The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1950, Image 1

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    Only daily publication
for students
at the
University of Nebraska
Arn rrro) foi n&foi
The Weather
Occasional rain and cooler
In eaist portion of State. High
Thursday 58 to 65 degrees.
1 1
Vol. 51 No. 6
At Seoul
Red Forces
Move to Front
Both good and bad news was
recorded Wednesday in Korea.
Although South Korean ma
f ( rines landed at . Samchok and
U.N. troops were "at the gateway
of Seoul," U.S. Tenth army offi
cers reported to Gen. Douglas
MacArthur that a column of com
munist reinforcements was mov
ing south from Manchuria.
A beachhead was established
by the South Korean marines at
Samchok, 105 miles north of Po
hang, on the Korean east coast.
Just how many troops had land
ed or exactly when the landing
was made was not yet learned.
A spokesman presumed that
the amphibious assault, which
marked a third front in Korea,
was in sufficient force to hold the
Across Peninsula
The city is across the Korean
peninsular from Inchon where
the U.S. First marine and Sev
enth army divisions landed and
are pounding at Seoul's gates.
At the same time the column
of reinforcements heading down
from Manchuria, was said to
consist of 200 vehicles, including
tanks. It was reported to be com
ing from the Manchurian city of
Meanwhile French forces were
reported unofficially Wednes
day night to have recaptured the
. I strategic northern frontier out-
post on Dongkhe from Viet-Minh
communists. French troops, bat
tling what may be a large-scale
communist attempt to seize con
trol of Indo-China, cut down a
battalion of communist troops in
a slaughterhouse attack.
Formosa Introduced
At Flushing, N. Y., the United
C States placed the problem of
Formosa before the United Na
tions general assembly Wednes
day and proposed a program to
provide the world organization
with standing military forces for
( use against aggressors.
1 Secretary of State Dean Ache
son also proposed that the U.N.
establish a "U.N. recovery force"
to send resources and personnel
to aid in the reconstruction of
Korea once the communist in
vasion has been "crushed as it
deserves to be." He also accused
Russia of being "the main ob
stacle to peace."
That the world organization
will survive has been proven by
the Korean war, Acheson con
tinued. "Blood is thicker than ink," he
In Berlin, East-West tension
boiled into a new "cold-war"
flare-up Wednesday when Rus
sian soldiers tried to seize a part
of the British sector of the city,
j, British Arrive
When confronted by British
officials backed by 100 troops in
armored cars bristling with ma
chine guns, the Russians with
drew. The number was unde
termined. v The incident occurred after
sudden mass arrests of sector
police, kipnapings and new Rus
sian pressure to squeeze the
Western occupation sectors.
The soviet sector officials
announced also that they would
cut electrical power in the West
ern sector by half at midnight
Wednesday night by shutting off
all current going from the East
to the West.
There were difficulties seen in
this country Wednesday also.
Gen. George C. Marshall stood
Wednesday at the door to per
haps the most difficult office he
ever held in 48 years as a soldier
and statesman.
Only certain senate confirma
tion of his appointment and the
formality of administering an
oath were needed to make him
the nation's third secretary of
Hard Job
If there was any doubt that
the job is hard and demanding,
the record should erase the
doubt. .'
James Forrestal, first secre
tary, collapsed under the pres
sure, and Louis Johnson, caught
up in interdepartmental contro-
versy, and congressional critic
ism, was forced to resign.
The president of the American
Bar association said Tuesday
night the 17-year record of fed
eral judiciary appointments by
President Truman and the late
President Roosevelt marks a re
turn to the "spoils system policy."
The association president said
"it is wrong to appoint men to
the bench purely because they
have rendered service to the par
, ty in power. If such men are en
T titled to some erward, let them
be rewarded in some other way."
Coed Threatened
A terror-stricken 18-year-old
bride-to-be is under police pro
tection in New Orleans because a
skulking night prowler Whistl
ing a funeral dirge has threat
ened her life. I
The girl, Jacquelyn Cfidow,
says she will wed, even if she
. k has to have a policeman escort
her down the isle.
