The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Tuesday October 24, 1953
'., !
Article Tagging UCLA as Communistic
Draws Angry Retorts From West Coast
A magazine article charging fected the campus. He cited cases
that a communist cell exists on involving picketing, agitation
the University Of California at and distribution of literature.
Los Augeles campus has drawn 'The fight against racial dis
angry retorts from the west crimination has been the prin
coast. cipal cause seized on by campus
William L. SVorden, writing in communists for the past few
the Oct. 21 issue of "Saturday years," reports Worden. For ex
Evening Post," has presented an amples, he points to picketing of
article titled, "UCLA's Red Cell; Westwood district barbeisliop
Case History of College Com- ar "& persistent anti-discrimina-Jnunism."
tion campaign" against the Alcu
Dick Israel, writing in the Thige girls' dorm on the UCLA
USC Daily Californian, calls the eampus.
article "the farce of the week" "The manufactured incident
and labels Worden's words never designed to correct an
"Hearst-like." vil- out ,ny te stir UP trouble,"
. . , ' . . . is Worden's conclusion. He names
. ?w S,SnA the UCLA committee for Campus
answer four questions: "Is UCLA
a Yed university?' " "Has it been ZrinzLn l ?t mTaLs
affected by Communists?" "How f
was it done?" and "Is there a
general threat of communism on w,? wfv-
i11m cammises'" outh league, Mike Qum Com-
coiiege campuses. munist club, the Young Progres-
Not Communist and the Marxist Student
The Post writer went on to forum,
say "UCLA is not a communist Publications Attract
school, by a majority of 400 to 1," Looking at campus newspapers,
but that communists had af- Worden says, "the publications
'Atomic Energy
Says AEC Information Head
Atomic energy is tft, as many
people believe, a government
monopoly, Edward Trapnell, di
rector of information for the
Atomic Energy Commission, said
Trapnell spoke at the closing
session of the University clinic
on atomic energy for newspaper
and radio news editors.
The AEC, he pointed out,
operates none of the actual
atomic energy plants except a
control laboratory, which sets
standards for products. All others
are under contract with the gov
ernment. Argonne laboratory, for ex-
Two Will Try
For Rhodes
Eugene C. Luscher and Peter
M. Peterson are the two Univer
sity candidates selected to com
pete for one of the Rhodes
scholarships to the University of
Peterson is a senior in Arts
and Sciences college majoring in
classics. Luscher is doing grad
uate work in philosophy. Both
are of Lincoln.
The candidates were selected
for their literary and scholastic
abilities, dualities of manhood,
exhibition of moral force of char
acter and leadership and physical
According the "will of the late
Cecil J. Rhodes, the scholarships
were to have a basic -value of
400 pounds or $2,000. This sum
is presently supplemented by a
special allowance of $500 per
year, subject to revision by the
The district committee will
meet Saturday. Luscher and
Peterson will appear before the
district committee with other Ne
braska candidates. From this
group four "Will be chosen.
Selections will be made by
r :ate committees Dec. 6. Scholars
f'cted in this competition "will
e )tT the University of Oxford
in -October 1951.
All Selections
Due Nov. 1
All organized men's houses
participating in the Ugliest Man
on Campus contest must send in
respective notices of their selec
tions by Wednesday, Nov. 1.
The contest originatd by the
All University Fund was created
recently to give men a chance to
pain publicity, said -Jo Lisher, di
rector. Purposes of the contest, ac
cording to AUF officials are:
"To enable men students on
campus who would have no
chance in a beauty contest, to
win at least a title like UMOC.
"To provide the various men's
houses an opportunity to get
some publicity through their il
lustrious representatives.
"To afford every student a
iplendid opportunity to practice
getting out the vote' in Novem
ber even though he or she is
not 21."
Each house must submit its
candidate's name to Jackie Hoss,
1545 S street.
Voting for the UMOC will be
held Nov. 1-21. "Votes will cost
one nickle. Students who cast
votes will -wrap them about the
tiickle. The proceeds thus
earned will be added to the AUF
fund "which aids -Community
Chest, TW and YMCA, CARE,
WSSF, and the Crusade for
Library Starts
Display About UNi
In conjunction -with United
Nations "week, an exhibit of ITN
publications has been arranged
in the Social Studies reading
room of Love memorial library.
Scores of representative publi
cations by and about the United
Nations are arranged on a dis
play table. Flanking these are
"Old Glory' nd the United Na
tions flag.
A special hulletin board fea
ture h been prepared by the
art committee of the NUCWA.
Jt shows the lines of organiza
tion, departments and branches
of the UN and some of the ac
i .tuplifih.ments of the organiza
tion. Mary Doak, Social Studies li
brarian, -subtests that all -stuff
ents and faculty members in
terested in the UN should take
the opportunity of looking at
this material while it is con
veniently gathered together.
