PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, Tune 9, 1950 Jim. (Daihf ThbMaAlucuv Mmbt Intercollegiate Press FORTY-8EVKNTH IRAK Tttt Daily Nem-mkan u published by the students of the University t fe as expression of students' news and opinions only. According to Article II Of Uit By Laws governing student publications and administered by the Board ot Publications, "It la U declared policy of the Board tht publications, under iw jurisdiction ana 11 m rrea from editorial Ibenaorshlp on the part of the Board, or on the part of any member ot the facility of the University but members ot mm atari or -rae uauy ruenraenan are personalty responsible for what Utey say Or do or oauae to be printed. Subscription rates are $2.00 pe. semester, S&.M per aemester mailed, or S8.00 for the college year. $4.00 mailed. Single copy 5e. Published dally during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publications Board. En tered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act or congress, March 8, 1879, and at rctal rate of postage provided for In Sec- uon iioa, Act of October 8. 1917, authorized September 10, 1922. EDITORIAL MdUor ............,,,..,.. ..... Norma Ohirnbnck SUSINKSS Business Maaar , Oimk RurmoUtor Lazy Summer . Summer has been called the time for experimenting for deviating from the normal and trying out new things, With this in mind the Summer Sessions committee has set up a program of activities and study which will offer every summer sctiooi student a cnance to do something different. From the all-University clinics on "'Is a Third war the Only Answer?" to the Summer Artists series planned by the Union, something is offered to every summer student who will take the time to just sit and listen. During the school year, one of the most often heard cries is that students don't have enough time to do everything that has to be done, tsut m the summer, along with the lazy weather, everything seems less urgent, and there is more time for lust sitting. The "just sitting" time could well be spent by students listening to authorities in the tield of world affairs like Chancellor Gustavson and Dr. Charles Malik, UN delegate, both of whom will discuss the problem of the third war. For the book worms, Love Library has a wealth of material, ranging from the latest magazines on the theater to books on travel or cartoons. Intramural sports are another feature of the summer i i . ..... pians, aiong wiui me newiy organized summer activities group. No matter what the student's age or interest, there is something valuable which has been planned for him by the summer sessions planning committee. By the Way ... Good news came to the Daily Nebraskan staff and to the University in general when the Regents approved the 50 cent fee increase for, the Rag. After experimenting with the big size Rag for a semester, staff members, and many students and faculty members, came to realize the possi bilities for news coverage on the NU campus were being tremendously underplayed. With the increase of 50 cents from each student's tuition payment,- the Daily Nebraskan will be able to meet the financial deficit created by the higher printing costs. Better coverage, more pictures, more feature stories are only a few of the features the Rag will offer student readers next fall Artists Scries To Include Concerts, Film The 1950 Summer Sessions Second annual Summer Artist Series will bring theatre, con eerts, class-A cinema, and the dance to the Union stage, free of charge to the University staff, ad ministration, students and their guests. First in the series of four pro grams will be the Theatre of Great Personalities," excerpts from famous plays and lives enacted by Hal and Ruby Holbrook. This young couple will do among many others a scene from the life of Elizabeth and Essex, Robert and Elizabeth Browning, as well as a scene from -Hamlet." The date is June 14, and curtain time is 8 p.m. Gypsy Mask "The Gypsies" are scheduled for June 28, also at 8 p.m. This con cert program includes selections from Gypsy sources, music which recalls the days of Liszt and Brahms. Opera, South American rythms and popular American music are included in the reper toire of the Gypsies. Besides the violin music, the concert group has several complete changes of cos tumes. "The Mikado Gilbert and Sul livan operetta, which has been ac claimed by many American audi ences in its screen version will be the third major attraction of the series. To be shown July 9 at 7:30 p.m, the film stars Kenny Barclay, and tbe D'Oyly Carte Chorus. All the joyous lyrics and charming twists of the operetta we presented in the authenic screen adaptation. Negro Dance. The final feature of the Sum mer Artist Series is the Katherine Flowers Dancers. Tracing the ori gin of Negro dance and rythm, this ensemble will be presented Ally I? ait 8 poo. Mas Flowers, Summer School May Enroll 3,500 Enrollment at the University's summer session, is . running a lit Ue larger than expected and may reach a total of 3,500 when a final count is made in about 10 days, according to Dr. George w. nosenioi. Dr. Rosenlof, director of admis sions, said about 3,100 students have now registered. Graduate students may continue to register wnnout penalty through June 12 and June 15 is the deadline. Last summer's registration to taled 3,706. Dr. Rosenlof said he had expected this year's total to oe around 3,300 reflecting the general downward trend that has been under way since the peak ot i47. n was then that the rush of G.I. students pushed the summer total to a record of 4.408 Dr. Rosenlof said it is unlikely that summer registrations at the University will ever revert to the pre-war level of around 2,000. "The downward trend is still on," he said, "but I feel certain we won't go back to the nre-war level. This summer's experience is reaiiy most encouraging. North Carolina State cagers will play 15 home games in the new William Neil Reynolds Coli seum next season. There will be seats for 12,000. The Michigan Wolverines won their second Western football conference title in a row in 1948, the first Big Nine eleven to turn the trick since Minnesota in 1940 and 1941. Snyder Named Assistant to Women's Dean Helen A. Snyder is the new