The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 13, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, June 13, 1950
Jim. 0ailip fbibha&Itaiv
Intercollegiate Press
11m Partly Nebraskan la published by the atudeoU ot tnt University of Nt
ka an expression of students' ntwi and opinions onl. According to Artlcla II
of the By Lawa governing atudent publications and administered by tha Board
4 Publication, "It U tha declared policy of tha Board that publloatloua, -under
Ha Jurisdiction aball be free fiom editorial censorship on tha part of tbs Board,
or on tha part of any member ot tha faculty of the University but members of
tha ataff of The Daily Nebraskan are personally responsible for what they say
or do or causa to be printed.
Subscription rates are $2.00 pe semester, $2.60 per semester mailed, or $3.00
tor the college year. $4.00 mailed. Single copy 6c. Published daily during the
school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by
the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publications Board. En
tered aa Second Class Matter at the Post Office to Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act
of Congress, March S, 1679, and at special rate of postage provided for In 8ec
Uoa 110 J, Aet of October a, 1817, authorised September 10, 1922.
........................ Norma Cnnbbnrk
Manager Chuck Burmelster
Lengthy Classes . . .
(The following editorial is reprinted from the Blue and Gray,
Harrigate College, Tenn.)
The subject of classes held over the hour is a problem
continually discussed by the students but seldom brought
to the attention of offending professors.
Before labelling the offenders we feel that it is nec
essary to commend those profs who are attentive of the
time and dismiss their classes promptly, tsai tor tnose con
sistentlv unaware of the time allotted them we have dis
tinct categories the well-meaning enthusiast, the prover-
. - . f 111. A A . A
Dial absent-minaea proiessor ana me taiKauve egotist.
Least offensive of the three in the eyes of the stu
dents is the well-meaning enthusiast who consciously re
tains his students with a sincere intention of giving them
their due. There are many times when a minute or two
more would suffice to wind up a lecture or to clear up points
of discussion. If it is an occasional event, the student? do
not object; when they woefullyawait it daily it becomes
another matter. Regardless of how well-meaning a prof may
be, he asks for and receives time not due him.
The talkative egotist is not only unduly proud of his
vast store of knowledge but usually has a lush crush on the
sound of his own voice. In most cases involving members
' of this classification the students are eagerly awaiting the
official end of class ten to twenty minutes before it is due.
Our egotist can roar and roar after the ten-of mark, and a
mere few, if any, will listen to him.
Our absent-minded professor is a victim of circum
stances. Chances are students are not so hard on his name
but are somewhat resentful anyway. More often he is of a
pleasant nature and takes a hint the third time a notebook
is slammed to the floor. Sometimes such a prof will request
that someone remind him of the time several minutes be
fore class is to end, but he does not do that as often as he
These teachers who abuse their time allotment take
advantage of both the student and their colleagues. How
many of these same offenders display a sharply raised eye
brow when a student creeps in late? They are highly resent
ful of tardiness and at the same time are often the cause of
it. Blue and Gray, Harrigate college, Tenn.
State Parents
To Consult
Child Expert
Interested parents can get
three main kinds of practical help
in raising their children Wednes
day and Thursday at the Univer
sity. Dr. Frank Sorenson, director of
the University Summer Session
which is sponsoring the sessions
along with the Nebarka Council
of Family Life Education, said
these are:
(1) Advice on personal child
rasirrg problems at question and
answer sessions with Dr. Ralph
Ojeman of the Child Welfare Re
search Station at the University
of Iowa, Dr. William Hall and Dr.
Ruth Staples of the University of
Nebraska, and other experts.
(2) Suggestions on how to or
ganize and lead neighborhood
groups which would serve as
clearing houses for exchanging
experiences and information.
(3) Information on books, pam
phlets, study group aids and mo
tion pictures. The conference will
have a large exhibit on these aids,
including books from the Nebraska
Public Library Commission, Lin
coln City Library collections, new
books by publishers, government
pamphlets and bulletins, and mo
tion pictures most of which are
available from the University's
film library.
The conference will be held in
Room 108, Burnett hall, starting
at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday and end
ing Thursday at 3:30 p.m. The
fee is $1.
Dr. Ojeman is the author of
numerous articles on adolescent
development, mental hygiene and
parent education. In 1943 he was
named chairman of Parent Educa
tion for the National Congress of
Parents and Teachers and in 1944
was chairman of the Committee
on Growth and Development of
the American Educational Re
search association.
