The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 15, 1950, Image 1

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    Only daily publication
for students
at the
University of Nebraska
Cloudy with occasional rain
Friday and Saturday. HUh
Friday in the fifties.
VOL. 51 No. 2
Fridcry, September 15, 195Q
Reds S
U.S. Ships
Navy Denies
Report; Senate
Won't Adjourn
Unable to remain silent after
heavy attacks by allied war
ships and carrier planes on Ko
rea's west coast, the reds Wed
nesday night claimed that four
U. S. landing craft and three de
stroyers were sunk. Allied
moves were interpreted as a
prelude to the promised big
:.t Washington, however, the
U. S. Navy said it had no report
of any landing-type vessels be-
United Nations invasion
forces landed Friday 150 miles
inland behind the 130,000-man
red army at the fighting front.
The landing point was Inchon,
port city of Seoul. Troops were
covered by planes and war
ships. ing involved in the heaviest
surface bombardment of the
war by British and American
ships in the vicinity of Inchon,
v est coast port for the red-held
Senul, capital city.
Only report from the navy
stated that reds inflicted "su
perficial damage" on three U.S.
destroyers during the Inchon
bombardment Wednesday. Cas
ualties were reported light.
No Adjournment
While the Allies pushed a pre
liminary offensive in Korea, the
senate pushed through and ap
proved overwhelmingly Thurs
day a resolution calling on con
gress to postpone adjournment
until it has a chance to vote on
a multi-billion dollar excess
profits tax.
Action followed failure to
write a $6,000,000,000 super levy
on big corporation profits into
the pending general tax boost
ing bill. That move was sunk by
house rules on procedure.
But the tax issue was not the
only item on congressional
minds. Regarding senate ap
proval of Gen. George C. Mar
shall's appointment to the post
as defense secretary, Sen. Rob
ert A. Taft (r.,0). said he
would oppose it on grounds it
wijl strengthen Secretary of
State Acheson's hand in deal
ing with the Chinese commu
nists. N Agreement
With his opposition came the
suggestion that more than slight
republican opposition to the ap
pointment can be expected.
Although congress could not
discover agreement, the research
institute of Temple university
announced the discovery of
tritium, the hydrogen bomb ex
plosive In water. Tritium, rarest
element in nature, costs nearly
half a billion per pound as it is
made with atomic reactors. For
every sextilhon atoms of hydro
gen in ordinary water there is
one atom of tritium.
The element is hydrogen of
triple weight, and has been de
scribed as essential to the mak
ing of H-bombs. The DuPont
company has been commissioned
to build atomic reactors pre
sumably to make the rare stuff.
Tritium Is to be used along with
double weight hydrogen called
deuterium which scientists
know as "heavy water."
At the meeting in New York
of the Big Three foreign minis
ters, agreement was reached to
raise the question of West Ger
man participation in a European
defense force at Friday's meet
ing of the 12 North Atlantic
treaty foreign ministers.
No Endorsement
This unexpected decision,
however, does not mean, au
thoritative delegation sources
said, that the Big Three had fi
nally endorsed German partici
pation in a European defense
force. They said the question
could now be "openly and freely
discussed" on a broader Euro
pean leveL
It was stressed that French
Foreign Minister Robert Schu
man and British Foreign Secre
tary Ernest Bevin would require
further instructions from their
governments before they could
take any firm individual posi
tion on West German participa
tion in the European defense
Council to End
Permit Sales
Deadline to obtain parking
permits for University parking
lots and campus streets is Tues
day at 5 p.m.
Permits are on sale at the
Union, outside the Crib. To
obtain the permit, students rr.vst
present their automobile regis
tration identification card, and
pay 25 cents. The booth is open
from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from
1 to 5 p.m.
Decals that identify permit
holders will be affixed to their
cars. A station has been set up
in the parking lot north of the
Social Science building for this
Permits will not be necessary
on Ag campus, and students
living within eight blocks of the
campus are not eligible to receive
the University parKing pcrmn.
After the fourth day of issuing
permits, the total had passed the
1.000 mark. Bob Raun, president
!f tfrm Studnnt council, stated
that he expected approximately
2.000 permits to be iwmed before
the Tuesday deadline.
