The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1950, Image 1

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    Onfy tfafy pubicofion
for students
at the
University of Nebraska
VOL. 51 NO. 3
Monday, September 18, l&fo
Figures Rise
Frosh Hop To Acquaint
Students With
To 6900
Plan Includes
U.S.. Germany
Secretary of State DeanAcheson
has presented to the North At
lantic council an American pro
posal for the defense of western
Europe. Highlight of the plan is
inclusion of both American and
German military contingents in a
single unified force.
Acheson is understood to have
described the proposition as rev
olutionary in American foreign
policy. It also calls for a supreme
effort by all 11 other Atlantic
treaty nations to raise and equip
their own military contingents for
the prospective new international
While Acheson introduced the
new proposition, in Washington
congress approved 47 to 21 a spe
cial new law permitting Gen
George C. Marshall to take over
the civilian post of secretary of
defense. The final vote overrode
stormy republican protests.
Nebraskans' Votes
Rep. O'Sullivan of Nebraska
voted to permit General Marshall
to accept the post; Representatives
Curtis. Stefan and Miller and
Senators Wherry and Butler voted
against the proposal.
Many World War II posts and
camps that have been in moth
balls for several years will again
see live action.
According to Army Secretary
Frank C. Pace Jr., the defense
department "very definitely" plans
to reactivate many pi these camps
and posts.
Some camps that have been de
clared surplus and sold would also
be "recaptured."
When the first news of the
American landing at Inchon
reached this country, it was the
work of Associated Press Corre
spondent Bill Shinn, former Has
tings college student.
Studies at Hastings
Shinn, a North Korean, also has
the name Shin Who Bong. He
studied at Hastings for two years
on a scholarship.
The United States has more em
bassy officials in Russia than the
Soviet has in this country. That's
what the state department has told
Department officials testified
that the official U.S. government
representation in Moscow now
totals 98 persons 12 more than
the Soviet government has in
Fighting over the Korean war
is not confined to Korean borders.
The republican national chairman
said Friday that the GOP can win
the Nov. 7 election on this war
issue even if the war ends in a
United Nations' victory before
Guy G. Gabrielson said that
even if Friday's U. S. invasion
leads to a quick peace "the people
are still sore about how we got
into war in the first place."
Med School
Deadline Set
All applications for entrance
to any accredited medical col
lege in 1951 must be in by Dec. 1.
Dr. Eugene F. Powell, pre-med
advisor, announced that those
students who are interested in
1951 fall enrollment should see
him as soon as possible.
According to Dr. Powell, it is
Imperative that the Dec. 1 dead
line be met, because all accep
tances to med college will be out
by March 1. Application forms
will be available in Dr. Powell's
office, 306 Bessey hall.
Those students who still have
not taken the medical aptitude
test and wish to enter med col
lege in 1951 should make ar
rangements as quickly as pos
sible. The examination, the Med
ical College Admission test, will
be given Nov. 6. It is necessary
that students who take the test
fill out an application now in
order that it will reach the test
ing service, Princeton, N. J., by
Oct. 23. Each application must be
accompanied by a $10 fee.
Pre-meds who took the apti-
tude test last May 13 do not need
to take the November test. How
ever, Dr. Powell emphasized,
that those who did not take the
May test and still wish to, enter
med school in fall, 1951 must
not fail to take the November
The 1951 class will be chosen
on work already done.
Students wishing information
regarding character references
and official grade transcripts
should see Dr. Powell.
Parking Sticker
Deadline Tuesday
The deadline for obtaining
parking permits for University
parking lot and campus streets is
Tuesday at S p.m.
Itob Raun. Student council
president, said he expected a to
tal of about 2,000 permits to be
Issued before the Tuesday dead
line. D e c a 1 s identifying permit
holders will be affixed to their
cars. A station has been set up
for this purpose in the parking
lot north of the Social Science
Permits are not necessary on
the Ag campus and students liv
ing within eight blocks of the
campus are noi engioie lor me
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MEETING THE CHANCELLOR These four coeds were among
the first to go through the receiving line at the Chancellor's re
ception Friday night. Welcoming them are, from left to right, Mrs.