Lutherans Tell
Summer Plan
The Lutheran Student associa
tion will meet each Tuesday dur
ing the summer session. The "first
meeting will be held June 13 at
6 p. m. at the Lutheran Student
House, 1440 Q St.
Speaker for the evening will
be Alice Otterness, Lutheran
Student counselor from the Uni
versity of Texas.
A Bible hour discussion will
be held each Wednesday at the
student Iiouse at 7:15 p. m.
Picnics are also planned for the
No. Words 1 Dr X Dy S Days
140 $ .40 .65 $ .85
11-15 .50 .80 1.05
16-20 .60 .95 U5
21-25 .70 U0 1.45
26-30 .80 125 1.65
4 pSoc m il Wl subscription to the Soauoaer Nebraska
twe r21y Nehraskaa Office, Basement, Student TTnkn
Top Students
Receive 167
One hundred and sixty-seven
University juniors and seniors will
receive 5100 scholarships from the
Board of Regents for the 1950-51
school year, according t6 Dean of
Student Affairs, T. J. Thompson.
The recipients were selected on
the basis of outstanding scholar
ship, and high scores earned in a
comprehensive examination held
this spring. The awards are given
on $50-per-semester basis.
The recipients:
Lyle D. Altman Ralph B. Emmons
Robert C. Asmus Joan Engelkemter
Marts L. Bade Prank E. Epperson
Joel I. Bailey Oustav A. Erlckson
RlMnnr T. Rnnrrnff Bru L. Evans
Lola J. Banchart Donald M. Fitch
Robert R. Beck Keith L. Fitch
Nancy R. Benjamin Audrey R. Flood
Francis V. Blshkup Donald A. Forinaah
Harold R. Bonness kol I- Frederick
Lena L. Boschen Wlllard B. Gelwlck
Larry L. "Bosley Hallet Gildersleeve
Dorothy J. Bowman Thomas J. Gorhan
Marjorle E. Bratt Donna M. Grueber
Lois M. Bryson Donald C. Haldeen
Nancy J. Buck Ralph L. Hansen
Dean T. Buckingham Marilyn J. Harms
Charles J. Burmelster". Charles Hays
Chloe A. Calder Clinton D. Heine
Marilyn J. Campfield Richard R. Hemphill
Karl E. Carson Dnad TKHE
Frederick P. Chart lfred,A,-H,,,"clt
Phillip T. Chase Darrell D. Hull
George B. Cobel ,ovc HunwKC
Jack B. Cohen my .i3, Hu?'?
t e rm Donald E. Irwin
Rnhrt n or.,- Donald D. Jensen
Merrttt C. Cushing
Richard Cutts
Douglas R. Dale
Harold L. Davey
wiui&m 8. Dill
Marilyn J. Myers
Don J. Nelson
Herbert C. Q. Nelson
Lyle W. Nilson
Alfred J. Ostdiek
Howard A.' Dinsdala jrtA E?"!"n
Elizabeth A. Johnson Mary P1-8"
v ti John P. Pfann
Janette E. Johnson wrre5, I- Rmussen
Richard W. Johnson ioa .E Raun
Thomas E. Johnson R R: .
Marvin B. Rhodes
Daniel L. Richmond
Rex T. Rische
Eugene E. Robinson
Dennis K. Rohrs
Ralph R. Ruhter
Phillip H. Jones
Margaret A. Judd
Robert 8. Junge
Peter L. Keene
Robert B. Kelly
Janet L. Kepner
Pamela A. Kinne
Edward B." Kiolbasa 5dward Sabatka
Alvin E. K-lMlor-h Diiu
Gloria R. Sandels
Ruth A. Sandstedt
Darvin D.
Jack V. Scholi
John D. Knapp
Nancy B. Koehler
Richard V. Kuska
Wayne F. Larrabee
Irlhu. T. T - -
Tv,.,.,,., Willis W. Selk
Edward C. LeBeau Hen
NiArm.. r 1 1 j Alice J. Smith
Annette K." Libbers xd H. Smith
Darrell J. McCabe Wi"ard E Smlth
Gwendolyn E. 5,,h3 So"n8en .
McCormick " "
nik.M t wt Norma E Spomer
3ame, V: Mcw.U FT" JF !!
Mary I. McKenzie "'"rK" "t
Richard J. McMamee
Bernard Mag? " Gorman P. Sutton
John C. Maioney g11"' Z'
Barbara E. Mann r T'SLm
Richard P. Marshall k'TtM?.
r.. n. u Kenth T. Van Arsdol
Dennis W. Vernon
Helen A. Vitek
Robert L. Vollmer
Vernon V. Vrtiska
Twila F. Walker
Robert H. Westfall
Myrna P. Weatgat
Margaret P.
