aMMrtrgnimiu'w Tuesday, May 16, 1950 PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v 1 ii " I ; J I J V V, I' 111 t .f I Records Join Shakespeare On Shelves of City Library BY JOAN KRUEGER No longer do William Shakes- Eeare and his contemporaries ave a monoply at the Lincoln City library. Starting the first of March, Chopin and Beethoven and their fellow composers, joined the shelves of the building formerly monopolized entirely by litera ture. Rather than the customary books or magazines that libraries generally are known to check out, the new record department at the Lincoln library checks out albums of phonograph rec ords. Headed by Mrs. Wilber Gaffney, wife of Wilber Gaff ney, instructor of English at the University, the collection has grown to include 110 albums since its beginning two months ago. The unusual part of the lend ing, points out Mrs. Gaffney, is that at least 50 per cent of thf borrowers are University stu dents. The library took a sur vey recently to determine just who checked out the records. Upon examining the cards, Mrs. Gaffney found that one half were - students, all University ones, except one from Wesleyan and two from high school. Borrowers The other persons varied from a professor and a minister, to a postal clerk. Mostly classical works are found in the collection, but there are some albums of Stephen Fos ter and one folk album. Others Include works of Cole Porter, Morton Gould, Victor Herbert, the "Red Shoes" and "South Pa cific" music. N More than a dozen long play ing albums are a part of the collection, points out Mrs. Gaff ney. One record that might hold special interest for University students, stated Mrs. Gaffney, is the recording of the University NU Masquers To Hold Anrni Spring Banqu Nebraska Masquers, honorary theater group, will hold its an nual spring banquet, Saturday, May 20, at the Continental cafe. The program which will con sist mostly of presentation of awards will begin at 0:30 p. m. Two actors and two actresses of the University theater will be specially honored at the banquet when they receive the "Oscar" awards presented annually at the banquet. These trophies are sponsored by the University theater. Described by the theater as "more significant," the awards this year are new and original They were recently designed and fashioned by students in the art department. They will replace the former "Oscar" trophies which were always purchased fivm jewelers. A statue, chosen from a total of a dozen models, was de--signed by Harold Roberts, a stu dent in Mrs. Nash's sculpturing class. From this model has been cast the new polished bronze statue which is symblematic of theatrical achievement. The four awards to given are "Best Actor," "Best Actress," "Best Supporting Actor," and "Best Supporting Actress." Winners in previous years were: In 1946-47 -Margaret Huff, Gladys Jackson, Rex Coslor and John Hall. In 1947-48 Rita Shaw, Betty Schultz, Jack Wenstrand, and Gay Marr. In 1948-49 Margaret Button. Jan Cnlly, Jack McDonald and Jack Wenstrand. In addition, initiates of the orders of Nebraska Masquers and .Purple Masque will be an nounced. ' Other awards for out standing dramatic work also will be announced. Dinner to End Band Activities Members of the ROTC band and brass choir will meet for a final social get-together. Tues day evening at the annual band tanquet. The program, which begins at 6:30 p. m. will held in Parlors A, B and C of the Union. It is spon sored by members of Gamma Lambda, band service fraternity. Highlights of the banquet will be the announcement of band officers for next year and the presentation of the "Keys" to five men selected by band mem bers as outstanding in service, ability and interest. These spe cial honors are awarded each year et the annual banquet. In addition, the new officers of Gamma Lambda will also be announced. Results of the band and Gamma Lambda elections are traditionally kept secret un til the banquet. Entertainment for the evening will include skits under the direction of Gamma Lambda. Bandsmen of both the sym phonic band the brass choir are urged to attend the banquet, considered the bands major social event of the year. Tickets will be available from any member of Gamma Lambda. Landsmen may attend with or without dates. Price per ticket is $1.50. Classified .vi i mi Hiir in V'xloo City, loaf- Intr (fj Jme, rll i-Tu . .