as sistant dean of women at the Uni versity, Chancellor R. G. Gus tavson announced recently. Miss Snyder, during the past school year, was director of counseling and activities for the University's Residence Halls for V. V 4 V) Courtesy of The Lincoln Journal MISS SNYDER an authority on modern and folk dancing, narrates the program which depicts the evolution of Negro dancing. The Series, sponsored by the 1950 Summer Sessions, was se lected by a committe from the De partment of Speech, Drama, Edu cation, Mid Art, as an integral part of the Summer Sessions aca demically and along activities Maes. Women. She succeeds Miss Elsie F. Piper who retires July 1. As assistant to the dean. Miss Snyder will be in charge of all housing for University women. A native of Michiean. Miss Snyder holds the A.B. decree from Lawrence college, Applcton, Wis., and the M.A. degree from North western university. Miss Snyder was a teacher and girls' counselor for the Escanaba, Mich, schools from 1934 to 1945. From 1945 to 1949 she was dean of women and dormitory manager at Northland college. She is a member of Pi Lambda Theta, scholastic honorary, , national Mortar Board society, the Nebras ka State association of Deans of Women and Advisors to Girls and the American Association of Uni versity Women. ROTC Cadets To Train At Summer Camn Forty-nine Air Force ROTC students at the University will -attend summer training camps, Lt. Col. Alex. Jamieson has announced. The summer camp work is re quired of advanced students in the junior year seeking reserve commissions- Nineteen students attending a camp in communica tions to be held at Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, 111., are: Garold E. Barney Robert J. Krotter Wendall C. Bauman Harold R. Laaphter Marvin D. Bottum Dale M. Osterman Earl O. Brandt Leon K. Pfefffer Richard F. Bul Robert O. Pierce Richard V. John M. Churchill Schumacher James P. Edee Thomas W. Scott William T. Greer James S. Tlphe Hugo T. Heermann James M. Weldon Kenneth S. Johnson Thirty students attending a camp in transportation to be held at Lowry Air Force base, Denver, Colo., are: Vincent O. Kenneth L. Mm nick Adams, Jr. John V. Donald L. Bloom Montgomery Leonard B. Bush Frank J. Mulvey Ray A. Casari Thomas C. Duane D. Dickerson Podhaisky Herbert A. Enpdahl Pobert R. Don E. Ktmund Reichenbach William G. Henkle E. Ralph Schaberg Donald E. Hoffman Donald F. Charles E. Hughes Schneider James V. Keck Robert W. Shlvely William R. Lien Donald A.. Stacy Roy V. Loudon, Jr. Elliot E. Wagner John K. J. Donald Wagner McCann, Jr. Walter A. Walter Robert B. La Verne A.. Waring, Jr. Weetling Richard McElroy George 8. McQueen NU Alum Named To Columbia Post The appointment of R. Parker Eastwood, as the assistant dean in charge of Columbia Univer sity's expanding program of part- time graduate studies has been announced by Dean Philip Young of the University's Graduate School of . Business. Professor Eastwood attended the University of Nebraska from which he received bis bachelor's degree in 1922 and his master's degree the following year. In 1924, he obtained a teaching cosi- tion at Columbia and earned his Ph.Dd. in 1940. He was made an associate professor in 1948. Holds BLn l?y You might say, if you like to pun about such things, that Robert York ended a long, hard pull when he got his doctor of dental surgery degree from the University on June 5. It was Almost 15 years ago when Bob began his University career on an agricultural scholar ship granted by the Union Pa cific railroad. He was a Gage county farm boy then, dreaming of becoming a medical doctor. A number of events during those 15 years complicated his pursuit of a professional educa tion events like drought, flying a P-S8 during the war, and head ing a household. Such things slowed him down, but they didn't stop him. v Last Monday Bob, now 33, who collected some of the highest scholastic honors the College of Dentistry can bestow, became Robert W. York, DDS, much to the delight of his wife, Joy Ellen, and his five children: Pamela 6, Judy 5, Paul 3, Richard 2, and the baby Shelia, age 6 months. Beb's Story Bob's story goes like this: He is the oldest of three boys and four girls' born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh York of Liberty, Neb. His first run at the University lasted a year and then the pres sure of the drought and depres sion forced him back on the farm until 1938. Between 1938 and 1941. Bob managed to ge in some more pre- med work at the University. Study was sandwiched between jobs at Lincoln General hospital and the University itself. When the war came, Bob went into the Army, finished as a photo-reconnaissance pilot. Be fore going overseas, he married Joy Ellen Brunn of Lexington, a nurse he had met a Lincoln Gen eral. While waiting for orders home. Bob had a chance to think about his future plans. He de cided to switch from medicine to dental surgery for two reasons: (1) he found he was as interested in dentistry s in medicine, and, (2) , he felt it would be unfair to his wife and family to take on the long haul of internship in addition to school. G. I. Bills Helps He came back to the Univer sity in 1946. Taking stock, Mr. and Mrs. York found they had about $4,000 saved and the G. I. training law to rely upon. They also had two children, plans for more, but no place to live. To get a place in Lincoln, they had to buy a home and the down payment wiped out more than half the savings. Both Bob and Mrs. York worked when they could, but the family was grow ing and expenses mounting. Bob got two student loans, each for $300, from the University of Ne braska Foundation. Then in 1949, his study paid off. He won a Donald W. Miller scholarship a $1,000 grant also through the Foundation. Launched at last upon his senior year in dentistry. Bob de cided to locate in Wymore. He and Mrs. York sold their Lincoln house, bought a cheaper one in Wymore and used the profit to pay off the student loans. CLOTEIluG 1400 "O" STREET Shirts, Slacks, Coats, Suits, Socks, Ties Real Bargains STUDENTS You ore wvited fro make use of the facilities of our Bonk. We will be pleased to serve you whether or not you maintain an account here. i""'','V '"t" lOtlh & 0 Streets Since TS71