The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1950, Image 1

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Pledges Large Buildup
Of U.S. Military Force
Communist aggressors were warned that the United
States is considering using the atomic bomb in the Korean
A large build up of U.S. armed forces was forecast
by the president.
Truman charged that the Chinese assault is Russian
Inspired and threatens "all human hopes of peace and
justice." But he expressed hope that it can be stopped
without using the A-bomb.
"Wft are fighting in Korea for our own national
security and survival," continued the president.
He laid down a three point program calling for na- unity una determination
to meet the challenge of the new
communist aggression, The pro
gram called for continued work
Jn the United Nations; strength
ened efforts to help other free
nations build their defenses in
order to meet the threat of ag
gression elsewhere and rapid in
crease .of our own military
Congress members divided
liharply in their reaction to the
A-bomb report. Senator Brew
ster said, "It's high time." He
has been advocating use of the
bomb for gome time.
Senator Millikln and Senator
Young opposed use of the bomb
Said Millikln, "That's the most
serious weapon that could be
used. It should not be used
short of dire necessity, and it
should not be used impetuously."
Brewster gave the opinion that
If It would save our troops in the
next two weeks it should be
In Korea Communist China
shifted its offensive to north
east Korea and cut off the en
tire U. S. First marine division
and part of an army division.
The reds cut supply roads behind
the marines and launched heavy
frontal attacks against marine di
visions on the west side of the
Chosin reservoir.
Allied bombers and fighters
swept over the communist lines
in a constant stream to bomb,
strafe and rocket the enemy,
Aerial reconnaissance reports
f Chinese reinforcements indi
cated that they were swarming
south from Manchuria. Accord
ing to authorities this may mean
that the Red forces are regroup
ing for a new attack.
At Lake Success the United
States agreed to take the issue
of Communist China's aggression
to the floor of the UN general
assembly today. Russia is ex
pected to veto a security coun
cil resolution ordering red Chi
nese troops out of Korea.
Chief U. S. delegate Warren
Austin planned to carry the
council into a night session, if
necessary on the "Quit Korea"
order to the Peking government.
Frosh Actors
To Give Two
Plays Tonight
The experimental theatre per
formances will be given tonight
in Room 201 of the Temple build
ing at 8 and 9 p. m. The plays
are "The Fumed Oak" by Noel
Coward and "Suppressed De
sires" by Susan Glaspell and
George Cram Cook.
Two veteran? of the 1949-50
acting group will appear with
the freshman. These girls, Diane
Downing and Mary Kay Tolliver,
played in last year's "Guest In
The House." They are the only
ones in the cast who have pre
vious university acting experi
ence. "The Fumed Oak" deals with
the discontent of a father, which
finally builds up into a revolu
tion. Don Silverman plays the
father; Mildred Goodman, the
wile; Diane Downing, the daugh
ter; and Mary Ann Lebsack, the
mother-in-law. Jack Wenstrand
will direct Coward's play. Wen
strand portrayed Faust last sea
son. "Suppressed Desires" is a com
edy about a husband suffering
from his wife's interests in "this
new craze, psychoanalysis."
Chuck Rossow plays the harried
husband; Mary Kay Tolliver the
wife; and Connie Nye portrays
the sister-in-law. Dallas Wil
liams, director of the University
Theatre, also directs this play.
The plays are given twice be
cause of the limited seating. Ad
mission is free and on a first
come, first serve basis with no
reserved seats.
Said Director Williams, "These
freshman productions give audi
ences a glimpse of the talent
which may make university stars
in the next few years.
Gustavson Sends
Letter to Parents
The first of a series of letters,
which compose a new program
adopted by the office of Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson, were sent
out early this week.
They, contain information on
enrollment, the University's
building program, the research
program at the College of Agri
culture, the extension division,
and the Student Health program.
These letters are written by
Chancellor Gustavson and will
be sent out intermittently dur
ing the school year. This new
program enables the Chancellor
to keep in closer contact with
the parents of University stu
dents. He feels that interest in
th progress sf the school, and
an avi'ireness of the problems of
maintauvng such an institution
will be stiis-vlated also.
The Weather
Partly cloudy to cloudy Friday
with high around 45. Colder Fri
day night.
tub Use
Editor's Talk
To Touch on
Asian Crisis
William R. Mathews, editor
and publisher of the Arizona
Daily Star at Tucson, Ariz., will
speak Dec. 2 at 2 p. m. on the
timely subject "Peace and Dom
ocracy in the Orient" at the sec
ond Lincoln conference on world
Mr, Mathews is an authority
on the Far East, having toured
Indonesia in 1949 to make an in
vestigation of conditions there.
