Only daily publication for students at the THE WEATHER Partly cloudy Tuesday with temperatures ranging in the 50's. 15LAJ University of Nebraska MO Vol. 51 No. 28 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Toward Border Tuesday, October 24, 1950 Ten Communist Aliens Arrested While shattered remnants of the red Korean army were flee ing frantically toward the moun tain triangle north of Kanggye, South Korean forces swept with in 50 miles or less of the Man churian border. It was at Kanggye that the red chieftain, Kilil Sung, carried out his guerrilla war against the Japanese before Russian occupa tion forces installed him as pre mier of North Korea after World War II. The city is in the center of the penninsula about 20 miles from the border. Three South Korean divisions were driving for the Manchurian border to finish the four-month war. And while the North Koreans fled, in Washington the govern ment announced Monday it has arrested ten top alien com munists and is rounding up 76 more. All Active The justice department de scribed all 86 as "very active communists." The arrests and roundup are being made under the authority of the new internal security law. The new law gives the attorney general authority to hold such aliens in custody for six months pending their deportation. And the supreme court also had something to say Monday about communists. It agreed to consider the appeal of 11 com munist leaders from their year old conviction on charges of con spiring to teach and advocate the overthrow of the government by force. The tribunal will start hearing arguments in the case Monday, Dec. 4. Justice Tom Clark did not'take part in the court's decision to hear the appeal. He was attorney general when the 11 were in dicted. Other news of communists was reported in Saigon, Indochina. Attack French Communist-led Vietminh troops have begun harassing attacks on French positions defending Tien yen, key supply center at the new 100-mile French frontier de fense line. A French military spokesman said one small French post in the Tienyen area was attacked two days ago. Meanwhile in Washington the United States court of appeals Monday affirmed the perjury conviction of John F. Maragon, who once had white house con nections. Maragon, who was a former friend of the presidential aide, Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan, was convicted last May for having lied to senate investigators who were looking into alleged ped dling of influence in Washington. On the less serious side of the news, a writer for the Mexican news magazine Manana said he was quite impressed with Nebraska. And he carried the impression to readers of the magazine with a 44-page spread on Omaha and the Comhusker state in a recent edition. Visits Nebraska The man, Jose Infante, spent more than a month in Omaha and neighboring cities gathering stories and pictures for the article which took one-third of the space in the edition. On the cover of the magazine was a color picture of the state capitol. Nebraska scenes and person alties and history were included among the 93 pictures. And back in the United States three young "explorers" and a email dog were rescued Monday alter their flashlights failed while they wandered through the maze like passageways of a new found cavern. They were apparently none the worse for their 12-hour stay in the bat-filled tunnels of the cave. Left for Kansas Enthusiasm for the migration to the University of Kansas has left only 25 tickets for the game. Wednesday night is the ticket deadline. Husker fans vill rally on the way down. The snack car is a new feature on this year's train. The train will leave Satur day at 6:15 a.m., and will ar rive in Lawrence at 11:30 a.m. Another rally is scheduled on arrival at the station. The train for Lincoln will leave Lawrence at 9:30 p.m., and arrive at 2:30 a.m. Sunday. First tickets sold for the game are seats near the 30-yard line. 1 1 to Speak At Religious Week Events One of the main speakers at Religion-in-Life Week Nov. 5 to 9th will be Jerry Voorhis. reli gious leader and former con gressman. Voorhis will be one of eleven nationally known leaders who will participate in the week's program which is aimed at em phasizing religion on the Univer sity campus. The eleven leaders will speak in classrooms throughout the week, will lead discussions at organized houses Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 5 tb 6 and will be available for such other Religion-in-Life Week activities as student bull sessions, faculty seminars and personal conferences. Representative to Congress Voorhis was a democratic rep resentative to Congress from California for ten years. "Con fessions of a Congressman" was written by Voorhis as a result of his experiences in Washington JNow executive secretary of the cooperative League of the U.S.A. Voorhis is also executive director of the Cooperative Health Fed eration of America. Graduating from Yale in 1923 he later received his M.A. from Claremont college in California He has held jobs as a factory and cotton mill worker, freight nanaier, ranch hand and auto mobile assembly line worker. Boys School Work IT. a. i j ne iraveiea lor a lime in Europe for the YMCA. He has taken extensive interest in bovs schools, serving as headmaster of the Voorhis School of Boys which ne and his father founded in 1828. Nine of the eleven religious leaders coming to the University campus are being furnished by tne university Christian Missions The other two representatives are being furnished bv Catholic and Jewish religious organiza tions. Committee of 100 A committee of 100 has been working for some time in prepar ation for the week. Scheduled to come out this week is a six page folder, which explains the pur poses and activities. i i VIOLINIST O s s y Renardy, will appear as guest violinist with the University Symphony Orchestra in their concert at the Union, Nov. 12, Renardy is the owner of the Guarnieri dil Gesr violin, made in 1743. It is valued at over $50,000. Renardy was "discovered" when he was only five years old. mm m German Club To Meet Tonight "Germany in 1950" will be the subject of Glenn Hunt, principle speaker at the second meeting of the German club. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Parlor B. Union. Mr. Hunt, a graduate instruc tor of the Germanic language will discuss the problems and policies of Germany as they exist today. Last summer he visited Europe and obtained a first hand account of conditions in the country. Nomination of officers will be held. All students of the German language are invited to attend. Kosmet Klub workers meet Ing today at 5 p.m. In the Kosmet Klub room in the Union. Workers will be as signed advertisements to sell for the fall show program, and are asked tt bring a receipt book with them. Those pres ent will be assigned the best advertising prospects. Ticket Sales Start Today For Ballet Tickets for the Sadler's Wells ballet will go on sale today to students at the price of 90 cents. Tickets will be sold at booths in the city and Ag Unions and by Kosmet Klub workers. The 90 cent price is much low- The ninth annual Panhellenic I er than the regular scaled prices ! quoted for the general public, Panhell 'Shop To Include Banquet Tonite ... s7 . BULGARIAN SPEAKER Zvetan Litov, one of the lead ers of the Methodist church in Bulgaria before communist rule, will speak to University students about his experiences in the talk, "Behind the Iron Curtain." Workshop activities began Sun day, Oct. 3 with Church Sunday. Functions this week include round table discussions, speakers, exchange dinners and luncheons and the Panhellenic banquet. The purpose of this workshop is to acquaint sororities with one another and to promote interest in intergroup relations, Sibyl Mark, chairman of this project declared. "Good Public Relations for Women's Fraternities" will be the theme of the annual Panhellenic banquet tonight at 5:45 p.m. in the Union ballroom. Professor Raymond C. Dean of the account ing department, who is active in fraternity work, will be the guest speaker at the dinner.. Tickets are being sold in all the houses for $1.50. The annual Elsi Ford award will be given to the soror ity which has made the greatest progress in the preceding year; Delta Delta Delta sorority was the recipient of the award last year. i Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Ellen Smith hall. Dr. Janet Palmer. consulting psychiatrist for the Lincoln Public School system and director of the division of mental health of the State Department of Health will discuss "Getting Along with Others." Also on Wednesday night will be training classes for sorority presidents, scholarship chairmen, pledge trainers, activities chair men, standards chairmen and social chairmen. These classes will be in the form of panel dis cussions and will be held at the various houses. Common prob lems and new ideas will be fea tured at the panel groups according to Hugh Follmer, chairman. A limited number of the reduced rate tickets are available for students. Those purchasing them will be required to show their ID cards at the door. The only appearance of the troupe in Lincoln will be Mon day, Nov. 20, at the Coliseum. Student seats will be located in the balcony and will offer a good panoramic view of every thing that happens on stage, said Follmer. Other Tickets Students wanting seats closer to the stage may purchase the regular priced tickets at $4.80, $3.60, $2.40 and $1.80 including tax. Sadler's Wells is making a coast-to-coast itinerary which will include 29 cities. This sea son's tour of the country will be the second for the group which is a British company. Last sea son's tour included nine United States cities. Last season, said Mrs. Genene Grimm, Union activities director, the celebrated English company set theatre attendance records in each of the nine cities which it visited. In New York Citv. wherp tht three weeks at the Metropolitan ! 1.1 tr. tB11A Opera house, the treasurers re- jUUHUtl a IU lasllt Directories Soon ported a complete sellout before the opening box office. Men of the San Francisco Opera house said that more than $100,000 was taken in with the opening still two months away. Dancers Dancers Margot Fonteyn, Rob- Throughout the week exchange ert Helpmann and Moira Shearer luncheon and dinners are being held at the various houses. Chair man of the week is Sibyl Mark: committee chairmen are Mary Ann Grundmen. banquet; Sharon Fritzler. program; Lois Frederick. decorations; and Carol Churny, tickets. Deadline Today For Commandants Entries for the Honorary Com mandant must be in by 5 p.m. to day. A reminder is given to the or ganized houses urging their can didates have the correct qualifi cations. These are: the coed must have senior standing in her par- j ticular college and she must have an average of at least 5.5. There is no limit on the number