ru i '1 V ,1 PAGE 2 EDITORIAL "Tomorrow News of the international situation within the past two days, particularly the position of the United States has had a sobering effect upon the campus. Conversation be tween classes, over a cup of coffee and in numerous bull sessions have centered around the possibility of a third world war. Some instructors have deviated from their usual lectures to express their opinions or to eniignten tneir pupils on various espects. That almost everyone is conscious of the serious turn of events in the world is very evident. At ViA hAP-innine- of the semester similar thouehts and conversation were present. United Nations torces m late weeKS came opumism. ine hopes of being able to finish the school year and a quick settlement of the Korean war stopped the flow of pessi mism to a large degree. A more cheerful attitude began to prevail, especially after numerous deferments were granted college students. The mood has reversed again during these past two days. Once more students are asking themselves, "What will the present situation mean to my education and my future?" Some who have delved deeper in the subject are wondering what it will mean to the United States and eventually the world. It is impossible to answer these questions "only time wil tell" as they say in the books. Theories to the final out come will abound but nothing can be proved yet. However, there is one thing1 that is certain if there is to be a war, it will be our war and our burden. It is the students in school now and other men and women of similar ages that will be carrying the load, not only in the present conflicts, but in the peace which everyone hopes will develop from the chaotic situation. Our professional lives have not com menced; some of us will have yet to finish our formal edu cation. The trnsitory period from leaving home to starting our own has not begun for most of us. No other group of Americans will suffer more if the international situation progresses from bad to worse. However, complete pessimism is not warranted yet. There is still the big "if" remaining which could change the international picture. And because of this we must live the present despite the forebodings of the future. Extreme pessimism on our part will accomplish nothing. We can only wait until "tomorrow" for today's decisions. Asian Traveler Says Shooting War With Russians Unlikely "I doubt if there will be an all-out shooting war with. Rus sia in the near future." Those are the words of John Strohm, Woodstock, 111., author and world traveler, as he ad dressed the Farm and Home Days audience at the University Wednesday. Mr. Strohm recent ly made a 4,000-mile swing be hind the Iron Curtain. He said he talked with people and visited farm and factories. "Iiv my judgment," said Mr. Strohm, "Russia is not prepared to fight a global, all-out atomic war because she simply does not have . the industry, food, com munications and transportation to do it. Russia has many raw materials, but is almost primi tive compared with 20th century America." German Technicians But, said the correspondent for Country Gentleman, Russia has made great strides recently with German technicians. "Then, too, we must recognize that Russia has been gaining ground with out fighting." He;pointeJlout that the Chi nese soldiers now fighting in Korea are an example of Soviet Russia's technique. Mr, Strohm predicted a long period of semi-mobilization for this country "as we try to an ticipate Russian moves and bol ster our weak defenses all over the world." Here are some of the things Mr. Strohm said he found in his travels in the Far East: 1. Pakistan is weak but pug nacious, wants to go to war with India over Kashmir. 2. India is half-starved. She depends for internal stability on the life threads of two old men Nehru and Patel. Indonesian Exports 3. Indonesia must export to live and yet her production has been going down and down. "I saw rubber trees cut down to make charcoal the bushes up rooted to grow food." 4. The Philippines are ripe for a blowup. 