... t t, t I x "' 4 " . . . K . . " ; . . , i .' f : ' . r, At ' "ii PAGE 2 Utile Man On Camp DRINK IT It's compounded by the greatest sports-minded scientists in the University. It'll make you grow big an' tall!" Farmers Discuss Fuels, Attend Displays at Farm, Home Days Farm and Home Days closed Friday at the University college of agriculture. Agricultural college officials termed the three-JJay event one of the most successful public ed ucation ventures of its kind in the state. Fawn and Home Days "were sponsored jointly by the University and the Lincoln Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. C. W. Nibler, extensioi dairy man, and chairman of the arrangements committee, estimted an attend ance "well over 2,000." Last items on Friday's agenda included open houses in the var ious departments and programs in home economics, agronomy and agricultural engineering. Two panel discussions and ex- Wilson Given Capl ttain Rank In Air Force The promotion of Woodrow Wilson from lieutenant to cap tain in the air force was an nounced Saturday by Lt. Col. Alex Jamieson, head of the Uni versity air ROTC. A native of Minnesota, Cap lain Wilson was born in St. Hi lare in 1912. He graduated from Moorehead, Minnesota State Teachers college where he ma jored in biology. Before Captain Wilson joined the air force in 1940 he taught X I vi! f Yj Woodrow Wilson biology and geography in the Minnesota public schools for five years. At Chanute Field, 111., Wilson received his basic training In meteorology and later was sta tioned in Georgia and South America. After a tour of duty in the Caribbean theater, Captain Wll eon entered Officers Candidate school at Camp Lee, Va. He graduated from Camp Lee in 1642 with the rank of iiecond lieutenant. In January of 1944 Captain Wilson went to Italy and later Casa Blanca, returning to the United States in September, 1945. Captain Wilson came to the University in the fall of 1949. He is the assistant professor of air science and tactics. Expecting his tour of duty to end thlg August, Wilson would like to be assigned to a wing base for transportation duty. v JIul (Daily TkhhaiJiavL Member Intercollegiate Press rORTY-mUHTH XtUkU hM JtMltT Nuni-of" t piitUfti tT tti ntudrata at IIm Onlvmltj of He- t nvritm of ntdmt' nwa n0 oplntoni only. Aonnrdlng to Article IJ M tn in iMvm Xtmmlni ntudant fniMteattann nn ailiBlniatiinKi try Um hoard f '.wttoimu 'It to tn danlnniM polioy of tn Hotid tlmi puoilantlmii, unrtar lis notion ! M fro from riltortm Minorinip on trio part of ths Monro ew tm nut of nv BurmiMr et tn frmilty of 4h Unlvoi-alty (nit frnntbm at .-.. J t Tb tMUy Nahrwkai) a.ra paraonaily raaponalbla for wbal Uiay y a fi ttr feKuaa to t PliiitatL mmm10Hm mm r 1 no oar aamaatar, 12.W rar aamaatar mallMl, or ill.WI for V . yamr. 04.00 mallmi. Klndo aopy An. rnhllaHail Oally diiriiiii tlm aehnnl pm mnt iMMMtn amd imilav, vnoatlnna anrt amlnetlon rwrlwla onrt n - tim frHntth of Auirnat by tha tlnlvaralty of Malmaho ornlar ttiit anpfr- VhM arf l fiwnntittaa on Vrntlant FMbMmtlnna. Rntarad a MaaomM '! Matlar At tB rw (flao In nirt, fVattroalia., nodar Aa of (Jonirraaa, Moral, a, imth, and a "'il mtm or omtaaa nrovldnd far In Maetlon 11011, aat of CJonarraaa of Oatonar S, Ua, oMtaorlMd ptombr !. ln. rjiiTOiuAr. f"fw -......,..,.......,..... Brnaa Raonady i ..njfif Kdlton t... ..,..,., fciton .,.., ..Joan F '" ",......,...,,,.... HIM Mnndall !.- baiunr 4-rrv Hallay -rivr .-.-. tMUtw . 'ntirir ...........,..,... .Hd Bl annaa Monsaar v, !,.. MooaKrra Juh ( iii ilnr l-iut AW Kditw "9 ! BlMer hibits at the agricultural en gineering building alone drew a crowd of more than 400. Partici pants on a panel discussing ex periences with farm power were John Doell of Henderson, Melvin Kreiffel of York, Albert Teit meyer of York and Ted Otte, jr., of Bradshaw. All of the farmers had used at least two kinds of fuels for their tractors and other engines. Their conclusion was that gaso line is the least economical and natural gas is the heapest. If the farmer converts his engine ti propane or liquified petroleum he must raise the compression ratio and reduce manifold heat in or der for the conversion to