The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Wednesday, October 25, 1950
A Reflection . . .
To many people throughout the country, fraternities
have incurred the reputation of being snobbish, undemo
cratic institutions whose main interests are concentrated
on the social aspects of college. Various magazine articles
within the past few years have depicted a fraternity man
as a student void of educational desires and conscious only
cf his own little group.
Men connected with fraternities have been concerned
about this stereotyped description of organized houses.
Most of them have attempted to remedj the situation by
correcting some of the admittedly bad points of fraterni
ties. Some of these remedies have been shown in the estab
lishment of scholarship funds by various fraternities for
University male students who are in need of financial
assistance and who are doing satisfactory scholastic work.
These scholarships are not limited to fraternity men but
to any student who cm meet the requirements. The scholar- fac that times of relative pros
ship fund established by Phi Delta Theta fraternity with EVl? VJll
. , rTT . . . ... . , J est. it is perhaps equally true
the Lmversity Foundation is a recent example. that such times tend to favor the
The action of these fraternities serves a two-fold incumbent, no matter how little
purpose. First, and most important, they wish to help contribution to that prosper
those students who have need of financial assistance to g, tT to geSi fi
complete their education. Secondly, they hope to erase tude. As a consequence elections
some of the feelings that fraternities are entirely social- become the function of the faith
conscious. ! ew WR0 have a peculiar de
The establishment of these sc bolarships will reflect on S,!
the entire fraternity system and should do much to raise ity.
its reputation.
To the Editor
This carr.pus has just pariicipated in a Crusade for Freedom
nd a celebration of United Nations Week. The opportunity tes
row con for Uidvere ty student and faculty to actually demon-
sate the beliefs they profess to bold for Eection Day is Nov. 7.
Any c-zea woo is 21 (by
ballot a ballot which will express
cer his belief in democracy.
The electjoa oommissccer,
...... .
to provKSe tae mzonaauon Eecessary for registration and voung.
QaaTififatiops: By election
zesaaence xn i eorassa asa lony
Iizscoln Readerts: It is recessarv thai tou be reei5tered
If you have coce regisiered since
changed your name yoa need not
Oct 27. You may register at
(1C2 Trust BcDdirg, lOSh aad O
to 9 pa
HuskesriD. residents do cot
at C EsskerriHe preciacts.
Absentee Voters: Those cf
yowr legal residence may apply for an absentee ballot absent iZpEs cf l.r. Peterson. I. enough hitherto to be toler-
voter rs to be coed to registrar Jt make your 1 1 r 21 Se?
applieatiaa in wr.t.g with yea- sigaatiae, name, home, address the most rotes. Both are running j; state, cf whom there are a good
aid mailing address. If yoa live in a town over 7,009, address " their records the Governor ly number.
your application to the City Clerk otherwise to the Coimtv Clerk ' basis of bis two terms ia j Next week we shall survev
cf your parties coanry. You ceednt kaow his tame. You mast iLic'sVrrtcV ta t rcesl7 X1ious 's orl
pp!y fsr aa absestsee ballot by Nor. 4. It most be retaraed aad '
postmarked Dot later than 2Cor. 6."
Reserve, Guard ArUsts GuiId. .
pi. p. To Hold Exliihit
Jl OllCy VFl eil I The Liaccla Artists Guild wi3
-j-k -i w f 11 I bold its aaaual exhihitaoa Nov. 5
Xy illa.rSll3.ll I through 2, Duard W. Lag.r.g,
J " hei cf the Art oepiitmieat, aa-
Aoaifa Vfy a3 the tiUijaL lyt
3TMd forces to i&S&w sa recauj- ,i . - .
ia reserrss to active duty has 1 Tt a-Ntbriika thew
been cfiSerei by SesTetary of will cjea Soiiidiy afteraaoa with
Defease KarshaH. a receatkxs Ijt all exiihitag art-
The same policy wouU h&ld ,, Normaa Getke. --'-- ci
tir rAtyr.fl guard umit. a 5e- iwtor Uainerctr rilleriek.
parimer.t spcikesaaa ssj-sL jj m-sll gfre a talk cm the exhibition ,i 10 Mist
The aew move is iateaSel, "' duriag th ntoetoa. ;; Str.'jr.g
7ifanrtatTl taji, c&nTe tie I The galkmes are cpea Suadcy Ea-iih ia
isaceraiaty with whidi both the ;j from 2 to 5. week cays from s tr u etir. she
employer aad the reservift em- to S. aad 7 to 19 Tuefday ere- ' cJr
pkye preseaily are ctcfroaied." ii i-:d ae
This wul also taile or re-'! Nehria mer.ti J ,fff f?
