Ony doiy publication for students at the University of Nebraska o)fn THE WEATHER Foe with light showers until 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, with the foe lifting: at that time, JlknJ u 0 Vol. 51 No. 5 Big ThreelNU Church Night UmtyPlan PlansAnnounced Kevealed Stand Against Aggression Approved An attack on west Germany or Berlin, "from any quarter will now be considered an attack on the United States, Britain and France, the three countries pledged Tuesday. The Big Three foreign minis ters made the announcement fol lowing a week-long conference in New York. The countries have agreed to stand against agression adopted previously in the Atlantic pact. The Rio de Janerio agreement has now been extended to all of Germany not under Russian con trol. Plans for sweeping revision of controls over the German econo my were also announced by the ministers. Agreement Revolutionary The new agreement is the most revolutionary in regard to Ger many since the four victorious World war II nations, including the Soviet Union, decided five years ago at Potsdam to reduce Germany to a powerless, semi agricultural state. On the Pacific front, U. S. ma rines stormed across the Han river in darkness for their final assault against Seoul, climaxing the surprise landing last week. In Indo-China, a French army communique said Tuesday com munist let Viet-Minh troops newly armed in China were used for the first time in atacking the outpost town on Dong Khe on the Chinese frontier. The army said the town fell Tuesday to the guerrillas after a fitter three-day fight, but that the exact identity of all attackers was not yet known. City Attacked The French communique said that the city was attacked Sept. 16 at dawn by Vilet-Minh units not completely identified, but ex ceding four battalions in strength and surprised by artillery and heavy mortars. Because of the inability to identify completely the attackers, the possibility was left open that Chinese communist troops might have assisted in the fight which left the town in flames. So far there has been no official evi dence of Chinese communist com plicity in the attack. In the United Nations Tuesday India stole Soviet Union's thun der by asking that communist China be given the Chinese eeats in the United Nations. Sir Bengal N. Rau introduced the Indian motion after outgoing President Carlos P. Romulo called on the delegates- to back up the authority of the United Nations with adequate military power. For the first time at a United Nations meeting the delegates of the 59 nations observed a minute of silent prayer before beginning their tasks. Rent Controls Asked Concerning home front prob lems. Rent Director Tighe E. Woods is asking congress for new authority to keep or impose rent ceilings where needed, and for the first time to put commercial property under rent control. A 45-year-old professional di ver, Charles Delphs, was pulled free from under a steel beam and the mud, sand and darkness of the Mississippi river late Mon day. He calmly announced he'd be back at work Tuesday. He had been trapped in his divers suit for eight hours and 40 minutes. The depth of ihe muddy river was estimated at 30 feet. President Syngman Rhee of the republic of Korea said Tuesday that the South Koreans will ad vance through North Korea to the Manchurian border. Addresses Meetinr He told a mass meeting that the republican army will not stop at the 38th parallel, which di vides North and South Korea, and said he expected the "Uni ted Nations forces will not stop there either." In London aging Winston Churchill issued his bitterest words Tuesday for a political at tack aimed at striking down the labor government on a vote of censure and forcing a quick general election. The tory .thunderer chose vio lent opposition to state owner ship of Britain's steel industry. Physical standards for army and air force enlistments are be ing lowered at once to the level of those fixed for draft induc tees. , This was announced Monday by Fifth army headquarters in Chicago. Ag Dancing Club To Begin Series Saturday, Sept. 23 will close the square dance season at the Antelope park pavilion. On that date, the Ag college square dancing club will ' spon sor their first dance of the school year. Dancing will begin at 8:30 p. m. to the music of the Texas Stars. According to Allis Anderson, president of the Ag club, all Uni- Vprsitv ctnrletns pre invitp.d tf! ! attend. Admission will be cents. 