The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Mondav, November 20 1951
f X
Ag Builders
Public Relations . . .
75 Workers
More than 75 Ag students have
signed up for committees in the
newly formed Ag Builders.
Jim Williams, chairman of the
program, who called the recent
membership drive "highly suc
cessful," said that Ag students
have shown much interest in the
new organization by signing for
the various committees.
Jean Vierk, Pat Acken and Jo
an Raun are in charge of the
first mass meeting of the Ag
Builders which will be scheduled
in December, At this time, all
Last weekend over 600 hih school students were on
the campus for the nineteenth annual Nebi-aska Press
association convention. All phases of high school journal
ism were covered in panel discussions and convocations.
Tours of the Lincoln papers, the campus and the school of
Journalism were provided. Awards were given for the
"best" in different fields. Friday afternoon almost a hun- ! persons who have signed up for
dred high school students edited a special edition of The j Ag Builders will be invited to the
Daily Nebraskan. The accent during the convention was j n-iee5lg-on
benefiting the high school journalists. uBa Tbe-"
But the convention went further than helping the ! ing nwde, Williams said, and will
delegates learn to write news stories. It provided an ex- ! be outlined at the mass meeting,
cellent means of advertising the University of Nebraska, i individual committee meetings
Allol r them were exposed .to .the University's activities lSV
and functions. They drank Cokes m the crib, worked m : meeting date will be made later,
the '"Rag" and Cornhusker offices, tourned the buildings j All students who did not sign
ana laboratory, watched the lootball game ana observed ! "P ir so phases i Ag omt
rnnwM stationt at tht fmversity, i now
in Australia aiw New Zealand dirwtins
Ih gwYwiucuon of a motion picture on
Grassland srKUliiar. Tli irip is made
PssiM by a prsni ti rniwrsisy
Knundation bj- H, C. r of Brandsn,
Colo. Knrout 1 o Ausira,, Pr . Bs fcr
ol--terved fjeuUur m Ui Hawaiian
islands. His o&srrvatioris folkvw.
many other aspects of the campus. For two days they : a :?J? i 01 lhls sll i , man m
were m constant contact with the Umversitw ! rr .-.v,;-,. . .....; ......
What will be the effect of this contact on their future ; dents interested in Builders work j canl and sheep ranges. sheep i Pff l,Zca IfaS
decisions to attend an institution of higher learning? It '.&Te urged, oy wiuiarow aiena production is of such small
(Ediior-s nt: rr. Wstvyi u bim j their first calves when thev are
wii dirwtor cf h Apricu!turl x- , , , . ... i,,:.
uiree ycisis uki u: if""1
season extends over the four
months beginning Dec. 10. Calf
crops vary from 65 to more than
90 per cent in different pastures.
No suplemental feed of any kind,
even salt, is fed.
The calves are weaned at seven
to nine months and are then car
ried on pasture until they are
ready for market at about 30
months. As they become ready for
market the steers and the heifers
which are not retained for the
breeding herd are topped out and
shipped by boat to Honolulu.
Here they are slaughtered and
beef sold on the local market.
Different Grasses
The pastures vary greatly as
to best season of use because of
variations in grass species, soils,
elevation, temperature and rain
fall. This permits year long graz
ing on reasonably good ranges
and this results in rather uniform
growth throughout the year on
the front of the cattle. Generally
the pastures are of mixed grasses.