of girls who may. apply from each house. An All-University election will decide the six finalists. This will take place Oct. 31 in the city campus Union and the Ag Union. The six finalists elected by the student body will be presented to the candidate officers at a re Mat Builders to Train Male Workers Men interested in working with Builders are urged to come to the office, Room 308, Union, sometime this week. head the company of 65 that disembarked early in September from Britain. Forty tons of scenery, 1,400 pairs of shoes and 1,000 costumes were among the numerous ar ticles which accompanied the tra velers. Sadler's Wells ballet was or ganized 21 years ago by Ninette de Valofs, then a young dancer who had performed with Diaghi lev's well known Russian com pany. The ballet is being sponsored by the University with arrange ments being made by the Union. Rating Scale For Floats Announced Entries Judged On Five Points The evaluating scale for the Homecoming parade has been an nounced by Jayne Wade and Dick Walsh, co-chairmen represent ing Corn Cobs and Tassels, re spectively. Participants will be judged on five factors, each of which will count twenty per cent of the to tal. The points for evaluation are: 1. Eye appeal and attractive ness. 2. Originality and cleverness. 3. Resourcefulness and effort. 4. Cooperation with "Welcome Grads" emphasis. 5. Good organization, clear la beling and clear definition of purpose. Judges for the event will be revealed at a later date ac cording to Miss Wade and Walsh. Starting Time Starting time for the parade has been changed from 10:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The traffic department of the Lincoln police department requested the change due to the extremely heavy traffic in down town Lincoln preceding the noon, hour. According to the polcie de partment, in past years a few parades have continued well into the noon hour. ROTC band members will not be excused from Saturday classes to participate in the parade. How ever, announced Walsh, a pep band will march with the parade. There is still time for organ izations who have not received written invitations to enter a float in the annual homecoming parade. Jayne Wade, announced that interested organizations should contact her at 1619 R or phone 2-6095. Addresses of several organiza tions were not available when the invitations were sent but these organizations are welcome to submit entries. 100 Invitations Issued Nearly 100 invitations have been issued to organized houses, clubs and honoraries on the cam pus to take part in the parade. Last year 4 9 floats were entered in ihe fest :es. Because of a ruling by t, ""anhellenic coun cil, sororities, nay not enter in the float competition. Two trophies are awarded. One to the winner in the men's di vision and the other to the best judged float in the division of women's organizations or those with a combined men and women membership. from the University campus Last year's winners were Phi were gathered by Kosmet Klub Gamma Delta and I ntei'-Varsity workers. Christian Fellowship. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, All floats and other partici- president of Columbia univer pants will line up at 10 a.m. on sity, started the campaign on la Saturday, Nov. 4, on the cor- I bor day. The drive on the Uni versity campus was upeneu uy Gov. Val Peterson. Drive to Continue Although the Freedom Bell will be dedicated today, the Cru sade drive will continue to ob tain more signatures. The scrolls gathered from the University campus were sent to Europe late last week along with i signatures from Nebrasica ana other states. I Citizens of member nations of the United Nations, though not taking part in the Crusade for Freedom, will still be offering prayers for the United Nations when the bells ring out as part of the official United Nations Day ceremonies. n otow jr ulgariaGi To Picture d Life General Clay To Enshrine Scrolls Today The 4,205 signatures gathered from University students during the Crusade for Freedom drive two weeks ago will be en shrined in the base of the Free dom bell in Berlin today as part of the United Nations Day cele brations. A ceremony dedicating the bell will be held at 11 a.m. to day and will be broadcast from Berlin at that hour. After the broadcast, Gwen McCormack will play the United Nations Hymn on the NU carillon chimes. Crusade for Freedom officials have asked that all Americans join in the dedication and offer prayers for world peace. Mayor to Accept General Lucius Clay, national chairman of the Crusade, will dedicate the bell and present it to Berlin Mayor Ernst Reuter. The bell is being installed in the tower of the Berlin city hall. - Signed Freedom Scrolls from hundreds of colleges and univer sities will be among those placed in the bell today. The scrolls ner of 14th and Vine streets. The parade will move down 14th street to R, down R street to 15th, and down 15th street to O street. The parade will travel down O street to 11th, down 11th to R, down to 12th, and then travel along 12th street to the Coliseum. The Student Directory, which is sponsored by the University Builders, will be published sometime in November. This handbook will contain in formation about students, facul ty and organized houses. A student's name, year in school, college, hometown, Lin coln address and phone number are listed in the student section. Names of the faculty, their position, office address, phone, Lincoln