The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
-I k .1 i t I ( j j It . , '1' r. V PAGE 2 o , Coinniinniiiitt midland college at Fremont has initiated a plan which vney hope will suppress communism on the campuses of America. The plan calls for a pledge by all students in the United States "to allow no berth for communism on the campuses of our universities and colleges." Begun by "The Midland," the school's weekly paper, the appeal to students is hoped to influence a national movement. To further this goal copies of the first issue of "The Midland" have been circulated to Gov. Val Peterson, nationally-known com mentators and columnists, and high government officials including President Truman. The movement is in its infancy. If it accomplishes it5 hope to spread throughout the United States 'within the next six months to a year, and if it accomplishes its ad mirable purpose, Midland college will enjoy a great deal of well-earned praise. We firmly believe in the aim of this plan. We are, just as every other American student should be, against any subversive activity in the United States and especially in the University where we spend most of year. No one but a communist would believe otherwise. But the execution of the movement raises some ques tion in our minds. Suppressing communism is not as easy as signing- a pledge. A communist would be one of the first to join such a movement for the sake of keeping his affilia tion with his party a secret. Newspaper accounts of the un American activities trials will show that a communist be lieves the end justifies the means. It is not beneath his dignity to lie or perjure himself it if means furthering the aims of the party. The pledge would also involve those who were not communists but believed strongly in freedom of political beliefs. The University of California discovered this com plication when they demanded loyalty oaths of all faculty members. Many California teachers refused to sign the oath, not because they believed in communism but because they believed such action jeopardizes academic freedom. Our remarks on the execution of the plan are not con cerned with tomorrow's signatures. We are looking ahead to the time when every student and every faculty member will be required to sign the pledge in order that a college or university can become one of the movement's members. And because we do not believe the movement would accomplish its objective, even though we are stronelv in favor of its aim, we question whether the University would profit by approving the movement and becoming one of its supporters. That is our opinion what is yours ? This Column Is.Drovided for Anonymous letters Vill not be published. However, pen names will be used upon request if names and addresses accompany each let ter. Address letters to "To the Editor, The Daily Nebraskan, Student union uuucung. Dear Cornhuskers, We do hope you are listening, for what we have to announce is very much worthwhile. 1 If a war-ravaged student from some foreign land, with a d just as eager and capable as ours, were to sit across your desk 1 tell you the mess he is in, you would burst with pardonable priae as you gave him a ten-jpot, 25, 5, or even just a couple of dollars. But, as it is, he cannot even get a book, let alone come to see you . . . ... which does not stop us well-fed, book supplied Cornhuskers from helping thousands of those boys and girls just the same. You and I do not care about the fellow student for whom the lights have gone out. We are announcing to you the campaign of AUF All University Fund. This is the chance for all University students, all instructors, all employes to join in one happy contribution to help others get an education. More than 50 per cent of every gift goes to the aid of students receiving assistance through WSSF World Student Service Fund. A part of your gift is used to rehabilitate afflicted by infantile paralysis, and a small part goes to the Community Chest to back up its contribution to campus organizations. During the next few weeks you will be solicited by a student who is giving both money and a lot of time. Please cooperate cor dially, and sign your pledge card for just as large an amount as you find it in your heart to give. You can pay this money either in installments before Feb. 25, 1951 or the total amount at once. Remember, this is AUF, the only campus solicitation that will be made of you all year. Please join the rest of us in generous help to those students of today who will lead the nations of tomorrow to be at peace with the world. We are counting on