The prowler had whistleM his
mournful funeral march be
neath the girl's window al her
home in Paradis, La., for iiany
nights. I
The defense department isaia
l Wednesday that there had been
13,911 Korean war casualties
whose next of kin had beet
Uficd through Sept. 15
For ICos
New workers for Kosmet Klub,
men's dramatic society, were wel
comed at an informal smoker
Tuesday evening by Klub actives
at the Union. "
Leon Pfeiffer, president of the
organization, announced that 31
workers were present at the
Klub's first meeting. Of this
number, 26 represented different
houses on the campus and five
were independent students.
Pfeiffer stated that all other in
dependents interested in be
coming workers should make ar
rangements with him.
Plans for Year
The evening's program in
cluded an explanation of the
Klub and also plans for this year
Jr. Division Offers
Free Counseling
A little known free counseling
service is extended to all Uni
versity students, undergraduates
and graduates alike, and to some
high school seniors who plan to
attend the University.
This aid is under the direction
of the Junior division and pro
vides vocational, educational, and
personal information.
The counseling consists of an
initial conference with ah
assigned counselor, a test, if the
student and the counselor feel it
necessary, and usually two more
counselor-student meetings.
Any student who needs this
service is urged by the Junior
division to make an appointment
with their office to meet with one
of the counselors.
Corn Cob
Thirty-eight Corn Cob workers
are competing for active positions
in the organization this year.
Sixteen of these men will be
come active members of the
group next spring. These workers
sell Cornhuskers, "N" flowers,
dance tickets, and "N" books;
cheer at football and basketball
games; help at rallies, parades,
and the annual street ' dance
sponsored by the Cobs; form the
nucleus of the large red "N" at
football games, and attend all
The 16 men chosen to become
actives will be chosen on the
basis of the amount of sales; their
attendance at games, rallies and
meetings; the number of work
hours, and the amount of work
done. "
The workers for the 1950-51
school year are:
William Adama
Frank Allen
Larry Andersen
Art Becker
Philip Breslln
Don Cunningham
Jack Davli
Don Devrles
Richard Dunnuck
Ira Epstein
John Oaskill
Phil Gustafson
Bob HallocK
Otto Haman
Homer Honbi
Bill Karrer
Kent Kelley
Bob La Shelle
Philip Lewis
Dean Llnscott
Lewis Million
Jack Moore
Kris Nelson
Don Noble
Phillip Ostwald
Jim Parmalee
Ed Perry
Klvin Ross
Eldon Schafer
Ivan Slote
Thorn Snyder
Arnold Stern
Jerry Stone
Howard Tracy
Don Warnke
Wayne White
Gene Wohlner
John Wooley
Any man of sophomore stand
ing who is interested in becoming
a Corn Cob worker is still eligi
ble to join the organization. He
should call at the Cob office or
contact one of the club's officers.
Officers of the group are: Bob
Parker, president; Dick Kuska,
vice president; Bruce Kennedy,
secretary; and Bob Rogers, treas
urer. Debaters to Meet
Thursday Night
The year's debate program will
be discussed Thursday evening
at the first meeting of the Uni
versity debate squad.
All University students, re
gardless of previous experience,
are invited to attend the meeting
which is Thursday at 7:15 p. m.,
in Room 203, Temple building.
In addition to discussing the
year's intercollegiate debating
schedule and the debate question,
Warren Wise, president of the
local chapter of Delta Sigma Rho,
honorary speech society, will ex
plain the public service program
for the year.
Warren has contacted various
civic organizations in Lincoln
and arrangements will be made
for exhibition debates during the
Donald Olson, director of Uni
versity debate, stressed that there
would be plenty of opportunity
for new debaters this year Only
ten veterans are returning.
The debate topic is: Resolved:
That non-communist countries
form a new international organi
zation. The squad will be coached by
Olson and Bruce Kendall.
Enrollment Curve
To Reach Peak
Comptroller John K. Selleck
told the members of the Hiram
club Wednesday noon at the
YWCA that the enrollment at the
University of Nebraska will in
crease to 11,000 or 12,000 in 1960.
This is the expected date of the
national college enrollment curve
to hit an all-time peak.