Aac to a r- -1 tte 4ae?ta-11 irar reid.ieT.ti are -e3ooae to :! IEa 1
toes ia tie rtciH cf recemits.
he sail.
The &txtzvex whkJs have
leea seat to the wxreixjim, cf
the arsry, turry aad air force
craer the serrioe to:
Decide saarpOTver rszzt-
txcsLZr remvic ac4 clld em ;To FcalUTC Bcllld
to ceet Sifie, &at their call is
at Jeaat ferar moalhs avay. The Album Bwar wi'J featisre
Give fiaose caSed at itaat SS j biilet alhwas Facaie by the
5ys t "e pers'jasl affairs be- .Ctamher Ordf.estra ai 4:2$ pas.
tare repsartag ta acSree dteJy. :. aas the Caitro Music rawa w
Eraaore frees avcir.e reserve .: 2rjaa fioiyr. Ttecriy, Oct. 2.
fist al teserrass iho fcr phyri- Tie Chamher Orcaeitm it ds
eal cr cQmt valid reasutti idieser- i rtf.iai b Prasasuat.
Kiael fcy the errire are ta4i) Tte AJtran Kjur w.3J be pr
raclahje Sor exieait! arhi at3Lg ballet oiffir every
CjVt. Tt:a.i.t4T iffjl3 258, ttfje Ate
Keea rrvuis
ais ca artsve duty i
ealy atJ Daaao'er
saeciia aa be aet by She rafi
cr TiSifflseers aad the jawtlca- .... -a
tary restsrrirts acal siaia barae the press! poliky cf c:rir.g re
rentheJ a taasamaa jsale cf lerraiSi f.-jr ass rrAisf-a;? prxi
tn&t3mztm ita cr-.Ser to rik:y ezaaadl the
The iil sac2hko repass ;; am&i urc&.
Isierc&II&gicrla Press
cutwu mump am
f u "f ' ruOBu ymuioesuBa tu MmmnwM r Oka awn :l
or a w twrt ( r cmM at
3 nur w iBv;n w
tkm r m iiw, a i in on, . r cmihiwjihi. Mtm a, w-k- ami
a? rirn?jaTl!!T T!Ttun " lmm "
.MM,,, !!
.j tJifm .,....- f fti Turn Owna, anrr m
tantm Baar ........... Jmj tialiri
1 wwowiim' . axnrt
Candidates themselves most
Nov. 7) has tse r.g" to casx rzs
in as effective and positive man
Ray Frohn, tas been kind enough
- . ,
day ysm must have six months
cays in ir.e
1547 aad have not moved or
register. Registration 9 p.m,
- . t, ,
the election commissioner's office
streets). The office is open 8 am. f
need to register in order to vote
yoa who do net consiieT Lincoln;
"IiberSy meaiss responsihility"
Ruth Soreasen
YWCA Curreat Affairs Chilrmaa
s r".-" e-,i ait
The ctUeftkm purfhiii&r! by
She Guild freaa prrs-iwas ihaw
wul also be ca t.z&jt?.
Union Album Hour
of the S.&W Wels grarfaesawu.
Coffee win be sml after
wiuiiu nu umtmliur u, umh a:: ;
ameurv ( cu Cwwmry ana iin
wwmiit 1 Una n u twt
. . !!
mm am i
TaS,nI '
...axr a www.;
Tl&xvA. and, (JkwA,
(This column Is written at
the request of the Editor of the
Daily Nebraskan bat is intend
ed to reflect no other opinion
than that of the author.)