you, and thank you sincerely. , Faithfully yours, Jo Lisher, AUF director. Sarah Fulton, head solicitor Adele Coryell, faculty solicitation. Service Group Seelis Members Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, is holding an open meeting in Room 316 of the Union on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 7:30 p.m. The following require ments for membership are neces sary: Previous training in scout ing, desire to render service on campus, and satisfactory scho lastic standing. The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega is "To assemble college men in the fellowship of the Scout Oath and Law, to develop friendships and leaderships, and promote service to humanity." It is a group composed of Univer sity faculty and student men who have previously been affili ated with the Boy Scouts America. of The University chapter, headed by president Glenn E. Curtis, is one of two-hundred brother chapters throughout the United States. It was founded in 1935 and is still continuing its's serv ices on the campus. Mambtt Intercollegiate Press FORTY-EIGHTH YKAR 1"h Dafly Wehun l pubUnhec by uie gtudcnt of Mi Vnntntly 01 Ne vnnrmmoa of Cidnt' new and opinions only. According to Artlcl II of tM By Uwj governing student publtcttlonj and administered by th Board n J-'j'i'i-af'fns, "It la tha declared policy of the Board that publications, under it juidictfoo inall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board. t on the part cf any member 01 the faculty of the University hot members of - n tstntt ot The Daily Nebraskan are personally responsible tor what they aay es C w to be printed. rnhgnrtprfAN yff r per urmnter, KM per semester mailed. r fS.IW f eoltfiro ypar, $4.00 mailed. Mnele enpy 5e. Fnbllnhed dally dnrlns the sehool r rwvt ratnrdnrs and Sundays, vacations and enamleatlon period by the Tnlver- .. f jvrbnfttika under the eniiervllon nf the Committee im Ktndent Piibllratlons. j ,i , tu-rnnH fines Matter at the Pot Office fn Mncoln, Nebraska, under Act ,., , vitrrfi . I?, "d at sieclsl rate of postage provided for In Section 1108, au octobtit 8, lMt, nthorlseU September 10, 192. EDITORIAL "( si Editors Iws fcotton - ... ,. , ....Joan Mimrts Emtnr SiHrrn Editor ' F.ilHnr .... "-T V,,nt ''"sr,hpr ... ... ,,, , , , .i.l nns?r ' B. the exnrrssinn nf stnrtpnt nnlnlnn Stop, Look, Relax At Your Vnwn Throughout the school year varied programs and relaxing features are being held weekly in the Union. Sunday afternoon coffee hours will be held in the Union lounge from 5 to 6. Organ music will furnish the background and re freshments will be served to faculty and students. On. Sun day evenings, full length, class A, movies will be shown. From 4 to 6 one afternoon a week, short films will be shown in the lounge, A crib-annex is to be open one afternoon a week in parlors ABC and XYZ. Cokes and danc ing (cabaret style) to the music of the juke-box will be the main program. For all jazz enthusi- i asts there will be jam sessions by student musicians in the main lounge or Corncrib. Exclusive in the Union are also instructional series on ca nasta, bridge, dancing and crafts; special parties; co - sponsored dances; and concert series with nationally known guest artists. Rmce Kennedy Norma Ohnbbnck, ierry Warren Krueger, Kent Atell, Hetty nee Weaver, Glenn Rosenaultt, Tom Rlsehe Klnmn Karabotsos , Bill Mandril , Jerry Bailey ,...... Bei Messersmlth Joan Van Valkenhnrg Rod Rlggs Ted Randolph 'nlien. f'htirk Biirmrlstrr, Bub Rclchcnbeeh THE 5 'r . - 1 1' U t- - i OH YOU KIDLynn Kunkel, an alluring flapper of the 1920 era, is given the eye by three College Joes; Barbara Young, Joan Krueger and Barbara Wiley as the bartender, Mary Lou Luther, looks on. These girls were a part of the Gamma Phi Beta skit given Friday night at the Chancellor's reception and first Union open house. Other skits were performed by Alpha Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Xi Delta. I v III If f b m, m. it it It : V '"WW- WANT A BEANIE? Four upperclassmen stop five freshmen to persuade them to get their frosh beanies. The five are in the process of registration en route to the Military and Naval Science building from the Coliseum. Innocents, Tassels and Coed Coun selors are selling the red beanies with the white '54 on them. Campus tradition dictates that freshmen wear the caps until the first snow unless they are victorious in the annual freshman sophomore tug-of-war. f v . i.