The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 11, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, July 11, 1950
Jim. (baik 9MAa&MiL
Intercollegiate Press
Tbe Dall- Nebraskan is publishes by tiie students of the University ot Ne
Otask as sxpresslon of students' nm and opinion only. According to Article II
of Ui By Laws governing student publications and administered by tlx Board
of Publications, "It la the declared policy of the Board that publications, under
Its Jurisdiction shall bs free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board,
or on the part of any member ot the faculty of the University but members of
the staff of The Pally Nebraskan are personally responsible for what tajy say
or do or cause to be printed.
Subscription rates are $2.00 pei semester. $3.00 per semester mailed, or (3.00
for the college year. $4.00 mailed. Single copy So. Published dally during the
school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by
the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publications Board. En
tered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act
of Conn-ess, March 3, .1879, and at special rate of postage provided for Sec
tion 1103, Act of October S, 1917, authorized September 10, 1922.
Editor , , . Norma Chnbbnek
Business Manager , Omck Bnrmeister
By the Way
One of the most unusual and worthwhile films to be
shown in Lincoln in a long time is the one being sponsored
by the Union Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom. A
film without a living actor, "The Titan" uses magnificent
photography to make the audience think the statues are
almost alive. The works of one of the acknowledged masters
of art, Michelangelo, have been photographed, many of them
for the first time. Americans who will probably never get a
chance to visit Rome will be able to see the famed ceiling of
the Sistine chapel in Vatican City, as well as other master
piecesthrough this remarkable film. College students will
be the first to see the film, as it has not been released for
general distribution as yet. Seeing "the Titan" is an ex
perience which cannot be forgotten, say the critics.
Through the generosity and thoughtfulness of a patron
of the arts, the University of Nebraska will in the future
. have an art gallery worthy of the name. Though some of the
best art work in the country is owned by the University,
display facilities are not of the best type. Through the be
quest of Miss Frances Sheldon, a new art gallery will be
possible which can do justice to the many art works m the
University collection.
Also in the line of fine arts is the concert which will be
given by the University summer school chorus in the Union
tomorrow night, Wednesday. Under the expert direction of
.can jenKins, ine cnorus wiu present an nour long program
of songs favorite with American audiences. To add to the
evening, the Union is sponsoring an informal hour after the
concert, when refreshments will be served.
Reporter Turns Archeologist;
Discovers Old Campus Relics
Archeologists have long messed
around with the Sphynx and the
pyramids of Egypt; men from
Morrill hall have been grovelling
In the dirt near Cambridge, look
ing for the dawn Nebraskan; now
can be told the story of expedi
tion sent forth by the Daily Ne
braskan. The expedition consisted of one
sad looking reporter. The pur
pose of the expedition was to pro
duce a supply of filler for the
'Ragw (Filler is something that
is tucked into a paper just above
the want ads). The area lo be
explored was the never-never
land between Hermie's Cafe and
the football stadium.
It might be noted that the area
was once the cradle of Univer
sity life, and is now covered with
brick-and-limestone ruins and the
new Ferguson halL The area is
principally inhabited by tribes of
law students and engineers who
have little contact with civiliza
tion. Female athletes, administra
tion officials and a few other
species have settled about the
edges of the area.
Students as a group see nothing
of this area, except during a brief
Saturnalia known as Ivy Day. The
more observant present at that
time may see:
1. A fair-sized boulder, some
three feet across and two feet
thick. A geography student called
in for the occasion, scrutinized the
rock through a magnifying glass
and reported it was granite, made
of hornblende, feldspar and
quartz. How this fugitive from the
Rocky Mountains comes to be on
the lawn, only a historian could
2. A rock-and-cement monu
ment to the class of 1909 that
might be a cross between a foun
tain and a bird-bath. Whatever it
is, it is dry.
3. A smaller rock, inscribed
"Dr. James Thomas Lees, 1888
1925, He served well."
4. A large bench of cut lime
stone, circling- a tree. The menu-
WANTED Soft bH ettdMr for Clan A
League. CaH Andy at S-S234,
ment is dated 1906 and is cov
ered with scratched initials and
such tender sentiments as "A. K.
loves C. F."
5. A large tree surrounded with
a wrought-iron fence. This is the
famous "Schiller Linden." A
placque dedicates it to Freidrich
Johann Schiller, "Den grpssen
Dichter und Denker," (the great
poet and thinker). It was dedi
cated by Professor Laurence Foss
ler in 1905.
6. Farther west is a concrete
pyramid inscribed with the em
blem of Sigma Tau, and smeared
with red-paint word "law." The
latter is a momento of what may
have been a clan feud.
Also in the general area are
two benches of undetermined age,
made of crumbling concrete and
rotting boards. Between Grant
Memorial hall and the Geography
buildings stand a lone wrought
iron post, with no apparent pur
pose in life. On top is a generous
deposit of guano.