Some of the bluestem. Italian
Livestock production does not
bulk large in dollar value in
Hawaiian agriculture; never-the-5
ess it presents some interesting
Ont of approximately 4,000,000
acres of land area, or about one
twelfth that of Nebraska, one
fourth is waste land. Another
million acres is devoted to forest
These are important in Hawaii
as they serve as water reservoirs
which provide much of the water
used in the islands. Because of the
nature of the islands, under
ground water is relatively unim
portant. About 2,000.000 acres are de
voted to agricultural production.
tlimiH W f.mwHi. fn-r o All iv, ,.,v the first mass meeting, mey win
v v r v v. v 1 j- 7 -V, I"""-" ruu" be given opportunity to sign up
Iisned for high school distribution is not as effective as : f0r committors of their choice at
one weekend spent "seeing lor yourself. Nothing can ! that time.
volume that it may be ignored
Important Oops
Sugar and pineapple produo
uun . mi V, ! other legumes also are grown,
ant crops grown in the ands j
brome grass, Bermuda grass and
Kentucky blue grass are amport-
j ant components of the dilierent
I pastures. White Clover, sweet
tJUitTJ, LUJJtT .'4 4.J JtT 4.4-4J, a4jv.
irmrATV wifh sctnal nHcAn-iitirin -f V, .ti- v, TTt,;,..;4.. Tlje expanded program of buu
1 - ' - . vw4 , 4WV14 V. 4iU, t44ii3 J14itCi4ilV - t . - . . ..j...- r,-..... ... ...w .
functions. : ders was rev,ea?fd recently oj occupying more than 90 percent
doubt the convention did help the high school jour- ; &tv EuiidS
malists. But it also rendered a valuable service tn th Five committees were set tip
University. Many of the delegates, given the opportunity xmdeT the dircctio,n ci Wlliams : ihat of pineapples and
to see what the University of Nebraska has to offer, might ! L n ' othfT cr aut .oo,ooo.
easily be persuaded to enroll here next fall. The COn- I The five committees are: mem- bJ. e diSii i ol fr are required.
, . . j-itiAi t xo.l.iu 11 nuu i f " ; - , m acriciajLuraj uruuui uiwj
of the cultivated land- la 3943
the value of the sugar produced
was approximately $100,000,000;
tion of the ranges the grass cover
is very good probably carrying
one cow per year on three acres.
Not all of the ranges are this good
and for the island as a whole, it
is estimated that about twelve
I said you may smoke, and smoke only. Mr. Noggin!
similar aggregations should be encouraged by everyone.
I publicity, tours and Ag campus; frujl. vegetable
I Sdies- : production are being encouraged;
Effigies Burned At Last Pep Rally
Friday night, the cheerleaders Following the yells, Potsy
led the pep enthusiasts for the Oark spoke on behalf of the
final rally of the 1950 grid sea- ; team. He said. "There are two
things that can help make a
A limited acreage of corn as , .
rallv for the Iowa State and
grown on the Parker ranch on
Doctors Seek Answer to Fossils Help
ClaiiHiilar Fpvpp Pio1iIaiii
Reports nuns
are being combated; -3 produc-
Fn J7lTirl lit fT 4 111 re bfir-P inducted.
ill 1 III II 111; V.H Livestoci and livet.ock pro
ducts were worth only $21,000,-
! ujhj in grass the previous year. .raJiy
adapted vanetjes are being de- . . 1 - ad Jor , Oklah
! team, the crowd and band.'
loma game. i .
Flalliers n et at 7:15 pro. an band, Corn Coos and lassels Jor
CNS. 4J41. 4c.i.o . n. t,4;.-i- 4i-jllm 4- haclHBr Ji4
lished ilf so that it supplies ! "t" ;J
afirfartrv rrs7jne. me .group ou.u r, s-u .44. ....4.
Some of the ranges on the ' P Ifith. The crowd proceeded
Parker ranch as well as on other ; amid fte ringing of the virtory
been invaded by DCIJ alJo auc-itj-.t-j-s nco.
Victory isgainst the army of , and rest .mong the disorders
diseases has been delayed by the ! n,, .,.4-
41.4.4,-v.4-v., 1,m 1,0,-4.
000 in Beef cattle accounted i jT,i-r.r,rin.u-fd . the cheerleaders.
for one-third of lh; .dairy cattle t Ly urnPn ' The ralliers stopped
ltviftt ir T-Y-m fi- nT.rt -Clflkfiri -CTaHTii11
appearance of the rival of the i , , "Ji-'" j Marine animals wnicn mta j ; d ptlultIT ae remaining one-
common cold, glandular fever. ; '""'" " "c ""' i ancjent seas and nagratea miaeiy , third.
