The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Tuesday, October 31, 1950
Two Honored . .
I D KJ IE, I I i
I 1 , 1 I
U t
Five Minutes
The scene: It's 10 minutes to the hour; the next class
is on tne otner siae or tne campus; the students are eyeing
their watches and shuffling their feet; and the instructor
nas just reacnea tne mgn
ally needs a little further
We are glad to say that
minority of the instructors
resemoies ine sermon aenverea Dy tne preacher to the
members of the congregation who couldn't quite make it
on that particular Sunday. The instructors this is aimed
at are probably too busy preparing their next 59 minute
lecture to take the time to read this.
We admit we've never stood in front of a class with a
bit of material of bombshell significance which we feel
must be presented during that particular lecture. But we
have sat through a number of classes where the instructor
has wasted a good portion of the alloted 50 minutes, and
then tinaiiy gets his "second
J.-iauiu,y, ub mum iuau
wane into your next class
i aianx get out or my last
planation you're often the
you'd get out of bed a few
Furthermore, if there
be presented that it just can't wait until the next class
why not move it up to the front of the agenda, rather than
saving it for the punch line, when every student has one
foot pointed toward the door in a vain attempt to reach
his next class on time ?
Just one more plea.
moving on to their next class drifts m through the win
dow, and your students start
not take a quicK squint at your own please!
"Reprinted from the Iowa State Daily."
Music, music, music, Have you
ever stopped to think of all the
different kinds of music that has
infested the American way of
life? If you will stop to think it
over you will
come to rea
lize that there
are many dif
ferent types.
Of course, no
one enjoys all
the variations,
but enough
people like
some of the
different kinds
to keep each
type popular.
Today there Epstien
are many vocal groups that are
hit recording artists besides spe
cial vocal groups. No band of
any fame is without at least a
half dozen songs that have a vo
cal arrangement The man who
Is mainly responsible for choral
arrangements going over to well
Fred Waring's great musical
organization needs no introduc
tion to the student body. Wheth
er you enjoy classical, semi
classical or popular songs you
can enjoy Fred Waring and his
Pennsylvanians. Fred first gained
fame with his glee club in the
atres, recordings, and the motion
' pictures. Waring's basic theory
in choral arrangements is mak
ing each word understandable.
With good reason Waring is
projd of his staff, most of whom
are developed from the ranks of
performing musicians. The
Pennsylvanians have on records
a huge variety of songs, from
pop tunes to spirituals. Songs
under Fred Waring's direction
that you will enjoy are "That
Old Black Magic," "Nutcracker
Suite,w and "Ave Maria."
Although Dixieland jazz has
never hit a peek in the Midwest
as it has in the East, South,
West and Northwest 4t is still in
the eyes of some, great music.
Mysic of this type will never
die. It may fade away for a time,
but it will never completely die.
Dixie will always come back
with new vim, vigor, and life.
I recommend that if you don't
like Dixie you give it another
chance and see what it has to
offer. One of the best ways to
give this Jazz what it deserves
is to listen to "Red" Nickols and
his "Five Pennies."
. When the greats of Dixie are
being discussed over a circular
table the name of LORING
"RED" NICKOLS will pop up as
often as the waiter who gets a
cut of the tab from his employ
er. If you have ever heard "Red,"
but never seen him, you might
picture him as an older man.
However this is not the case.
Nickols is in his early forties,
and he looks even younger.
"Red's" records are many, and
most of them are known as col-
Jhsi (Daily Yls&Aa&huv
Intercollegiate Press
m Dally Nebraakan la publUbW by Uia atudenta ol tht University of tit
eraaka aa erpreealon of atudenta' oewa and oplnlona only. According to Aitlcl 11
eowning atudant publication! and admlnlatand by tha Board
trf Publlcatlona. "It la tha doclared policy of Uia Board that publlcatlona. under
tit juriadlction abal ba fraa from editorial cenaorablp oo tha part of the Board
L0!.'2 VaLot 1? "If?""0 '"""J' OnlTaralty but membera of
t ataff of The Daily Nebraakaa are peraonally rwponalble for what tha aai
or do or cauae to ba printed.
StihaerlpttMi mta ara IJ.JO per' lemeiljr,
'.t'-i -V"" oc. rtiDiianea dally during tba nehool
fmr apt Satordaye and Sundaye, vneatione and examination prrtode and one
himm dlrtna tba month of Anmut by the University of Nebraska under the saner.
