nrm Onfy daily publication for students of ffre r THE WEATHER Clrar skies Friday with temperatures ranging in the 70s. i i i i r , -" I I i UITLIU University of Webrcsfo Vol. 51 No. 27 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Friday, October 20, 1950 ITfo) fD ffl Commies Retreat In Korea UN Forces Take Over Red Capital United Nations forces captured the capital of North Korea Thursday. Two allied spearheads were able to occupy most of Pyong yang, red capital since the end of World War II. The premier of North Korea, Kim II Sung, and his government had apparently fled northward, possibly into Manchuria or Rus sian Siberia. Frightened red troops surrend ered by the thousands, some clad only in their long underwear. The capital was almost deserted, although in normal times, it had over 700,000 inhabitants. The two major escape roads northward were reported clogged with re treating red soldiers. War Nearly Over Most correspondents predicted that the war was almost over, : although guerrilla operations j may continue. j In England. Sir Stafford ! Cripps, better known as "Mr. Austerity," resigned as Chancel lor of the Exchequer, a post he had held since November, 1947. The 61-year-old cabinet member had been in poor health for some time. Senator Herbert R. O'Connor of Maryland charged that about a half million gallons of Ameri can oil had been sent to China after the Korean war began. "Improper and wrong" were i the words used by the chairman of the senate subcommittee in vestigating reports that Ameri can ships have been carrying strategic materials into red China since last June. Quints Take Trip The Dionne quintuplets, now 16 years old. made their first visit to New York City. Their host was Francis Cardinal Spell- man, archbishop or Jiew xork. I Their only other trip into the United States was made m 1943. when they went to Wisconsin to launcn some snips. Reports from Washington are that President Truman assured General MacArthur that the ad ministration policies, in accord f those of the UN. will be to per manently neutralize Formosa. Russia accepted an invitation issued by the UN to join a 14 member "peace patrol" to smash world aggression anywhere in the world. NU Builders To Distribute Baud Day Issue Copies of Scarlet and Cream, official Builder's newspaper will be distributed to each high school student in attendance at the annua Band Day Saturday. 3,000 copies of the publica tion have been printed. Activi ties on campus are described or pictured in the publication. This is the first issue of the year, under the editorship of Beverly Smith. A card will be attached to the newspaper with information to be filled out by the high school student Information requested will include the name, address, school, major and the college, if any, that the student plans to attend. In this way, the Builders may contact there students who j are interested in attending the i University. Food, including sandwiches, milk and apple, will be given to the students under the direction of Poochie Rediger. All hostesses at the feed will for the dungaree jamboree Fri wear the newly initiated red and J day night, Oct. 20. The dance white Builders ribbon. j will be held immediately after Builders is an organization j the rally to the music of Jerry which seeks to advertise the Uni- Mayburn and his orchestra, versity as much as possible and 1 The Phi trio, Betty Lester, to get Nebraska students to at- ! Nora Devore and Barb Adams tend school at their own state University. AWS Announces Torl FlT.Va nWl" 5a"Ce' prml8ed ' -- . u 1 Letters containing the rules for Coed Follies participation f were sent Friday by the AWS board to all organized women's' i i JIVUrc. ' n,i.n..i, r-,...A -c.iii .;ii ! r-,.A .;n ! not be held until Feb. 27, 1851, the AWS board is asking that each submit a written i script for its skit or curtain act j by Dec. 15. If a group has not j entered a script by that date, it will be assumed that it does not ; Intend to participate in the fol- , lies. It will not be necessary, however, to enter candidates for Typical Nebraska Coed until a later date. The reason for the early sub mission of scripts is to prevent the duplication of ideas. In case two groups enter the same idea, the first script submitted will be used, and the other group will be asked to change its theme. The AWS board believes that this rule will give each group a belter chance in the competi tion. Scripts should be sent as soon as possible to Marilyn Moomey at 426 No. 16. Skits mur.t not exceed eight minutes and cur tain acts must be no more than live minutes. The New Entrances FAST I WHICH DOOR IS WHICH? This illustration shows the entrance system which will be used at the East Stadium Saturday for the Penn State-NU game and all other grid games. The plan is being used this year to protect studetns' interest s, according to A. J. Lewandowski, athletics busi ness manager. Only students will be able to go i n entrances marked "Students" in the diagram. Similarly, only faculty members