He was also an accredited cor
respondent for the Dulles com
mission in Korea only three days
prior to the present war.
Another important conference
speaker it Harlan S. Miller, col
umnist for the Dcs Moines Regis
ter, Ladies Home Journal, Better
Homes and Gardens and contri
butor to the New York Times
Sunday section and the Ameri
can Mercury.
War Vet To Speak
A veteran of both world wars,
Mr. Miller also was a member of
the Hoover commission. He is
bringing Rev. Charles W. Phil
lips, former naval chaplain, with
him to participate in the discus
sion groups.
An outstanding economist, Dr.
Kenneth Boulding, professor of
economics at the University of
Michigan, will speak on the
"Friendly Approach to Democ
racy" and the "Essential, Foun
dations for a Democratic World."
Dr. Boulding is the author of
three books on economics.
Of special interest in regard to
the present Korean situation will
be an address by Walter K.
Schwinn of the U. S. department
of state on "A Strengthened U. S.
Information Program Abroad."
Foreign Affairs Expert
Mr. Schwinn is the special
assistant to the Assistant Secre
tary for Foreign Affairs and
served in Poland for the State
Department from 1946 to 1949.
Dr. Knute O. Broady, co-
chairman of the event, said that
he believes "University students
should take a special interest in
this Conference on World Affairs,
more so in light of the present
world situation."
The meet is under the sponsor
ship of 23 Lincoln service groups
and Nebraska University Coun
cil for World Affairs. The theme
for this year is "How Can Amer
ica Best Strengthen Democracy
in the World?"
The executive committee in
cludes Dr. Frank Sorenson and
Dr. K, O. Broady. co-chairmen.
Mrs. A. K. Donovan, secretary
and Walter A. McCleneghan, ex
ecutive director.
Purdsie Economist Doubts
Russians Prepared for War
"It is not to Russia's advan
tage to get into a full-fledged
war. Modern wars are battles of
total production . . . and they
just don't have it (the capacity
to produce) like we here in
These were the words of Earl
L. Butz, chairman of the agri
cultural economics department
at Purdue university. He talked
Thursday with some 400 people
at the annual Farm and Home
festivities on Ag campus.
The nationally known econ
omist said America's capacity to
produce is far more than the
Russian system of slave labor.
He said that the difference be
tween the amount of human ef
fort expended in America for a
loaf of bread as compared to that
in Russia is an example of this.
He pointed out that in Amer
ica it requires 10 minutes of hu
man effort while in Russia it
requires one hour and 18 min
utes. Some Americans don't
know how lucky they are, he
Agreement Not Asked
Dr. Butz said, "I plead not
that you agree with me but that
you think."
What is agriculture to be like
in this new war economy? The
outlook is for higher prices with
a controlled economy, he said.
Military expenditures, he said,
will triple in the next few years.
This will require a new philos
ophy of full production, he said.
"We need more output on the
farms of tomorrow," he said,
;;and with less labor force."
This means increased yield and
more work per man, he added.
Growth Needed
Coupled with this increased
economic activity of the nation
must come sociological and po
litical growth, the economist
Vol. 51 No. 53
Ms" , ' Sk''
( I
Courtesy Lincoln StAt Journal.
er gridder and track star died
Thursday morning,
Dick Hutton,
Athlete, Dies
Dick Hutton, one of the bright
er Nebraska football stars in the
post war period, died Thursday
morning after a long illness.
His death was caused by com
plications resulting from cancer.
He had boon hospitalized inter
mittently for some time.
During his college days at the
University, Hutton was an out
standing halfback on the football
team from 1946 through 1948. He
was the team's leading scorer
during the 1948 season. He was
also a sprinter on the track teams
through out the same period.
Honor Graduate -
Hutton graduated cum laude
from the University in 1949. He
received his master's degree in
June, 1950. Ho played one season
on the Peru State Teachers col
lege team before enrolling at the
Hutton's track activities were
cut short during his senior year
upon the advice of his physician.
Later, however he recovered suf
ficiently to return to school.
This year, he took a coaching
post at Ord high school, but was
forced to resign because of his
illness. He had been hospitalized
since that time.
The 26-year-old native of Au
burn was married.
