Friday, September 29, 1950 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 J r (DQDDS7 : 1 0 K3 K) Gs E lnJ S " &dly;. Any students interested In taking; pictures for the 1951 Cornhusker yearbook please report any afternoon between 2 and 5 p.m. m j? i V rWCy :' Ana hrwwwr - t a, 4, skers ir eff ft? Toogood, Mueller Chosen Captains; Curfs Ailing; VJingender May Start by Bill Mundell "We're ready as ready as we'll ever get!" So stated Coach Bill Glassford alter Thursday's light drill. Bill indicated that the coaches had done all they could and now it was strictly up to the gridders themselves. "Mentally, you've got to get yourselves ready," he told his men. "And now is the time to start, not this ' Saturday at 2 p. m." Thursday's drill in sweat clothes was a fast lively exhibi tion, the boys showing plenty of spirit and enthusiasm. Offensive running and passing plays re ceived the final polishing while the defensive units were getting their pass defense down to its fine points. Charley Toogood and Bill Mueller have been chosen to serve as co-captains for the Hus kers in the Saturday opener. Both Toogood and Mueller are three-year lettermen at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Mueller, hard-driving halfback, will be used only on offense but big Charley will be on hand for both a tackle on offense and an end on defense. Coach Glassford indicated that with Mueller in the offensive backfield, he would start Quar terback Fran Nagle, halfback Bobby Reynolds, .and possibly fullback Kay Curtis. , Curtis, still suffering from the effects of a sore back received in practice this week, may not be available to Bill's call Sat urday afternoon. If Curtis is not in tip-top shape for the contest. Bill Wingender will get the call at the fullback slot. Starting in the offensive line positions Satnrday are Frank Simon and Dick Regier, ends; TnnannA an1 Wavno Hanrichv w0ww " - ' - - . tackles; Walt Spellman and Don Strasheim, guards; and Joe Mc Gill at center. Defensively If the Huskers should kickoff to start the game the gridders to see opening action will be Bill Maxe and Herb Reese at the ends, Ted Connor and Dick Goeglein at the tackles, Bob Mul len and Don Boll at the guards, and Verl Scott at the center spot. Ron Clark will take over the safety role in the backfield and will team with Nick Adduci and halfbacks Don Bloom and George Prochaska in trying to stop the Hooslers aerial attack ; A lecond defensive unit will j um Toogood and Rich Novak ' at the end posts, Ed Husmann j and Keith Fiene at the tackles, Dick Grill and Tom Harper at : the guards, and Spellman at cen- ! ter. Reynolds will be-a safety posi- AT rmuas The Right Across the For the '"lA. n r y THE i f. 1 r ' L f-Bcrma 01CINAI ' ' " '' " ' ' J i, 'A 1 1 A. CHARLEY TOOGOOD Glass-, ford tabbed this double duty performer to co-captain the Huskers in their opening game, Yankees and Ties in Pennant Races Another spectacular ninth inning rally by those unpredict able Philadelphia A's just fell short of victory and the New York Yankees went on to bang out an important 8 to 6 victory, thus giving them at least a tie for the American League pen nant. The Detroit Tigers, a tired and desperate bunch of ballplayers, tion- in this unit with Regier, Curtis, and Jerry Ferguson in the secondary. The second offensive forward wall consists of George Paynich and Ferguson, ends; Rex Hoy and Harper, tackles; Art Bauer and Carl Brassee, guards; and Ted Britt, center. This unit's backfield will find Buster Lehmar at quarter, Clark and Bloom at the halves, and possibly Adduci at full. Game time is 2 p. m. Saturday afternoon and business manager A. J. Lewandowski said that good weather might mean a crowd of 35,000 for the contest. STUDENTS! hear . . . Dr. John Sreinman, Psychiatrist on "VIEWPOINTS IN PSYCHIATRY" (Lecture and DUcwulon) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 6:30 P. M. Student (Hub, Unitarian Church, 12th and H Street Answers Campus Coed: u crey, ,Y. Good . . . it' perfect as interpreted in LOOM TOGS men's wear flannel! Be at the fafiion-top in your class wearing this new and diffrrcnt GREY outfit! French Wind-breaker Jacket 1-1.95 Slim Skirt 8.93 SPORTSWEAR . . .Second Floor For the College Joe: Julliard corduroy pullover honors checks! Corduroy front with bright, two-tone check knit ted collar, sleeves and back. Ocean pearl buttons and ribbed knit trim gives this 8'''r aMcd style and coin- fort. Sizes S, M, L. 4.93 COLLEGE MAN'S QUALITY SHOP . . . First Floor IT1 1 LLER A k : i ill BILL MUELLER veteran halfback from Omaha will serve as co-captain in Indiana opener. Phils Cinch clung to that last chance for a tie with the Yanks by ekeing out a 4 to 3 decision over the tough-of-late St. Louis Browns. It seemed as if the game would go on forever until a