? Si " 'I
BOTANY GREENHOUSE Latest construction on city campus,
the building will have facilities to study four different botanical
functions. The center portion will be built of heat resistant glass.
Heat will be controlled by an automatic heating system consisting
of steam heat from the walls, suspended blower units and venti
lators in the roof.
Greenhouse Nears Completion;
Building to Serve 4 Functions
Construction is under way on 1 perature to droD too shamlv.
tne new Botany greennouse lo
cated south of Bessey hall.
The building will have facili
ties to study four different bot
anical functions. These functions
include plant ecology, plant nu
trition, effects of light and dark
on plants and studies of tropi
cal plants grown in the high-
humidity room.
According to Prof. W. W. Ray.
chairman of the department of
botany, the glass in the center
portion will be of the heat re
sistant type. That is, it will let
the light in but keep the heat
of the sun's rays out
Automatically Controlled
Prof. Ray emphasized the fact
that the heat will be controlled
by an automatically controlled,
three-unit heating system con
sisting of steam heat from the
walls, suspended blower units
and ventilators in the roof.
As an example, if the thermo
stat is set to keep an 80 degree
temperature, the
steam system
will be set around 77 degrees.
The blower system will keep the
temperature up to the desired
80 degrees. If the temperature
rises too much, the ventilators in
the top of the roof will open to
cool the building to the desired
The same process is repeated
if the ventilators allow the tem-
Pi Phi's Top
Scholar List
Xi Psi Phi and Beta Phi walked
off with top honors in the all
fraternity and all-sorority schol
astic averages for the second
semester of the 1949-50 school
Xi Psi Phi, a professional
dental frternity, maintained an
average o. 6.96 or about 85 per
cent. Pi Beta Phi, with a 6.08 or
about 80 percent average headed
the sororities in scholarship.
Two agricultural social frat
ernities, FarmHouse and Alpha
Gamma Rho were runners-up in
the fraternity averages with 6.66
and 5.91 averages respectively.
Chi Omega with 5.99 and Gamma
Phi Beta with 5.94 took second
and third honors in the all-soro
rity averages.
The average of the 25 frater
nities (figured by averaging each
fraternity's average) was 5.40.
The 14 sorurities averaged 5.83.
This compares with an all-school
average of 5.3 for the men and
5.8 for the women.
Biggest improvement among
the fraternities was made by
Delta Chi, which jumped from
25th to 14th and improved its
average by .66. Alpha Phi, im
proving its average by .04,
jumped from 11th to sixth in the
sorority standings. Acacia's
average fell .46, but ihe frater
nity only dropped from third to
fourth place.
Xi Phi Psi and Pi Beta Phi
each took honors for the second
straight semester. A year ago
Farm House and Kappa Alpha
Theta were on top.
The averages: (second
S .S4 S DO
ter, first semester, year averages
XI pl Phi
Farm Houae
Alpha Gamma Rho
Delta Sigma PI
Theta XI
Sigma Chi
Phi Delta Theta
Zeta Beta Tau
Kappa Sigma
Alpha Tau Omega
lielta Sigma Phi
Sigma Nu
Iielta Chi
Sigma Alpha Hu
PI Kappa Pal
Delta Tau Delta
Phi flamma Delta
Phi Kappa Phi
Beta Hluma Pal
Beta Thta Pi
Sigma A ipha pulton
Delta TJpellon
S.iil 6 74 6 a
r, m .i6 7
ti AS l tlH 6.67
t, Ii 6T1I b.M)
t.M li.3 b.4
f, Ah 6D2 5 M)
A 44 5.87 6.41
6.43 6.27 6.36
f. -W 6.337 6 'Hi
6.32 4 VX 6.13
b.W 6 42 6.30
6.Z7 41 4.B3
6 24 6.:ia 6.2H
r,,ir, 4 tit) 6.06
6.13 4. VI 6.02
t. 11 6.12 6.12
I, (Hi 6.01 6 4
6 04 6.06 6.06
fi 03 6 42 6.23
6 02 6.10 60"
47 4.f. 41
4 7" 4B 4 72
4.76 6 04 4 0
Tau Kappa F.pullnn
Sigma J'hl Kpelton
Chi Omega
SOD S 14
f, W 4
e oz
Gumma Phi Beta
64 8.10
fi.v3 S.IMi
6. HI t
Iielta lfimma
Knpna Kappa Oamma
A lima Phi
6. VI 67 6.W
Kappa Aipha Theta
b HU t,MH 6 03
6.K7 01 6.K4
62 6.87
6 Kl It M 6 MI
6 76 60 62
lM 6.72 6.AX
r J . tr C HU
Alpha Chi omega
Delia Delta Delta
Alpha Omlcron PI
Alpha XI Iwlta
Kappa Delta
Hlgma Kappa
Sigma Delia Tau
r. 4h a a. 4a I
Orchestra Openings
Vacancies still remain in the
University orchestras. Emmanuel
Wlshnow, director said that sev
eral openings remain in the string
section. Those Interested In trying
out, see Mr. Wighnow Room 210,
Music building.
