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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1950)
turn pm Freshmen and New Students. Welcome to NU Ony rfoi'jr publication for students at tht University of Nebraska THE WEATHER Partly cloudy Thursday and 'Friday and continued cold; light scattered frost Thursday night. VOL. sgfsasggi Jl flQ. I LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1950 jVjiy Student Football Tickets On Sale Now at Coliseum Student football tickets go on sale today at 9 a. m. at the Coliseum. Priced this year at $5, the tickets include football only. Students will purchase another ticket after the football seasQn for remaining athletic events. Identification cards will be required at the time of ticket Marshall Repl aces Johnson Korean Push Soon Walker Paving the way for early con gressional approval of Gen. George C. Marshall's appoint ment as new defense secretary was continued Wednesday in a senate armed services committee j vote of 10-2, to waive legal ob 6tacles. Action bv the senate as a whole is expected Thursday in i onswer to President Truman's j plea for "early and favorable ac- i tion" in the "present critical circumstances." Altho moving with less speed, the house pushed forward also to clear obstacles for the 69-year-old soldier-statesman to enable him to take over the country's defense post as successor to Secretary Louis Johnson. Chief obstacle in approving the appointment is the present unification law prohibiting a mil itary man to take the defense job. While the nation at home be gin a fight for a new defense leader the allied troops in the Pacific received word that they will soon launch the offensive against the Korean war machine which they have stalled for a . month. . In a fighting talk to his front line troops Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker, Allied ground comman der in Korea, said that the de fense attitude was soon to be abandoned. "As soon as we start forward and break the crust in front of us, the enemy will fold," he said, pointing to a weak ening of the enemy now. Corresponding with the talk, allied troops flattened the red Korean bulge on the northeast front in a triple-threat power drive. Gains by the United Na tions in a three-day offensive were the greatest in nearly a month, Looking to the resignation of ! Defense Secretary Jonnson. uni- ted States and foreign diplomats at a big-three meeting in New York saw a drive to strengthen' Secretary of State Acheson in his move to speed up organization of a strong Atlantic alliance de fense force in Western Europe. With President Truman's ap pointment of Gen. Marshall to the post, full and vigorous sup port of the Truman cabinet without the frictions and delays which have been attributed to the so-called Johnson-Acheson feud are expected to be elimina ted. Shaking up was reported not only in the United States how ever. A new earthquake was re ported Wednesday in Northern Assam as being possibly more violent than the one that took 5,000 lives in the same area a month ago. J54 Beanie Blazes Trail Over Campus The fashion editor has just is sued the following communique: "Latest thing for freshman wear ft the jaunty "beanie," that stunning creation in felt. Color of this little chapeau ls scarlet, set off with numbered "54" in white. A bare few inches in cir cumference, this litte cap will enchant atop your coiffure; it will also cover that embarrassing bald spot on older freshmen males." The freshman beanies are de rigeur for ell campus newcom ers, they may be obtained by slipping 50c to any Innocent or Coed counselor. They will give the purchaser a card, which will obtain one beanie at Ben Simons. Tradition dictates th&t the beanies musv be worn until the homecoming football game. At the halftime a tug-of-war be tween the freshman and sopho more classes will be held. If the freshmen come out the losers, 'they must wear the caps until the first snow flies. In charge of the sales are Peg Mulvaney of the Counselors and Bob Mosher of the Innocents. So far the Innocents have sold about 700 caps, with the Big Sisters reporting 400 sales. The Coed Counselors use prof Its of the sales to support such functions as the Penny Carni val; the Innocents Society devotes cules pror-ee s to functions such on n-iH'p Tin- ntiH h SVnfih Hon purchase. Students who do not have identification cards at this time will be required to present a written statement from the registrar. As in the past, all organized houses and groups wanting to sit together must present identifica tion cards at the same time, to gether with the money covering the required number of tickets. At the time of the purchase the individual student or group representative will draw a num ber from a special lottery box. This number will designate the order to be used in the actual assignment of reserved seats