The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Monday, November 20,
High School Students Absorb University
Atmosphere at Journalism Convention
Some 650 high school journal
ism students and teachers gath-
ered in Lincoln Friday for the '
nineteenth annual two-day con
vention of the Nebraska High
School Press association.
So read a news release of the
convention. And those 650 Ne
braska high school journalists
were having a field day.
The office of The Daily Ne
braskan was filled Friday after
noon with eager, excited re
porters. The high-schoolers were
sent out on regular assignments
for the Rag and were busily
pounding out stories for Satur
day's edition.
Lots of them were in the Un
ion Crib, absorbing the Univer
sity atmosphere.
Journalism Interesting
A group of Lincoln high stu
dents thought that "journalism
is interesting" and that the cam
pus publications "are neat" One
Lincoln girl reported that she
was having quite a hard time
figuring out her notes for a
A girl from North Platte said
that she was taking journalism
because it is interesting and
fun." She had covered the re
porting and writing contests Fri
day for The Daily Nebraskan.
Students from Kearney com
mented that they were taking as
much journalism as their high
school offered which included
working on their school publi
cations. Kearney Students
The Kearney high schoolers
had seen copies of and had read
both the Rag and Scarlet and
Cream, Builders publication.
Two boys from Bertrand said
that they were working on their
high school publications. They
had read both the Rag and Scar
let and Cream and thought that
they were "pretty good."
These two students were in a
group that was taken on a tour
of the Journal. They agreed that
this trip was quite interesting
but too brief. They would have
liked to have spent more time
learning of the actual workings
of a city daily.
Ideas from University
"We get a lot of good ideas
1 .any- -,
I h"h
! ( f
WILLIAM H. HICE Assistant professor of journalism and director
of the High School Press association convention addressed stu
dents Friday morning. Left to right: Kenneth Stratton, supervisor
of publications, East high school, Des Moines; Ed Brailey, Omaha
Tech who presided at the Friday morning meeting; Mr. Hice; Joyce
Hjorth, Stanton; Barbara Schlecht, convention chairman and presi
dent of Theta Sigma Phi, women's honorary journalism fraternity.
'Turkey Holidays TJN Observer Tells NUCWA
Of Goal in Palestine Mediation
Benin Nov. 22
Thanksgiving vacation will of
ficially begin Wednesday morn
ing at 8 a.m. and end the follow
ing Monday at 8 p.m.
The faculty warns that these
dates do not rectify any Tues
day cuts.
The recess will be the first
since school opened in Septem
ber. There will be only a month
before Christmas vacation, which
begins Thursday at 8 p.m., Dec.
21. Classes will convene again
Wednesday, Jan. 3, at 8 p.m., ac
cording to an official bulletin
from the dean's office.
PBKs Will Hold
Dinner Tuesday
Phi Beta Kappa will hold their
second meeting of the year Tues
day, Nov. 21, at a dinner in the
Names of new members will
be publicly announced at the
meeting. They will be guests
at the dinner.
Dr. Paul Meadows, department
of sociology will address the
chapter on "Technology-World
Ferment" Dr. Hsrold W. Man
ter, president of the local chap
ter, will preside.
Dr. W. T. Stevens, president
of Grinnell college, will be the
speaker at the joint meeting to
be held with Sigma Xi in April.
"We were shot at from both
sides but were never allowed to
carry arms."
These were .the words of
Colonel Edward V. Finn, former
United Nations observer in the
Palestine dispute, as he spoke to
NUCWA members Thursday
Colonel Finn, who at present
is commanding officer of the
marine detachment at the Lin
coln Naval Air station, worked
directly under mediator Ralph
Bunche during the 1948 uprising
in Palestine.
He told NUCWA members that
he served with French, Belgian
and United States soldiers to
make sure that both the Arabs
and Israelis respected the truces
that were negotiated. His job
was to police the area near
Jerusalem and report any viola
tions of the truce to United Na
tions headquarters.