This is an election year in the
United States, but except for iso
lated examples scatt ered
throughout the country there is
an appalling absence of public
interest in the outcome. Once
again hund
reds of candi
dates will be
ushered into
office by a
min o r i t y of
the qualified
while such a
situation may
be under
standably de-
s i r a b 1 e for 1
those whose
election or re- Anderson
election depends upon a light
vote, it is the negation of every
thing implied by the word De
mocracy. There is no secret about the
that condition. Bogus Issues are
, -
This is true this year throughout
the country, and not least in the
state of Nebraska. One need only
cite the matter of communism,
Everybody talks about commu-
msm. few people know anything
bon1t communism, and even less
oe Van thTn
record cf Senator Wherrv to
rove- that he has followed tte
1 we have certainly moved from "
; th CAinin'h2tJ&K.Ksfi.ciiV.!inta
- "
to the ridiculous. Such tactirs I
the ridiculous. Such tactics i
an excusable part
err.7zm t 'j. f-turv Kit K-
of l
campaign strategy, but they are ;
oesxgned to cocfuse, not enlight- j,
W the ct-h";-
i www :
On the other hand, such a f
"SC fS thal between Use in-
i.u...uti1i Eu.diau. vl .cuiium, :
2r.-j cv
challenger. Walter;,
Raecke cf Central City, is some- ,
thing else again. Governor Pet-
nxiu l as aireaay concecea mat
Mr. Raecke would make a good
governor, and Mr. Raecke has j
not been able to bring himself 1
to indict seriously the adminis -
0 fti
By Eex Mecternnhh
Greeuags. Cora" pickers! It
seems to me that these Two-row
eorapkker" Studehikerf would
really go for this e&lluma, whether
NU stuaeatt so or aot.
I was in to -.
aad the Saddle 4
aadl Sirloin
c o n t e its are """
lift about MeMeratfUi
Sav. L She a said that Mr. W.
J. LoeffeJ, cir.;rmaa cf the aai
taal fcuihaa.iry departmier.t, has
efferei to aaJ rr.-.7e tr
Sskiiie aai Suia esaays.
The subjit far tils yvufs r-
rr f
SjaS agj'f-ay conteat wi'J be ""TT."!
aaJuwarjotMl ahwut Sw. 1. alo.
: F,:r At OA- :
Piss, tae aaoiial slut vsr with 1
a23-Ag pjtir-jsoa. Tiaae will i
r "T 1
"tlT?i a.J !i
tarxt A that coveted! plaaue or
rA'vL As you all fcr,vw, ,f or cr- a
g.aizilis waas the a-ard for J
t-vee year, tsra rt. bewmes 1
ttar Mnnaiient pretty. Tte ':!
i W for tte t--e cur- ij
tc-o-gj-aaa. too.
CMtjrratuiioa are tfue CharSes
KiUtasifc, aa Af toeaJtoas. who was
eilectedi prtxAtxA cf the Sowtto
eadt Na;.-ii. rjttri"l Ijtsj'
lf C JUUtaeiTZl Caur'i91 ILaia Slffli-
Cotae on ttZ&wr A.z saadealt.
lefs get behiia,!! car Uaksss. Thas
Ss the Ja weeJk thai the cosasut-
t will be caea for cemher-
cm tae a-.aaxg ct Kane cf tae
L'aioo affairs eomla vp. txrw
ysir chame. On A&, Temm-
7 Jsa wvmmi'Kee
dLrestly whatiai tive yoa a chaaee
aauais that yoa mifht Lave.
i So, if yt'ij are 5aleTne4.
r jf jit crer to the Ag Uiuoo -
toritsea cfSse aad ji'fa yasr "Jaha
iseary -
. d4MI &a.4Ku ilW
S'ya saiBtxr.t e&t tte tuonsr caace
wij be lbe.Al aa &iral from 4 iJ to
i pjssi. m the ?eaoiD rooo cf
; She Ag Uiumb. Tbowf who fcae
a - iot to m:eet aew irjeadif aai to
the State Legislature. It would
be self -contradictory for Gover
nor Peterson to run on a I Ut
form of "reform," and Mr.
Raecke has not intimated too
stronjrty that he believes any
significant reform are necessary.
fortunately, there is no reason
for believing that the office Mill
not be adequately administered
no matter who wins.
The gubernatorial election of
this year has more interest if
projected into the future. Some
of Governor Peterson's friends
to say nothing of his opponents
will scrutinize the election re
turns carefully to see what
promise they hold for the sen
atorial nomination in 1952.
It is a badly kept secret that
the governor aspires to national
office, perhaps most specifically
to a seat in the United States
Senate. Should the governor de
cide to challenge the incumbent.