to the individual or group. Students will sit on the east side of the stadium, according to A. J. Lewandowski, business manager. Sections numbered 1, 2, 10 and 11 will be reserved exclusively for students. Seats ! from Row 30 down, in sections 3 through 8, will also be reserved for students. Sales will continue to Satur- day noon, Sept. 16. g-J ) I fBliei I OF 1 Vl 111 lv.v.IivFl o X f eCeij llOn AS 1T 1 nday INlgllt University students will have a chance to meet Chancellor and Mrs. R. G. Gustavson Friday evening when the couple greets students at the annual Chancel lor's Reception at the Union. Open house will follow. Students will be received be - ginning at 8 p.m. Open house ac - tivities will start at 8:30 p.m. and coniinue mrouen 11 D m. ine house Is the Union's first - l . -- open major event of the year and all Universitv students are urged to! attend Everything including re - freshments, will be free. guson hall is completed. The newiseven foot wall, which will keepjDorothy Kurth. Formerly vicei " " Mortar Boards will serve re-jbuildinc will include eight class-jCity lights from interfering with president of the organization, she ,rklll-nI 1 Toonoc freshments in the main loungeiroms, six laboratories, a large; star study. jreplaces Norma Chubbuck who re-(VU llIILIl X&I51H& throughout the reception. Organ music will be played by Ralph Hanneman in the Union lounge during the reception. Ferguson hall stands on the site Dancing of old University hal1- facing R( nQ,. t 4Via nD,'1 11th and 12th. It f, u Ti - t the ballroom. A t tvir ennuf ri 1 1 ho nrpcentnri ,lrV ui p.m. in ranors a i l.. ana p.m. in Parlors XYZ, andlwilI be on the third flonr of the movies will be shown at 8:30 p.m., nwin oio. muuns 'b w r FipiHc " nH "nvstp'rs Vnri C. Fields, and Ovsters and! ncn. t i Zm 33 . Lois Srb will present a pan- inolPJB?"LHU"05dLDtdwI evenings entertainment. Bingo will be played all eve nine t 830 nm in television and electronic research' ing rooms: education, documents, rung at B.dU p.m. in tne,equipment ihumanities, science and technol - . Astronomy classes will move ogy and social studies. ning begin game room Craft Display A craft shop display in the craft room will be featured and the music room, book nook and ping pong rooms will be open. A new addition to this year's open house will be that all publications of fices will be open. Mortar Boards, Innocents and members of the Union Board and committees will assist in the re ception. In charge of the open house is the Union board under the direction of Chuck Widmeier. chairman of the special activities committee. Also assisting will be several Union workers from last year who were given outstanding service awards. The reception is an annual event, and crowds numbering as many as 3,000 in the past have at tended. Lake to Lead College Meet On Recreation Duane Lake, Union director, Association of College Unions, has been asked to lead a dis cussion concerning recreation on college campuses at the meeting in October of the National Re creation Congress. The meeting, which will be r i i ; . i ' will include representatives from was asked to lead the discussion as director of the University's Union activities and as president of the National Association of College Unions an office he re- 'active service. If you are in a re-r induction, your local board, jNKUJl,, and Air-KUIL oeter ceived last spring. Included in serve component of the armedlunder the law, must grant it.jments. The request for such de the meet will be training courses forces you may, of course, be re-jHere-s how you make the request: ferment will go to the draft in recreation and discussions on ! called to duty but not by the 1-Get from the office pi! board, NOT FROM YOU, but all Phases of relation draft. Dr. G. W. Rosenlof f, director of from the Military. Naval or Air Lake said he felt honored to I ........ .. . be asked to lead tne discussion because he said it meant that the Congress regarded recreation at this University good. La'ce returned the first of the weak from Kast Lansing, Mich., where he attended an e:-e:utive meeting of the National Associa tion if Collepe Unions. rfffl'l fe-O " Tirrramm r ni m . i. i ' i rrrriTi wn "1" j NEWEST BUILDING ON CAMPUS Pat Roach and Lou Ken- nedy, new coeds on the campus, view Ferguson hall. It is the new home of the Engineering college named after Orlin J. Ferguson, former head of the department. Some classes will be held in the new structure immediately but it will not be completed until No- vember. The four story building holds 15 lecture rooms. 