ThA rpptantfnlar KiiilHinn -arill
i V e, t " ? 7 "
uc mi teei jong ana leei
wide. The main part of the
house will be in the center with
the basement directly under it
Prof. Ray stated that the build
ing is situated in a convenient
place and that its usefulness will
be multiplied by this fact.
Eight Students
Compose Neiv
Yell Squad
Frank Piccolo,
Who Will lead
University fans as 1950-51 Yell
King, and his assistant. Brick
Paulsen, have announced the six
other members of the new all-
male cheerleading squad.
The squad; Larry Anderson,
Ira Epstein, George Hancock.
Leonard KehL Jerry Tubs and
Dick Wakeman. With Piccolo
and Paulsen the entire squad to-
tals eight members.
The members were chosen by
a committee appointed by the
Innocents. The committee was
composed of Shirley Allan, presi
dent of Tassels; Rod LindwaU,
president of Corn Cobs; John
nocents; Jake Geier, gym coach;
"nocerrts; JakeGier, gym coach;
Don Kline, speech instructor;
Professor Donald Lentz, ROTC
band director; Col . C. J. Frank
forter, advisor to the Cobs. Tas
sels and band; and Posty Clark,
athletic director.
Candidates Trained
. .
ilCCOJO ana faUlsen trained
men. who sirmed nn for trvnutc
. ,
ior two weeics. teacning tnem
yells and technique. After the
cnanhinp nprinrf mpn wprp fhnspn
who would be in the final try
outs. The squad was selected on
these merits; speaking quality.
agility and gracefulness. Tumbl
ing experience was not neces
sary. The cheerleaders have inaugu
rated a platoon system on which
they operate in the future. The
squad will consist of four sopho
mores, three juniors and one
senior who will be the Yell King.
Sophomores will be elected as
the new members to the squad.
One of the former members of
the sophomore group will be dis
missed to make the total of 3
juniors on the squad and two
juniors will be dropped. Fresh
man are not admitted to the
Uniforms Provided
The athletic department is in
charge of outfitting them. They
are furnished with uniforms,
practice suits and lockers. Travel
ing expenses are also paid by the
The Yell King is the only mem
ber who receives a letter .He is
a member of the "N" Club.
Practices are held every day
at 4:30 p. m. in the Stadium.
First pep rally is Friday, Sept.
Hicks, Schmidt Will
(Departments in Bizad College
i J i J
chairman of the business or
ganization and management in
Biad College, is the author of
tVVu Wtuely uncu lexiuuukit. lio
has been a member of the TJU
faculty 2i years.
Chancellor Gustavson to Welcome
The new 1950 University
ROTC Band personnel list has
been released by Prof. Donald
Lenta, band director. A total of
138 men and women were se
lected to membership. The
ROTC marching band will make
its first appearance Saturday,
Sept. 30, when Cornhusker grid
ders meet Indiana.
The band members:
Bill Wurt. Fairbury; Virginia Nord
strom. Waverly: Wnry Hunks. Colum
bus; John Swarlz. Uncoln: Louise Cook,
Lincoln; Bob Rosenquist, Lincoln.-
Dale Ground, Hastings; Eugene Tedd.