-. i rt to wliimi mils radius ol ( I I .!, T after r-hfmi l mil. Will irf!i. Call burner JLcbrnwo. viuid. Litva ' m.'l t-.M-nt n n'U. Omfi 111 ..4 ' lirn 4 AXt.UH 140S O htrrrt. RECORD DEPARTMENT Mrs. Wilber Gaffney, head of the Lin- library record lending division, checks out a album to the first borrower, Bob Otnes, University student. symphony orchestra of "The "Carnival of the Animals." It was recorded last fall by Ed Down of Lincoln. The library prob ably will have a recording of the last orchestra concert, also, maintained the director. Number of Albums The record department was started on a shoestring, claims Mrs. Gaffney. "We started with 38 albums, all gifts." The last 20 albums in the collection were donated by H. S. Brooks, Lin coln, who owns a collection of more than 2,000 records. The present collection numbers 110 albums. Mrs. Gaffney explained also that the library has some 150 single records that are not yet ready to be checked out. They will be put on the shelves when appropriate folders are made for all of them. Some of these, said Mrs. Gaffney, are probably, col lector's items. The first gift in cluded some of Carouso's works and date back to 1915. Two in Nebraska A lot of ' libraries throughout the country now have record li braries, Mrs. Gaffney pointed out. "It seems to be a grow ing thing," she said. The only other one in Nebraska is at Falls City. Although it is about ten years old, they have only as many albums as does the Lin coln library after two months of operations. Omaha is plan ning to start a similar depart ment soon. Labor Department Forecasts Employment Outlook 'Good' Employment opportunities in many fields continue to look good according to the depart ment of labor. Nurses will continue to be in demand for many years since an acute shortage all over the country exists. The heavy de mand is caused by the combina tion of a number of factors: an increase in the number of hos pitals, the popularity of hospi talization insurance plans, and an increase in the number of aged in the country. In such a large and expanding field, employment possibilities for newly graduated nurses and opportunities for advancement to positions of responsibilty for those with experience are good. Bizad Openings The largest single field open to business administration graduates is in the management and operation of business firms. The great rise in training in business has made collegiate business education the second iargest field after teacher train ing, placing it ahead of engi neering, agriculture, law, and medicine. Several factors affect the long range employment outlook for students in this field: the growth of business administration em ployment, heavy replacement needs expected over the corning years, and increasing use of business administration gradu ates to fill these jobs. The trend, toward greater spe cialization and Increased com plexity in business has led to the wider use of such specialized Morrill Exhibit Shows Work Of 33 Seniors Work of 33 graduating seniors In art is now being shown at Morrill hall In connection with the School of Fine Arts annual exhibit of student projects. The Senior exhibit is located In gallery A on second floor, of the building and was planned by the senior class members. A committee, consisting of Don Hazelrlgg, Alice Burch and Bill Moomey, made arrangements for the show. The seniors selected the Indi vidual works to be shown in the exhibit. Included are water colors, oil paintings, advertising work, de sign, sculpture, composition art ceramics and etching. Seniors whose work Is Included In the show are: Margaret Wood brldirc, Donna Schreiner, Robert Poulson, Donna Wallen-itedt, Don Haze'rlp, Charles Jones, Alice Burch, Bill Farmer, John Kline. Lawrence Pitcher, Jacqueline Moner, Bill Moomey. James Hiett, Hohart Hayes, Robert Miliar, Andrew Morrow and Jack Brodle.' Dcnine Hosfield, Phillip Rup- Hnge, Robert Vestecka, Archie Dillman, Jo Davidson, Nancy Glynn, Shirley . Serlght, Phil Rueschhoff. F.nter Beynon, Suz anne Pecha, John Dean, Hnrtriee Johnson, Joan Williams, Donald fthfirp, Jack Flemminjf and Kathleen Clement. 