The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 06, 1950, Image 1

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Vol. 5QNo7Tftj LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA , . Tuesday, June 6, 1950
Union Fee Raises
An enlarged Union and a big
size Daily Nebraskan are assured
university students as a result
of action taken by the Board of
Regents in approving a $5 in
crease in tuition fees for the fall
and spring semesters.
The increase, which will raise
fees to $80 a semester, will pro
vide for $1.50 more in student
health fees. Three dollars of the
remainder will go to retire bonds
which will be issued to build an
addition to the present Union,
and to build a Union building on
Ag campus. The Daily Nebras
kan will receive 50 cents a se
mester from each student to help
meet the operating deficit caused
by the increased size in the Rag.
The fee increase was put to
student vote April 26 and ap
proved 2 to 1 for the Union addi
. tion Students turned down the
Rag fee increase."
When the addition to the Un
ion is built, new recreational,
service, and cultural facilities
will be included. The addition
will probably not be built until
Recreational improvements will
include bowling alleys, a billiard
room, ping pong with a minimum
of eight tables, game room, and a
recreational room. Service fa-
Named Editor
Of Fall'Rag'
Editor of the Daily Nebraskan
for the fall semester 1950-51 will
be Bruce Kennedy, senior jour
nalism major.
Kennedy was named to succeed
Fritz Simpson as head of the
paper by the publications board
last month. A managing editor
last semester, Kennedy served as
a news editor for two semes
ters. Ted Randolph will head the
' business staff, following Keith
O'Bannon as busines manager.
Randolph was an assistant busi
ness manager last semester.
Aiding Kennedy on the edi
torial side will be Norma Chub
buck and Jerry Warren as man-
aging editors. Miss Chubbuck
has been a news editor for the
past two semesters, and is edi
tor of the summer Nebraskan.
Warren was a news editor for
one semester, and sports editor
for one semester.
Editorial Staff
Other editorial appointments
by the publications board are:
News Editors Joan Krueger,
Kent Axtell, Betty Dee Weaver,
Glenn Rosenquist, and Tom
Feature Editor Jerry Bailey.
Sports Editor Kimon Karabot-
Ass't Sports Editor Bill Mun
dell. Ag Editor Rex Messersmith. "
Society Editor Joan Van
Assisting Randolph on the
business side of the paper will
be assistant business1 managers.
Jack Cohen, Chuck Burmeister
and Bob Reichenbach.
Summer Session
Opens Tomorrow
Wednesday morning, 7 a. m; is
the official opening of "the 1950
summer session of the Univer
sity. According to Dr. Frank Soren
son, director of the summer ses
sion, approximately 3,500 stu
dents are expected to attend the
six and eight weeks sessions.
This will be slightly under the
3,700 mark set last summer.
Students will be attending one
of two sessions the eight weeks
or the six weeks. Sorenson said
the veteran enrollment this year
Is expected to drop about 25
X percent. -,: , ; ' - ' ., ,
O. K. Rag
cilities will provide more ade
quate fountain facilities, multiple
purpose conf erence-d i n i n g
rooms, student organization of
fices and file room, . commuters
lunch room, craft and hobby
shop, television-audio lounge and
increased check room facilities.-
An informal recital-reception
room will be included in the cul
tural category. The studio will
be designed for a small stage to
accommodate piano and instru
mental recitals, broadcasts and
coffee forums.
The Ag Union plan is for a
low, ranch type structure. To be
included are a multiple purpose
lounge and dance floor; a unit of
meeting rooms; a fountain room
following a western motif; com
bination recreation unit, to in
clude billiard rooms, ping pong
and game areas; craft and hobby
shop facilities; television-music
lounge; and service facilities such
as offices and checkroom.
The assurance of a large size
Daily Nebraskan during the reg
ular school year makes it possi
ble for the staff to plan more
adequate news and pictorial cov
erage of the campus.
The campaign for a larger Un
ion was led by the Union expan
sion committee, headed by Fritz
Simpson, editor of the Daily Ne
braskan during the spring. The
expansion committee planned an
extensive campaign of publicity
for the Union addition, and ar
ranged for the voting which took
place in the classrooms.
