The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 09, 1950, Image 1

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Vol. 50 No. 150
Friday, June 9( 1950
oi Elections Pep
oys, Girls State
Keeping in line with the torrid
Lincoln weather, Boys and Girls
Staters refuse to let anything
cool off. They conduct their own
hot election campaigns.
Boy Staters ended their cam
paigning with the election of Bill
Burke, Omaha, as governor of
1950 Cornhusker Boys State. He
is the first Omaha junior ever to
receive the post. The defeated
governor is Ken Philbrick of
Grand Island.
The new governor, with an
Irish tenor voice, attributes his
victory to hard work on the part
of his managers, headed by Tom
Toyer, Omaha.
The lad has sung roles in
Omaha Central operettas. Party
managers slipped him into a sur
prise spot on the Monday night
show and thus got an early jump
on the Federalists by introducing
their candidate at the big assem
bly. Platform
Burke's platform called for a
dance with Girls State which
has been scheduled for Friday
afternoon at the Union ballroom.
He also promised to work for
'better farm-to-market roads
and lower gas taxes."
Philbrick had but one plank in
his platform "better govern
ment." "I just plan to go around
and shake some hands," he said.
Following the announcement of
the results he continued: "I guess
1 didn't shake enough of them."
His manager was Ronald Dade
of Lincoln.
Herb Meissner, Omaha, was
named chief justice, the No. 2
plum on the Boys' State tree. He
defeated Jim Matzke. .
4 Victories
John Carr, Omaha, was elected
state superintendent. Governor
Burke led the Nationalists to vic
tory in four state offices.
Bob Peterson, Fremont, was
chosen lieutenant governor;
Robert Hill. Odell, state treas
urer; and Bert Linn, Kimball,
Carl Weber, Kearney, and
Johnny Nelson, Gurley, were
swept into the railway commis
sion by the Nationalist slide.
Only " victorious Federalists
were Douglas Jarvis, Omaha, at
torney general; and Jerry Bar
ton, Gering, auditor.
Five ties were decided by a
toss of a coin.
At the girls' session, the prim
ary elections narrowed the
gubernatorial race down to Fed
eralist candidate Joanne Jacobs,
Omaha; and Shirley Mudra, also
Omaha. The delegates will vote
Thursday afternoon for the f.inal
Other Candidates
Other candidates for state "of
fices are: Federalists lieutenant
governor, Elva Mae Thomas;
secretary of state, Claudette
Neal; state treasiuer, Patty Brt;
state auditor, Rita Goding; at
torney general, Diane Craig; and
state railway commissioner, Vir
ginia Mae Jackson, Charlene
Severns and Kay Lorraine
Curley. 1
On the Nationalist ticket: lieu
tenant governor, Annette Cop
pper; secretary of state, Dona
Middaugh; state treasurer. Pat
Callely; state auditor, Barbara
Rhoades; attorney general, Doro
thy Sand; and state railway com
missioner, Kay Gilsdorf, An
nette Mueller and Nadine Os
born. Newspaper Staff
The Girls' State newspaper
staff will be headed by Ann Lau
ner, Grand Island. She will be
assisted by Mary Gerbold, associ
ate editor from Columbus.
The" two elected editors Wed
nesday appointed the following
staff to assist in the publication
of the two issues: managing
editor, Pat Bradley, Scottsbluff;
feature editor, Janet Holmquist,
Oakland; news editor, Jo Anne
Oetting, Madison: and art editor,
Joanne Gross, Omaha.
Mimeographing will be done
by Nancy Lee Gegstrom of Wav
erly. Typists are: Enola Schor
man, Delores Hojer and Darlene
To Mass
A mass meeting will be held
Tuesday, June 13, at 7 p. m. for
all workers and board members
of the summer special activities
group. Anne Barger, chairman of
the group, urges all new workers
to attend this brief introductory
A booth has been set up in
the lobby of the Union to enlist
workers in the group and will be
open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Miss Barger would like all
students with spare time to sign
up as "it is a good way to be
come acquainted with activities
at the University." Coed Counsel
ors are especially asked to join.
The purpose of the group is to
assist the different campus or
ganizations ' in all projects. One
of , the biggest jobs is obtaining
student talent for shows spon
sored by the Red Cross.