Pruell, Capt. Pruell, Mrs. Gustavson, Chancellor Gustavson,
Marilyn Campfield and Rob Raun.
AUF Pushes
Drive For
$5000 Goal
Nearly one-fifth of the goal
has been reached in the All Uni
versity fund's campaign for so
licitations. Jo Lisher, AUF director, stated
that since campus solicitations
began last spring, a total of $750
has been collected. The goal for
the 1950-51 drive is $5,000.
Students have made their con
tributions to the University char
ity group, at booths located at
different campus points.
Fnr npw ctnHpntc anH fr:h-
man of the University who are
not acquainted with AUF, Lisher
wished to remind them that the
organization is the only one of
its kind on campus. It was or
ganized to protect students from
constant solicitation by all of the
important University-recognized
welfare agencies, such as Com
munity Chest, World Student
Service fund, Red Cross, Infan
tile Paralysis fund and others
which aid the needy.
A new method of collection is
being tried out this year. It is
part of a new system set up last
spring to insure a more effective
drive this yea.-. This means that
students may simply pledge a
certain amount to AUF now or
any time between now and the
end of the year. The amount
pledged will not be due until
Feb. 25, 1951.
Miss Lisher urged all Univer
sity students to remember that
AUF represents many worth
while charity and public aid or
ganizations and that their one
donation this year will make up
for five or six contributions
which they would otherwise
make during the year.
Debate Squad
Meeting Set
For Thursday
Activities of the University de
bate squad will begin Thursday
with a meeting of all those in
terested in intercollegiate debate
this school year.
The meeting will be Thursday
at 7:15 p.m., Room 203 of the
Temple. All University students,
regardless of previous experience,
who are interested in participat
ing in debate activities, are in?
vited to attend, according to
Donald Olson, director of Uni
versity debate.
Question for debate is: Re
solved: That non-communistic
countries form a new interna
tional organization.
About ten veterans from last
year's squad will return this
year. Because of the small num
ber of returning debaters, said
Olson, there will be a lot of op
portunity for new squad mem
bers to participate in actual in
tercollegiate conferences.
Speaking about the question,
Olson said that it "certainly
ought to be a live one." "It was
made pertinent especially," he
continued, "by Herbert Hoover's
speech some time ago advocating
its organization. Many people
immediately expressed opposition
against it."
First actual public debating of
the year will be at the University
of Kansas at Lawrence, Oct. 14,
when Doris Carlson and Joan
Krueger, sophomore debaters,
participate in an exhibition de
bate before Kansas state high
school students attending the
conference at that university.
Olson will also speak at the
Kansas Debate '
Carlson and Krueger will up
hold the atfirmative side of the
national high school debate ques
tion which is: Resolved: That the
American people reject the wel
fare state.
Coaching debate this year will
be Olson and Bruce Kendall.
Following the meeting Thursday,
discussions will begin of the col-
lege question
ln order to give
I debaters background information.
Record Crowd
Attends First
Open House
A record-breaking crowd of
nearly 2,500 students attended the
annual Chancellor's Reception and
Union Open House Friday eve
According to Genene Grimm,
Union activities director, the
crowd was one of the largest in
NU history. The affair is a tradi
tion at the University.
Students and faculty members;
formed a long line waiting to
shake the hands of Chancellor
and Mrs. R. G. Gustavson and
other officials in the reception
line from 8 to 10 p. m. Background
music as Provided by Ralph
Hanneman at the organ
One of the most popular fea
tures of the open house program
were four sorority,-skits. Students
filled Parlors XYZ beyond capac
ity in order to see girls from Gam
ma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi, Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Alpha Xi Del
ta present their floor shows.
The music of Dave Haun and
his orchestra was a large draw
ing card in the evening's enter
tainment. The ballroom was
crowded with dancers and spec
tators. Mortar Board members took
pb.irpp nf tjprvinrf Hnrintr tho rp-
ception, while members of Inno -
cents and the Union board and
committees aided with the wel
coming. Lois Srb, gave her impersona
tions of Betty Hutton, Cass Daly
and Spike Jones during the in
termission. More key entertainment dur-!
ins the ODen house! included bineoi
and movies featuring W. C. Fields
and Abbott and Costello.