-jr I J , I4 ifVr i2 'if 1 t GOLD BARS FOR BRANDT Receiving his second lieutenant's bars, Cadet Earl O. Brandt of Lincoln (right front. st""r'ng enters the U. S. Air Force reserves during ceremonies at Scott Air Force Base. Lt. Col. Alex C. Jamiesou, Air ROTC summer camp commander at the base is the third from left, standing. 200 Military, Naval Students Spend Summer Training by land, sea, and air i was the word for some two hun dred University students during the summer. While ROTC stu dents scattered to five army camps across the nation, Air ROTC members were trained at Lowry Field, Colo., and at Scott Field, 111. Naval students took Captain Tramble. Arrives in Japan Captain John B. Trumble, a university graduate, has recently arrived in. Japan, Col. Thomas B. Hall, commanding officer of Johnson Air Base announced. Captain Trumble is a graduate of Jackson high school and of the University, where he ob tained his bachelor of science degree, Capt. Trumble received his commission and rating as a pilot in the United States Air Force in May 1942. He was sub sequently assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific, where he partici pated in 30 missions over enemy territory. For these services, Capt. Trumble was awarded the Dis tinquished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with Oak Leaf clusters and the Asiatic-Pacific ribbon with one battle star. Upon com pletion of the war, Capt. Trum ble returned to the United States where he remained on duty un- OOPS WE SLIPPED ! ! OUli FIRST EDITION FIRST PRINTING "CAM PUS LAYOUT" DESK BLOTTERS ARE NOW ON MANY STUDENTS DESKS. WE REALIZE THIS FIRST PRINTING HAS A FEW UNINTEN TIONAL ERRORS THAT WE INTEND TO REC TIFY WITH THE NEXT PRINTING HOWEVER, WE WOULD STILL APPRECIATE HEARING OF ANY SUGGESTED CORRECTIONS THAT MAY BE OFFERED. DAILY NEBRASKAN in n .c.-: ma A- 5sf Training a Pacific cruise. The Naval ROTC men joined a group of 900 midshipmen at San Francisco's Treasure Is'nd for the annual summer training cruise. They sailed to Pearl Harbor, then back to San Diego and San Francisco Bay. During the cruise, the midshipmen were trained at operations, gunnery and engineering, with a two week period spent at each. ( The students were aboard the heavy cruiser "St. Paul," the jeep aircraft carrier "Bandoeng Straits," and four escorting de stroyers. A liberal amount of shore leave permitted the bud ding officers to enjoy such items as Tijuana, Mexico, night-life and outrigger canoe races at Ha waii's Wakiki Beach. The cruise ended on a serious note with the outbreak of war in Korea. The cruiser headed for dry-dock, while the carrier sailed westward with a load of planes. After six weeks of military and naval life, it was "back to the books" lor ROTC students. til alerted for movement to the Pacific Theater of Operations in August 1950. Arriving in Japan at Yoko hama, on Jeily 29th, 1950, Capt. Trumble was assigned to the Fifth Air Force, which is a unit of the Far East Air Forces now engaged in the United Nations action in Korea. 1 & I 1 Nebraska Book Store r 101 Professors, Instructors Receive Staff Positions at NU The University has added 101 new professors, and instructors to its 1950-51 staff. New staff members -come from all parts of the United States and are now in the positions of their respective departments. Agricultural chemistry: Paul H. Figard, assistant. Agricultural economics: Burton L. French, assistant professor. Agricultural engineering: Wil liam E. Larsen, assistant (tractor testing); Leo H, Solderholm, re search associate; Fred B. Hamil ton, research associate. Agricultural extension: Donald S. Lodge, agricultural engineer ing extension assistant; Ethel Diedrichsen, extension home eco nomics assistant, extension nu tritionist. Agronomy: Deane W. Finerty, assistant; Jack G. King, assistant. Animal husbandry: Ervin W. Schleicher, assistant professor. Architecture: Anatol Helman, assistant professor; Keith H. Christensen, instructor; Philip A. Corkill, instructor. More Named Bacteriology: Don H. Larson, assistant professor. Business organization and management: Howard K. Grash er, instructor; (Has been here on a 9 months' appointment.) Chemistry: Mark Hobson, as sistant professor; James H. Looker, instructor; Warren C. Schwemer, instructor; Archie S. Wilson, instructor. Chemurgy: E. V. Staker, asso ciate agronomist. Commercial arts: Nonda L. Herman, instructor; Ada M. Harms, assistant instructor. Conservation and survey divi sion: Vincent H. Dreeszen, hy drologist. Dairy husbandly: James D. Yoder, instructor. Civil engineering: Ralph R. Marlette, instructor. Dentistry: Kenneth E. Holland, instructor in orthodontics. Economics: Frederick W. Mor rissey, assistant professor; Sal vatore Balentineo, instructor. Educational