17 offices ' and 15 labs, completely equipped. Some of the rooms will be used ' jmy as offices ard lecture halls. Ferllgon Hall Nearly Finished: Doors Open to At last! Ferguson hall, the new electrical engineering ounaing is aimosi :ICCIU - v wiujjautj. v-iases wuigc cm"iiji"ciu aim mc nwi iui le hed in the building as soon j star study. . , , , as is completed Jbetween Oct.! The University, large tele- -y. . . , . -, Jl Classes "may uk. ihe power lab, ?n rne norm wing ot tne ouumngias weu as smaller telescopes. lnel).D ?T XlCcltl .. . .... immediately, but other classes will i meet in the old building until Fer - lecture room which will seat about 200 and the offices of the en- gineering department. I ls red onck, trimmed with white ! ... . ' n communications JaDoratones e t win The two-Storv north winn will ic0.ntain one laTge laloratory which .. .. fi l" . . vl , I . ' : . . W1U iiuuse uk iaigei equipmem needed for electrical engineering -, The communications laborator - Lnartre win r-nntin th0 raiin vjudiicis, wui tuniaju uie i aaio, What aobut the draft? The Durnose of what follows is . . TT . .. . icyuu,..i, blu - ... situation. IRmissled by BFmf? IFmd Amweirs Mere jur lniormauon comes ironware in the 22-year-old age group, several sources: Nebraska Head-'Those aged 21 probably will be - quarter ior selective service;! r n ri4' ii.,.. i ui. ucuigc fv. iwjBciiiui, snivel- piy uirecwr 01 huiiussioiis wno ie liaison oincer oeiween ine um- yersity and Selective Service and Aromofficen associated with the ROTC. the NROTC and the Air- ROTC programs on campus. , Needless Questions First of all, don't waste time 1"' - n wonying about such questions as Will 1 hto rlfuftoWv .. - X UC WtillAU. Ol (2) When will 1 be drafted? Noi swers to tnose questions. i. DC thing to do is to go on with your school work. Under the present Selective Service law you are not subjpet to draft into the armed forces if you are covered by any one of ly. t. r(lp mnpral' nLifms. 1. You are under 19 ye,ars old or over 26. 2 Von opp a vptpt-iin if World War II with at least 90 days of 3. You have been certified to , , your orwi ooara as a; a mea- ical student, dent, or (c) j' J bv the ROTC the NROTC or the Air-ROTC ' rtiygical Examinations If you are not covered by any of tka above three conditions, Some Classes from their present quarters into Ferguson hall. They will have one!4r7-V i , room lor ciass worn, one ior sior - - r- ,, '..rii u . will be erguson nau, . ii. . . ii . i . i . mi portion of the roof used by as- . tronomy classes is enclosed by a! wnne Tne new nuiiaing nas Deen under construction, electrical en - gineering classes have been held; m temporary buildings. . i LlOraVX LorUS i v Hhmw .nPHB i I lihrarv M v w..tJ. TD cards to obtain a library cardJthis fall to introduce these orejin- , Returning students should pre - i Ji. seni uieir oiq cara 10 oe re - newed. If the old library card KQ ,et ,uD Tn ,;n i suffice. wvc a r,ia in fi dooks are piaceu m wie live i eaa - here's the way the present draft act will apply to you. i Your local draft board even - itually will order you to report; for a physical examination At the oresent time, men beinc or - jdered for physical examination gin receiving orders to report fori , , . . I pnysicai examinations late ini uctooer or early in xMovemoer. iNaturany, you win oe excused from classes to take your Selec - tive Service physical examina - tion. When the exam nat on si completed, come back to school. Board Sends Notice .Soon after you have taken your i physical examination, you will 'receive a uuui-c iiom your, iiowt-vej, says uiai reguiaiiou . . . . 1 1 : - - i l . . r 1 1 . uuaiu leiiing juu wueinei you : 1 1 ... V. : .1 .. l . J fied you will not be inducted, of course. If you were found quali fied you will have a quick deci !Kinn to make. You will have to aeciae wnetner you wisn to leave school and be inducted, or Whether you wish to ask that your induction bp postponed until after the end of the school year in June, 1951, a privilege to ! which you are entitled. If yu for a postponement " " ."' uunuiziK a, biiowint mat ,, u ,.,,,., ,rrn0j' ,... ,h h if and i. urn dent doing satisfactory school ,.Mr iWUIft. 2. Write to your local draft board, requesting that your in- rluction be postponed until the nrl ol the school year. 3. Put the statement and your request in an envelope and mail SCI1BO fudeitfs Nebraska's student population will decline about 12 per cent this semester, Dr. George W. Rosenlof, director of admissions, estimated Wednesday on the basis of completed registrations. Rosenlof estimated that be tween 7500 and 7800 students would attend school this semes ter as compared to 9000 for the same period last year. About 4000 students had completed registration Wednesday, with about 5500 at the same time a year ago. Many students who started their registration in the spring have failed to complete the pro cedure this fall, Rosenlof said. 3000 Graduates During 1950, nearly 3000 stu dents graduated from the Uni versity. There have been approx imately 1500 new registrations received by the University. There are about 400 transfer students. Thus a deficit