and the genera 1 public may enter ramps specifically marked for "Faculty" and "Public." The majority of door s, as the plan shows, will be used by students YuEbo of If you have a ticket to sit in the student football section, you must present your ticket as well as vour ID card before vnu will be admitted into all future ; games. ; A'. J. Lewandowski reports that too many non-students are ; trying to sit in the student sec tion and all attempts will be ; made to have this cease. -r II . m 11 111 If ,21 II fill ,T Jjfl XCrVieWS To Continue Student Council interviews for sophomore and junior applicants for the Student Committee on Publications will be held next Wednesday, Oct, 25, at 4:15 at the Union. Those students whose appli cations have been filed should report to room 305, Union, for the interviews. Each applicant appears separ ately before the Council mem bers to answer specific questions i concerning qualifications and constructive ideas, i The Student Committee on Publications is comprised of both faculty and student representa tives. Their duties include selec- tiwi r.t tha throo nnhliralinnc' Staffs and review and venfica-! tn of contact! and budgete CoxS a"4 members of the sophomore and junior classes have filed for the position on the Publications Board. Interviews for the senior Board member were held Wed- nesday in the Student Council Uons are lne several sections re meetinc. Leon Pfeiffer was re- ! served to the public and single named to the senior Publications Board post. U. -pn 111 Oil Inim m. rip "p WO 1LJ till CCS Two more free dances are the schedule of the Union on for ' this coming week-end Dungarees, levis or just plain j rallv clothes will be the vogue ! will furnish entertainment. The Cig quartette and solos by Gwen Wilsner will also be on the pro- j cram. Jan rrenens, cnairman jjrj i fi i-. . .-- ,, w Y: There wlU be a number 01 c.fff' ;w, 4V. v;,m Saturday nght. the Union plans to initiate a series of disc , , . . ..... I oeroy oances. iancine wiu ue , ueroy oances. dancing wiu uc(kiuwij from 8:30 o.m. to midnight. ! Dancing will be entirely to records. Entertainment will con- sist of a duet of Mary Pitterman i and Jo Pyle and a blackface ! ukulele act by Donna Kratler. j Chairman Perky Falb said that she anticipated a record crowd for the event. Which the Union co;.m;:ce hopes to be able to make a traditional affair. AWS Positions Open to Juniors Unaffiliated junior coeds In terested in membership in AWS Associated Women Students may file applications from which senior AWS board mem bers will schedule interviews. Applicants must have a 5.7 scholastic average, junior stand ing, and a year's residence in a University house. Applications must be filed be twecn B a.m. and 5 p.m. at Ellen i Smith hall by Friday. I v STADIUM and fa culty. tites The name on the ID card and ; football ticket must be written j ink and correspond if the I ticketholder is to be admitted. Some gatecrashers should be complimented on their ingenuity in trying to get into the Nebraska-Indiana game last month. Sandwich Is Reason One elderly lady asked a ticket taker if she could go through the gates, ' Just to get a sandwich," she said. Her reason wasn't accepted for some athletes were selling food outside the gates. Another Nebraska fan tried to 1 get by the ticket checkers under the pretense of checking a tele- pnone. tie was completely was completelv out fitted as a lineman, even includ ing the spikes on his shoes. His costume was authentic but his excuse didn't hold ground. There are no telephones in the stadium. Plumbing Repairman Another man claimed he was called to repair some plumbing. The fact that he didn't have any of his tools kept him from seeing the game. No one knows what tricks will be tried this Saturday. Most likely most of them will end up listening to the game by radio. All students with season foot ball tickets this year must enter the door marked "Students." " . - " Membe,? 5 e Innocents Soci - 1 ety W!lJ Pla at en nnlor the pUrpOSC f ,dent'- j UCallon- c,atinr j , lua eaws i me majority oi seats in inejto th. uinners in th float com- i &y students ana iaciuiy. r.xcep- admission. Seats reserved for the faculty anJ the University stu dents are the card section and the seats nearest the field. Faculty members are to enter door marked "faculty." This ! will be located directly north of . i j the center door, 'This system is being used this year to protect student in- j terests," said Lewandowski. A similar plan was tried once be- fore in 1937 but only two doors were open to students. Chancellor's Speech UN Week When people create something : and then Share With Others What iSLu.6 PP .... . w ' . . . ' ' - l K. u. Gustavson stated at the ' first All-University convocation i Thursday. Speaking at the ColLseum, (Gustavson addressed over 3,000 TVIm.,i., uiucjmi; biuucjiw. uu ioiuhj members. His speech was entit- led "Look, to This Day." A creative life finds its satis- faction in its ability to share," the Chancellor said. "A nation