Senator Hugh Butler, a livelv
fight is promised. Should Butler
decide not to run there is little
reason to doubt that Peterson
could get the republican nomin
ation. The supporters of Gover
nor Peterson win do the best
they can to get him a big vote.
Most democrats, and a number
of republicans whose total will
i be more evident on Nov. 7, will J
vote tor Mr. Kaecke. It is less
proorfDie mat itaecke has am
hi firm Km,, .k T.;
( A Jarge tan of white chrysan- 1 Cowboys and their dates were ; chapter.
to-. . ... , f tnemums. gladioli and pompoms ; Diane Smith and Dick Smith, f Guests at the Alpha Chi house
WiUtfn this larger perspective, iprrned the background for the ' Ben Haeen and Lahn Dallam and 1 last weekend were Betty Merri
I m TOers wiU om f tPdaZ even'ng wedding of Mar- Andy Bunten and Jo Finney. man and Mickey Guiak from
E!5k Wr' Pnt race j Urn Brewster and Don Letx. ! ... Colorado Women's college,
broader ' meaning. It is a pre- The bride appeared in a sown ' Hoonin- to the Ret S Rr-
1 LJ-L Z- jswrnor nas
i ZfZT rVeUJ 0n
ixehirm de-
has been tendered the rennhli.
j kcuioib.
The gist of his argument has
been that the republicans should
halt their indiscriminating at-
tacks on the new deal, and the
Roosevelt dan, and develop a
j positive program of tt.eir own.
Many have agreed to the princi
iwlitir vl pauenuy
. " . .
The governor has expressed
'"i lorceruuy upon
American foreisn nolirv On - ; v- i
..v,uo ..uiuii& iic nas in-
dieted tht
dieted the state department for
its handling of affairs in the far
east. His views, based largely
upon his observations while sta -
lit cunne
li K . ....
wit are to me eiren irst
you cant fight communism on
one front (Europe) while "per-
m.iui:g ii io spreaa on anotner
front ( Asia).
He has insisted that Ameriran
policy should have been geared
10 me maintenance cf National-
ist power in China, whatever the
cost He has expressed these ;
views freely as a paid employee '
of the state, and has been fair?
Bulietin Board
Aipn Buppa lni luncheon 12
Dogri in the Union. :
VCA aa ranch group,
TMCA, Temple building.
Csmoplitaa Club meeting.
7:23 p.ra. Room 315 Union. I.
James De Marco will speak about
A-U-F. ejriuiM board meet
ing. S pjaL, Room 3&9 UrJon.
St4ent Contil meetiiag. 4
P-Ex. Room 215 Ur.jon. Cora
busker puctures will not be taken.
. ' Jkrday
A.U. MrtMTy board meet-
sag. 5:39 1 pja, Rom 203) Union. :
ATJ aeurrty pre-f3.2er.ts meet at
,2-?rnU Uricmi
iCF mertrsg. 7:29 pm, Roam
31$ Uniora. Rev. Tr.odore JoJjtii-
wL-iL .
f tee. meeting. 5 p.av. Union.
Freshmen wjso r.gaed for this
ii cwmm.:tee at the Acuviaes Mart
! shuoiold atiead.
AWS Hw of Representatives
metiag, 5 p.ak, in tllea Sr.-..t
; bliL
Tbeta it ova PM meeting,
(sm iia El'Jea Snath ball AU
. jsaear-ibers sr.ait be aerx
Ujm jsw already
-ft at att 7.
tioto aa.4 a Buawnie will be slboMm.
tJT Uf re l I
you Ye thiakirg ba.4 tb5ns
abowt this column by now, here
is a lisle poem that might he'ip g
v..,, .M
t ,kWJf f 2?
5 "5
Jerry Mayburn
fliri kts orchestra
Dtouing 9 until 12
Couples Only
A dm. 1,70 per eotrple
Tax Iafade4
Xaw f .we Thing Krw
Cw4e Only Tae
I ramBi
Jan6 Jh
an 5 wine
By Joan Van Valkenbnrg
The wedding ceremony
orac Ann Ovita and Thomas
Varney will be solemnized at the
First Christian church Sunday,
Nov. 12.
Miss Ovitz graduated from
William Woods college, Fulton,
Mo., and attended the Univer
sity, where she is a member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma. Varney
graduated from Wentworth mili
tary academy, Lexington, Mo.,
and is a member of Beta Theta
Pi at the University.