pay. Discussion leader was Alvah Hscht, York county extension agent. . John Sulek of the Agricultural Engineering department, in a speech following the panel, said a farmer using propane in a gas oline engine could pay for a pro pane carburetor in 500 hours of operation. But, he said, it would not to pay to convert the motor to propone if it is in good con dition. Machinery Companies A group of representatives of farm machinery companies dis cussed fuel problems on a panel. The included Henry Soucek of Omaha, M. J. Samuelson of Minneapolis, W. H. Worthington of Waterloo, la., V. O. Tulbert of Lincoln and C. Burnham of Omaha. Other speakers included Keith L. Pfundstein of Detroit, Mich., Ethyl research 'laboratories, and Prof L. W. Hurlbut, head of the Agricultural Engineering depart ment at the University. Those attending the agronomy program were told of the latest in pasture and hay crop manage ment. Speakers included stuff members D. L. Klingman, D. L. Gross, H. F. Rhoades and E. C. Conrad. Extension soils specialist M. D. Wcldon spoke on "Soil Fertility and Conservation." Engineers Plan Convocation T - viW" sis! vnrkosl r it . J f urrlnftfirino atiiionlii iiill V:ir advice from a successful practic ing engineer Wednesday when Raymond . Bailey, a University graduate, will address a convoca tion at 11 a.m. in the Stuart theater. Approximately 1,000 students are expected to attend the con vocation. Bailey will give a re view of ways in which he has been able to make use of his college training and outline some of the present duy problems of industry. The former University student graduated from the College of Engineering In 1 !).'! and after ward was employed by Eastman Kodak as a sales manager. He then became assistant man ager of a Detroit tool company and since 1948 has been president of a sales company which spe cializes In the distribution of tools. The convocation Is sponsored annually by members of Sigma Tau, national honorary engineer ing society, which was founded at the University. Nnnrm ITIinblmaU, iarrr Worrao Rrafr, kant Artall. ttatty laa Waavar, Olano Hoaanqutat. Tom Itlaalia Kan Maaaaramlth iloam Vao ValkanOnrH Tad Randolnli l.haa, Oritiah rliirmatafar, mh RHi'hanttarn .Al Blaaalim .Olanu Koaannulut THE High Frequency By Art Epstien Usually this column is devoted to a number of different discs that I think will be of interest to you, the reader. However, this week's column will be employed to tell you about the number one band of the year, RALPH FLANAGAN. When I say that he is the num ber one band of the year, it is not only a personal opinion but it is also the concensus of the disc jockeys that were polled by "Billboard" magazine. Of all the positions that an orchestra could obtain by the ballots that were cast, Flanagan and his crew swept six of the seven spots, and was voted second in the seventh. Research shows that no other band has ever won so many first place spots in the poll with such a tremendous margin over the other bands of the land. In fact since the days of Glenn Mil ler no band has ever made such a remarkable showing for great ness. And another factor is the fact that the Flanagan hand has been organized for less than a year. Most name bands have had to play for long years be fore they were "hits." How ever Flanagan, as shown by the "Billboard," has been a smashing, driving hit from the very start. And why is it, you ask, that Flanagan is so popular? Well, if you have ever listened atten tively to his marvelous recording you could answer that question yourself. It seems that every record that he and his org iiza tion grooves becomes a hit over night. Proof of this is that of the sixteen hour broadcasting day that the program service uses, Ralph Flanagan and his orches tra consume fifteen per cent of this recording time. Once again proving it isn't the song that sells, it is the arrangements. Of course, the arrangements that Mr. Popular Music pours into his scores are the types that the American public wants to hear. Such Flanagan releases as "Halls of Ivy," "Harbor Lights," "Billboard March," "Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year," "My Hero," which by the way is Flan