The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Religion Week
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RELIGION-IN-LIFE WEEK Working on Reliffio n-in-Life Week plans are loft to right, seated:
Shirley MeClain; Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, general chairman of the program; Pat Wledman and Keith
Stephenson; and Ruth Trautman. Standing, left to right: Charles MacLean; Duane Dickerson; Bill
Mundell; Louise Cook; and Rev, Richard Nutt, executive secretary of the program. This group and
members of 13 committees are preparing for the week's activities, which begin Sunday and last until
Thursday, Nov. 9. Protestant, Catholic and Jewish students will all participate in the week's program.
Eleven nationally known speakeni will be on han d to lead students in convocations, discussions and
seminars, personal conferences, classroom discussions, bull-sessions and other meetings.
II Join Together
Protestant, Jewish and Catho
lic students at the University
will join together next week for
Religion-In-Life Week activities.
Starting Sunday, Nov. 5, the
day after Homecoming, the week
will feature eleven noted speak
ers who will be on the campus
to help load discussions, con
ferences, bull-sessions, seminars
and convocations which are
Distributed last night to or
ganized houses were copies of
a six page folder prepared to
acquaint students with the ac
tivities of the week. '
Included in the folders are
brief sketches of each of the
leaders, a message from Dr. G.
W. Rosenlof, who is serving as
chairman of the Committee of
100, a calendar of events and
Cosmo Club Publication
Presents World Opinion
"The N. U. Cosmopolitan."
publication of the University's
Cosmopolitan (foreign student)
club, is now on sale at the Union.
Featuring articles by students
from Korea, Afghanistan, Switz
erland, and Germany, the Octo
ber Issue represents a cross-section
of world opinion. Appearing
monthly, the paper is edited and
written by foreign students on
Front-page messages from Dr.
G. W. Rosenlof, Registar, and
club president Juergen Herbst
greet new students, buic-boon
Srh writes on the Korean crisis.
An Afghani comments on "The
Struggle for Asia;" Ariane Rey
mond describes student life in
Making Friends
"Making friends is a respon
sibility which each of you must
in a large measure assume,"
writes Dr, Rosenlof to foreien
students. "We hope that you will
take the occasion to tell them all
about yourself, and your people
and the land from which you
"In this time of severe inter
national tension . . . the work of
Student Houses
Have Weekly
Worshop, Fun
Cotner house, Christian Stu
dent house, are places where
tudents may worship and have
fun. The group holds meetings
every Sunday at 5 p.m. At this
meeting, students have vespers,
a discussion, snacks, and recre
ation. Cotner house has been sup
porting a DP student, Joe Klis
chuk, from the Ukraine. Klis has been living at the
Cotner circle, a discussion
group, meets twice a month for
discussion on various religious
problems. They also hold a party
once a month.
The big annual event at Cot
ner house is the annual Christ
mas formal. The house is open
at all times for students. Presi
dent of the organization is Dick
Fisher. Student director is Ov
erton Turner.
The Catholic student group is
the Newman club. The Newman
club holds monthly meetings fol
lowed by a dance or a party. An
other monthly event is the Com
munion breakfast.
Two big annual events are the
welcome and Christmas parties.
At the Christmas party the stu
dents exchange children's gifts
and send them to St. Thomas
orphanage after the party.
The Catholics also hold bowl
ing and skating parties and pic
nics throughout the year. They
are active in intramural sports.
A borrowing library of religious
books is available for student
use. .
Life Saving Class
To Begin Nov. 1
Any student who wishes to
take senior life saving classes
will have the opportunity to start
Nov. 1. The Red Cross College
Unit is sponsoring the classes at
the Coliseum pool from 7:15 to
9:45 p.m. '
A swimming permit from the
health center and a small fee for
Red Cross manuals and use of
towels are the only requirements.
All interested students should
contact Pat Wiedman, 2-6413;
Ruth Ann Sandstedt, 6-1113; or
Norman Strand, 5-8085.
Planners . . .
onsor fieliciion Week
other Information concerning the
week's activities.
Dr. Koo Convocation
Among the speakers who will
be present on campus are Dr.
T. Z. Koo, noted world states
man, who will deliver the .ad
dress at Sunday evening's con
vocation and Dean Charles E.
McAllister, who gave the Uni
versity commencement address
in 1948.