5. The nationalists of Indo China demand that the French withdraw their soldiers. Yet if those 150,000 French soldiers left Indo-China today, a chain reac tion would follow which might sweep all of southwest Asia and 600,000,000 more people behind the Bamboo Curtain., Mr. Strohm said we face a gigantic job if we hope to stabi lize south and southeast Asia. The natives, he said, are sus picious of the white man's im perialism. "Many of them live ' Mmbt Intercollegiate Press rOBTX-EIOHTB CEAB Th Dally Nebrak&o la published by Braska as expression of students' news and opinions only. According to Article 11 of the By Laws covernlng student publications and administered by tbe Board of Publications, "It Is the declared policy of the Board that publications, under its Jurisdiction) sball be free from editorial censorship on the part of tbe Board, e Oa the part of any member of the faculty of the University hut members of toe staff of Tbe Dally Nebraskaa are et do of causa to pe printed. Subscription rata are 12.00 per semester, mm eoiiese year, 4.uu mailed, single copy So. Published dally daring tbe school year except Saturdays and Sundays, vocations and examination periods and one . none amine, the month of August by the University of Nebraska under the super vision el ill nmmftu M Ntllffnnt I'nhl iii.t Ah rout Of flea In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1819, and M STMal r of postage provided for la Section 1103, Act of Concrete of October sHuootuea September lis, ivit. ED1TOB1AX P'WtO , taa1i) Rdltor , , ttawa filters Jotio .... Snorts B'lStot 1' audits .t...... At KMllior . .......... (Nsiy editor KuuwfirBuw BUSINESS riRitnem MMiavrrT . 6nM Mftflfne-m IVfwmgen jjek Night Nr-wn Editor ' . ' COMMENT But with the success of the in a state of semi-starvation where events could scarcely turn toward the worse. And yet we could ship over all our food, and there would still be hungry people." He termed Japan as one oi me brightest spots in the Far East "uhfthpr it be war or peace." He said the bold United States and United Nations stand in Korea was exactly what leaders nt TnHia. Malava. Indo-China and Indonesia have been waiting for. "They were sitting on the fence until they thought it was safe to jump" (toward the United Nations). Farm and Home Days are sponsored jointly by the Lincoln Junior Chamber of Commerce and the University. Seacrest-Davis Wedding Friday Yellow and bronze pompom chrysanthemums in pedestal baskets and lighter tapers ap pointed the chancel of First-Plymouth Congregational church for the Friday evening wedding of Kathleen Virginia Seacrest and Walter Davis. The bride chose a gown of ice white satin with a snugly fitted jacket styled with a pointed Peter Pan collar. This was but toned high with a tiny self-covered buttons. She carried a colon ial bouquet of white roses. Virginia Hines was maid of honor. She wore a gown of cham pagne satin styled with a full pleated skirt. Susan Seacrest was a floyer girl. The candles were lit by Janet Harrison and Mrs. Richard Clark. Serving at the reception held in the church parlors were Elaine Seacrest. Arlene Gohde, Doris Bonebright, and Janet Harrison. The bride is a Kappa Deleta and belongs to the Nebraska Mas quers. Davis is a member of Gamma Lambda and Nebraska Masquers. NU Bulletin Board Foreign students that have not been contacted for the Interna tional Friendship dinner, call. Pon Chinn at Baptist student house. Interfraternity Council meet ing at 5 p.m. in Room 315Union. Alpha Phi Omega will meet in room 316, Union. The election will follow the business meeting. Uie students of the Univemtv at Ne. personally responsible for what they say I $3.BO per semester mailed, or IS. 00 for ! Inn. KntmA MmahiI llmmm M .t ' RpiiM KnnAv Norma Cnubbnek, derry Warren Krnecer, Kent Axtell. Betty nee Weaver, Glenn Bosenquist, Tom RJsche Bill Mundrll . . derry Bailey . R Maaaeramith Joan Vaa Valkenburr . Boa BlffffS leo Kninaoipn Cohen,, Chuck Burmeister, Bob fUlchenbacb Ted Randolph Tom Blsche THE SO Jan d Jlne by Joan Van Valkenburr Terrace hall candy passings always seem to run in pairs. This week's boxes were started around by Naomi Schreiner, who is engaged to Roy Moeller, and Gloria Sandels, who will be mar ried to Gene Sundeen Dec. 24. Other news in the hall is the wedding of Betty Lou YVeiskamp and Robert Bennington. It took place last Sunday in Beatrice at the Centenary Methodist church. A Thanksgiving vacation pin ning was that of Bob Gilmore and Barbara Lucas. The couple were high school sweethearts. Bob is a sophomore Phi Delta Theta and is taking a pre-med course. Barb is attend ing Bradford Jr. college in New York. Another Thanksgiving vaca tion development was the en gagement of Joan Swerre and Bud Gilmore. She announced it at a tea at her home last Friday. Jo is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, and