The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 15, 1950, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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Trampoline Artists
HERE'S YOUE 1950 YELL SQUAD Eight members oi the 3950
Yell Squad "'work out" in preparation for the .coming football and
basketball seasons. Tumbling over the pyramid of cheerleaders is
Larry Tubbs, and that dark .haired fellow second from the right in
the bottom row is Yell King Frank Piccolo. 'Others pictured are
bottom row, left to right, Larry Andersen, Brick Paulson, Piccolo,
and Ira Epsteiri. Top row, left to right, George Hancock and Jim
Andersen. Those not pictured are Don Devries, Joe King and Don
All Male Yell Squad
To Lead NU Cheers
Tumbling and gymnastics to
the strains of "There is no place
like Nebraska. this is the goal
of the newly organized Univer
sity of Nebraska pep squad
which, incidentally, will be com
posed of all men this fall
The changeover from a mixed
squad of coeds and men yell
squad members was made last
spring under a revised plan for
more and better spirit and pep.
Members of the Innocents so-!
ciety, sports department .and
other campus organization beads
worked out a plan for specialized
training and "work, and incoming
students will be the deciding
factor as to the success of the
new squad.
Under the sponsorship nf the
Innocents society, and the lead
ership of Yell King Frank Pic
colo, the new pep squad of men
has beeii training in gymnastic
tactic;, and speech work thruout
Tassels Lead
Campus Pep;
Serve NU
One of the most coveted posi
tions in the field of pep for women
students is membership in Tassels,
women's pep organization.
. Although you will not be eligi
ble for membership in Taasels
during your Hirst year at Ne
braska, your interest and enthusi
asm shown at football games, ral
lies and working in the Pep Group
may lead you to such membership.
Tassels organization is composed
of sophomore, junior and senior
girls, about 30 in number, chosen
for membership at the beginning
of their sophomore year. This
group of coeds wearing white
sweaters with emblems and red
skirts, are first-hand helpers to
cheerleaders in generating Husker
THE FAMILIAR red and white
clad figure wearing the white
stocking cap topped with a red
""tassel," which you have seen at
Nebraska football and buskctball
games keeps up a much more
strenuous schedule than merely
.yelling for the team, nowever.
For instance, when a coed is
first pledged to Tassels, she un
dergoes a year of pledgeBhip. Dur
ing this year, she works for points,
which includes selling .subscrip
tions to $he Cornhusker., Corn
shucks, activity tickets, and su
pervising members of the pep
jproup in .construction work for
.rallies and games. ,
TASSELS ALSO sponsor Home
coming dance,' have charge ol a !
the summer months 3n prepara
tion for their big part in Corn
husker sports.
was a member of the yell squad
for one year and Yell Sine for
one year, bag bad much expe
rience at leading Nebraska Den.
Members f the squad are "Larry J
iuuik, imttj Andersen, Brick
Paulson, Ira Epstein, George
Hancock, .Jim Anderson, Don
Devries, Joe King and Don
Cheerleaders are chosen each
spring by the Yell King, presi
dents of Tassels and Corn Cobs,
and Innocent society representa
tives. Anyone interested in be
coming members, is allowed to
participate in the tryouts, and
are cnosen on laient an .gymnas
tics and speech.
ALONG WITH the formation
of the new "'all male" yell sqand,
Yell King Piccolo will open a
contest for new yells and Honrs
this XalL Any students adept at
working out songs or yens which
could be rated with gymnastics
and the band, will be orged to
enter the contest. N prizes nave
been announced as yet, but Pic
colo asks that students watch later
in the fall for the announcement
concerning contest rules.
member's job at the University,
it is 'one .of supreme importance
ranked just below the football
or basketball teams. It is up to
the members of the Yell Sauad
to plan Tallies with the Kally;
committee, iead the many rallies
thru the campus, keep up the
spirit of both the team and the
fans at games, and to represent
the school.
"But most of all," adds Yell
King Piccolo, the yell squad
needs Bupport from the students,
and that means you."
big part of the Homecoming cele
bration, and usher at campus
events such as University orches
tra concerts and plays.
When Tassels bave undergone
their year of pledgeBhip, and if
they have the required number of
points, they are initiated into the
IF A COED is a Tassel, she also
has a pretty good chance of be
coming a University of Nebraska
Pep Queen at one of the .annual
Homecoming celebrations.