address and phone con stitute another section. Each sorority and fraternity will have an alphabetical list of all their members, the phone house and the names of their presidents and housemothers. These handbooks will sell for 50c. More information regarding the sales of student directories will be announced later. f Off s (Blls to h fin By Glenn Rosenqufst Today, on internationally ob served United Nations Day, Presi dent Truman is billed to make an important address to the fifth general assembly of the United Nations at Flushing Meadows. On the University campus, the carillon bells are schedulde to ring at 11 a. m. The bells will chime to commemorate the UN Charter, which came into effect five years ago. Since 1945, the United Nations has become a hub of world" po litical problems. Many of these problems reach the United Na tions after the attempts at set tlement have failed. What are some of the things tions commission has not com pletely settled the problem, the way has been paved for lasting peace in the whole area. United Nations mediation scored another success in an India-Pakistan dispute. The United Nations commission set up in January 1948 stopped the fighting. Berlin Blockade fiW Bay drew, leaving behind them two independent nations, after the Security Council had taken up the question. In the same year, in Iran. Sov iet forces withdrew from the northern area following discus sions in the Security Council. Disagreement As a result of big power dis The Berlin blockade was an ( agreement, armed forces have not explosive situation for it involved yet been placed at the disposal the armies of four great powers j of the UN to enforce its decisions. separated by nothing wider than i However, as in the case of Korea cepuon mov. z at trie union irom which tne UN does? What are w i p.m. me omcers win men ; Mnie Df the problems which it vote on the finalists for the honor hag handled? Exactly what has and she will be presented at the the United Nations accomp smnual Military Ball in Decern- j llihe6 during the past five years? Interests Clash Arab. Jewish and British in terests had clashed sharply over Palestine for nearly thirty years. When, in April, 1947. the problem was put in the lap of the United Nations, many feared that so grave a test might over-tax the young organization. Pefore they were done, the United Nations took care of refu gees, the fighting was stopped and thousands of lives were Student Union Schedule of Events Tuesday, Oct. 2i 1 p.m. Convocation in Love Library auditorium. 7 to 9 p.m. Dance Lessons, ballroom. Wednesday, Oct 25 Noon "Campus Quarterback" Fenn State-Nebraska rame. Main lounge. the width of the streets. Due to action taken indirectly by the United Nations, the four powers began private conversations on the questions of currency, block ade and other problems at Lake Success. ped hybrid corn to devastated areas in Europe and . the near east. In the field of health, advisers, consultants and demonstration teams have helped provide train ing facilities and other services to the nations to eliminate such diseases as cholera, typhus, tuberculosis, malaria and plague. In the field of education. UNESCO works to Improve edu cational standards by permitting the free flow of ideas to restore scientific and cultural life to No Reservations At Opera Concert First come, first served will be the rule at the Helen Jepson con cert at the Coliseum Thursday evening, according to Mrs. Irma Coombs, chairman of the state teachers' group in charge of the concert. "There are plenty of good seats for everyone, so we will make no effort to block off any part of the Coliseum to discriminate be tween the teachers convention guests and those who buy tick ets," she said. Tickets may be purchased at Schmoller & Mueller, Walts, Dictze, Molzer and Haun music stores, where they are on sale at $1.20 for adults and 60 cents for children, tax Included. The Metropolitan opera star is scheduled to arrive Wednesday night. She will offer a repertoire of both classical and lighter fa vorites at the concert. A man who was prominent in the trial and subsequent convic tion of 15 Bulgarian church leaders will address University students Tuesday. Zvetan Litov, secretary of the Supreme Council of Protestant churches in Bulgaria, will speak at a University convocation in Love Library auditorium at 3 p. m. Tuesday. Litov was prominent in th defense of the 15 protestant min isters who were accused of plot ting against the Bulgarian com munist government. They wer later sentenced to life imprison ment. Litov was virtually forced to leave Bulgaria. He is at pre sent in exile in the United States. Life Under Communists He will tell about life under the communists in his address: "Behind the Iron Curtain." Litov served as minister of th ! largest Methodist church in So fia, capital of Bulgaria, for 15 years. He also served as director of the Methodist Youth Organ ization in Bulgaria for three years. The 41 year old minister was graduated from the theological school in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1932. He was ordained as elder and deacon in the church by tht American bisnop, Dr. Nuellson. Law School Graduate He was a graduate of Sofia State University's Law School. He served on the editorial staff of "Zornitza," bulletin of Bul garia s protestant churches, and oldest publication in the coun try. He was assistant editor of th "The Christian World," a month ly