' Clmrlnrts
Franoln Jones. Aaron Schmidt. Fre
mont: Chris Kuyatt. Grand Inland; Mar
tin Crandall. David City; Robert Duia,
John Berigan. O'Neill; Leo
Fremont; Robert Harrison.
Nnrmnn Strnnd Lincoln- Joan
I Lincoln
i Albin, Humboldt; Aria Mae Soliermoser,
Kennedy. Omaha; Betty Breck. Waverly;
Betty Roessler, Fremont; Loren Loy.
Lincoln; Glen Wood. Fairbury; Robert
SHndetedt. Lincoln; Don Crook. Atkin
son: Nancy Pumphrey. Wisner; Bob
Zanger. Chadron; David Cohen. Rock
Port. Mo.; Paul Parker. Auburn; Fer
dinnnd Kuyatt. Grand Island: Kenneth
Rvstrom. Bayard: Mareia Ireland. Madi
son. S. D.: Audrey McCall. Red Cloud:
Wilson Strand, Centerville. S. D.; Theo
dore Meyers. Mlnatare; Dorothy Arm
. strong, Fremont.
A Ho tT'lartnHs
Don Korlnek. Dwipht; Wesley Reist.
Kami laiiiwt
Henry Delnea, Sidney; Vnuprtn Jae
1 rticke, Garrison; William Doole, Lin-
j 9taoon
U'i --an DgmitHan r.ntr.1 iitt" T
tricia Kaveney. Lincoln; Naida Watson,
; p,erce
Alt Sacoihune
Joyce Smedley, Pawner City; Kent
.ytell. Beatrice: Arthur Becker. Albion;
'hirley Whitaker. Red Cloud: Mike
Korft. HebroD: Lawrence Hubka, Vir
ginia. Tenor Savopbones
Robert Parker. Dalhart. Tex.; Don
Duryea, Dawson; Bill Nuckolls, Fair
bury. Baritone Havophone
Jerry Sharpneck. Plattsmouih.
llarlln Klllion. Fairfield: John Cur
tis. Geneva; Denny Schneider. Lincoln;
Lewis Forney. Crete; Herman Larsen.
Marqiaette; Donovan Crandell. Central
City; Robert Hinds. Lincoln; John Mc
Klhanev, Omaha: Robert Blue. Russell,
la.; Thomas Dunn, Lincoln: Don Enele.
Lincoln; Clinton Heme. Hooper: Don
Reeves. Central CHy; Bob Mueller. Co
lumbus; Bill Marhaker, Costa Mesa.
Calif.: Randall HoKwtn, Lincoln: Geof
rey Machall. Lincoln; Doyle Beavers.
Bennet: Darrell Marshall. Fairbury: Jim
mouth; buam Johnson. Bavari); John
Npion. NebrMka city: Don johniwn,
Albion; Bob Wolf. Kearney, and Clayton
Borg. Oakland.
V.,n.nM T i. .. T ...... 1)1.,...
i Conrad Retinemann, Mt. Vernon XT.;
(Robert Wentfall. Nebraska City; ChHrles
; v u i , , . c m r v m , r ruua weim, Juuurii,
I Henry Hockennereer. Columbw: Joe
1 Cha. Broken Bow
. nrn
! Don Boyd. Superior; Walter Cole. Lln-
, e"1": BMI Barrett. O'and l!an: Kath-
eritie Baker. David City; John Woodln.
Grand Island; Robert Conover, Bridge
port; Richard Buh. Lincoln.
Twin Schneider. Lincoln; AI Zlmmer,
North Piatt; Phil Neff. BridKeport;
Melvln Foltn. To.k; Dick Hchulti, Co
lumbUR; Vernon Vrtuika, Pawnee City;
Herb Danlev. Axtell; John Thortn, Ne
llEh; Dick Bum. tteward; Norman Jta
muen. Central City; Ed Doll. Lin
coln; Gerald Laweon, Bupertor; Dougla
Freeman. Neligh; Jack Davie. Kearnev;
Robert Van Vorhlf, Chadron; Bub
Forben. Hcotunluft; Jack Welle. Waril
win; Richard Wltte. Pawnee fltv: Jim
Pllhal. Pawnee City; Dick Huehner,
Platumouth; Robert IlcPberson. Lin
coln. Velvln VcKenney, Auburn; Robert
Chab, Ravenna; Paul Moeeman. O'Neill;
Dick SleiKh, Fairbury: Robert Church,
Clarkii; Dick Garreuon, tverini;; Jim
Ochner, Blackfoot. Ida.; Jamer Sher
wood, Albion; John Kavenev. Lincoln;
John Kule. Alneworth; Charlee Klaavk.