1 Courtesy of 'ihe Lincoln Journal. Mrs. Gaffney continued to point out that University stu dents who have record collec tions, and are unable to travel with them, could donate them to the department. With tht end oi the school year, many students will wonder what to do with some of their albums, and the library would be very glad to accept any works that students would wish to give, she said. "One thing we lack," says Mrs. Gaffney, "is a good up-to-date record player." She has not even heard all the records in the col lection. The first record album loaned from the collection was to a Uni versity student. Bob Otnes. He was also the first donor to the library. One Week Period The albums are checked out one at a time for a one week period. Many students find, after playing them at their homes, that they like them well enough to purchase their own. Some of the records included are: "Rhapsody in Blue," Gersh win; waltzes by Strauss; "Over ture," Rossini; "New World Sym phony," Dvorak; Beethoven's -oncertos; Irish songs by Melton; "Nutcracker Suite," Tchaikov sky; compositions by Chopin: Rachmaninoff's concertos; and albums by Grieg, Debussy, Brahms, Bach, Rodgers, Liszt, Rimsky-Korsakov, Wagner, Mo zart, Haydn, Franck and others. workers as accountants, person nel workers, market research analysts, and sales executives. Executives The main source of new job opportunities for graduates of business schools will be In the replacement of executives now employed as they die or retire from business. Pharmacy graduates are ex pected to have good employment prospects for several years. The outlook for the entire pharma ceuti"al profession is dominated by the prospects in retail drug stores. Employment is expected to increase rapidly during the next few years in hospital phar macies also. Manufacturing and wholesaling opportunities will also increase. Graduate chemists will find increasing difficulty to obtain positions with only a bachelors degree. However, chemists with ood training, particularly .those with doctorates, should continue to have good prospects in the next few years. Federal Workers Employment in the chemical manufacturing industries and jobs in government research arc expected to remain at a high level. New graduates who seek to enter newspaper reporting are likely to face stiff competition for jobs in the early 1950's. The reporting field Is likely to be come more overcrowded in the next year or two. There will however be some openings ow ing to turn-over. Some expansion In employ ment is expected with the labor press, religious press, foreign language papers, trade associa tion papers, and country papers. Fields related to newspaper work will continue to take on some new journalism graduates and also absorb a number of experienced reporters each year, thus increasing replacement needs on newspapers. There are Indications that the advertising, public relations, ra dio and book-publishing fields will use greater numbers with ioumallstic experience in years to come. Shucks 'AivarfP Issue Due Soon The "Awards" issue of Corn Shucks . the final Issue for 1950, will hit the stands late this week, according to Frank Jacobs, editor. Featuring stories, articles and pictures, this issue will present awards to the most outstanding events and people of the year. Also included will be an "awards features" on the most outstanding movies of the year. Carrying the awards tneme farther, the winning entry in the Corn Srucks short story contest will be published. Corn Shucks will also give its versions of very-near-future final exams. Jokes, features and pictures will fill the rest of the maga zine, which sells for 20 cents. Television rights for the 1948 World Series were sold for $140,-000. Law Students Get Burkan Awards Twp University law students were announced Saturday as winners of the Nathan Burkan Memorial competition at the Uni versity Law college. Lee White, a junior, and Jack Solomon, a sophomore, received awards of ,$150 and $50 respec tively. The competition for the best paper on copyright law were judged by Dean Edumund O. Belsheim. 50 Yearbook Distribution Starts Ma v 17 Students will be able to pick us their 1950 (Jornnusker year May 17. ' books beginning Wednesday. Distribution will start in the Cornhusker office at 1:30 p.m. and will continue until 500-800 books have been given out. John Connelly, editor, stated that in order to allow utmost efficiency in distribution, the en tire Cornhusker office will be arranged for a minimum of con fusion. Signs located above each of four booths will serve as guid ing posts. Upon each sign will be alphabetical arrangement of let ters denoting surnames. Persons whose surnames begin with let ters from A to E will visit booth 1; from F to K, inclusive, booth 