Leading the Jewish participa
tion will be Rabbi Simah Kling,
prominent Jewish youth director,
Helping in the Catholic program
will be Rev. Joseph W. Bollard,
who has formerly held parishes
In New York City, Brooklyn and
New Jersey.
Father Bollard will speak at
the 9 and 11 a.m. masses at the
Union on Sunday and at St.
our club becomes ever more de
manding," notes Cosmopolitan
head Herbst. "The experience of
our club has given us deep in
sight into the problems of inter
national living. At the same time,
it has shown us how these prob
lems can be overcome."
Korean Student Speaks
Suk Soon Suh, Korean grad
uate student, proposes the solu
tion to his nation's problems in
the paper.
"How?" he asks. "By offering
now the concrete pledge of na
tional freedom by the United Na
tions enforcing neutralization of
the Korean peninsula and
by undertaking the problem of
rehabilitation and reconstruction
of Korea by the United Nations."
"If a united, independent Ko
rea emerges out of this tragedy,
then Korea's sacrifices may be
justified," Suh concludes.
A brief for socialism for Asia
Is presented by Abdul Ayazi. In
his column he also blames imper
ialism for the trouble in Asia.
Ayazi says. "Asia has to follow
a socialistic pattern of life, other
wise she cannot catch up with
the advanced world. Internal
socio-political harmony, in Asia,
rests with socialism."
"By this I do not mean .....
Stalinism," he warns.
Ayazi goes on. "The present
extreme antagonism of the peo
ple of Far East against the
West is the product of deep
rooted interests of a few imper
ialists. That is why the West
finds out that politics are getting
more and more expensive in
terms of money value and man
Deits Smash
Delta Tau Delta's balanced
grid machine scored in every
quarter in their initial playoff
game Monday Night as they
smashed Cornhusker Co-op's
hopes 35-6. Keith Skalla again
was the big gun for the Delts,
figuring in four touchdowns and
five extra points.
The Delts' first counter came
in the opening minutes of play
when Elmer Vandel hauled down
a pass from Skalla at 20 yards
out. Skalla's pitch to Ray Mlado
vich for the point was good.
Cornhusker Co-op drove 60
yards on passes from Jack
Lliteras to Alton Wong and Bob
Hefflenger but was stopped when
Vandel intercepted on the Delt
.5-yard line. Three straight
passes from Skalla to Barney
Sprague, Don Woods, and Dick
Lander put the Delts on the ten
where Skalla fired to Lander for
the score. Sprague caught Skall's
toss for the point.
Three passes from Lliteras to
Hefflenger late in the first half
led the Co-op team to their lone
score of the game. An attempt to
run the ball over for the point
was halted by Delta Tau Delta's
strong forward wall, and the
score remained 14-6 at halftime.
The Delts controlled the ball
most of the time during the sec
ond half, scoring almost at will.
Bob Tooley fired to Mladovich
for the Delts' third T.D. and
Skalla passed to Harley Richard
son for the point, to climax a 60
yard thrust.
Richardson fell o.n a Corn
husker Co-op fumble to set up
D.T.D.'s fourth score of the game.
He received a Skalla aerial in
pay dirt on the following play.
Skalla then clicked on a pass to
Tooley for the extra point. Skalla
stole a Co-op toss and ran 35
yards to score Delta Tau Delta's
final marker. His flip to Chuck
Tremain rounded out the score
at 35-6.
Mary's Cathedral at 5 p.m. The
remaining Catholic conferences
will be held at the Cathedral
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday nights. During the
retreat weekday masses will bo
held at 7:05 and 8 a.m. in the
Committee of 100
The Committee of 100 has been
working for several weeks pre
paring for the week's participa
tion. Students at Ag college will
have a program of their own
which includes meetings and
Faculty members, under the
direction of a faculty commit
tee, will participate through fac
ulty seminars and faculty lunch
eons, One of the biggest undertak
ings of the week will be the
house visitation program sched
uled for Monday night. The el
even visiting leaders and pastors
and religious leaders from Lin
coln and surrounding towns will
meet with fraternities, sororities,
residence halls and dorms to
discuss the theme chosen for the
week: "What's the Score?"
"What's The Score?"
The "What's The Score?"
theme has included in it such
secondary questions as "What
Am I Going to School For?"