The craft shop, music room,
book nook and ping pong rooms
were on display during the eve
ning. The publication offices
were also open.
1500 Part Time Campus Jobs
Open to Students Each Year
Over 1,500 part time student
campus jobs are open to Uni
versity students annually. How
ever, Clarence Molzer, head of
the University personnel depart
ment states that most of the part
time jobs are filled.
Students desiring part time
work should make their applica
tions during the summer months.
The personnel department
handles all clerical jobs on the
campus as well as other types
of work. This office is supple
mented by the Dean of Men and
the Dean of Women.
Mr. Molzer said, "The majority
of our jobs are for readers, lab
assistants, cafeteria workers and
labor and farm help at Ag col
lege. Student wages average 60 to
65 cents an hour, the personnel
department "head declared, and
added that the maximum wage
is 75 cents an hour.
Where To Go
Students wishing part time work
may see the Dean of Women at
Ellen Smith hall, personnel office
at Room 204 in the Administra-
O'Kccfe Heads
Outstatc Ag Tests
Robert O'Keefe of Alliance will
be in charge of the outstate test
ing program in horticulture at the
University during the coming year.
He succeeds Roger Sandstedt, from
the Holdrege community, who has
resigned to go to the University
of Minnesota for graduate work.
O'Keefe is a graduate of the
University and has been working
with the Nebraska Certified Po
tato Growers association at Alli
ance, and doing graduate assistant
work at the University.
At the same time, it was an
nounced that Walter Jewell Jr.,
a recent graduate of the Univer
sity of Kentucky, will serve as
graduate assistant In horticulture
at the University, working under
Dr. H. O. Weriiei. He will be
assisting in a potato breeding
Enrollment figures for the Uni
versity, just released by Dr. G. W.
Rosenlof, registrar, now total 6900.
Students now regularly enrolled
on the J-iincoin campus numoer
6400 plus 500 students at the Uni
versity Medical college campus at
"We fully expert the enrollment
by the end of this week to reach
7500," stated Dr. Rosenlof.
Rosenlof added, "It appears now
that we will approach 7800 which
we had earlier estimated. Con
ceivably it will go even higher."
According to the registrar, the
veteran enrollment is higher than
the expected 1200. The vets now
number 1500. Last semester, 1700
veterans were enrolled,
Earlier, Rosenlof had stated that
he believed that "between 7500 and
7800 students W(uld attend school
this semester as compared to 9000
for the same period last year.
Foreign students enrolled are as
numerous as last year. Last week
three Germans and an Austrian
were new arrivals at the Univer
sity. They were; Heinz Schreiner,
University of Vienna; Emmy Wer
ner, University of Mainz; Gudron
Wiebe, Stuttgart University; and
Huebert Bruns, University of
Two new exchange students
from Switzerland are expected to
arrive soon. They will join two
other exchangees who have been
attending here. They are Walter
Willi of Switzerland and Vladimir
Lavko, Czechoslovakia.
Final registration figures are not
expected to be compiled until
graduate registration is complete
about Sept. 25. Graduate registra
tion is' not normally linished until
after school begins.
Big Sisters'
IT tnvtril n
I ( HdllV"rvtlVlt
Frosh Coeds
"Little Sisters? : will meet all
of their "Big Sisters" Tuesday
evening at the, i annual Coed
Counselor freshman party at the
Union. r
The party, which will begin at
7:30 p.m., in the Union ballroom,
is the first mass party of the
year for the Coed Counselors.
Included in the evening's pro
gram will be a skit, group sing
ing and refreshments. About 450
are expected to attend.
In charge of the skits are Tish
Swanson and Nanci DeBord. One
Coed Counselor from each of the
14 groups in the organization
will participate in the skit con
: cerning University life
The party was previously
scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 14,
but was postponed because of
redecorating activities in the
Union ballroom. This is the
second consecutive year the
party has been held in the Union.