Wllber; Vincent Krauper, South Hioux
City, la.
Bonnie Weddel, Kalle City.
NobH. Holdrege; Karl Mitchell. Chad- '
ron; Don Loy. David City; Bruce Hen- j
naroui Miiimauiiii. ud k lann ; i.on
uncKaon, Hol(lret:e; Nell Trabert, l.ln
eoln; Tom McVay. Brooklield; Kent
PhllllM. Lincoln; i.A Gaaa. Culumhua.
Anyone interested in writ
ine sports for the Daily Ne
braskan are asked j report
to Klmon Karabatsos, sports
editor in the basement of the
Student Union. You need not
be Journalism student.
Appointment of two depart
ment heads in -the University
College of Business Administra
tion was announced Friday by
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson.
They are Prof. Clifford M.
Hicks, chairman of the depart
ment of business organization
and management, and Dr. Ed
ward B. Schmidt, chairman of
the department of economics
Professor Hicks succeeds Dean
Earl S. Fullbrook of the College
of Business Administration, who
also has been acting head of the
Professor Hicks received a law
degree in 1H24 and a masters de
gree in 1927, both from the Uni
versity, and has been a member
of the University faculty since
1925. He is the author of two
widely used text books.
Dr. Schmidt succeeds Dr. C. E. j
McNeill, who asked to be relieved j
of administrative responflibili- '
ties to carry on research work. 1
Dr. Schmidt received a bachelors
degree from Nebraska Wesilcyan
in 1922. and masters and Ph. D.
decrees from the University in
1 nrtH 1R41. A1W toHcrhin
eight years in Nebraska public ,
schools, Dr, Schmidt joined the j
I University faculty in 1932. i
Students at Reception
' 'I
.1 ' V---.
New chairman of the Naval
Science department is Capt.
Thomas A. Donovan, who spent
last year as commander of the
ship, Yancey.
Takes Naval
Science Post
Capt. Thomas A. Donovan has
been named the new chairman
of the University Naval Science
department, Chancellor . R. G.
Gustavson announced Thursday.
Donovan comes to Nebraska
after serving a year as comman
der of the attack cargo ship,
Yancey. He served three years
after the war on the joint statf
of the commander-in-chief of
the Pacific at Pearl Harbor.
At the start of World War TI,
Donovan was aboard the U.S.S.
Langley, a collier converted into
an aircraft carrier. While ferry- I
ttxT ti TTvixt i Va ;Kiri urtic cnnlr I
ll uu viuia, ivj iv iJJ J ip r Ut uian.
by Japanese
ananeco .aircraft in the In.
Ocean Feb: 27, T942. Dono-
nnH nthpr cnrvivrirs vjprf
van and other
survivors were
j picked up by American destoyers
i and eft on Christmas Island,
. , , ,
where they were to be removed
1 later.
Boat Sinks
j .
! ' - - - ....... . ... . - - ...... . - - . - -
nifliorf nn thr. rosl r,f thp cnr-
vivors. It was sunk as it took
them away from the island. The
Japanese captured the island in
March 1842. As a prisoner, Dono-
van was sent to Macassar where
he remained for 18 months. deal of his college. entitled "The Flapper Days "
He was removed to Batavia in 4. Visit the military and naval i The skit will have a take-off
1942, where he remained until science building Friday morning j on -je Speak-easy days Direc
the war's end. He reported that i and submit the "work sheet" with I tor is ;inr smith
beatings were frequent, quarters
bad and food poor. Donovan
weighted 215 pounds in 1942; 118
in 1945. From 40 to tiO men were
quartered in rooms which are
about as large as the University's
smaller classrooms.