of about 1100 stu dents from last fall is expected. Nebraska's veteran student seems due for a drop, since only 1200 veterans have registered. About 1700 were enrolled last semester. This was a greater drop than expected, Rosenlof said. Foreign students on the cam- pus will be about as numerous as las-t vear. Rnsenlof sid About 150 are expected to enroll this year. Two new exchange students from Switzerland are expected to arrive soon to attend school. They will join two exchange students who have been attend ine school nreviouslv. Thev are Walter Willi of Switzerland and Vladimir Lavko trom Czecho slovakia. Grad Students Constant Graduate enrollment IS ex- pected to remain fairly constant u.he drop in enrollment was tj iV. i x! i''. : I 11 ft II t All I fl COS i 'l 11 1 1 Jill l)hll(k; US n a rirt tt t m w m m w -w m. i m m a The new president of BABW is signed because she was over pointed. The Barb Activities Board for (Women, according to Miss Kurth,1 urges all independent girls who ihve not yet joined a social group; to become acquainted with the iHesperia on the city campus and Amikita on Ag campus are es- 1 :nHaitv fnr tv- inH0.!be Jocaten outsiae me u.b. a e.-.wv. v., jizations to the new students. Anyi !MUU,,S l.u "K"" ,imeresiea gin wno nas not yei; been contacted is urged to visit' .d.dw im n:n .! ing the noon hour. n ion0nn, ni.u. ,nJ k thut iau inaepenaeni gins ana nope xnai they will join with BABW in for-!1 ! warding the Barb program," saidjJ all uderi 'the iiew president. 1 1-in thir nermits as it promptly . . . 1.,1 -f.4 101-1 board. . Correction Attached Your draft board may send you on nrriar to rif,r iiif iriHuj.tmn i after vou have made vour re- ! quest, but if it does, there will be a notice attached stating that j you need not report until after the close of school in June. v,t.0 v,Q(J v,.,i S :V0L1 should send vour local d 'board a Btatement showing that you v,ere in coeKe last year and iranked Jn the upper one.half oi i ..u..i....r;..ii.. ; lation of Selective Service oer- rnits local boards to consider such! consider such students, lor deferment. State headquarters for Selective Serv - is uusoiete jui an pracucai pur- ' poses now that school has started.; . 1 a, - i i i wueiiiei yuu are in scnooi anu doing satisfactory work and whether you request that your ! induction hp nriKtnnneH UnlesK ithe draft board receives such a i request from vou. your induction! will not be postponed. The deci sion is up to you, not the Univer sity or ycur draft board. Special Attachments Let's go back for just a mo- i ment to that point about ROTC, to ,., camwus. ineir oiiiceR win auvi 'eligible for such deferments. I 1 : K ill iJCL JUhLOIJ IUU, tUI" leges ' are permitted to ask for Cisco's bay bridge, the first deferment . of advanced students! woman U. S. minister abroad, a in the basic science fields. These president of the prewar Latvian instances, however, are we and, republic and the vice chairman .will be handled on an individual of the president's economic I basis, 'council. sfiiiici'S'ss 7800 for Seinsr veterans attending school under the GI bill has decreased during the last several years. The un certainty as to their draft or reserve status is thought to have kept some men from going to school this semested. Final registration figures are not expected to be compiled un til graduate registration is com plete about September 25. Grad uate registration is not normally finished till after school begins. Hoover Tells Procedure For Drop and Add Drop and add procedure will begin Friday morning and con tinue until Saturday noon, ac cording to Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, assistant registrar in charge of registration. A student who wishes to change his schedule by either dropping or adding a course will i need to follow this pattern after picking up a "work sheet trom , the registrar's office in the ad- i ministration building, 1. See his advisor and have any changes approved by him. 2. Secure the approval of the j aean oi nis college. 3. Visit the military and naval science building Friday morning and submit the "work sheet" with the proper signatures in i order to register lor me oe- : sired class or classes. Dr. Hoover emphasized how ever that those students who merely wished to change a class ctftinn riiH not need to eo thru . .. , j j TVifl,i "Z. Zl? Z'X.Z.l'Z. , ,,t; class in question. For instance, if a student dis- ! covers that he has registered fo covers that he has registered for the wrone secuon in maxn.' ne me wrung w-uon in iimu., should see the chairman of the math department who will ad- vise him. Dr. Hoover prMed that . i;tu- dents who have not registered by today will make out their sched- ules under late registration pro- cedure. Park Permits I Stllnilttt A " OIUULII13 Parking permits will be on id mornin The booth will , ,1.j ,?.;j0 rrih a sale in me union inursaay auu lC.,.unnt 'niinr.i ennnenrprt nro- , the permits are required , , University parking lots and along campus streets. c(llJK , nrl ,, rt,0i,r X""" " registration and identification card before permits will be i granted. Students living within blocks oi the campus are t Dy.