Not Monopoly'
ample, is operated by the Uni
versity of Chicago, he said. The
Oak Ridge laboratory is run by
the Union Carbide Chemical
corporation and the Los Alamos
project by the University of Cali
fornia. Big: Business
Atomic energy, Trapnell said,
is a bigger business than is com
monly realized. The actual in
vestment in physical plan facili
ties fs more than $2 billion, and
the total real estate area the
commission owns or leases is
greater in size than Delaware.
For many of the developments
in atomic energy, he said, the
commission draws on universi
ties and other research institu
tions. Another responsibility of the
commission is providing for the
training of more and more tech
nicians. Trapnell pointed out
that there is still a serious short
age of leaders in the field. To
help this shortage, the coopera
tion of universities in the na
tional laboratories is essential,
he added. The University is one
of the institutions taking part in
the Argonne project.
Labs Specialise
The Argonne laboratory con
centrates on development of
weapons and productional pro
cesses, Trapnell said. Weapons
and materials are produced at
Los Alamos. The Oak Ridge and
Hanford plants manufacture fis
sionable materials U 235 at Oak
Ridge and plutonium at Han
ford. Trapnell spoke tf the ini'or-.
motion services of the AEC. "Not
nearly -everything about atomic
energy is secret," he said. He
urged the newspaper -editors to
take advantage of the material
available on the subject.
Home Ec Club
Will Sponsor
Richards Event
The annual Ellen H. Richards
dinner will be held Thursday, j
Oct. 26, in the Union ballroom at
6:30 p. m. Mrs. Clara C-ebhard
Snyder is guest speaker for the
banquet which will center its
activities around "Home Eco
nomics and Journalism."
Mrs. Snyder has recently re
turned to Lincoln after serving
for 15 years as director of the
Wheat Flour institute at Chicago.
Her talk on home economics and
journalism will be based on her
experiences in the field. She is
presently doing free lance work
and some writing.
Mrs. Snyder graduated from
the University, did undergrad
uate work at the University of
Wisconsin, and received her mas
ters degree at Iowa State college
where she taught before entering
the business field. Her husband
is Dr. Lloyd B. Snyder, professor
of rural economics at Ae college.
Chairman for the dinner is
Marcia Adams, assisted by An
nette Carnahan. Toastmistress
will be Annette Stoppkotte, presi
dent of the Home club. The invo
cation will be given by Dorothy
Bowman, Ag YMCA president.
Other committee chairmen and !
members are: program. Carrie
Ann Pederson, Delma Sarnes;
publicity. Jean Fenster, Ann
Lambert: ticket sales, Betty
Kelso, Shirley Miles. Pat Achen;
decorations, Mary Ann Orund
man; favors, Clarice Fiala; host
esses, Marilyn Bamesberger; food,
Jo Meyer, Jeanne Holmes and
Jeanne "Vierk.
The Home Ec club members
are sponsors of the dinner.
'LoW Sin dents
Build $60 House
The industrial arts department
of the University of New Mexico
soon will have two houses for
sale at $60 each, the price of the
m:althere b
b catch. The
and only one-fourth size by vol
ume. All the elements of a full
size house are incorporated in
the models.
The carpentry students who
are building the houses for prac
tice, agree that if a half-size
house can be built with $60 worth
of material, a full-size one
shouldn't cost more than four
times as much "but it just can't
be done," they say.
Inltleln K.Lfc Lost tn crib, llaturn to
Kmi Rl)tlt 3-731. Rrwnrti.
EoSt Brnwn"tlllfliNmitto or mi -purl
of Riimrim. rrwartl. Call IMfiHW
LOHT Oren "wtm irwuatwr; snrorlty pin.
Hnmrwhre on ffimrtui. Call 2-J724.
1iRt WnntHit'r wrlfit waU'h. Pur
Ttftt mnd Untou Friday. Reward. Cll
field always attracts communists.
The present status of the UCLA
Daily Bruin is a testimonial to
their effectiveness."
""It veers from a position far
left to approximate center and
back again, but whether it ever
reflects student opinion is de
batable," Worden reports. He
also mentions that the Bruin em
ployed an avowed communist,
Helen Edelwan, as a political
writer in the spring of 1950.
The Daily California of Berkely
fires back, "Worden does not ac
cuse the Bruin of being run by
Communists or following the
party line directly; -he only
implies it."
Published by the UCLA Asso
ciated Students, the Bruin is
staffed with volunteers. Worden
charges that the Bruin can be
controlled by any group able to
send along enough volunteer re
porters and keep them working
after others have quit."
