The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1950, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    onday, November 20, 1950
' V
: 5
tmmmmmmmmmNmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmwi iurowiiiiiiiiiiiM
n - i - ;i V vv v
By Bill Mundell
Sports Editor, Daily Nebraskan
The Big Seven showdown is
e!l set up for Norman, Okla
this weekend as the unbeaten
Sooners and the rejuvenated Ne
braska Huskers meet in the final
conference contest for both. Both
outfits brushed up for their cru
cial meeting by adding to their
credit side of games last Satur
day, the Huskers dropping Iowa
Slate, 20-13 and the Sooners
blasting Missouri, 41-7.
The Sooners already have as
sured themselves of no worse
than a tie for first and the Mis
souri scalp wes their 29th vic
tory in a row. By beating Ne
braska next Saturday, they will
be sole survivor of the Big Seven
in addition to padding their na
tional record.
Nebraska, on the other hand,
can share the title with the Ok
Jahomans by doing w hat the last
29 Sooner opponents have found
impossible. The Husker victory
over Iowa State Saturday en
abled Ihem to finish the first
Stadium since 1940. Only the 20
20 tie with Indiana in the sea
son's opener mars the Husker
home record.
Improved Defense
The Husker defense showed
considerable improvement in the
Cyclone fray Saturday. The
Iowan ground attack went no
where and if it were not for
Billy Weeks' passing, the Cy
clones would have had no of
fensive threat at alL
At that, it was only during
the second half that the State
passer came into his own. Dur
ing that second half, he com
pleted ten of 15 attempts and
was instrumental in both Cy
clone scores. During the first half
he connected in only one of six.
The vaunted Husker offense
found the road a little rugged
against a Cyclone seven-man and
eight-man line, but they used a
first quarter break to score and
then ground out two long drives
to wrap up the Staters.
With a little over five minutes
remaining in the first period,
Bobby Reynolds punted out on
the State five-yard line. From
tie featJ ess season in Memorial 1 here the Cyclones made five
yards in two plays, but on the
third down Dick Goeglein
smeared Weeks forcing him to
fumble and Tony Winey fell on
the ball on the State six.
Adduci Scores
From here it took Nick Adduci
just two plays to smash across
and with Reynolds adding the
point the Scarlet led 7-0.
From that point for the rest
of the half, nothing offensively
happened. The only thing worth
noting was a beautiful 90-yard
quick-kick by Cyclone Ed Green
which from the Cyclone ten
yard line, narrowly missed roll
ing dead on the Husker one.
The Cyclone offense got roll
ing immediately in the second
half. It took the Staters just ten
plays to cover 73 yards after
taking the kickoff. Four straight
completed passes by Weeks
highlighted the drive. A beauti
ful run by the same Mr. Weeks
produced the TD. Back to pass,
he failed to find a receiver in
the open, so cut around right
end, danced along the sidelines
and completed the 19-yard run
by giving Cyclones six points.
The Huskers roared right back
BILL. MUELLER . . . roars through the Cyclone defenses for a 12 yard gain early in the first period of the 20-13 Cornhusker win.
Art Bauer (61) tries to get two Cyclones at once in an effort to give Mueller more running room. Joe McGill looks up at the ac
tion from the ground. Dick Regier (80) is charging downfield. (Photo by Rod Riggs, Daily Nebraskan photographer.)
and in 14 plays ground 59 yards.
The longest gains in this drive
was a nine-yard advance by
Reynolds. An eight-yard gain by
Reynolds gave the Huskers a
first down on the State four from
where Adduci took it across
standing. Reynolds again added
the point and the score stood
14-6 with four minutes remain- j final seven. An eight-yard gain
ing in the third stanza. ; by Reynolds was the longest in
69 Yards 17 Tries this drive.
Another drive following the ! In both drives Reynolds, Muel
same pattern was produced late ! ler, and Adduci were the work-
in the fourth quarter. This time ! horses with a couple of good
starting on their
Huskers used 17
Reynolds rounded
score on the last play of tha
game. Weeks had passed to Wil
helmi who was knocked out of
bounds by Ron Clark just inches
inside the flag. With one sec
ond left and the clock stopped
the Staters got their chance and
plays before j Fran Nagle. I cashed in with McGlyna going
end for the i The Cyclones got their second j across.