2; from L to R, inclusive, booth 3; and from S to Z, inclusive, booth 4. Files will be located in each bopth with records of all purchases. ' In order to pick up their year books, a student must produce his student ID card and re ceipt card which he received from the Cornhusker salesman. No Cornhuskers will be released unless students bring both re ceipts and ID'S. According to Connelly, this is the earliest date that the Corn husker has been issued since 1945. Members of the staff and workers have been working on the yearbook since the beginning of this year. Staff members are: Bud Ger hart, business manager; Mardell Buss and Jack Barnart, assist ant business managers, Dick Kuska, photography editor; and Nancy Porter, Betty Green and Tish Swanson, managing editors. Campus Activities Program To Continue in Summer Students enrolled in the 1950 summer session will be offered something new in the way of extra-curricular activities. Under the jurisdiction of the Student Council, a summer ac tivities group has been formed to carry on programs of campus ac tivities during June and July. Anne Barger was elected to the post of top coordinator of the group and will have charge of the program. Group Representatives She will work with a group of representatives of different campus organizations in placing students in the extra-curricular activities that will be in opera tion this summer. Miss Barger was chosen to fill this post from a list of other ap plicants which were interviewed by a committee from the Council. Tier other activities include mem bership on the U of N board; Union worker; assistant publicy chairman of AUF; member of Coed Counselors and YWCA; and a member of Delta Gamma sorority. The purpose of this group, said Miss Barger, is to provide an opportunity for constructive extra-curricular activity for sum mer school students. It will also assist campus organizations with work that must be done during the regular vacation period." She also stressed that thor" students attending the summer sessions will have a chitnre to become better acquainted with campus activities if they work with the proup. Workers Pool The top coordinator and re presentatives on the council will ', work with u pool of workers ! selected from summer school stu dents. They will help assist In work suggested by the activitiy groups Involved In the plan. NU Professor Heads Lincoln School Board Dr. John P. Sennlng was unan imously elected president of the Lincoln board of education Mon day, He succeeds Robert C, Vcn ner. Other new officers are Elmer Magee, vice president and Gilbert S. Wlllcy, secretary. Willey Is also superintendent of the Lincoln schools. The new president Is In his third year of a six-year term as member of the scool board. He is also -professor of political science at Nebraska. He hHS been In the department since 1947 and Is past chairman of the depart ment. He was among the group that waged a successful fight for the unicameral legislature in Neb raska and has written several publications and contributed to numerous others on this subject. Dr. Sennlng is a member of the American Political Science association; American Society of Public Administration; National Municipal League; Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada; National Institute of Governmental Research; Govern mental Research Institute, Cham ber of Commerce: American Ar bitration association; and a past panel member of the War Labor board, region seven, Before coming to Nebraska, Dr. Sennlng taught at Illinois college, and Wesleyan university, Middlctown, Conn. Authors of Past 'Cornhuskers9 Include Well-Known Some of today's most distin guished alumni of the Univer sity helped prepared the 1895 Sombrero, forerunner of the Cornhusker. The yearbook included a num ber of signed articles and spe cial literary section. Willa Catha, who was an associate editor, wrote the prize story, "The Fear that Walks by Noonday." Co author' was prep student Dor othy Canfield, daughter of Uni versity chancellor, James H. Canfield. Louise Pound, now professor emeritus- of English, published an account of a women's drill moo company, organizea m 1000, which marched along with male students on several occasions. Another of the articles ap--.pnrinf? in the book is entitled "The Rape of the Type." It told i of the eariy fights between the j litprnrv societies over the Hes- penan, iirst campus newsuajiw. 