psychology and measurements: Charles O. Neidt, associate professor; William F. Anderson, Jr., instructor part time; John M. McRai, instructor part time. Educational services, citizen ship project: Rex. K. Reckewey, instructor part time. Receive Positions Elementary education: Russell W. McCreight, instructor part time. English: Robert E. Knoll, as sistant professor; Herbert B. Berry, instructor; Mrs. Dagny Frederickson, instructor; Nanette Hope, instructor; Stanley M. Moon, instructor; Albert Rosen berg, instructor; James E. Well ington; Warner C. White, in structor. Geography: Colbert C. Held, assistant professor. . Geology: Charles M. Riley, as sistant professor. By RED RIGGS Well, here it is another year. and everyone is sitting around either excited cr bored, depending upon their year in school, and thinking about activities, one way or another, and so on. In way of in troduction, it might be well to say that this is all about the Union, the big brick barn on "R" Street. If you are in terested, you can come over and sign up to get into the Riggs who feel thing. Freshmen as though they could stand some extra-curricular work may apply tor a chance to do some interest ing work in the Union worker pool. All that they have to do is to come over and fill out a card. Nothing to it and, kiddies, there's lots of points to be had. As for upperclassmen, if they have worked for the Union before, they know what a kick it is, and their applications will also be ac cepted early next week. The big event that the activities committee is presenting this week is, of course, the Frosh Hop, which is co-sponsored by the Innocents. This event, which is for the fresh men who would like to get ac quainted with each other, is really not too bad. In fact, there are times when the stag line exceeds the bounds of good taste. This brawl is to take place Saturday night in the Union Ballroom. At 8:30. Now on 1 Ground I COHN COBS Monday, History and principles of edu cation: Rodney Franklin, instruc tor part time; Norman L. Krong, instructor part time. Home economics: Mrs. Pern Brown, assistant professor; Mrs. Virginia Trotter, assistant pro fessor; Anne Renz, instructor; Mrs. Helen Sulek, instructor. Horticulture, (outstate testing): Robert B. O'Keefe, assistant. Intercollegiate athletics: Alfred M. Partin, head wrestling and assistant freshman football coach. Law: Henry H. Foster, Jr., professor; Robert L. Price, as sistant in law. Library. Staff Library: Harry Beck, assistant librarian, acquisitions depart ment with the rank of instruc tor; Miss Ruth Hadley, assistant bbrarian, social studies division with the rank of instrctor; Mrs. Eve M. Heuser, assistant li brarian, science and technology division, with the rank of in structor; Mrs. Charlotte W. Rat cliffe, .science librarian with the rank of instructor. Mathematics and astronomy: Hugo B. Ribeiro, associate pro fessor; T loyd K. Jackson, assist ant profeor; George Seifert, in structor. College of Medicine: Cecil L. Wittson, professor of neurology and psychiatry; H. Chandler Elliott, associate professor of anatomy; Ralph H. Luikart, asso ciate professor of obstetrics and gynecology; Mrs. Minnie Schai fer, assistant professor of public health nursing; Frederick F. Teal, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery; Kenneth G. Chiburg, instructor in neurology and psy chiatry; Walter T. Cotton, in structor in obstetrics and gyne cology; Henry Kammandel, in structor in urology; Haskell Mor ris, instructor in internal medi cine; William L. Rumbolz, in structor in obstetrics and gyne cology; Richard D. Smith, in structor in orthopedic surgery; Walter R. Stager, associate in anesthesiology. Ag Staff Named Nebraska School of Agricul ture: Frank J Kleager, principal; Stephen Kenney, instructor in English and speech; Florence R. Kuhl, instructor in home eco College Red Cross Unit Needs Workers for Ten Projects Attention freshman students! The Red Cross college unit pres ident, Bob Mosher, has extended an invitation to all new students who are interested in a service activity. Red Cross offers stu dents a chance to help others through work on ten different projects. Among the projects are enter tainment units at the Veterans hospital and the State mental hospital, first aid and life sav ing courses, motor corp services, parties at orphanages, old peo ple homes, the state reformatory and the penitentiary. The unit is now helping to form Junior Red Cross units in Lincoln high Schools. Host to Convention One highlight of the college unit's activities last year was the convention for