Game Dedicated
At the Iowa State-Nebraska
football game this year, Hutton
was honored by the dedication of
the game in his honor. The var
sity team and card section paid
tribute to the former Nebraska
Voicing the sentiments of the
athletic department, John Bent
ley, sports publicity director
"He was one of the finest kids
we ever had here, a high-type
student, a sportsman, a
competitor and a fine boy in
every respect."
Athletic Director Posty Clark,
football coach in 1948, was out
of town and not available for
Country Dancers
To Meet Tonight
The Ag College Country Danc
ers will hold their regular meet
ing Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. in
the College Activities building.
Steve Eberhart is in charge of
the program which includes
such square dances as "Forward
Up Six," "The Farmer," "Hot
Time in the Old Town Tonight"
and two new dances called "The
Seven Step" and "The
said. With the advent of a war
economy and the total production
that it must bring, the 10 per
cent marginal or even submar
ginal farmers now still produc
ing should be encouraged to mi
grate to urban industries, thus
allowing utilization of all farm
lands in a more economical man
ner by the other 90 percent.
Another sociology imnrovp-
ment sorely needed is a
strengthening of our farm or
ganizations and thereby their
economic thinking, he said.
Mr. Butz said that several
land programs have been ad
vanced in the past several years,
each originally desitmprt a a
permanent one. He added some
what jokingly, "If all the Agri
cultural Economists were placed
end to end, they would reach no
Decisive Decisions
The job of each and every
American who is interested in
the farm situation at all, he said,
is to make decisive decisions. Do
we want high or low price sup
ports? "If high," he said, "we must
face its Siamese twin, and that
is restricted output." ,
"If under the all powerful
public opinion, congress encour
ages an era of full production,"
he said, "its cousin problem, that
of consumption, will also confront
the thinking Americans." Bulz
said the answer is an increas
ing population- last year it was
1C millions.
"And above all," Butz said,
"when confronted by the vari
ous agricultural and world plans
that are bound to 'come in the
next few months, remember the
general economy. Say, 'Is it good
for America?' first. Then, 'Is it
good for labor, industry and ag
riculture?' "
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Crack Squad
To Perform
For 4BaIP
The Pershing Rifles crack
squad will perform before the
time of the presentation of the
Honorary Commandant at the
Military Ball, Saturday, Dec. 2.
The crack squad consists of
12 basic ROTC cadets and one
alternate chosen from the Persh
ing Rifle company for outstand
ing ability in drill and manual
of arms.
These men are taught varia
tions of the manual of arms in
cluding spins and rocks. These
manuals are performed in crack
squad formations which are
varatlon of drill formations.
They arc carried out with the
aid of verbal commands.
The Pershing Rifles crack
squad was formed two years ago
and made its first appearance at
the Military Ball in 1946. It was
organized and commanded by
Cadet 2nd Lt, Thomas Brown
lee. Since then, in addition to its
Military Ball performances, the
crack squad has performed at
various functions.
This year the crack squad is
under the command of Cadet
2nd Lt. Thomas Brownlee.
Crack squad members are
Richard L. Busch, Vance J.
Carothers, Harry E. Chapman,
Douglas G. Dunn, James F.
Estcs, Frank Major, Jr., Joseph
E. Nicholson, John F. Nilsson,
Robert L. Peterson, Duane R.
Speidell, Jerome S. Spitzer,
Robert M. Stryker and Ronald
D. Wasscr.
AUF Finalists
For Activities
Queen Chosen
A salute to the Activities
Queen for 1950 will be in order
for one of six candidates at the
Annual AUF Auction, Wednes
day, Dec. 6.
Selection of the six winners
was made last Wednesday eve
ning by members of the AUF
advisory and divisions boards.
Candidates were nominated by
the 13 designated " organizations
to enter competition.
The finalists are Dee Irwin,
Elizabeth Gass, Marilyn Vingers,
Joan Hanson, Poochie Rediger
and Julie Johnson.
The prospective queens were
judged on personality, appear
ance and amount and quality of
work done in activities.
Finalists' Activities
Dee Irwin, a member of the
1 WAA board, also serves as a
Tassel. She is a dorm counselor
and is a junior majoring in phy
sical education.