own 31 the quarterback-sneaks tossed in by
7?f II illrteefnrfl flrtte Tinier
KfU $:H:2& iT J Vi',V li53Sr 'it V ' ' ' The University of Nebraska from $11,000 to $12,000 per year
s , " i LLi xf - W-r1- SI. "l J j"5 f!fv Board of Regents gave Head will become effective with the
inniiiiiwwi wrwiiMnrm iMimi.iiniiitnwirr ififf iiiiiiiiii"-"rrT"r rmw urtrniri' intoi i mi iiyffai'w m iiiiii'-BDwiiniiMwiiiiiiinMnwai'irnniiii v
Football Coach J. Harold Glass- ; proposed general ten per cent '
ford a vote of confidence Satur
day morning 'for an excellent
football season" by approving
an increase m pay.
The Regents, acting on a rec- 1
ommendation of Chancellor R. G. j
Gustavson, said Coach Glassford j
j would be raised from $10,000 to l
j $11,000 per year on Feb. 1, the
effective date of his year-to-
raise planned for all universitv
employees on July 1, provided i
funds are provided by the next j
session of the state legislature. !
Previously the University's bi- !
ennial budget had provided for j
a raise of $1,000 in 1951 and !
again in 1952.
Coach Glassiord, in a letter to '
year contract. A second raise
I the Athletic Director, "Potsy"
Clark, on Tuesday, said that he
preferred that any wage increase ,
Volleyball Second ivf 1?im w.ollld 'foUow xb
J era! plan of wage increases t
T,,.lf Trf nmiArl be experienced by the University ',
IKUltllU 1 UMjUJIlCll faculty under provisions cf the
CHAMFIOXS ... Delia Tau Delia footiaU team pictured are: Stanaang Ben Sairjple. back: Fred
Blackest, tackle; Harley Eicnardson. back; Barney Sprague. end: Eiil Keeney, end: Brb Tooley,
back; Tom Beat, back:; Elmer andel, end. Seaie a Ray Mjaoovjch, center; Ketih SkaiJa. back; Don
Woods, captain and center; Charles T remain, tadde; and Dick. Lander, end.
The Intramural Department
announced today that the second
round of the volleyball playoffs
had been postponed from Mon
day, today to Monday, Nov. 27,
tiie flrct dav of school foilowiriS
$ TharJtsgiving vacation. The third
round will be played the follow-
ir.g Tuesday, Nov. 22.
biennial budget.
One-year Cours
Prepare to step into a responsible
executive position in the retailing
field: buying, advertising, fashion,
personnel. Specialized training, ex
clusively for college graduates, covers
merchandising, personnel manage
merit, textiles, store organization, vales
promotion, and all phases of store
activity. Realistic approacl under
store-trained faculty. Classes arc com
bined with paid store work. Students
are usually placed before gradnation.
Co-educational." Master's degree.
Limited enrollment. Write Admissions
Office for Bulletin C
Pelfs ltiii os 1950 Grid I
1. Il;s Th-a X"3t 41t-l.
S. Crty TMCA 7-S.
2. fta Thrta 7-JH.
Ji. Btoti Pultiitif
. Aij'ha. T.b Osira -2i.
Slma fivxmiat Epeilati -J
t TTHttiy Ruuw -H.
2. fiirm. Cut St-n
X. Tmtn Bnn.
. a otB Tier a.
4. y-tewttaun Club 4-ii--durensjljt
VMCA 42-4
i. AC Out ti-Zf.
V. WOBKM ii-4t.
j 1- TUii Tvm Tf tt.a
j Z. Pio brK
,! 4. Br-wan &"c
J i'- Afttu T OnEf4L.
j , pt Gattuna Tril -4 '
Ton Xi 4Sti.
'! . Pj K.iiWis flu (-2-i.
Jd. Pmntx? Haiae 4-i.
ratings just in time tnd got the
' final number seven syy&t. They
i! reachei the semn-iinals cf the
frat "A" playoffs where they lost
to tne jjeJts, b-ia.
Theia Xi dropped a peg and
finished as the eighth team.
They were beaten by the Sag
Eps. 19-6, in the round
cf the playoffs.
Pi Kappa Phi also drops a
notch and rounds out she year ?
ij in ninth place. They !m were
i dropped in the tirst round of
j the playoffs. 7-19, by the Tijis. :;
Pioneer House appears lor the
first tiaae this year rounds ct
the top ten Iralemjfy A? out- s
I fits. Pioneer reached the ouar- 1
i ter'Snals befre being casted by I
ii the Fijis. 0-7.