By far the most prominent
hunks of rock on campus are
the Grecian pillars making up the
colonnade overlooking . the ath
lete field. These pillars are in
habited only at night, and then
only by affectionate couples and
night-watchmen with flashlights.
The story goes that the pillars
were once part of a Burlington
depot in downtown Omaha. They
were presented to the University
when the depot was razed to make
way for a new structure. It seems
the wrecking crew didn't know
what else to do with them.
Hastings Offers
'Vacation9 Study
A "vacation for college credit
is a feature of the Hastings college
summer school.
, A trip to Mexico City for three
weeks was recently conducted by
Hector Rico, instructor in Span
ish. Included in the group of 20
persons who took the hip were
college students, teachers, and
nurses. Those who took the trip
for college credit will complete the
course with classes which began
last week.
Sun Valley
By Frank Jacob
(This is the second in a series of ar
ticles on Sun Valley, where a number
or jnu students are worKing tms sum
mer. Jacobs is the editor of Cornshucks,
campus humor magazine.)
With the summer season offi
cially underway, sports enthusi
asts of all kinds flock to Sun Val
ley to take part in the wide
variety of outdoor and indoor
sports. These range from pool
to lawn-bowling.
Probably the most popular
warm-air sport at the Idaho re
sort is golf. The well-kept course
is composed of 9 holes and 18
tees which provide a type of
"poor man's 18." Although, in
publicity blurbs, the course is not
considered tricky, it is usually
possible to comb the course after
dusk and uncover several dozen
lost balls.
Another very popular sport is
tennis. The cement-like courts
provide the best in the racquet
sport except when it rains. Then,
unfortunately, obstinate puddles
form on strategic sections of the
For those desiring a quick
backward glance as civilization,
tne Opera House provides a first
run moving picture each night
This writer enjoyed "Birth of a
Nation" very much, but will feel
better when the theater is
equipped for sound. This usually
is no obstacle because a much
better show can be seen nightly
at the ice-nnk. Electrically
frozen, the ice-rink can usually be
counted on to produce a native
type of unrehearsed slapstick
For the hunter who wishes to
stay at home, there is a trap-
shooting range. The big week of
this range is that period when
the Sun Valley Trapshooters
Open is held. Riflemen from all
sections of the Sawtooth Moun
tains compete for the prizes. The
trapshooting range provides one
drawback in that it is situated a
wee bit too close to the rough
off number two fairway on the
golf course. Often, the buckshot
on face feels like sharp pellets
of rain. More often, it feels like
We can't forget the swimming
pools. Notice we said "pools."
Yes, there are two one each at
the Challenger Inn and Sun Val
ley Lodge. These world-famed
ponds are circular in the shape
of a large bath tub containing
water of tub temperature. There
is no "swimming" in the regular
sense . of the word on Saturday
nights as this is Bath Night, the
warm waters relieving the mo
notony of a shower.
Then, there are the minor
sports: Badminton, where a bird
in hand is worth close to nothing;
bowling, six modern alleys con
taining six trying pinboys; arch
ery, a bow, six arrows, and two
targets; horse-back-ridmg, where
one steed may be a bottle of
glue in a fortnight: then pool.
Softball, lawn-bowling, boating,
horse-shoe pitching, mountain-
climbing, ping-pong, gopher-hunting,
Canasta, bridge, and sleeping.
finally, one cannot overlook
the most popular indoor sport
that combines the least physical
"Professor Snarf should know Utter than lochir) to ngtiiMriae;
students ! the whistl blew."
Prof Receives
A.E.C. Grant
A University' College of Engi
neering and Architecture faculty
member is the recipient of an
Atomic Energy Commission fel
lowship, Dean Roy M. Green has
The award was won by C. W.
Haynes, assistant professor of En
gineering Mechanics. It provides
for tuition, fees and $2,600 for
Friday, July 14th
1 imJlfi
Advance Sale Hstui's Music
Store. $1.20, Tax IneL
Regular Price, $i.$9, Tax IneL
Dancing 9 Ti! 1
exercise with the minimum of
mental endeavor. By merely in
serting a nickel (or dime or quar
ter or silver dollar) in a slot, and
pulling a handle, the enthusiast
can change his financial condi
tion in a matter of minutes. The
thrills involved in this sport truly
enable it to claim the title of
"Sun Valley's most popular
persons interested in studying for
the Ph.D degree in the general
field of atomic energy. Haynes
will work in the field of metal
lurgical engineering. .
A native of Sterling, Prof.
Haynes received the bachelor of
science in civil engineering degree
in 1940 and the master of science
degree in engineering mchanics in
1941, both at the University of
Nebraska. From 1941 until 1946
when he joined the University
faculty, Prof. Haynes was asso
ciated with the Westinghouse Co.
in Philadelphia. s
'A sod TMftr 4fMcr"E3Hl
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S2f Stoor tido.. Uwteta t, Metro
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A wide select ion of
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v Sportswear Shoy
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