Donovan's wiie did not learn
that her husband was a prisoner
of war until 18 months after he
had been reported missing. Dur
ing his years in the internment
camp, Donovan heard from his
wife twice.
native oi ttartiora, conn., .
Donovan wat, graduated from j
the U. S. Naval Academy in 192B. i
. . . .... . . , . j
ITlor W enicring Uie auautwij',
Donovan served 19 months as a
seaman aboard the U. S. S. Ari
zona, now at the bottom of Pearl
Harbor. Through his navy ser
vice, he was able to take en
trant tests for Annapolis. His
ambition had always been navy
He spent time aboard the
U. S. S, Utah and Enterprise as
an officer and spent four years
in the submarine service.
new chairman of the depart
ment of economics in Bizad,
is an authority on public fi
nance and has studied Ne
braska tax problem Tar many
years. He served in the Army
Air Force from 1942 to 1945.
Union Plans
With Special
All returning students to the University will receive
their official welcome Friday evening at the annual Chan
cellor's Reception and Union Open House at the Union.
The traditional event this year will include & program
planned to offer the best in entertainment following the
Members of the official reception line besides Chan
cellor and Mrs. R. G. Gustavson will include:
i Dean and Mrs. T. J. Thomp-
Grui Ticket Sale te "aijLe
!n.?i;. C,i....
t""'"" uut-M-f tMysheim, Col. and Mrs. James
Saturday noon, Sept. 16, is
the deadline for purchase of
season football tickets. Tickets
went on sale Thursday in the
Coliseum, priced at $5.
j Identification cards will be
required ai tne Time oi ucKei
i purchase. Students without
identification will not be sold
tickets under any circumstances.
All organized houses and groups
! wanting seats in a body must
j present identification cards at
) the same time, together with the
i money to cover the tickets.
' A member of the group will
draw a number from a lottery
: box designating the number to
be used in the actual assignment
of reserved seats to the indi
vidual or group.
Graduate students will be able
to purchase tickets after regis
tration. A block of seats is be
ing specially reserved for gradu
ates. Students will sit on the east
; side of the stadium, according to
A. J. Lewandowski, business
manager. Sections 1, 10, and 11
and seats from row 30 down, in
sections 3 through 8, will be re
served exclusively for students.
Add and Drop
Begin Friday
The University assignment
r ...... . ., -I..-. .
i cuiiiiiii lure is rcauv ujuav uiu
drop and adds.
I a. ...... ...:v.. .
Any student who wishes to
change his schedule by either
j dropping or adding a course
I should use the following pro
cedure outlined by Dr. Floyd W.
Hoover, assistant registrar in
, charge of registration.
1. Pick up a "work sheet" from
the registrar s orrice in the aa-
ministration building.
' 2. See adviser and have any
changes approved by him.
3. Secure the approval of the
the proper signatures in oroer to
register for the desired class r
: classes.
"Those students who merely
wish to change a class -section do
not need to go through the drop
add procedure," noted Hoover.
Approval for a class section
change must come from the de
partment chairman in charge of
the class in question and need not
go through the assignment com
mittee. As an examole of this oro-
cedure. if a student discovers that
he has registered for the wrong
section in mathematics, he should
see the chairman of the math de-
partment. who will advise him.
Stuaems wno nave not yet
registered at the University must
file their registrations under the j
late registration procedure, points j
out Hoover.
'50 Yearbook
Section Heads
Section beads for the 1950
Cornhusker yearbook were re-
cently announced Section heads
are listed under the three man-
. ,i;.t.. Tii,.L. x;ua coraii
-2.?.1SL?rbV..Vik tt Sarah
Fulton and Jackie Hoss.
Under Dick Billie are Dick
Ford and Tom Ledingham, ath
letics; Julie Johnson, student
government; Pat Bechan, organi
zations; Bonney Varney, women's
.. l 1 ........ - C M .. iriul.nn
ment has been made for intra
mural section head.
Sarah Fulton will direct the
work of Bob Gangel. fraternities;
Mary Lou Flaherty, sororities;
Ann Jarn. Hall, activities; Mary
Jane Neely. houses and halls;
Bruce Barton, beauty queens;
.... ,1 Xrl.,..