50 I All students will have a chance Friday night to get acquainted at tne annual All-University Church Night festivities, beginning at 8 p.m. Church groups representing student denominations at the University will hold their parties at various meeting places and all students are invited to attend any of the functions. The University has set aside the evening for the churches. No other social functions will be in operation at that time. The events, their sponsors and the meeting places are as follows: The newly merged Presbyterian and Congregational student house is planning a party which will be held at the First Plymouth Con gregational church, 17th and F. However, students needing trans portation are to meet at the Presby house. There will be rol ler skating, square dancing and social dancing followed by a program and refreshments. Gary Joselyn and .Bill Mundell are student chairmen and Rev. Rich ard W. Nutt, pastor. Students should wear their sports clothes. "Boots and Saddles" The Baptist student house has scheduled a "Boots and Saddles" party at the student house, 315 North 15th. According to Phil Sorensen, chairman, there will be eats, games, introductions, square dancing and lots of fun. Pastor is Rev. C. B. Howells. Members of the Evangelical Covenant student group have planned a reception party for all students at the Church parlor, 20th and G. According to War ren Berggren, president of the youth group, there will be social fellowship and refreshments. University pastor is Rev. J. Al fred Johnson. , Methodist student house mem bers have planned a "Hayloft Six Coeds Join Tassel Ranks Six additional girls have joined the scarlet and" cream ranks of Tassels. Recently announced by Tassel president, Shirley Allen, the new girls will fill existing vacancies. The following is the list of girls and the groups they will represent, Sigma Delta Tau; Lois Gerelick and Syvia Krasne. Sig ma Kappa; Sara Sage. Terrace hall; Betty Lou Weiskemp. Barb at large; Mary Alice Nelson and Wanda Bott. Tassel requirements include a 5.5 average and sophomore or above standing. Individual Game Tickets on Sale Tickets for both the Indiana and Penn State football games are on sale at the University ticket office, Business Manager A. J. Lewandowski announced. IT: 1 a l a. i iicKeis remain ior oom games. totalling muuuaj , ocb. in dividual game tickets for all home- and away-games can be purchased over the counter, Lewandowski said. Mail orders will have been filled by that time, he said. There are 400 season books remaining, Lewandowski said.. Frosh Coeds Meet 'Sisters' Tuesday Nite About 450 Coed Counselors and their "Little Sisters" met each other Tuesday evening at the annual freshman party. A skit entitled "Dream Time highlighted the evening's pro gram. A pantomime, the skit de- picted dreams freshmen might have of various campus events and then showed what actually happens. Narrators were Jean Loudon and Elizabeth Gass. Those in the skit, which was directed by Nana DeBord and Tish Swanson, were: Elizabeth Rogers, Virginia Magdanz, Jo Elder, Pat Peck, Bev Smith, Nancy Button, Ardath Wilcox, Adele Coryell, Joan Finney, Ce cilia Pinkerton and Liz Moody. Group Singing Marilyn Campfield, president of Coed Counselors, greeted the "Big Sisters" and the freshmen. Board members and advisors were introduced. Group singing was also included in the pro gram. The party, held In the Union ballroom, was the first mass meeting of the "Big and Little Sisters" this year. It climaxed the opening of the expanded 1950-51 Coed Counselor pro gram. Previous activities of the "Big Sisters" were concerned with helping the freshman coed register, become acquainted to the campus and introducing her to various University functions Bier Sisters Write Activities of the year began during the summer when each Coed Counselor wrote her group of three or four "Little Sisters" to help them with pre-school preparations. ' Coed Counselors, under direc tion of Peg Mulvaney, have also sold freshman beanies this year. Sales of "N" books by the or ganization are still continuing. The books, containing a list of campus organizations, informa tion about each, and pictures of ho offipprt; mst 2!V rents and may be purchased from any Coed Counselor. 1 Hoedown" including a square dance to be held at the St. Paul Methodist church. All persons at tending are asked to wear cot tons and denims. President of Wesley foundation, Bill Croft, chairman of the celebrations and I Rev. Rex H. Knowles is the Uni- j versity pastor. The Newman Club, University Catholic club, will feature Bobby Mills and his orchestra in the Union ballroom Friday night". It is intended to serve as a welcome party for all students here for the first time. There will be no charge of admission. Newman Club Dancing will begin at 8:30 p.m. and will continue until 12. The intermission program includes a welcome speech by Father Schus ter, introduction of this year's officers, and high-lights a vocal arrangement by Mary Pitterman accompanied by Gladys Novotny at the piano. The meeting of the National Lutheran Council will include informal games, introduction of the pastor, singing, and refresh ments. Vespers