The Pep Queen is iChosen an
nually from this group of girls,
and voted on in an aU-campuB
election. Nomination of candidates
is done by Teasels themselves, and
then the student body :StepB in and
does the final electing.
iituriey Allen of Tecumseh is
the newly elected president Jf
Tassels lor the coming year, and,
incidentally, was 194B-50 Pep
Hew Pep Group to Enroll
300 Members This Foil
One of the newest additions to Nebraska spirit is the
new pep group.
- Originated last fall by
sels, mpperclass men and women pep groups, the group will
enlarge even more during' the
Members of the pep group
sels an generating pep and spirit
among students and -conducting
ipated 300 students will wear the
megaphone emblems on red or
white sweaters this fall.
You may apply for member
ship at the fall drive which will
be held during September. Mem
bers win be chosen on their en
thusiasm and interest, and wiD
be coached ion Husker yells and
songs, .enabling them to carry the
load (ol cheering at football
games and rallies.
ONE OF THE first mroiects
undertaken by the croup last fall
was the formation of the laree
red in the white sauare lo
cated in the student section of
the .stadium Murine football
This section as also the card
section, and the students, trained
by upper classmen, provide half
time entertainment with their
'card pictures.' The card section
was previously run by student
groups, but the reorganization
has resulted in an improved "sec
tion, i
not go unnoticed. Their attire
consists .of white sweaters with
the red megahone emblem and
red skirts far coeds and red
sweaters with white emblems
and white cords for the men.
"But, not all glory goes with
the membership. Pep group
members bave taken over the job
of painting signs for rallies, and
must attend all rallies and games
members of Corn Cobs and Tas
1950 laH term.
work with the Cobs and Tas
Cobs Symbolize
Husker Spirit
You've beard about the Corn
Cobs at Nebraska.
And, if you've ever purchased
an "INT" flower from a red and
white clad student during football
games, you've met a Corn Cob.
This men's pep 'organization is
composed of an almost select
group ml sophomore, junior and
senior men.
MEMBERSHIP in Corn Cobs is
no easy task. Each spring, a group
of freshmen are chosen by their
organizations to be "workers' or
pledges. This entitles them to
wear the 'Official Corn Cob garb
. white cords or slacks and
red sweaters.
However, while still pledges,
they wear an emblem of an tear;
of corn. When they are initiated;
in me spring, ine emblem as
changed to the Corn Cob man em
COE.N COBS also carry out one
of the biggest jobs on campus.
They concentrate on pushing
Husker spirit among men students,
ana belp icbeerleaaers generate
spirit during football and basket
ball games.' j
They also maintain sponsorship
of the Pep Group, and ihelp in the
construction of various items iori
pep rallies and games. i
or they are dismissed from the
Directing the work of this falls
group will be Dick Huska,
Omaha, representative from Com
Cobs, and Janet Carr, Lincoln,
representative of TasBels. j
dk That Cast
Jk Convenient ILocsxfion
the Right Tent
the Right Price From
"Your Own Uniersify
Football Ducat
Sales to Begirt
Sept. 14, 15, 16
Student football (tickets wiH go
on sale Sept 14, 15 and 3 6 aooortS
ing to A. J. LewEndowsM. busi
ness manager of athletics.
Sold at a reduced price of $5
for the season, the tickets will be
sold by Corn Cobs and Tassels in
the various (organized bouses aud
throughout .campus. They may
also be procured at the office of
A. JT. Ijewandowsldi an the Coli
seum. Ticket sales wiH close at moon
on Sept. 36, and tickets will be
ready for pickup on Monday,
Sept. IB.
When the student orders bis
ticket, he draws a number from
a box which establishes abas prior
ity in obtaining location of the
Organizations, fraternities and
sororities, ordering 10 or more
tickets win bandle their orders
through a .separate window in
the Athletic offices. No additions
can be made to block orders after
the -first order as made, accord
ing to Mr. Lewandowski.
Identification cards must be
shown at the time tickets are
ordered and married students
must present their marriage cer
tificates in order to obtain tickets
for their busbands or wives.
Following football season, tick
ets for other athletic events will
be available for $3. They wiH en
title the owner to attend any ol
the remaining events on the year's
athletic program.
Beatai function
For Campus
It's your campus and
it s a
A campus beautification pro
gram keeps the University grounds
in top shape throughout the year.
The most recent landscaping
done on the city campus is the
grounds around !Love Memorial
library and Social Science baXL
Yoa ILes