-.y,p 4n rprpivp the Uni to ob - tudents tain their permits as soon as ; ! possible in order to facilitate the campus tranic prooiem, stua , m... v;tuviA Rob Raun, president of the Stu- S dent Council. ! An enlarged Union and a big Permits will not be necessary Daily Nebraskan are assured Uni on Ag campus. Campus police versity students as a result of will however, check all cars action taken at the close of last parked in city campus lots. 'semester by the Board of Regents More than 4U( permits nea i been issued by Wednesday ai i ternoon. The number is expected ! to increase considerably in the rvnr4 111-1 JuifC The I most centrally located lots are near ove library. Small Jots are located near the Music build- intr nnn AVPt'V Mh. timer DarK- ine areas are located near Ban croft school, the Men's dorm and west ol the street. stadium on Tenth AVir Students . , A VYl HeilU C llbl i ..rt.! aii "'llf I t.,t n;im t.r ctiirim,tc fit- j tended the fresbmen invocation j in the University coliseum Fn- day, Sept. 8. Dr. Oeorce W. Roseniof. direc- tor of admissions, introduced the University's executive personnel and the campus pastors. He also read a message from Chancellor R. G. Gustavson who was in Washington on business. Student Council President Robert Raun, Minden, and Coed Counselor President Marilyn Campfield, Omaha, extended greetings. The new students will take 2000 hours of class and labora tory work in four years at the University declared Dr. Arthur H. Hitchcock, director of the University's junior division. He stated that graduates of the I leaders as the nresident of the v....v..v ! Western Electric company, the ! n fi rmnv fVif Viiilf Can TTt'tin- CUM"--' WUin . Top Position On Daily' To Kennedy Bruce Kennedy, senior jour nalism major, will be editor of The Daily Nebraskan for the fall semester. Kennedy was selected by the publications board last May. He succeeded Fritz Simpson, Form erly managing editor of the paper, Kennedy also held the position of news editor for two semesters. ' leu """P" win neaa in. Editor Bruce Kennedy will direct the editorial staff of The Daily Nebraskan for the first se mester of this year. business staf succeeding Keith o'Brannon as business manager, ; Randolph was an assistant busi. nQC manarrr inct -ina 'O'Brannon as business manager. ness manager last spring. Aiding Kennedy on the edi- buok and JerTV Warre managing !editors. Miss Chubbuck has been news ed;tor for tWQ and was e(jjtor 0f tne surnmer j "Rag." Warren was a news editor for one semester and served as sports editor for one semester. : Other editorial appointments by the publications board are: ; News e d i t o r Joan Krueger, j Kent Axtell, Betty Dee Weaver, Glenn Rosenquist and Tom j Rische; feature editor Jerry : Bailey; s p o r ts editor Kimon Karabtsos; assistant sports edi ' tor Bill Mundell; Ag editor Rex Messersmith; and society editor Joan Van Valkenburg. Assisting Randolph are Jack Cohen, Chuck Burmeister and Bob Reichenbach, assistant business mr nr! Al Rloino r-irr..., ilation manager. ' p m tCrticrfc Assures Larue k tJn y 7 I in mi wuvui6 a nn-icaac i i- tion fees for the fall and spring semesters. The large size "Rag" will be financed by the tuition hike. The :paper will receive 50 cents each i-' , - ; ;-' -; ' - i"-7 " . - paper. The assurance of a large size j"a"J' " u,c U J Ui r.lJkVl J VIII 1H1IVB V S J uji i ior the staff to plan more adequate news and pictorial coverage of the campus. The $3 addition to the Union fees will provide for an addition to the Union, to be built within the next few years. New recreational, service and cultural facilities will be included. Also provided for by the tuition increase will be a new Ag Union. The plan is for a low, ranch type structure, following Western motif. Also included in the tuition m- : crease is 3i.SU lor btudent Meaitn. ; The tuition hike was put to an all student vote last spring. The Board of Regents then acted cn the results of this vote. txog issues ijcui For Reporters Calling all reporters! The Daily Nebraska is asking all students to respond to its call for more help. All persons interested in working this semes ter for the "Rag" are urged to re port to the office in the union basement Wednesday afternoon this week as early as possible. Members of all colleges are eligible to help on the "Rag.". Reporting is not restricted, ta journaliism majors. The "Rag" office is open every day from 12:30 p. m. to 6 p. m. A record of all reporters will be kept in order that each will have an equal chance for advancement .1 V X. 1 j Kr7 r" ft .1