made up of the Lutheran student choir will close the meeting. University pastor, Rev. Alvin M. Petersen will be assisted by Miss Vicki Norstog. Members of the Episcopal Uni versity 'chapel are planning a "Millionaires' party" starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Canterbury Club room, at 13th and R. On the en tertainment program are such games as roulette, black jack, bingo and poker games. Phil Hatch, student chairman, said that all games however, will be played with stage money! Uni versity pastor is Father Joch Sweigert, who- succeeds Father Harry B. Whitley. Evangelical Student members of the three Evangelical churches of Lincoln, Calvary, First and Southminster will sponsor a party to be held at the Southminster Evangelical United Brethern Church at 2916 South 16th. Lutheran students with Rev. Henry Erck in charge will greet students at the YMCA Room, Temple building. Entertainment of all kinds will be provided by Gamma Delta and a greeting committee is in charge of the reception. Freshmen and Upper classmen Invited to Attend Frosh Hop Upperclassmen as well as j Union. Price is 60 cents. freshmen are invited to the An nual Frosh hop Friday evening. "All upperclassmen should at tend the dance," said Frank Ja cobs, Innocent in charge, "in or der to meet the new freshmen and their own class members." In addition to the dance, stu dents will be given a chance to bec0me acquainted with Univer sity activities. Thirty campus organizations will explain their work in various booths. The evening's activities begin at 9 p.m. Students will dance to the music of Aaron Schmidt and his orchestra. The activities car nival will be held in Union par lors A, B and C. Short Skits Intermission entertainment will consist of a short satirical skit concerning functions of campus organizations. Presidents of these groups will beseated on the ballroom stage, and will be introduced by Jacobs. Crests and emblems of repre sented organizations will provide decorations for the ballroom. Ticket sales opened Monday. Students may buy them from Corn Cobs or a booth in the Frosh Pepsters Meet Tonight Jake Geier, University gym nastics coach, will be principal speaker at a meeting of frosh pepsters tonight at the Union ballroom. Frank Piccolo, Yell King, and his all-male squad will demon strate different yells. Pepsters attending the session are requested to bring their ID cards, $5 for their football ticket and a card from the organiza tion which authorizes them as an official representative of that group. These items are necessary in order to obtain football tickets in the pep section on the fifty yard line. Dick Kuska, vice-president of Corn Cobs said that freshman members must attend the meet ing to obtain their football tickets Alternate members of the group' are also invited even if they have already purchased their tickets. " Countryman Staff Aspirants to Meet The Cornhusker Countryman will hold its first regular weekly meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Countryman office in the College Activities building. All Ag col lege students interested in jour nalism are invited to attend the meeting. The Countryman is a monthly magazine put out by the students in Ag college. There is oppor tunity to work with the business or editorial staff. The first meeting will be de voted to assisrnine stories for the October issue and organizing the circulation campaign. LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Second Call! Rag Needs Reporters Second call for reporters! The Daily Nebraskan needs more reporters. All students in terested in working for the "Rag" are asked to report to the office as soon as possible. Only a few students answered the call in the Sept. 14th "Rag." Office hours are from 1-6 p.m. A record will be kept of all reporters so that each will have an equal chance for advance ment. Students from all colleges are eligible to help on the "Rag." Reporting is not restricted to journalism majors. NU-Indiana Game Set as Dad's Day Nebraska will hold .its second annual Dad's day since 1934 in conjunction with the NU-Indiana football game Saturday, Sept. 30. This announcement was made by Ted Randolph, Innocents rep resentative. The event is spon sored jointly by Innocents and the Athletic department. The day will open with a luncheon at 11:30 o'clock in the Union ballroom. Athletic director "Potsy" Clark and one of the player's dads wil) give short ad- dresses to tne group, i ne piayer s dads will be honored guests and will sit on the bench behind their sons during the game. All University students, male and female, are encouraged to bring their dads to the game and luncheon. Students should be sure their fathers have tickets to the game, or can get them before they ask them to attend. , Tickets for the lunch and a short program