Selleck said that this will pre
sent physical plant, teaching and
financial problems. i
by Pfeiffer. Officers Frank
Jacobs, vice president; Ted Ran
dolph, treasurer and Jerry John
son, secetary, were also intro
duced. New workers for 1950-51 are;
George Babcock, James Burk
hard, Steven Carveth, John Des
mond, John Elwell, Ira Epstein
Richard Ford, Gordon Gay, Ro
bert Gebhards, Jack Greer, Ro
bert, Hallock, George Hancock,
Charles Hruby, Sidney Kath,
Kent' Kelley, Robert LaShelle,
Wendell Lauber, Louis Million,
James Parmelee, Doane Picker
ing, Norman Rasmussen, Glenn
Rodehorst, Alvin Ross, Charles
Saggau, John Savage, Herbert
Saxton, Eldon Schafer, Thorn
Snyder, Arnold Stern, Daniel
Tolman and James Ward.
To be eligible as a worker,
each candidate must be a sopho
more with at least a 4.5 average.
Any student who did not attend
the ismoker but is still interested
in becoming a worker should
contact Leon Pfeiffer, 2-7926 or
Frank Jacobs, 2-3094.
Events Varied
Events sponsored by Kosmet
Klub include production of the
Fall Revue which features skits
by several fraternities, and a
spring show.
During the Revue, Prince Kos
met and the Nebraska Sweet
heart are presented during a
special ceremony.
Following the Revue, plans
are announced , for the Spring
Show which is usually a musical
comedy. A variation for the
Show this year is being contem
plated, according to Pfeiffer.
This spring, coeds may be per
mitted to participate. In the past,
only male students have taken
part in the production. A go
ahead is now being sought for
coed participation and will be
authorized if it is affirmed by the
student body.
Another annual affair spon
sored by the Klub is the Inter
fraternity Sing which is held
during Ivy Day. A cup is pre
sented by the Klub to the (fra
ternity who has been judged
best among the men's groups.
Temporary plans
In regards to temporary plans,
Pfeiffer said that several spec
ial projects still in the embryo
stage have been started. An
nouncement of these projects will
be made at a later date.
Definitely planned to be held
this year are Klub-sponsored
talent shows. In addition, a con
"cerrseries program is being con
sidered as a new Klub sponsored
Kosmet Klub has only one
counterpart the Mask and Wig
at Harvard. This summer, the
organization helped to begin a
similar group at Washington
State university.
Faculty advisor of the Kosmet
Klub is Prof E. W. Schramm.
Foreign Films
Ticket Sale
Starts Today
Season tickets for the series
of foreign films sponsored by
the YMCA will be available for
the first time this year.
Peter Kaestner, chairman of
the YM foreign films committee,
,V i oViovcro of !-. nrniopt This
is in charge of the project. This
is the fourth year the YM has
sponsored the foreign films..
Season tickets, which cost
$3.25, may be purchased at the
YM office in the Temple builcfing
or from any cabinet member. A
student may save 75 cents by
buying a season ticket, rather
than individual tickets for the
seven showings.
Films, which will be shown in
Love library auditorium; are
post-war releases. All have Eng
lish subtitles.
The series: "Volpone," French,
Oct. 6 and 1; "The Children,"
Swedish, Nov. 10 and 11; "Re
venge," Italian, Dec. 8 and 9;
"Farrebigue," French, Jan. 12
and 13; "Lysistrata," Austrian,
Feb. 16 and 17; "The New Gul
liver," Russian, March 9 and 10;
and "The Blum Affair," German,
April 20 and 21.
The new 1950-51 University
Symphony Orchestra personnel,
listing 63 students has been re
leased by Conductor Emmanuel
The opening concert will be
held at the Union, Nov. 12, be
ginning at 8. p. m. Sponsored by
the Union, the program will fea
ture an internationally famous
Orchestra members are:
Kathleen Forbes, Helen Mur
ray, . Jeanette Hause, James
Stevenson, Jane Goeres, Ruth
Johnson, Irene Roberts, Eleanor
Flanagin,Paul Woolwine, Charles
Davis, Gayle Roxberg, John
Schwartz, Gayle Henkel, Mari
lyn Hammond, Ruthann Lavine,
Sheila Brown, Marlene Tiller, Ei
leen Oelrich, Carol Patterson
Paul Penno, Barbara Kelly and
Beatrice Mincks.
