The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Thursday, November 30, 1950
Too Many Cooks . .
Is Q, v.jb
V ... I ' I 1 .j ,1 H ' --V-Jt V If
cB" Ploys
WHAT'S COOKING That seems to be the question in the mind
of Claude Hannozo as he prepares to use the taste test on the
cooking of Chef Abdul K. Ayaz. These two students helped pre
pare the food for last year's International Friendship dinner. Each
year, foreign students prepare food of their lands for the dinner.
What Is It?
I it
, " ( vv
f& fmiA
.. .j 1
St I I
1 itMrtmtlHtiimiwitiiitiwiiintV'fitir'T'iiiirritni rimtMM.
OPEN HOUSE WHATSIT This piece of equipment, among others,
will be displayed at the Ag engineers' open house which will be
held tonight, Nov. 30. The first 15 engineers, other than Ag engi
neers who correctly name this item, which will be displayed at
the door of the Ag Engineering building, will receive prizes.
Putting Up Trees, Decorations
Begins Christmas at The Union
Christmas is coming. It is com
ing especially to the Union.
Lights, programs, parties, trees,
and other Christmas festivities
are being planned by the Union
committees for this annual sea
son. In a party spirit, 100 Union
workers decorated the building
for the holidays. Cokes and
cookies were served to the ac
tivities people. Organ music and
caroling were part of the eve
ning's program. Ralph Hanna
man was the organist.
Eleven Trees
Eleven Christmas trees were
decorated by the workers. These
trees have been set up in the
main dining room, cafeteria, em
ployees dining room, main lounge
Big Sisters Ciie'
Frosh Tonight
Campus Cues will be held to
night at 7 p.m. in parlors X, Y
and Z of the Union. All Coed
Counselors, freshmen and any
other interested women are urged
to attend.
The central theme will be "Ac
cessories For a College Girl's
Mrs. James Farnsworth, repre
sentative from a Lincoln cloth
ing store will be the discussion
Purpose of the Campus Cues
meetings is to provide occasion
for friendship among freshmen
girls and University upperclass
men. The meetings also help the
incoming girls to become ac
quainted with the campus, Uni
versity traditions and various
other activities. It helps to
orient the freshmen women.
and six in the ballroom. The
trees are decorated with a com
bination of all colored lights and
some in all blue lights.
A variety of Union organists
will provide music during the
noon hour for the remainder of
the days before vacation starts.
The annual Christmas Carol
concert will be presented Sun
day, Dec. 3, by the University
Singers under the direction of
Dr. A. E. Westbrook. This con
cert is sponsored by the Union
music committee. At 3 and 4:30
p.m. Sunday the concerts will be
Christmas Party
A Christmas party for all Uni
versity students will be held on
Saturday, Dec. 16. The party will
be an open house affair. Accord
ing to Genene Grimm, Union ac
tivities director, the plans for the
party "are tremendous," Music
for dancing will be provided by
Aaron Schmidt and his combo.
This party is under the direction
of the special activities com-
"Suppressed Desire," by Susan
Glaspell and George Cram Cook
will be the first of two one act
plays to be presented by mem
bers of the Freshman acting
group. The performance will be
held Friday, Dec. 1, in Room 201,
Temple building.
The ono act comedy "Sup
pressed Desire" concerns the
psychological investigations of
Henrietta Brewster. It is Hen
rietta's firm belief that every
movement represents some sup
pressed desire on the part of the
individual. Her husband Steven
is thoroughly disgusted with his
wife's new "protect" and literally
cringes when a new book by
Freud or Jung appears on his
work table.
Psychiatrist Visited
Henrietta's , own life becomes
complicated when she sends her
Sweden Offers
Three Grants
For Americans
Three fellowships to American
students have been made avail
able by the Swedish government,
through the Sweden-American
These fellowships apply to
graduate students during the
academic year of 1951-52. They
are offered for study at the Uni
versities of Gothenburg, Lund,
Stockholm and Uppsala und
other approved institutions in
Applications for the fellow
ships may be secured from the
Institute of International Educa
tion, a West 45th Street, New
York 19. N.Y. These applica
tions and all other supporting
documents must be filed not
later than February 1, 1951.
Cush Stipend
Each fellowship carries a cash
stipend of 3,800 Swedish crowns,
a sum sufficient to cover room
and board in a university town
and at university restaurants.
Both men and women, preferably
under 35 years of age, are
eligible to apply.
It is expected that, tuition
fees will be waived, except in
the graduate course for English
speaking students at the Uni
versity of Stockholm, for which
the tuition is approximately $400.
Preference will be given to
those who have not had the op
portunity of studying in Swe
den. Requirements
Candidates must present proof
1. American citizenship.
2. A Bachelor's degree from an
American college or university
of recognized standing (or meet
this requirement by the summer
of 1951).
3. An adequate knowledge of
4. Good academic record and
capacity for independent study.
5. Good moral character, per
sonality and adaptability.
6. Good health.
In certain scientific fields and
in the graduate course for Eng
lish speaking students at the
University of Stockholm, a
knowledge ol Swedish is not
necessary but it is preferable in
all cases.
husband to her favorite psychia
trist for the Interpretation of
recent dream. The doctor after
some investigation tells Steven
that he Bub-consciously wants to
leave Henrietta. This, of course,
Steven has never realized, but
sees in it an opportunity to curb
his wife's fanatical ideas.
In the meantime Mabel, Hen
rietta's cousin has been con
vinced, that she should be
psychoanalyzed and out of a per
fectly normal happening comes
the conclusion that she is in Iovb
with Steven,
When the threat of a broken
marriage comes before her thru
the psychiatrist she decides that
she should give up psychology
and keep Steven.
