The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 16, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Friday, June 15, 1950
JhsL (Daihp TkBAa&IiaiL
Intercollegiate Press
tfht Dally Nebrsskan u published by th students of ths University of Ne
braska as expression of students' news and opinions only. According to Article II
of the By Laws governing student publications and administered by the Board
of Publications, "It Is the declared policy of the Board that publications, under
Its Jurisdiction shall be free nom editorial censorsnip on tne part ox tne uoara,
or on the part of any member of the faculty of the Cntvcnrtty but members of
the staff of The bally Nebraskan are personally reapunslbfe fo what they say
or do or cause to be printed.
Subscription rates are $2.00 pe, semester, I2.BO per semester mailed, or 13.00
for the eolln vea.r. S4.00 mailed. Slnela cod? 6c. Published dally during the
school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by
the university of Nebraska under tne supervision or me r-uoncaiione roam, en
tered as Second Class Hatter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act
of Congress, March 3, 1879. and at special rate of postage provided tor in sec
tion 1103. Act of October 8. 1817, authorized fcepiemoer to, ivn.
Editor Norma Cbnbbnck
Business Manager Chink Burmrister
As Seen From
The Cloister
By Fritz Ficard
From time to time I read filler
items in the newspapers that
amuse me. Some of them go like
this: "The Russian press now
claims that the Soviets invented
baseball at Tomsk on May Day,
1919." Or, "Pravda has called for
a European boycott of Jane Kus
sell pictures because of the 'ob
vious misrepresentations of the
exploiting American capitalists.' "
ists.' "
If at any time prior to Feb. 19,
1950, I had read that the comic
strip "Orphan Annie" was being
denounced in the Soviet press as
"an instrument of warmongering
American reactionaries designed
to blind the beleaguered Amen
can public," I should have
shrugged that one off, too. But
only if I had read it prior to
Feb. 19, for on that day Oliver
(Daddy) Warbucks reappeared on
the pages of the so-called "comic"
sections of our leading newspa
Although I don't want to deny
Abner Doubleday's claim to the
great American fame, and I cer
tainly don't want to depreciate
Miss Russell's outstanding: charms,
today, I should be forced to agree
that for once the Russian press
was dead rigrht (Sen. McCarthy:
please note. I am not now, nor
have I ever been a member of
. . .)
Anyway,, to get a clearer idea
of what Ivmean, let's take a look
at what's been happening to An
nie and Daddy the past few
months. The issue in which Daddy
returns finds Annie and Sandy,
her understanding and ageless
dog, watching a darkened ship
(obviously Russian) lying off
shore. Annie, lying on shore, says,
'Dark! Can't see their flag now.
Huh! Real 'Mericans never could
'see' that flag or the fear and
horror under it." After Daddy
swims to shore and Annie rec
ognizes him, we are shown a ten
der scene in which Daddy and
Annie are reunited.
By March 19, Dan Drift, the
ne'er-do-well owner of the house
where Annie and Daddy are
lodged, has found that the Asp
has liquidated a prowler who had
learned Daddy's identity. Although
Dan says, "I shoul report you to
the police," the Asp, as Daddy's
right-hand man and a true de
fender of the democratic way of
life, says, while clutching Dan's
lapel, "Talk, my friend, can be
fatal. Life is sweet, is it not? Try
to remember that through an
open mouth life may easily es
cape your life, chum!" So, I
guess that it isn't quite cricket
to report a murder, especially
when the murderer is on "our"
side at least not in Daddy's
scheme of things.
Later Daddy tells Annie that
his enemy, Ivan, (that one is
hard to figure out) can never be
come really strong because he,
Daddy, will never sell him the
rung he needs. lie winds up hy
saying that "Only little people
will sell out their country, their
friends, for money."
However, as Daddy light-heartedly
says in reply to Annie's
statement that he has mines, oil
wells, factories, ships, . and rail
roads, "Oh, those things." He
elaborates on this complex view
of life by pointing out that his
empire is strictly bush-league,
"Only a tool to keep me and my
people free."
As Daddy's limousine rolls
toward his castle-like summer
home, Annie exclaims, "Leapin'
Lizards! What a layout!"
"Hmmm," says Oliver, "more
like a monument. It was built by
a man who had made millions in
business. It stands as a monu
ment to a way of life. Those were
the days when our great Tailroad
systems were built, our vast land
became rich farms, and thousands
of fine colleges were founded and
NU Journalism
Staff Appoints
N. B: Blnmber
Nathan B. Blumberg, Rhodes
scholar and former staff mem
ber of the University of Colo
rado at Boulder, will join the
University School of Journalism
faculty Sept 1, as an assistant
professor of journalism.
He holds both a bachelor of arts
and a master degree from the
University of Colorado. He is
now in England, completing work
on his Ph. D. degree which he
will receive from Oxford uni
versity this summer.
Elumberg's professional ex
perience includes work for the
Rocky Mountain News in Denver
and for the Associated Press. He
will replace George S. Turnbull,
of Eugene, Oregon, a visiting
professor, who concluded his
service at the university this
He will teach history and prin
ciples of journalism and labs in
news editing.
Union Sponsors
Marriage Talks
Next Wednesday
A new venture in activities
will be offered Wednesday, June
21, when the first in a series of
informal discussions on mar
riage problems will be held in
the Union Main Lounge from 1:30
to 3 p. m.
Leading the discussion on
"What You Bring to Marriage"
will be Mrs. Angeline Anderson,
assistant professor of home eco
nomics. The film, ''It Takes All
Kinds," one of the Mc-Graw-Hill
marriage series, will be shown
preceding the discussion.