"How Does the Present World
Conflict Affect My Life?" "How
Can the World Be Made A Bet
ter Place To Live In?" and
"What Is It To Be Happy?"
Sponsored by the Religious
Welfare Council in cooperation
with the University Christian
Missions, the week aims to bring
religion to the students of the
Though the time scheduled for
the week's activities is the week
directly after Homecoming week,
members of the executive coun
cil believe that student suonort
will be at a high level.
"The University is happy that
it can exemplify through its
faculty and administration a
high regard for personal conduct
in the matter of moral and spir
itual values. It is also happy that
it can lend its support in many
ways to the student body in the
development of the campus con
ference," Rosenlof, chairman of
the week, stated.
Block and Bridle
Initiation Tonite
The Block and Bridle Club will
hold its fall initiation in the
Horsebarn tonight at 6 p.m.
Nineteen new members will go
through the informal initiation at
that time. A dinner will be served
in the meats lab immediately
after the initiation.
The Block and Bridle Club of
the University is a charter chap
ter of the National Block and
Bridle Club. New members are
initiated once each semester.
Among the activities sponsored
by Block and Bridle are the Jr.
Ak-Sar-Ben livestock show, the
annual livestock judging contest,
and the honor day banquet.
You'll b. buiy with th. bcb.f, oo-if you use your head -and
"Live-Action" Vitalis care. Give your topknot that famous 60
Sccond Workout" 50 seconds' scalp massage (feel the difierence!)
... 10 seconds to comb (and will the gals see the difference!)
You'll look neat and natural. Bye-bye loose, flaky dandruff and
dryness, too. So make it your business to get Vitalis soon at drug
store or barber shop.
Scents Should Suit
Girl's Personality
What honey Is to the bee, per
fume Is to the personality!
Deware, girls don't leave that
false Impression! Perfume and
personality go hand in hand
They should aim for harmony
and compliment instead of clash
and contrast.
With fall atmoHDhere in the
air, coeds begin to look for that
new scent to match both the lat
est styles and brisk weather.
Again comes the warning some
thing that every smart girl should
know. Don't pretend to prefer a
perfume because that ad screams
Swiss Student
Writes of Home
In Club Paper
Joys and work of students in
Switzerland is described In the
October issue of the "N.U. Cos
mopolitan" by Ariane Rcymond,
Swiss exchange student at the
Students have more freedom
and more responsibility in her
homeland, Miss Reymond feels.
Professors deliver lectures with
out taking roll; students may at
tend if they choose.
"Mid-term tests are not given,
the students need not study for
the semester provided they know
their examinations.
There are seminars the stu
dents are supposed to attend.
Once or twice a term they have
to bring up some work of their
own. They either make a lec
ture on a subject they have
studied or read nloud a compo
sition they have written. Their
schoolmates have to criticise
them," the Swiss girl relates.
Students in Switzerland attend
some courses and cut the ones
that bore them, Miss Reymond
notes. First year students at the
University devote more time to
enjoying freedom than to study.
They may join the student so
cieties. Family tradition most
often decides the fraternity one
Fraternity Colors
'Each fraternity has its col
ors, and the members wear caps
of these colors," she v rites. "At
least once a week, In the eve
ning, they have a meeting where
Ihoy work a little, discuss a good
deal, and drink a lot. When
they are excited, they go out and
ramble the streets, shouting at
the top of their voices and mak
ing lots of jokes."
"Sometimes the police have to
cut in, but they try not to inter
fere, for everybody knows stu
dents' jokes and enjoys them.
Only a few old maids mind their
shouting during the night and
try to pour water on them from
Ruth Leverton
To Show Slides
Dr. Ruth Leverton, chairman
of the University Nutrition re
search department, will show
slides on her trip around the
world Thursday, Nov, 22 at 7:30
p.m. in the Ag Activities build
ing. Pictures of the Ta.i Mahal,
scenes from the Holyland in
in Damascus and Jerusalem,
Istanbul, the Orient, the Hima
laya's, France, Italy and other
places of interest in Europe and
Asia are among the 150 slider
to be shown.
The public is invited to attend.
There is no admission charge.
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection" diaper service.
1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-8853
Ml J. and the
- Second Workout"
"Do you want men to obey you?"
An aroma announcing "one
woman told me that this is the
strongest perfume she ever used,"
is the wrong number, Take care!
