The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 15, 1950, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Council Coordinates Religious Work
The co-ordinating body of re
ligious work on campus is the Re
ligious Welfare Council.
This council is composed of
members of all denominational
groups, including the YMCA and
the YWCA. Rev. Richard Nutt,
Methodist student pastor, will
head the Council during the com
ing year.
Each year, the RWC sponsors
Religion in Life week, which will
fall on Nov. 5 to 9 this fall. All
activities on campus are centured
around religion during the four
days, and speakers lecture in
classrooms and organized houses.
One or two all-university convo
cations are also held.
This year, Religion in Life week
will be under the direction of the
United Christian Missions, and
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IW CHAPEL WORKSHOP YWCA members above are putting the
finishing touches on equipment that will be used in their chapel. The
iW program includes an emphasis on every -day spiritual matters.
Cliurcli Plays Important Role
In University Student's Life
Religion plays a big part in the
lives of the students at the Uni
versity. In almost every phase of stu
dent life the work of University
pastors and religious organizations
on campus are prevelent.
Religious work among students
is carried on thru the various
church student houses on campus,
denominational student work
thru cut Lincoln, and thru the
Young Men's Christian association
find Young Women's Christian as
sociation. THERE ARE nine ministers
carrying on religious activities
and services on the campus pro
per. Included in these nine, are
five pastors who live in and man
ege student houses.
Student houses include the
Presbyterian student house, the
Lutheran student house, the Bap
tist student bouse, the Methodist
student house, and along this line,
the University Episcopal chapeL
The doors of these houses are
open to students at all times, and
along with the religious activities
are social and cultural events.
EACH STUDENT house has if s
officers and directors, and some
even publish monthly newspapers.
One of the religious clubs lo
cated on campus is the Newmann
club for Catholic students. Meet
ings are held in the Temple build
Other denominational student
groups which hold meetings on
campus are United Bretheran,
Yi'CA, and Lutheran.
Meet Your Pastors . . .
Denominational Workers
Rev. Henry Erdu Lutheran, Temple bldg. 1024
Rev. C. V. Ilewells, Baptist student house, 315 No. 15.
Rev. Rex Kaewles, Presbyterian student house, 33 Not. 14.
Rev. Jhn Lepke, Congregational, Temple 22 B.
Rer. Em turd Xutt, Melhodirt student house, 1417 R. '
Rev. Alria M. Peter-sea, Lutheran student house, 1440 Q.
Rev. L. E. fTetheralL Evangelical United Bretheran, Temple 10L
Denominational Workers
The Very Rev. Gerre Schuster, Newman club. Temple 22C
Sir. R. M. Be-Bsea. Christian, student director of Cotoer House.
Xlemer fldiweeeL lalestSencroiioafioaaL 33rd & Starr.
Rabbi Jerome Kei4ebaia. Jewish, Tiferlh Israel Synagog.
Rati Rare. 12lh St. Temple.
Jeha S. YildbeJL Unite! Brethern, Temple 10L
J. EjBitRia, secretary campus YMCA.
Ruth SMna. secretary carmpus YWCA.
Meet Shirley Allen
Vivacious Stiiley Allen of Te
tumsicito as a nemiw caned youll see
mudb of diuuninig the cxumixig year.
Ac prriv4:TA cl Che girts (ep or-
s!l. SSairley f
mill oe set
ffrf5T4MSil3y in
her i4 and
SMsief is alna
ease off itibe Uisi
vei'isiy women.
wervuiZ au a
r e pmeawraJative
of tibe Stodimt
CmmviL Vice
laraiiiitest f A1-
.ha Chi CVrj-ra
Mhm ABea
wttaily. ShliSey is cue of IS Mor
tar RotWitf who can be reewgnired
ajrtir"J tan j'us ia linear tldc and
fc-Ai f-UJtS.
- An aH-arJ eajEpas perssn
:;iy. iiiey climaxed a colorful
Uii wnily fife bj belAS named
Introdoeixtg; Bob Parker . .
President of the men's pep
president, of Tfceta 53 fraternity
. . . vice president of the Stu
dent Council . . - , n
aT U Inn
cents; even's -'
senior honor- -i
ary ...
Yep, thafs
the line-up for
oroe campus
leader this falL
He's Bob Park
er, talL red- -beaded
Texan ' "
finishing E& Pater
touches to a Biza4 course.
YouH be seeing a lot of Bob
around the campus this year
but those week .ends are re
served for his pin-mate in
organizations which travels to
various universities sponsoring
such events. It will supply its own
speakers and line up a program
for the entire campus. Main em
phasis, however, is placed on hav
ing Qualified speakers talk to
groups in classrooms and organ
ized houses.
Keith Stevenson and Patricia
Weidman of Lincoln will be in
charge of Religion in Life week
on the campus this fall.
Another phase of work done by
the RWC is the sponsorship of
Displaced Persons students on the
University campus. The job was
given to RWC last year by the
Student Council.
Frosk Beanies? They're Tradition
For y'ars and y'ars and y'ars
they've done it
That makes "beanie" wearing
"Beanies" mark you as a fresh
man they identify you with the
class of 1954.
They're the colors of old NU
scarlet and cream. They fit
snugly on the head of the small
est, the biggest, the youngest, the
oldest, the meekest, the ornriest
They'll look good on you!
"Beanies" sell for fifty cents
and will be available when and
where you register.
Remember to get your fresh
man "Deanie" aner all, you're a
frosh advertise!
Don them the first day ot
school doff them when the first
snow falls and then put your
"beanie" away with the "strictly
college" stuff you'll want to look
back on in the y:ars to come.
Key to Campuses
Know your way around cam
pus? If not, try studying the maps on
page z ana page is. iney give
you a complete picture of all
buildings on city and ag campuses
with the buildings numbered to
match the keys.
Your College Clothing Store
get your
3 MBegree at
master of fashions
flf 'I
tj i-4,, - --
Flan a college-credit wardrobe that majors
in fashion ... at a minor price. . Start
with snort separates in velveteen, Jersey,
grey flannel, gdd plaid. Don't forget a
rip-lined coat ... a best black faille (or
maybe velvet) . . . a sound suit ... at
least one twin sweater set Come in and
consult oar fashion expert. They've
sent many a smart gal through school on
a modest clothing budget.
Be tmmtt. . .ey for your College Wmrl
robe in emsy UMge fry mtimg one o omr
three perumtiUed credit plan!
y SiJ i' t
Y f' i 'I'""1
CoatS and SuilS . . fey Swoasdown. InmlT Junior, Lffii Ann. Youthmore.
Sycccaore, IHrshmoor, 0do!ph Marc Michel
Dresses . . . by Perry Brown. Jean Lang, Eahn. EHen Eaye, Johnny. Junior.
Carol King. Ictrayne, Shirley Lee.
Sportswear . . by Soomy, Jantxen. CciaEna. Zore! of California. Johnny
Junior ShMey Itv
Shoes ... kj Pca-adiw, GJenwood. fiix Step. Smdlci oi Boston