Raymond G. Marvin
Robert L. Maslln
Gerald E. Matzke
Georgia E. May
Shirley M. Miller
Ink W Will-
i-"' JL' Marilyn Weber
Dennis E. Mltchem S'lrt
Patricia M. Moore
Mayer Moskoviu
Louis Mues
murray Vlriom n TOni
Lda C 'SonZ; Jr wirSn R Wise '
Pr,sh0,t William E.
William L. Drayer Zieenhein
Ladd L. Duryea 5:if,!"beiB
tons M. Eberhart
Kerr Cops Union
Ping Pong Meet
William D. Kerr won th TTninn
Table Tennis Tourney held Sat
urday, June 10, at the Union.
Kerr eliminated Del Hardin in
the first round, Ray Solhjoo in
ine secona and tnen trouncel
Morteza Solhjoo in the finals,
winning each match two games to
CpyriSt It JO by ESQUIRE, lac I printed frwa ivly 150 Im ! ESQUIRS
HCome and put on the feedbag, Citation
Boys Girls' Staters 'Tired
After Week of Government
Approximately 550 tired Ne
braska junior youths returned to
their homes Saturday and Monday
after a week's study of state gov
ernment on the University cam
The youths, Cornhusker Boys
and Girls' Staters, wound up their
week s activities which included
election of officers for their min
iature states, inaugural cere
monies, a joint dance, tours, lec
tures and legislature and other
official sessions.
One highlight of the Girls State
session was the inauguration at
which Gov- Joanne Jacobs of
Omaha Central asked for a state
Hoover commission to survey Ne
braska government with a view
toward greater efficiency and
The oath of office was "admin
istered by Pat Bradley of Scotts
bluff, Chief Justice of the Su
preme court.
Results of a poll taken at Boys
State revealed that the members
favored increased taxes for Ne
braska highway improvement. The
margin was 212 to 75. The lads
opposed a Federal tax cut by Con
gress and a cut in Marshall plan
Climaxing the recreational pro
gram of both states was the third
annual Boys' and Girls' State
joint dance. Politics were forgot
ten for a couple hours as the
mythical states joined.
Both sessions heard talks by Ne
braska's real governor, Val Peter
son. At the Girls' State inaugura-
Bridge Lessons
Start Wednesday
William B. Tyson, Union Bridge
Instructor, will again teach be
ginning bridge in the Union
Game Room, Wednesdays from
four to six o'clock.
For those who know the fun
damentals, Mr. Tyson will give
brush-up pointers. The series of
six lessons will include bidding,
counting, playing hands, scoring,
and many special pointers on
better bridge.
Students, faculty and staff
members are urged to register in
the Union Activities office prior
to' the first session which will be
held June 14.
tion he urged the high school jun
iors to carry on their interest in
government and to make their in
fluence felt in their hometowns.
"Be participating citizens in your
communities," he told the girls.
Lithuanian Delegate.
A Lithuanian delegate to Girls
State, who is observing the func
tions of the session expressed
"surprise" Friday at the activity
and knowledge shown by Corn
husker girls. A student at Has
tings, the girl, Tatiana Mazuro, is
observing the session in compli
ance with a plank that both par
ties had in platforms last year to
have a foreign student attend
Girls' State.
More than 500 attended the an
nual reunion- banquet of Girls'
State Saturday evening which fea
tured a hteme of "World Friend
ship." A new addition to the an
nual event was the distribution of
a newsletter giving information
about former Girl Staters since
the state was organized in 1939. .
Thirteen Seniors
Become Officers
Thirteen graduating University
seniors were sworn in as officers
in the Navy and Marine Corps at
ceremonies held on the campus
following commencement.
One hundred and twelve others
received Army and Air Force
Taking the oath for the navy
from Commander R. P. Nicholson
of the Navy ROTC faculty were
Marine 2nd Lts. Edward Racely,
Kenneth Hornbacher, and Robert
Berkshire and Ensigns Richard
Mash, William Nash, Russell Pet
erson, and Frederich Herzog. Oth
er men joining the navy regular
were Robert Hackbart, Harold
Gerhart, Don Finstrom, Bruce
Johnson, Gordon Pauley, and Wil
liam Bayreuther, jr.
for all
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