High school sweethearts Terry
Barnes and Larrr Franxin u-v
pinned last' week. Terry passed I Informality ruled the campus on
candy at the Pi Phi house Mon- wnat appeared to be Nebraska
day night The Phi Psis turned Party niht
out for the occasion.
The engagement anH
proachinc marri, i :
Ryon to Thomas DourUs a-ac
announced recentlv. Th
will be married Friday, Nov 24 I m tneir ten-gallon hats checked ; A group of Farm House mem
at the First Lutheran church' a11 61,115 at tne bar- A Uve chick ! ters went to Wyoming last week
Douglas is a member of Delta ' en w itnessed the party from its j end to see their new chapter
Chi. I roosting place on the wagon- j at the University of Wyoming
i . .
ueavy canaieiight satin de-
f With a sheer It was
J" .shoH in
" Dear anrl
: iiuw on tiizaoethan Doirt in
i front, puffs of the satin at th
hipline cascaded into a butter
' fly paneJ in the back and swent
! ir-to a cathedral train
Attendants were Mr. Rnvrl
Brewster, Susan Kimball
Anne Barger. Shirlev
. ojoies and bhirley Lente. They
! " r- 'if,r OWTts 01 sPPer
f SSe.f d char
I Pi RAta tk; i or
-Mrs. Lntz
f .. , . . i-tv.Z IS
i.-nimea witn Delta Tan rwu
" i'P lau ttelta.
f Brbara Young. Gamma Phi.
1 passed candy Mondav night for
f" Pianicg to Jack Janes, Phi
t .
i "
-e Kappa Delta's had two
fgemer.ts announced Monday
Granv Searret n-ni tk- .
ried Nov. 24 to Walt rtarU
a member of Gamma Lambda.
1 ,ie otner engagement was
that cf Joan Boiler and Spud
Mir- Majors attends Per.n
State college,
1. ,
' x m iciis went to tne
Gamma Phi Beta house Mon
day night for the pinning of Bob
Farman and Lynn Knnkle.
Martha Ann Johnson
named to
Charles Hamilton
-'cx- i v a morning cerem&nv
at Sl Mary's cathedral.
The bride wore a ballerina
length gown of white velvet, and
long velvet gloves. Ker fingertip
veil cf bridal illusion was held
by a little cap cf velvet with a
sett rolled net front trim. She
carried a white prayer book with
two green orchids.
Mrs. Hamilton atte-vie-! ?So
university and LincoLn School rf
Commerce. Hamilton is now at-
tending the Universitv.
The engagement of ebu
ra?r pIedge
r.ouaced Monday r.igr.t. She re-
ceived her ring Saturday eve-
rung from Rob Lindsay.
Gtnny Guhin passed candy
Monday right for her pinning to
Jack Cady. Cady u an al-m
mew.ber of Phi Delta Theta.
The weddir.g of Sue Ben and
Sidney Jhn tx,k place at the
Congregational church in Nor-
Given la marriage bv her
father, tr.e bride wore a' re?il
gl!Wri, &f pink-pearl bridal satajs.
line. She wore a Mary Qaeen of
Bright Costumes Liven
Varied costumes were the
order on the University campus
Saturday night Quite a few
houses were having "house par
ties" with varied themes.
It was no surprise to walk
into a house and see a couple
in western attire, complete with
cowboy boots and guns sitting
at a table with a very dressed-
up pair.
Those who went "party hop-
PmS" found that they weren't
1 conspicuous wherever they went.
unr0 thrmifrh cati'Huct ann i
! bones, the Sigma Nu's and their
dates went western at the Death
Valley party Saturday night
Following strict rules, the men ,
i wneei cnanaener.
bary Coast party, couples en -
' bary Coast Dartv couDles en-
t wSterirK'daSgirb.
The room.! were mlrrfiillv
decorated with rerl and whit
streamers, balloons and murals.
Vaughn Augustine and Jean
Davis were costumed as a Span-
ish couple. Gypsies were Don
Kruger and Jean Bahkle. Dick
Pierson and Phyllis Kort were
Indians clad in buckskin shirts,
blue jeans and feathers. Dane-
, mg was to the music of Aaron
Samidt and orchestra"
The girls challenged the bovS
to a ea
to a game of football at a fried
, chicken
; - ; v. tw ;
Gam's Sunday afternoon.