twelfth-inning error enabled the Tigers to score the winning run. Yanks The Yanks jumped off to an early lead at the expense of A's starter. Bob Hooper, but it was short-lived as the Athletics seemed to better the Bombers' at will. A 6 to 5 lead going into Ace pitcher. Vic Raschi, almost the last of the ninth looked suf ficient for the Yankees, but Joe Tipton had other ideas as he slammed Raschi's first pitch high into the left-field stands. Allie Reynolds came on to put out the fire and he received credit for the win as relief pit cher Bobby Shantz was charged for the loss. In the National League the faltering Phillies blew another chance to clinch the pennant as they bowed twice to the New ' , ' ' I A LJ 't T i i r. i PAiflE i "jJ ft J ' I Lj, Ll hk I rnv n n ' .-n,,llll J Spellman Know Your Another tackle that Bill Glass ford will be able to count on this year will be Dick Goeglein. Dick, the oldest man on the squad is 27 years old. He weighs 211 pounds and is 6' 2" tall. He hails from Lincoln, Neb. He played high school football with York Giants by identical scores of 3 to 1. Maglie and Jones pitched the double win for the Giants. Even though they lost, the Phils backed into at least a tie for the pennant as the Brook lyn Dodgers and Boston Braves split a doubleheader. The first game went to the Dodgers, 6 to 5; the second to the Braves, 8 to 4. I Huskers f ' ' I ' ' ",, 'A4 ' f' "''"',1 ' Hill ii i ii mil '.','. '', ttmmKHtk. mm m M Only Chevrolet lets you make such a wide aid wondezk cAoce ... and at the lowest prices, too ! v 1 . or, .i "'-.3 . - SEE YOUtl LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALGtl Conveniently listed under VAutomcbUes" in your local classified tetcpheno dlrecizrf Maxe Sooners Play Boston College The Sooner football team will put their 21 -game winning streak on the line Saturday when they entertain Boston College. Only one regular returns from the undefeated 1949 team. Leon Heath, star fullback, returns for his final fling at college football. But this doesn't mean that all is lost for the Sooners. They still have a lot of veterans back who saw plenty of action last year. Ten of them will be in the starting lineup against Boston. Boston College will present a sharp team for the Sooners in their initial test. They played Wake Forest to a 7-7 tie last Sat urday and will be out to break the Oklahoma winning streak. Another Big Seven school which will take on a strong out-of-conference opponent is Iowa Lincoln High School in 1940 as tackle. He entered the army in 1943 and was in for three years. He entered the University of Nebraska in 1946. He has two letters in Varsity football and is after his third this season. He is a senior in Teachers Col lege and a member of the Beta Sigma Psi fraternity. DANDEE DIAPER SERVICE "DOUBLE PROTECTION" Baby talk magazine free each month. For informa tion call the "Double Pro tection" diaper service, 1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-8853 Choot Standard Automatic Combination of trammmion and tional on Ue Luxe Choose between Styleline and Fleetline Styling . lo between Air rtnrl ihm Canvmrtihlet W America's Bat Seller . . Reese State. The Cyclones pack their gear and head for Evanston to do battle with Northwestern. Northwestern fs rumored to have a mighty rugged team. Only one sophomore will grace the first string line. In Billy Weeks Iowa State pos sesses the best passer in the Big Seven according to 1949 statis tics. If Weeks is as sharp as ex pected, Northwestern may be in for a long afternoon. Northwestern is counting on a weak Iowa State running attack and so is devoting all of its time to pass defense. Pictures of the Bigr Seven outdoor track meet will be shown today from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Field House. TONIGHT COLLEGE NIGHT at JOHNNY COX And His Orchestra INFORMAL Wear Your RALLY Clothes If You Wish Couples Only Tax Included Atlm. S1.70 per couple f n n between Drivm and Transmission Powerillde automatic lOS-h.p. engine op- models at extra evit. V3 . America's Best Buy I 4i2l!o INCOLNl OPtM roUN (UTiom Turcrar 1 Doris Dav Gordon MacRae 44o to 81 OpalS:45! SPORTS COLORTOON News "Inchon Landing J8how; l:03:lg5:7::7 TUE: "THREE SECRETS" lit STUART COOHW WHmHTlOMTMMTm MIA RAY tosher nun BUGS BUNNY CARTOON OPEN 12:45 44c to NEBRASflAl 2 FIRST RUN HITS! RICHARD WIDMARK GENE TIERNEY "NIGHT'S CITY" .with GOOGIE WITHERS iPLUS "THE ED FROM TEXAS" COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR OPEN 12:45 44c to 6 CAPIYOLL A COOPtH fOMKOATIOM TMMTWFl CART CHANT "CRISIS" Plus I Wan A Shoplifter SAT. THRU TIES. Cans Were Law "COMANCHE TERRITORY" IN TECHNICOLOR ia "CAGED" Z5 TO THCN 4fl KIDS w I m V,'. fa lift m I vi v ya. c (0m ITT, BBBiaaavaMaM IVW ( v 0 r J 1 ::,M.,ii,;;,.!iii.i,i:;;X:iia,,;i,.iiiife,:3,;