1899 Sombrero In the, 1899 Sombrero, editors estimated that there were about 200 members in the three liter ary societies, while the 12 fra ternities and five sororities could claim about 300 students. Appropriate quotations accom panied names and pictures in the class sections. Several pages were given to the University's U. S. volunteers in the Spanish-American war. Among the organizations fea tured were the girls' basketball team, the oratorical and debat ing associations and the Persh ine Rifles. Considerable space toward the back of the volume was devoted to jokes, short essays and poems, of which the following is a fair sample: The V. of N. Pin Girl She wore his frat pin o'er her htfert Her own unon her collar, And her Yale and Princeton stick-pins Came from him, I'll bet a dol lar But what made her so popular The' cause is plain to see For thare among her other pins She wears a TNE. New Name In 1907, the name Cornhusker was adopted for the yearbook and the size of the volume in ANN BARGER She heads the i rummer activities coordinating group for this summer. Representatives named to the group at present are Jean Lou den, Associated Women Students; Norma Chubbuck, The Daily Nebraskan; Jackie Sorenson, All University fund; Ann Jane Hall, Builders; Mary Hubka, YWCA; Rod Riggs, Union. Other organizations to be rep resented are Red Cross College unit, YMCA, Coed Counselors and the Cornhusker. Those organizations who are interested in the plan and have not yet elected a representative may contact Mary Helen Mallory, 2-3287 or 2-3288, as soon as possible. A meeting of Miss Barger and representatives will be held be fore school Is closed. I.ahnrnliiry ' mHn 1m rvml Y ii h ""ooo and twmi utiall or naming an Ibo Hal arhmliilMl for tho II ml boar ol thrir laboratory ... ,.n.'! 'nalloo oavi own arhntulril for all MFthon to tho following anblrrU: II) HikIom Onanlrallon S. 4, SI, 11' ' . rL"?r".' J .' K"""""1 ". - '" '! Knnmtlon SI. SSi IS. f.lrrtrlral Konlon-rlna IIX, ISH. MS, 37s IH tmllib B, I, S, S, 4) Ol r-rrnrh II, IS. IX, 14 s (Si Home rxmonilm 41, 4i (HI Malrwrnallm II. I 14, 16, IS. II, 41. 41, Ills. IIMI. 107 1 llm M.hanlral VmlnwHni I. Hi (III tark-ln.. in. ill. li . oot hani rotnlarly arhMlnl-il mamlnallona plall arhrmiKNl namlnatlonn at anolbxr - . Mr.i..., vr in riaminaunn wnirn r '""r" wiiii a wMrniiv armntPO ia'"iinllon ranirnv-nt ahooM bo maoa wltb tha fiwnrb depart mrat to taka Mirh Prmrh nomination at aonlbrr tlm. WKDNKKDIV. MAY U ! . m. to 1rl m. Tlnm nwtlng t Stoo p. m Tan., Thiir., or rllhrr me ol thmw darn. in n. m. fo 11:00 . m. All nertlom In MdehnntnU Cndniwr n I. K:O0. m. to 10 100 . m. All Mwtlnflu In Horn Brnnomln 41 nod 43. 4:00 . m. to 1IMHI . m. All Mrlloon hi Rnnlflmw Ornnlra. lion SI. (f ollsrninl. SsllO . m. to 10:00 a. m. All aMitlona In mm ii, iiiiiseunii, Sim a. m. to III iOO a. m, All aeiitlona In 14. K'ollaeam), SiOO a. m. to 10:00 a. m. All Mertlons iroltsennt) It too a.m. to 1 iOO p. m. All Metlona In (Collaeuinl. till p. m. to Dion p, m. ftaaaea meeting daya or fnnr daya. or Mon., Med,, Krl., ol Ibeae daya. TIIIKHIMV, MAY tS iOO a. m. to llino m. f'laaaea meeting at four daya, or Mon., Wed., Krl., or any daya, I :fl i, m. to fliOO p. m. IJaaaea meetlni f'Otr day, or Mon., Wed., rn or any day. tlOO p. m. to SiOO p. m. f'laaaea meeting imir daya, or Mon., Wed., Krl., or any daya. FRIDAY, MAY M 1:00 a, m. to ItiOO m. filaaaoa moeflot at 4iM p. m., Tnea,, and Thar,, or eltnor ona of these days, Pino a. m. to II iOO m. All seellooa la Kmnomim 1ST, Sino a, m. to loioo a. pi. All aacltona In Mathematlea II, IS, 41, III. H'Ollsraml II iOO a. m. to I io p. m. All sections In Mathematlea 14, Ii, 17, 41, I0, 107, (Coliseum) SilMi p. m. to SiOO p. m. f'laaaea meeting at SiAO a. m., Tm,, Thurs,, Sat., or any on or two of toes days. SiOO p, m. to SiOO p. m, 'lois meoilng at SiOO p. m. five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Kr , or any on or two ol then daya. tlOO n. m. to SiOO n. m.J lasses meeting at SiOO p. m. Tnos, and Thura,, or either one of these daya, f IOO P. m. to SiOO p. m. f'laaaea meeting at 7 00 p. m, Mon,, Wed,, Krl,, or any on or two of these days, tlOO a, m, to SiOO p. m. 4:isra meeting and Timrs,, or either one of these doyn. creased considerably. Students were arranged according to col leges literature, sciences and arts; industrial; and medicine. "Which will you take, a PBK or a football "N" was the sub ject of