Some of the picnickers were
Jerry Marike and Dody New-
V' -'"" nm. ana Jim i will formauy initiated in De
H amsley and Leo Geier and Jo ! mw
Delta Tau Delt's had formal
initiation for Ray Stover, Joe :
McGUl, Harry Haverly. Bob ;
Ficke and Gene Olson last week-
I end-
Crawling through the small
entrance, one was greeted by a
true island atmosphere at the
Phi Kappa Psi Shipwreck party.
Island of sawdust were sur
rounding the palm trees for dec
orations. Clad in a powder blue
nightie, Elizabeth Gass was
shipwrecked with Herb Jack-
man, who wore bright striped
1 jamas- Pat w.u. saDor. was
1- - " miuuccu ii.
tive girl, Ann Barlow. Patsy
Peters, complete with robe and :
shower cap. attended the partv !
with Dave Noble.
A group of 15 Phi De't couples
gathered at the house for an in-
Scots" bonnet, edged' with pink
pearl bridal illusion.
Johnson attended the Univer
sity w here he was a member cf
Delta Upsilon.
ers ard candy trimmed in fra-
'"-y P Pt colors Mon-
dar nisht s.n .u, h
prise of Janet Lazear
and Jim Winter. Mis Lazear is
a Pi Phi pledge and Winter is a
member of SAE.
A new steady coucle: Doth
Hansen and GeM-ge Lee.
A Christmas h&Iaday v.&i.-i.r.z
will tike pla.'e for Mary J
SehmaJe'aad Kenneth Cbb.
Mtsa Schmale is an alrjm mem
ber f.t Alpha Phi. Cobb u at
tending the Ur.ivenity College
of Law where he is a memrxer
law f rater-
psVwwiaL doMici.
a . . the sharpest FLATS on
. . .
versatile hoe (ahion . . . lo take joa
'rourwJ and aKout on low -slimming heel.
WondVrfu!f mart . . . worn hy smart
cofWs! See our harp coflectton now!
Tfiird Floor
formal get-together Saturday
Entertainment included danc
ing and television. Among those
there were Chuck Bressman and
Ann Raymond, Irv Thode and
Jane Fletcher and Bob Gilmcre
and Jeanne Lamar.
A glittering sign welcomed all
to Club SX Saturday night.
The Sigma Chi basement was
decorated like a cocktail lounge
with mirrors and liquor signs.
A chorus line was formed by
pledges, who wore outfits of red
crepe paper.
Those nightclubbing were Paul
McKie and Betty Merriman, his
girl from Denver, Don Stacy and
Phil Firestone and lorn uononoe
Donna Burky.
installed. ieDrasKa is us motner
! Pumpkins, corn-stalks and
Pumpkins, corn stalks and
1 bales of hay carried out the
f theme of. the Kappa Sig Barn
! Dance Saturday night
t Even live cats and chickens
: added to the decoration. Square
f dancing to the combo were John
i B'er and Gwen Wisner, and
! p and Jack Bruce.
' S;S EPS 31,(1 their dates 8ot
I together at tne Sig Ep house
I a Swiss Chalet party. This
w tne general meme wmcn
' TeSn S .25SSftS
OI ana canale--f -
f ...2: '""
i J jiuuti iA:wi tuui -.skj. ii. c sauu-
I wiehes. potato chips, and crack-
Snecial " euests at te cartr
were the Omaha Sig Eps who
Some of the new Sig Eps and
Universitr dates were Dcane
Lippold and Jan Fowler and
Jackie Murphy and Kenny
The annual D'J Stable Stomp
party found the DUs and their
dates dancing to Ger.e Moyer
and his combo.
The great hall of the house
was appropriately decorated
with saddles, bridles, and hay.
The house dining room was used
as a lounge for the Stomp.
loose attending the western
party were Dick Asm us sen" and
iviarr- Arn linnairr K-srir i u.-t
and Evelyn Young, and Don
Bryant and Joan Peden.
Patsy Dutton doing pantomines
and Russell Lindskog, Theta Xi
alum, furnished the entertain
ment for Theta Xis and their
das at the Roaring Twenties
The old-timers entered the
house by way of a -jpeakcasv
door which represented the
theme of the party.
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jor favftrlfi. Tfttsr mt
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.... :;. . . . -hi.::
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