Marilyn Harms, Martha Chris
tensen, Arthur Murphy, Joyce
Schneider, Sylvia Goodman and
Mary Nelson.
Janice Liljedahl, Ruth Berg-
Chooses 63 M
ODinsoOo riscner
Annual Farmer's Formal
Ticket Sales to Continue
For Frosh Hop Festivities
"Ticket sales for the Frosh
hop are progressing at a fine
rate," said Frank Jacobs, Inno
cent in charge. 'Tickets may still
be obtained in the booth at the
Union. Price is 60 cents.
To acquaint freshmen with
activities, thirty University or
ganizations will be represented
in parlors A, B and C. Members
representing rhe various activi
ties will be present in the booths
and will explain the functions
of the organization and give out
pamphlets and literature. Fresh
men and upperclassmen will be
given an opportunity to learn
more about activities and get
acquainted with fellow students.
The Activities! Carnival will
close at 8:30 and! dancing to the
music of Aaron Schmidt and his
orchestra will begin at 9. In
termission entertainment starts
at 10:30, when all presidents of
the University activities will be
piesented to the audience. A
shirt satirical skit will be given
Friday Set Aside
As Church Night
The annual All-University
Church night will begin at 8
p.m. Friday with festivities at
the various churches and the
Union. The University has set
aside the evening for the church
es. No other University sponsored-
social functions will be in
operation at that time.
The newly-merged Presby
terian and Congregational stu
dent house is planning a party
which will be held at the First
Plymouth Congregational church.
The address is 20th and D and
not as previously reported in the
Daily Nebraskan. Student pastor
is Rev. Rex Knowles.
Rev. Richard W. Nutt is the
University pastor of the Metho
dist student house. The Wesley
Foundation party will be held
at St. Paul Methodist church.
" T1 .
Parking 1 erillltS
Oil Soif of Aft
' -
Parking permits will be on
sale in the Ag Union today and
Frfday, Sept. 21-22 from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
Sponsored by the Ag Exec
board, the permits are required
at all University parking lots
and along campus streets.
Students must present their
registration and ID cards before
permits will be granted. If a
student is not registered in the
Ag college but takes some classes
their, he must present his green
registration slip. All students
attending classes on Ag campus
are eligible to receive the park
ing permits.
Students who have a parking
permit for the city campus will
not need another permit for the
Ag campus. All students were
urged to obtain their permits
as soon as possible.
strasser, . James Christiansen,
Charles Klasek, Carol Puckett
and Kathleen Burt.
Barbara Gilmore, Keith Steph-
" -
- )
1 1 1 n i if rftfriTki t
on each campus organization
Crests and emblems of repre
sented groups will provide dec
orations forthe ballroom. Jacobs
stressed that students may at
tend with or without dates.
The groups to be represented
and their presidents are: Asso
ciated Woman Students, Sally
Holmes; Student Council Rob
Raun; Ag Executive board, Jerry
Johnson; Panht:lenic council,
Dee Lovegrove; Interfraternity
council, Bob Parker; Union
Board, Herb Reese; Barb Activi
ties Board for Women, Dorothy
Kurth; Mortar Board, Nancy
Porter; Innocents, Rob Raun;
Farmers Fair board, Don Bever;
NUCWA, Harold Peterson; Corn
husker, Dick Kuska; The Daily
Nebraskan, Bruce Kennedy;
University Builders, Gene Berg;
All University Fund, Jo Lisher.
Other Organizations
Tassels, Shirley Allen: Kosmet
Klub, Leon Pfeiffer; Nebraska
Masquers, Tom Stimpfig; Red
Cross, Bob Mosher; Coed Coun
selors, Marilyn Campfield; Home
Economics Club. Annette Stop
pkette; Independent Student Asr
sociation, Don Flesher; Woman's
Athletic Association, G i n n y
Koch; YMCA, Ralph Hanneman;
and YWCA, Sue Allen.
The Innocents Society and Corn
Cobs are co-sponsors. Commit
tees for the dance are: publicity,
Rod Riggs and Bruce Kennedy;
tickets, Ted Randolph, Hugh
Follmer and Jackie Becker; ac
tivities carnival and decorations,
Sara Devoe and Bob Rogers;
and entertainment Frank Jacobs.