Publicity chairman for the
event is Eleanor Erickson, and
the committee is Ralph Hanna
man, Jan Zlomke, Mary Hubka,
and Eugene Sibson.
endowed. Peace and prosperity
a golden age of equal opportunity
for all, Annie."
Shades of Jim Fiske and Dan
iel Drew! So did Lucky Luciano
make millions in business. Sure
railroads were built; so were for
tunes by controlled legislatures
and watered stock deals. The
prairie did become rich farmland,
but in less than two generations
it also became the dust bowl.
Now that we've riven "Orphan
Annie" a sort of spot-check, we
begin to see what it stands for.
Warbucks (and the name is all
too apt) stands for more than hit
business, unrestricted "free" en
terprise, and isolationism. lie
does more than try to lure us
back to the defunct political ideas
of a non-existent "golden are,"
in which the Rockefellers, Mor-
rns and Vanderbilts amassed
millions at the expense of the
public. His bias toward Russia,
the lies and half -troths about her
political system, her way of life,
her economic status: all are mere
background for his extremely
dangerous attitude toward a war
with the Soviet Union.
It may seem silly to attack so
vehemently a mere "comic" strip,
but this type of propaganda can
foul us up much faster than the
bushy-bearded agents of Ivan that
Warbucks and McCarthy profess
to see lurking behind every tree.
lamp-post, and filing cabinet
I heartily recommend any or
all of the following measures for
Daddy Warbucks: (1) that he
spend ten consecutive semesters
in Education 30 (2) that he eat
the complete works of Horatio
Alger, page by page (3) that he
diet on Hadacol and bock beer
exclusively and (4) that he, Sen.
McCarthy and Sen. Wherry be set
adrift in a leaky life-raft on the
upper Volga with megaphones
instead of oars.
Union Plans Ground Breaking
For Addition bv Summer '51
Work on the recently approved
Union addition will begin next
summer if present plans are car
ried out, according to Duane
Lake, Union director.
The Union addition was insured
when the Board of Regents ap
proved a $3 per semester per stu
dent increase in Union fees last
month. It was first thought that
the wing could not be built until
Though no actual plans have
been drawn up as yet. Lake said
Michael Hare, consulting archi
tect for the association of College
Unions will survey the present
Union and make recommenda
tions for the addition in the near
Ag Union
The Ag campus Union . will be
started at the same time if the
master plan for expanding the Ag
campus is approved by then. The
proposed ranch type structure
cannot be built until it is decided
where the building will fit in best
with the Ag architectural plan.
The addition to the city Union
will be built onto the west wing
of the present building, extending
into the parking lot on the north.
The fee increase, which will go
into effect in the fall semester,
will be used to increase the bud
get of the Activities committee to
approximately $9,000; for opera
ting costs; and for a rennovation
and alteration fund. The latter
fund will be used to make changes
on the present Union structure in
co-ordinating it with the addition.
Working Plans
By early next fall, according to
Lake, it is hoped to have some
working drawings prepared for
the wing. A survey of student
opinion similar to the one taken
last spring will be obtained. This
survey will insure that the Union
will contain the features students
feel are most necessary and de
In the report of the Union ex
pansion committee to the Board of
Regents the following iaciiiues
were mentioned as possible fea
tures oi the new wing:
"1. Recreation Facilities bowl
ing alleys and supplementary fa
cilities; properly equipped billiard
room; ping pong room with a
minimum of eight tables; game
room " eauipned for leisure time
table games; recreation room. The
present Crib area could be readily
devoted to a much needed social
recreation room. Offering social
dancing to recorded music, tele
vision, and limited refreshment
service. This area could also serve
as a commuters lunch room dur
ing the noon hour.
"2. Cultural enrichment faeili
t i e s informal recital-reception
room of studio design with small
stage for piano and instrumental
recitals etc.; wall inset display
cases along corridors for exhibit
ing art objects, handicraft and de
partmental works.
Service Facilities
"3. Service facilities considered:
i a. fountain service more ade
quate facilities to replace present
Crib, properly designed for effic
ient operation and expendable
service. An adjoining outdoor ter
race could be incorporated for use
when weather conditions permit.
b. multiple purpose conference
dining rooms arranged as a
unit of six with expandable par
titions. Each area to accommodate
meetings of approximately 35.
c. student organizations offices
and file room arranged as units
of small offices with conference
rooms adjoining each unit.
d. suitable offices and service
area for Union activities. This
could be arranged as a suite with
inner office for Activities Direc
tor, outer office for Activities
Committee headquarters and a
small conference room adjoining.
e. commuters lunch room
equipped with small lockers for
storage of lunches and provision
for hot beverages. This facility
could be readily located in the
present Crib space.
f. craft and hobby shop facili
ties could be established in area
presently assigned for ping pong,
but which is not suitable for this
g. Television-audio lounge
designed for maximum view, wide
angle television reception in. com
fortable surroundings.
h. , ticket and sales booth near
north entrance for ticket sales in
advance of events. The present
activities office in map lobby
could be assigned as temporary
headquarters to sponsoring or
ganizations in advance of major
i. Auxiliary checkstand facili
ties convenient to north , entrance
and recreation area." ,
4 Ar i .
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CONCERT ROOM One of the planned addition room, similar to the one in a university Union sh
room, similar to the one in a University Union shown-above. The concert room would be suited for
broadcasts, as well as informal speakers and fine arts recitals
. ,., . I
CONCERT ROOM One of the planned additions is a concert room, similar to the one in a Univer
sity Union shown above. The concert room would be suited for broadcasts, as well as informal
speakers and fine arts recitals.