which shares is a happy nation and a world which shares is a happy world," he continued. Gustavson's speech climaxed United Nations Week activities on the University campus. Still on the agenda are a coffee hour at the Union Sunday, and the projects of UN Day, Tuesday, Oct. 24. With Gustavson on the Coli seum stage were Dr. Carl J. Schneider, who gave the intro ductory speech, Jack Greer, who introduced the Chancellor, and Harold Peterson, president of NUCWA. Schneider told the assembly of the convocation program as out lined for the coming year. All classes were dismissed for Dr. Gustavson's address. UN Must Lead The Chancellor expressed his House Display float Sketches Deadline Set Sketches of the homecoming Eligibility requirements must house displays and the floats must be fulfilled before any student be turned in not later than Sat- ) may ae for junior or senior urday noon in order to eligible i cjas officer. These refer to in for competition. dividual college requirements, Sketches and fees for the house ) hour requirements and a 5.5 av decorations should be sent or i erage. brought to John Mills. 635 North j The tentative election date has 16th street, bv noon Oct. 21. All! been set for Thursday, Oct. 26. '1 trmsi nav tho fiv Hniiar ntrv fw : to be eligible for consideration, j Decorations must be completed ' and an expense account, totaling not more than fifty dollars, must , be in Friday, Nov. 4 at 6 p.m. All J organized houses are eligible. If duplicate entries are turned in . the first one received is taken. ; Float Contest 5 The float contest will be simi- ; lar tr, thA hni Hnv.nt.nn tt- ' netition. Sororities mav not com- , pete. No entry fee is necessary , i but a sketch is required with the same rule on duplication. All en i tries must be sent to Jayne Wade j 1C19 R street before noon Oct. 21. An expense limit of fifteen dol- lars is placed on the float con ! test. The judges - wili be faculty members. All floats and other partici , pants will form at 10:30 a.m., I Saturday, Nov. 4th. at 14th and Vine streets. The parade will s move down 14th street to R. down R to 15th. and down 15th to O street to 11th, down 11th to i TV- j R to 12th and to the Coliseum. I Professional help may be j used on any of the decorations. Traveling Trophies i Traveli trophies are awarded the Coliseum. petition. In the house decoration . contest troohies will be awarded the too teams and traveline tro- phies go to second and third place winners Only two places are recognized in the float contest. i u year sigma jvu coppea ; rst place in the mens division Vnr (.firtOOlllSlS ! with Gamma Phi Beta as the:rur t,ff top women team, in the house : rlt-r.y,i imt Cirnna fV I anA 7 r.t - Beta Tau took second and third place honors resnectively in the mens division. Second and third places in the women's section j went to Sigma Delta Delta Delta Delta. Tau and Program on Campus , belief that it is the United Na- tinnt nr-aTi-rutinn -urKir.Vi tnnrf head the world today. j(mi . -T . , r "The UN offers man the great- est hope in the world. This is because of the opportunity which "Look to This Day," the title chosen for Chancellor R. G. Gustavson' convoca tion address Thursday, was taken from the Sanskrit. The poem is reprinted below by request from many students and faculty members. Look to this day! For It is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the varieties and realities of your existence! The bliss of growth; The glory of action; The splendor of beauty; For yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; But today, well lived, makes every yesterday A dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therelore, to this day! Such is the saludtion of the dawn. From the Sanskrit NU K 'Go lO Conn nan (1 ant Call To Close Tuesday Applications for the title of Honorary Commandant must be filed between today and Tuesday at 5 p.m. by senior coeds, in the Dean of Student Affairs office. Room 104 Administration build ing. Seniors applying must meet the qualifications of their college, for senior standing and must have an average of at least 5.5. There is no limit on the number of can didates who may apply from each house. Students will vote for the six finalists at an all-University election, Oct. 31, and on Nov. 2 a reception will be held from 2 to 7 p.m., at the Union at which time the six finalists will be pre sented to the candidate officers. The officers will then vote for the Honorary Commandant, who will be revealed at the annual Military Ball. Gass Posts Applications Due Today Today is the last day for stu dents to file tor junior and sen ior class officers. Anyone inter ested should file with Dean Hal- ! rrr.nn'f sffrr in the A A mini CtTIl- j L II viiac l'l ..... ............ ' tinn hnilriinp todav. either on the Ag or city cam j pus. There will be booths in the j Unions of both campuses, j Eligible Voters Qnjv juniors and seniors may ; vote or tne four officers which ; are to be elected for each class, i a minimum of two candidates I fnr each office is reauired. Suf- ficient interest must be shown the elections and filings to warrant their being neia ! BD Parker, Bob Parker, student council vice president who is in charge of elections, announced some re visions to the campaign public ity rules which were issued this week. For this election, no money is to be used for campaign pur poses. Posters may be made, but no candidate is to pay for any ; advertising facilities. P.A. Use Restricted j Another publicity revision has restricted use of the public ad- dress system during the elee ; tions. This means that no can ; didate may use P.A. advertising on campus or elsewhere during tn elections. , The student Council hopes ! that this election v-in be a "nice, : quiet one." j This reason for these revisions is that elections are to be toned down until arter tne iinai coun- j 1 constitution revisions. Th? election organization isn i complete enough to let a regu- lar election campaign be held. T.nrnshlirk CflUs If you tan produce drawings '. . 1 ..1 otinn If ."ncifinal v : here's your big chance. Cartoon- 1 ists for Corn Shucks, the campus j humor magazine, I needed in room 20 are greatly Corn Shucks ! office, in the Student Union as soon as possible. Climaxes , the UN presents to organize the nrnr-'A n ..-n..t ..1 : basis,- he said. i Gustavson pointed out the out- i standing advancements which j have come in the wav Bf.ipnf.P to make the world a better place in which to live. "We are living in a world of change. We can produce bigger animals and better producing grain crops through breeding. The most important work at the moment has to do with the nu cleus of the celL We are find ing out that the whole architec ture of the cell is determined by the qualities of the nucleus," he stated. Though our knowledge of science and of the physical laws of the universe have progressed almost beyond belief, the prob lems of morals, ethics, and re ligion which we deal with today are nearly the same as they were many years ago, he told the group. Gustavson pointed out some flaws in our society. According to the Chancellor, we show a tend ency toward non-creative mass production and we emphasize the destructive instead of the con See Gurtavson, Pace 4 ally lom Fireworks, Parade To Kindle Spirit "We're Going to Town for Penn State" will be th theme of the Cornhusker rally tonight at 7 :15. The rally tonight will be the only one of its kind this year. The rally committee has made plans for the Corn husker backers to go downtown. There will be fireworks, yells, songs, speeches, to kindle I the desired spirit to send the Cornhuskers off in full steam against Penn State. All students are asked to be at the Coliseum before 7:15 or to wait in front of their houses to be picked up by the rally. "We're going to town for Penn State" rally procedure will begin at the Coliseum and go down Vine street to 16th. From 16th the pepsters will march to R street; from R to 15th and from 15th to O street From O they will proceed to 13th where the main part of the rally will be held. The Corn Cobs and Tassels will form a circle at the intersection of 13th and O. The students will form behind this circle. Bill to Speak Speeches will be given Ly Coach Bill Glassford and the ' game eo-captains in the middle of the circle. Yells, songs, and cheers will be led here by the yell leaders and the band. After this part of the rally the 'Husker fans will then march back to the Union in rally pro cedure. The order to be followed dur ing the rally is: the band first; then the victory bell with the cheerleaders on the platform; See Rally, Pare 2 Chancellor To Honor All NU Personnel I Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Gustavson j will honor University faculty, ad ! ministrative and service person , nel at the annual Chancellor's i reception next Friday at Carrie ! Belle Raymond hall between 8 , and 10 p. m. In the receiving line with Chancellor and Mrs. Gustavson rwill be Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Borgmann, Dr. and Mrs. Lester D. Odell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Neidt, Dean and Mrs. W. V. Lambert, Miss Doretta Schlap hoif, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Staker, Dr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Wittson, Colonel and Mrs. James H. Work ; man. Captain and Mrs. T. A. ; Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry i H. Foster. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Don ' aid W. Dysinger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dudek and Miss Kath i eiine L. Par ks. Assistants , Assistants are the following: : Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. David Dow, Mr. and ; Mrs. Arthur Westbrook, Mr. and ; Mrs. Walter E. Militzer, Mr. and ! Mrs. Eugene Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd G. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Donaldson, Mr. and i Mrs. Roger Shumate, Mr. and I Mrs. Irwin L. Hathaway, Mr. and i Mrs. James Weber. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Colbert, ! Mr. and Mrs. Forrest C. Blood, Miss Evelyn Metzger, Miss Eliza beth Tierney, Miss Ruth Staples, Mrs. Joseph B. Burt, Mrs. E. W. Janike, Mrs. J. William Glass ford, Dean Marjorie Johnston, Mrs. James P. Tollman, Mrs. Clarence E. McNeill, Miss Selma Anderson, Mrs. Harold C Lueth. Others In Line Mrs. Donald A. Keys, Mr. and Mrs. George Round, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy T. Laase, Miss El vera Christiansen, Miss Sue Ar buthnot, Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Schrickel, Mr. and Mrs. Max Schuster, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reinhardt, Mr .and Mrs. Robert Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe C. Abbott, Miss Clara Rausch. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. O. Hoick, Miss Ruth L. Meier henry, Miss Lucille Backemeyer, Miss Arleen Arner, Mrs. Mar jorie Kastain, Mrs. Ivy Huff and Mrs. Adele Hurley. I-Housc Tops AUF Donation List Preliminary reports from eight organized houses on the city campus show that the Interna tional House heads the list of those reporting to date on AUF contributions. Following is a list of the houses in order of their percentage of individual goals reached thus far in the drive which will end on Feb. 25. International House 73 Heppner Hall 69 Howard Hall ce Rundle Hall 64 Wilson Hall 50 Rosa Bouton Hall 44 Raymond Hall 43 Love Hall 8 Those halls who have not re ported yet are Terrace Hall, Del ian Union, Towne Club. o Town 9 UN Week Schedules Coffee Hour ' United Nations Week continues Sunday with a coffee hour to be held in the Union lobby at S p.m. Hosts and hostesses from. NUCWA will serve coffee and brownies to students attending. The informal hour will give Uni versity students and faculty th chance to meet informally, talk over the issues of the week and learn of NUCWA's future plans. Sponsored jointly by NUCWA and the Union, the hour is being planned by a committee headed by Stan Jones. Joan LaShelle of the Union is also helping with arrangements. Decorations at the hour will follow an international theme. Committee members working on arrangements who will, also serve as hosts and hostesses are Joha Bauer, Adele Crane, Bob Hallock. Dorothy Kurth, Joann Miller, Sue Neuenswander, Jeanette Ne vile. Rusty Parmenter. Patsy Patterson, Don Peterson and Kathleen Wilson. Invitations Invitations have been sent out to all organized houses on cam pus urging students to attend the hour. The get-together will be the last function of UN week, which began Tuesday. Oct 17 and will last until Tuesday, Oct. 24. President of NUCWA. Stan Jones and other NUCWA offi cers and executive board mem bers will be on hand at the hour to talk with students and explain the campus organization and ita aims in promoting UN activities. Activities of the UN week have included a faculty roundtable discussion, a Cosmopolitan debate on "Should China have a seat in the UN," and an All-University convocation with Chancellor Gustavson. Heading the UN Week general committee are co-chairmen Joan Jones and Marilyn Coupe, All Over World While University students hav been observing UN Week on their campus, peoples all over the world have been celebrating it in their own way. Schools, clubs and institutions in America and in Nebraska have emphasized "UN Plus You" in their programs. Children have been making United Nations ban ners and have been studying the organization of the United Na- See UN Week, Txgt 4 'Dancing Fright' Solution Offered Do you die a thousand deaths on the dance floor? Or are you a dance fiend who is on the look out for new dance steps with which to torture your date? Whatever the case, your prob lems are solved. Dance lessons are yours for the asking at the Union ballroom every Tuesday night from 7 to 9. Stu Reynolds, chairman of the dance commit tee, has announced that these lessons are already under way and are under the supervision of P. Christie and Miss Marty, assisted by Miss Ruth Pierce from the Arthur Murray studio. There have already been two successful dances with a turnout f 200-300 people but new "tal ent" is always welcome. The Arthur Murray teachers have given lessons in the fox-trot and the waltz, and at the last meet ing they demonstrated one of the latest dance steps, the mambo. Stu announced that demonstra tions of any dance requested will be given at these sessions. For those who feel left out be cause they can't do the Charles ton, there are NU student helpers who will be at your disposal. These "pros" are Jo Pyle, Stu Snow, Betty Stratton, and Kathy McMullen. Ag Board Filings To Close Monday Filings for the junior members to the Farmer's Fair board will close Monday, according to Don Bever, manager. To be eligible, students must have a 5.5 average, have com pleted 53 hours and be carrying 12 hours successfully at the pre sent time. Duties of the board include all planning for the Farmer's Fair, held annually each spring. In past years the fair has included open houses, barbecue, parada and the rodeo.