Aimed at USC
The Daily Californian writer
apparently believes the Worden
article is aimed at the USC cam
pus as well as UCLA. Israel
cjuotes the Worden article say
ing, "The pattern is the same at
UCLA, Berkeley and many other
Worden sums up his opinions
on communist infiltration with,
"To infiltrate a university is
simple. All you nee-i is a few
loyal workers willing to sweat
for the revolution; a lot of dupes
who will shout up and down
academic halls for causes with
out bothering to find who thought
them up; a few actual friction
points such as housing or fra
ternities or racial -discrimination;
a weak point or two, like a
floundering newspaper ..."
"You can use these methods
and have a wonderful time an
noy deans, wreck the sleep of
administrators and get yourselves
scareheads in newspapers,"
Worden tells campus reds.
Honor Svstem
In Force At Knox
A new honor system to be en
forced by a student honor board i
will go into effect at Knox col-
lege at Galesburg, HI., this se
mester. This system will place
the main responsibility for
cheating and resultant discipli
nary measures in the hands of
the student body.
The honor board -constitution,
drawn up by the student coun
cil, provides that the student
board will hear all honor cases
and recommend disciplinary
The new system will be ex
plained to all new students -during
freshman orientation week of
each year. Each student will then
sign a card certifying that he
understands the system.
"Knox college president Sharvy
G. Umbeck believes that the new
honor system "can become one of
the most significant student con
tributions to the college in many
0 fr'-, fsk
f -s til x i i- :? v f--Cr--v. g.
V- v?fk'v n J J
111 i fif?0 ilillifiix 4f ji
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BEFORE YOU SMOKE THEM can tell Chesterfields will smoke milder,
because tobaccos that smell-milder smoke milder.
AFTER YOU SMOKE THEM have no unpleasant after-taste.
WHILE YOU SMOKE THEM you get more pleasure than
any other cigarette can give you-that's why millions of
smokers say: THEY SATISFY.
If ,v !.:' ..-A '....;. : ? ..;: ' ii ' ''W ' iX:f Ii-; Vpi-:5;;V
It i w ' $ ' : v . .v'v. - -y-yy : : . "...;v .. 'y y y-yyyy.yyy:'. :': 'yy:: iv'V':, yyyyyyy'y.-yyyyyyyyy: i
- . yy-y:-'yyy.y-' ; - - ? :. y-iyyyi:; ?:riy-iMyyiW:M ' W' SS ::;f:: W'yM:''f:':i.-' "iiiMM; ' r '':::';VVM?yi&i
. . . t... wriiV a-.. -.-....v.. .w...v. v...... A.-....wj-wA...J.-M-.JA. .frr.J.-A.A .-a. . vv,w,.,.V.,y -ft.,.,.,.,
Leaf Rust Bad
Over Nebraska
The heaviest amount of leaf
rust infection rn the recollection
of some University authorities
has hit the state's main winter
wheat producing areas.
But a Uni"ersity extension
plant pathologist said he doubts
there will be appreciable losses
in stands because of the leaf
rust. Plant Pathologist John L.
Weihfng said the biggest loss
probably will be caused by the
fall rust knocking out much fall
Weihing said, however, that if
the rust becomes severe enough
to kill most or all of the leaves,
it could weaken the plants suf
ficiently to cause some winter
The plant pathologist said a
spring rust -epidemic never has
originated from a fall outbreak.
If "leaf rust becomes severe next
spring, he said, it probably will
originate from spores blown in
from anoher territory. The fall
malady is concentrated mostly in
western Nebraska. t ,
IBM Machine
Scores Tests
Six weeks tests are over, tem
porarily, and if you were in
structed to we one of those
special answer sheets that have
five vertical lines for each -question
to be answered and marked
the correct space 'with a soft
lead pencil-mark, your test was
scored by the International Test
Scoring machine.
The IBM scored tests are in
fallible. The principle of the ma
chine is the fact that a soft-lead
pencil mark is electrically con
diH'tive. The key sheet corresponds to
the answer sheet but there is a
perforated hole for each correct
The Tcey sheet and answer
sheet are separated by 750 small,
metal -pins which correspond to
the spaces that may be filled in
for answers.
There is a contact point on
" 't t- and
covered by the lead when you
answer the question.
The pins that go through the
holes on the key sheet carry
the right answer circuit and
those that do not go through the
holes carry the wrong answer
circuit. When it is covered the
circuit is completed.
WTien the pins touch the con
tact point on the answer sheet
and it also goes through the per
forated key sheet, it Is recorded
as one of the right answers. If
the pin that does not go through
the score sheet, it is recorded as
one of the wrong answers.
The speed of the machine is
limited only by the speed of the
Bad news future graduates.
wo c n nniM wv to cheat
thP TP.M The onlv advice 1 can
give you is, "Study, student, and that the faculty relied on stu
studv " rtciits for their own "discipline."
Drive Begun
By Unions
A membership drive for Ag
and City Union committee work
ers was started Monday by the
public relations committee.
The Ag Union still has open
ings for both men and women
students on. the Union activities
committee, according to Hollis
Eggers, Ag union activities di
rector. Male students are needed
for the city campus Union activi
ties pool.