The cast is Henrietta Brew
ster, Mary Kay Toliver; Stephen,
Charles Rossow, and Mabel,
Connie Nye.
The second play to be pre
sented is "Fumed Oak." The cast
includes Henry Gow, Don Silver
man; Doris Gow, Mildred Good
man; Elsie, their daughter, Diane
Downing, and Mrs. Rockette, his
mother-in-law, Mary Ann Lcb
sack. Because of limited seating each
play will be given twice. Both
plays will be presented at 8 p.m.
and 9 p.m. There will be a ten
minute intermission at 9 p.m. to
clear the room for a new audi
ence. Dallas Williams is the director
of "Suppressed Desires," and the
director of "Fumed Oak" is Jack
Editor Obeys
Coed; Prints
Story's Errors
The editor of the Connecticut
Campus worked out a way to get
ev?n with those who insist that
their letters to the editor be
printed with no cutting.
At Connecticut the president
of Panhellenic wanted a letter
printed, and promised she would
bo around to make sure it went
in without any deletions.
The obliging editor printed the
complete letter and sprinkled
asterisks throughout the copy. In
an editor's note, he explained:
"All asterisks in the letter refer
to errors in grammar, spelling
and typing, which he felt honor
bound to leave unchanged in
view of our unconditional com
pliance with Miss Oppell's
Consistently mispelled in the
Panhell president's letter the
word "sorority."
Reaction to this editorial
was immediate. Among the
charges in the next day's letter
were: "You are small minded,"
"the Campus is run by a clique
of sadists" and "You do not show
both sides of the issue."
Of special interest was a letter
signed by six of the Panhell
president's sorority sisters accus
ing the paper of printing biased
editorial comments.
mittees which is headed by Thorn
Union employees are having a
Christmas party, Saturday, Dec.
9, in the evening. This party will
also be held at the Union.
An innovation at the Union
this year will be lighting of the
trees outside. Mrs. Grimm said
that this is the first year that the
outside trees have been dec
orated. Union workers are spending a
lot of time making the Union
just as full of Christmas spirit
and cheer as possible.
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection" diaper service,
1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-8853
T . All-Alike,
Glarua s
With or Without Imprinting
Also Christmas Letter Sheets
See this large selection
before you buy
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
Located in Nebr, Book Store
for your
December 2
"If's well to order early"
133 SO. I3IN JTMfT
USC 'Lift9 Stop
Delays Students
The elevator operator in the
Campanile at USC announced in
an apologetic manner to the two
women and seven men In the
elevator that there would be a
Blight delay in the ordinary
rapid trip to the top of the cam
pus landmark. '
They were stuck about ten
feet from the base of the build
ing because the generators had
Btopped working.
Reassuring the students that
there was no danger, the opera
tor used the elevator phone to
call for help. It took about 40
minutes for the electricians to
start the elevator, '
Some of the marooned stu
dents felt it was a worthwhile
45 minutes; others were worried
about missing classes.
While some talked about going
to the USC game on Saturday,
others caught up on studying.
Cnrlcton College
Issues -Handbook
"Ties at mealtime are 'comme
il fauf " and " probation is a
touchy subject" according to the
handbook for new students Riven
out at Carleton college, North
tield,. Minnesota.
The booklet, "Information
Please," is written and published
by upper-class students who out
line the traditions, rules, student
government, and general campus
Information about Carleton. It
supplements the official "Hand
book for New Students" pub
lished by the administration,
which Is devoted to course de
scriptions, curriculum require
ments, calendar and finances.
Uy this booklet the students
are 'told that "leading students
around by the nose is discouraged
here, and how you carry the ball
under your own power will count
far more than the size of your
hometown or your checking account."
Columbia Reveals
Sew Degree Plan
It is now possible to get a
bachelor's de'ree even without
a high school diploma announces
the director of Columbia univer
sity school of general' studies.
A student wishing to receive
this degree must be twenty years ,
old and complete a "validation
Femctftcr." This period gives stu
dents a chance to , show their
ability and character,
If an applicant did not com
plete his high school education
for h good reason he can take
nn aptitude test, If he makes a
satisfactory score, he can be In
terviewed, file a formal applica
tion and, if accepted, will be
permitted to take the specified
Comprehensive reading, for
which there Is much student
speculation, will also be con
tinued again tnis year at Co
lumbia university Ichool of gen
eral studios.
Shop Tuesday
9:30 to 5:30
We Give
Green Stamps
l:lJ"r Vkr
Be right. correct...
be comfortable... in a
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Choose either the double or single breas'-d
style in midnight blue all wool worsted
fabric. The double breasted with
gTosgrain peaked lapel and long roll are
always a fashion. The single breasted with
satin shaw collar Is new and extra smr -t.
Dine and dance in one of these smart
tuxedos, you'll really like the feeling of e&tcl
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Von Hsusen
Dress Shirt
Snowy white pique for dress-up
occasions. 8uperbly styled with
Vin Heijsen marie sewmsnship.
Van Tux, for black tie, is collar
attached. Van Dress, for white
tie, Is neckband model.
i . MMBERBIND for that extra dash . . . Choose
either popular tartan plaids, maroon, or mld-nifht
BOW TIES... Black, maroon, plaid or blue, tied
or to be tied styles.
Boulonniere 1.00
Nothing adds more smartness and
distinction to formal wear than s
sparkling set of dress jewelry,
correctly styled by SWANK.
Rolled Gold Hate set.
Other Swank brard
Dress Sets t?50
jSJ I d,
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