publication of the Methodist church in Bulgaria. Following his forced departure from Bulgaria in 1947, Litov re ceived a scholarship from the Methodist church to study at Emory University in Georgia. He has lectured throughout the United States before civic and church groups. Litov's appearance at the Uni versity1 is sponsored by the Na tional Committee for a Free Eur ope, the same organization which sponsored the "Crusade for Free dom." Joseph C. Grew, ambassador to Japan at the time of Pearl Harbor, is chairman of the board for the committee. Committee Members Other members of the commit tee include: Francis Biddle, for mer Attorney General; Robert F. Bradford, former governor of Massachusetts; Gen. Lucius D. Clay, former American military commander in Germany; Gen. William J. Donovan, wartime chief of the OSS; Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of Co 1 u m b i a University; William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor; Henry Luce, editor of Life; Charles P. Taft, brother of the senator; and Dar ryl Zanuck and Cecil B. De Mille, both movie directors. This committee has set up four subcommittees to aid in the cre ation of understanding between eastern European countries and the United States. It is attempt ing to prepare the way for a time when leaders of the Eastern bloc can return to their homelands. a temporary solution has been war-devastated countries and to worked out to work on certain problems. Atomic energy commission members are still working to bring about satisfactory decisions regarding the use of this great Though the Berlin problem is j Power, not solved as yet. the creat The Economic and Social coun- powers have agreed that progress ! '!. whose 18 members are elected j shipping and labor relations. nas been maue. i oy tne general assembly, is ringed 0ne f tne mos, effective ot In Indonesia, a United Nations by a series of commissions, deal-i TTii u j...,,. . . ; ...lit l. ! iiuhwio nuun lias ul-cii LuniiiiiB.iiuii Kiauujliy DrOUgni '"K wim buuii uiiuuim buujci'is a the Netherlands and the Indone- economic development and em sian Republic to a cease-firing j ployment, human richts. the and renewal cf negotiations for a i tatus of women, population, so final settlement. rial work and transportation. In Greece, a commission is ! These commissions have had working now to bring about a ! great progress In making the peaceful settlement of dlfficul- world a better place to live in. ties and friction between Greece Agriculture and her neighbor countries. ln addition, crcat work has in syria ana Jenanon. m 1946. been done in the field of agricul overcome prejudices and tensions which separate people have. In addition, great strides have been taken in civil aviation. In ternational banking service, in ternational telephone, telegraph and radio services, meterology. i world shipping and trade, aid to In the field of narcotic drues con trol. First developed ' under the League of Nations, the field has been brought under International control. Human rights, public finance, employment and economic de velopment, population, statistics I YW Encourages Students to Vote To encourage University stu dents to vote in the Nov. 7 elec tion, the YW current affairs dis cussion group is sponsoring a campaign to supply information on how to vote and register. Due to a lack of election per sonnel, there will be no regis tration booth in the Union. How ever, the YW group will proceed to inform the University students how to vote and register, Ruth Sorensen, chairman of the discussion group stated that since so many of the students have signed the Freedom Scroll, they can show that they really meant something by taking on an active part in voting at this election. Lincoln students voting, must be registered by Oct. 11 at the election commissioner's office In 102 Trust building at 10th and O Streets. Office hours are from 8 i saved. Though the United Na-1 British and French troops with- i ture. For example, the UN ahip- and transportation problems have j a.m. to 5 p.m. this week and also been worked upon and 1 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. next week, solved by United Natiois commis- I Further notices of activity will ions. I appear in the Rag. Auditorium Plans Awaiting Regents Report The Lincoln auditorium will be forgotten temporarily untij the University board of regents reports to the council on two points. These are: whether facilities permit furnishing steam to heat . the structure and whether this " service can be given without specific legislative authority. The city must either get its steam supply from the Univer sity to operate the auditorium or build its own heating plant. Consumers Public Power district has notified the council it has not the capacity to be able to serve the proposed auditorium. Architects of the auditorium state the maximum demand for the building will be 30,000 pounds of steam per hour. The regents appointed a com mittee consisting of Carl W. Borgmann, dean of faculty; Charles Fowler, superintendent of buildings; John K. Selleck, business manager; and Earl Cline, counsel for the regents. This committee is to make an investigation and report back to the regents with recommenda tions. The resents are not scheduled to meet again until two or threw weeks from Saturday. Possibili ties of a special meeting in case of earlier readiness to report by the committee vas discussed mt the council meeting. u