When filing for work in the
group, students should list phone
number, organizations you be
long to, type of work interested
in, talents for Red Cross, sum
mer address, home town and
amount of free time.
Those interested should either
sign up at the booth or call Miss
Barger at 3-6072.
Members of the board are:
Jean Loudon, AWS; Norma
Chubbuck, . Daily Nebraskan;
Jackie Sorenson, AUF; Ann Jane
Hall, Builders; Rod Riggs, Union;
Miriam Willey, Coed Counselors,
and Joan Hanson, Red Cross.
Union to Sponsor
Sunday Movies
The Union Sunday Night Movie
program will be carried into the
1950 Summer Sessions.
First on the list of Union Mov
ies will be an Academy Award
winner, "How Green Was My
Valley," Sunday, June 11, at 7:30
p.m. in the air-conditioned Union
Starring Walter Pidgeon, Mau
reen O'Hara, Roddy McDowall,
and Fitzgerald, the movie tells
the story of a coal mining com
munity in Wales.
n n
John F. Lawlor of Lincoln has
been elected president of the Ne
braska Alumni association for
the 1950-51 year. He succeeds
W. L. Day. ,
Lawlor's election was revealed
at the annual Round Up luncheon
held last week in the Union. The
luncheon was attended by more
than 450 former students of the
New vice president is Mrs. John
Riddell of York. Mrs. R. G. Sim
mons of I.-.ncoln was elected to a
three-year term as the new mem-ber-at-large
of the executive
committee of the Alumni associ
ation. Holdover members cf the com
mittee are Day, John E. Curtiss
of Lincoln, and Maynard Gross
hans of York.
District Directors
Nebraska directors elected tor
a two-year term are:
Jack Stewart, first district.
Dr. Ernest L. MacQuiddy, see
on district.
Walter R. Raecke, third district.
Ed Schwartzkopf, fourth dis
Gustavson Will Address
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
250 All-State
Students Plan
Study, Play
All-State is now in session. The
250 music, art, and speech en
thusiasts from all over the state
have taken over .the college de
partments to better their respec
tive talents.
A full three weeks of activity
has been planned for the All
Staters. One of the highlights of
their stay will be attending the
Union Open House Friday night.
Saturday, June 10, a sightseeing
tour is planned around the cam
pus and Lincoln. The All-State
student art exhibit will begin June
14, in the lobby and game room
of the Union. Sunday June 18, all
will attend St. Paul's church and
at 3 p.m. there will be an en
semble concert at the Union Ball
room. Monday, June 19, thru the
21st will be the student recitals,
the last day being the All-State
student recital.
The chorus concert is scheduled
Friday, June 23, in the Ballroom
at 7:30 p.m. From 6 to 9 p.m. the
band and orchestra will broad
cast over . WOW. Sunday June
25 at 3 p.m. the band will give
a conceit and at 7:30 p.m. a one
act play is scheduled. More one
act plays are on the agenda for
the next evening.
Debates are to be held Tuesday
afternoon June 27; also an orch
estra concert in the evening.
a7 n
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
Robert G. Simmons, jr. fifth
ummer w
Of NU Conference June 12-13
$300 for
Susan Allen, 21-year-old
Pierce, Neb., student is the re
cipient of the University's top
award for promoting tolerance
and understanding between
Dr. T. J. Thompson, chairman
of the university's committee on
general scholarships announced
that Miss Allen is the winner of
the $300 Henry Monsky scholar
ship for 1950-51.
The scholarship was created in
honor of the late Henry Monsky
of Omaha, prominent Nebraska
citizen and distinguished Jewish
leader of America, by the B'Nai
B'Rith Hillel foundations at
American universities.
Miss Allen, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank P. Allen of
Pierce, came to the University as
a Regents scholar in 1947 and in
her sophomore and junior year
won Regents upperelass scholar
ships. She is majoring in social
work and sociology.
She is president o fthe Univer
sity Y.W.C.A., and is an active
member of the University Coun
cil for World Affairs. Last spring
Miss Allen was chairman of the
model United Nations conference
staged by students. She has also
been active in the work of the
Religious Welfare council.