Although known since 3889, no !Xtreroe exhaustion. ! acrfs the earth -were depicted; About two thirds of the beef
complete study has been made., i Pattern Xot Tj-pic! Maxim k. Elias, Univer- 'cattle marketed in 1949 came
Glandular fever has no typical ! : n!jleorjtowlst as nossing an ! principally from Australia
The actual cause is believed to
be a virus -which attacks
into the island as an ornamental The railiors st.oppea iro. a
Some of the cactus is utilized by
rle in advert ears but at- : Vine. A dummy representing
temptsre made to crad- . 3owa State and Oklahoma was
dcate or at least control it by the : sed info the fire.
introduction of insect enemies ,
fh artar-k-s in ...... .j, . , , r-- - . ,. m iiin as uit i-ai kctbi
. ,j u -r m npi'f nnmnnT T rl 'JT . J T . r-.,-. L- T7 rPTl f I .11 .- . .
cases of extreme exhaustion r . uiJUU" V.'.V "T " Z ; Hawaii group. Between one-tnira
twn; the soread i4" ever. it is normally i xo precis f, .c ! and one-fourth of 1
is not exactly known; the spread
of the .disease is another un
known. The flame of glandular fever
is nation wide. The disease seems
to be more prominent among xmi- Z"K'n- 1 : Tetr "of America, he pointed
JJlJi t I SerdSrtc ! -t .o hax-e been -
i are dmilaT In a .frHri hirt 1hP I customed Xo Od (: .
not a dangerous disease, for ical formation solely on xne ou,
complications are rare. Dr. PJch- I of the contained fossils,
lard Wilson Student Health said. Speaking Saturday m wash
! Diagnosis of a case of infec S rd fn-
iiniic mnr,r,T,niB:it ih uiial meeting of the iLreoiogjcai
the total pro-
Almosi 600,000 eggs of one of
these is being placed on cactus
u i-uv- iPr,.rt-4T irsmrTu this
duction came from .one ranch, the : -pminary reOTfe appear
Parker ranch located m the - . , . .. . ;m. iv,ai
northern part of the island.
CjLnrh 5mi4ageiDent
This ranch gives every evi
dence of being a well managed, f ,Mws
. jf ! -...... - . . -
r,T.omisine and at is possible that
several thousand acres may be
' rseclaimed in this way-
lack of as much chance to stop
una frn har-t many vears anc
tim is sick too Jong to permit ac- : 'nrfllora' v11-1-" - s- : 50 xsars it has been .developed , Theodore Jorgenfn,chair-
Its origin dates
f.. .. .. - w
id lor tne iasi ioiocie Honorary
Public Offered
G)llege Credit
By Extension
A survey conducted by the
University extension division,
showed that over 300.000 lessons
were handled by the division
Irom July, 1849 to July, 1950.
When !e Filter in Medico
Pipe or Cigarette Holder
modern :ari rf the University physics twins brown, threw a
beef -producing plant of some department, was guest speaker swoy wrth the micotme.
00,1100 acres jying at citvauui fjt a meeting m Sigma oammd nrt 4yice and tiofce
to .boou leet ana ui . Epsiion, honorary geologic xra- j, trapped. Intert
igixg from five to 320 terniTr. Tuesday night. t,v, t;iw r,
year. Some dairy pro- ; pdioacrtjvity as applied to the ,
..-A- rlMam am TITO- J... i.4-;, rA nclnirif jHiit.PC ,
pan ot tne biooa), causes a nun- j ,,"f Jlu H itrrbanees of the Educed but by far the greatest the theme of his speech,
chmg of red blood ceils taken :1;ea. .fS , nT.r.asis is on beef production. , s
from a sheep fff untain ranges as the i The pastures are well fenced M CHICAGO COLLEGE of
Bieea lens K.eairea i r., the Rockv inoun- ' with heax? posxs sei exutr
ceptance of this diagnosis. There conuaj. ...,, fl i svstemaxicaTJy
are two accurate ways to identi- i ln WJUt J-V , ;,
fv glandular fever. The first is to .ever, ne saio, xne w,"-
inspect the
I under a mi.
j is to determine
JJCIJt!) JJUmu J UIIl v LIJC W elLH V -wc .