Elizabeth Gass, a member of
i J f ... i l a .. l j:
.u-u vinjiiM.'iiir.s uuaru, aisu ui-
vides her time between work on
the AWS board, the YWCA and
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She
is a sophomore majoring in home
Marilyn Vingers, treasurer of
Tassels, and a' member of Stu
dent Council, is also panel edi
tor for the Cornhusker. She is
affiliated with Delta Gamma
and a junior in Arts and Sci
ences. Joan Hanson includes among
her activities Tassels, AUF, Red
Cross College board and New
man club. She is a member of
Gamma Phi Beta sorority and
is enrolled as a sophomore in
Arts and Sciences. She is a
speech and radio major affili
ated with Alpha Epsilon Rho,
radio honorary.
Poochie Rediger, a member of
the Builders board, is also pub
licity chairman of the Union and
is a College Days chairman. A
Gamma Phi Beta, she is enrolled
in the College of Arts and Sci
ences as a junior journalism ma
jor, isne is also a member ol
Theta Sigma Phi, journalism
honorary. She has been a Pas
Cheerleader and news editor o
the "Rag."
Julie Johnson, a member of
the Cornhusker staff, also be
longs to Tassels. AUF, Coed
Counselors, and College Days
committee. She is a member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma. She is a
sophomore in Arts and Sciences.
The queen will be elected by
the students in attendance at the
auction. Votes will be cast on
each ticket which will serve to
admit one person to the affair.
Tickets are 25 cents.
Moot Court Holds
Mock Trial Today
The first 'mock trial' of the
annual Moot Court competition
will open today at 3 p.m. in the
University law building. This
meet is the most important one
since the winners will compete
in the spring for the finals.
Leonard Hammes and Leon
ard Pierce will meet with Wil
liam Berquist and Robert Sco
ville at the 'trial.' Judges will be
C. E. Barney, W. K. Dalton and
C. II. Flansburg, Lincoln law
yers. The other city lawyers who
will judge the upperclassmen
competitions have been an
nounced by Prof. James Lake,
director of the event. They are:
D. G. Kratz, R. W. Smith, G. C.
Thone, R. C. Guenzel, J. H.
Hopkins, R. A. Nelson, L. R.
Doyle, L. J. Marti, C. G. Miles,
J. C. Mason, R. V. McNutt, W. L.
Shaumberg, R. R. Bailey, D. N.
Bykirk and J. F. Hardings.
stylings will dominate the mu
sical theme at the annual
Military Ball, Saturday eve
ning at the Coliseum.
NU Delegates
To Attend Meet
At White House
Two University professors and
two students will attend the Mid
century White House Conference
on Children and Youth to be held
Dec. 3 through 7 in Washing
ton, D. C.
The conference, called by
President Truman, will be at
tended by representatives from
social welfare, education and
youth organizations throughout
the United States. The group,
which will include at least 40
Ncbraskans, will discuss the
problems of youth and recom
mend action by the various or
ganizations. Faculty Members
The members of the University
faculty who will attend are Leroy
T. Laase, chairman of the speech
and dramatic art department and
James M. Reinhardt, professor of
Nancy Pumphrey, freshman in
the College of Arts and Sciences,
will represent Cornhusker Girls
State at the conference and Phil
Eyen, also an arts and sciences
freshman, will attend the con
ference as a representative of
the Catholic Youth organization.
This is the first time in the
history of the White House con
ferences that youth have been
: invited to participate
conferences were called in 1930
by President Hoover and in 1940
by President Roosevelt.
Committee Workers
In order to prepare for the
conference, state and local com
mittees all over the United States
have been working ever since
last June. They have investi
gated conditions of youth with
regard to health, education, home
life, religion and recreation and
have sent reports to Washington
for the conference.
Groups in Washington, consist
ing of four advisory councils, a
fact finding staff and a technical
committee, have been working
for almost two years to prepare
the material to be discussed at
the conference.
The proceedings and recom
mendations of the conference and
a full fact finding report will be
published in book form in the
Spring of 1951.
Only 20
T7 " l
Untu Lhristmas
University sttudents will have
no trouble finding something to
do on the campus from now un
til Christmas vacation begins.
All sorts of parties ,teas, open
houses, dances, movies and vari
ous other activities will be pro
vided by campus organizations
for all students.
Everything starts off with the
Military Ball which is this Sat
urday night at the Coliseum. Just
an interesting sidelight for Sat
urday: the second scholastic re
ports will be out.
The University Singers will
present their annual Christmas
Carols concert at the hours of 3
and 4:30, Sunday, in the Union
ballroom. This is just one of the
many activities that will take
place in the Union during the
next few days.