Previous events
Smith hall.
were in Ellen
"Big Sisteis" have been con
tacting their "Little Sisters this
week and last to help acquaint
them to campus programs. Coed
Counselors assisted in registra
tion, sold freshman beanies and
"N" books.
tion building, Room 201 Animal
Husbandry building on the Ag
campus (for men) and 111 Home
Economics building on the Ag
campus (for women).
Inquiries for part time work
may also be answered by see
ing Charles Miller of Love li
brary or Miss Ruth Meierhenry
of the Women's residence hall.
In a report from the Dean of
Women, The Daily Nebraskan
found that there are 27 part time
positions at the library and 16 at
the women's residence halls.
There are also 43 positions down
town and 21 part time room and
board jobs. Most of these jobs
have been filled except for 12
room and board jobs. These
openings call for 28 hours of
domestic work a week. Usually
the girl receives room and board
and five dollars a week for trans
portation. Part Time Jobs
The Dean of Women, in Ellen
Smith Hall, receives applications
lor part time employment and
assists the girl in arranging her
budget and class schedules to fit
her work. This office keeps files
on campus, downtown and off
campus (board and room) jobs.
Miss Marjorie Johnston, Dean
of Women, stated that she is
vitally inverested in student em
ployment and said that her pur
pose is to give the girl, who needs
work to continue in school, a
chance to find a job that will fit
into her course at the University
and help her have well rounded
happy life.
Molzer of the personnel depart
ment said twenty full time posi
tions are now open for univer
sity students' wives who fulfill
secretarial and typing require
ments. The average earnings for these
all-year-around jobs are $140 a
month, Molzer stated, and added
that a yearly vacation totaling
two weeks and sick leave
amounting to 12 days are pro
vided. Use of campus farilitipg
and reduced prices on athletic
events are also included.
Freshman Class Invited
To Attend Dance Sept. 23
Freshmen students will have an opportunity to be
come acquainted with University activities and with their
fellow freshmen at the Frosh hop, sponsored by the Inno
cents Society and the Union
Will Attend
Mass Meet
The freshman pep group will
hold its first mass meeting Wed
nesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in the
Union ballroom.
According to Dick Kuska,
vice-president of Corn Cobs, all
freshman pepsters must attend
this meeting if they wish to ob
tain football tickets On the pep
group section.
Kuska and Janet Carr, repre
senting Tassels, are in charge
of the frosh group which is com
posed of 154 freshmen.
All freshmen pepsters will be
required to bring to the meeting
three things before they will re
ceive a ticket. They must have
their identification cards, $5 and
a card from their organization
which authorizes them as an of
ficial representative of that
Alternate members of the
group are also invited to attend
even if they have already pur
chased their tickets.
At the meeting the freshmen
will hear a talk from "Potsy"
Clark, University athletic direc
tor, and will view demonstra
tions given by members of the
new Yell Squad. The cheer
leaders will 3 over various yells
with the frosh and will teach
them some new ones. Refresh
ments will also be served.
Of ID Cards
Noiv Available
New ID cards to replace lost
ones will be issued starting Mon
day at the Office of the Comp
troller in the Administration
building, announced John Sel
leck, University comptroller.
Students who have lost orig
inal ID cards sent to them this
summer or given them during
fall registration, or who, for
some reason, did not receive
them, can obtain a replacement
iiiciii, tail uuLuni a j cji(ilcjjicul
upon payment of a $1 fee. Stu-
dents who have never received
ID cards will not be required to
pay the extra fee if the office
can find the error.
According to Sclleck, in answer
to several complaints about the
delay in issuing additional ID
cards, the cards were not avail
able to students previous to now
because of the football season
ticket campaign.
Selleck said the action was
followed this year and last in
view of the circumstances two
years ago when the office is
sued cards upon demand. Stu
dents used the extra cards merely
to purchase additional football
As a result the athletic de
partment did not have enough
season tickets for students and
many were forced to sit on the
cinders. "Editorials in The Daily,t..,ni,,i en uioi "'"-i
continued, "strongly protested
against the situation."
fhe athletic department had
laid aside only enough tickets
for the number of students en
rolled in the University and con
sequently ran short whui so
many students presented ID cards
for tickets.