Sigma Xi Elects
Norris President
Prof. Ferris Norris, head of
the electrical engineering depart
ment, is the new president of the
University chapter of Sigma Xi,
scientific research society of
America. He succeeds Prof. F. E.
Mussehl, head of the poultry
husbandry department.
Dr. H. O. Werner, horticultur
ist, was elected vice president.
Other officers, all re-elected, are:
Dr. Donald Pace, head of the
physiology and pharmacology de
partment, treasurer; Dr. Frank
Duley, agronomist, counselor, and
Dr. Leslie Hewes, head of the
geography department, secretary.
Union to Present First Artist
In Summer Series June Ifk
The first of the 1950 Summer
Artist Series will feature Hal
and Ruby Holbrook in their
"Theater of Great Personalities,"
Wednesday, June 14. Curtain
time is 8 p. m. and the place, the
Union ballroom.
. The series,, presented by the
summer sessions division, is free
to the students, administration,
faculty and guests of the univer
sity. ...
The Holbrooks, two of the
fastest rising stars in the plat
form field, graduated, frpm col
lege only a few years ago. Since
Sear in the first of the Union
ummer Artist Series on
June 14. " . t , i -
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
COUSINS Editor addressed
record number of graduates at
Union to Hold
Ranch Party
A Ranch Party will be the
theme of the annual Union Sum
mer Open House to be held Fri
day, June 9, from 8 to 12 p. m.
Dancing will range from tradi
tional ballroom to square dancing
and music will be furnished by
Jimmie LeRiche and his orches
tra. Bingo, complete with prizes,
will fill the Game room; wh"".e
Parlors ABC will be devoted to
refreshments and lounging. Pop
corn, cider, pretzel sticks, and
root beer will be served.
Western movies, including
some old-timers, will be shown
in the cafeteria, accompanied by
Ralph Hanneman, pianist and
The Craft Shop will hold Open
House and registration during
the evening, and leatherwork,
textile painting, and general
crafts will be on display.
The entire party is free of
charge to affiliates of the Uni
versity; and the Union Activities
Committees have made a special
effort to plan activities suitable
to everyone's taste.
that time they have performed
before nearly four hundred audi
ences, totaling over 150,000 peo
ple, from coast to coast.
Broadway Approves.
Margo Jones, director of such
Broadway hits as Joan of Lor
raine and the Glass Menagerie,
says of the Holbrooks, that she
hopes "We will get a chance to
work together someday."
In addition to their plaform
work, the Holbrooks have re
cently invaded the television
field with, such success that a
featured program has been of
fered them. The greatest prob
lem thus far, they say, is the
question of time, since they are
booked solidly this season.
Wide Range. .
The Holbrooks - will present
several scenes from their "Thea
ter of Great Personalities." Their
characterizations cover a wide
range, including such figures as
Mark Twain, Elizabeth and
Essex, and the Brownings. Their
newest comedy number is an
episode from Moliere's farce,
"The School for Wives," featur
ing its two principal characters,
Arnalphe and Agnes.
Costumes and make-up high
light this diversified program.
The Holbrooks have developed a
technique of swift and startling
changes of appearance which
keep the program moving
smoothly with little time wasted
between scenes. , ; ; t ', ' ' ; '
1,661 Peg
79th Senior Class Hears
Call for Mature Leaders
r The University's largest graduating class heard a call
for a mature, moral, dynamic American leadership to give
the world a lasting and decent peace.
It came from Norman Cousins, New York City, editor
of The Saturday Review of Literature, who addressed the
University's 79th annual commencement Monday morning
at the Coliseum.
The commencement audience,
largest ever assembled in Uni
versity history, included 1,644
graduates who received a total of
1,661 degrees. Of their numbers
1,317 were men and 344 women.
Veterans made up 56 per cent,
compared with 64 per cent last
The 1950 class, including mem
bers who graduated from the
College of Medicine nine days
ago, numbers 1,775, or 259 more
than in 1949. The number of de
grees granted this spring, failed
by one of reaching an even 1,800.
Honorary Degrees.
At the ceremonies Monday, the
University conferred honorary
doctors degrees on three of its
former students:
Dr. Ewald T. Grether, Dean of
the School of Business Adminis
tration of the University of Cali
fornia, honorary Doctor of Laws.