Your College Qo thing Store
vericy. The Palar firisherS
co-3eid.ers f their league and
reached the quarter-finals cf the
In the Fraternity ratings.
Alpha Ta.u Omega emerged fts
champion. The Taus sur
vived an eight team tournament
lo get the u&d. Phi Delta Theia,
leader for roost cf 11 year.
tna. ihe Jrhi ieJlf were beaSem 'er defe&ted !t.'hrw an a rrii
1 8-20 fcy the Taus in the tour- ! game by the Sig Ept. 7-. High
fey JitialE. points of Hie season were ocwa-
EarJdng behind these two pie cf gme$ during regu
carr Sina Chi in third. Sigma :j Jar seat.n while the low point
Phi Epsjlan in fourth, and Kappa locuused on tbejr defeat at lij.e
champion Delts during the regu
lar season.
Palaeers f ifth
Defending swen-mai cham
pion, Bmwn Palate, is the fifth i ff If ,f JC5JllJt Si-udent Hau
dependent standings. Behind the
Aggies came the Bengals in
fourth and trje Wheels an fifth.
In toe Demoniujiatiaja ratines,
f'olioiming Presby and Ag YMCA
ranked football team in 11 Una- ! and jg' Universily YMCA in the
five p-jfitjon.
The Fralerrjily "A" ratings
"aent as foilows: FoilJowing the
eaid at the season's frat A- rflavoff taumer. rrTcf ..i"
j - - " hjjca, wsjnii njj
Bnwn Palace, AJpha Tau Ome
ga, and Sigma JCu..
Fiji's la
Phi Gamma Delta enlered the
With or Without Imprinting
Also Christmas Letter Sheets
See this large selection
before you buy.
CtUtml Siitiitery Slcrc
215 North 14th Street
Here's rfce Ccmplete Works ... In One Cenvwh
iect Pockoge . . . Featuring Six Fomous trani$
Sigma rounding out the "Bee"
Delis Tau Delia stands cut tun
dipputedly as the niimher one
teinn cf the Universitr to the fi
nal J-M grid
vests -sun's wed five gr-ueltog con-
bands cf the Samrnies.
Alpha Tau Omega lea.ds 11
way in the conLd divitawj. fcold
in.g denna tl sarlh slot The
Taut, idefending chajjjps cf the
ilancLmgn. The 7iSJW ass''t raine-oiaaa play, ha.3
: ixjer cps ants owii au eabwi
tots in 11 pliivof'is' to taJce the : lalJ- phi "J1 Th151 ''
lop j;pcij for l!eps and rule as
Ii jyyG) AD-Urcreruly dara
pjun. High tpots for 11 Dells
were the 7-t caelum over it
City YMCA and Phi Delta Thrta
i 1 11 play of Is and 11 2fct roul
of a good Phi Kappa. Piii oulfjl
curing If. weaswn.. The or lyw
j:pot was the 0-2 iUackiaj(;
1kitb Sigma Phi Epsilwu.
City YMCA climhud trtjm e btiwe the playoffs an.d
rerts to the number tw.ii pfui
tiwj to the final rating.E. The
City Y boys bwai.1 a record cl
lawM.Tilall on all oac;aj.wrjs and
their orjly defeat came at the
baud cf si Phi Dells. The Ta;ui
were rarJked swurtd before the
Aiiother toeiepeideijt outfit a
jtuttrig to 11 fjn.s.3 number
jiea-en riolt'h. Srma Gamtria Ep
lakra earns Shit KptA majtsly
thit)ug33 their -flwKwjagt agatoit
the rumuernup Crty YMCA team.
Tl SJg Gam creppad the Vers
a -41 to their 3inl jnatcto and Iwl
out - an their asw.und ujewliu.
Thty J'euiajji aaa 11 exjtb j;pt4
2 .and oj of thot Iohm wai : ce3r it pjy3Mv.
.ajtto'eal:er to the ehiimpj.OTj i Sit X Eiefcife
DeJts to the final. This Ions plus
the ti-i(D wirj oi'er Sigma Gairiiiua
EpiiloH ff,ar 11 3hidepa(S.cajt
liampiwihjp were the lop it.h
rrMisrjis while D-1 al 11.
bctridi; ol 11 Sig Cams was tbr
!Uirk mvBxaA.