Viston of ti committee m Student Publications. Entered as Heron d Clasa Mrtter at
r" , . unoer net of tkinrress, Mareh 3, 1870, and
pwnacma; conora
Yaw Cdltoro Joan
K?orM Editor
Ass't Brorta Editor ,
AC KdKor
V-" rmar ,
I'wse Manazer .......
t R'liiness Manager!
K ""'mini, Mnrer
4Mt Lews Editi
More . .
point m his lecture, which natur
this editorial is aimed at the
on this campus, as it probably
wind" just as the hour is up.
a, mue annoying 10 nave to
late with no better excuse than,
class on time." With this ex-
victim of a look that says, "If
minutes earlier this wouldn't
is something so important to
When the chatter of students
shaking their watches, why
Others Quiet
While Student
Keeps Dozing
Shades of Rip Van Winkle!
One Cornhusker will remember a
recent lecture for a long time.
It was midway through the
hour when a head which had
been bobbing back and forth all
period came to a complete slump.
The student who had tried val
iantly to keep awake had finally
let fate take its course.
As it happened, a pledge broth
er of the dozzer haprjened to be
sitting beside him. With a fiend
ish gleam in his eye, the fellow
pledge whispered a request to all
of the surrounding classmates.
The plan was to allow the stu
dent to sleep.
When the bell rang, the pledge
brother again begged everyone
to keep from disturbing the
dozzer. As the students left the
lecture hall thev took one last
glance at the peaceful one.
Chuckles filled the air, but the
sleeper dozzed on. All eyes were
focused on the lone figure slump
ed over one of the seats in the
center of the room.
Finally, a third pledge brother,
who had lust come from a dif
ferent class in the same build
ing, discovered the situation and
promptly woke his semi-con-
cious friend.
Geology Society
Plans Initiation
Siema Gamma EDsilon. seoloev
honorary, will hold their formal
initiation Wednesday, Nov. 1. 8
p.m., in Morrill hall.
The new pledges are: Arthur
Anderson, B. W. Brown, Recco
H. Castelland, Robert P. Chaney,
Wendell Cole, Dale D. DeVries,
William J. Hunter. John Juilfs,
Raymond Marvin, Bill Burkman,
Raymond Douglass and Jerry
Other pledges are: William
Green, Charles Hays, E. R. Holm,
Charles Hyatt, Robert Munger,
Edward Robinson, John Rollins,
Joseph Siegmund, Don Slama,
Lester Stephens and Richard
Union Schedules
Dance Instruction
Don't be a wallflower because
you can't dance. Take advantage
of the dancing lessons which will
be given Oct. 31, from 7 to 9 p.m.
in the Union ballroom. Profes
sionals from Arthur Murray's
studios are the dance instructors.
This is the fourth in a series of
six lessons. The results of the last
three sessions have proved very
favorable according to the dance
committee, but there is a need
for more girls. Anyone interested
is urged to come.
lector's items. For that real
Nickols Dixie jazz, hear "Love
Is The Sweetest Thing," "River
Boat Shuffle," and "Glory Hal
lelujha I."
That's all, Paul.
3.SO pet eemeeter mailed, or $3.00 for
ftrura Heimedy
Norm Chnbbnek, Jerry Warren
E meter. Kent axtell, Betty Dea Weaver.
Glenn Koeenquiet, Tom Blsche
.....Bill Mundell
Bob Banks
Jmt BaJei
Bex Mesaeramlth
Joan Van Valkenburc
Boa EW
Ted Randolph
Cohen, Chuck Bnrmeliter, Bob Belchenbacb
Al Blesslna
Ret Mesaersmlth
kamp of Beatrice have announced
wi wit;! uoujsuia
Fall Social Season
The wedding of Patricia Holm-
quist and Glen Anderson was
solemnized Sunday evening, Oct.
22, at the First Methodist Church
at Oakland.
The bride wore a white slipper
satin gown with Chantilly lace.
Long, fitted sleeves ended in
points over the hands, and a
yoke of illusion designed the
princess bodices of lace. Beneath
the deep peplum of lace, the full
skirt of satin tapered into a long
train. A halo band of softly-
shirred illusion caught at either
side of the head with cluster of
pearlized orange blossoms held
her illusion veil. She carried a
white prayer book ornamented
w"n " "se gay or stepnanotis
and white feathered carnations,
Bridemaids were Joan Peden,
Gwen Harding, Marily Holm-
lust, and Martha DeLong. They
wre identical gowns of satin
and carried bouquets of bitter-
sweet, ivy, and lemon leaf foliage
The bride is a member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma and P.E.O.