will be $1.50. They will go on sale Saturday in the Union lobby. The organized houses will be solicited by Kos met Klub workers "Dad's day is a part of Ne braska's tradition that we are trying to revive," Randolph said. "We should like to make this day honoring our fathers a token of our appreciation to them." Attending the luncheon, Ran dolph said, would solve the park ing problem for dads in at tendance. They will be able to park before lunch, eat and walk over to the game. Jacobs stressed that students may come with or without dates. Group Presidents The groups to be represented and their presidents are: Asso ciated Woman Students, Sally Holmes; Student Council, Bob Raun; Ag Executive board, Jerry Johnson; Panhellenic council, Dee Lovegrove; Interfraternity council, Bob Parker; Union board, Herb Reese; Barb Activi ties Board for Women, Dorothy Kurlh; Mortar Board. Nancy Porter; Innocents, Boo Raun; Farmers Fair board, Don Bever; NUCWA, Harold Peterson; Cornhusker, Dick Kuska; The Daily Nebraskan, Bruce Ken nedy. Tassels, Shirley Allen; Kosmet Klub, Leon Pieiffer; Nebraska Masquers, Tom Stimpfig; Red Cross, Bob Mosher; Coed Coun selors, Marilyn Campfield; Home Economics club, Annette Stopp kotte; Independent Students As sociation, Don Flesher; Woman's Athletic association, Ginny Koch; YMCA, Ralph Hanneman; and YWCA, Sue Allen. Committees for the dance are: publicity, Rod Riggs and Bruce Kennedy; tickets, Ted Randolph, Hugh Follmer and Jackie Beck er; activities carnival and deco rations, Sara Devoe and Bob Rogers; and entertainment, Frank Jacobs. Tryouts Begin For 12 Parts Students who want to tryout for the first University Theater play of the season are urged to follow this schedule for tryouts: Wednesday, 3 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m.; and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. All tryouts will be held in the Temple building. Dean Graunke, director of the first production which is spon sored by the experimental the ater, said there are parts for a cast of 12 eight men and four coeds. y The characters described by Graunke as they appeared in the play: Chorus: An ancient Greek guide who leads the audience throughout the entirety of the tragedy, which is based on the Greek myth of Antigone, a Greek maiden, and her father Eodipus. He explains the actions of the players and acts as a narrator. Antigone 'Tomboy' Antigone: The heroine who is motivated by high ideals. She re fuses to compromise with evil and does not care much about her own appearance and is typi cal throughout the play as a "tomboy." She is straight for ward, yet very appealing to the audience. She has definite beliefs about the rights of humanity and becomes a martyr when she at tempts to bury her brother, Polynices, against the orders of the Creon, regent of Thebes. n lr UuU Dean of Women To Entertain Coeds Friday An invitation to all women and new students, was extended Tuesday by Miss Marjorie John ston, Dean of Women, and her assistants to a tea at Ellen Smith hall on Friday, Sept. 22, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Guests will be greeted by Miss Nancy Porter, president of Mor tar Board, and Miss Sally Holmes, president of Associated Women Students, who will intro duce the guests to Miss Johnston. In the receiving line with Miss Johnston will be Miss Helen Sny der, Assistant Dean of Women, Miss Mary Augustine, assistant to the Dean, and Miss Katherine Parks, director of counseling and activities at the Residence Halls, Assisting in the drawing . room and court will be members of Mortar Board, Miss Ruth Shinn, Executive Director of Y.W.C.A., Miss Madeline Girard, secretary of Panhellenic Council, and the , Head Residents of Freshman halls; Mesdames R. H. Hastain, Verne Huff, and Adele Hurley. During the first hour Mrs. W. V. Lambert and Mrs. G. W: Rosenlof will preside at the table in the dining room and Mrs. Carl W. Borgmann and Miss Doretta Schlapphoff at the table in the" court. At the tea table in the dining room during the second hour will be Miss Luvicy M. Hill and Miss Mabel Lee while Mrs. Arthur L. Hitchcock and Mrs. T. J. Thompson will preside at the table in the court. Assisting with the serving will be the presidents of the womens houses and organizations. Mem bers of Delta Omicron, Mu Phi Epsilon, and Sigma Alpha Iota will furnish music for the tea. Ys Campaign For Members; Begin Activities Beginning i t s membership drive today, the YWCA will have a days start on the YM in their annual drive for members. The first event for the year for the YW will be a rendezvous Monday, Sept. 25 from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. at Ellen Smith hall for any girl who is not a freshman. Freshman girls must wait six weeks before they can take part in any campus activitiy. Voting members of the YM