byron M, Johnson and
Joe L. Koerber who won deci
sions over David B. Downing
and John R, Doyle; and Asa
Christensen and Russell Strom,
who defeated William Sturgis
and Duane Mitchell.
Cradwohl and Carter and Bo
rin and Chandler, who presented
their cases Tuesday afternoon at
Law college, were Judged by
three Lincoln lawyers, J. C. Ma
son, R. V, McNutt and W. L.
Facts of the case involved the
agent of the Green Lumber com
pany who secured a fire insur
ance policy with the Fignewton
Fire Insurance company although
he was not authorized to do so.
The paper policy was laid on the
desk of the Green Lumber com
pany and was unnoticed for
several days.
Fire Destroys Property
Meanwhile a fire occurred des
troying property of the Green
company, and the Fignewton
company refused to pay when the
lumber company attempted to
recover for damages.
The court upheld the case of
the Green Lumber company,
presented by Gradwohl and
In the Mr-Arthur and Morrow
versus Calbin and Uggla session,
the three judges were L. R.
Doyle, L. J. Marti and C, G.
iw lies.
Facts of the cases prersented
Monday evening concerned four
t Jones boys who had made an oral
Beta Gamma Sigma,
Scholastic Society,
Tabs Six Members
Six fiew Beta Gamma Sigma members were named
Tuesday evening at the annual Business Administration
recognition banquet at the Union ballroom. Beta Gamma
Sigma is the national honorary for seniors in the Business
Administration college.
Ten second-year students re-xTT A "i "v "
ceived William Gold Prize keys
for earning the highest scholastic
averages in their class as 1950
51 freshmen.
Burnham Yates, Lincoln
banker, spoke on the opportun
ities for enterprising young men
and women in the business field.
He also emphasized the need for
personal financial planning, both
in university life and later in the
business world.
New Members
The new members of Beta
Gamma Sigma are: Ralph E.
Barr, Nancy Joyce Buck, Donald
J. Carlson, Richard W. Forff,
Willard B. Gelwick and Kenneth
A. Legg.
The new members all rank in
the upper 1 0 per cent of the Busi
ness Administration college sen
ior class.
Nathan Gold, Lincoln merch
ant, presented the Gold keys in
memory of his father.
Winners of the keys were:
Philip H. Breslin, Marilyn E.
Kranau, Gordon E. Krogh, Rom
my M. Ledingham. Paul R. Scott,
Lester G. Smith, Howard E.
Tracy, Richard A. Wescott, Wil
born S. Whitehead and Donald L.
Joint Sponsorship
The banquet was under the
joint sponsorship of three busi
ness administration professional
groups: Delta Sigma Pi, Alpha
Kappa Psi and Phi Chi Theta.
The banquet, which began at
6:30 p.m., was attended by under-
, graduate students of the Business
Administration college. It W2
the college's 26th annual recogni
tion dinner.
In addition to Yate's talk and
the awards ceremony, an enter
tainment program was given.
Bizad Dean
Planning the banquet were
Business Administration Dean
Earl Fullbrook; Bob Cottingham.
representing Delta Sigma Pi;
Wesley Leuth. representing Alpha
Kappa Psi and Joyce Buck rep
resenting Phi Chi Theta. The lat
ter group is the bizad women's
Yates is a director of the Lin
coln Community Chest and the
Lincoln Chamber of Commerce.
He has heen active in Boy Scout
Before coming to Lincoln he
was associated with the invest
ment banking business in New
York, Chicago, San Francisco,
I Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
i i,ai Hr.f.n msrle in the nreient
draft law and is not expected at
least until the new congress
meets in January.
Under the present system col
lege students may have their in
duction postponed until the end
of the year. However, induc
tions are 'at the option of the
local board.
contract with Eliza Sharp where
by they were to cut $400 worth
of Christmas pine trees on the
Sharp land.
Case To Court
When Sham refused to carrv
wut fclf; I.UIIU nLt fcnv iijui ' j n
brought the case to court. The
court upheld that the trees did
not constitute an interest in land
and thereby the contract did not
have to be written. Thus, the
boys, represented by McArthur
and Morrow, received the deci
sion. Johnson and Koerber, who de
feated Downing and Doyle Mon-
-1 A 1 . 1 -
E. G. Kratz, R. W. Smith and G
C. Thone, Lincoln lawyers.
The nuisance case concerned a
tree which grew on the Jones
lot. The tree extended over
Smith's house and the branches
and leaves caused damage on the
house and, premises of Smith.