The engagement and approach
ing marriage of Betty Lou Wels-
kamp to Robert H. Bennington
was announced Sunday,
Miss weiskamp is a member
of Tassels. Mr. Bennington is a
senior member of Sigma Nu fra
ternity and Kappa Alpha Mu,
photography honorary.
Tall baskets of white gladioli
and greenery decorated the alter
at Trinity Lutheran Church at
Walton for
the marriage of
Sharon Lee
Kemper to Jack
At the double double ring cere
mony, the bride wore a gown of
bridal satin made with a fitted
basque bodice buttoned from
neck to waistline with tiny satin
buttons and mandarin color. The
bouffant skirt had small bows of
satin at intervals in the front and
ended in a wide court train.
Her two tiered fingertip veil
of imported bridal illusion was
fastened to a tiara of seed pearls.
She carried a crescent bouquet
fashioned with chrysanthemums.
Mr. Sauder will graduate from
the University in January.
Kathleen Virginia Seacrest and
Walter H. Davis are engaged and
planning a wedding in November.
Miss Seacrest is a Kappa Delta
and Davis is in Gamma Lambda
and was a drum major at the
Phyllis Jean Ross and Charles
Thomsen were married at Grace
Methodist Church on Sunday,
Oct. 22.
The church was decorated with
white gladioli and greenery. The
wedding gown was made of ivory
toned brocaded taffeta with an
Elizabethan point at the waist
and a narrow skirt caught with
fullness at the back and ending
in a train.
Both Ross and Thomsen are
graduates of the University. The
bride is an AOPi and the groom
is a Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Jeanne Kerrigan and Walter R.
Mete, jr., are engaged. They are
planning a December wedding.
Miss Kerrigan is a Pi Beta Phi,
a Mortar Board and past editor
of The Daily Nebraskan. Metz is
a law student, a member of Phi
Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Phi.
Colleen Marie Rankin became
the bride of John E. Fleming: at
St. Mary's Cathedral in Sioux
Falls, So. Dak.
The bride chose a ballerina
length gown of Chantilly lace
over satin. The lace-fitted bodice
was designed with a net yoke
topped with a small lace collar
and had long tapering sleeves.
The bouffant skirt was of dou
ble net over satin. Her double
tiered veil of French illusion was
held by a tiara of seed pearls.
She carried a bouquet of yellow
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming are both
members of Delta Phi Delta, art
Joan Farrar and James H.
Swanson were married Wednes
day evening in a fall wedding at
Westminster Presbyterian Church
in Lincoln.
White chrysanthemums and
tall white cathedral candles
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrv KwTTcT
the engagement and approaching
who 19 a universiiy stuaent.
formed the background for the
wedding. The aisles were dec
orated in the same manner.
Miss Farrar chose a gown of
gardenia toned satin styled in
the princess mode. The high
neckline was made of the same
shade of beaded lace. From the
waist, the train of the gown ex
tended to aisle width. Her veil
of imported tulle was the same
length as the train.. She carried
white orchids for her wedding
Miss Farrar was a Kappa Al
pha Theta, and a Mortar Board,
and Swanson a Sigma Alpha
Jim Phillips and Arlene Eis
man eloped Oct. 21. They were
married in Tecumseh. Phillips is
a senior member of Delta Chi
The engagement of Bernice
Smith to Wayne Lubke was an
nounced recently. Miss Smith is
attending Nebraska Wesleyan
and Lubke is a junior at the
Retail Sales
In Nebraska
Show Increase
Retail sales in Nebraska in
September show a substantial
gain over the same month a year
ago, judging from a spot check
of eleven counties of the state.
The Business Research depart
ment of the University of Ne
braska College of Business Ad
ministration reported Friday that
all of the 11 counties regularly
surveyed each month showed re
tail sales gains over the same
month a year ago. Only two coun
ties tested, Antelope and Frank
lin, showed a gain in September
this year over August.
September retail sales in se
lected Nebraska counties:
Above Above
or under
County Sept., '49
Antelope 25.5
Cass 22.5
or under
Aug., '50
Chase 11.1
Dawes 6.0
Franklin 6.5
Grant-Hooker 27.6
Kimball 40.0
Pawnee 192
Thayer 21.2
Valley 7.9
Buff Frosh-Sophs
Hold Tug-of-War
The annual tug-of-war to de
termine whether the fresh-nan
will continue to wear their
beanies or not will be held on
the Colorado campus following a
float parade.