must participate in at least one major activity, stated Ruth Shinn, YW director. Commission groups open to girls on the cam pus are knitting and discussion, beliefs on trial, comparative re- ligions, intercultural, personal values on campus, social servi tours, freshman commission wor ship workshop, current affairs, noon book reviews, family rela tions, community service, and senior commission. Girls may also serve on such committees as publicity, social, office staff, membership, and conference co-op. The YM program, which starts tomorrow, includes commission groups on Bible study, the church, marriage and the home, political and social actions, and such committees as social, publi city, foreign movies, worship, program, membership and intra mural sports. Charles Kemp, YM director, announced that the program will also include weekly Friday af ternoon swimming parties at the city YM and debate teams which will speak in front of church groups and HI-Y's. Wednesday in 6 Antigone9 Nurse: An older woman who is a companion of Antigone. She runs the household in a comical and gruff manner. Pursued by Men Ismeneme: A sister of Anti gone who is constantly pursued by the young men of Thebes. She attempts to persuade Antigone not to be "so interested , in man kind." Haemon: The son .of Creon, the new king or regent. He is en gaged to be married to Antigone and is distinguished as a great lover. Creon: New regent, is ruthless and believes he knows how to handle people. The paradox shows him as a dictator who is cruel and demanding. Court Guards Three guarcfc: Prominent as Creon's henchmen who are pres ent at the courts following the capture of Antigone. Messenger: The foreboding prophet who is constantly long faced and sad. Page: A small boy who resem bles a sort of Lord Fauntleroy. Eurydice: Wife of Creon and queen of Thebes. Any regularly enrolled student of the University is eligible to tryout. This excludes however, freshman women who are not al lowed to engage in extractirripw- lar activities until after the first I six weeks. I SBBIPIi11iraIUIDll Activity Card Sale On for Two Weeks The Independent Students Association will begin a concentrated membership drive this week. The drive will run for two weeks, Don Flesher, president, announced Tuesday. Activity cards will be sold from a booth in the Union 'Know-How9 Programs Start Today Campus Clothes First Feature "Campus Life," first of three Know-How programs sponsored by the AWS board and the Mor tar Boards will be held at 5 p.m. today in Love Library audi torium. What to wear, campus stan dards and Nebraska traditions will be the featured topics this afternoon. First in a series of three, the Know-How programs are designed to acquaint new stu dents with University life. The Mortar Board society will tell about ten outstanding cam pus traditions; Homecoming, Mortar Board ball, Military ball, Ivy day, Coed Follies, Penny Carnival, Farmer's Fair, the Beauty Queen presentation, Inter-Fraternity ball and Kos met Klub. Coed Counselors All Coed Counselors are urged to bring their "Little Sisters" to the program. All new coeds, Lin coln, dorm and organized house girls are invited. The second program is sched uled for Wednesday, Sept. 27, and will concern scholarship. AWS and Mortar Board mem bers will give hints for studying, explanations- of down slips and information on scholastic and professional honaries. The third program set for Wednesday, Oct. - 4. will deal with campus activities. Explana tions of all campus activities will be given. Representatives of each activities have been invited to attend. The " last program is a week before the Activities Mart, Oct. 11, when freshman women may sign up for work. Shucks Needs Editorial Writers The Comshucks is going to be biseer and better than ever this year quotes Frank Jacobs, edi t r. Seven issues instead of six and it's going to be printed on slick DaDer! He is calling for ed- I it0rial workers with either lit- erary or artistic ability. If you are interested contact Frank Ja cobs or come to the Cornshucks office in the Union basement any afternoon from 1 p.m. till 5 p.m. , 'Hello GirV Candidate Headline Set BABW will start off the social year with the annual "Hello Dance", Sept. 29 from 9 until 12 in the Union ballroom. Highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the "Hello Girl". Selected from candidates from each organized independ ent house on the campus, the first queen of the year will be presented after intermission vot ing. Deadline for candidate entries is today at 5 p.m. Entries may be made at the BABW office in the Union. The following groups and houses may have an entry: Love Memorial, Hepner, Carrie Belle Raymond, Rosa Bouton, Howard, Rundle, Loomis, Love, Cox Wilson, International, Towne Club, Adelphi, Amikita, Palla dian and Hesperia. All