JackHo'wiS headih.
tion including Frank Sibert and
Marv Ann Grundman. Ae activi
ties; Doris Carlson administra-
tion; Hester Morrison, collet'eK,
Adele Coryell, classes: and Bev
Smith, alumni pictures. No no- j
pointment has been made for
military section head.
Editor Dick Kuska plans to
muke the remaining appointments
after the first week or two of
Other staff members include:
Betty Green, associate editor;
Jack Barnhart, business man
ager; Bob Duis, head photog
rphcr' T-'----'rr .Z .
Larsen, layout editors; and Ann
Lueder and Jackie Sorenson,
panel editors.
Open House
-wiiv xuia, iwji uicai
ai and Mrs. Edmond O. Bel-
Workman, Capt. and Mrs. Pro
di, Comm. and Mrs. Richard P.
Michalson, Prof and Mrs. Ar
thur Hitchcock, Prof. Martha
Ford, Prof, and Mrs. Samuel
Fuenning, Prof, and Mrs. E. W.
Jannike, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
Westbrook and Prof, and Mrs.
George Clark.
Students win be received
from 8-10 p.m. Open house fes
tivities will begin at 8:30 pm,
and continue through 11:30 p.m.
The open house is the Union's
first main event of the year and
all University students are urged
to be present. All entertainment
and refreshments will be free.
During the reception, Mortar
Boards will serve refreshment!
in the main lounge, while organ
music is being played by Ralph
Hanneman. Innocents and mem
bers of the Union board and
committees will also assist in
the reception.
8:00-10:00 Reception j
8:30 Movies, Room ;
Dancinr ball- 1
Bintra, cane
Timor shorn
Parlors XY Z
9:30 Movies, Room 1
1:15 I n t e r mission
e n t e r tain- '
oluucul!' nave tneir
C , : 1 1 i j .
f 4s
j oingo at B.JU p.m. fetudents WJU
dance to the music of Dave Haun
in the ballroom. Dancing will
continue until 11:30.
Bingo will be played from
8:30-10:30 p.m. in the game room
while movies will be shown in
Room 315 featuring "Hurry,
Hurry," with W. C. Fields, and
"Oysters and Muscles," with
Abbott and Costello.
A special floor show in Par
lors XYZ will spotlight a skit
hv thp Hum ma Th-i -m.,--
, Aso a part the ,eiiint
entertainmmt -m iT,Mrt. .
, pantomime by Lois Srb of these
; oerKonaliti- Rpttv -Hurt, rc.
Daly and Spike Jones.
Refreshments will be served
from 9-10 p.m. in Parlors ABC
On display during the open
house will be the craft shop,
music room, book nook and ping
pong rooms. In addition, the
publication offices in the base-
; ment will be ooen.
i fhnfli- VJiAmuim-
the Krri&i anti
j is in charge of the open house!
I nthpr
' the affair successful are several
Union workers of last year who
were given outstanding service
Sponsors of the combined re
ception and open house remind
students it is an annual event
that should not be missed.
Crowds as large as 3,000 have
attended the event in past years.
Arndt Named as
Aile to Truman
Economic Council
Profeliaor M M aa. x.u.
anTed a yeaT'sleave
t,nin7J?Jf ft
i as senior stari member
with the President's Council oi
Economic Advisor in Washing
Arndt, a University faculty
member since 1926, is a profes
sor of economics in the collega
of business administration. De
taught for a year each at Creigh
ton University. Omaha, and
Cansius college, Buffalo, N. Y.
A graduate of the University of
Notre Dame, he studied at tha
University Louvrain in Belgium.
While on the university staff
Arndt became associated with
Dr. John D. Clark, who has been
sec-l. P's economic
advisers since 1946.
ROTC Air Cadets
R-eive Commwwon
Three University Air Foret
ROTC cadets have received corn-
missions as second lieutenants in
the Air Force Reserve at th
completion of summer camp
They are Earl O. Brandt, Lin
coln; James V. Keen, Rapid City.
S. D., and Richard A. McElrtvy.
David City. Brandt received hu
commission at Swttt Air Fore
mj m -
mmwtl 4UHkMbe'b -f m Mt SaSSSllla HU
and MuElraTr were commit
sioned at I owry Air Force Bawl.