There will be two tugs-of-war,
one between the freshman and
sophomore women and the other
between freshman and sophomore
Fiye races will also be held for
women who want to compete in
field events. The races this year
win follow the "C. U. Knight's
Return" theme with white charg
ers, jesters and heralds taking
Part Time Jobs
Open to Students
More than 50 part-time jobs
are available for University male
studants. v
Those interested in the jobs
should inquire at Room 209
Administration building. Included
are jobs in selling, manual labor
and part-time jobs in exchange
for room. In addition, there are
openings for waiters, stock boys
and bus boys.
According to Myron Cavender,
head of the University employ
ment office, students may apply
any time during the year. When
a student applies he is given an
introduction card to the em
ployer. The most we give is the least
they need. Give to AUF.
an 5 wme
By Joan Van Valkenburg
Huskers really turned out Sat
urday to cheer Nebraska on to
Chuck Sagff&u lead the parade
in his convertible from the sta
dium. Seventee Nebraskans
either sat, stood or hung from it.
Phi Psi brothers had a lunch
eon Saturday noon for their
Cornhusker guests. A dance was
also given after the game. Among
those attending were Dick Kuska
and Marcta Adams. Other visiting
Phi Psi's were Larry Anderson,
Jerry Fenton and Dave Noble.
The ATO chapter also threw a
big party at Trudy Mayfair's.
Attending were Fig- Flag and
Donna Burley, Ted Randolph and
Burdette Pecka, and Rod Rica's
and Marcia Pratt.
Bill Pomroy and Pokey Berg,
Bob Foote and Sally PInney cele
brated the victory at a dinner
and a dance at the Dynamite in
Kansas City.
Delta Chi's at migration went
to Kansas City, Mo., to take in
the sights of the big city. Sight
seeing were Harry llayward and
Al Prang. Joe Neil and Kathleen
Dodsen went dancing in Topeka.
Migration was in a convenient
Elace for Gene Engle: his steady,
ois Mather, lives in Kansas City.
Ray Quackenbush and .Doris
Welles doubled with them after
the game.
For those who came back from
Kansas U. via Kansas City and
St. Joe, Hank Lammers, ATO,
was the perfect host. He enter
tained fraternity brothers, their
dates and others at a cocktail
party at his home. When guests
arrived, they were served a buf
fet luncheon. Guests arrived from
1 p.m., to 5 p.m. and enjoyed
themselves in southern hospital
ity on the patio.
Furnishing entertainment in
the way of uke music on the mi
gration train were Barb Young
and Barb Wiley. Others journey
ing home on the train were Mary
Pitterman and Bob Mosher, Nanci
DeBord and Leon Pfeiffer and
Rob Raun and Eileen Derleg.
Towne Club went "western"
last Saturday night. Their party
was held at Antelope pavilion.
Cleverly decorated, the room
featured dancing in The Palace,
and card playing in the Dry
Gulch. Refreshments were served
in the Wet Gulch. The chaperons
kept order dressed as sheriffs.
Janet Carr and Willis Krager,
Ruth Hiatt and Wiley Vogt. Pat
Conway and Ivan Allen and Mary
Gilmore and Pete Kessler at
tended costume festivity.
Corky Clore from Lincoln was
the week-end guest of Katy Wal
ensky in Sioux City.
Hunting at Diane Smith's home
in Spalding this last week-end
were she and her pinmate, Dick
Love Hall gave a Halloween
hayrack ride last Saturday night.
Those on the rack were Elinor
Erickson and Gervase Francke,
and Dick Steven and Roscanne
Liz Olsen's pinmate, Dick Dun
nuck was her house guest at
Bloonficld this last week-end.
Bob Rogers also spent the week
end at the home of his pinmate,
Joyce Griffiths, in Beatrice.
Bull el in Board
Scarlet and Cream will meet
in Room 308, Union, at 12:30 p.m.
Phi Chi Theta; no meeting
this week.
Part-time employment avail
able; inquire Room 209, Admin
istration bldg.
AUF divisions board meeting;
7 p.m., Room 309, Union.
Program committee meeting
for Religion-in-Life week; 5 p.m.,
Theta Sigma Phi group pic
ture, 4:45 p.m., west stadium.