a lengthy discussion by college presidents, leading NU football players ' and PBK's. Football players were strong for athletics and the scholars stressed the importance of stud ies. Few indicated that they would change their ways if they were to go through college again. Harteld Gerhart, whose son is business manager of the 1950 Cornhusker, was editor of the 1920 yearbook. Dwight Kirsch, now professor of art at the Uni versity, drew the division pages and the colored pictures of buildings. The last section of the book was. as usual, devoted to humor ous essays and verses. Among the caustic comments was a satire on the Student Council. Minutes of Student Council Invocation. President declares' meeting Star Gazers' Dream- Roof -Top Observatory BY JERRY BAILEY. "In Ferguson Hall by next Fall!" That's the motto, not only of engineers, but of the more se rious star gazers of the Univer sity. For next fall, the astron omy and celestial navigation classes hope to be established in and on top of the newest building on campus. ' The star-gazers will have no complaints about being moved out of the lath and stucco "As tronomical Observatory" that perches precariously on the edge of 10th Street. In a typically scientific manner, Prof. Oliver C. Collins, who runs the show, has already planned how he is going to use the space alloted him in Ferguson. With straight-edge and pencil he has planned where he is going to put his desks, files, and assorted paraphenalia. On the roof of Ferguson Hall will go the University's 12-inch telescope. "All I need is four Organizations Will Fill 14 Council Posts Fourteen campus organizations this week will elect their repre sentatives to next year's interim Student Council, following a re cent directive by the faculty sub committee on student organiza tions. They are: Law association, YWCA, YMCA, Interfraternity council, N club, WAA, Coed Counselors, Military department, Innocents, Mortar Boards, ISA, BABW and Engineering Exec board. Six other groups will be repre sented on the new Council by recently-elected hold-over mem bers: Bob Raun, Ag Exec board; Bob Parker, Corn Cobs; Gene Berg, Builders; Bruce, Kennedy, publications; Betty Green, Pan hellenic council; and Shirley Al len, Tassels. Officers The first three above will serve as president, vice president and judiciary chairman of the Coun cil, respectively. They were chos en by written vote of this year's Council members at a meeting last Thursday. The organizations which were given representation on the new Council are identical to those serving this year. The faculty committee announced that any proposal relative to changes In representation be submitted In writing to them for consideration next fall. The delegates from the groups should he elected by the Council's final meeting of the year this Wednesday. They are to be chos en by secret written vote oi the entire membership of the organ izations. Exam Schedule enntlonnflu oonra on or turn ar utmll eonfllrlloii with Iho aoovr, aorrlally arraniim arbnluni, arraomrotn' to iakp ani-h How .hrniln b maoa wtlh tha oopartnwnl mooamnl on or hrlor May 17. for ttnalneaa Oraanlin. Kreneh II, It, la, In Ntmnlan St. 54. Kennomlos II, j, at 1:00 p. ni five or any ona or two IOiOO a. m., five or one or two ol tbeaa at SiOO p. m.. five or ona or two ol lliene at 4 iOO p. m,, five or one or two ol tfteaa tmir days, or Mon days. tinii ii. m. to ioo p. m. All srrtiims n K.M'ii.ri t. turn p. m. to too p. m. All seellon In Kngllsh g, 4 '"H.9 HluJ' m A" ""tlnns In K.le. Knglmwring IS, ihu, Mta m, tm p. m. to SiftS p. m. All seellnns In Keonnmtea IIS, rBIHAY, JUNK S ilMl a. m. to IliOO m. Classes meeting at SiOO a. in., Tooa 'Ihura., Hat,, or any one or twn of these dara. "sUnm)'"' 10 4,09 "ll'm" I" Kngllsh ft, I. tfmil- Sioo p.m. to Si0 p. m. All SMtlona hi Mehanal Knglneor log HATIIKIIAY, JUNK I too a, m. to 11 too m flnasea meetlog at llioti a. m 'rnna., 'Ihnra,, Mat,, or any on or two of these daya. ''M' r rP;, " m P,m' '"'"T." l ' ".. Tno., mt 7 100 p. m, Toes,, Alumni open for any business that he may care to bring before it . . . Moved that present constitu tion be accepted without the In nocent and Blaa: Masque reser vations. Seconded. Carried. Moved that present constitu tion be sent to puzzle editor of the Youth's Companion for in terpretation. Seconded. Carried. Speaker comes out in favor of honor system, stating that it will raise the grades of