Rooters Hold
First Session
At Ag Campus
The fifteenth annual rooters
day will be held at the College
of Agriculture, Wednesday, Sept.
27, starting at 10 a.m.
This program is sponsored
jointly by the University and
the Nebraska Livestock Breeders
and Feeders association.
Being held at the new swine
research center, the morning ses
sion will be taken up with an
inspection of experimental lots of
pigs, and discussion of the re
sults. The afternoon session, at the
College Activities building, will
offer the following program:
1:15 Welcome Dean W. V.
"Nebraska Studies in Swine
Feeding" Dr. Damon Cat
ron, Iowa State college.
"Ten Busy Years" Dr. L.E.
"A Swine Program for. Ne
braska" Dr. Merle Brine
gar. Question Box
3:30 Adjournment.
HSf Cf OflS
enson, Beth Wilkins, and Robert
Flutes .
Miriam Willey, Mary Hanke,
and John Thompson.
Dale Ground, Euger.
Janet Kokjer.
. Warren Rasmussen
Tedd and
and Pa-
tricia Keveney.
, Aaron Schmidt, William Krau
se and John Berigan.
Denny Schneider, Maria Marx
and Dean Dellinger.
Robert Van Vorhis, Robert Mc
Pherson, and John Thorin.
Walt Cole, Joel Waddill, Kath
ryn Baker and Virginia Taylor.
Robert Chab.
Joann Smith and Kent Phil
lips. Harps
Bonnie Weddel.
Librarian is James Stevenson.
Al Hudson to Play
At October 6 Event
The Agricultural Executive board announced the
commitee members for the 1951 Annual Farmer's formal
at its first meeting of the year Tuesday night.
Committees are publicity, decorations, presentation
and election, tickets, chaperones and special guests and
To End
Final tryouts for "Antigone,"
the first University Theater play
of the season will be held Thurs
day, Sept. 21, from 7 to 9 p.m. at
the Temple building. Any regu
larly enrolled student of the Uni
versity is eligible to tryout. This
excludes, however, freshman
women who are not allowed to
engage in extracurricular activi
ties until after the first six weeks
of this semester.
The production calls for a cast
of 12, eight men and four women.
The play is sponsored by the ex
perimental theater and will be
directed by Dean Graunke.
The play is a tragedy which is
based on the Greek myth of An
tigone, a Greek maiden, and her
father Eodipus.
The following is a description
of the characters given by
Graunke as they appear in the
An ancient Greek guide acting
as narrator leads the audience
throughout the entirety of the
tragedy and explains the actions
of the players.
Antigone is the heroine who is
motivated by high ideals. She re
fuses to compromise with evil;
does not care much about her
own appearance and is typical
throughout the play as a "tom
boy." She is straightforward and
has definite beliefs about the
rights of humanity. She adopts
the role of a martyr when she
atempts to bury her brother,
Polynices, against the orders of
the Creon, regent of Thebes.
An older woman who is a com
panion of Antigone is the nurse.
She runs the household in a
comical but gruff manner.
Antigone's sister, Ismeneme, is
constantly pursued by the young
men of Thebes. She attempts to
persuade Antigone against being
"so interested in mankind."
Other Parts .
The new king or regent, son of
Creon, is Haemon. He is engaged
to be married to Antigone and
has the reputation of a great
The present regent, Creon,
knows how to handle people but
is also very ruthless. The paradox
shows him as a dictator who is
cruel and demanding.
Prominent as Creon's hench
men are the guards who are pres
ent at the courts following the
capture of Antigone.
The Messenger is the forebod
ing prophet who is always long
faced and sad.
A sort of Lord Fauntleroy part
is played by the Page.
Wife of Creon, the present re
gent, is Eurydice, queen of
YM Opens Drive
For Membership
Ah all campus membership
drive is the first activity of the
University YMCA this fall.
Any male student enrolled in
the University is eligible to be
come a member of the organiza
tion. Students may pay the dues,
$1.50 a year, in the YM office
in the Temple building, or see
any present YM member.
Included in the organization's
program are commission groups
on the church, marriage and the
home, Bible study and political
and social actions. Committees
include social, publicity, foreign
movies, worship, program, mem
bership and intramural sports.