Constant Fighting:
Finn stated that the Jews and
Arabs were constantly fighting
and that nothing could stop it.
"When I left, the fighting was
still going bn," he declared. Al
though he feels that the United
Nations workers did not ,
straighten out the difficulties
politically, he stated that the at
tempts of the United Nations did
accomplish two things. These
International Dinner
Tickets Available
Tickets for the International
Friendship dinner, to be held
Nov. 30 at the Union, are now
available. The dinner will be at
6 p.m.
Reservations maye be made
during Thanksgiving vacation by
contacting the Baptist student
bouse, 2-4862.
EXrrfcT ats Mi HfMer mMac. Qafek
fcisnamaias a. tJ w i.
from the Nebraska publications,"
said a girl from Fremont. All of
the Fremont students interviewed
are working on their school pub
lications. The girls like the Corn
husker very much but one boy
felt that it was too big and im
personal. The Fremont group had heard
of Cornshucks and were in dis
agreement about whether or not
they had received the Scarlet
and Cream.
Speakers that the high school
journalists heard on Friday in
cluded Kenneth Stratton, super- '
visor of publicantions at East high
school, Des Moines, la.; Nathan
Blumberg, assistant professor of
journalism at the University; and
Robert P. Crawford, University
professor of journalism.
Inspection Tours
Friday morning the students
were guests on inspection tours
of the Journal, Star and Uni- r
versity campus. ,
Students competed Friday af
ternoon in contests in news-
writing, copvreading and editing,
headline -writing, sports writing, -current
events, editorial writing,
feature writing, photography, ad-
vertising writing, journalistic vo- :::
cabulary and proofreading. g
Also Friday afternoon the y;
journalism students and their
teachers attended a series of ijjj
panel discussions and clinics ,g
dealing with problems of produc- ;j
ing high school publications. ; Hi
i ,
VARSITY: "Rio Grande," 1:19,
3:22, 5:25, 7:28, 9:33.
STATE "Sound of Fury," l:ou.
7 - r
:J?0 Start your Christmas-
were "the prevention of further
bloodshed and the preservation
of valuable religious relics".
"If we had been armed," he
claims, "I believe we could have
stopped the fighting almost com
pletely." Sacred City
"Jerusalem," Finn declared,
"which is the center of
Christianity, is also the second
most sacred spot of the Moham
medans." He told the group of
his experiences near Jerusalem,
of the many Arabic and Jewish
refugees, of a Mohammedan
church built on a spot also con
sidered sacred by the Jews and
of the five spots where Christ
was supposedly buried.
Finn is of the opinion that
American people are too uncon
cerned about the situation in
other countries. They express
NU Art Gallery
Adds to Collection
Announcement was made this
week of the purchases made by
the Lincoln artists' guild from
its fourteenth annual All-Nebraska
show, now current in the
University art galleries.
Chosen from a list of works
recommended for purchase by
the exhibition jury, were the
following pictures: "Quarr y,"
watercolor by Gail Butt, "Van
couver Isiand," waicitulot by
Shirley Cane, "Trail Ridge,"
brush drawing by Freda Spauld
ing, and "Serande," an engrav
ing by Rudy O. Pozzati. All the
artists are residents of Lincoln.
The four pictures will be add
ed to the permanent collection of
the guild, which, according to
arrangements completed this
week, will join the art collec
tions housed at the University
art galleries. It is expected that
they will be available for dis
play and educational use
,1 .1 A. 4
hioh iHAalc hut fail to look at ! " uu6,mu' l"c ol"c
the practical side of world af
fairs. "It is too easy for us to
turn on the radio, go to the cor
ner drugstore for a malt or coke
and forget the rest of the world."
Hp helieves that American tour
ists are noor ambassadors of the ! things will not be settled
United States and that they ! Palestin for some time
should be more considerate and
less domineering and boastful.
In conclusion Finn expressed
the belief that although the
United Nations is doing its best.
:::i -i-6 v I
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... 9 I I 1 I
S c-ds eouC to
mc4 rMc Cell 2-2360.
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