Bud belongs to Sigma Nu. Newest steady couples: Katy Walensky and George Hancock, and Edy Kutilck and Bruce Per rlne. Evie Young's trip to Oklahoma over Thanksgiving held a sur prise in the form of a diamond ring. John David Sorrells is her fiancee. Evie is a member of Chi Omega, Home Ec club, and treas urer of Ag YWCA and Phi Epsi lon Omicron. John, is studying for his Master's degree in physics. He also is instructing freshman physics classes. The couple is planning a sum mer wedding. Monday night chapter dinners revealed other recent romantic events. Penny Parsons passed candy at the Alpha Phi house to an nounce her' engagement to Dick Gratton. Miss Parsons is a sen ior and a major in speech cor rection. Gratton is now engaged in work in Omaha. A new diamond now rests on the finger of Joyce Buck. . She received it recently from Dean Armstrong, Theta Xi. Joyce passed candy at the Alpha Xi Delta house. A box of fudge and a box of chocolates were passed at the Alpha Chi Omega house Mon day night. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon's came over for the surprise pin ning of Mickey McKie and Val Hammond. The girls also sur prised them by kidnapping Ham mond. V t;c,-. --. 5-' The wedding of Charmaine Marquson and Winton Buckley will take place next June ac cording to the newly engaged couple. Winton is a member of Alpha Tau Omega. Delta Sigs Hear Air Lines Official S. M. Haddem was guest speaker Monday night at a meet ing of Delta Sigma Pi, profes sional business fraternity. "Air Transportation in Business To day" was the theme of his talk. Mr. Haddem presently holds the position of station manager in the Lincoln office of United Air Lines. MAIN FEATURES START VARSITY: "The White Tower" 1:26, 3:29, 5:32, 7:35, 9:38. STATE: "Fortunes of Captain Blood," 1:00, 3:54, 6:48, 9:42. "Beyond the Purple Hills," 2:42, 5:37, 8:31. HUSKER: "Arizona Cowboy," 2:24, 4:55, 7:26, 9:51. "Radar Se cret Service," 1:21, 3:52, 6:23, 8:54. r- , Mighty Mustang... II KVf If ' . , t , ' 1 Itfij 'tHr . ., - . aft AS? ...,;c .ni z -fA.j, , M s ; GLENN FOSO liW' e fluecr,$ are t i F OSCAR H0M01M fHTX 1 yen jU , Vu9 fl in r & v ' - -1. , I ffh ' VTKw jBfT Ju Mch ','M' - f ' a "I 'j'''rx ,y ' -w -y xr STATE PLNA?TNG (SSS5",-- .... KW SAM1VB MftMIKE! lf I '''' f'U ' 1' ' Vint AU I KT 1 Wl XX ,'Sf .. in . ...el. W 9 I "Beyond The Purple Hills" V ft h fi Li """""i 1 REX ALLEN I! : - . 77 ' '" 11 " I In I I a staajh . . .1 a A mm. eemems ss I hbhsva.,. m...imu I 'saw I ! B H f VJUsllA Hi AlailA P . M comr II --w ej- w twY vrsjajsji ii4mif9 I fffW JWCt, II 1' , ' - 1 1 " ' " - DAILY NEBRASKAN CIETY Christian Church Scene of Wedding Carmen Shepherd and Robert Longman were married Tuesday evening in front of a background of pedestal baskets of white mums and pompons and lighted tapers in seven-brached candel abra. The wedding was held in the chancel of the First Christian church. The bride chose a gown of shimmering white satin. Seed pearls and bugle beads outlined the sweetheart neckline of the snugly fitted bodice and formed a sunburst design. Miss Shepherd is an alum member of Sigma Kappa sor ority. She was also a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Iota, and Alpha Lambda Delta. Rites Solemnized At Sorority House t The Alpha Chi Omega fire place was banked with baskets of white and coral carnations and lighted tapers in candelabra for a wedding last week. Bonnie Washington was mar ried to Walter Gaebler II. For the 8 o'clock evening ceremony the bride wore a gown of candle light length fashioned of im ported lace with a satin under dress. A reception was held in the dining room immediately follow ing the wedding. The table was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake surrounded by ivy leaves and banked on either side by candelabra. Both Mr. and Mrs. Washing ton are graduates of the Univer sity. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and he is a Sig Ep. from our wide selection of fresh flowers HILTNER FLORAL COMPANY 2-2775 1 I'i if ' 4 Only fine tobacco gives you both real mildness I Aw) V""""" and rich taste. And Lucky Strike means fine '& X j tobacco. So enjoy the happy blending that com. . tfv - 1T J Y PI bines mildness with a rich, true tobacco V H - UATv X 1' V taste. Be Happy-Go Lucky! HV'-i'V XX 4 'jfi TT eoea.. thi amssicam tobacco comfanv L - ,y i' ! UV V '. , f Z," ' i ii mm ,mwmmmmmmm,msf i Elliots Yaley Wedding Held At High Noon The high noon wedding cere mony of Catherine Elliott and Ray Yaley was solemnized at the First Methodist Church in Scottsbluff Nov. 23. Four-hundred . guests were present et the ceremony which was held before an altar decor ated with yellow, white, and bronze mums, and lighted tapers in candelabra, Janelle Mohr, a sorority sister, sang "The Lord's Prayer" during the ceremony. The bride's father, sang "Because" and "I Love You." The bride wore a gown of an tique ivory satin fashioned with a low, heart-shaped neckline on the fitted bodice. The neckline was trimmed with Chantilly lace ornamented with pailettes of ir ridescent beads and seed pearls. She wore a fingertip veil of silk illusion which was caught by a cap of lace. Her bridal bou quet was of white camillias and bouvard. Mrs. Yaley is a member of Alpha Phi, Sigma Alpha Iota, Pi Lambda Theta, and P. E. O. The groom is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Union Plans Free Program Sunday "Flicker Follies" will present a program of free entertainment, Sunday, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m., in the . Union ballroom. The follies will feature Charlie Chaplain movies and University talent. The Beta Sigma Psi quar tet will sing and Patsy Dutton will give characterizations. orsages skillfully designed 133 So. 12 . ' s . , fit &joy your curette! Enjoy toy -fineiotacco that coml'oes kotfi perfect milJness and rich taste m one great careiU - Lucky Strike! Perfect mildness? You bet. Scientific tests, confirmed by three independent consulting laboratories, prove that Lucky Strike is milder than any other principal brand. Rich taste? Yes, the full, rich taste of truly fine tobacco. Only fine tobacco gives you both real mildness and rich taste. And Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. So enjoy the happy blending that com. bines perfect mildness with a rich, true tobacco taste. Be Happy Go Lucky! eoee.. thi amssican tosacco comfanv V t V 4-1. a.11 . j r . 1 r . 1 1 -J' Sweetheart Song Sung at Ceremony 'The Pi Beta Phi and Delta Tau Delia sweetheart songs were played at the wedding of Susan Kimball and William Cartmelll The ceremony took place at the Kimball home last Friday, before French doors leading out from the long living room. The bride wore a gown of white imported Chantilly lace and satin. Her fingertip veil of silk illusion was held by a Juliet cap of pearls which was worn by her mother at her wedding. Matron of honor was Mrs. Donald Lentz who was frocked In rust lace. Shirley Sidles, Sarah Fulton, Sara Devoe, and Anne Barger were ribbon bear ers who formed the processional aisle. They wore ankle-length frocks in shads of rust and blue. The bride attended Scripps college in Claremont, Calif., and was president of Orchesis, a member of Pi Beta Phi and Delta Phi Delta, art honorary, at the University. Cartmell attended Pacific Mil itary academy in Los Angeles, and was president of Delta Tau Delta while attending the Uni versity. I CLASSIFIED EXPERT pipe and llrhter repairing. Quick srrvlce. Hrhwartiman's, 1343 O St. CLOSE In, one room now available for university hoy. Student Hotel, 327 So. 11th. B-:i020. VISIT us at our new location. ClothlnK, 136 So. 13th. AYERS Corsages for the Ball See Our Display Sample Corsages All Seasonal Flowers available in finest.quality. Largest assortment of Orchids ever ottered I Danielson Floral Co. 1306 N Thursday, November 30, 1950 Yearbook Sales To End Friday Sales for the 1951 yearbook will" close Dec. 1 according to Jack Barnhart, business manager of the Cornhusker. A deadline must be set for the book sales in order that the company contracted for the books can be notified. Yearbooks are being sold by Tassels and Corn Cobs and can also be bought in the Corn husker office in the basement of the Union. Approximately 2,500 books have already been sold accord ing to Barnhart. Trice of the Cornhusker it $5 which can be paid to either the Cobs or Tassels. CHICAGO COLLEGE of OPTOMETRY Nationally Accredited An Outstanding College in a Splendid Profession Entrance requirement thirty hour ei Liberal Arte credits. Advanced standing granted tor additional L. A. credits. Next Class Starts February 12 Excellent clinical facilities. Re creational and athletic aelir. ities. ' Dormitories on campus. Approved tor veterans. 1851-11 Larrabee St. Chicago 14, III. of 2-7602 tud'' ar' NHU ALES END THIS FRIDAY coiim cons COIINIIUSKKE. OFFICE TASSELS : v; ?r itw . S K E R