agan's favorite, and any other record that is arranged, played, and conducted by Ralph and his men is a record that has punch, rhythm, and vigor, that not only allows for great listening and dancing pleasure, but also spark les with the life that makes the band the great music maker that it is, not only now, but in the years to come. Some of you might feel that all this success that has come to Flanagan in less than a year, would affect him so that he would he a man that would be impossible to talk with. Be lieve me when 1 say that this is not the case. Ralph Flanagan is about as wonderful a guy as you'll ever have the chance to meet, He is the type that you would like to have as an older brother, fellow fraternity member, or roommate. Not because he is such a famous man, but because he is easy going, easy to talk to, and easy to get along with. He seems to be shy, at times, but he has a whale of a sense of humor. The fact that Flanagan is such a successful man has its draw backs. Touring the nation with as many as twelve one night stands in fourteen days is no picnic for anyone. And yet, with all this hussle and bussle he has not lost the poise that has helped to put him at the top. He is a clean cut fellow. His dress is sharp. Not the sharpness of a "real gone cat," but the dress of a person that keeps himself neat as a pin. A few personal side lights of i the nian with the top band are that he was born in Lorain, Ohio, on April 7, 1919. He has a graci ous wife, Hannah. His education stopped with a high school di ploma. He didn't start studying the piano until he was 17. He got his real start with Sammy Kaye, and from there he arranged for Barnet, Pastor, Krupa, and the rest. His favorite musician is Art Tatum, and his favorite band is Duke Ellington. His main purpose is to play more dance music for the .public. By the way the 1aet that Flatianan entered into the field with his own band is a thing that helped save the once dying industry of top bands. Sidelights about the hand tire that It is the only named bund triti 1, iiiis only a two rhythm sec tion, bass and drum. The only time that the piano is played it: when R. F. plays it himself. The band considers themself a team rather than a gang of individ uals. Ho the next time that -you have the chance of neelng the bund that will let you dance again UON'T MISS IT. Had as It Is the hand will not play for the Mortar Board Ball. However Flanaeun hope to he In Lincoln In either late April or early May no that he can pluy for the audience that he likes best, the college students. That's all, Paul. Methodists Plan Advent Services The Wesley Foundation will hold the first of three Wednes day 'morning Advent services Bee. 6 and 7 a.m. in the Meth odist student house. Coach Marvin "Preacher" Franklin, NU footbull stuff, will be the .guest speaker. William Croft, president of the Wesley Foundation, is the stu dent leader in charge of the serv ice and Aline Myers, music chair mun, will act us accompanist. Succeeding services on Dec. 13 and 20 will he led by Glen Car ter, Sigma Thcta Epnllon presi dent and Arlene Park, Kappa Phi president. An eurly morning pre-servlce breakfast will be nerved Wed nesday fromb 6:30 to 7 a.m. Ev eryone in cordially invited to par ticipate In the services. DAILY NEBRASKAN OCIETY ' tit y, (T it - fa fiit h Jfy ( . t FASHION Mademoiselle magazine predicts a white Christmas this year, with white fabrics taking the limelight in new winter fashions. White wools, jerseys, and crepes will be featured in party garments. Also on the fashion parade are the dance floor fa vorites, gold-dotted white net, drifts of tulle and lacy cotton over taffeta. Sheer off-white wools -will be guess of honor at holiday parties. White Christmas in Fashions Predicted for Holiday Season A "White Christmas" in fash ions is predicted by Mademoi selle magazine. Home for Christ mas is the campus -cry these days, and coed chatter is likely to center on a full schedule of holiday parties and clothes for dance or party. This particular Christmas Is likely to be whiter than Bing ever dreamed. Sheer off-white pleated wools or white wools edged in pearls are guests of honor at