The Experimental Theater pro
ductions will be presented on
Thursday and Saturday, Dec. 7
and 9. of next week.
The Home Economics club gets
in their bid for Christmas fes
tivities by having a tea on Thurs
day, Dec. 7.
University Mortar Boards are
entertaining the students on the
night of Dec. 8 by way of giving
their annual Ball. This, as in
previous years, will be held in
the Coliseum.
A foreign movie, "Revenge,"
will be shown in the Library
auditorium on Friday and Sat
urday nights, Dec. 8 and 9.
A square dance for the entire
-k'v:.,iT!?,j-JL wl
csl o
The 38th annual Military Ball will officially open the
1950 University formal season, Saturday night.
The program will start at 8 p.m. with the ROTC
band concert under the direction of Donald Lentz. Master
of ceremonies, Av Bondarin, will welcome the dignitaries
and guests of honor.
The entrance of the color guard and playing of the
National Anthem will precede I
the appearance of Pershing Rifle
crack squad, Saber guard and
the presentation of the cadet of
ficers and their ladies.
Eileen Derieg, Shirley Allen,
Virginia Koch, Susan Reed, Janet
Carr or Nancy Noble will be re
vealed at this time as the 1950
Honorary Commandant,
Grand March
The Grand March, the first
d-ince by the new Honorary
Commandant and president of
the Candidate Officers associ
ation and a waltz by the senior
cadet officers and their ladies
will conclude the program.
Immediately following will be
dancing to the music of Frankie
Carle and his orchestra.
The Presentation ceremony
will be broadcast from 8:30 until
9 p. m. by radio stations KOLN
and KFOR.
Frankie Carle
The music of Frankie Carle
will be broadcast by the two sta
tions at alternate intervals
throughout the evening.
University dignitaries to be
present at the ball are: Dean and
Mrs. Carl W. Borgmann, Dean
Marjorie Johnson, Dr. and Mrs.
G. W. Rosenlof, Colonel and Mrs.
Clarence J. Frankforter, Profes
sor and Mrs. H. P. Davis, Dean
and" Mrs. C. W. Harper and Pro
fessor and Mrs. Charles S. Mil
ler. Professor and Mrs. William F.
Swindler, Mr. and Mrs. John K.
Selleck, Mr. and Mrs. George
"Potsy" Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Weir, Dean and Mrs. Arthur
Hitchcock, Dean and Mrs. W. V.
Lambert, Dean and Mrs. Earl S.
Fullbrook, Dean and Mrs. Roy
M. Green and Dean and Mrs.
Charles Oldfather.
Military Guests
Honored guests representing
the military departments are:
Colonel and Mrs. James H. Work
man, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Warren
R. King, Lt. Col. and Mrs. John
W. Thomas, Lt. Col. and Mrs. C.
W. Ackerson and Captain and
Mrs. V. R. Sinclair.
Captain and Mrs. N. C. Carl
son, Captain and Mrs. T. A. Don
ovan, Captain and Mrs. A. E.
Loomis, Commander and Mrs.
R. P. Nicholson, Lt. Col. ana Mrs.
Edward V. Finn and Lt. Col. and
Mrs. Alex J. Jamieson.
Tickets for the ball may still
be purchased from advanced
military students for $3, specta
tor tickets are 75 cents.
Calendar Sale
Date Indefinite
The sale of the All American
university calendar will not be
gin Friday, Dec. 1, as previously
announced. Betty Brinkman,
business manager of calendar
sales, said that due to delayed
arrival of the calendars, the date
opening the sale cannot be defi
nitely set.
The calendars are, however,
apparently worth waiting for.
Not only will familiar scenes of
our own campus be pictured, but
also scenes from other well
known universities throughout
the U.S. The calendar section
contains dates of holidays as well
as plenty of space to mark in
other important dates and ap
pointments. The sale price of $1 makes
this three-in-one calendar an in
expensive buy and an appropri
ate gift. The calendars are pub
lished by Builders.
Well-Crammed Days
T7 -
University will be held in the Ag
Activities building on Saturday
night, Dec. 9, also.
Present Messiah
The Sunday following this big
week-end will see the presenta
tion of the Messiah Concert in
the Coliseum at 3 p.m.
The Ag college will hold their
Christmas program on Tuesday.
Dec. 12.