The migrations were ut-uau.
wmte blood cens ioi uir ..44.444 rr-.---. - 3500
croscope. The second ! P "f "Z -in I rainfall rai
wnetner tne pa- , firm,tions. 'nehes pea-
rum (the watery odi.uig u.c k,b- - ------ . ,durtq
Shalluw Seas
Several blood tests are often ;
S required in order to determine!
: the presence of abnormal cells.
.Evelyn SplichaL supervisor of ';,, A' lKr, ,..,..1,, .. n, n-'n. ; ppnerallT thought to be charac-
the extension division, said the tw.w, V-;.. ! i.ristic of the United States are , .r,f Vhprn .-Ecwd 20.000 acres
fugure represents a typical year's (thrfe before the test is . actually found in tocs 01 crxuu , TJ tered largely by
gether .and generally with either
woven wire .or smoo-n -vire.
Citing evidence that fossils ; QarppV than would be consid
ered desirable in the states., as
work by the department.
positive. After the acute stage.
Extension courses are offered , when the presence of white blood and vice versa, ur. tuas . -j;
for anyone who wishes to gain 'cells and abnormal ones has the need ior Vd'B1Plf J.f
credits toward his high school or ; reached a peak., the abnormal ; dence irom fossils m " ,
college graduation or for the re- ceus begin to decline. ! the crustal changes -vl uth . wusea
i V..Tl,rr UtiUf tn rf'hb
.vf...., T? : i across the earth's suriace.
LJlili; tJLIUl (-.4 tii J ..1 14 4 CI J 4LV-4 4
newal of a teaching certificate as
is sometimes the case. The ma
jui-iiy i peop wuo uus.exiiee ;the .,v,rar,e fitUcler)t is th
uuJS. .uC duiua vvnu mi u !Te(.0VW.v. For some time
gain jwmm erowin or who i- tne acule ,.tuge patJt-nts feel tired.
were unable to obtain a degree,
Miss Splichal added.
Speed Graduation
However, some students on
on campus take one or more ex- night.
tension courses to gam credits or The -best known reme
to hasten graduation. There seems i this disease is plenty of
to be an increase in this number
lately since many males feel they
should get as many hours as poh-
geologic apes in the British isles, i.atT T,jpea fr0m the K.oholb
mountains in nurtnwesxern
Tiie cow herd consists of per
haps .9.000 well-bred Hereford
cows which compare lavordoi; m
cuality with the better oommer-
mainiana. a
d berd vi reE-
-, i- i-niti in prt
motions m wuernOkbtniuu , prart,caly afl 0j the bulls
in it. '(jniy
j xtS I the Sprmger senes ; i
wrirri out. arid unable to return
I immediately to their complete cft f n, of the arumals , the herd are produced
normal schedule. One may feel J'e the ancient owasionally is ahull
Y,uu :,i noon, when he is 'hK'h 1 e'J c I fm the K State
.... - which aeposixeo. u ,
accustomed to worK unxu nuo-
IKotionollT &ccditBd
la Outstanding CuIW
Sjlidil Prf -
Xntrcmoe Ttruirneirt akaTff
iiouis ni Libaroi arte 4dnt
Advcnoed tsmding CJrCBtfCi inr
oddiUDDCtl L. Sl. credits.
.Ta Out Start FcWuury 12
TjcDallextt clinical 4ncilitie&. Re
.cruotionol end cthietic octrv
Hieft. XornutorMs on omput.
apprcveri ior vetranfi.
LarnW Si.