Anyone interested in working
on Ag Union committees is urged
to sign for membership in one
of the four committees thf s week.
Committees will be closed to new
members after Friday.
Ag Union differs from the city
Union in that whose who are in
terested may become members of
committees directly. Students do
not go through the year's train
ing in an activities pool. This ar
rangement is provided srnoe
there are fewer students to work
on committees at Ag.
Four Af Groups
Since there are only four com
mittees, members from all are
frequently called upon to help
arrange for the larger affairs,
such as the open house in the
fall and the Skylight Terrace ball
in the spring.
The four committees are: Pub
lic relations, which is in charge
of all publicity for the Ag Union
and takes care of the magazines
which are in the lounge: hobbies
and handicraft, in charge of
eraftshop; -dance, which arranges
hour dances and dancing lessons;
and general entertainment, whose
function is to provide the campus
quarterback movies.
Visits Houses
The public relations committee
visited the organized houses and
dorms Monday evening to solicit
workers for the Union activities
itu dents who sign up tor work
will be placed in the committee
files. During the school year, each
worker's name will be rotated to
provide an opportunity for a stu
dent to work on all of the Union
committees and become ac
quainted with each. Next year
me; j -who wiuk m K
pool will be eligible for member
ship in one of the committees.
! The various committees to work
! on are: Recreation, special activi
ties public relations, convocations
and hospitality, dance, general
entertainment, music house and
office and budgets, -evalution and
IIf.,- 4 J..
Minimum of Rules
''This is the place where we
have egg ir our beer," George
Nelson of Los Angeles and a
graduate ot Brown university,
told students at the American In
stitute for Foreign Trade at an
all-campus rneetine.
Nelson then explained to new
-comers that the rules and regu-
i lar!-ns wtp kept to a minimum !
Coli-Agri-Fun .
I. vV'C; "i N'i.v" I til
rv v A) 1
IT X - vf j I 5
lllli:3: 1 VT
VVtf-''tfl ' . -v.. -
"TITE THREE OLD MAIDS" Joan Skucius, Jean Hargelroad, and
Evelyn Young as they portrayed "'The Three Old Maids" in last
year's 18th Annual Coll-Agri-Fun. The fun Tiight will be held
Friday might in the Ag College Activities buildirrg.
''Good Clean Fun Promised
For ColLAgri-Fun Night
The JPth Annual Coll-Agn-
Fun night promises "'good clean
fun," according to Miss Jan
Ross, ceneral manager of the
Coll-Agri-Fun board,
j Curtain time for this year's
i fun-filled evening is scheduled
for 8 p.m. Friday night, m the
Ag College Activities building.
Miss Ross said that the full
-dress rehearsal will be at the
Activities building Wednesday
night starting at 7:30 p.m. She
emphasized th&t all skits and
..curtain acts should be presented
at the dress rehearsal in the
isame way as they will be pre
' sented on the night of the show.
! 'Scholarship Presentation
! In addition to the regular
' show, a $1 00 scholarship will he
! awarded to the participant in
last year's Coll-Agri-Fun night
;who has -since earned the high-
5T in ,Ji T'L two
;tKn includes only the past Two
opinion of the board members
; that they would like to see this
! addition become an annual part
;of the fall fun night.
I Dick Walsh has been appoint
ed "emcee" for this year's Coll-
, ft rf-1 . Pun -ntrfV.4 T-Tfi Wat-ill VkCi i n
VTh. -hH "
Wednesday night in that capac-
5cv ski
A total of seven skits and four
curtain acts are planned for the
j evening's performance. The -sluts
' "little Mel, Loomis nail;
"The Hour ol Destiny, Ami
kitas; 'Charlie Comes to the
Farm, Love Hall; "'Blaokfeoed
Follies Home Ec club; "Good
Knight Irene," Farmhouse;
"Women As We See Thorn," Ag
Men's club; and "''History of the
Ag Campus," AGE..
Curtain acts include: '"The
Play Without Words, Ag
YMCA; "Before the Mirror" Ac
YW: "Cocktails for Two." Ag
men's club; and the Ag Coun
try Dancers hsve not announced
their title .as yet.
Skit Competition
I Love hall won last vear's skit
competition with "'Exam Week.
! which portrayed a girl studvine
;for final exams on her birthri;;--.
:Ag YMCA placed first in the
curtain act division last vear
witn "Professor Paddy-usher
As in the past a $1-0 first
prize mill he awarded to the best
' curtain -act and a traveling
i plaque is to he given to the out-
i standing skit.
Love hall has a chance to ob
tain permanent possession of the
Plaque this year since they have
won it for the past two years.
It is the policy of the board t
nresent Ithp ulsfliw nprmanpntlv
, to any organi7ed house which
jwins it for three -consecutive