Court's Decision
Smith brought suit to have the
nuisance abated. His case, pre
sented by Johnson and Koerber,
received the court's decision.
Judged by R. C. Gunzel, J, H.
Hopkins and R. A. Nelson, Lin
coln attorneys, Christensen and
Strom defeated Sturgis and Mit
chell late Monday afternoon.
The successful team upheld
the case of Carl Benson who
brought suit against John Har
rington, owner of Tony's Tap
and Drill, Benson was hurt in a
fight occuring in Barrington's
The fight took place when
patrons in the building attempted
to pick up a large sum of money
Barrington had left laying
around. Benson, who was slightly
inebriated, was injured.
Represented by Christensen
and Strom, Benson brought ac
tion against Harrington claim
ing he was negligent in leaving
the money around. The case was
upheld by the court, and Benson
Wednesday, December 6, 1950
V l . I tTlfPlS
To Interview
Senior Coeds
Lt. Elsie J. Metcalf, Women's;
Army Corps procurement officer
of the Nebraska military district,
will be on the campus Thursday,
Dec. 7, to interview January and
June senior women who are in
terested in accepting second lieu
tenant commissions in the wom
en's reserve army.
Two public meetings will b
given at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Thursday in Room 205 of the
Military Science building. Time
will be allowed for questions.
Those selected for possible ap
pointment must be single and
between the ages of 21 and 27
at the time of appointment. Re
serve commissions will be made
after a competitive screening and
appearance before a board of of
ficers. Army Careers
"I believe this is a real oppor
tunity for young women inter
ested in an army career," stated
T. J. Thompson, dean of student
"The army offers a life of
travel and varied assignments
with an opportunity for advance
ment. Specialist training is not
necessary. Versatility is the key
word for the varied assignments
of an army officer," say military
district officials.
Selection is on a competitive
basis. A complete screening in
cluding investigations and inter
views is given each applicant.
University records are the pri
mary source of knowledge. This
program is continuous and selec
tions will be made each year.
Personal Interviews
Individuals considered unqual
ified will be notified by letter.
Individuals favorably considered
will be invited to the major com
mand headquarters for a per
sonal interview by a board of
regular army officers and a
complete physical examination.
Further information may be
obtained at the offices of the
Dean of Student Affairs in the
Administration building and
from Col. W. H. Workman in the
Military Science building.
Five Delegates
To Attend Big 7
Council Meet
The University will be repre
sented by five delegates at the
second annual Big Seven Stu
dent Council convention at Nor
man, Okla., Dec. 8 and 9.
Student Council members Rob
ert Raun, George Wilcox, Mir
J&m Willey, Sharon Fritzler and
flob Parker are tne delegates
selected by the council to attend
the conference.
The first conference was held
at the University last year un
der the direction of Council
president, Roswell Howard,
This year the delegates will
ratify last year's charter and de
cide on a definite organization,
and discuss student migrations,
student seating at athletic func
tions, independent student or
ganizations, elimination of cheat
ing in higher educational insti
tutions, the financial booking of
name bands and securing and
using student government funds.
The delegates will leave for
Norman Thursday. Friday and
Saturday will be spent in group
discussion. A banquet and dance
will highlight the meeting,
Raun and Parker will go as
voting delegates. The others are
alternate delegates and will at
tend the various group meetings.
Last year, among other things,
the delegates to the convention
decided upon a price limit on
Ibig name bands for any uni-
which were faced by the respec
tive schools were reviewed at
the convention.
It Happened at N.U.
Two small boys, age about 8,
were sitting on the front row
at the basketball game Monday
night. They were noticing with
great interest and admiration all
the football players who wa'ked
by selling apples and popcorn.
They knew the names of most
of the team and their individual
When Fran Nagle walked past
one little boy stopped him and
said, "I met you last year, do
you remember me?" Fran re
plied, "Why I sure didn't until
you spoke to me. You're much
bigger and better looking now
that you have grown up." The
other little boy just stood with a
rapt look on his face and gently
felt the muscles in Nagle'a arm.
Persons who have not re
turned their Individual picture
proofs for the Cornhusker
may still do se any time this
week. Proofs can be returned
to Warner Medlln Studio,
710, Federal Securities build
ing, daily, from S a. m. to 9
P. m.
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