Beware of Guarantee
That "most POWERFUL pcr
mume you ever used" lingo which
goes with the trial bottle In a
plain package complete wilh
money back guarantee should
fool nobody but the advertiser.
Why be hooked on a proposition
like that?
If first impressions are lasting,
the best advice to a woman for
winning that man or making
points with another woman is to
be herself. So let it be with per
fume as well. Perfume should re
flect the kind of personality its
wearer possesses.
Roommates Differ
It Is along the line of impres
sion that a girl's best friends can
play havoc with her. Just be
cause a roomie is sold on a cer
tain scent, that's no sign it would
work wonders for the other half
of the pair, Who knows? Maybe
one Is the young, lavender-floral
type whereas the other may go In
for that heavier sophisticated
The career girl type should
make her choice along the dis-
tinctive-yet-not-too- conspicuous
line. On the other hand, the light
flowery air should predominate
in the outdoor type.
Perfume Mistake
Calling all dynamic strong per
sonalities! Push aside those lighter
fragrances and go all out for those
intoxicating oriental odours. It
would certainly be a glaring mis
take for mother or grandmother
to bloom out with anything but a
sweet light floral note. However,
that smoky smell might be ex
cused if grandmother turned out
to be Marlene Deitrich.
Even though Black Satin,
Chanel No. 5, Woodhue, Indis
creet, and Tigress rank high in
popularity here on the Nebraska
campus, make sure it's YOU be
fore you do any dousing.
Too Much Perfume
When dousing is mentioned,
the question of quantity comes
up. Needless to say. one extreme
is as bad an another. At this
point comes a final bit of advice
Nothing is objectionable ap a
woman who floats in early in the
morning recking as if she had
emptied a whole bottle of Chanel
No. S on herself
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
flutter 5...?HE
fir- tr"
J- :i - r4 Sgfcp
"I gnu the
non-talkative baby ... but one look at his "literary leanings" tells you
that tests don't buffalo him. 'Specially those tricky cigarette tests! As a
smoker, you probably know, too, that one puff or one sniff
or a mere one-inhale comparison can'i prove very much
about a cigarette!
Why not make the sensible test the 30-Day Camel
Mildness Test. You judge Camel mildness and flavor
in your own "T-Zone" (T for Throat, T for Taste)
. . . for 30 days. Yes, test Camels as a steady
i smoke and you'll see why ...
LIotq People SmEf e Carols
fhsssi any other eigssreflo!
W inning Skit
WW, u
GOOD KNIGHT, IRENE The prize winning skit, at last Friday's
Coil-Agri-Fun, was given by Farm House and dipicted a "fight
to the finish" between Tom Lambert and Eugene Heurman. An
nouncer Roland Reynolds looks on from the left with Linus
Vrbka as referee, Jim Weber in the background, was "the crowd,"
and John Wilkinson plays the fair young lady who is being fought
Counselors Plan
Nov. 15 Dinner
The Co-ed Counselor dinner
climaxing the first 6 weeks of
University life will be held in the
Union ballroom Wednesday, Nov.
15, at 6 p.m.
Tickets will sell for $1 per
plate. They will be sold by the
coed counselors starting Tuesday.
The "Big Sisters" will contact
their "Little Sisters" for the oc
casion. The dinner will feature a fall
theme. The annual style show will
take place after the dinner for
entertainment. Members from the
HOtJSKKKKPINO roomn for men. An
illnlrlct. l'lcnmnt aurruundhiKH, cou
vonlPW. telephone, glirage, Rrocery store.
bUHen. 8-H1A1.
O St.
KXPKHT pipe mid lighter repairing, (luirk
nervlre. HrliHBrtrnmn'ii, ;43 O Ml.
or EVERY ocraiion,
Itirthday and all the rent.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 Nonk 14ih Street
answers .. .but I wasn't
Lhe debating team couldn't make much
Tuesday, October 31, 1950
. . .
organized houses will model the
clothes from down town stores.
Participants will be announced
at a later date.
The committees for the coed
counselor dinner arc: General
chairman, Mary Hubka; decora
tions, Wanda Bott and Hnttl
Mann; ticket sales, Doris Chris
tiansen; style show, Jean Loudon;
publicity, Nancl Debord and
Marie Mangold.
Nebraska Book
Paul's Platter Part
with Paul Jcns-n
P. M.
use ol this
J ; ; '
5 M
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