Tl Dells were ratd fyuitia
bcf.ure the played Is .and 11 Yers
wre icrjraled.
m DeJts Clixub
Phi Ddta Theta bold dons-ai
the number iHajtw jpyt The Phi
DellK, ra1d luarth betwe 11
pltiytjflX 3tojj.ld the iteasom
with a iiplujg.e thai i:arritid tbwa
toto 11 Jj-alfTOjly "A 3'mals.
T1jt wt tealtau by the cham
pion Dtill thw by a tltnu &-7
maj'gjtn, Lyvp fptts to 11 t:aHtm
Jior then) wve 11. 7-3 (defeats
by Kappa Sigma m the t:aa
or-'BTjer acud a (0-27 jiurprii by
Sigma Alpha EpKilun. T'.o vic
tories m-&r A2pha Oroef a
tup 3ljr icwiL
Pji-iciuj3y ffjj'nt-plikt Sjgma
Piii Epuilwu fmiia 11 ytau cm
th liumbeT rurig. The &ig
Eps boiut of H neisoni bert rwc
oj d to competition, an e-jghl win,
low; ikotiwuul. Thai iur lw:t,
a it-7 (dnnerbiw! iflwiEiua to Pli
Dlta Thela ik.epl libera to the
tourthi plane- Thiy boid orAe of
11 upots to 11 ffw
wdt, a iiCWU ILaJthbatrUng cf the
Holding fart tw the niuTiber
eiglil pcaatioa is Sigmu Ka. Tl
3Sja"s at one time tn-lebratsd teffl?
Ola top of tbe slaxjidtogs, bul
Hire lces somhi cbangad thtogs.
Tl 3Sai"s readhed 11 quarlT
fciaQs cf 11 frat "A" playoiis
tl(w bowing 6-12 toi 11 De'Jts,
Lowes this were tw the
De'Jts. Taut, and Phi D31s.
Pmiry Hcbm slips to at ntolla
pint. Tl Preslys, last yeaj"s
rurjxxr-njp outJil to seweswrnaa
ba'JJ, flwer ja&bealeni utjIjjI the
ih. Thtvy dlid, tiwwer, wnm or.
victory ower that sait YM te.aini
earlier is the year. That tcivre
was 14-t). Hjglb potol for the
Pretbys were two 14- wtos 4'er
11 Jffewjnaji Club and the lew
poiinl, tbejr otHy tas.
Ag YM KxUn
The Prenby iwq new. Ag Col
lege YMCA, pujhe to tsi rauind
iwut the lop aj grd teams this
year. Tl Aggies UaA to tt Caty
YMCA teajs to 11 AJ3-U sexrxi
finals. Their retiwd cf 11 year
was inol taw ilhowy. boal linear
jlarge to Bat jajcffii earaeid
then) the flenth rung. Ti
wj-ju crer Pr:iby was tbejr Ligb
pvml cf 11 year wbi3e a a
sanail It-11 lous to Kewxriaaa CDub
was U low pomt.
I.u 11 toflwifljaall raltofs. U
A"s CJ-.ub q.iaeaitid to at 11
ttumher Ihree rjxA to the 3.n-
'. 5- I -i--s jr-- 1
ll,. ry.L y,
j rwwiAwwr CWyc
j "0P:' ,.t
At the Amarind
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ksA All f Tits for 0f $65
MJir lie fang to i'mxtsa a aa
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classes the Staks4 Lvszce of
KcqakiMi Ua3 at Prcrxieauc Gyl
lje ii one cf ti farr3le places for
a reiidezvcas. At tie Stalest
Loasje, as ia college caicpns
lasts everj-wWe, a k-vsJy Wnle
f G)ca-Cc3a a3ajs n baxd far
tie pause tiat TtlreiLe Cose
J-ik Jor it etlher way ...bah
trzdtr.strij mtan ike same ihirti.
coca cota tcrrafa co- cr ustcoui
1 vri
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Yr ... lkt W real) a trmrp. We're r athrrefl Wrtlw H lb mij
farm for frml wear . . . ! ftk$e4 them at mm kr frke. Aa4
ImA! trr Imm a Imw hr4 aiaiwe ... a Wf4 yw"B wwnyiaa
fr fcr a4 4 Dm! mna lbi epportmit I awW a ocJa
form awtf! al awe, Sww prtt. Atk mr tt the rnTitft hm4 lTUr4 ahavt
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B the w, if you have dress shoes. . .well seQ jom the workj
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