afternoon parties. The white worsted jersey shirtdreps fastened with chunks of rhine stone snd the stiff white rayon and cotton bengaline suit, also fastened with rhinestone, for an ice-and-snow effect, are going to be holiday sparklers. Sleek, close fitting winter white crepe mold ed to the figure by slim lines, set off by quilted pockets and high picture collars accentuated with rhinestone and pearl clips will highlight any afternoon party. "White for Sports There's word on white for the sports enthusiast too. You'll see black ski pants topped with a bright white jacket, or an all black outfit, a sharp shadow on the snow. There'll be a dash of color tori a polka-dotted ascot and sash or a brillian silk scarf to set off snow white and black. For the skating enthusi ast white wool flared skirts and bolero with quilted lining of a bright color, to create a flash of light on the ice. At night white really comes into its own. One dance-floor fa vorite is the short sheath topped by a frothy lace overskirt with tiny black velvet straps and sash. Another is a billowy gold-dotted white net, made for waltzinc with its rayon taffeta underskirt and matching stole. And still an other, a short white rayon ben- galine spangled with topaz glass a wnue evening dress that looks like Christmas. Drift of Tulle Drifts of lulle, lacy cotton over taffeta, and columns of satin with trailing panels will be fa miliar pictures at gala Christ mas formals. Bare shoulders, bracelet sized waists, skirts ruf fled and puffed, fan-pleats and side drapes, will be characteris tic of evening dresses worn by wfw1111111 Ik. h." 15k IrJ, The ideal gift to please her. Every woman love fluttering brmlery. Choone among a va riety of beautiful hades. UOLD'B if" for her! r it f 'c 2M y . i ' 1 ' i I coeds from coast to coast. Outstanding with the white will be opal hues, especially mauve, violet and blue. Slippers will be jewel colored velvet and rhinestones and pearls will be twined abundantly around the arms and through the hair. Seidel-Johnson Rites at Wahoo Large fan arrangement of woodwardi fern with two smaller arrangements decorated that altar of the First Presbyterian church in Wahoo for the wedding of Patricia Scidcl and Gordon John son. The event took place Nov. 24. Assisting at the reception were many University grads. Some of the participants were Catherine Hooker, Frieda Arnolf, Cecil Mc Carty, Amy Jo Bergh, Marilyn Bergh, Milrae Anderson, Mary Helen Mallory and Gloria Pinney. Others were Sue Leininger, Marilyn Metcalf, Marjorie Ben nar, and Helen Dinsmore. The bride is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and Phi Lambda Theta. The groom is now attending the University Coilefe of Medicine. He belongs to Delia Upsilon, Theta Nu, Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Rho Sigma. Jane Laughlin Weds Don Deter The wedding ceremony of Jane Laughlin and Don Deter took place Nov. 18 in Harlan, la. Pedestal baskets of gold and white pompom chrysanthemums and a background of greenery appointed the chancel of the First Methodist church. For the 4 p.m. candlelight ceremony the bride chose a gown oof traditional white slipper satin. Betsy Licber was maid of honor. Joanne Pyle and Barbara Dur land, sorority sisters of the bride, were bridesmaids. Harvey Smith served as best man. Ushers were William Laughlin, Edgar Tegtmeier and Richard Brunn. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta, and her husband is affiliated with Beta Sigma Psi. ffliffll Vi k'" Li J 1 1 LaV LI. Archer ClauHHtiur Van Kaulte Bt!rkfc)liiri Itomun Strijie iloli'jiruof Rtrnel Floor a 1 , 1 wan 5 wme by Joan Van Valkenburg After the Ball was over and also before many Ball-goers partied. From steak houses to snack shacks, formals and flow ers were seen in Lincoln. A party of 16 Tau's and dates had dinner at the Italian Village before the dance. Some of the couples were Dick Loucks and Carol Shepman, Dick Conpens and Phil Wheeler, Carl Brasee and Marilyn Ogden, Knox Jones and Janet Glock, and Bob Pecha and Fhyl Shock. A Kappa Sig party was also held at the restaurant. Some of the diners were Gordon Hueb ner and Mae Scherff, Bex Hoff meister and Martha