GWju: 1 0- III
dryer, pvrer
hullw tuba
f tfmzfi ipecioltf tebcted imported briot Vj
Wide troriety 1 hap. With DC f her L
Alls fmni Medic "itondoriT...
Amrico' Oiti-toivding CoIIbt IJ
frank todu CnrrM Maidm 1
Candidate Officers
Military Ball
Saturdoy, December 2
1'M-kel KM Spelatr "5c
Gri Tivket froto Any A6 ijM-d
C'aArl r Stnarsl I xmii Booth
t,rt. si rrtrance mixture.
Because of the size anfl topog-
, 4. I Half erf the peceB are hiuu , r, rjatrtureE a high ratio
!d loTito fossite in the Prm:ylvanian S PJ t0 cP0t" r one to 1 5 ) is
ol rert iTm..rR vl0ve and the Mir.smsippian of built, to rs io e
under a doctor'E care. After re- i -t)eiow. But the other half ; imea. jne vv
eovery is under way. it will con- j -foreigners,-" being identical : .
tinue more rapidly if the student j ;jr (.1(mt.Jy related to species found ; curecxions across hdt is now the
eible in before being drafted. To !v-iU adiuirt his schedule to the ! iT1 thp -'Mountain" of : Atlantic .ocean
take an extension course when i amount of energy he has.
you are a university student, i rrver Study
uVdvLhraVe iiPPrVal Ul 1 student ' health center
your acivihtr. ci.,r,fi ., Kt.,,, .(,r irlandular fever
41 Tkitw-w -r.T-iTirMTilf.R 1iaAe a XiJciC-
Mii-sinpian ape m t,coxxunu. Jor
Path f Micratwrn , prtroleum ana natural gas,
Thic ciiweists that the changes ; tl.y,tP;n owilocists owe fossils
in level .of 'the .earth's .crust which , frc,m welj c.uttingE to identify the
extension division i.flll people haj lbe dim,a()P lo
were enrolled in the college divi- ; rt,a(.tions. The
""11B Kame y, Tv 4 '" 1 lart year. Whenever it is possible, j wd mort 0f the United States i k liiyt!rs mofit probably pro
000 lessons were handled by the , th ' ffiI1()W t,atitjll. who have hm,i i this time, al- ! .. .
' ' . , 1,U V.i ,V 4.-.. , - J V44..
una oul aouui . owe(j jyrig finallow sect, t.un
f tirnbUim has ! . x.. i;n .if iiuhix. to
sion Forty-eight were approved , b(,m Ftu, the health cwnttsr I vt 8 t,ath of migration for
py xne neuu -cu uuiuax ; v.jlh ttlt, ,.lU,i.e and city health amrnl,iK living in Scottish
tlepurtment m the University. ; depsirtment director!,, and it is j m.M utld nUowmg them to reach
Heaidencie Jiwiind , believed that the disease is con- i (.. ',tii.-ririr of North America.
A little later, typical Americans
forms .occur in the somewhat
younger rock formations in Scot
land, illustrating that the .criss
cross migrations .occurred in both
MitiF Sulichal adviHed those ; tanious. "Whether the glandular
who are interested in courses of- j fever is spread by means of f ood,
Jered by extension to remember i water., or coughing it is not
that one cannot graduate by x- j known.
tension, but must take the Just j Glandular fever is believed to
year's work in residence at the have been uk -common in pre
UnivBreity. Credits toward a B.A. j vious years as it is now, but it
degree may be secured through ' WUB n-(1t detected. In the first
extension; no .courses for M. A. ! utages of the disease a laboratory
credit are offered by the depart- j technician may not disc-over the
jnent. j abnormal cells if -unfamiliar with
One hundred-twenty courses I glandular fever, and pass it -over
were offered last year by tiie coJ- j as a case .of -the flu.
lege division and 144 by the j The original name for the clis
high school division. ; ease when diagnosed in Bng-
Dr. Entrte O. Broady is tlie di- ! land was glandular fever. The
xector of the University exten- name infectious motiormcleiosis
eion division. ' vas given the disease in Anwsnca.