UMOC candidate cards in to
day, Jackie Hoss, 1545 S St.
Kosmet Klub workers meeting,
7 p.m. Those unable to attend,
contact Ted Randolph at Rag of
fice. Wednesday
ASME meeting, 7:15 p.m.,
Room 206, Richards lab; Bernie
Lindstrom to present student
paper; business meeting.
Fraternity directors of Kosmet
Klub Fall Revue, 5 p.m., stage of
Senior Red Cross life srving
class, 7:15 to 9:15 p.m.; register
today with Pat Wiedman, 2-6413
or Ruth Ann Sandstedt, 3-1113.
When the Filter in Medico
Pipes or Cigarette Holders
turns brown, throw it
away with the nicotine,
tars, juices and flakes
it has trapped. Insert
a freih Filter to get
cooler, cleaner.
not intra
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hollow tubes
Pipat of specially talectad Imported
Wide variety of shapes. With 10 filters... .
Alio Frank Medico "Standard"...
America's Ovlttonding Dollar ($1) Pip
Frank Medico Cigarette Holders 1 & 2
4- J
m ,m oil
L i i'lf:. ris;,:;; ; I
HONORED AT LUNCHEON Elsie Ford Piper (left), former Uni
versity assistant dean of women, and Mary McNamara were hon
ored by Nebraska Association of Deans of Women and Adviseri
of Girls.
Adviser Group Honors Piper,
Elects Johnston President
Elsie Ford Piper and Mary
McNamara, long time members,
were honored Friday noon at a
luncheon at Ellen Smith hall by
the Nebraska Association of
Deans of Women and Advisers
of Girls.
Miss Piper is former assistant
dean of women at the University
and Miss McNamara is principal
Sooner9 Students
Boycott Cleaners
"Saggy Sooner Days" was the
title of a boycott staged by
Oklahoma university students
when cleaners raised their prices
last week.
Spotted, unpressed clothing is
the rule until a settlement is
made. The response to the proc
lamation was tremendous.
Greeks and independents joined
forces to put pressure on the
After six days no settlement
was reached but one operator
was quoted as saying he was los
ing money and "didn't want to
see it (the boycott) go any fur
ther." He said that several other
cleaners felt the same way.
Pat Phillips, editor of The
Daily Oklahoman, wrote: "Per
haps the picket lines that form
in front of the cleaning estab
lishments will make them real
ize that OU students aren't about
to quit fighting."
He added that the student an
swer to the situation was still
the same "No cleaning, which
only time will change to no
NU Mcds to Meet
On Wednesday
Members of the Nu Med so
ciety will hold their second
meeting . of the year in Room
316, Union. Wednesday, Nov. 1
at 7:30 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Dr.
Floyd Rogers, a Lincoln physi
cian. His topic will be "Diabetes
and Its Effect on the Human
Pre-med, pre-nursing students
and lab technicians may attend.
Those desiring membership in
the society will have an oppor
tunity to join at this meeting.
if '
I i
of Omaha Benson high school.
,At the election of officers foE
lowing the luncheon, Marjorte
Johnston, dean of women at the
University, was named president,
She succeeds Hope A. Rees,
Dean Johnston was in clwge
of a discussion of the association
and its objectives at the morn ins
business meeting. Participating
were: Helen Snyder, University
assistant dean of women; Grat:e
McLain, counselor, South high
school, Omaha; Helen Robinson,
counselor, North high school.
Dr. Frank Court, pastor of St.
Paul Methodist church spoke on
the topic "A Dipperful of Stars"
in the morning.
Speakers for the afternoon
were: Dr. Arthur A. Hitchcock,
director of the junior division of
the University; Woodrow W.
Reed, guidance consultant, junior
division; Vernon R. Persell, as
sistant, and Willard Nelson, in
structor jn educational psychol
ogy and measurements, Univer
sity Teachers college.
Topic for the afternoon was
"The personnel profession, its or
ganization, goals and workers."
GI's Know Answers
Before Taking Tests
The army classification test,
complete with answers and
scores, is published in Novem
ber's Liberty magazine, which is
now on the newstands.
And prospective serviceman
may see the test he is going to
take before he takes it. Each man
may test himself, determine his
own score, and perhaps do better
when he takes it again. .
1 to 3 Day Service
Expert Workmanship
9 Guaranteed
Electronically Timed
Bette's Gifts
& Jewelry
Located in Nebr. Book Store
Rayon satin
Sixes 7-15
Second Floor