The present procedure, Sel
leck said, is followed to protect
t' o majority of University stu
dents from the small group which
would take advantage of the
Football Ducats
Available Today
Business Manager A. J. Lew
andowski announced Saturday
that students may pick up their
grid tickets Monday at the Coli
seum. Students should present
their ID cards and receipts to get
the tickets. He also announced
that some tickets would be
available Monday for students
who had not purchased their
tickets by the Saturday noon
Students and faculty should
sit In the seats designated on
their football tickets during
the Frosh-Varslty panic' This
procedure will simplify the
task of finding their seats in
th first game against Indiana,
Sept. 30.
Student football tickets will
admit student holders to the
Frosh-Varsity game to be held
Saturday. Sept. 23. Faculty tick
ets will also be honored.
Students will sit on the east
side of the stadium, according to
Lewaridowski, Sections n u in
hered 1, 2, 10 and 11 will be re
served exclusively for students.
Seats from row 30 down in sec
tions 3 through 8 will also be
reserved for students,
To be held Sept. 23 at 9 p.m.
in the Union ballroom, the Frosh
Hop will feature many of the
activities on the University cam
pus, states Frank Jacobs, Inno
cents, in charge.
Activities Carnival
In addition to dancing to the
music of Aaron Schmidt and his
orchestra, students may visit the
activities carnival in Union par
lors A, B and C. These will con
tain booths of 30 campus organi
zations depicting their work.
Freshmen may inquire about
these groups from the workers in
the booths.
During the intermission, spec
tators will have a chance to 6ee
the presidents of all these or
ganizations. A short satirical skit
about the functions of these
groups will be enacted by mem
bers of these groups.
The groups which will be rep
resented are: Associated Women
Students, Student Council, Ag
Executive Board, Panhellenic
Council, Interfraternity Council,
Union board, Barb Activities
Board for Women, Mortar Board,
Innocents, Farmers Fair board,
NUCWA, Cornhusker, Daily Ne
braskan, Builders, All University
Fund, Corn Cobs, Tassels, Kos
met Klub, Nebraska Masquers,
Red Cross, Coed Counselors,
Home Economics club, Independ
ent Students association, Wo
men's Athletic association, YMCA
and YWCA. .
Dates Not Necessary
Students may come either with
or without dates. The dance of
fers students a good opportunity
to meet their fellow freshmen.
The room will be decorated
with the crest and emblems of
the organizations represented.
The Frosh Hop is sponsored
jointly by the Innocent Society
and the Student Union.
Committees for the dance are:
Publicity: Rod Riggs and
Bruce Kennedy.
Tickets: Ted Randolph, Hugh
Follmer and Jackie Becker.
Activities Carnival and decora
tions: Sara Devoe and Bob Rog
ers. Entertainment: Jacobs.
Tickets are 60 cents and may
be obtained from any members
of Corn Cobs beginning Tues
day. A booth in the Union will
be open for ticket sales.
Add and Drop
: t
j li r f"lHlfllf'C
To Continue
Headquarters for add and drop
procedure and late registration
procedure will continue to be in
the Military and Naval Science
However, there will be a slight
change in the add and drop pat
tern, according to Dr. F. W. Hoo
ver, assistant registrar.
Students who did not complete
their add and drop by last Sat
urday noon are required to ob
tain the signatures of- course in
structors as well as those of their
advisors and deans.
Hoover stressed that the in
structors consent must be ob
tained before any change is made.
This, briefly, is the system each
!student should follow in dropping
jana aaaing:
1. See his advisor and have any
changes approved by him.
2. Secure the consent of his in
structors. 3. Obtain the aproval of the
dean of his college.
4. Visit the Military Science
building w"ith the properly signed
worksheet to re-register for
classes. ,
5. Pay add and drop fees at
the Administration building.
Students are asked to note the
last step particularly. Last week
all fees were paid at the Physical
Education building. This week
all fees including those for late
registration will be paid at the
Administration building.