other midwestern college units. States attending the two-day convention at Ne braska were Wyoming, Colo rado, Iowa, Kansas and Mis souri. Mosher, as president of the college unit, supervises the work of the following board members: Joan Hanson, Miriam Willey, Sharon Fritzler, Sally Krause, Kathy Swingle, George Wilcox, Betty Dee Weaver, Pat Nolan, Pat Weidman, Chuck Wedmaier, Ken Henkins, Gladys Novotny, Sara Sage and Bill Dugan. Executive Committee The executive committee in cludes, besides Mosher, Jan Lindquist, vice president; Doro thy Nordgren, secretary-treasurer; and Audrey Rosenbaum, student advisor. Last year Miss Rosenbaum, former president of RCCU, was elected to the board of directors of the Lancaster county chapter of the American Red Cross. This was the first time a University coed had re ceived the postion. Gene Berg, founder of the Nebraska unit and its first pres ident, attended the National Red Cross convention in Detroit last summer. Berg, senior voting delegate from Lancaster county chapter, was one of 20 college students from all over the coun try. Berg Addresses "Meet Taking part in a 'panel dis cussion, Berg told an audience of college students. Red Cross officials and chapter delegates that "on campus Red Cross serv ice builds leadership, confidence and resourcefulness. Off campus Red Cross is one of the few sale!! Subscript-ions to the Be sure to reserve your copy and avoid disappointment Sold By September 18, 1950 nomics; Feme Mintling, instruc tor in normal training; L. Leon ard Pewthers, instructor ot vet erans on the farm training; Ad della Rundquist, instructor in home economics. , Pharmacy and pharmaceutical chemistry: Walter T. Gloor, Jr, instructor. Philosophy: Maurice Natanson, instructor, has been a graduate assistant. Physical education, men: Dale L. Hulse, instructor part lime. Physical education, women: Charlotte Duff, instructor; oJan Park, instructor; Kaye Moore, in structor part time. Physics: Frederick L. Pelton, instructor; O. Dayle Sittler, in structor, has been graduate as sistant. Psychology: Prank J. Dudek, associate professor; Richard B. Seymour, instructor. Residence halls for women: Katherine L. Parks, director of counseling and social activities. School administration: Paul M. Allen, instructor part time; Rob ert R. Wilson, instructor part time. Fine Arts Staff School of Fine Arts: Clarence Flick, assistant professor of speech; Dean F. Graunke, in structor in piano; Thomas P. Sheffield, instructor in art. School of journalism: Nathan B. Blumberg, assistant professor. Secondary education: Donald Vestal, instructor part time. Student health: Dr. Richard W. Gray, psychiatrist part time. Teachers College high school: Lee H. Stoner, instructor part time; John W. Eberly, instructor part time. University extension: Rosalie W. Farley, instructor in ele mentary education in extension; F. Eloise Pool, assistant instruc tor in high school mathematics by correspondence Zoology and anatomy: Mrs. Marjorie R. Prince, instructor. Military department: Colonel James H. Workman, professor; Major Edward R. Atchinson; Capt. David Prior; Capt. John L Tanner. Navy department: Capt. Thomas A. Donovan; Lt. Comdr. G. C. Pyne. groups that brings students into contact with the community. They see real people with real needs and find things that sel dom reach the text books." Last May the college unit as sisted in flood rescue work in Lincoln. A group of volunteers headed by Mosher worked all night evacuating flood victims and caring for rescued persons. They transported trucks, cots -. and other emergency equipment from the University to tempo rary Red Cross headquarters at Park School. Hanson Directs The veterans hospital project is under the direction of Joan Hanson. Last year Miss Hanson and Bill Hemke produced a bi weekly two hour radio show at the hospital. The musical re quest program was broadcast to the entire hospital over the ra dio system. According to Miss Hanson: "The system at Vet's is com parable to that of a 250 watt radio station. The Red Cross volunteer is his own engineer. The equipment consists of the 'Board,' two dual speed turn tables and a makeshift trans mitter that receives and trans mits to the patients and to vari ous parts of the hospital." She reports that one of the popular requests is "Don't Fence Me In." MAIN FEATURES START . "RocketghipXM" 2:09, 4:49,7:29, 10:09 "Everybody's Dancin' 1:00, 3:40, 6:20, 9:00 "Rock Island Trail" 1:00, 3:55, 6:51, 9:47 "Cobra Woman" 2:41, 6:37, 8:33 TACCPB C I A I I3TH ANO'P" I "Treasuure Island" I 1:00, 3.15, 5:20. 1:45, 10:00 i 1'oni JllhChe aW