Weekly afternoon swimming
parties on Friday at the city YM,
and debate teams which will
speak before church groups and
Hi-Y's are also a part of the
program,' announced Charles
Kemp, YM director.
Union to Begin
Movie Series
Again this year, the Union will
offer a series of Sunday night
movies free of charge to ah Uni
versity students,
Genene Grimm, director of ac
tivities, stated that the first of
the film series will be given next
Sunday, Sept. 24, in the Union
ballroom. The -main feature is
entitled "Mr. Belvidere Goes to
The Sunday evening entertain
ment was one of the most popu
lar weekly events held at the
Union last year, equalled in at
tendance only by the Friday
night dances.
The movie stars Clifton Webb,
Tom Drake and Shirley Temple
have top billing in this Sunday's
Thursday, September 21, 1950
clean up.
Scheduled for Friday Oct. 6
in the College Activities build
ing this year's Formal promiset
to rank among the best ac
cording to Eugene Robinson and
Ruth Fischer, co-chairmen in
charge of the event.
Al Hudson and his orchestra
will furnish the music for danc
ing. To Present Queen, Court
As in the past, a Farmer's
Formal Queen and her court will
be presented during the evening.
The queen and court will be se
lected by an all Ag college vote
to be cast the week before th
formal. ,
Joan Raun will be in charge of
all publicity. Taking care of dec
orations will be Dick Young and
Jerry Johnson, co-chairman of
the committee, with Alice An
derson and Rex Crom assisting
Election Committee
Ruth Fischer is chairman of
the presentation and election
committee. Jack Wilson, Joyce
Kuehl and Rob Raun will assist.
This group will be responsible
for the election of the Farmer'!
Formal Queen ' and her atten
dants. Tickets will be made and
distributed by Eugene Robinson.
Joyce Kuehl will be in charge
of contacting chaperones and in
viting special guests.
Other Arrangements
All committee members will
join in the cleaning of the Ac
tivities building after the Formal
has come to a close.
Jerry Johnson, president of
the Ag Executive board, ap
pointed the standing committees
for the coming year.
Rob Raun and Joyce Keuhl
will administer all Ag College
elections during the coming sea
son - - - - -
Gene Robinson, Dick Young
and Joan Raun were appointed
to take charge of campus im
provements. Ag Ec Student
Wins Grant
For Research
Leo R. Gray, 25, advanced
student in agricultural economic
at the University, is the 1950 re
cipient of the $1,000 Nathan J.
Gold chemurgic research fellow
ship, Dean R. W. Goss of the
Graduate College announced
Gray's research project is "A
Survey of Market Outlets and
Processing Costs for the Utiliza
tion of Nebraska Wheat for Glu
ten and Wheat Starch."
Wheat is one of the first ag
ricultural products in Nebraska
to be produced in apparent sur
plus, Gray explained, and the
manufacture of wheat gluten and
derived products has been a rela
tively new commercial develop
ment. The wheat gluten, wheat
starch process involves a special
usage of wheat, Gray added, and
offers a chance of giving wheat
a commercial use which may fav
orably compete with its use in
As a result of his survey, Gray
said he hopes "new market out
lets for wheat gluten and wheat
starch will come forth, and old
market outlets will be bolstered."
The fellowship is established
with the University Foundation.
Air Class Open
To Seniors In
The Air Force ROTC office .
has announced that selected sen
ior students in the College of
Engineering may obtain a Sec
ond Lieutenants Commission in
the Air Force by pursuing a spe
cial one year advanced course in
the Military department.
This is an emergency measure
due to the world situation and is
similar to the offer of the Army
excepting that they are only ask
ing for the senior engineering
Students desiring to enroll in
the course must have completed
basic ROTC or be a Veteran.
Those selected for enrollment
will be registered in the Air
Science 2 13 Communications
Course and must attend a six
weeks summer camp upon grad
uation in June. They must also
sign a deferment agreement.
Upon acceptance and enroll
ment, individuals receive 90 cents
per day subsistance allowance
and will be issued a uniform.
Pay at the summer camp will be
$75 a month plus 5 cents a mile
travel pay to and from the site
of the camp.
Information may be obtained
in Room 202, Military and Naval
Science building or by phoning
1 v