BALL, DEC. 2nd
a Ktrodrful cirhl lo
look jour jre!ti-f4!
JItSL (Dotty VbbhaiJwuL
IntercoBegiote Press
Tt ZfXtf XitlmuKiui k BUIilWlmr toy tin nturtmitti at lt llnivuraity in
anuHw M apnMuin of tudiiu now uno iimmoiHi only Annomitie u. JU
ar ttm lv i Kovemiiit tuani puiilicutmim unci artmlniruonici ny tl aourti
if ninllMtlon. "U M tiw duuiumd iwliw ol thf Mubto ttmt nuiillotii.iw. uihIbt
to lutwauituin nli u Srm ltanj dllorlui niirliu ur ttw purt at turn BimiU
r on "t mi 04 ny memrmr ol th tmiiil'v ol tti- Iinivrlty tut mrntHn of
tix at Ttm XUr Mntmuikui wm iwronally rwremwIUw lor ui Umy v
or ad or euuw to la print Q.
utMnrtptloB TUttm am lrr nmMM, AS.BII pm nmrMUw nuilln. or far
'vneHtniiHi Bun .ramniimii"" i".""."
mM wtumuvi tuid wiinuny
oirrlnc tm mmtt, irt Aiiumrt by 1niyfrwlty .n .flimwn n in.rr
MMn ot tlir (.ommltt. m ti.(irt I'UlHIrBtliilw. touuma tm .m,n u.iHm
iw W . J.niMln. t.lmli. -uinlw Adt lit .).lllltr!, WllTrtll tt. 1K1II, BIIJI
w miMI n piur i.ri.vulnu t.rr In tiiiiii a Ilia. Ant irt rf-unsreM ol .Ofltulmr
A. 1UL1. juttliDTkMll IMpUinUmr JiU, 1I:'.'Z.
KAWv - time Bmmfly
imiiIii Kdlton " J . . " . . . . . iirrnin OtiUlihm, rry Vbttbu
twtn JutttoM J 1 .Jour Jirnt. limit AxtHll. htw !
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aiiao n HlUmtlutr
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Mtirm Lottor -...-.4
AiMHoty JCdttor
J'taMuAnininr ...
hi Jnjunurnr
WlgtA iSmra lidituT.... .. ..... ....
dudk ulimi, tOiiuOk HurnmlHtm, Bill) ltal"iiiilm)li
1 zk -C' .1
a JiuutifuL, Approval 1 !!; X. 44. .
Thurikiifriving Granting Cart. CC"" 'Zs'r
Gdldemrod Stationery Store iTm'. X-
21S IV'urlh 34ih Street NV fjf sS-.
L li I1 I f ' f V '
ri sr.B I si; 111 m
; I They to oagy ft j i ffi 1 j . ji
r'ST I lUf !nPW nerry . .thus If 'W i -l Wfl ill S itl '" A '. . 1
meti. You. too. to 1111 1 1 " ll W : jj j . .h I
I J energy, even ram- f j 1 Ji II V 1 V" M il
i ming teBsion-OT Borne S i tit f ill' i J I "(V
.other endeavor. Enjoy & M '7 M 1 t'. ! :
TtX3 I aGOODuwect the fih f 7 i 'l IB r; : ,
1 V On alf t culiepe iji: V
' V .f abT weryiliere. :g s..
T).ie mulitciry tall - - 4
iiiiit kn yo.ur
rustics and wialiet liie
flrjrfl- tv.Tth lavinlj Item.
A lufjlit .erf wliirlirig olor
.and iuta-v.cjJy ptisttid
Sc.? llac rfffTvcsiient xJiurro
itif tciur wcir.idcrf.ul co3'
lccxiun cf .dreaf In pretty
and jiamjier yua.
29.93 i 49,93
4hh ur ttin4 fkur
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t-.j -cn-:.r, -.i " M.t