candidates will be intro duced at the dance about 10 p.m., according to Jo Hoff, BABW social chairman. Voting will take place during intermission. Every one attending will be able to vote. Tickets will go on sale next week in booths in the Ag and city campus Unions. Tickets may also be purchased from any BABW board member. A to Issue Parking Permits Parking permits will be on sale in the Ag Union Thursday and Friday, Sept. 21-22 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sponsored by the Ag Exec board, the permits are required at all University parking lots and along campus streets. Students must present their registration and ID cards before permits will be granted. All stu dents attending classes on . Ag campus are eligible to receive the the parking permit. . If the student has a parking permit for the city campus, they will not need another permit for the Ae campus, AU students were urged to obtain their per- mits as soon as possible. 1 Wednesday, September 20, 1950 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. Representatives of the I.S.A. Council will solicit the organized houses during the second week. A maximum of 800 activity cards will be sold. That is the number which could attend a dance in the Union ballroom. The activity cards, which are selling for $1, will entitle the bearer to come to the following activities: a tea dance on Sept.' 30, the annual Bum's Ball on Oct. 13; the Halloween dance on Oct. 27; tea dance, Nov. 3; Au tumn Daze, on Nov. 10; tea dances on Nov. 17 and Jan. 12. The ticket will admit the hold er to any other I.S.A. events. The emphasis at dances, Flesher said, would be to get those in attendance acquainted with each other. Dancing in struction will be provided for those at the tea dances who wish to learn how to dance. Instruc tion will be held in a separate room from the regular dance. The I.S.A. also plans to launch an intramural sports program under the direction of Earl Moore. Teams in as many sports as possible will be organized for independent students. A student need not buy an activity card to take part in sports; he has only to fill out a personal data card. As soon as all cards are received the student will be told what team he is on and where he is to practice. The Nebraska I.S.A. group is associated with the National In dependent Students Association. Membership is open to any stu dent who is not a member of a social fraternity or sorority. NU Enrollment Total Reaches Nearly 7500 Latest figures show an enroll ment of 7,478 students at the University, including 338 medics and 124 nurses on the Omaha campus. No new students have registered since Monday. Drop and add procedure was advancing at a rapid pace Tues day according to Eunice Willis, office manager for the registrar. Acocrding to one University of ficial it seemed as though the whole student body was going through drop and add. Students should gq through the following procedure in drop ping and adding subjects: 1. See his advisor and have any changes approved by him. 2. Secure the consent of his instructors. 3. Obtain the approval of the dean of his college. 4. Visit the Military Science biulding with the properly signed worksheet to re-register for classes. 5. Pay add and drop fees at the Administration building. Students are asked to note the last step particularly, Last week all fees were paid at the Physical Education building. This week all fees including those for late registration will be paid at the Administration building. Students wishing to change a class section need not go through add and drop procedure. The class section need only be ap proved by the head of the de partment. Debaters Plan First Meeting All students who are interested in becoming members of the Uni versity debate squad are urged to attend the first meeting Thurs day at 7:15 p.m. in Room 203, Temple building. Debate director Donald Olson will choose the nucleus of the 1950-51 debate squad at this meeting. All students, regardless of previous experience, are in vited. The debate topic for this year will be: Resolved: That non communistic countries form a new international organization. Olson said that there would be plenty of opportunities for new students to participate in inter collegiate debate conferences, since only ten members of the 1949-50 squad are returning. The squad will be coached by Olson and Bruce Kendall, who will brief the squad on back ground information for future discussions. Home Ee Club Will Hold Picnic The Home Economics club will spoasor a picnic Thursday eve ning at 5 p.m., on lower Ag campus. Purpose of this meeting is to acquaint the new members with the club and its activities and to introduce the club's officers. There will be a 50 cent charge for food. Mixer eames will be played. Ail new members art urged to attend.