Hoover emphasized that stu
dents who merely wish to change
a class section do not need to go
through the add and drop pro
cedure. The class section need
only be approved by the head of
the department.
Alleen Second NU
Delegate to Head
National YWCA
Sue Allen, recently elected
national president of the student
YWCA, is the second Nebraska
girl in a row to be named presi
dent of the group for its national
Mary Ann Mattoon, former
University coed, was chosen
president of the YWCA at its
meeting four years ago. The
president presides alternately
with the national YM president
at the national YM-YW mee
ings. These "town meetings"
establish the legislative policy
of the groups for the next four
years. This year the meetings
will be held at Miami University,
Oxford, O.
Miss Mattoon now serves as
executive director of the student
YW and YM at Miami university.
f fell
FRANK JACOBS represent!
Innocents in making arrange
ments for the Frosh Hop which
is scheduled for Saturday, Sept.
First Tryouts
For 'Antigone'
Start Sept. 20
Tryouts for "Antigone," re
cent Broadway production, will
begin Wednesday. Dean Graunke,
director of the first production
of the University Theatr, said
that tryouts will be held Wed
nesday, 3 to 5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.,
and continue to Thursday, 7 to
9 p.m. in Room 201, Temple.
The story is based on the
Greek myth of Antigone, a Greek
maiden, and Edopus, her father.
As a child Edopus was abandoned
on a mountain to die because the
gods thought that he would harm
many people if allowed to grow
up and freely roam the earth. He
escapes however and grows to
manhood only to return and kill
his father.
Marries Mother
Edopus marries his mother not
knowing she is his real mother.
She bears him two sons, Eteocles
and Polynices, and two
daughters, Antigone and Isnene.
After the death of Edopus, his
two sons were to take over the
rule of the property, each rul-"
ing every other year. When
Eteocles became the ruler he did
not want to give it up; the
brothers declared war on each
other and both were killed in the
battle. Creon, Edopus' brother and
new regent of Thebes orders that
Eteocles be given a burial of
honor and that Polynices be left
for the vultures. The punishment
for anyone interfering in the at
tempt to get a proper burial for
Polynices is death.
Becomes Martyr
Antigone attempts to bury the
body and is caught by Creon. As
a true martyr she becomes known
for her good only after her death.
The adaptation that will be
used was first displayed in Paris
in 1945 and 1946, during the
German occupation. A few re
visions had to be made at that
time because of the marked like
ness of the dictatorship of Creon
to that of Hitler. The modern
setting will be used here with
formal attire during the hour and
40 minute continuous perform
ance. The cast is composed of eight
men and four women.
Coeds Schedule
Programs For
New Students
Three campus "K n o w-How"
programs sponsored by the AWS
board and the Mortar Boards will
start this week. The programs are
designed to acquaint new coede
with campus life at the Univer
sity. The programs are scheduled in
Love library auditorium: Wednes
day, Sept. 20; Wednesday, Sept.
27; and Wednesday, Oct. 4. AU
are at 5 p. m.
All Coed Counselors are to bring
their "Little Sisters" to the pro
gram. All new coeds, Lincoln,
dorm and organized house glru
are invited.
The first program, Wednesday,
is entitled "Campus Life." The
girls will explain dress for all oc
casions. Campus standards and
traditions at the University will
be discussed in skit fashion.
The second program is on schol
arship. AWS board members and
Mortar Boards will give hints for
studying, explanations of down
slips and information on scholastic
and professional honoraries.
The third program concern!
campus activities. An explana
tion of all campus activities will
be given. Representatives of the
activities will be there. The last
program is a week before the
Activities Mart Oct. 11, when
freshman women may sign up
for work.
Draw Cartoons?
'Rag Wants Yoji
The Daily Nebraskan Deeds
Any student interested in
drawing cartoons for The Daily
Nebraskan is asked to see Edi
tor Bruce Kennedy in the "Raj"
office in the Union basement.
The newspaper office is open
from 1 to 6 p ,m., week days, and
each Saturday morninu.. The car
toonist position is a paid one.
iii'mi j''r-i?ir .. .