the students. Moved that student council do something worthwhile. Lost for want of second. Song, "Student Council For ever." Adjourned to meet at the call of the executive dean. Through these and other writ ings in early Cornhuskers it is clear that, although there may be no" place like Nebraska, the college people who make up its population do not differ too much from year to year in their attitude toward activities, Social organizations, athletic events and the matter of education. walls and a roof under me," says Professor Collins. All he wants overhead is a skyfull of stars. Oxford Grad Professor Collins, Department of mathematics and astronomy, is an Oxford graduate and an Englishman from way back. He came to America, sort of reverse lend-lease, shortly after World War I. He has the Englishman's typical quiet humor. He has about 60 '..students in his classes, and given room in which to put them, would wel come more. His classes are the only ones that time their meet ings by when the sun sets. Once the stars are out, it's good-by classroom and "out telescopes!" During the 30's, WPA labor built a small observatory on the Ag campus. It was used for a couple of years or so, until it's delicate mechanism was knocked out of kilter. Following that,, astronomy classes used to meet on grassy hillsides outside of town. When the astronomy de partment bus broke down, that too was ended. Recent classes have operated from the ground on the city campus. Roof-bound "We have to dodge around buildings to find stars," reports Collins. "We'll be glad to get up on that roof." A newcomer to the department will be surprised at the various types of equipment about. Star maps, globes, planispheres, and a number of gadgets strange to a layman lie about. A class as signment might read, "'Locate precisely Saturn and Mars, with specific identification of each." Here the student will learn Ursa Major from Ursa Minor, hear names like Sagittauras and Betel geuse, and woe to the one who mistakes Mars for Sirius! The classes balance about 50-50 between the sexes, accord ing to Professor Collins. Some of the male students even show up to night classes with girl friends. They sit on the grass and point out stars. "You know," remarks the professor, "it makes a good line when the boy can tell his girl the names of the stars!" Collins is quick to point out that stars are useful for more purposes than flirtation. Celes tial navigation is an essential part of education for naval and air force navigators. Space Age Next With the air age firmly estab lished, the space age may be next. V-2 and Viking rockets point to things to come, with a weekend on the moon or a trip to Mars now in the realm of possibility. One who deals with the stars can't have his imagina tion earth-bound, as Professor Collins has proved. He recently read a paper before the Nebraska Academy of Science, which dealt with problem of extra-terrene navigation. Does anyone want to rush over and register for Astronomy 70 In September? moot for mominallnna follow l k rwnrh, mr- MATIIKItAt. MAV 17 S.'IKI a. m. to Hon m. rinwMi owl Inn at Sim a. m ttw or lour liar, or Moo., Wwl., Krl., or any on or lo of llww flay. Jion n. m. to 6:00 n. m. 4 laau-n nwllnii at liou o. m Tm.. and Thar,, or either one of thin days. MUNAt, MAV tit lOil a. m. to It OH m. 4!lae meetlna at 12:00 ni,, fle or Jimr ar, or Moo., Wed., Krl., or any one r,r two ol leHw duya. B:imi a. m. to l!(:IMi m. All eetloo In fivli Knvlneerina I S:(l a. nt. to Kl:u a. m All aorllona In ruilne. llrKahlratlim 147. If 4ltlMenoi inn a m. to 10.00 a. m AH arettona In Kdnratlon NI, St. f!ollMnm 10 mil a. m. to 13 ISO a. m. All aeetlona In I'ayrhnknry TO (I'oll aenoil l !S0 a. m. to I t ISO o. m. All awtlnna In Bu.lneaa OmanlM lion S, 4. irotlNeiini) IS ISO . m. to III ISO a. m. All aerllon. In Hiialneaa Omanlra- Hon , SiliO a. m. to 1)100 a. m. flamea meetlna at II iOO a. m. flvo or four daya, or Mon Wed., Krl,, or any one or two of thoae daya. THEKItAl, MAY M, MKMIIHIAL llAV IHaaam INamlaaed WKhNRMIlAY, MAY SI B!00 a. m. to It iOO m. Claaaea mrelinic at SiOO a. m., flm or Imir daya. or Mon., Wed., Krl,, or any omi or two ol Ihoa tiny, SIM in. m. to 10 . m. flame meellna at loioo a. m., Too., Thuraday., Nat., or any on or two ol then daya. THIIKMI1AY, JUNK I ! a. m. to IS;0fl m. f'laaaea meetina at lilin a. m.. five or i.( Wod., Krl., or any on or two ol these Iher owe of these days.