The Coed Counselor Christmas
tea will be held on Thursday eve
ning, Dec. 14. This affair will take
place at Ellen Smith hall.
All students are invited to at
tend an all-University open house
given by the Union on Saturday.
Dec. 16. The Christmas open
house will be held at the Union
Religious Service
To go back in the dates for a
moment here, the YM and YW
Christmas service will be held
on Wednesday, Dec. 13.
The Ag college YM and YW
Christmas program will be pre
sented on Tuesday, Dec. 19.
And so, at last, that long
awaited day of joy for all stu
dents will arrive. On Thursday,
Dec. 21 at 8 a.m. the Univer
sity will officially start Christ
mas vacation. And. of course, on
Wednesday morning, Jan. 3, this
vacation must end.
However, with the continuous
schedule of things to do between
now and Christmas vacation, it
shouldn't be much of a hardship
for the students.
Friday, December 1, 1950
Singers Plan
Carol Concert
For Sunday
University Singers will present
their annual Christmas carol con
cert Sunday, Dec. 3, in the Union
The program, which lncludet
eight familiar carols arranged for
mixed chorus, will be given
twice, at 3 p. m. and at 4:30
p. m. More than 1,400 people
are expected to attend the two
Tickets may still be obtained
at the activities office in the Un
ion lobby. Though there is no
admission charge, those attend
ing will need tickets.
Directing the concert will be
Dr. Arthur Westbrook. A total
of 105 students will participate
in the Singers group.
Co-sponsoring the program are
the University School of Fine
Arts and the Union activities
Opening the concert will be
two Bach Christmas cantatas:
"To Us a Child Is Given," with
soloists Jack Anderson, Helmut
Sienknecht and Nancy Button,
and "Flocks in Pastures Green
Abiding," with Marjorie Mur
phy singing the soprano solo and
Virginia Nordstrom and William
Wurtz, flutists, and Kathleen
Burt providing the accompani
ment. Cantata
For the first cantata, Gwen
McCormack will provide the or
gan accompaniment and Kath
ryn Burt will accompany on the
Miss Murphy is attending the
University on an undergraduate
teaching fellowship. She is from
Fort Worth, Tex.
Carols which will be sung are
"The First Noel.". "A Lovely Rose
Is Sprung," "O Thou Joyful
Day," "The Smile of the Christ
Child," "The Shepherds' Story,"
"Touro-Louro-Louro," "Wassail
Song" and "What Strangers Are
According to Dr. Westbrook,
this will be the first year in
which music other than carols
will be given. The Bach selec
tions will celebrate the Bach
Centennial which has been ob
served all over the country' this
year in various ways. Bach died
in 1750.
Preceding and following both
performances, Myron Roberts
will play carols from the caril
lon tower.
Tickets Issued
Tickets already issued for the
two programs will be honored
until 10 minutes before the con
cert starts. At that time, people
waiting without tickets will be
seated. People holding tickets
should arrive at the concert be
fore 2:50 and 4:20 p. m. for the
3 p. m. and 4:30 p. m. concerts.
Decorations for the concert in
clude six Christmas trees deco
rated with blue lights. Four trees
will stand on the stage and one
will stand on each side of the
An altar rail and candelabra
and an evergreen rope will also
help decorate the Union stage.
See CAROLS, Page 2
Ag Honoraries
Elect Members
Two honoraries on'the Ag col
lege campus, have initiated 17
students to membership.
Phi Upsilon Omicron and Omi
cron Nu, national home econom
ics honoraries, announced 13 and
four new members, respectively.
Joan Sharp, Mary Ann Grund
man, Ruth Hoffmeister, Dolorei
Estermann, Rita Renard, Jacquel
ine Becker, Jean Harleroad,
Mary Jane Barnell, Evelyn
Young, Pat Siebold, Mabel Coo
per, Barbara Glock, and Joyce
Fitz were elected into Phi Up
silon by the active chapter.
Annette Stopkotte, Joyce Fitz,
Eileen Derieg, and Carolyn Hu
ston are new Omicron Nu mem
bers. Sales End Today
For Yearbooks
Cornhusker sales end today!
The University yearbook can
be purchased only today from
Corn Cobs or Tassels. A Corn
husker sales booth is in the
Union lobby.
Price of the yearbook is $5.
Approximately 2,500 books have
been sold, according to Jack
Barnhart, Cornhusker business
manager. The deadline was set so
that the company printing the
books could be notified.
No books will be sold after
today. This date is final.