The Monsky award is given to
the junior class student who has
done the most for the promotion
of interfaith and intergroup unity
on the campus."
Steel Firm Starts
New Scholarship
Beginning this fall, some Uni
versity junior or senior engineer
ing student will receive a sub
stantial financial boost toward
his education from a new schol
arship made possible by the Lin
coln Steel Works, inc., of Lin
coln. n
Holdover members are: Mrs.
Maurice Hevelone, John arton,
William A. Crossland, Wiibcr S.
Aten, and John H. Lowe.
The highest honor of the associ
ation, the distinguished service
award, was presented to five
alumni at the luncheon.
Those honored were:
Judge and Mrs. R. G. Simmons,
joint award. He is chief justice
of the Nebraska supreme court
and former president of the as
sociation. Mrs. Simmons, a form
er vice president' of the organiz
ation, was named Nebraska
Mother in 1946.
Clyde B. Dempster of Beatrice.
Former president of the Alumni,
he is now a member of the board
of directors of the United States
chamber of commerce.
Dr. Ernest L. MacQuiddy of
Omaha, former president of the
University of Nebraska College
of Medicine Alumni association.
Eugene Holland of Chicago, one
of the, founders and past presi
dents of the Chicago Alumni club,
and presidsnt of the Masonite
n n
IL,9 Tl
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson will
be the principal speaker in the
first of a series of three all-University
workshop clinics June 12
and 13. The theme of the clinic
is "Can Science Save Us?"
Dr. Gustavson will give an ad
dress entitled "Can Engineering
Save Us?" in the auditorium of
Love memorial library 7:30 p. m.,
Monday, June 12.
The schedule for Monday, June
12, is as follows:
9:30 a. m. Press and radio con
ference in the faculty lounge of
the Union.
12 noon Luncheon meeting in
Room 315, Union. This meeting is
open to the Universfty summer
session staff and is under the di
rection of Dr. F. E. Henzlik, dean
of teachers college. Dr. Earl An
derson, representative of the U. S.
Office of Education, will talk on
"Forces Which Destroy the Com
munity." Discussion Period.
7:30 p.m. Dr. Gustavson's
speech in Love auditorium. Chair
man for the meeting is Dean Roy
Green of the engineering depart
ment. June 13 program:
11 a.m. Discussion period in
the audftorium of Love library.
CKairman for the meeting is Dean
Green, chief consultant will be
Dr. Gustavson.
Two Days Long
The all-University clinics will
be two days in length and will
explore critical matters of general
interest. Everyone on the campus
and other civic leaders are invited
to attend all sessions and to par
ticipate in the question and answer
Top Authorities
Each clinic features one of the
nation's outstanding authorities in
his special field of work. . The
Daily Nebraskan and weekly post
ers will announce the time and
place of each meeting.
The second clinic of the sum
mer session will be held June 26
and 27. Topic for the meeting
will be "Is the UN Failing?" and
principal speaker will be Dr.
Charles Malik, Lebanon delegate
to the United Nations.
Dr. Duncan Wall, director of
public relations of the World
Food and Agirculturai organiza
tion, wiH address the third and
final clinic July 10 and 11. Theme
for this clinic is "Why Feed the
Craft Shop Offers
Hobby Instruction
Want to learn a hobby, keep
ing cool and having fun wmte
doing it?
The Union Craft Shop will be
open jtfiis summer for lessons and
work on Tuesdays from 4 to 6
p. m. The only cost to students
is time and materials. Mrs.
Charles Colman will instruct the
series of six lessons in general
crafts, starting Tuesday, June 13.
Some of the subjects to be in
cluded in this series are: Metal
tooling, textile painting, leather
work, figurine painting, and
gimp braiding.
So that the Union Activities
office can plan ahead, Genene
Grimm, activities director, is ask
ing students to register either at
the Union open house, June 9, or
in the Activities Office before
June 13. However, the lessons
are informal, .so students, staff,
and faculty are urged to drop in
on as many lessons as their
schedules allow.
A few improvements have been
made in the Craft Shop for this
summer. Masonite has been
placed on the counters, and the
lighting has been accentuated
with shades.
IT .