Dicus and Ed McElhay and Bev Larson. -Hi Many AGR couples ate at Har old's steak house before the ball. Del Kopf and Jo Rann double dated with Bo Berke and Caro lyn Gnerin. Also there were Dean Lindscott and Cecilia Pink erton and Bob Young and Sally Johnson. Another gathering was at the itaiian vinage. Among uiic there were Frank Siebert and Shirley Whitaken and Phil Olson ana Ann LAmoeri. w Beta Sig's dining at the Italian Village were Burt Holtus and Florence Johnson and Bob Peters and Dolores Straus. . Phi Psi couples congregated at Cotner Terrace: Bobby Reynolds and Sandra Walt, Sandy Craw ford and Betty Stratton. Larry Andersen and Gracia Eyth, and Dwight Fritts and Helen Zwitzer. Theta Xi's and their dates gathered at the Colonial Cup be fore the Military ball. Some of the couples were: Jim Parmelee and Mary Loo Keating, Bob Parker and Billie Albert, Darrell Timmons and Jeannine Krauer, George Schantz and Dee Bishop, Don Roberts and Elizabeth Mil ler, Andy Boris and Jo Hoppins and Gerry McCracken and Mar ia Alberts. Dancing at the military event of the year were many DU's: Howard Dennis and Mardelle Buss, Kirk Lewis and Carol Calker, Don Neill and Peggy Jen sen, Louis Million and Mary Ann Kellogg, Dick Asmussen and Mary Ann Linda ucr, Jim Sulli van and Donna Barton and Jerry Swanson and Jean Leadley. Another fraternity well-represented was Sigma Phi Epsilon: Hod Myers and Pat Heebner, Pat Engle and Jo Lamb, Jim Walsh and Jean McNaught, Howard Tracy and Harriet Harvey, Dean Jameson and Betty Brinkman, Jay Benedict and Shirley Hamil ton and Don Brandon and Marilyn Smith. Phi Gams and their dates: John Sinclair and Nancy Wide ner, Jack Paap and Elsie Cnrig tensen, Jerry Solomon and Ann Raymond, ''Jim" McMeekin and Marjorie Reeve were among those celebrating at Lone Oak. r -44- , Ewf tnttwA biirniu-down (ihr rullii: man iHtlr diet). I , K A 'f ' 1 EfflBg fine white broadcloth with tlic widepTeafl eiillar. Maile by "Manbatlaa,'" -wlucL means fierlfjct lit. 'I tir HlllllhtUlim KUl1 rM.. i-iiifium, niunf-TK nj mainiinttm iini. nu, uiuierumir, iiujuhuh. ijiuruluru. Imidiumu and luuilrclnj. J TnpsHav. December 5, 1950 The engagement of Bill Kt-ebler to Marily Holmquist, Kappa, was announced. Some fella's puzzled and pon dered over who to take the Mili tary Ball, Not Jim Doyle. Forty five coeds called him to ask him for a date to the event. The invitations started pouring in to the bewildered Jim after a fraternity brother ran an ad in the "Rag." It stated that a fat boy would like a date, he had an Oldsmobile $8 and references from previous dstes. Jim's date was Bessy Lee Baker. Orchestra leader Frankie Carle and wife were the guests of George Wilcox and Mary Hubka a'i Arbor Manor before the dance. The musician played a few se lections for his supper, however. Host to 30 couples at a sand wich feast after the ball was Bob Hinds, Acting as hostess was his pinmate, Carolyn Cameron. Other Beta's were Jerry Siegel and Nancy Dixon, Gene John son and Julie Johnson, Pete Pet ers and Tish Swanson, Ray Lourks and Loraine WestphaL and Bill Michelson and Jean Loudon. Bob Kins.cy was also host at a , big fter-the-ball formal. His date was Nancy Klein. j jjining Bt the University club j bel--ore tne dance and partying ; Kinsey s afterward were Chuck Battcy and Mary Jean Neely, Don Etmund and Nancy Noble and Dick Meissner and Jane Fletcher. Celebrating their engagement at the Continental club were Beatta Schleuter and Jim God frey, Phi Gam. Other couples there were Jack Carroll and Donna Prescott, and Hylc Thibault and Martha Strat bucker. NU Bulletin Board Tuesday Theta Nu Cornhusker pictures. West Stadium at 4:30 p.m. Arnold Air Society meeting, 7:15 p.mM Armory lounge. Pled ges must attend. Employment oppartunities for senior Ag students will be an nounced at 7:30 p.m., Room 301, Dairy Industry. Wednesday ASME meeting, 7:15 p.m. Room 206, Richards lab. DANDEE DIAPER SERVICE "DOUBLE PROTECTION" Baby talk magazine free each month. For informa tion call the '"Double Pro tection" diaper service, 1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-EE53 . mrm rollur with the mil roD A "MjuuiatUuC of cwimc . .1 , i ' j PMI 3,95