Mari S. Sandoz, now residing
in New -York City, author of
"Old Jules," and other books,
honorary Doctor of Literature.
Dr. Arthur Bessey Smith, vice
president of the Automatic Elec
tric Laboratories, Inc., of Chica
go, honorary Doctor of Engin
eering. Cousins titled his address, "A
Time For Ideals," and through
out it he urged Americans to
consider carefully such . ques
tions as these:
"Is it true that a substantial
portion of our foreign policy has
been based on one of history's
greatest miscalculations the as
sumption that America would be
able to maintain atomic mon
opoly for at least seven years
after Hiroshima?
"Is it true that even if we suc
ceed in manufacturing ten hy
drogen bombs to Russia's one,
we are still at a military disad
vantage because of the concen
tration of our population and
our industry, making us a
supremely vulnerable target? Is
it also true that Russia, because
of the decentralization of her
population and industry, is much
better situated to withstand
atomic warfare?
"Is it true that even more im
portant than military weapons
today are the ideas that will de
termine which way the pre
ponderance of the world's peo
ples are going to turn in the
years just ahead? Is it true that
this involves an ideological
struggle which cannot be won
without winning the respect and
support of the bihion and a half
people outside the United States
and Russia.
"Is it true that while we are
engaged in post-mortems over
China, a serious threat is devel
oping to India, Indonesia, and
in general, the entire area of
Southeast Asia? Is it true that
if this area goes the way. of
China America will have lost
the cold war without firing a
Point Four
. "Is it true that while 'we are
procrastinating over Point Four,
(the use of American,vcapital to
bolster underdeveloped areas of
the world) Soviet Russia may be
planning to take the ball away
from us by moving in with a
large-scale program for applying
atomic energy to develop the re
sources of Far Eastern territor
ies under its influence or con
trol? "Is it true that our best chance
for winning and maintaining the
support of the preponderance of
the world's peoples is not only
through , Uotal i diplomacy' but
Summer Class
Begins Today
Registration for the summer
sessions will begin Tuesday, June
6 in the Coliseum and in the
Military and Naval Science
New students may register
Tuesday, as well as regular stu
dents who were unable to regis
ter during the early registration
period last semester.
Procedure for signing up for
classes in either the six or eight
weeks sessions as outlined by Dr.
Floyd Hoover, assistant regis
trar, are as follows:
1. Students may see advisers in
the Coliseum from 8 to 12 a. m.
and from 1 to 4:30 p. m. After
the students program has been
set up with the aid of the ad
visers, they will pick up regis
tration tickets at the northeast
corner of the Coliseum.
2. Students will proceed from
the Coliseum to the Military and
Naval Science building at 14th
and Vine streets, where they will
receive class cards and fill out
registration forms.
3. The last step is to report to
the Physical Education building
at 14th. and W streets. Here stu
dents will fill out personal data
cards and pay fess.
According to Dr. Hoover, those
students who registered early, but
did not clear fees on May 26 may
claim their registration and pay
fees June 6 in the Physical Ed
ucation building.
Undergraduate! may register
late on June 8 without receiving
permission from the instructor of
the class desired. Beginning June
9, undergraduates must secure
permission of the instructors to
register late. After June 7, un
dergrads will pay a late registra
tion fee of $3. The late fee will
increase $1 each week.
Graduate Students.
Graduate students may regis
ter until June 12 without pen
alty. After that date, they will be
required to pay the $3 late fee.
Students who wish to add and
drop couses may do so June 8.
Steps for this procedure are:
1. Confer with adviser and ob
tain an add and drop worksheet,
signed by both the adviser and
the academic dean of the college.
2. Reportto the Military and
Naval Science building to take
the necessary steps to add or drop
a course.
3. Pay a service fee of $2.50.
Summer 'Daily
Changes Size
As everything does when sum
mer comes, the Daily Nebraska
has again taken on a new ap
pearance. Regular students will note that
the "King" size Rag has been
abandoned for the summer in
favor of the tabloid version. The
Nebraskan will reach students
twice a week tori's summer, on
Tuesday and Friday mornings.
Anyone wishing news in the
paper should contact the Rag of
fice extension 4226, any morning
between 9 and 11 a.m.
through 'total leadership in
volving America's full moral,
political, and physical resourc
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